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The Importance of Tenascin and Ubiquitin

in Estimation of Wound Age
Hulya Guler, MD, Ekin O. Aktas, MD, PhD, Huseyin Karali, MD, and Safiye Aktas, MD, PhD

lesions occurred fairly close to death and within 10 days after

Abstract: Human wound age determination is of prime importance in death.6,7
forensic sciences. Ubiquitin is a small protein required for ATP-dependent, Ubiquitin is a small protein required for ATP-dependent,
nonlysosomal intracellular protein degradation, which eliminates most of nonlysosomal intracellular protein degradation, which elimi-
the intracellular defective proteins. Tenascin is an extracellular matrix nates most of the intracellular defective proteins with a rapid
glycoprotein. The aim of this study was to determine the importance of turnover. It has been suggested to play a key role in essential
ubiquitin and tenascin in wound age. Ubiquitin and tenascin were immu- intracellular functions, such as heat shock response, protein
nohistochemically applied on formalin-xed parafn-embedded tissues breakdown, and regulation of immune responses.8,9 It is a shock
of 170 wound biopsies taken from 89 autopsy cases with known wound protein and a common immunohistochemical marker. It is in-
age. Pearson correlation analysis was performed for statistical analysis. duced very rapidly by various types of traumatic stress, and this
The mean age was 39.44 years. Tenascin was negative in 123 cases is why it is of great concern in forensic pathology especially
(72.4%) in all series, and it was negative in 98.3% in cases with wound neurodegenerative conditions.10 It is expressed both in intracel-
age under 24 hours. It was positive in 91.8% in cases with wound age lular and extracellular areas. Extracellular ubiquitin acts as a
over 24 hours. Mean number of cells which expressed ubiquitin was cytokine-like protein with anti-inammatory properties.9 It is
10.56%, while it was 4.25% in cases with wound age under 24 hours, expressed in the nuclei of the neutrophile leukocytes, macro-
and it was 26.14% in cases with wound age over 24 hours. The correla- phages, and broblasts in wound area.
tion analysis showed that both tenascin and ubiquitin were positively Tenascin is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein.11 It is
correlated with wound age. But in cases with wound age over 40 days, expression is restricted in adult tissues, although it is widely
tenascin was found to be negative and ubiquitin was still expressed in distributed in embryonic tissues.12,13 Although Mackie et al
broblasts. We concluded that tenascin and ubiquitin together was useful suggested that tenascin has an important and unique role in the
in determining wound age semiquantitatively. wound healing process, it can not determine the wound age over
Key Words: wound age, ubiquitin, tenascin 9 days.7 It has different isoforms which might be expressed as
a result of alternative splicing of the premRNA, but the isoforms
(Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2011;32: 83Y89)
are distributed in a similar way in tissues.14 In early stages of
wounds (3 minutesY8 hours), tenascin was found to be negative
in 58 cases in their series.2

W ound age determination includes understanding of com-

plex organization of cutaneous healing.1 This leads to
using substances whose amount and localization change during
The aim of this study was to determine the importance of
ubiquitin and tenascin in wound age estimation and form a
semiquantitative scale for their expression according to wound
healing.2 Human wound age determination is of prime impor- age intervals.
tance in forensic sciences. The different reactions of tissues to
different natures of wounds require modern diagnostic methods
to determine wound age. The methods usable for this are his- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tochemical methods dening wound age according to the This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Ege
changes in enzyme activity in the wound area, biochemical University Faculty of Medicine.
methods which determine the values of histamine and serotonin,
and histologic methods which determine the age of the wound
according to the chronological order of appearance of the cel- Samples
lular elements.3 The use of immunohistochemistry in estimating This study included 170 wound biopsies prospectively ob-
of wound age has been used in recent years.4,5 Only one marker tained from 89 forensic autopsy cases with known wound age
has not been reported to be the determinant of wound age yet. (Figs. 1Y4). Cases which were autopsied 24 hours after death
Fibronectin was found to be effective to determine vitality after time were not included in the study. Median postmortem time
severe trauma by showing expression in early stages of the was 18 hours (4Y24 hours). Age, sex, reason of death, and loca-
wound healing.5 The efciency of immunohistochemical tech- lizations, diameters, type, and morphologic description of the
niques for the diagnosis of vitality of wounds decreases for wounds were recorded. The wounds were examined morpholog-
ically on photographs, histologically and immunohistochemi-
cally. After external autopsy evaluation was done, the wounds
were digitally photographed. After autopsy procedures were n-
Manuscript received August 3, 2009; accepted April 6, 2010.
From the Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Oncology, Izmir, Turkey.
ished, biopsy samples 1 to 3 cm in length and at least 7 mm in
Supported by Ege University Research Foundation. depth were obtained from wound sites. All biopsy samples in-
Correspondence: Safiye Aktas, MD, PhD, Dokuz Eylul University Institute cluded normal adjacent skin at 1 edge. The tissues were xed in
of Oncology, Mithatpasa cad Inciralti, Izmir, Turkey 35340. E-mail: formalin for 12 hours. After tissue processing in routine pathol-
Copyright * 2011 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ogy they were embedded in parafn. One slide was stained with
ISSN: 0195-7910/11/3201Y0083 hematoxylin eosin and 4 micrometer sections were obtained on
DOI: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e3181edf2c0 polylysine-coated slides for immunohistochemistry.

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Guler et al Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011

FIGURE 1. Examples for gunshot wounds (AYF).

Immunohistochemistry Evaluation
Immunohistochemistry was performed manually. Ubiq- The expression intensity was nearly the same in all posi-
uitin and tenascin were immunohistochemically applied on tive areas. The intensity was not taken into consideration. The
formalin-xed parafn-embedded tissues. The protocol was staining percentage, localization, and pattern were evaluated.
applied according to the manufacturer_s recommendations For ubiquitin expression, the expression positivity in inam-
at room temperature. The slides were dewaxed with xylene matory cells and/or broblasts was scored as percentage. For
15 minutes; dehydrated in decreasing concentrations of al- ubiquitin evaluation, the wounds of the cases were grouped
cohol (99%, 95%, 80%, 70%; each 5 minutes). The sections according to wound age as; 0 to 12 hours: group 1; 24 to
were immersed in 3% H2O2 in distilled water for 10 minutes at 120 hours (1Y5 days): group 2; 168 to 336 hours (7Y14 days):
room temperature to block endogenous peroxidase activity. After group 3; and 408 to 504 hours (17Y21 days): group 4. For
washing in distilled water, heat induced antigen retrieval was ubiquitin evaluation, the wounds of the cases were groups ac-
applied in citrate buffer (pH 5.5) at 400 watt for 20 minutes. cording to wound age as: group 0: no wound (which might be
After cooling at room temperature, the slides were washed in considered as control group); group 1: 0 to 12 hours; group 2: 24
distilled water and then in PBS (pH 7.4). PBS was used for all to 120 hours (1Y5 days); group 3: 168 to 336 hours (7Y14 days);
subsequent washes. After nonspecic binding was blocked with and group 4: 408 to 504 hours (17Y21 days) (Fig. 5). Positivity
blocking reagent for 5 minutes, primary antibodies were applied in epidermis was considered as positive control. For ubiquitin;
at 1:100 dilutions at room temperature for 60 minutes (mono- group 0 indicated no expression; group 1: G10% positivity in
clonal antibodies to ubiquitin Novocastra NCL-Ubi-1 moue inammatory cells and broblasts (0Y12 hours); D: group 2: 11%
monoclonal 137705 and tenascin Novocastra mouse monoclonal to 20% positivity (1Y5 days); E: group 3: 21% to 50% positivity
110406). Universal kit was used by rabbit/mouse streptavidin (7Y14 days); F: group 4: 15% to 25% positivity (17Y21 days).
biotin technique, (Novostain Universal Detection Kit NCL- For tenascin expression; pattern 0 demonstrated cases with
RTU-D). Visualization of the bound primary antibodies was no expression, pattern 1 dermoepidermal junction positivity,
performed using diaminobenzidine solution (Liquid DAB-Plus pattern 2 positivity in both dermoepidermal junction and around
Substrate Kit 12 mL Zymed) as a chromogene and counter- dermoepidermal junction, pattern 3 positivity in granulation
stained with Mayer_s hematoxylin. One of the slides was in- tissue, pattern 4 positivity around granulation tissue and in deep
cubated with PBS without the primary antibody as negative reticular dermis, and pattern 5; positivity in deep dermis but not
control. Positive control was evaluated on normal skin. in granulation tissue.

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Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011 Tenascin and Ubiquitin

FIGURE 2. Examples for sharp weapon injuries (AYF).

Statistical Analysis age. But in cases with wound age over 40 days tenascin was
Pearson correlation analysis was performed on SPSS found to be negative, and while ubiquitin still showed expression
9.05. P values smaller than 0.05 was considered statistically in broblasts. The wound age matching with studied parameters
signicant. did not change with wound type (P 9 0.05).
Comparison of wound ages according to months for
RESULTS tenascin and ubiquitin is shown in Figure 7. Comparison of
Seventy-four cases (83.15%) were male and 15 cases tenascin and ubiquitin expression according to wound times is
(16.85%) were female. The mean age was 39.44 years (range: shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
15Y85 years). Among 170 wound samples 74 (43.5%) were
gunshot wounds, 20 (11.8%) were blunt injuries, and 76 (44.7%) DISCUSSION
were sharp weapon injuries or surgical excisions. The study To exactly diagnose the cause and manner of death, it is
included all the cases between the periods of the study so that essential to describe the ndings of wounds correctly and ob-
it included broad range of wound types. Tenascin was negative jectively.15 Determining wound time as if it was caused before,
in 123 cases (72.4%) in all series, while it was negative in at the time or after death is an important question in forensic
98.3% in cases with wound age under 24 hours. It was positive wound examination besides the other questions such as how it
in 91.8% in cases with wound age over 24 hours. Pattern 0 was caused; what caused it; what amount of force was required
indicates wound age approximately around day 0; pattern 1: to produce it; what degree of injury has resulted from it and
day 1; pattern 2: day 3; pattern 3: day 6; pattern 4: day 10; and whether it has inuenced death or caused disability.15 If there
pattern 5: day 22 (Fig. 6). are multiple wounds, it must be claried whether they were at
Mean number of cells which showed ubiquitin expression the same time or not. Wound healing is an interactive process
was 10.56%, while it was 4.25% in cases with wound age under that involves soluble mediators, extracellular matrix compo-
24 hours, and, it was 26.14% in cases with wound age over nents, keratinocytes, broblasts, endothelial cells, nerve cells,
24 hours. In correlation analysis, both tenascin (P = 0.0001) and and leukocytes (whether the wound is sterile or not).16,17 Lit-
ubiquitin (P = 0.0001) were positively correlated with wound erature review showed us that there have been studies about

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Guler et al Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011

FIGURE 3. Examples for surgical incisions (AYI).

FIGURE 4. Examples for blunt injuries (AYD).

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Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011 Tenascin and Ubiquitin

FIGURE 5. Ubiquitin expression patterns (A) positivity in epidermis considered as positive control; (B) Group 0: no expression;
(C) Group 1: G10% positivity in inammatory cells and broblasts (0Y12 hours); (D) Group 2: 11% to 20% positivity (1Y5 days);
(E) Group 3: 21% to 50% positivity (7Y14 days); (F) Group 4: 15% to 25% positivity (17Y21 days).

wound age determination by tenascin or ubiquitin. This is the the basal lamina of the dermal capillaries and the hair follicles.
rst study in which the 2 proteins were explored together, and In the literature, there have been 3 types of studies about wound
used in a scale to discriminate late wound ages. evaluation. These are cell culture studies, animal models and
ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and selectins were found to be the in- surgery or autopsy cases. Our study has an adequate number of
dicators of the vitality of wound but they do not determine the cases collected from autopsies with known wound age. The
time of wound in days. P-selectin was demonstrated to be ex- cases in which the wound age was hesitated were excluded. All
pressed in very early stages of wounds (between 3 minutes and of the cases had detailed clinical data and digital photographs.
7 hours after injury).18 Strong positive staining for ICAM-1 was Macroscopic examination might be very helpful if a clinico-
observed 12 hours after the time of injury and as the earliest pathologic scoring is planned. This study did not include mac-
and 32 hours after the time of injury as the latest.19 roscopic evaluation, because all the cases were with known
Oshima and coworkers demonstrated the possible use of wound age and the macroscopic views were all in concordance
mRNA analysis for forensic wound examination in their study with the known age. The second important nding of this study
about interleukin 10, because mRNA was detectable by RT- was that tenascin and ubiquitin expression did not change ac-
PCR over a longer postmortem time course.20 Among chemo- cording to the wound type.
kines, ratios of 950% for IL-8 indicated a wound age of at least 1 The wound types included in this study were gunshot
day.21 Apoptotic cell number detected by in situ end labeling wound, blunt injury, and sharp injury (weapon or surgical exci-
of fragmented DNA was found to indicate a postiniction in- sion). The wound type did not effect the wound age determina-
terval of approximately 3 weeks or more with a value exceeding tion by ubiquitin and tenascin. This nding strongly supports
3 cells/0.0001 cm2.22 the possible use of these markers for wound age estimation.
Tenascin is known to be produced by broblasts and mes- The reasons why tenascin and ubiquitin is chosen in
enchymal cells.7 Its localization of expression changes accord- this study includes their different types of activities. Ubiquitin
ing to wound age.7 In normal skin, tenascin has been detected in is mainly included in inammatory area, while tenascin is a

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Guler et al Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011

FIGURE 6. Tenascin expression patterns (A) positivity in epidermis is considered as positive control. B, Pattern 0; no expression (day 0);
(C) Pattern 1; dermoepidermal junction positivity (day 1); (D) Pattern 2: positivity in both dermoepidermal junction and around (day 3);
(E) Pattern 3; positivity in granulation tissue (day 6); (F) Pattern 4; positivity around granulation tissue and in deep reticular dermis (day 10).

TABLE 1. Comparison of Tenascin Positivity in Each of the

Dened Groups

Wound Type Time Tenascin N Percent

Gunshot wound G24 h Negative 56 88.9
Positive 7 11.1
Total 63 100.0
924 h Negative 4 36.4
Positive 7 63.6
Total 11 100.0
Blunt injury G24 h Negative 14 93.3
Positive 1 6.7
Total 15 100.0
924 h Negative 2 40.0
Positive 3 60.0
Total 5 100.0
Sharp weapon injury or G24 h Negative 40 93.0
surgical excision Positive 3 7.0
Total 43 100.0
924 h Negative 10 30.3
Positive 23 69.7
FIGURE 7. Comparison of wound ages according to months
Total 33 100.0
for tenascin and ubiquitin.

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Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 32, Number 1, March 2011 Tenascin and Ubiquitin

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