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Kendyl Nicely

Mr. Griffin

AP United States History

17 May 2017

How Did East Tennessee Shape and Influence Country Music Over Time?

Despite a popular belief that country music was born in Nashville, it was not. Country

music was actually born in Bristol, Tennessee around the 1920s. In the beginning, the

introduction of country music was seen as (unsurprisingly) crude hillbilly music. Country

music was not always as appreciated as it has grown to be today in the music industry. It had a

humble beginning. Through East Tennessees influence, country music would rise to become the

popular, commercialized genre of modern day.

Country musics rise to commercialization began in the early 1920s in the southeastern

part of the United States. Influences such as Appalachian music, folk music, and blues music

were evident in the roots of country music. The simple ballads and up-beat dance verses were

accompanied by the twangs of banjos, harmonica, guitars, and fiddles. (Lange) This combination

of tunes and instrumentals each displayed an example of the roots of music that they came from.

In the 1940s, the term country music began to refer to country music rather than the previous

term, hillbilly music. This transition of phrases also signified country musics evolvement to

encompass roots of Western music as well.

The varied roots of country music were the results of the varied settlers that settled in the

southeastern parts of the United States. Settlers from the British Isles, Irish, and Celtic

backgrounds planted their roots in the Appalachian Mountains, providing a large inspiration and

transformation to the music genre. (Wolfe) Over time, as country music spread different
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inspirations of music such as western, honky-tonk, gospel, and bluegrass influenced the first,

second, and third generation of country music. In the first wave of country music, Atlanta was a

major music scene for country music. Recording studios and performing centers popped up as a

result of Appalachian settlers moving to the city for their cotton mills. Country music artists such

as Jimmie Rodgers and the Carter Family were making other waves in Bristol, Tennessee during

the Bristol recording sessions. The Bristol recording sessions were the primary reason Bristol

became the birthplace of country music. In addition, other recording sessions like the Johnson

City sessions and Knoxville city sessions had a lesser influence on the eastern Tennessee music

scene as well, though notable. (Bristol Session 1927)

In the Great Depression era, record sales were in a decline for obvious reasons. However,

radio music rose in popularity with exhibitions of barn-dance shows and country music. At this

time, the Grand Ole Opry started in Nashville which became the longest running radio show

today. (Country Music Timeline) The introduction of the radio brought in the previously

mentioned influences of rockabilly and western tunes. This growth and adaptation of country

music ushered in the third generation during the 1950s. The midst of this era was populated with

Tejano music, western swing, country boogie, and cowboy ballads signify a folk music revival.

This folk revival was oddly enough a response driven by political activists to combat

conservative listeners of country music. This movement died out rapidly, but a new style called

rockabilly emerged from its ashes.

After the era of rockabilly, Western music and cowboy ballads declined as a popular

facet of country music. Their replacement was country pop. Country pop was quite the odd

phenomenon as it combined rural-influenced music and urban-influence music. (De Maggio and

Peterson) This evolution introduced modern day stars such as Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson,
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Kenny Rodgers, and more. Stars such as these were practically the climax of the country music

arc. The significance of country pop was how several country songs began to feature on Top 40

and the Billboard 100. Country pop was a milestone for the commercialization of country music.

Lastly, country music had a widespread, long-lasting effect. East Tennessee specifically

influenced the genre through Appalachian roots and pivotal recording sessions. The roles that

Chattanooga, Bristol, Knoxville, and Johnson City played in the development of country music

laid the foundation for the soul of country music. By examining how country music was effected

by other regions, it becomes more evident how East Tennessee effect country music and shape it

to be the widely recognized genre today. An example of this would be the Bristol recording

sessions, Appalachian folk music, and stars such as Dolly Parton paving the way and setting the

blueprints for future generations. In conclusion, country music was shaped and influenced

largely by the varied cultures and resources in East Tennessee. This influence constructed the

beautiful and familiar genre of country music that many Southerners are proud to call their own.

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