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Blood Typing Scenario 1

Learning Target I can sequence the flow of blood through the heart.
Proficiency Descriptor Definition
4 Proficient I can sequence the flow of blood through the heart.
3 Developing I can determine how ABO and Rh blood typing occurs.
2 Basic I can outline the steps involved in blood coagulation.
1 Minimal I can describe the general characteristics of blood and discuss
its major functions.
0 No Evidence No evidence.

1. During the investigation of a murder of a waitress (blood type A), the police arrest a
male suspect with bloodstains (blood type A) on his clothes. The man claims that he is
innocent and that the blood on his clothes stems from his sons bloody nose. The police
cannot get hold of his son, however, they run a blood test of the man and his wife (the
mother of the suspects son). The police conclude that the man has a blood type AB and
that his wife has a blood type B.

Could the bloodstains on the clothes of the suspect belong to his son? Explain why or why not?
(Do not worry about the Rh factor for this problem.)

2. An elderly couple dies in a traffic accident. The man has blood type AB+ and his
wife has blood type O+. Shortly afterwards, a young man shows up and claims to be the
sole heir to the dead couples estate. His blood type is AB+.

Can the young man be the deceased couples legitimate child? Explain why or why not.

3. An infant was separated during a war from his parents. Now ten years later the
orphanage is trying to match children with possible parents. The infant has O blood type.
The couple that believes he may be their long lost bambino has blood types A and B.

Could this child belong to them? Explain why or why not.

If you were told that the child has O- and the parents are both +, would this change your
answer? Explain why or why not.

4. A group of six people (3 men and 3 women) go climbing in the Andes. While
passing a ledge, one of the men loses his foothold and falls down some 15 feet. The
others manage to bring him to the nearest hospital where it is established that an
immediate surgical operation is needed. During the operation a blood transfusion is
required. Unfortunately, the injured person does not know his own bloody type, however,
he does remember that both his father and mother have blood type A-. The other five
participants immediately offer to donate blood, if necessary. However, even before
knowing the blood type of the patient three potential blood donors can be ruled out.

Which of the three below are not suitable donors for this recipient? Explain why you choose
those three.

Man #1 AB+
Man #2 A-
Woman #1 O+
Woman #2 B-
Woman #3 O-
Which donor can be a universal donor? Explain why.

Which could be a universal recipient? Why?

5. (Look up) A person with a lower than normal erythrocyte count, or erythrocytes that
are not carrying enough hemoglobin could have what disease?
a. Aplastic
b. Pernicious
c. Sickle Cell...
6. A couple is AB+ and AB-, what are their offsprings possible blood types? Hint,
there are 6 types.

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