(1955) Master Calculator For Weekly Time Periods PDF

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MASTER CALCULATOR FOR WEEKLY TIME FERIOIS 70 DEYERAINE TEE TREND OF STOCKS AD COMMODITIES dy. De Gant ‘This Master Cnlevletor shows Weekly Time Periods of 7 Gays each or & totel of ‘Sf necks Am one year. Thic represents $64 celeader deys, therefore sb the ead of each year there ic a gain cf one day and et the end of 7 years a gein of 7 aaye, the tine period coming cut one mesk before the date of the Smportant B4gh aod low prices. You must eso add one day fer each leap year. Suppoce you want to cet the time peried for 15 years, you mltiply S65 by 18, ndd the punber of lezp years an? then divide the total deys by 7 to get the weekly perio’s of 7 deys each in order to use the Caleulater, ‘See Tables for Price ‘end Time Periods.) me total square of $2 4s 2704, which we cen use to measure veers, eays, months, yeers or hours. In using deys, 3% would, of ecouree, require 2708 deys $0 pase Gn the square of 92, ‘Made would give 400 weers and @ days. cr eppreximitely Tpeare and § nonthe, very close to the inportast cycle of 7B years, which Ae 0 not It we use hours to belence or square 2704, we get 112-2/s cays by dividing 2704 ‘dy 24, the total number of hours in a day during vhich time the earth makes one cooplete revolution on ate exits The Scuere of $2, which is composed of 7-dey periods, is one of the most inport- ant for measuring Price end Time. The number 7 is referrec to in the Bidle more tines than ay other number, except the ausber 5. Both of these numers ere very important te use in connection with price and tine changes. You start tine periogs from the nctusl aetes of importent hich and important Jon prices and not fron the first dey of eech month or the first dey of each year. The Celeuletor is 104 weeks wide, which equals 2 years, The tine periods ran across the bottom of the Celeulator from left to right to 104, which com Fletes z years, and to 708, which conpletes 4 yeers. At the top of the Calovle- Yor, running across to thr left, the time periods run to S12 which ends 6 yeers, end te 416, which ende 8 yeare, and to 520, which completes a 10-year cycles DIVISIONS OF TNE PEETODS Tre year Ss divided by I/t, whfch cqyals CB veges fs winkch equals , 62 ned po oe ye 7 task Ye," 26 w most tnportant time ana ¥: yon Tsteeee devel fe HH ak yo" * BB s/s" "38 * very important for change in trend. ee a V year, which As 52 weeks. Wee, The angles run from each of the tine periods for Price and Tine in oréer to Delance the Square and show resistence levels where price end time pericds ice @leete a cheage in trends THD AND FOURTH DIMENSTOES OF TIE AD FRE Vo kaow of three dinensions--heicht, width end length--but there is « fourth dintnsion or elenent in market novenents. We prove the fourth dimension with ‘the Mester Colewistor or Square of 52 in Tire Periods of 7 dsys cach for 7 weeks or more and the sene price relation. 7x 52 equals 364 or 7 years, THE UIRCLE, THUNGLE AD SQUARE The circle of 360° and the nine digits ere the basis of £12 methenatical cal- culstione. The Equare and the Triengle form within the cele but there 4s en inner eirele ané an inner square; ec well as en outer sqvere and en outer eir- ele which prove the fourth dimension in working out market noreneats, PRICE Tne mest important points to consider ere: 1. Loxest price. 2. Eagnest price. 3. The 3/2 poivt, meen or average tetreen the extreme high ond the extrene lon. We get the fourth éimensicn, es showa on the Kaster Calculator, by drewing 45° augles fron the 1/2 point or gravity eecter, vhich is the mest inporiuct fer price rerictance. Yolune of Sales. This Ss the poner which drives the market up or dom but renerber thet TIME is the most essenviel elonent end then Time is completed, the volune of sales starts to move the merket up or domme Ts ine is iviged into sections or cycles by which we determize the change in trend. 1. Deily high end lor prices 2. Weekly high and low prices 3. Monthly high and low prices 4. Yearly high end lew prices ‘The Weekly and the Yearly Tine Periods are nost importent for trend inlications and for chenges in trend. The dey is divided into hours, minutes ané seconds, The 4 divisions of the dey are Guurise, Noon, Sunset and Iidnight. Of these the most important are: Woon, when the Sua is straight overhead or on = 90° angle, end Hiénight, the oppetite point or 280° fron loca end 90° from Sunset. Bectuse we are using Tday Tine Periods with the Celewletor, 3/2 ef 7 days oF sh cays {s inpertant to watch for change in trend. Aivage Geceh he Sed and 4th cay from eny important high or low level for a miner chenge in trend which Teter ney Beeene a nesor chengs. 1-3 dey Periods -- The time periods of 7 calenter deys from eny important high & low level is of greet importence. 14 deys is the most important end 21 dsys or 3 weeks is next in inportance, Reactions will often run 2 weeke and some times 3 weeks end then resune the main trend. Rellies in « Beer liarket efter ron 14 Gays ané sometimes 21 éeys end thea resume the dowmverd or main trend. Ealtizlce of 7 days -- The square of 7 or 49 days As very important for change Gn trend. You cen start to watch for this change efter the 42nd day Dut the Hest Indication of change mey not cocur wotil the 45th or 46th day, vhich is Ye of & yess or 365 gays. 1/16 of a your it 28 deyer Therefore, beck the Ao. day ané 2S-dny periods ere Snportant to wateh for echeage in trend Jiext in importence is 63 to 65 deys because 7x 9 is 63 end the souere of 8 is &, 81 days or the squere of § 4s also of great inportense. 90 to Sl deys Se Wf of a yeer or 7x 15, This is of very grest importance to wetch for change tb treng.) oF course, of mext importance i aroun 162 Geys or 1/2 of the years veins Inter we will refer to the four seasons or the divisions of the year, which aro Spring, Suamer, Fall end-Winter and inportant to watch for chenge in trend. Bonever, the divisions of Tine are from the date of the actual inportant high and low prices. ‘The Snportant yeerly cycles are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22h, 24, 25, 2%, 28, 20, 40, 45, £9, 56, 60, ét, and GO which ie the Grest Oycles We divide the cycles into 1/£, shich is the uosb importent, and also Ante the periods of 1/0, 1/5 en 2/2, ind natch these proportionate parts of the eveles for changer in trené. For examples The Great Oycle of 90 years equals 1080 months; Y/2 is 45-yeurs or 540 months We is 228 yenrs or 270 nonthe I/e 4s lig yeers or 135 months iio is S8/6 yeure or 67 nosths Tre Se-year Cycle o ny other cycle 10 dividet up in the sane way. Mulsiples of 7 Years -- The multiples of 7 years or G1 mozthe are el] Smportant ‘%o watch For chenge ip trend. These sre 7 yeers, 14, 21, 28, 38, 42, and 49, which is most inportant because $t is the equere of 7. text SS and 63 are very important, 63 beceuse it is 7x9. 81, the souere of 9,is very importent, Prices cen also be used in sevens. Example: 98, 2x 49, 126, 2 x 63. 182, 2x BL, ete. Yearly Tine Ferioge then 1/5, of year from eny ‘Goportant Lov cones out xt th < Yt or 1/2 cf & year frow enother Sxportant top or Potton comes out, dt i of great Smportarce for a chacge $a trend, Y/2 of ayeerly tine perio’ is elvays the mort inportent, just the sens es 1/2 of the highest selling price end 1/2 of the range of the price as im- portent for resistance levels, Ey practice, study and conperison end ty plec- Lag the Celeulator over the iebly high end Zov Chart, you til! see how ell these Price and Tine Periogs work out ) PRICE, VOLUME, VELOCT TY, PITCH OR TREND Thea o Time Cycle is completed, Volume increases end the market begins to move up fester or nove doua faster, The pitch or trend is Getermined mostly ty the 45° angle, which is the mst im portact, bat other angles can be use¢ to detemine the tread. The pitch or trend is the 4th dimeasion and shows whether the uarket is slox or fest by the engle:, whether very acute or shove the 45° angle or flet end clon, telow the 488 exgle,waich causes a slow creeping merkot thet may later regain inportent eugles ond increase the pitch of the angle end ctert moving up faster. Al of this is shown on the Mester Celeuletor or Square of 52. 'S WAYS 10 SQUARE CR BALANCE TIS JD PRICE (1) Belence the lovest price vith tine measured in weeks ead Delence the highest price vith time. (2) Belence the renge, which is the total betveen the extrene high and extzere lom. (S) Get the 4th dimension ty telensing Price end Time in weekly time periods ae shown on the Mester Square of 52, PRICE SCALE ‘he price sosle rans up end dom to 104, 208, 522, 416, and 520, uhich balences out with the Tine Periods. For GAINS, this ccale is for cents per bushel. For STO0KS, St Gs §1.00 per shore, The Price Periods are divided up into 1/8 azd 1/5, the sane as the Tine Periods. Scale for COPTGK, COFFEE, COGOA.snd EGGS ~- Esch 1/6 cent equals 10 pointe. Therefore 52 would indicate 520 in price cai 10¢ would indicete 1040 for Cotton or any other commodity trading in 100 points to Ize EGGS--Feekly high and low chart -~ Eres trede at # mininun of 5 poists. We use 20 pointe to 1/6 inch on the daily high asd low chart. Bsperience hes proven thet « scale of 25 points to 1/8 inch, which represents one week in Tine, vorke dest. Therefore, Se speces on the Celculetor would indicate 1500 or 1S¢'for Eggey 104 woule represent 2600; 156 votla represent 3900; 208 ould represent S200 or Sef per dozen for Eege, ete. One year Time Period would give « Pacge ef 19f, 2/2 of this would ve Cy, 1/4 would be $25 end 2/8 wound be 162. There fore, 42 You went to get recketasce levels for prices above 26g, yeu would #68 eh which would give Soh, ete. 21 of these exe shown on 2 ecuirelent of 40 years calctleted nerced "i/o" and get the exeot x le enclosed for prices vhich run up to the 411 you heve to do is run across the period éuring eech year Thea the Tine is e& 1/2 oF 182 days from en inportent high or on, ané in the rane vay Zron the Table you get the price Tesittance Levels vesed or the Squere of 52. on the Calon] r St designed to be vsod on the Neely high snd loz Cl ing the inportent cheniges in trend, How 79 USE CALCULATOR ON WEEYLY CHART Place the dotton or "0" of the Celculetor on "O" below any price or plece it en the low price, then you will see where the angles cross and recistance levels ere Sndicated. Place the Calculrtor marked "Top" st the high price on the exsct date the in portent price is nede, then you can see the inportent angles for resistence Zroa the top com, {raS TONER SQUARE OR A/2 POINT Place the Colouletor on 1/2 of the highest selliog price or 1/2 of the reages Place the Caleuletor where it Ss merked 1/2 or 28 weske over the chart on the saze line thet lox cr high ds nede. Placing the Calculator o2 26 over the 1/2 point will show the resistence and whether the price is in strong or week position, {HE INVER SQUARE OF 45° sNGIES ‘The Inner Square of 45° ancles sterts from 26, which is 1/2 of 82, and moves up or dowa, Tt crosses at 26, which is 1/2 of 52, The 45° angle zoving up from Yo" crosses st 52 aud 104 and the 45° angle moving dora from « top or high level erotees ab 52 esd terminates at 50", £11 of thers Snportent 45° angles fron aay Smportant high or low eros: on 1/4, 1/2, 8/4, ets., a: you can eee, and talence oct Tine and Priet. 20S? IMPORTANT TIE FERTODS The most inpertent Time Periods are the enniversery dete of 1, 2, 3 years or more Fron the detes of the important highs and inportest lows. Second in inportence is 1/2 of the Yeerly Time Perici; third an amportence de $/4 or 89 weeks in esch yeas; fourth, the 1/5 point or 17 weeks ed the 2/3 polat or 39 necke are also Tory inportast Mine Periods for change in trent. Then you ere working out Weekly Time Periods, you must also consider the im portence of the S-veer cycle, the S-yeer cycle, T-yeer cycle, 10-year cycle, 15 yeers which is 1/2 of the SC-year cycle, aaé 20 yeers which is 1/3 of the GO-year cycle, ané 30 years vhich is a couplete cycle of S60 nonths. ‘The longer the Tine Period fron ea importent top or totton, the crecter the varietion be- coure each year of the time period gains at least one day and in leap yeers gains an eGgitional aay before the end of the complete cycle. The Table for Time and Price Periods shows the exact tine in §2 weeks to year for $64 calendar deye. By figuring the leap years end the time gtinod at the rete of ene day per year, you Inox how much time to subtract and cm make the adjust nent for the full period. SEASONAL TAS FERIODS In figuring Seetooel Time Feriods, ve do not stert to calowlete Tine fron Janvery iv vit culewlate the Tine Periods from the deve whee She Spring Season serve of durch 21, Those periocs ere marked on the Zabie au 1/6, 1/3, ett. They tre a ral 16 oy § exes 2/8 or 6} Vs or 13 If or 17. 3A or 298" 2/2 or 26. W/o or beh" sors" Ws or 48h 1 year or 627 MIDSEASON TIME PERIODS These are May 5,. dugust 5, Novesber 8, February 4, Inportent chenges ir trend cecur around these midseason dates bat alll of the above Time Periods should be wetched for importent changes in. trend. The Teble for Tine Periods and important high ant low prices 4s shown with Higares at the top ronning fron i to 80. She inportent Hine Peraose ere shown with exect Geter ond Sf you want to lock up sonething Sm the 7th year, you move over to the column mirted "7" nnd sove dom te the 1/2 potat. You vS22 Hint thet 72 years is S90 weeks, ete. ant say price on this same dine would be an inportant resistance evel. By studying, practicing and experinenting with the Master Caloulator, you will earn how velueble these Tine oni Price Periods inmalt: danery 10, 1955

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