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Unit 78 Assignment 2 Proposal


I will be working to a brief which will tell me what is needed to do and when it needs to be done by.
The brief tells me to come up with a preliminary idea for a new game and design it using the correct
documents. For this assignment I will be joining with Saga and I will be using the Sonic characters. I
have taken inspiration from games like Tetris, Bejewelled, Candy Crush and Bubble Shooter.

Client Needs

Rockstar Games have accepted your presentation and have now interviewed me and given me the
position. My first task on joining the team is to provide my ideas for the SPRITE GRAPHICS, CONCEPT
ART and finally GAME PACKAGING for a new game.

Audience and Genre

My target audience will be male or female from the age 17 upwards. I think this target is appropriate
as 17 year olds will have grown up with sonic. Also because the game is a puzzle, strategy game it
wouldnt be appropriate for younger people as they wouldnt
understand it.

The genre for this game is a puzzle, strategy game. Puzzle games
emphasize puzzle solving. The types of puzzles can test many problem-
solving skills including logic, pattern recognition, sequence solving,
and word completion. The player may have unlimited time or attempts
to solve a puzzle, or there may be simple puzzles made difficult by having to complete them in real-
time. There is a large variety of puzzle games. Some feed to the player a random assortment of blocks
or pieces that they must organize in the correct manner, such as Tetris, Klax and Lumines. Others
present a game board or pieces and challenge the player to solve the puzzle by achieving a goal
(Bomberman, The Incredible Machine). Strategy looks at a players skilful thinking and planning. It
emphasizes strategic, tactical, and sometimes logistical challenges. They are generally categorized into
four sub-types, depending on whether the game is turn-based and whether the game focuses on
strategy or tactics. In most strategy video games, the player is given a godlike view of the game world,
and indirectly controls game units under their command.

Market Research

There are two types of games that are similar in the market. the first would be anything sonic as mine
is also a sonic game. Fortunately, the Sonic games arent a threat to my game as I am working with
Saga as a franchise. However, big games such as Bejewelled and Candy Crush are a big competition. I
will have to make the game as best as I can so that it will stand above the other games and will be
more popular. I will have to make it look professional, it will have to be hard enough to want to do it
but not too hard that it is impossible to complete. There will be lots of levels already open then when
finished more levels will unlock.


The title of the game is Sanic Pop as I am trying to relate it to the original
Sanic games, when he jumped on the enemies, they used the make a
pop sound which is what will happen in this game. This game has
originally been designed for phones and
tablets. I think this would be the easiest to
play on as it will be better to use your finger
instead of a controller. There are a lot of other games on phones like this so
when they are searched Sanic Pop will show too. I could also bring it out for
PC later on in development, depending on how the mobile game goes, as it
could be good using a mouse. There are two types of games that are similar in the market. the first
would be anything sonic as mine is also a sanic game. Fortunately, the Sanic games arent a threat to
my game as I am working with Saga as a franchise. However, big games such
as Bejewelled and Candy Crush are a big competition. I will have to make the
game as best as I can so that it will stand above the other games and will be
more popular. I will have to make it look professional, it will have to be hard
enough to want to do it but not too hard that it is impossible to complete.
There will be lots of levels already open then when finished more levels will
unlock. If I am wanting this game to be successful worldwide then I will need to translate the game
for other countries. The two main languages will be English and Japanese as Sega is Japanese. The
headquarters are in ta, Tokyo, Japan and the native name is meaning SEGA
Games Inc. it will also be translated into Spanish, French, German,
Italian, Swedish and Portuguese. This game will be sold in the Apple
App Store for 4.99 and also Android App Store. later on when I
produce it for PC I could sell it on Windows App Store.

Storyline and Themes

The obvious theme is Sanic and Friends and Sanic Heroes. The background is the sky and floor when
he is running so its blurry, the environment for the levels will be a 3D race track, like the one to the
right. The story is that Sanic and his friends get challenged by Doc. Robotics and he sets lots of puzzles
to slow them down when trying to get to him. Every level the player completes is a step closer to
beating Doc. Robotics.


The structure will start with the title,

which you have to click to continue. It
will then go to the menu list which will
include one called Character
Information which shows all
characters. Sanic, Whiskers, Emmy,
Shade, Uppercut and Ruby. You can
pick the character to play with for
each level and each character will
have a certain specialty that gives a
bonus that makes it easier. The next one is the continue button. This Shows you the map of all the
levels and skips to the last level that you completed. And the last is the shop. This shows extras that
can be bought to use in game. Each item bought can be used by one character only. Collect all the
items for each character to make it easier to play and complete all the levels.


You can pick the character to play with for each level and
each character will have a certain specialty that gives a
bonus that makes it easier. The last one is the goals and
rewards, I think they could maybe have a trophy or medal
room, which could pop up when they achieve it or maybe
swipe onto the screen then off again. They will not know
what the trophies are until they get them.


Sanic the Hedgehog is 16 years old. Sonic is the fastest hedgehog in the
world, and he can easily break the wall of sound to pieces, simply by running.
He hasn't a fixed house, and he's always traveling around the world, looking
for adventures. He's always ready to aid his friends, but he's got an impulsive
and stubborn temperament, which often brings him to fall into troubles. Sonic
is a hero admired by everyone, who always manage to spoil the plots of his
eternal enemy, Doc. Robotics.
Whiskers, is a two tailed fox who is 10 years old. He's Sanic's best friend.
He has been appeared in almost every Sonic game as a "stooge" or as
second character. Whiskers can fly making his two tails whirl fast, he's a very
good swimmer and an expert engineer. He tends to be too
much dependent by Sanic, but he's learning to manage it by
Uppercut the Echinda is 16 years old. He is the stainless keeper of the Master
Emerald. In Sonic 3 Doc. Robotics persuaded him that Sonic and Tails were
thieves that wanted to take away the precious jewel. Uppercut began as a
Sanic's enemy, then becoming Sanics ally and then friend. Uppercut owns a
huge power, he can swim, glide, dig and he can sense the Chaos Emeralds
that are nearby.
Emmy is a 12-year-old Hedgehog. She is a sweet-hearted hedgehog, a big Sonic
fan. In Sanic CD she was kidnapped by Metal Sanic, who tries to bring trouble to
Sanic. In Sanic Adventure and Sanic Advance, she is a selectable character, but
in Sanic Adventure 2 she's a secondary character, but still very important. She
came back in Sonic Heroes as a selectable character and she leaves looking for
his favourite hero with White and Huge, forcing him to marry
Shade the Hedgehog is 16 years old (or maybe more than 50). The ultimate
lifeform created by professor Gerald Robotics. Shadow has been hibernated
for 50 years after the accident happened in the space colony ARK. He was
freed by Doc. Robotics, and decides to make an alliance with him to find all
seven Chaos Emeralds. Shadow made his idea to fulfill the wish of Maria,
his best friend, who was also his creator's niece. That's a pity that his memory sometimes
plays up for him, convincing him that Maria wanted revenge having been brutally killed. And,
just when the Planet was about to be destroyed, Shade remembered what Maria truly wanted:
forgiveness and a chance to Earth's people to live happily. Shade fights by Sanic's side against
the prototype of ultimate life and manages to save the world, by sacrificing his own life. Or so
it seems because Shade came back in Sanic Heroes and makes the Team Dark with Ruby
and Omega, by the purpose of taking back his memories, lost again. Sanic's history leaves to
us the doubt if Shade is the original lifeform, or just a mere clone. Under a
hard skin, Shade hides a noble soul and a pure heart.
Ruby is a 16-year-old bat. She's a mysterious bat who just goes crazy for
jewels. She made an alliance with Doc. Robotics, helping him found the
Chaos Emeralds. However, her true purpose is investigating the Doctor's
crazy plans, given by the President himself! In Sanic Heroes, while she's
looking for Eggguy's treasure, she finds Shade closed in a capsule and sets
him free. With the black hedgehog and Omega, Ruby leaves again searching for Eggguy and
his treasure
Mechanics of the Game

This game is very simplistic and is very much cartoonlike. When

they start playing as they continue playing, many players can go
through the first 10 levels and get three stars on each on the first
try. This makes them think that they are good at it and want to keep
playing it. They feel like they are destined to take this journey and
see how far they can get without losing lives. As they progress even
further through the levels, players start to unlock charms and boosters that give them extra
moves and special abilities.

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