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Honouring every childs right to participation


Childrens involvement in the
media can have a tremendous
impact because it can show the
public that children have much
Young reporters tackle social issues
more to offer than most adults in rural India
give them credit for.
When Pausha Madharia (16) speaks, she gives voice to the
As a start, it develops a better use hopes, dreams and fears of every child in the Indian State of
of childrens rights generally.
Through media, young journalists
Standing before the State I said people
can demonstrate what children
Assembly, she shared her consuming liquor
are capable of doing and what
they have to say about the world
concerns about child labour, were creating a
discrimination faced by young nuisance for
around them.
girls and the troubles that
Children as journalists also children trying to get
some students encounter when
challenges conventional images
they try to attend school. past for classes.
of children as powerless victims.
Pausha told legislators that I asked that these
Instead, it presents children as
empowered members of society
drunken men sprawled on the shops be moved
road outside a wine shop in the away from any
who are able to express their
village were regularly
views on issues that affect their public place.
lives. threatening local
schoolchildren. Pausha Madharia, 16
This can help other children
visualise empowered roles for Pausha also wrote about the
themselves. issue in Bal Swaraj (Childrens Republic), a newspaper that
started in 2007 as part of UNICEFs Child Reporters Initiative.

The initiative recruits and trains child volunteers in an effort to

fulfill Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,
which gives children the right to speak freely and express their

The Child Reporters initiative has trained about 1,200 young

people like Pausha who are now writing about issues that affect
them, their families and communities in the state.

UNICEF Malaysia Communications 2012

Honouring every childs right to participation

Sport, recreation and play are a fun
way for children to learn values and
lessons that will last a life time. A girl who plays sport remains
Sport promotes friendship and fair healthy and sound
play. It teaches team work,
discipline, respect, and the coping On a cool, grey morning, the chorus of a lively song Education
skills necessary to ensure that and games together give rise to a new spirit in us! echoed
children develop into caring through a packed sports stadium in Lahore, as 16-year old
individuals. It helps prepare young Mariam Mamoon and her team mates took to the field for the
people to meet the challenges they
Fair Play for Girls campaign.
will face and to take leadership
roles within their communities. The song signaled the start of a day-long cricket match between
two girls teams organised by the Pakistan Cricket Board and
Involvement in sport can boost
childrens health, develop their
self- esteem, and improve To Mariam, the match was a Boys think
academic performance. big step forward for girls like
girls cant play
Sport also provides children with herself, illustrating the
their own space, both physically communitys progress in cricket and act as if
and emotionally. This is especially overcoming barriers that have its only their game.
important for girls who often have prevented girls in Pakistan I play to let them
fewer opportunities than boys for from playing sports in public. know we can play
social interactions outside the
home and beyond family networks.
When the traditional male and win as well.
domain of sports opens up Mariam Mamoon, 16
As girls begin to participate in and allows girls and young
sports, and as female athletes gain
women to participate,
public recognition, they acquire
stereotypes of girls and women as ornamental or as weaker than
new community affiliations and
boys whether physically or emotionally are broken down.
access to new venues, find
mentors for themselves and The opportunity to participate in sports has helped develop
become mentors to others, and Mariams self esteem. Captain of her team, she is keen to prove
begin to more openly participate in her worth and ability so she will be accepted into Pakistans
community life. international womens team in the future.

UNICEF Malaysia Communications 2012

Honouring every childs right to participation

Childrens participation in the public
sphere is the logical extension of the
right to expression and decision
Youth parliament an important step
for children
Over the past ten years children and
young people have participated As the day breaks in his village, a jovial Rogue Santiago Braga
increasingly in research, in national
De Araujo (15) cannot wait to attend his first Parliamentary
consultations and international
session in the capital, Dili.
conferences, in youth councils and
parliaments. Together with some 130 young people from across the East
Timor, Rogue is part of his countrys pioneer Youth Parliament,
Public decisions that are informed by
the views and concerns of children believed to be amongst the youngest in the region, at an
and young people can lead to better average of 14 years old.
policies, better services and The Youth Parliament, Im so happy.
increased budget allocations for supported by UNICEF and the Not so long ago,
Secretary of State for Youth
we were in a
Time and time again we have and Sport, provides Timorese
seen that the best advocates for difficult situation,
youth with a chance to have
children, those who are best their voices heard in the whole country
informed about childrens issues community and national was in chaos.
are children themselves. decision-making processes. Today we show
Exposing young people to public
Through dialogue and debate, that young people
decision-making processes offers
Rogue and his fellow are ready to build
important opportunities for civic
parliamentarians have drafted
education and learning about the country.
a set of recommendations on
government. Involvement in such Rogue Santiago Braga
processes can strengthen issues affecting young people
De Araujo, 15
childrens social responsibility and in Timor-Leste. Of greatest
develop their social, concern to the delegates were education, health, employment
communication and facilitation and recreation.
During their two years in office, these young parliamentarians
will also learn leadership skills and contribute to the national
dialogue on issues that concern them.

UNICEF Malaysia Communications 2012

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