3.15 M4I Self-Assessment Results Sheet

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Project Strategy

1.a Ongoing design


1.h Gender as cross cutting issue 1.b Incorporating capacity and sustainability

1.g Changes at strategic level 1.c. Learning and adaptation of the proj strategy

1.f Stakeholder understanding of strategy 1.d. Participation at strategic level

1.e Staff understanding of the strategy

Effective operations

2.a Participatory operational planning - staff involvement


2.h Facilities and equipment 2.b. Participatory operational planning - stakeholder involvement

2.g Capacities for financial management 2.c. Efffective planning systems

2.f Capacities for procurement management 2.d Good institional processes for operations

2.e Human resource management

Project Strategy & effective operations

M&E system

4.e Financial3.a
Purpose of M&E
4.d MIS 4 3.b Evaluation/Performance question

4.c Structures & processes 3.c Influencing strategic decisions


4.b Incentives 3.d Including stakeholder info needs

4.a Adequate human capacity 3.e Focused on org. issues

3.k Communication 3.f Participatory data collection methods

3.j Quality reporting 3.g Participatory data analysis

3.i Involvement of s/holders
3.h in

M&E system
Learning environment

5.a Org. Learning environment


5.j Networking 5.b Stakeholders - learning env.

5.i Individual critical reflection 0 5.c Critical reflection

5.h Forums for critical reflection 5.d Lesson learning

5.g Link individual/org. performance

5.f Learning opportunities

Learning environm ent & gender

Overall assessment

1.b 1.a Ongoing

5.j Networking
Incorporating designand sustainability
5.i Individual critical
1.c. Learning
reflectionand adaptation of the proj strategy
5.h Forums for critical reflection 4 1.d. Participation at strategic level
5.g Link individual/org. performance 1.e Staff understanding of the strategy
5.f Learning opportunities 1.f Stakeholder understanding of strategy
5.d Lesson learning 1.g Changes at strategic level
5.c Critical reflection 2 1.h Gender as cross cutting issue

5.b Stakeholders - learning env. 2.a Participatory operational planning - staff involvement

5.a Org. Learning environment 2.b. Participatory operational planning - stakeholder involvement

4.e Financial capacities 0 2.c. Efffective planning systems

4.d MIS 2.d Good institional processes for operations

4.c Structures & processes 2.e Human resource management

4.b Incentives 2.f Capacities for procurement management

4.a Adequate human capacity 2.g Capacities for financial management
3.k Communication 2.h Facilities and equipment
3.j Quality reporting 3.a Purpose of M&E
3.i Involvement of s/holders in decision making 3.b Evaluation/Performance question
3.h Critical reflection
3.c Influencing strategic decisions
3.f Participatory
3.e Including
data analysis
on issuesinfo needs
org. methods

Overall assessment
1.a. To what extent is program redesign taken 1.a
Guiding the project strategy towards impact as an integral and ongoing process?
1.b. To what extent does the project strategy 1.b
incorporate long-term capacity development
and sustainability?
1.c. To what extent are there built-in 1.c.
opportunities and activities that support
learning and enable adaptation of the project
strategy during implementation?
1.d. To what extent is program design and 1.d.
redesign participatory? ( strategic level)
1.e. To what extent do project staff 1.e
understand the intervention strategy
(development pathway)?
1.f. To what extent do other stakeholders
(beneficiaries, partners etc.) understand the
intervention strategy (development pathway)?
1.g. To what extent are changes made at 1.g
strategic level? (e.g. changes in log frame at
outcome and impact level; changes in
approaches used etc).
1.h. To what extent is gender issue 1.h
considered as a cross-cutting issue in project

2.a To what extent are project staff involved in

Ensuring effective operations the revision of operational plan? 2.a
2.b To what extent are other stakeholders
(e.g. beneficiaries & partners) involved in the
revision of the operational plans?

2.c To what extent are the planning systems

effective in guiding operations and how they
are being revised? Making work plans and
budgets, allocating staff and resources, office
requirements, contracts etc. What drives the
operational changes? Eg funds? 2.c.

2.d To what extent are institutional processes,

systems contributing to effective operations? 2.d

2 e. To what extent are the necessary staffs

in all units of the project PMU in place and are
they provided with the necessary incentive to
ensure effective operations? Is number of
staff, capacities and relevance, process to
Setting up and managing M&E systems assess staff performance etc. in place? 2.e
2 f. To what extent are the necessary
conditions and capacities and processes for
effective and efficient procurement
management in place? 2.f

2g. Are the necessary conditions, capacities

and processes in place for effective financial
management of the project? 2.g
2h. Are the necessary facilities including
equipment, vehicles, goods, office buildings
provided for the successful operation of the
project? Are operating space, processes and
resources in place for their operation and
maintenance? 2.h
3.a To what extent is the purpose of the M&E
system directed towards: Accountability,
Strategic Mgt, Empowerment, Operational
Mgt & Knowledge
3.b To what extent are the following key
evaluation/ performance questions included in
the M&E system: Relevance, Effectiveness,
Impact, Sustainability, Efficiency
3.c To what extent is the M&E system
considered as an integral part of the project
strategy; Is the M&E system placed in a
strategic position to influence the decision
making process? 3.c
3.d To what extent are the key information
needs of the different stakeholders included in
the M&E system? 3.d
3.e To what extent is the M&E system focused
on the program, organisational , and
institutional issues eg. staff performance,
partner collaboration, policies, networks, etc ? 3.e
3.f To what extent are methodologies used for
data collection, and processing, participatory 3.f
To what extent are stakeholders involved
in data collection, and processing? 3.g
3.h To what extent are different (critical)
reflection events & processes in place? 3.h
3.i To what extent are different stakeholders
involved in these decision making processes?
(Strategic & operational) 3.i
3.j To what extent are the reporting
documents and processes timely and of good 3.j
3.k Andextent
To what why? are the results / findings
communicated / reported and in line with
stakeholders needs? 3.k
4.a To what extent is human capacity
adequate for M&E? 4.a
4.b To what extent are incentives for M&E in
place and adequate? Eg M&E training for
staff; encouragement from management to do
M&E; enough money for M&E activities;
dealing with staffs and stakeholders
information needs (and not more or less) etc.
4.c To what extent are structures and
processes for M&E in place and adequate?
Eg decision making processes, using M&E
findings for (shared) decision making; roles 4.c
and responsibilities
4.d To what extent isinMIS
M&Eadequate? 4.d
4.e To what extent are financial capacities for
M&E adequate? Eg separate budget line for
M&E; enough money to carry out M&E.
5.a To what extent does the organization /
program have a learning environment? 5.a
5.b. To what extent is a learning environment
created with stakeholders (including
beneficiaries)? 5.b
5.c. To what extent does the
organization/program critically reflect on its
work? 5.c
5.d. To what extent is lesson learning
encouraged? 5.d
5.f. To what extent does the organization
facilitate learning opportunities for staff? 5.f
5.g. To what extent is individual performance
linked with organizational performance?
5.h.To what extent do forums for critical
reflection facilitate dialogue about lesson
learning and improving practice? 5.h
5.i.To what extent is critical reflection
encouraged at an individual level? 5.i
5.j.To what extent is the
organization/programme linked with other
networks/ initiatives etc that encourage
learning & sharing around good practice etc.
Ongoing design
2.5 Unless and until it is felt deem necessary, change are not done
Incorporating capacity
and sustainability Capacity Development is one of the mutto of the Organization,
4 therefeore such issuces are carefully included
Learning and adaptation
of the proj strategy
We implemented the learning from the past in the other or ongoing
3.5 same project
Participation at strategic At first few of us design and then only make it participatory and
level 2.5 redisign if if necessary
Staff understanding of
the strategy
4 Well understood as it is done through participatary approach
understanding of
4.5 It has been shared well in advance
Changes at strategic

2 Less.as all programs are done within the planning

Gender as cross cutting
3 Include as far as practiceable
Participatory operational
planning - staff
involvement 3 Only revelant staff are included
Participatory operational
planning - stakeholder
involvement We did not chnge the paln as far as practiciable if it is to be done
3 all stakeholder will be well informed or involved
Efffective planning

Generally done annually. If necessary it can be done any time of

3 the
Good institional
processes for operations Sometime rules and regulations bare to perform quickly in the
3 urgent situation otherwise good
Human resource

We do not have the policy of incentives.. We work on task basis. It

means certain task should be completed within deadline. In
between we can have leave or holidays that shoud be managed by
2 ourself
Capacities for
3.5 It will be guided by the procurement policy
Capacities for financial

4 Yes it is done
Facilities and equipment

Purpose of M&E

2 Not separate department exists. We do self evaluation and monitor


2 Mainly focus on the goal and impact

Influencing strategic

3 It is integrated but done through external

Including stakeholder
info needs
3 As per previous experience it is included by the external as well
Focused on org. issues

2 Not so deeply
Participatory data
collection methods 3.5 we follow the scientific tools and technique
Participatory data
analysis 3 They are included as per necessity
Critical reflection
2.5 Only few
Involvement of s/holders
in decision making
3 Most of them will be the part of decission making process
Quality reporting It is done within the timeline. Sometime extension are also
4 requested

4 It we well circulated
Adequate human
capacity 2 They are doing by learning not speciaist

1 Since not separate department exist it is not applicable

Structures & processes

1 Since not separate department exist it is not applicable

MIS 3 It is well advanced and established
Financial capacities

1 Not separated
Org. Learning It creates learning opportunity.. Sometimes by means of pair coach
environment 2.5 as well
Stakeholders - learning
2.5 They will be included in trainign, sharing workshop etc
Critical reflection

2.5 Review bi-annualy.

Lesson learning
3 It is participatory hence encouraged
Learning opportunities Provide various opportunity and allocate budget and paid leae
3.5 policy for staff learing
Link individual/org.
2.5 It is done in a minor level only
Forums for critical
2.5 Most of the time it facilates for learning and improving practice
Individual critical
reflection 3 Most of them tak it positively and suggestions for improvement

We have strong alliance between organization working in the same

3.5 area

So far we are addressing efficiency & relevance with partial sustainability

need for consistency


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