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Production title: Son Lux - Easy

Production team: Pegs and Sheets productions

Producer: Mysti haynes

Date of survey:07.05.17 Proposed filming date: 07.05.17

Location: My Back garden

Permission needed: (contact details)

My mums, Amanda Dawn Haynes: 07456222242.

Traffic problems:(how will you deal with sound/visuals from passing cars)

As I am filming a music video I will not be recording sound so this will not be a problem. There will
be no traffic interference as we will be secluded in my back garden.

Local conditions: (could the weather affect your filming in any way?)

Yes. The weather for today is 15 degrees Celsius and is meant to be sunny all day. If it does start
raining we can go inside as it is an experimental music video anything goes.

Intrusions: (passers-by, music, airplanes/trains, general interruptions to filming)

As it is a private area there will be no passers-by in the background.

Continuity: (is anything about the location likely to change during the shoot or if you return to it to
film more than once? E.g. roadworks in 1st shot/ gone in next, poster on wall/gone in next shot)

We are only filming in this location once, if anything changes between in shot it wont matter as the
shooting and editing is going to be in no particular order.
Electricity/Lighting issues/Sound (will you need an electricity supply and is there access to one? Is
lighting adequate or does it need altering? What sort of sound equipment will you need?)

I dont need any electricity, lighting, nor sound. We are solely relying on the sun for lighting so we
will be filming during the day.

Set dressing: (does your set contain everything you want to show in your scene or will it need
something else adding to it to have the impact you want?)

I am adding sheets around the circumference of my garden, I have got paint to add to the scene. The
sheets will be hung up with pegs which I have already done.

Welfare:(can your crew/talent get refreshments and use toilets; do they need to stay overnight near
filming location?)

We are a 10 second walk away from my kitchen and my toilet. We are only filming for a few hours
but I am supplying refreshments if necessary and there will be no need to stay overnight.

Possible dates for filming:


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