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Unit 78 Assignment 2 Ideas


I have made a brainstorm to show my ideas for developing my game. I made 5 parts to it, the first was
name ideas. My thoughts were Sanic Pop, Sanic Bubble, Sanic Bubble Smash, Sanic Bubble Pop, Sanic
Sling Shot and Sanic Shoot. I chose to use Sanic Pop as it is catchy and it is really quirky. The second
part was the logo fonts, I tried 8 different fonts; AR BLANCA, AR DESTINE, AR JULIAN, Impact, Kristen
ITC, Segoe UI Black, Tempus Sans ITC and AR CHRISTY. I may not be able to use any of these fonts as
they may not work in Photoshop. I will probably end up using a font from I really like
number 2 and number 8. The third part is the genre of the game, such as puzzle, action, adventure,
strategy, simulation and more. The genre for
my game will be a mix of puzzle and strategy.
The next one is ideas for characters; Sanic,
Whiskers, Emmy, Shade, Uppercut and Ruby.
You can pick the character to play with for
each level and each character will have a
certain specialty that gives a bonus that
makes it easier. The last one is the goals and
rewards, I think they could maybe have a
trophy or medal room, which could pop up
when they achieve it or maybe swipe onto
the screen then off again. They will not know
what the trophies are until they get them.

Mood board

I created a mood board so that I can see all the ideas in a visual way. There were 5 sections to it. The
first is colour scheme. There are 6 different colour palettes, the first palette is made up of reds, the
second is purples and blues, the third is purples, yellows and greens, the forth is reds and greens, the
fifth is red yellow, green and purple, and the last is made up of greens. Here are some ideas for the
colours. I like the purple one as it all works together. I also like the green one because it would stand
out. I think I may use a blue palette though as Sonics colours are blue. The second is font size, I showed
sizes from 12 to 36. The third was fonts. I tried 8 different fonts; AR BLANCA, AR DESTINE, AR JULIAN,
Impact, Kristen ITC, Segoe UI Black, Tempus Sans ITC and AR CHRISTY. I may not be able to use any of
these fonts as they may not work in
Photoshop. I will probably end up
using a font from I really
like number 2 and number 8. The
forth is background ideas, I looked at
6 different backgrounds and I like the
forth one. The last section was
images. These are ideas for the
creatures you have to beat in the

Thumbnail Sketching
I made a thumbnail for assignment 1, I created 6 heads of Original sonic characters. I will use the sonic
one but change it slightly to match my character.

Concept Graphics


Sanic the Hedgehog is 16 years old. Sanic is the fastest hedgehog in the world, and
he can easily break the wall of sound to pieces, simply by running. He hasn't a fixed
house, and he's always traveling around the world, looking for adventures. He's
always ready to aid his friends, but he's got an impulsive and stubborn
temperament, which often brings him to fall into troubles. Sanic is a hero admired
by everyone, who always manage to spoil the plots of his eternal enemy, Doc.

Whiskers, is a two tailed fox who is 10 years old. He's Sanic's

best friend. He has been appeared in almost every Sanic game as a "stooge" or as
second character. Whiskers can fly making his two tails whirl fast, he's a very good
swimmer and an expert engineer. He tends to be too much dependent by Sanic,
but he's learning to manage it by himself.

Uppercut the Echinda is 16 years old. He is the stainless keeper of the Master Emerald.
In Sanic 3 Doc. Robotics persuaded him that Sanic and Whiskers were thieves that
wanted to take away the precious jewel. Uppercut began as a Sanic's enemy, then
becoming Sanics ally and then friend. Uppercut owns a huge power, he can swim,
glide, dig and he can sense the Chaos Emeralds that are nearby.

Emmy is a 12-year-old Hedgehog. She is a sweet-hearted hedgehog, a

big Sonic fan. In Sanic CD she was kidnapped by Metal Sanic, who tries to bring trouble
to Sanic. In Sanic Adventure and Sanic Advance, she is a selectable character, but in Sanic
Adventure 2 she's a secondary character, but still very important. She came back in Sanic
Heroes as a selectable character and she leaves looking for his favourite hero with White
and Huge, forcing him to marry her!

Shade the Hedgehog is 16 years old (or maybe more than 50). The
ultimate lifeform created by professor Gerald Robotics. Shade has been hibernated
for 50 years after the accident happened in the space colony ARK. He was freed by
Doc. Robotics, and decides to make an alliance with him to find all seven Chaos
Emeralds. Shade made his idea to fulfill the wish of Maria, his best friend, who was
also his creator's niece. That's a pity that his memory sometimes plays up for him,
convincing him that Maria wanted revenge having been brutally killed. And, just
when the Planet was about to be destroyed, Shade remembered what Maria truly
wanted: forgiveness and a chance to Earth's people to live happily. Shade fights by Sanic's side against
the prototype of ultimate life and manages to save the world, by sacrificing his own life. Or so it seems
because Shade came back in Sanic Heroes and makes the Team Dark with Ruby and
Omega, by the purpose of taking back his memories, lost again. Sanic's history leaves
to us the doubt if Shade is the original lifeform, or just a mere clone. Under a hard
skin, Shade hides a noble soul and a pure heart.

Ruby is a 16-year-old bat. She's a mysterious bat who

just goes crazy for jewels. She made an alliance with
Doc. Robotics, helping him found the Chaos Emeralds.
However, her true purpose is investigating the Doctor's crazy plans, given
by the President himself! In Sanic Heroes, while she's looking for Eggguy's
treasure, she finds Shade closed in a capsule and sets him free. With the
black hedgehog and Omega, Ruby leaves again searching for Eggguy and
his treasure.


The player will be able to go to the shop and buy items that can help beat the levels easier but their
not weapons as such. Items like defferent
berries which explode when they touch a
block, taking out all of the surrounding
blocks withing some block radius
depending on the type. Different berries
do different amounts of damage.


There will be no vehicles in this game, therefore, it is irrelevant.


The environment is based on the sonic race ground. It is very cartoony and quite 3D. the environment
that will be the background will be a pattern that makes it look like my character is running, you can
see examples to the left.

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