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Interview questions for firms (MAYA Organic, Katerpillar, Varnam)

I. General Information about firm

1. How many employees do you have?

2. What is the technology you use?

3. Where do you get the designs for your products?

4. What are the highest selling products and their MRP?

5. What was the production size of your company in 2016? Mention the number
of units/pieces produced.

6. What were the annual sales of your company in 2016? Mention the number of
units/pieces sold.

7. What were your total annual sales for 2016 in value?

8. Who is your Target Market?

9. What is the estimated market size? (In Rs)

10. What is the estimated market growth?

11. What are the existing & emerging markets for your products?

12. How do you sell your products? List your market outlets.

13. Do you package your product for presentation?

14. Do you package your product for export?

15. What are the important challenges facing your product?

II. Competition

16. Who is your direct competition?

17. Who is your indirect competition?

III. Competitive Advantage

18. What is your competitive advantage?

19. What are the barriers to entry?

IV. Industry Trends

20. List factors that affect the industry growth?

21. Are there any government regulation?

B. Interview questions for artisans in Channapatna

1. Tell us something about the traditional art form or craft that you do.

2. How long have you been working as a toy/handicraft maker?

3. What materials do you use to make your crafts?

4. Where do you source your raw materials from?

5. What is your present income from these handicrafts?

6. Do you have any other source of income?

7. What is the price bracket that you pay for acquiring raw materials for your

8. Are you able to get the desired quality of raw materials needed for making
these toys?

9. Whom do you sell your products?

10.Do you earn a good sale price for your products?

11.Have you recently made any changes or innovations in producing these toys
in terms of materials used, design or process?
C. Customer Survey Questionnaire

1. Do you purchase handicraft products?


2. If yes, then how often do you purchase, else go to Q.3

Once in a week
Once in a month
Once in a year
Twice in a year

3. If you want to purchase, what type of handicrafts do you prefer buying?

Sculptures and masks

Pots and vases
Decorative show pieces
Others specify ________________________________

4. Are you aware of Channapatna toys and handicrafts?


5. If yes, how did you come to know about it?

Friends and Family
T.V Advertisements

6. Have you ever purchased any Channapatna product?


7. If yes, what was the medium of purchase, else go to Q.9

Local shops in Channapatna

Retailers In Bangalore
Shopping websites

8. Why did you purchase the particular product?

Traditional value
Aesthetic appearance
9. Do you prefer buying a Chinese product over traditional handicrafts?

10. Do you prefer to buy a handicraft if it is in an attractive packaging?


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