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4.1 Research Findings

Based on quetionnaire that has given to the respondents, got the data below:

Table 1. Students interesting in watching movie

Question Option Frequency Percentage

Do you like Yes, I like 28 87,5%
No, I dont like 4 12,5%
watching Total 32 100%


Source: Questionnaire
Based on the table above, show the students interesting in watching

movie. Most of the students love to watch movie, and theres only 4 students

stated that they do not like watching movie.

Table 2. Students intensity in watching western movie

Question Option Frequency Percentage

How often do 3 times a week 8 25%
Once a month 20 62,5%
you watch Seldom 4 12,5%
Total 32 100%


Source: Questionnaire
Table 2 show about the intensity of students in watching western movie,

and most of the students watch a movie one a month with percentage around

62,5%. And 8 students watch a movie 3 times a week, and theres only 4

students stated that they are seldom to watch western movie.

Table 3. Students intensity using subtitle while watching movie

Question Option Frequency Percentage
Do you ever Always 32 100%
Sometimes - -
use subtitle Never - -
Total 32 100%


Source: Questionnaire
Table 3 show the intensity of students using subtitle while watching

movie. And all of the respondents said that they always use subtitle while

watching movie.

Table 4. Where they got the subtitle

Question Option Frequency Percentage

Where From the film it 25 78,125%

youve got self

Download from the 5 15,625%%
the subtitle?
Got from my 2 6,25%

Total 32 100%
Source: Questionnaire

Table 4 show to us about where they got the subtitle, and 6,25% said

they got it from their friends, 15,625% download it from the internet, and

78,125% from the film it self.

Table 5. The reason why they using subtitle

Question Option Frequency Percentage

Which one Yes, because it 28 87,5%

do you like, helps my

using subtitle understanding of

or not? Why? the film
Yes, it appears 4 12,5%

suddenly by it self
No, I undesrtand - -

the whole movie

without subtitle
Total 32 100%
Source: Questionnairei

Table 5 show about the reason they using subtitle, and most of them said

it helps their understanding about the film. And 4 people said it just appears

suddenly by it self.

4.2 Interpretation

Based on the table above, 87,5% of respondents stated that they love

watching western movie and 12,5% do not like watching movie. And some of

them have to watch western movie one a month.

All of the respondents always using subtitle whlie watching western

movie. It showed to us that subtitle is the important aspect to watch western

movie. And suddenly the subtitle appears in the film it self, beside appears in the

film it self, the respondents said that they got the subtitle from the internet and

their frinds.

In fact, based on the questionnaire, by watching using subtitle 87,5%

respndents stated that they love using subtitle because it helps the understanding

about the film. Beside it helps the understanding in the film, using subtitle also

can increase the students english skill, for example listening skill and can

increase their vocabulary and grammar. It has proved us that most of the

respondents using subtitle while watching the movie to help their understanding

in film.


In this chapter, the author would like to explain about the conclusion and

suggestion after got information from the research as below:

5.1 Conclusion
1. By conducting this research, we know that students who dont use subtitle while

watching the western movie, will have the difficulties in understanding the

movie it self. It has proved to us by respondents who stated that they always

using subtitle while watching the film.

2. By conducting this research, we know that by using subtitle it can helps the

students understanding in the western movie. It has proved to us by the

respondents reason stated that by using subtitle it can increase their

understanding. And beside that, subtitle also can be a good media to improve

students in english.

5.2 Suggestions
1. For students, students can use western movie as a good media to improving their

english skill, like listening skill and increase in vocabulary and grammar.

Something that students can do is by adding the intensity of watching western


2. For school, school have to use western movie as a media f teaching. Because it

can affect musch to the students english skill.


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University Press.

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Pusat Bahasa. 2011. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Online. Accesed February 15th 2013

Sadiman. 2002. Media Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Gramedia Pustaka.

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