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Summer 2007

Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation Department

Inside: Use a natural pest control: a good bug

that eats the bad bugs.

2 Xeriscaping Ladybugs eat over 5,000 aphids during

their one year life span. These insects
can also be stored in the refrigerator

3 Ask a Naturalist Jennifer Royce, Daggerwing Nature Center

to be dormant until you are ready to
Turtle, tortoise, and terrapin:
use them. Roughly 1,500 ladybugs are
what’s the difference?
enough for a small garden and you can

4 A Symbolizing
release them several times for better
control. Daggerwing Nature Center uses
them every year during our Earth Day

6 Recycling Symbol Match

Kids’ Corner
Spider mite predators feed only on spider

7 Henry Gern & Lily Strom at mites and their eggs. Guess who wins:
Praying Mantis the good bugs! Predator mites are great
Okeeheelee Nature Center
Volunteer Spotlight to use in South Florida, because they
You worked so hard planting the perfect
thrive in high humidity ranges. You can
garden or have planters with colorful
sprinkle them right onto the plant.
flowers in your walkway, and you notice
your plants are turning yellow or have
Explore... chew marks all over the leaves. Do
you ever find yourself in this situation?
play... and What’s the culprit? Bugs!
develop a love There are a variety of plant pests that
are attracted to your plants, including
and respect for mealybugs, aphids, spider-mites, and
thrips to name a few. You can combat
nature! these pests with beneficial insects.
Mealybug Destroyer

Every bug is not a bad bug. You can use Praying mantids are really cool insects
insects to control other insects instead with a voracious appetite! They will eat
of using harsh chemicals that could almost any insect that will come their
harm you and the environment. Also, way and if they don’t, they ambush them.
if you are planting a butterfly garden, You can order mantis eggs and hatch
chemicals would kill the caterpillars of them in a paper bag or among the leaves
the butterflies you are trying to attract. See Animal Tracks on page 5
Environmental design of residential and parkland using methods that minimize
the need for water
Daggerwing Addition Construction
We are pleased to announce Greg Atkinson & Terie Gempel, Natural Areas Program Design your landscape. Careful planning
the start of our new addition! The drought and subsequent water is crucial to the long-term success of a
Construction will begin on shortage of 2007 are the result of Xeriscape landscape. You can minimize
Monday, May 7 and will persistent low rainfall dating back to your initial investment by installing your
continue for several months. 2006, which ranked as the sixth-driest Xeriscape in phases.
The staging area will be year on record in terms of District-wide Select the right plant for the right area.
cordoned off for your safety. rainfall. This year’s dry season currently Select and group plants according to their
The building and boardwalk ranks as the third driest hydrologic water needs to eliminate unnecessary
will remain open. We will notify season in recordable Florida history, watering. You should have three zones
the public via our answering in your site plan: natural zones, drought
according to the National Weather
machine and signage if we tolerant zones, and moderate or “oasis”
will be closed due to the water zones. Plants in natural zones can
construction or if any programs Did you know that half of residential
live on rainfall. Plants in drought tolerant
are cancelled. water is used for outdoor irrigation? zones can survive mostly on rainfall.
The building is about to undergo You can cut your outdoor water use Plants in moderate or “oasis” water zones
a miraculous transformation, substantially with water-conserving require regular watering.
including the addition of plants and use of Xeriscape principles.
Xeriscape is quality landscaping that Analyze the soil. Determine the acid and
5,000 square feet. In 2002,
conserves water and protects the alkaline levels (pH) of your soil before
voters approved a $50 million
environment. The term Xeriscaping planting. You can mix organic matter
bond issue that allotted $2
such as compost, peat, manure or
million to expand the nature means water-conserving, drought
topsoil into sandy soils for enrichment
center. The $2 million will tolerant landscaping, or simply the use
and to retain moisture.
be spent on constructing the of the right plant in the right place—with
new addition which includes a proper maintenance and water-wise Have practical turf areas. Turf is the
3,000 square-foot exhibit hall, watering. Below is a brief narrative of single largest consumer of water in a
a laboratory classroom, and some fundamentals of Xeriscaping. landscape. Place turf where it serves a
new administrative offices. purpose, such as play areas for children
The lobby in the current or to slow stormwater runoff. Always look
building will get an overhaul for drought-tolerant turf varieties.
and exciting wet forest and Water wisely. Drought-tolerant plants can
conservation exhibits will be survive mostly on rainfall. If watering is
installed for a multi-sensory necessary, do it only in the early morning
experience! and in accordance with any water
Animal Encounter restrictions to reduce evaporation.

Meet Ms. Piggy, our Bullfrog!

Properly maintain your landscape.
She is a sight to be seen as Overwatering increases the risk of plant
her species is the largest frog disease. To encourage deep rooting and
in North America. Daggerwing more drought-resistance, water plants
Nature Center has a variety of thoroughly without over-watering. Fertilize
amphibian displays in the “Frogs properly. Excessive fertilizer promotes
Corner” exhibit to help you learn fast but weak growth and actually
more about these croaking increases a plant’s water needs, as does
creatures. See the difference over-pruning.
between a frog and a toad or For additional information on Xeriscaping
learn about how they grow as visit and
you play a metamorphosis click on Natural Areas Program.
matching game.
Saw palmetto, Beauty berry, Slash pine Source:
See Daggerwing on page 3

2 www. Nature-alley Summer 2007

From Daggerwing on page 2

Visit Ms. Piggy during our
regular operating hours and
Eva Matthews, Green Cay Nature Center see her lounging in her pool or

Photo Credit: Steve Kaplan

All turtles, tortoises, and terrapins are catch her eating a snack or two.
reptiles. They lay hard-shelled eggs, have You certainly don’t want to miss
scales, and are ectothermic (cold-blooded). why these frogs sometimes
Scientists refer to them as chelonians, make it onto restaurant menus!
which is a Greek word for tortoise. All
chelonians are turtles. If you’re not You are Needed
confused yet, just wait! The three names Do you have some spare time
are used differently depending on what part
on your hands? Need volunteer
of the world you call home. In Australia,
credits for school? Are you
tortoise is used for everything except sea
in the mood for a little spring
turtles. In the UK, they apply the word Red-bellied slider cleaning? Your services are
terrapin to freshwater chelonians, tortoise-
scales called scutes. Like your bones, a needed at Daggerwing Nature
to-land chelonians, and turtle-to-oceanic
turtle’s shell is part of its skeleton. The Center.
dwellers. In the USA, we think of turtles as
being aquatic and tortoises as being on dry turtle’s backbone is attached to its shell We are looking for a few good
land. and is part of its ribcage. The shell’s top men and women to help us with
is called the carapace, and the bottom our daily activities. We are in
Photo Credit: Christian Kappelmann

is the plastron. Most turtles cannot need of some green thumbs to

completely go inside of their shell but it help out in our butterfly garden.
definitely offers a lot of protection from Do you love animals? We could
predators. always use some help caring
Whether you call it a terrapin or a for our menagerie of critters. If
tortoise, it’s still just a turtle. These you prefer being inside, there
unique creatures are a part of our every are desk attendant/greeter
day surroundings and play an integral role positions available.
in our ecosystem. Many turtles around Whatever skills you possess,
the world are endangered or threatened we are sure we could use them
Softshell turtle due to human interactions and therefore, here. Volunteering is a great
must be protected by state and federal way to gain experience in a
The word terrapin is derived from a Native laws. Do your part to help our native future field of study or to meet
American word meaning an edible turtle turtles today! people and make new friends.
that lives in brackish water. Basically, all
three names are describing types of turtles. Sound interesting to you?
Please call Danica Walcutt,
Here in Florida we have 8% of the world’s
our Volunteer Coordinator, at
known turtle species. With our 25 native
(561) 488-9953. Volunteers
species, we are an important location for
are needed Tuesday through
turtle diversity.
Florida turtles range in size from 4 inches
For more information about
to 6 feet in length. Turtles have been
Daggerwing Nature Center, visit
around for millions of years and have one
of the most distinguishing body parts,
and click on Daggerwing.
the shell. A turtles shell is comprised
of 59 to 61 bones and is covered with Gopher tortoise

Nature-alley Summer 2007 www. 3

Membership & Animal Adoption
The Friends of Green Cay
Nature Center, Inc. is a
non-profit organization that Pamela Murfey, Riverbend Park
raises money to support the Do you remember Woodsy Owl® and
Nature Center in its mission his motto “Give a hoot, don’t pollute?”
to promote an understanding This national icon became a symbol of
and appreciation of the our responsibility in helping protect the
natural world to the public. environment.
You can show your support by
Environmental symbolism has been
becoming a member, adopting
around for over 30 years. In 1969
an animal, and visiting the
and early 1970, our nation became
gift shop. Your tax-deductible
concerned with environmental issues
contribution will go directly
that culminated in the first Earth Day.
to benefit the Nature Center
United States Senator Gaylord Nelson
in ways such as feeding our
of Wisconsin responded by calling for an
animals, maintaining exhibits,
Environmental Teach-in to be held on
and improving programs.
April 22, 1970. Over 20 million people
Memberships participated. Earth Day is now observed
(February - March 2007) each year all over the world. Gary Anderson, a senior
► Bernice B. Sender at the University of
October 25, 1969, cartoonist Ron
Southern California,
► Blanche Borenstein Cobb created the symbol for ecology.
created the winning
► Tina Fischer The symbol is a combination of the
design: a three-chasing-
Greek letters “e” and “o” from the
► Doris C. Smith arrows Mobius loop
words environment and organism. Look
► Donna Russo with arrows twisting and
magazine was instrumental in spreading
► Delray Dunes Garden Club
turning among themselves.
the symbol and made it into a U.S. style
flag in the April 21, 1970 issue. The The Mobius loop has become an
We have a variety of animals
(such as alligators, frogs, turtles, ecology flag has green and white stripes international symbol. Throughout the
and snakes) to choose from with a yellow theta in the upper left hand world, in our homes, businesses, and
that are up for “adoption.” The corner. even in our parks, recycling is part of
animal you adopt will remain at our daily lives. We are recycling paper,
In 1970 Chicago-based Container
the Nature Center to be cared plastic, glass, metal, wood, and water.
Corporation of America (CCA), the
for by staff, but when you visit, By reducing, reusing, and recycling, we
nation’s largest paper recycler,
you can develop a bond with help preserve our world.
sponsored a contest for art and design
your new friend while learning students at high schools and colleges
more about the animal. Animal
adoption makes a great gift!
across the country. CCA asked students
to present designs that symbolized the
Did you know that…?
Animal Adoptions • One ton of newspapers conserve the
recycling process, “for the love of the
equivalent of 19 pine trees.
(February - March 2007) earth.”
► Red-eared Slider Turtle: • Five recycled 2-liter PET
Rachel & Samantha Morris (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles
make enough fiberfill to stuff a ski
If you’re interested in learning jacket.
more about becoming a member
or adopting an animal, please • Glass is 100 % recyclable. A ton
visit our website. of glass saves the equivalent of 34
liters of fuel oil.
See Green Cay on page 5

4 Nature-alley Summer 2007

From Green Cay on page 4

Programs & Events

Green Cay has a variety of
upcoming programs and events:
► Boardwalk Tours
► Night Hikes
Become a recycling guru. Look on the • Tires from our ► Story and Craft Time
bottom of the package. Read the label. cars can be
What symbol do you see? A Mobius loop recycled into ► Naturalist Programs
indicates a product can be recycled. A rubber mulch. ► Science for Seniors
Mobius loop with a percentage shows • Learn more about We also offer programs for
how much of the product is made recycling using activities for children. groups such as schools, camps,
from recycled materials. A Green Seal Here are some examples: and clubs with a variety of topics
symbolizes a product has been made in
to choose from:
an environmentally friendly manner in Symbol Hunt
the U.S.A. Check out what symbols other ► Reptiles & Amphibians
Who can find the most items with a
countries are using - The Green Dot, recycle logo? Help your children look ► Birds
Nordic Swan, European Ecolabel, and for symbols on household products. ► Wetlands
the Eco Mark just to name a few. Make a list of each item found. Then
► Insects
compare lists. Extra bonus:
Trivia: How many of your appliances have ► Boardwalk Tours

• President Richard Nixon created the the Energy Star®? For more information about
Environmental Protection Agency in all of our opportunities, visit
Eco-Bingo our website or call the Nature
1970 to protect the environment and
public health. Make playing cards with nine squares Center.
– three across and three down. Leave
• Federal agencies began using
the middle square blank and place a Calling All Kids!
recycled content products in 1991. For nature fun at home, go
different recycling symbol or recycled
• In 1992 the Energy Star Program
product on the remaining eight to the Activity Page link of
was launched to help consumers squares. (Mix them up for each card). the Green Cay Nature Center
identify energy-efficient products. You will need a set of calling cards website and print out the
• Woodsy Owl is 37 years old. with all the symbols to be drawn. activity of the month. After you
finish the puzzle, bring it to the
front desk of Green Cay Nature
From Animal Tracks on page 1 Center and get a prize. Look
for a new puzzle and get a new
of your plants. Each egg case will hatch inches in length. In the fall, the females prize each month.
between 100-200 tiny mantids, and they produce more eggs which will hatch in
begin feeding on aphids right away. The the spring. New Website Link
bigger they get, the bigger their prey! By Natural pest controls are available year- Visit our website and go to the
the end of summer, they will be several round and can be purchased from a few Mystery Animal link and see
plant nurseries or online to be shipped at if you can figure out what the
a moment’s notice. Beneficial insects do animal is by looking at only one
not tolerate pesticides very well. While body part. Bring your answer
you are waiting for them to kick in, you to the front desk at Green Cay
can use a soap spray solution to help Nature Center, and if you are
you out with your pests. correct, you win a prize. Look
for a new animal and get a new
For more information about these prize every month.
beneficial insects or to get a recipe for For more information about
the soap spray, visit us at Daggerwing Green Cay Nature Center, visit
Nature Center located in South County
Regional Park in western Boca Raton. and click on Green Cay.

Nature-alley Summer 2007 www. 5

Animal Adoption Program
Gain a special friend while
lending support to the entire
Recycling Symbol Match
facility. Adoptions make ex-
cellent gifts and are good for
one year.
Adoption Packages Include:
► Photograph of your animal
► Fact sheet about your
► Adoption certificate A 1. Cardboard ____
► Recognition in newsletter

Naturalist Programs
► Animal Presentations
► Nature Walks B 2. Plastics ____
► Raptor Chapter
► Deer Walks
► Scout Programs

Volunteer Opportunities C 3. Biocompostable ____

► School Program Docent
► Front Desk Greeter
► Exhibit Docent
► Habitat Management
D 4. Energy Star ____
► Animal Caretaker
► Nature Walk Guide
► Newsletter Assistant
► Butterfly Gardener E 5. Green Dot ____
► Research Assistant
See Okeeheelee on page 7

F 6. Recycled material ____

G 7. Glass ____

Answer key on next page ►

www. Nature-alley Summer 2007
From Okeeheelee on page 6

School Programs
Primary School Field Trips
► Kindergarten: “Birds, Butter-
flies, and Flowers” - 1½ hrs.
► First Grade: “Animal Homes
and Habitats” - 2 hrs.
John Welch, Okeeheelee Nature Center Lily Strom, who hails from Austria, ► Second Grade: “Pine Flat-
learned the seamstress trade as a young woods and Wetlands” -
If ever there were two people who could 2 hrs.
tell you about the changes that have girl. In order to be licensed in Europe
occurred at the Okeeheelee Nature you had to be knowledgeable in patterns Fourth Grade Trip
Center over the years, it would be Henry and sewing as well as book making and ► S.W.A.M.P. Squishy Wetlands
Gern and Lily Strom. Both Henry and accounting. and Marshy Ponds - 3 hrs.
Lily have been at the Center since Lily started out making blouses and Middle School Environmental
its beginning and have been active dresses and eventually worked her way Education Program - 3 hrs.
participants for better than 12 years. up to making bridal gowns, a skill which The program is divided into four
Having met through family friends in she continued to use when she moved sessions chosen from below:
New York many years ago, the two of to the United States in 1939. ► Nature Walk
them are close friends and volunteer
As a very young girl in Austria, Lily ► Insects
every Wednesday at the center. They are
remembers her mother making her go ► Birds of Prey
glad to help with any questions at the
for very long walks in the forest. She will ► Ecosystems
front desk and always have a story of
tell you with a smile that, after all that
their experiences at Okeeheelee for you. ► Pond-Microscopes
walking, she likes the break she gets at
Henry, who had been an apprentice cook the front desk today. ► Reptiles
in Germany and then cooked for the ► Nature Games
What do Henry and Lily like the most
big hotels in New York, came to Florida ► Mammals
about the Center? They are amazed at
29 years ago. He came to Okeeheelee ► Marine Science
the changes that have occurred over the
Nature Center and worked on clearing the Marine Science Program for
years but, it’s sharing stories with people
land and participated in the prescribed Fifth Grade, Middle, and High
they enjoy the most. If you come by
burns that helped the nature center School - 2 hrs.
Okeeheelee Nature Center I’m sure you
become what it is today. Prescribed All programs are developed using
will agree.
burns are still performed today in order to Florida’s Sunshine Standards.
keep the plant and animal community at
Okeeheelee stable and to reduce the fuel For more information about
supply during a fire. Okeeheelee Nature Center, visit and
No less important is Henry’s job as click on Okeeheelee Nature
official turtle sitter. He spends time Center.
sitting with them in their outdoor
Henry stays active as a member of the Recycling Symbol Match
Answer Key
Florida Trails Association and enjoys the
hiking as well as the camaraderie that
7. Glass - C
goes along with it. Lily Strom and Henry Gern
6. Recycled material - D

Surround Yourself With the Beauty of Old Florida at Park information:

5. Green Dot - B
(561) 748-2028 4. Energy Star - F
Canoe Outfitters of Florida:
(561) 746-7053 3. Biocompostable - E
Five miles of waterways and fifteen miles of access roads and trails have been carved 2. Plastics - A
into over 680 acres of diverse marsh and subtropical terrain making this park a splendid
resource for hiking, canoeing and kayaking. 1. Cardboard - G

Nature-alley Summer 2007 www. 7

Daggerwing Nature Center Green Cay Nature Center Okeeheelee Nature Center
11200 Park Access Road
Boca Raton, FL 33498
(561) 488-9953
12800 Hagen Ranch Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33437
(561) 966-7000
7715 Forest Hill Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33413
(561) 233-1400
Summer | 2007
Palm Beach County
Parks and Recreation Department
Mon: Closed; Tues-Fri: 1:00 - 4:30 pm; Sat: 8:15 am - 4:30 pm; Sun: 1:00 - 4:30 pm 2700 Sixth Avenue South
(Closed Sundays during the summer from Memorial Day to Labor Day) Lake Worth, Florida 33461
(561) 966-6600


DO .
441 NPI

R .
FLO Palm Beach County
Board of County Commissioners
Addie L. Greene, Chairperson
Jeff Koons, Vice Chair
KE Karen T. Marcus



Warren H. Newell



Mary McCarty




Burt Aaronson



Jess R. Santamaria





FEDE County Administrator
Robert Weisman

Assistant County Administrator

Riverbend Park Natural Areas Program Loggerhead Marinelife Center Jon Van Arnam
9060 Indiantown Road 2700 Sixth Avenue South 14200 U.S. Highway 1
Jupiter, FL 33478 Lake Worth, FL 33461 Juno Beach, FL 33408
(561) 748-2028 (561) 963-6736 (561) 627-8280

2700 6th Avenue S., Lake Worth, FL 33461

Parks & Recreation Department
Palm Beach County

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