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1.1 Background of The Study

Semiotic is the science study that examines the meaning contained in the

sign. Semiotics is the general study of symbolic systems, including language. The

subject is traditionally divided into three areas: syntax (syntactics), or the abstract

study of the signs and their interrelations; semantics, or the study of the relation

between the signs and those objects to which they apply; and pragmatics, or the

relationship between users and the system (C. W. Morris, 1938). Semiotics and

that branch of linguistics known as semantics have a common concern with the

meaning of signs, but John Sturrock argues that whereas semantics focuses on

what words mean, semiotics is concerned with how signs mean (Sturrock 1986,

22) a sign must have both a signifier and a signified. You cannot have a totally

meaningless signifier or a completely formless signified (Saussure 1983, 101).

Based on the definition of sign that Saussure said can be concluded that every

signifier (shape) and signified (meaning of shape) are interrelated so that can be

interpreted the meaning of the sign itself. ). Charles morris said Semiotic is related

with the definition of semantic because both of them has definition include

meaning and signification in communication between human. Semiotic not only

related with gesture language, but also related with gesture non language in

human communication, we can say that semiotic is a signaling science of

meaningful communication. As people who live in the city in our daily life is we

inseparable from the perception or meaning and interpret with everything that we

see. The objects beside us have form and shape, but we never think about the

meaning which contained in the shape of the object itself, for example in the

Traffic signs. We often see these marks along the way, but rarely of us have ever

thought why these marks are in meaning like this, the science study that examines

the meaning contained in the sign is called semiotic.

Traffic signs are street equipment in the form of symbols, numbers,

sentence letters, or mixes of all, which have the function of providing warnings,

orders, restrictions, directions to road users. Traffic signs are divided into 5

sections: Warning signs, Prohibition Signs, Command signs, Directions, and

Additional signs. Every sign contained in traffic signs contains symbols, numbers,

and sentences, that not everyone can be able to interperet it.There are many signs

of traffic sign, for example No Parking with P letter crossed by Red lines, No

Stop with the S letter crossed by Red line or warning sign with street picture

yellow and black. Other examples are the most often we see are the color Red,

yellow, and green on traffic lights. that have a red meaning to stop, yellow for

caution, and green for the road.

Each sign has a different shape and form and sometimes a shape of these

objects has the meaning contained inside. which not everyone understand with the

meaning contained. (Peirce 1931-58, 2.302). said Signs take the form of words,

images, sounds, odours, flavours, acts or objects, but such things have no intrinsic

meaning and become signs only when we invest them with meaning. 'Nothing is a

sign unless it is interpreted as a sign Semiotic become one of the studies in

indirect communication. semiotic purpose is discusses how the meaning contained

in a sign itself and interpreting the meaning, so it is known how people understand

the message of the sign. The concept of this understanding can not be separated

from the perspective of each person who interpret it. From the concept above can

be conclude that sign is substitute for something else and as such must be

interpreted. From the theory above can be conclude that Semiotic is science that

study about the meaning of the sign.

Traffic signs are a way to convey a message to drivers. Each symbol

printed on signboard gives a different message or meaning for the drivers safety.

Traffic signs or signage is one of the sources which cause occurrence of accident.

Therefore, the existence and understanding of signage meaning is very important

to give awareness and alertness to users especially drivers. Edworthy and Adams

(1996) have argued that the symbolic images have tremendous advantages over

test-based signs. They based their argument on the fact that symbolic signs can be

recognised by those who do not or cannot read the language and can easily be

recognised more quickly and accurately than words. But why still many people

who still do not understand the purpose of traffic signs, especially in the langsa

city. theres so many of traffic signs that are installed around the Langsa city, but

the traffic sign in Langsa if only as street decorate. Often violations are done by

the riders in order to shorten the time and road and this way of course harm

yourself and others, and also has violated the rules about the orderly driving.

Many also do not understand about the use of traffic signs that have been

installed, in this opportunity the study was made to analyze the interpret of the

meaning contained in traffic sign.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Traffic sign are sign that function to convey a prohibition appeal, attention,

and warning not everyone is able to interpret of the sign in the Traffic Signs,

because the signs can be a form of text, symbol, and word that are something

difficult to understand by the people, this research will find out :

1. Do the students in langsa city are able to interpret the sign in the traffic

sign ?

1.3 Purpose of the study

The purpose of this research are :

1. To investigate the students interpretation about the Traffic signs.

1.4 The Scope of Study

The scope of this Research focuses on Student in langsa city especially the

Senior High school student 3rd grade that riding motorcycle to school.

1.5 Significant of the study

1. Reader
For the Reader who read this research, hopefully can be adds the

knowledge about the science of semiotic.

2. The Langsa City Students

For the Langsa city students is expected can be interpret about the signs in

the traffic signs in Langsa city

1.6 Conceptual Framework

This Reserach will investigate The Students Interpretation About Traffic

signs in langsa city, how they can interpret the symbol and signs in traffic signs. In

this Research will be conducted Interview about the problem of them interpret

Signs in Traffic Signs. and expected this research will be able give adds

knowledge about The Signs meaning in the Traffic signs.

Main theories used in this Research :

1. Theory from Ferdinand de saussure that said: semiotic is study of the signs

meaning. signs include words, gestures, images, sounds and object.

According ferdinand de saussure a founder of modern semiotic, signs

concist of two parts : The signifier ( The form which the sign takes) and

signified ( The concept Represent ).

2. Theory from Charles Morriss. Charlse morris defines the Semiotic

sciences that examine sign, Charles Morris distinguishes three kinds of

semiotic: semiotic pragmatic (which relates to language usage), Semiotic

semantics (which relates with sign meaning),And semiotic Sintaxis (which

relates to signs of language without referring to its meaning).

1.7 Source of Data

Subject of this Research are The students Senior high school 3rd Grade in

Langsa city. Source of data in this research is from direct observation in

around Langsacity and conduct interview with Langsa Police department.

1.8 Research Methodology

1.8.1 Research Design :

The Data Using Descriptive Qualitative

1.8.2 Research Instrument :



1.8.3 Data Collection Procedure :

Interview with students

Give the quetioner

Interview with Police Department


1.8.4 Data Analysis Procedure

The Data analysis is done on going process of the research. Based on

Nasution (1998) state data analysis in descriptive qualitative research is an

on going process rather than after process. The writer analyze Semiotic

interpretation of Langsa city by doing following step :

1. Conduct direct observation in around Langsa city.

2. Interview with student about their knowledge in interpret the traffic


3. Interview with Langsa Police Department about Fouls of Traffic signs

that are made by Students.

4. Give the quetioner to student.

1.9 Time and Place Of The Study

The research will be started on September 2017, In around Langsa City

and In The Senior High School In Langsa City.


Parera J.D 2004. Teory Semantic edisi kedua. Jakarta. Erlangga.

Chandler Daniel, 2005. The basic Semiotic : Second Edition. New York.


Eco Umberto. 1984. Semiotic And Philosophy of Language. Indiana University

Press Bloomington.

A Sebeok Thomas. 2001 . Signs : an introduction to Semiotic. London.


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