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Flanagan 1

Abby Flanagan
Mr. Spencer
Global Studies
11 Jan 2017

Is there a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that can create peace?

There are many different ways to create peace between the Israelis and Palestinians if they are willing to
make some sacrifices. Due to the amount of holy land for both sides and religions, both Palestine and Israel want to
own Jerusalem, which is why it should become and international state. If the borders return to the way they were in
1967, there would again be more secure and recognized borders that would again be established for both states.
There should be more security established between the states. As of right now, the security isnt as thorough and
strict as it should be, in both Israel and Palestine. There are three specific ways to create peace that would work
very well to create peace between Israel and Palestine, making Jerusalem an international state, making the borders
as they were in 1967, and to establish a better security system to get into the states.
Jerusalem should become an international city due to the amount of holy land and holy meaning for both
states of Palestine and Israel. Jerusalem is a city which is a very holy place to the three major monotheistic faiths,
Jerusalem has also been the site of major battles, sieges, invasions, mass slaughter and incredible rebuilding,
(Walton). If Jerusalem were to become an international state, Israel and Palestine would no longer need to fight over
which state receives ownership. Once international, both states would be able to enter as they please and use
whatever holy land and any religious structure they want. Since Jerusalem is not international, Israel is being denied
entry to Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, while Palestine is being denied the entry to the Noble
Sanctuary, (Walton). In order to make this solution work, we would need a system of government. Since the UN is
an international organization, they would be the perfect candidates to play the role of governing Jerusalem as an
international state. Since Israel still would rather have full control of Jerusalem, the UN and Palestine clearly does
not agree. Which is why it would be easy to convince the UN to participate in this process of creating this
international city.
If the borders are set back to the way they were in 1967, with the exception of Jerusalem becoming an
international state, then there would be less fighting. Israel had the entire land not including Jerusalem and the Gaza
Strip. Palestine was willing to keep the borders as they were then, but Israel needed more. Which is why allowing
the borders to go back to the way they were in 1967 and creating and international city out of Jerusalem that conflict
should be solved. If Israel and Palestine are not willing to make that sacrifice, then the borders could as they were,
but Israel could own the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem, while Palestine receives the rest of the land, (Murphy). Even
though Jerusalem may work slightly better as an international city, allowing the states to switch ownerships of the
land could also work if the states were willing to allow it to happen.
There should be more advanced security to get into the states. As of right now, with the lack of security,
many refugees are able to get in and out of both Israel and Palestine. The security system would include a screening
process. Not as intense as it is for the refugees, but strict and thorough enough that no stranger or dangerous person
can get into the state. This also goes for Jerusalem, once it becomes an international city, anyone is going to try and
get in. Which is why this security system is desperately needed. As of now, the U.S. citizens are advised that all
persons entering or departing Israel, the West Bank, or Gaza are subject to security screening and may be denied
entry or exit without explanation. The United States citizen visitors have been subjected to prolonged questioning
and physical searches and have been denied access to consular officers, lawyers, and family members, (Gavron,
The Israeli and Palestinian conflict can be resolved if people are willing to make sacrifices. These
resolutions will only work if Jerusalem is made international. If Jerusalem is made international, then both sides will
no longer need to argue over who received ownership of that particular state. The security will be made more
thorough and strict in order to get into both Palestine and Israel, along with the international state of Jerusalem.
Overall, the Israeli and Palestinian conflict can be resolved if proper reinforcements are made to create the peace
between both of the states.
Flanagan 2

MLA Works Cited

Gavron, Daniel., Kuttab, Daoud. "Palestine-Israel Journal: Daoud Kuttab and Daniel Gavron." Palestine-Israel
Journal: Daoud Kuttab and Daniel Gavron. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2017.

Murphy, Dan. "What's so 'shocking' about Obama Mentioning 1967 Borders?" The Christian Science Monitor. The
Christian Science Monitor, 20 May 2011. Web. 07 Jan. 2017.

Walton, Andy. "Jerusalem: Would an 'international City' Be the Answer to Israeli-Palestinian Clash?" Jerusalem:
Would an 'international City' Be the Answer to Israeli-Palestinian Clash? | Christian News on Christian
Today. Christian Today, 12 Nov. 2015. Web. 07 Jan. 2017.

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