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Surname First Name Student No.

Date 21/3/17 Semester SPRING 2017

Course Code Phys-270 Course Name General Physics III

Program BSc Electrcial/Computer Engineering

Examiner Marios Nestoros

Instructions to This is a closed book exam. Solve any five out of the six
candidates problems. There is also a bonus problem. Use the provided
Examination Script to write your answers. Show clearly all
the solution steps and calculations. Write in blue or black ink
(red is forbidden). A formula sheet will be given to you. Good

Time Allowance 2 hours Time 16:00 18:00

Special devices Calculator

Problem 1
The displacement vs time graph for a 0.25 kg mass attached to a spring performing simple
harmonic motion, is given in the graph below.

x (m)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

(i) Write the equation of motion in the form x(t ) xm cos( t ) , giving the values of
xm, and the phase constant. (7.5p)
(ii) Calculate the speed of the particle when it is as x=xm/2 (3p)
(iii) Calculate the acceleration of the particle at the extreme positive position.(3p)
(iv) Sketch the velocity vs time graph, for 0 t T . (3.5p)
(v) Calculate the mechanical energy of the oscillator. (3p)
Problem 2
A rope under tension of 200 N and fixed at both ends oscillates in a second harmonic wave

pattern. The displacement of the rope is given by y ( x, t ) 0.10m sin( x) sin(12 t )
(a) Make a drawing of the rope oscillating at this mode of oscillation
(b) Find the length of the rope
(c) Calculate the wave speed
(d) Find the mass of the rope
(e) If the rope is now oscillating at the third harmonic mode calculate the period of oscillation.
Problem 3
In the figure below, two speakers separated by distance d1 = 2.00 m are emitting waves in
phase. Assume that the amplitudes of the sound waves from the speakers are approximately
the same at the listener's ear at distance d2 = 3.75 m directly in front of one speaker. Consider
the full audible range for normal hearing 20 Hz to 20 kHz.



(a) What is the lowest frequency that gives maximum signal (constructive interference) at the
listener's ear? (8p)
(b) Assuming that the intensity of the individual waves arriving at the listeners ear is
2W/cm2 calculate the net intensity in the case of constructive interference. (4p)
(c) What is the highest frequency, f that gives minimum signal (destructive interference) at
the listener's ear? (8p)
Problem 4
These two waves travel along the same string:
y1(x, t) = (4.00 mm) sin(2x - 420t )
y2(x, t) = (3.00 mm) sin(2x - 420t + ).
i) What are:
(a) the amplitude (in mm)
(b) the phase angle (relative to wave 1) of the resultant wave?
ii) If a third wave of amplitude 5.00 mm is also to be sent along the string in the same
direction as the first two waves, what should be its phase angle in order to
minimize the amplitude of the new resultant wave? Hint: treat the problem using
the phasor representation

Problem 5
(a) What is a forced oscillation and when does a resonance happen? Give an example (8p)
(b) The diagram below shows the amplitude of the motion performed by a mass spring
system under the driving of a force F that is varying in a harmonic way and has an amplitude
Fm=12 N, as function of the driving frequency fd. Given that the mass is m=0.52 kg find the
spring constant k. (8p)
(c) The amplitude xm is given from the following expression where Fm and d are the
amplitude and the angular frequency of the driving force respectively and o is the natural
angular frequency of the oscillator. Calculate the damping constant b related to the oscillation
depicted from the graph if the driving force has the form xm

m d2 o 2 b 2 d2


Problem 6
The sound level at a distance of 400 m from a wind turbine is 60 dB.
(i) Assuming that the acoustic energy emission from the wind turbine follows that of a point
source calculate:
(a) The sound intensity in W/m2 at the specified position (400m from the source) (4p)
(b) The acoustic power emitted from the turbine (power of the source) (4p)
(c) The sound level at 800 m distance from the source. (3p)
(ii) A stationary motion detector sends sound waves of frequency 0.150 MHz toward a truck
approaching at a speed of 45.0 m/s. The speed of sound is 343m/s.
(a) What is the frequency of the waves reflected back to the detector? (6p).
(b) The detector combines the emitted and the reflected wave. Calculate the beat frequency.
Bonus Problem (5p).
We want to construct a simple pendulum with a period of 1.00s. (a) Find its length. (b) How
is the frequency of the pendulum affected if we take it to the Moon where the acceleration of
free fall is smaller as compared to that of Earth?



m m
0 4 x107 T m / A , g 9.8 , c 3 x108
s2 s
Simple Harmonic Motion
y (t ) y m cos( t ) , 2 f ,
dy dv
D m 2 , FNET ma , v , a
dt dt
1 1 1
E U (t ) K (t ) K y (t ) 2 mv(t ) 2 , Pavg v 2 y m2 ,
2 2 2

L m
T 2 , T 2
g k

Harmonic Waves

y ( x, t ) y m cos(k x t ) , v f ,

m B
v ( wave in a string) , ,v ( sound wave)
y ( x, t ) 2 y m sin(k x) cos( t ) ( s tan ding wave) [or any combination of sin and cos]

a b a b
sin( a) sin( b) 2 sin cos
2 2
(10dB) log , where I 0 1012 W , (decibel scale)

v sound u det ector

f beat f 1 f 2 f' f ( Dopplereffect)
v sound u source

1 P P
I v 2 y m2 (int ensity ) , I , I , ( Intensity po int source)
4 r 2
2 A

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