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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning

Before I start, I would like to read a letter for all of you..

Dear Mum and Dad,
Please forgive me. I have tried to be good to you both. Please forgive me. I
want you to and dont think for one minute that I havent appreciated everything
you had done for me I love you both very much..
Your loving daughter that will always love you,

For your information, the letter that I read just now was one of the real suicide
note write by a sixteen year old girl for her parents before she committed
suicide. Suicide is a tragic incident that happens in anyones life. But Its quite
shocking to know that even teenager also possible considering suicide. This can
be proven by a report released by World Health Organization which is suicide
has become the third leading cause of death for youth aged fifteen to twenty-
four. So, suicide should be considered as a serious worldwide issue and
something that cannot be taken for granted.

I first become aware of this issued when I read about a Chinese boy who
committed suicide because he not able to answer SPM Additional Mathematics
question and he was found hanging in his room. Because of this issue, I
decided to have a closer look at the suicide issue in Malaysia .So, I have done
some research regard to this topic and today I would like to show to you the
seriousness of this issue in Malaysia..

Now, lets look at the graph over here. This graph represents the possible factor
of teen suicide in Malaysia according to International Conference on
Humanities, Society and Culture. As we can see, boy and girl relationships
ranked the highest with 74 (52%) as the possible reasons for suicide among
teen. Some teenagers dont want or not feeling comfortable to share their
personal problem with the other when they faced emotional disturbances or
heart broken. Instead, they choose suicide as a ways to end their depression.
Besides, boy and girl relationship, family issues ranked the second highest with
71 person. This is because family is bound to face a lot of change as a result of
social change. Most families are dual income family and parents are busy with
work. They rarely spend time with their children . Some teenager does not get
enough attention and love. They might think that their parents do not love and
care about them anymore and this could also lead to suicide.

Next, the third highest possible factor is school. The reasons why teenagers
committed suicide is because school can be too much for them to handle. They
feel that they must succeed academically, socially and athletically. They push
themselves to the limit and at one point when they cant handle it anymore they
might make a decision to committed suicide.

Next, we are going to look at the method of suicide. There are 17 lists of
suicides method according to Ministry of Health Malaysia. From this chart, we
can see that Hanging, Strangulation and suffocation is the most famous method
used to commit suicide by 164 persons. Most people would use hanging method
because is often considered to be a simple suicide method that does not require
complicated techniques.

On the other hand, there are 6 method that less famous and rarely used to
commit suicide, which are shotguns, jumping or lying before moving object,
alcohol and ether. We can conclude that people rarely used shotgun method
because it is not easy to get a gun license and only certain people can have it.

Last but not least, as Plato once said, Be kinder than necessary; everyone is
fighting some kind of battle. You might not hear their screams, but theyre
calling out for help. Lets all come together, end this terrible thing that exists.
If all of us intend to come together as one, we can put a stop to Teenage Suicide,
and trust me, we all wouldnt regret making an impact on someones life. That
brings me to the end of my presentation. Thanks you for your attention.

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