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Application of Fuzzy Logic for Charging Control

of Lead-Acid battery in Stand-alone Solar

Photovoltaic System
R.Swathika R.K.Ganesh Ram
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
St.Josephs College of Engineering,Chennai BITS-PILANI, DUBAI CAMPUS, Dubai, UAE

V.Kalaichelvi R.Karthikeyan
Department of Electronics &Instrumentation Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering

Abstract -- Overcharging in lead acid battery which is widely used In order to continue charging a battery after overcharging
in solar systems is a result of improper charging control. point without impairing it, a proficient charging control
Overcharging can be prevented by designing a suitable control system is necessary [3]. This demands a good knowledge
system for charging of batteries. A good charging control system about the dynamic nature of the battery. The lead acid
will decrease the storage capacity and service time for power
operation can be developed concurring to the chemical or else
supply. In the current study, an attempt has been made to design
a PI algorithm based charging control system for a first-order both physical and chemical model [4]-[8].
dynamic model of the lead acid battery system. To track the set- Conventional control theory has been successfully applied to
point response and to reject the disturbances due to external areas where processes are well defined. Many practical
factors such as change in intensity of the solar radiation, a processes exhibit nonlinear behaviour. However most
feedback control system has been designed. As the problem controller design approaches are based on linear models.
approaches to a highly non linear process, conventional control Although linear model based control methods are well
theory is not an appropriate choice. A fuzzy logic controller with established, they do not give satisfactory control performance
a specially chosen triangular membership function has been when the controlled process is highly non-linear. Also it is
suggested as an effective alternative approach. It is proved that
quite difficult to derive complete knowledge of such non-
by employing fuzzy logic technique, the voltage of the battery can
be controlled effectively than with a conventional controller. linearities [9].
A fuzzy logic controller has been suggested as a promising
Keywords: Battery charge control; Dynamic modeling of battery, alternative approach for controlling processes, especially those
Conventional controller, Fuzzy LogicController that are too complex for analysis by conventional techniques.
A specially chosen non-uniform arrangement of triangular
membership functions was employed that was strongly
The green energy also known as the regeneration energy, has motivated by the theory of fuzzy sets developed by Zadeh
gained a lot of attention these days. Among them, solar energy [10]. It has emerged as one of the most active and fruitful
is the most powerful resource that can be used to generate areas in control research and industrial applications. Therefore
power. So far the efficiency of generatingpower of solar fuzzy logic controller based systems have proven to be
energy is relatively low. Thus, how to increase the efficiency superior in performance than conventional system.
of generating power of solar energy is very important [1]. In In this work straightforward linear model is derived to
areas which are not accessible through power lines, a precisely enact the batterys dynamic behaviour when it
standalone solar system is broadly implemented. Hence the reaches the overcharging point. Then conventional controller
system needs to be more durable, reliable, and efficient and and fuzzy logic controller are designed and the performances
should have an extended service time. The lead acid battery is of both controllers are compared in order to find the controller
used generally in the standalone solar system to meet the said which will effectively control the voltage of the battery.
requirements. But overcharging due to an inefficient charge
control system impairs the lead acid battery. To prevent this, a II. DERIVATION OF SYSTEM DYNAMIC MODEL OF A LEAD-ACID
suitable charge control system needs to be designed to halt BATTERY
charging in order to avoid charging to maximum capacity or For testing the battery and developing the system dynamic
more. By doing so, the storage energy capacity and the service model at different states of charge (SOC) of the batteries, a
time in power supply is reduced [2]. step response method was implemented. Due to the non-

978-1-4673-6126-2/13/$31.00 2013
c IEEE 377
linearity of the dynamic model of battery, a linearly perturbed III. DESIGN OF PI CONTROLLER FOR LEAD ACID BATTERY
model is used for system identification at different operational
Feedback controllers are those that control the variable
points. Fig.1 illustrates the input-output relation of the battery.
behavior of a system. These are with a closed loop
Here ) and  are perturbed current
arrangement, which uses feedback to control the states of the
and voltage respectively and s stands for the complex variable
system. Negative necessarily associated with feedback
in the Laplace transform. Both perturbed voltage and current
controllers sense the value and subtract it from the desired
are stated from equilibrium or a steady-state value. s the value to form the error signal.Determination of the controller
batterys perturbed model defined by parameters to provide the desired response is known as

controller tuning. Controller tuning can be done by using
(1) synthesis method. Design of controller by synthesis method is

The plant model required for dynamic simulation for the one of the recommended methods in process control. The
battery system can be developed by giving a step current as synthesis controller is the combination of two parts. The first
input from steady state condition and measuring the part compensates for the process transfer function and the
corresponding voltage as output. The output response at other is used to obtain a specified closed loop response of the
different values of current and states of charge were studied. A controlled variable to the set point. When the process transfer
value of 1Ampere can be given as input when the set point of function does not have dead time, the closed loop transfer
the output response is reached. The linearized model of the function becomes
current battery system can be obtained as


 (2) The closed loop time constant can be adjusted to shape the

response of the loop, the smaller the the faster controller
response. Thus provides a convenient parameter to reach a
compromise between fast approach to set point and acceptable
variations in the controller output.The PI controller parameters
Fig.1 Input/output Model of the Battery. are,

The dynamic model of the system can be obtained using (5)

average value of the plant models obtained for different
simulation conditions as Ti = (6)

 (3) By applying the above formulae for the transfer function given

in Equation (3), the controller parameters can be obtained as
Fig. 2 shows the open loop response of the plant model Kc=2.49 and Ti = 29.411secs.
developed for the battery system for the step input. The values IV. DESIGN OF FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER
of the real system are around the average model and hence this
can be treated as uncertainty in the control design. The Fuzzy logic control is fast emerging as an alternative to
developed model can be used for the design of control system conventional control techniques in situations where it may be
for the plant. Since the uncertainty is present in the model infeasible to formulate an analytic model. A fuzzy logic
developed, the designed control system should have system is a type of approximate reasoning system. It can be
robustness to handle it [11]. considered as universal function approximator. The goal of the
fuzzy logic system is to yield a set of outputs for given inputs

in a non-linear system by using linguistic rules. The block
diagram of a Fuzzy Controller is given in Fig. 3.In this figure,
a closed loop fuzzy Controller is identified. The outputs are
Voltage of battery (V)


represented as y(t) and the corresponding inputs are
represented by u(t) and r(t).Here r(t) is the chosen
representation for the reference input.



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (s)

Fig. 2. Open loop response of the lead acid

battery system

378 2013 International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Conservation of Energy (ICGCE)
associated with the fuzzy innputs and the THEN part is
associated with the change of thhe fuzzy output.
C. Selection of Membership Fuunction:
The membership function is a graphical representation of the
magnitude of participation off each input. The rules use the
input membership values as weighting
w factors to determine
their influence on the fuzzy output sets of the final output
conclusion. Once the membbership functions are inferred,
scaled, and combined, they aree defuzzified into a crisp output
which drives the system. One of o the most popular choices, the
triangular membership functiion is used in this study. In
practice, fuzzy control input annd output variables all have their
own operating ranges. The operating ranges are defined with
Fig. 3. Block Diagram of a Fuzzy Logiic Controller respect to the extreme values of the relevant variables. A fuzzy
logic system is a real tim me intelligent system which
Fuzzy Control mainly consists of four parts which are implements some of a human operators
o or process engineers
explained as follows:[12] expertise in fuzzy rules. Fig. 4 shows a fuzzy logic controller
1. The information is held in the rulle base, which is embedded in a closed-loop conntrol system.
basically a set of rules. These rulesr provide the
knowledge that helps to control the system in the best
possible manner.
2. The input to the plant should be selected after the
inference mechanism assesses the control rules which
are applicable at the present timee and accordingly
takes decision.
3. The inputs are altered by the fuzzzification block so
that they can be inferred and linked tp the ruled in the
rule base.
4. Decision made by the inferencce mechanism is
translated by the defuzzification bouundary to inputs.
Fig. 4. Fuzzy logic control system for Battery charging
The Fuzzy Control systems are essentiallyy used in machine
Controll System.
control. Essentially, the fuzzy controller is a type of decision
The fuzzy controller is insertedd into the closed-loop Lead Acid
maker which can be considered to possess artificial
battery system. Here the acttual voltage of the battery is
intelligence in a system which is close looped. It tries to tries
compared with the reference baattery voltage. The present error
to meet the performance requirements of o the system by
comparing the system output y(t) with the reference
r input r(t) e(t) and error change e(t) siignals are then processed by the
and modifying the system input u(t) accordinngly. fuzzy logic controller to creeate a relevant control output
A. Linguistic Variables: variable to stabilize the weldinng parameters. In the Fig. 4, Ke
Linguistic Variables are used to represeent a fuzzy logic and Kce are input scaling factoors which are used to transform
systems operating parameters. In the presennt work, the fuzzy the real measured values e(t) and e(t) to their respective
parameters of error and change in errorr and output are ranges. Ku is an output scaling factor which is used to convert
considered by the variables Positivee ,Zero and the output of fuzzy controller too the control variable u(t).
Negative. The fuzzy variables themselvves are adjectives The input and output parameters of the fuzzy logic control
that modify the variable. As a minimuum, the variables system are described by the folllowing equations.[13]
positive, zero, and negative can be coonsidered for each
of the parameters. e(t)= VB-VB(t) (7)
B. Construction of the Rule Base:
The rules in the knowledge base describe the t functioning of e(t)=e(t)e(t-1) (8)
the controller and may be provided by expperts or extracted
from the operators experience by control engineers. Simple u(t) = F(Kee(t), Kcee(t)) (9)
plain-language IF X AND Y THEN Z rules are used to
describe the desired system response in teerms of linguistic u(t)= uset + u(t) (10)
variables rather than mathematical formulae. The IF part is

2013 International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Conservation of Energy (ICGCE) 379
where (t) is the present error of the battery charging voltage. 15.4
e(t) is the change of present error, u(t) is the change in 15.2 Set Point
control variable and usetis the preset control variable. A FLC

Voltage of battery (V)

specially chosen triangular membership function is employed 15
in the present work. Error range for the triangular membership 14.8
function is obtained as in Fig.5 by using MATLAB software.



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (s)

Fig. 7. Closed Loop Response of Battery charging voltage

Under Conventional PI Controller and Fuzzy
Logic Controller (SP = 14.15-14.8)

A. Comparison of Performance Based on ISE and IAE

Fig. 5. Error range for triangular membership function A number of performance measures have been introduced in
respect of dynamic response to step input and higher order
Likewise the range of change in error and output for the inputs. ISE and IAE are given by expressions [14],
triangular membership function is shown in are the same as
ISE= (11)
Figure the rule table for triangular membership function is
shown in Table I.
(t) dt


e(K) N Z P
Where, e(t) is the deviation of the response from the desired
set points. The evaluation of performance criteria for battery
e(K) charging voltage is shown in Table II .

Fig. 6 and Fig.7 show the closed loop responses of battery charging SET POINT (sec) ISE IAE
voltage for various set point changes under Conventional CHANGES IN
Proportional + Integral (PI) Controller and fuzzy logic VOLTAGE
controller. PI FLC PI FLC PI FLC
FLC 14.15-14.5 70 4 1.09 0.03 6.21 0.14
14.8 Set Point
Voltage of battery (V)

14.6 14.15-14.8 70 4 3.77 0.08 11.53 0.24

In this work, Proportional + Integral Controller is achieved
14.2 with the control of a charging voltage of the solar energy.
The proportional band is defined as the error expressed, as a
14 percentage of the range of measures variable. When
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (s) Proportional band is decreased, the value of controller gain
Fig. 6.Closed Loop Response of Battery charging voltage ( ) increases. If is increased beyond a certain value, then
Under Conventional PI Controller and Fuzzy Logic the system may become unstable. With proportional action
Controller (SP = 14.15-14.5) only, the control system is able to arrest the rise of controlled
variable and ultimately bring it to rest at a new steady state
value with an off set. The addition of integral action eliminates
the offset. The controlled variable ultimately settles down to

380 2013 International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Conservation of Energy (ICGCE)
the desired value. This advantage of integral action is balanced VI. CONCLUSION
by the disadvantage of a more oscillatory behaviour.
This paper describes the design and implementation of
It is interesting observations that many industrial
conventional PI controller and fuzzy logic controller for
controllers can have PI action and that in others the derivative
controlling charging voltage of lead acid battery. A PI
action can be switched off on many control loops. It can be
algorithm using synthesis method and a fuzzy logic controller
shown that PI control is adequate for all processes where the
were used for control purpose. The simulation results indicate
dynamics are essentially of the first order. When observing the
that the PI based controller takes more time to settle, whereas
closed loop response of the conventional PI controller the
the Fuzzy Logic controller has a good set point tracking with
settling time is more which will affect the performance of the
minimum time. Hence the proposed controller (Fuzzy Logic
system. In order to reduce the settling time by a Proportional +
Controller) is the better option to prevent overcharging and to
integral action, and to obtain an optimum response, fuzzy
increase the charge capacity of the battery.
logic controller is implemented for control of charging
voltage. It is observed from simulation results that the ISE ,
IAE and Settling time are reduced considerably for Fuzzy
logic Controller when compared to Conventional PI The authors are grateful to authorities of BITS Pilani, Dubai
controller. The effectiveness of fuzzy logic controller can be Campus,UAE and St.Josephs College of Engineering,Chennai
analyzed by giving disturbance in the battery charging voltage. for the encouragement and support.
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