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1.0 Introduction

FSO provides point-to-point transmission of communication information through the atmosphere

using the Optical signals as the carrier frequencies. It has drawn attention in telecommunication
industry, due to its cost effectiveness easy installation, quick establishment of communication
link especially in the disaster management scenario, high bandwidth provisioning and wide range
of applications. The range of frequencies where it operates makes FSO communication free from
licensing. With FSO communication, maximum data transfer rates up to 2.5 Gbps is possible,
unlike the maximum data transfer rates of 622Mbps offered by RF communication systems.

FSO involves the optical transmission of voice, video, and data using air as the medium of
transmission. Transmission using FSO technology is relatively simple. It involves two systems
each consisting of an optical transceiver which consists of a laser transmitter and a receiver to
provide full duplex (bi-directional) capability. Each FSO system uses a high-power optical
source (e.g., laser ) plus a telescope that transmits light through the atmosphere to another
telescope that receives the information. At that point, the receiving telescope connects to a high-
sensitivity receiver through an optical fiber.

2.0 What is a Free Space Optical Transmission System?

A Free Space Optical transmission system is a wireless form of connection designed for the
interconnection of two points which have a direct line of sight. The systems operate by taking a
standard data or telecommunications signal, converting it into a digital format and transmitting it
through free space. The carrier used for the transmission of this signal is Infrared and is
generated by either high power LED or laser diode. The basic principles for the transmission of a
signal along a fibre are the same as for transmission through free space.

Free-Space Optics Subsystems

3.0 Why FSO?

The increasing demand for high bandwidth in metro networks is relentless, and service providers'
pursuit of a range of applications, including metro network extension, enterprise LAN-to-LAN
connectivity, wireless backhaul and LMDS supplement has created an imbalance. This
imbalance is often referred to as the "last mile bottleneck." Service providers are faced with the
need to provide services quickly and cost-effectively at a time when capital expenditures are
constrained. But the last mile bottleneck is only part of a larger problem. Similar issues exist in
other parts of the metro networks. "Connectivity bottleneck" better addresses the core dilemma.

The connectivity bottleneck is everywhere in metro networks. From a technology standpoint,

there are several options to address this "connectivity bottleneck," but most don't make economic
sense. Firstly, the most obvious choice is fiber-optic cable. Without a doubt, fiber is the most
reliable means of providing optical communications. But the digging, delays and associated costs
to lay fiber often make it economically prohibitive. Second option is the radio frequency (RF)
technology. RF is a mature technology that offers longer ranges than FSO, but RF-based
networks require immense capital investments to acquire spectrum license. RF technologies
cannot scale and the bandwidth is limited to 622 megabits. The third alternative is wire- and
copper-based technologies, (i.e. cable modem, DSL etc.). Although copper infrastructure is
available almost everywhere and the percentage of buildings connected to copper is much higher
than fiber, it is still not a viable alternative for solving the connectivity bottleneck. The biggest
hurdle is bandwidth scalability. Copper technologies may ease some short-term pain, but the
bandwidth limitations of 2 megabits to 3 megabits make them a marginal solution, even on a
good day.

Fourth and finally, the most viable-alternative is FSO. The technology facilitates an optimal
solution, bandwidth scalability, speed of deployment (hours versus weeks or months), re-
deployment and portability, and cost-effectiveness (on average, one-fifth the cost of installing
fiber-optic cable).

4.0 FSO Network Applications

Free-Space Optics has several applications in Telecom Networks where an optical gap exists
between the network core and the network edge. FSO delivers cost-effective optical connectivity
and faster returns on investment (ROI) for enterprises and service providers. Although the
growth in the usage of the FSO technology is slow at the moment, but with high-bandwidth
demands and the need for economically viable optical solutions, FSO is likely to outpace the
deployment of fiber-optic cable.

Telecom network extensions: FSO can be deployed to extend an existing metro ring or to
connect new networks. These links generally do not reach the ultimate end user, but are more an
application for the core of the network.

Enterprise: The Flexibility of FSO allows it to be deployed in many enterprise applications such
as LAN to LAN connectivity, Storage Area Networks, and intra-campus connections.

Last-mile connectivity: These are the links that reach the end user. They can be deployed in
point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, ring or mesh connections.

Fiber Complement: FSO may also be deployed as a redundant link to back up fiber. Most
operators deploying fiber for business applications connect two fibers to secure a reliable service
plus backup in the event of outage. Instead of deploying two fiber links, operators could opt to
deploy an FSO system as the redundant link.

Access: FSO can also be deployed in access applications such as gigabit Ethernet access. Service
providers can use FSO to provide high capacity links to businesses.

Backhaul: FSO can be used for backhaul such as LMDS or cellular backhaul as well as gigabit
Ethernet "off-net" to transport network backhaul.

DWDM Services: With the integration of WDM and FSO systems, independent players that aim
to build their own fiber rings, yet they may own only part of the ring.

Metro network extensions: FSO may be used to extend existing metropolitan area fiberings to
connect new networks from outside. Last mile access FSO can be used in high-speed links to
connect end users with ISPs.

5.0 Free Space Optics (FSO): Challenges

When light is transmitted through the air as in optical wireless systems like Free Space Optics
(FSO), it must contend with a complex and not always quantifiable subject - the atmosphere.

Figure-1: FSO challenges

Free Space Optics (FSO) technology based wireless systems are not without challenges. The
fundamental limitation of free space optical communications arises from the environment
through which it propagates. Although relatively unaffected by rain and snow, free space optical
communication systems can be severely affected by fog and atmospheric turbulence. The main
design challenges in free space optical communications are depicted in figure-1.

5.1 Fog and Free space optics

The main challenge is fog. Fog is vapor composed of water droplets, which are only a few
hundred microns in diameter but can modify light characteristics or completely hinder the
passage of light through a combination of absorption, scattering, and reflection. This can lead to
a decrease in the power density of the transmitted beam, decreasing the effective distance of a
free space optical link.

5.2 Scintillation and free space optics

Scintillation is the spatial variation in light intensity caused by atmospheric turbulence. Such
turbulence is caused by wind and temperature gradients that create pockets of air with rapidly
varying densities and, therefore, fast-changing
indices of optical reflection. These air pockets act like lenses with time-varying properties and
can lead to sharp increases in the bit-error rates of free space optical communication systems,
particularly in the presence of direct sunlight.

5.3 Beam Wander and free space optics

Beam wander arises when turbulent wind current (eddies) larger than the diameter of the
transmitted optical beam cause a slow, but significant, displacement of the transmitted beam.
Beam wander may also be the result of seismic activity that causes a relative displacement
between the position of the transmitting laser and the receiving photo detector.

5.4 Free space optics pointing stability: Building sway tower movement

Fixed pointed Free Space Optics (FSO) systems are designed to be capable of handling the vast
majority of movement found in deployments on buildings. The combination of effective beam
divergence and a well matched receive Field-of-View (FOV) provide for an extremely robust
fixed pointed Free Space Optics (FSO) system suitable for most deployments. Fixed-pointed
Free Space Optics (FSO) systems are generally preferred over actively-tracked Free space optics
systems due to their lower cost.

5.5 Eye safety and free space optics

With the proliferation of optical wireless communication products directing laser beams into
potentially populated area, the issue of laser eye safety becomes of increasing significance for
public safety. Such systems should be eye safe ,which means that they must pose no danger to
people who might happen to encounter the communication beams. This requirement manifests
itself in the form of upper limits to the intensity of the transmitted laser beam

6.0 Security aspects of Free Space Optics (FSO)

Free space optics offers numerous applications but there are a lot of concerns about the security
issues in unregulated space. One of the security risks of wireless transmissions is the
interception of data. The broader the signal, the easier it is to intercept. Free space optics allows
for a much narrower signal than traditional wireless methods of transmission and it stays narrow
for the whole journey, which means there is a lower security risk.

With free space optics there is also an absence of what are termed side lobes, which is energy
that is lost to the sides and back of the signal. This lost energy carries the same signal as the main
transmission and this means it can be picked up by someone other than the intended target.

Another natural security feature of free space optics is the need for an uninterrupted signal
between units. If the signal becomes blocked for any reason, including by a detector, the
transmission will automatically end.

7.0 FSO Architectures

FSO systems can be designed and engineered to work in any network topology, including mesh,
PMP, PTP, and ring. This gives metropolitan area service providers the freedom to rapidly build
and extend networks that deliver fiber-optic speeds to today's customers.

7.1 Mesh Architecture

A mesh network shown in Figure -2 is composed of a series of interconnected nodes with some
degree of redundancy. In such a network, every node is connected to every other node, either
directly or by a series of hops. The level of redundancy in the network determines the level of
connectedness in the network. Thus, the higher the number of nodes, the better the system. Mesh
networks offer high reliability with easy node addition.

Figure-2: Mesh architecture

7.2 Point-to-Multipoint Architecture

A single node serves as an originator and multiple links emanate from it. The most effective
method is to connect each FSO link into a layer 2 or 3 device located in a building closet. Then
the links are fiber coupled to the switch or router and placed at arbitrary locations either on the
building rooftop or in an interior room or office therein. Attempts have been made to sectorize
the optical beam to serve more than one customer at a time from a single node, as done in LMDS
systems, but this architecture is restricted by power limitations imposed by regulatory authorities.
Point-to-Multipoint Architecture shown in Figure-3 offers cheaper connections and facilitates
node addition but at the expense of lower bandwidth than the point to point option.

Figure-3: point to multipoint architecture

7.3 Multiple PTP Architecture:

Multiple PTP architecture shown in figure-4 is suitable in cases where it is desirable to create an
extensive link path that exceeds the product range limit or the recommended weather constrained
distance for an optical link. It is a dedicated connection that offers higher bandwidth.

Figure-4: multiple PTP architecture

8.0 FSO Drivers

The key drivers for FSO: market, economic service, business and environment are as mentioned

Market Drivers

Increasing Number of Internet Users/Subscribers

Increasing E-Commerce Activities
Deployment of 3G and 4G

Economic Drivers

Faster Service Activation

Ultra-scalability and Bandwidth Allows for Lower Inventory Costs
Multiple Applications/Services Support

Service Drivers

Increasing Demand for High-Speed Access Interfaces

Need to Eliminate the Metro Gap
Need for Real Time Provisioning


Free space optics (FSO) provides a low cost, rapidly deployable method of gaining access to the
fiber optic backbone. FSO technology not only delivers fiber-quality connections, it provides the
lowest cost transmission capacity in the broadband industry. As a truly protocol-independent
broadband conduit, FSO systems complement legacy network investments and work in harmony
with any protocol, saving substantial up-front capital investments.

An FSO link can be procured and installed for as little as one-tenth of the cost of laying fiber
cable, and about half as much as comparable microwave/RF wireless systems. By transmitting
data through the atmosphere, FSO systems dispense with the substantial costs of digging up
sidewalks to install a fiber link. Unlike RF wireless technologies, FSO eliminates the need to
obtain costly spectrum licenses or meet further regulatory requirements.

10.0 References


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