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Unit 54 Assignment 4 Evaluation


Extent to which the brief has been realised

I think I followed the brief quite close to how it should be done. I had
to follow; The overall context for the project, the client's mission,
objectives and vision, the triggers for change and requirements for
future proofing, the qualities that will be required from the project,
and their relative priority, including any design quality indicators, any
comparable facilities that set the standard, functional requirements,
overall sizes, and other known spatial requirements, information
about existing programs, Technical and aesthetic requirements described.

Use of appropriate methods and techniques

I kept it quite simple all the way through so that it is easy to read.
To plan this I could have been more thorough. Brainstorming is a
technique for idea generation in groups, a more structured
alternative to brainstorming. Brainstorming is a method where
participants create ideas freely, associating and building on the
ideas of the rest, but instead of being mentioned the process is
carried out through writing and drawing in silence. This way,
discussions are omitted and the full participation of all team
members is guaranteed. Manual Thinking offers the ideal
material to facilitate a brainstorming session, and gives the
opportunity to organize the resulting ideas on a visual document.

Level of professionalism achieved

I think the finished product looks quite professional, it is

crowded or too
colourful. I worked to
the deadline and
finished it early. This
gave me time to
improve if I wanted/needed to do.

The message the final product gives

I think my work puts across that The Pixels

are really trying but are a laid-back band
who just wants to get somewhere.

Problem solving

In problem-solving contexts, the random-

word creativity technique is probably the
simplest method. A person confronted with
a problem is presented with a randomly
generated word, in the hopes of a solution arising from any
associations between the word and the problem. A random
image, sound, or article can be used instead of a random word as
a kind of creativity provocation.

Skill development

On this project, I used Photoshop for all the individual graphics. I

have used this before but I think this project
has let me learn more about Photoshop. This
has helped me develop my skills in this
program, which I can use for the future.

Areas for improvement

I think that if I could have done it again, I would

have designed my background myself. I would
have found a silhouette and added colour to it.

Sources of Information


I think over all, it was a successful project. It looks professional, I like the font
and the style of it. I am thinking I will get a pass/merit for this. This means it
could be a little better but I am happy with my work.


The document leading to the final product are very

important. The first document was the client meeting.
This included what and who the Pixels are and what they
do, what the client needed from me. This is what they said
you are working for a group called the pixels and they
can have as many members in band as you want. They
want me to create a web banner, and make the
promotion poster (dates for tour). To create logo, can use
logo from web banner or can create new, Design on
storyboard with detail, To create an a3 poster (Make sure
it is correct size (a3)), Poster must include dates venue
and logo. Will need to research the size of a jewel case
and insert (front spine and back), Research mandatory
information for CD cover. Quality must be as high as
possible. Can use Photoshop, paint or photo illustrator.
Create the three graphics (logo, poster and cd). Meet

The next was the proposal, I wrote out all the information and ideas for the graphics and all the details.
They approved of my ideas.

Tutors and clients

My tutor kept on at me to make sure I was meeting deadlines, whereas the client set the deadlines.
Every document I complete also went through both critics to make sure they are up to scratch.

Production Process


The document leading to the final

product are very important. The first
document was the client meeting. This
included what and who the Pixels are
and what they do, what the client
needed from me. This is what they said
you are working for a group called the
pixels and they can have as many
members in band as you want. They want me to create a web banner, and make the promotion poster
(dates for tour). To create logo, can use logo from web banner or can create new, Design on storyboard
with detail, To create an a3 poster (Make sure it is correct size (a3)), Poster must include dates venue
and logo. Will need to research the size of a jewel case and insert (front spine and back), Research
mandatory information for CD cover. Quality must be as high as possible. Can use photoshop, paint or
photo illustrator. Create the three graphics (logo, poster and cd). Meet deadline.

The next was the proposal, I wrote out all the information and ideas for the graphics and all the details.
They approved of my ideas.

Production and time management

There were three documents involved in the actual

production, not including the actual products.

One was the diary, which I kept my progress in. Each little
change I did, I updated the diary. The next one is a
document called graphics, which I kept all the pictures I
needed for it on and then a file evidence at the bottom of
it. The other is a checklist, which was a lift of everything I
used in Photoshop and explaining what it is and does.

Monitoring work progress

I monitored the work progress by using an ILP. This is

set out in a table, with the date of the week along the
side and the lesson numbers along the top. In each
box has what I should be doing then what I have
actually done so I know what I should be doing in that
particular session and what I have actually been
doing. This tells me if I am behind or anything.

Technical competence
For me personally, Photoshop was a good program to choose. I like how it
handles and all the little differences in the tools and the options that you
can choose. I think it is quite easy to work with as I have work with it a lot

Creative ability

Artistic ability includes skills and talent to create fine

works of art: painting, drawing, sculpting, musical
composition, etc. Creativity ability is the skill and talent
to use our imagination to create and solve. I think I was
alright at this. As you can tell from my storyboards, I cant
draw but I had the ability to creatively use Photoshop.

Own work

Most of this project is my actual work, all made by me and my ideas. Apart from the background. If I
could do it again, I would play more with Photoshop and try and make it myself, I dont think it would
be too hard but I was worried about the deadline.

Finished Product

Original intentions

Compared to the original intentions, I stayed quite close to the design. The background is exactly the
same as the first ideas. So are the fonts and most of the placements. When I made it, I found that the
dates were too long to put the buy tickets now at the right of them so I put it below the dates in a
line instead. I think that I was close to the original intentions because I did some research on ideas
before I did the proposal, so I got a good idea of what I wanted to do before I actually did the project
Audience appropriate

I have to take into consideration age, gender and

personality. My target audience will be 16 45
year olds as they are the ages that mostly attend
concerts. They can be any gender. They will be a
fan of alternative, heavier music as they are a
rock type of band. I will also have to think about
the venue because I will have to find out if there
are any age limits on the concert hall.

Technical qualities

I will used Photoshop for this project and an advantage is that

I know how to use it and I have quite a bit of experience with
it so it will be easy to make and I can save time on it. The only
limitations are that if I have to do anything complex on it then
I will not be able to do it, as I only know the basics.

Aesthetic qualities

I think this is quite artistic because of the background; it is very abstract

and clever. I dont think there is any album like this so it is unique,
noticeable and memorable.

Content and style

The background is basic but also colourful. It is going to be a creamy colour

with a colourful silhouette of Manchester running through the middle (as
they are from here). The writing will be all black so they can be seen
against the background. The text will be pixilated.

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