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Nominees to the Board

School Year 2017-2018
Nominados a la Junta Directiva 2017-2018

General Meeting
May 31, 2017
List of Nominees
President Laura Viegas
HS Vice President Viviana Prado
MS Vice President Jennifer Tsang
ES Vice President Magdalena Larraguibel
ECC Vice President Bernardita Saez
Booster Club Chairperson Kristina Rodawold
Treasurer Jessica Power
Secretary VACANT
Volunteer Coordinator Mariluz Perez
Events Coordinator Marlene Swanepoel
Transitions Coordinator * Ana Cristina de Attayde
* Maxine Venter
Marketing Officer VACANT
Nominee for President
I was born and raised in Buenos Aires. I graduated in Communications from Univ. del Salvador
(Argentina). In 2001, I obtained a MBA degree from J.L. Kellogg School of Management
(Northwestern University, USA). I also pursued graduate studies in Semiotics at Univ. de Chile
and hold an Executive Degree in Disruptive Technologies from Singularity University, California.

During the last 20 years, I worked in communications and marketing in Argentina, Chile, Mexico,
US and Venezuela for diverse industries: steel (Techint Group, Alacero), consumer goods
(Procter & Gamble) and retail banking (Banco Santander and Banco Bice). My job gave me the
opportunity to lead multicultural teams, with direct report to CEOs.

In 2006, my husband Alejandro Carboni and I moved to Chile, where our sons Bruno (2nd
grader) and Martn (1st grader) were born. We have been at Nido since 2012 when Bruno
entered Pre-Kinder. I am room mom of my first graders class and joined the NPA some months
ago, as its Marketing Officer. As I got involved, I discovered many moms and dads that volunteer
Laura Viegas
to make a difference for our children and the Nido families. I want to help too: offering my ideas,
my work and my time.

Nac y me cri en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Soy Lic. en Comunicacin de Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires). En 2001, obtuve un
MBA en J.L.Kellogg School of Management (Northwestern University, EEUU). Luego, curs estudios de posgrado en Semitica en la
Universidad de Chile y particip del Programa Ejecutivo en Tecnologas Disruptivas en Singularity University (California).

Durante los ltimos 20 aos, trabaj en comunicaciones y marketing en Argentina, Chile, Mxico, Venezuela y EEUU, en diversas
industrias: siderurgia, consumo masivo y banca. Mi trabajo me dio la oportunidad de liderar equipos multiculturales, reportando
directamente a CEOs.

En 2006, con mi marido Alejandro Carboni decidimos mudarnos a Chile. Aqu nacieron mis hijos, Bruno (2do grado) y Martn (1er
grado). Llegamos a Nido en 2012 cuando Bruno entr a Pre-Kinder. Soy Room Mom del curso de mi hijo menor y comenc a
involucrarme en la NPA a fin del ao pasado, como Encargada de Marketing. Desde esta posicin, descubr un grupo de mams y
paps que como voluntarios hacen una diferencia por nuestros hijos y las familias del Nido. A m tambin me gustara poder ayudar
con mis ideas, mi trabajo y mi tiempo.
Nominee for High School Vice-President
Im Chilean. My two daughters have been at Nido since Pre-Kinder. Now, Michelle is an 11th- grader
and Stephanie a 9th-grader. As a family, we chose Nido because it teaches the values we want our
children to learn and apply on their lives: global reach, cultural diversity, respect and tolerance to
others opinions and beliefs; recognizing that everybody benefits from the collective multicultural
engagement of human beings on achieving common goals and objectives.
My academic and professional background is journalism. However, I decided to devote my time to my
daughters until last year. This year, I divide my time between them and the family mining industry
related business.
I was Room Mother for each of my daughters during ES; always willing to participate and support
school activities.
The reasons that motivate me to run for High School Vice President are:
Be a positive example to my daughters and other students, thru direct and active involvement on
our school and community activities, choosing NPA as the vehicle to enhance Nidos position as a
great academic and community sensitive organization.
Viviana Prado Be able to effectively serve NPA and the Nido Community, by contributing with my personal and
professional skills.
As High School VP, I will be more than delighted to work with our students and parents to achieve the best high school experience, so
important for our children personal and professional formation moving forward.

Soy chilena y mis hijas han estado en Nido desde Pre- K. Actualmente, Michelle est en 11vo grado y Stephanie en 9no. Como familia,
elegimos Nido porque representa los valores que deseamos que ellas aprendan: globalidad, diversidad, tolerancia, respetar las opiniones y
creencias de los otros. Reconociendo que todos nos beneficiamos cuando existe un compromiso colectivo multicultural que nos lleva a
conseguir los objetivos en comn.
Profesionalmente soy periodista, sin embargo, me he dedicado al cuidado de mis hijas hasta hace un ao. Fui Room Mother de cada una de
ellas hasta que terminaron ES y siempre he estado dispuesta a colaborar con el colegio. Actualmente estoy trabajando en la empresa de mi
familia relacionada con la industria minera.
Mis razones para postularme al cargo de VP de High School son:
1) Creo que es muy importante que mis hijas vean que estoy conectada con el colegio y que como NPA tenemos un objetivo en comn y es
que Nido sea una gran comunidad.
2) Marcar una diferencia con mis habilidades y ponerlas a disposicin del NPA
Si soy elegida VP de High School trabajar con mucho gusto para nuestros nios tengan una gran experiencia en sus ltimos aos de colegio
y asimismo, apoyar a los padres en este periodo tan importante.
Nominee for Middle School Vice-President

I was born in the US and raised in New York, Japan, and California. I hold a BA
degree in Economics and Psychology from Claremont McKenna College, and a MBA
from UC Irvine. My professional experience includes over 25 years in corporate and
university management positions.

I am married to a Chilean, and I have been a permanent resident in Chile since

1994. Mother of three children, two daughters (Laura age 16 and Sara age 14, both
attending Craighouse School), and Diego Mandiola in 5th grade at Nido.

Jennifer Tsang

Nac en Estados Unidos, y fui criada en Nueva York, Japn y California. Obtuve mi ttulo de pre-grado en
Economa y Psicologa de Claremont McKenna College y mi MBA de la Universidad de California en Irvine. Llevo
ms de 25 aos en cargos directivos en grandes empresas as como universidades.

Estoy casada con un chileno, y soy residente permanente en Chile desde 1994. Soy madre de tres hijos: 2 mujeres
(Laura de 16 aos y Sara de 14 aos, ambas alumnas del Craighouse) y Diego Mandiola en 5to ao en Nido.
Nominee for Elementary School Vice-President
I was born in Santiago and attended the lAlliance Franaise for elementary and
middle school. I completed high school in Johannesburg and later studied
French at La Sorbonne in Paris and the University of Montreal.

In the early 1990s I worked for the Inter-American Development Bank in

Washington, D.C. Returning to Chile, I worked in the Trade Department at the
Canadian Embassy in Santiago for 12 years, during which time I participated in
trade missions to Canada and was responsible for trade show logistics and

My husband Matthew is from California and our daughters Emma and Olivia
Garfein have been at Nido since Pre-K. I have been involved with student
Magdalena Larraguibel
activities as a room parent and Girl Scouts coordinator for several years. It is a
privilege for me to contribute to the Nido community.

Soy de Santiago y estudi en lAlliance Franaise educacin bsica y media. Termin la educacin media en
Johannesburg y luego estudi francs en La Sorbonne de Pars y la Universidad de Montral.

A principios de los aos 90, trabaj para el BID (Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo) en Washington,
D.C. De regreso a Chile, trabaj en el Departamento Comercial de la Embajada de Canad en Santiago
durante 12 aos. Particip en misiones comerciales en Canad y estuve a cargo de la logstica y coordinacin
de varias ferias comerciales en Chile y Canad.

Mi marido Matthew es de California y nuestras hijas Emma y Olivia Garfein han estudiado en Nido desde Pre-
K. He estado involucrada con las actividades del colegio como apoderada de cursos y coordinadora de las Girl
Scouts durante varios aos. Es un agrado para mi contribuir a la comunidad de Nido.
Nominee for ECC Vice-President
I was born in Santiago but left Chile when I was two weeks old. I was raised in Northern
Virginia, spending parts of my childhood in Bogota, Colombia, where I attended Colegio
Nueva Granada. I returned to Chile in 1997 to study law, graduating from Pontificia
Universidad Catlica in 2002, going on to study my Masters in Singapore, in a joint
program offered by New York University and the National University of Singapore.

I am a banking and finance law attorney in Alessandri, a full-service law firm. Before
rejoining Alessandri, I worked in the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C.
for five years. I have also worked in other law firms in Santiago.

My husband, Paul, is Chilean and together we have two children: Lucia (5) who attends
K1E and David (2) is a future Nido student. Im excited to join the PTA team and to further
the wonderful work done in Nido through its PTA and collaborating with the schools faculty
Bernardita Saez and parents. I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Nac en Santiago de Chile, pero deje el pas a las pocas semanas. Nuestra familia se mud al norte de Virginia,
donde vivimos casi toda mi juventud, con dos en Bogot Colombia, donde termine High School en el Colegio Nueva
Granada. Regrese a Chile el ao 97 para estudiar derecho, gradundome el ao 2002 de la Pontificia Universidad
Catlica de Chile. Realice estudios de postgrado en derecho en Singapore, en un programa conjunto ofrecido por la
National University of Singapore y New York University (NYU).

Soy abogada especializada en finanzas, banca y temas corporativos en la firma Alessandri. Previo a trabajar all,
trabaje en el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, habiendo trabajado tambin en otros despachos de abogado.
Mi marido Paul es chileno y juntos tenemos dos hijos: Lucia, de 5 aos, que cursa K1E, y David, de 2 aos, futuro
estudiante de Nido.

Estoy emocionado de formar parte del equipo de PTA y promover el maravilloso trabajo realizado en Nido a travs de
este grupo, colaborando con los profesores y padres de la escuela. Espero or de ustedes!
Nominee for Booster Club Chairperson
I am from the USA. My family and I moved to Chile two and a half years
ago from Illinois.

I have 2 boys that will be starting their second year here at Nido in the
2017-2018 school year. Gabriel is in 9th grade and Isaac is in 8th grade.

I left the work force over 14 years ago to be a stay at home mom. I have
been involved with a several groups of parents before moving to Chile
through my church and homeschool group.

I am looking forward to working with this great group of volunteers from

Kristina Rodawold
the NPA and Booster Club.

Soy de Estados Unidos. Con mi familia, nos mudamos desde Illinois a Chile hace dos aos y medio.

Tengo dos nios que estn por comenzar su segundo ao en el Nido en 2017-2018. Gabriel es
alumno de 9no grado e Isaac est en 8vo.

Dej de trabajar hace 14 aos para dedicarme a mis hijos y mi casa. Desde entonces, he estado
involucrada con varios grupos de padres antes de mudarme a Chile, a travs de mi iglesia y grupo de

Me gustara poder trabajar con este gran grupo de voluntarios de la NPA y el Booster Club.
Nominee for Treasurer
I was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1973. I attended Saint Gabriel School in Santiago, Chile. I studied at Universidad
de Chile Law School, graduating in 1999 (Summa Cum Laude).

I have dedicated my whole professional life to tax matter, with 18 years of experience. I started my professional
career at Ernst & Young Chile and joined Carey in 2002. Carey is the largest law firm in Chile with more than 250
lawyers engaged in almost all law fields. I become a partner at Carey in 2008 and since then I have been a co-
head of the tax group.

I have a Diploma in Tax Law from Universidad de Chile, Law School. I am a frequent lecturer in seminars and
conferences abroad.

During last years I have been involved in activities related with the development of women professional career. I
have been a founder and mentor of the mentorship program for young female lawyers Learning to Lead,
organized by Carey (2015), which receive a Chambers award last year as the best program in the field.
Jessica Power
I married Rodrigo Hernandez in 2003 also Chilean and tax lawyer- and we have two beautiful boys, Martn and Tomas Hernandez Power. Martin
attends 5A and Tomas 2F. We choose Nido because of academic excellence and to give our children the chance to learn that the world is more than
Chile. My best challenge today is to walk together with them in the great challenge of becoming adults. I would be very happy to help the NPA in
the great job it does.

Nac en Santiago de Chile en 1973. Curs mis estudios en Saint Gabriel School en la misma ciudad. Luego estudi Derecho en la Universidad de Chile, donde
me gradu en 1999 (Summa Cum Laude).
He dedicado toda mi vida profesional a temas tributarios, en los que llevo 18 aos de experiencia. Comenc mi carrera profesional en Ernst & Young Chile y
luego me sum al Estudio Carey en 2002. Carey es la firma de abogados ms grande de Chile, con ms de 250 abogados dedicados a casi todos los campos
del derecho. En 2008, me convert en Socia del estudio y desde entonces co-lidero la prctica de Derecho Tributario.
Tengo un Diploma en Derecho Tributario de la Universidad de Chile. Soy conferencista frecuente en seminarios y conferencias en el exterior.
Durante los ltimos aos he estado involucrada en actividades relacionadas con el desarrollo profesional de las mujeres. Fui fundadora y mentora del
programa de tutoras para jvenes abogadas Aprendiendo a Liderar, organizado por Carey (2015), que recibi la distincin Chambers el ao pasado por
ser el mejor programa en su campo.
Me cas con Rodrigo Hernndez en 2003 tambin chileno y abogado tributarista- y tenemos dos hermosos nios: Martn y Toms Hernndez Power.
Martn es alumno de 5A y Toms de 2F. Elegimos Nido debido a su excelencia acadmica y para dar a nuestros hijos la oportunidad de aprender que el
mundo se extiende ms all de Chile. Mi gran desafo hoy es caminar junto a ellos en el desafo de convertirse en adultos. Estar feliz de poder ayudar a la
NPA en el gran trabajo que realiza.
Nominee for Volunteer Coordinator
I was born in Medellin, Colombia, where I spent most of my life and where I
brought up my son Sebastian, who now is an 8 grade Nido student.

In Medellin, I studied at the university and then worked in construction for several
years. Much of my work was in the mountains around the city with local
communities, helping to develop meaningful projects that added value to their

In 2011 I moved to Panama, and then to the US. I have lived in Chile for the last
two years.

Mariluz Perez Now, I enjoy sharing my time with my family, volunteering at Nido and studying. I
am studying Arquitectura Sustentable (Sustainable Architecture) at the
Universidad de Chile.
Nac en Medelln, Colombia, donde pas la mayor parte de mi vida y donde naci mi hijo Sebastin, quien es ahora
estudiante de 8vo grado en el Nido.

En Medelln curs la universidad y trabaj en la industria de la construccin por varios aos. Mucho de mi trabajo se
desarrollaba en las zonas de montaa que rodean la ciudad, y en contacto con las comunidades locales, ayudndolas a
desarrollar proyectos significativos que agregaran valor en sus vidas.

En 2011, nos mudamos a Panam y luego a Estado Unidos. He estado viviendo en Chile durante los ltimos dos aos.

Actualmente, disfruto repartir mi tiempo entre mi familia, el voluntariado en el Nido y mis estudios. Estoy cursando
Arquitectura Sustentable en la Universidad de Chile.
Nominee for Events Coordinator
I was born and raised in South Africa. I completed school in 1991 and continued secretarial
studies at a Technical College until 1993. I commenced my career as a bookkeeper with Gold
Fields, a mining company where I worked between 1995 and 2003. In 2003 my expat travels
started when I relocated to Western Australia with my husband. I continued my career with
Gold Fields Australia, as a contracts officer and as vehicle manager. We stayed in Australia for
two years. Then, we relocated to Ghana, West Africa. A different and uplifting experience! We
remained in Ghana for two and a half years before returning to South Africa in 2007.

In 2008, Ryan, our eldest child was born, followed by Kevin in 2009. In 2010 we got the
opportunity to move to Peru where we stayed for five years. This was my introduction to the
Latin culture and first exposure to Spanish! From there we relocated to Chile in March 2016,
when we enrolled both our children at Nido de Aguilas. Ryan is currently in grade 3 and Kevin
in grade 1.
Marlene Swanepoel
I am fortunate to be the room parent for grade 1A and love it to bits to see the children smile and be happy. I would like to
become more involved in assisting the PTA with their activities and therefore would like to apply for the Events Coordinator
position at the PTA. I believe that through proper planning, communication and collaboration every event can be enjoyed by the
whole Nido community.
Nac y crec en Sudfrica. Termin la escuela en 1991 y continu los estudios de secretara en una universidad tcnica hasta 1993. Empec mi carrera
como contador con Gold Fields, una compaa minera donde trabaj entre 1995 y 2003. En 2003 mis viajes de expatriados comenzaron cuando me
mud a Australia con mi esposo. Continu mi carrera con Gold Fields Australia como oficial de contratos y gerente de vehculos. Vivimos en Australia
por dos aos. De all nos trasladamos a Ghana. Una experiencia diferente y edificante! Nos quedamos por dos aos y medio antes de regresar a
En 2008, Ryan, nuestro hijo mayor naci, seguido poco despus por Kevin en 2009. En 2010 nos mudamos a Per donde estuvimos cinco aos. Fue mi
introduccin a la cultura latina y la primera exposicin al espaol! Desde all nos trasladamos a Chile en 2016, cuando matriculamos a nuestros hijos en
Nido de guilas. Ryan est cursando grado 3 y Kevin grado 1.
Soy afortunada de ser Room Parent para 1A y me encanta ver a los nios sonrientes y felices. Me gustara involucrarme ms, ayudando a la NPA con
sus actividades, como Coordinadora de Eventos. Creo que con adecuada planificacin, comunicacin y colaboracin cada evento puede ser disfrutado
por toda la comunidad de Nido.
Nominee for Transitions Coordinator
Hello there! I have been a Nido Mom for a year now, my daughters Nina and Giulia are in 5th and 3rd

I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro where I was a student at the American School. I studied a
year in Boca Raton, Florida and completed high school and the International Baccalaureate at the
American School in Switzerland, in Lugano.

I studied Business Administration at The International University of Monaco, and married my

husband, who was my high school sweetheart.

Together weve lived in Italy, France, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and now Chile. I speak
Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and French. My family and I have been living in Santiago for 5
years now, we enjoy it very much, and from the looks of it we wont be moving away anytime soon.

Ana Cristina de Attayde With so many changes, Ive learned to adapt easily to new places and I love making new friends.
Therefore, I would like to help new families arriving to Nido, and to be part of the NPA, which is an
organization I have great respect for!

Hola! Soy mam del Nido desde hace un ao ya. Mis hijas Nina y Giulia estn en 5to y 3er grado.

Nac y crec en Rio de Janeiro, donde fui estudiante del American School. Estudi luego un ao en Boca Raton, Florida y complet
high school y el International Baccalaureate en la American School en Lugano, Suiza.

Estudi Administracin de Empresas en The International University de Monaco, y me cas con mi marido, quien fue mi amor desde la

Juntos hemos vivido en Italia, Francia, Suiza, Arabia Saudita, Dubay y ahora Chile. Hablo portugus, ingls, espaol, italiano y francs.
Mi familia y yo hemos estado viviendo en Santiago durante cinco aos. Lo disfrutamos mucho y por lo que parece, no estaremos
movindonos de aqu en el corto o mediano plazo.

Con tantos cambios, he aprendido a adaptarme a nuevos lugares con facilidad, y me encanta hacer nuevos amigos. Es por eso que me
gustara ayudar a las nuevas familias que llegan al Nido y ser parte de la NPA, una organizacin por la que tengo gran respeto.
(Traduccin al espaol
MAXINE VENTER en prxima pgina)

Nominee for Transitions Coordinator

I am from Durban, South Africa. I have two children; Natascha is at University studying Pedagoga
Bsica and my son, Jacques is in Grade 10 at Nido. I speak 4 languages (English, Afrikaans, Zulu and
Spanish (intermediate). My husband is a Civil Engineer and is currently employed as a Project Director
for a Norwegian company in the renewable energy sector & we are here on an indefinite assignment.

Professionally I hold a Masters degree in social work (MSW) and a degree in psychology. Prior to
coming to Chile I worked as a social worker for almost 18 years and as a counselor.

I have been in Chile for 12 years. Since coming to Chile I have:

Served on the Canadian Charity Committee (3 years) now known as the International
Association of Chile.
I also volunteer in the IAC book library and have run the library for 8 years.
I have also been involved in the Care Committee of Centro de Padres for 3 years at Craighouse
School (2008 2011). I have been the president of the South African Association from April 2006
Maxine Venter until March 2011. I have also played an active role in organizing and running the South African
stand at the Damas Diplomaticas from 2005 - 2010.
I teach Sunday School at San Marcos Church Grade 3 to 5 and have done so for the past 7 years.
For the past 3 years I have taught English to Chilean students (5 to 18 years), university students and to adults as well.
I have served on the NPA for 7 years as the Hospitality Coordinator, providing refreshments for board meetings and general NPA
meetings, as well as organizing and managing the annual staff appreciation lunch and assisting with the sports banquets, MS 8th
grade breakfast, HS senior breakfast and other events as required at Nido.
I have also been involved in providing refreshments for the orientation program of new parents and students to Nido, assisted in
showing parents the Nido campus, helped with school uniform sales and answered any questions from the new parents.

I really believe that parent involvement is key to the success of educating our children, as well as, the success of a school. I believe it
is important to support our community and I believe the function of the NPA is very important at any school. Getting involved in school
activities gives me a chance to interact with the Nido community. My son Jacques is a key student ambassador in the Nido Transitions
Program. The transitions of our families in terms of those new to Nido, those staying at Nido as friends depart and those leaving
requires constant effort and care. The NPA has an essential function in this program and I want to work together with my son in a more
formal capacity in this program.
(For English version, see previous page)

Nominee for Transitions Coordinator
Soy de Durban, Sudfrica. Tengo dos hijos: Natascha (universitaria)(Pedagogi Basica) y Jacques,
que est en 10 en Nido. Hablo 4 idiomas (ingls, afrikaans, zul y espaol (intermedio). Mi marido
es ingeniero civil y actualmente trabaja como Director de Proyectos para una compaa noruega en
el sector de energas renovables, y estamos aqu en una misin indefinida.

Profesionalmente tengo una maestra en trabajo social (MSW) y una licenciatura en psicologa. Antes
de venir a Chile trabaj como asistente social durante casi 18 aos y como consejera.

Llevo 12 aos viviendo en Chile. Desde que llegu al pas particip:

En el Comit de Caridad Canadiense durante 3 aos, actualmente conocido como la
Asociacin Internacional de Chile (IAC, por sus siglas en ingls).
He sido voluntaria en la biblioteca del IAC y he estado a cargo de sta durante 8 aos. Tambin
particip en el Care Committee de Centro de Padres durante 3 aos en el colegio Craighouse
(2008 - 2011).
Maxine Venter Fui Presidenta de la Asociacin Sudafricana desde abril 2006 hasta marzo 2011. He tenido un
activo rol en la organizacin y ejecucin del stand de Sudfrica de las Damas Diplomticas
desde 2005 - 2010.
Desde hace siete aos enseo en la Escuela Dominical de la Iglesia San Marcos a los cursos 3 - 5.
Durante los ltimos 3 aos he enseado Ingls a estudiantes chilenos (5 a 18 aos), universitarios y adultos tambin.
He sido miembro de la directiva del NPA por 7 aos como Coordinadora de Hospitalidad, proporcionando refrigerios para las
reuniones de directiva y juntas generales del NPA, organizando y gestionando el Almuerzo de Agradecimiento para el Staff de
Nido, ayudando con los banquetes deportivos, el desayuno de 8 (MS), el desayuno senior (HS) y otros eventos.
He participado en el suministro de refrescos para el programa de orientacin de nuevos padres y estudiantes a Nido, ayud a
mostrar a los padres el campus Nido, ayud en las ventas de uniformes y respond a las preguntas de los nuevos padres.
Creo que la participacin de los padres es clave para el xito de la educacin de nuestros hijos, adems, para el xito del colegio.
Es importante apoyar a nuestra comunidad, y creo que la funcin del NPA es muy importante en cualquier colegio. Participar en
actividades escolares me permite interactuar con la comunidad de Nido. Mi hijo Jacques es un estudiante embajador clave en el
Programa de Transiciones Nido. El proceso de transicin de las familias en Nido, tanto de los que llegan como los que parten,
requiere esfuerzo y atencin constantes. La NPA tiene una funcin esencial en este programa y quiero trabajar junto con mi hijo en
una capacidad ms formal en este programa.
Vacant Position

Vacant Position

If you are interested in one of these positions,

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