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The Golden Rule Player Card Selection Rule Important Rules

The AI will only play a card if it benefits the AI or is detrimental If the AI Player is required to select a Player Unit to: The AI ignores all resource-matching requirements.
to the player. Impact is always maximized where applicable, If the AI delivers more damage to a Player Unit than
using the AI Card Selection and Player Card Selection tools. Add a Focus Token is needed to destroy it, excess damage is applied to
Impact = Beneficial if the cost of the action is =< the benefit Add a Damage Token another participating Player Unit using the Player Card
gained. The following are considered equivalent: Remove Shield Tokens Selection Rule
Add a detrimental Enhancement The Player may only engage one AI Objective each turn.
A 1-cost Player or AI Unit Remove a beneficial Enhancement If there are no eligible targets for a card and the card has
1 Focus Token added/removed Apply Unit Damage during an engagement at least one Force Icon, add it to the Fate Deck, which is
1 Damage Token added/removed shuffled. If the card has no Force Icons shuffle it into the
1 card drawn/discarded The AI Player will, subject to normal rule restrictions, select AI Command Deck.
1 Resource gained/lost the highest cost Unit/card. The AI does NOT lose if it must draw a card and cannot. It
1 Force Icon added to/removed from the Force Struggle shuffles its discard pile into a new AI Command Deck.
1 additional/fewer Combat Icons Ties are broken by the card with the most Force Icons, then
the Unit with the most Combat Icons or Objective that pro- Blank Cards
AI Event Card costs are not considered when determining vides the most resources, then the Player breaks the tie. Some cards cannot be fully implemented using these rules. In
whether or not to use it. It will always be played if it has a these cases the card is treated as though its text box is blank.:
beneficial effect. Objective Card Selection
If the AI player must select one of its own Objectives to receive Bothan Spy (70-4)
The only override to the Golden Rule is if following it would an Enhancement it will select the least damaged Objective. Watchers in the Wasteland (91-1)
make the AI lose the game. Break ties by selecting the Objective that provides the most The Emperors Hand (94-1)
Resources. If there is still a tie the Player breaks it. Logistics Officer (95-3,4)
AI Card Selection Rule Commando Raid (132-1)
If the AI Player must select a friendly Unit or any other card If the AI can remove Damage Tokens or Focus Tokens from The Investigation (139-1)
when presented with a choice to: an AI Objective it will remove them from the most damaged AI
Objective (Player breaks ties). This version of the solitaire rules includes all Objective Sets up
Remove Focus Tokens to and including 160.
Remove Damage Tokens If the AI can damage a Player Objective it will target the one
Add Shield Tokens with the most damage, with the Player breaking ties. Adjusting Difficulty
Add an Enhancement If the Player plays the Dark Side, use the Balance of the Force
Choose the order when Focusing Units during an engage- The AI will always attempt to equalize Damage Tokens and Death Star Dial. The Player wins at:
ment Focus Tokens across its AI Objectives.
Select one Unit/card over another 16 for Easy difficulty
OPTIONAL: Use a D6 to select an AI and/or Player Objective 19 for Normal difficulty
The AI Player will, subject to normal rule restrictions, select 22 for Hard difficulty
the highest cost Unit/card. Objectives vs. Units 25+ for Insane Difficulty
If the AI must choose between Objectives and Units for card
Ties are broken by the card with the most Force Icons, then effects (e.g. Shielding), compare the total damage on all AI
the Unit with the most Combat Icons or Objective that pro- Objectives to the total damage on all AI Units. If the Objectives
vides the most resources, then the Player breaks the tie. have more total damage activate the effect on the most dam-
aged unshielded objective. If the Units have more damage use
When the AI Player must select a friendly Unit/card for a the AI Card Selection rule. If the effect is applied during the AI
negative effect, it will select the lowest cost Unit/card. turn select from attacking AI Units. If it is applied during the
Players turn select from defending AI Units.
Ties are broken by the card with the fewest Force Icons, then
the Unit with the fewest Combat Icons or the Objective that OPTIONAL: Roll a D6 and apply the effect to Objectives 1, 2,
provides the least Resources, then the Player breaks the tie. or 3 if that number is rolled, or to an AI Unit using the AI Card
Selection rule if a 3-6 is rolled.
If the AI Player must select a friendly Unit for a specific pur-
pose use the most appropriate method to rank the Units. The If a Shield Token is placed during the AI turn place it on an
AI Card Selection rule is only intended for use where a more attacking AI Unit. If a Shield Token is placed during the Players
specific rule is not available. turn place it on a defending AI Unit. Player Aid for Solitaire Variant
Created by JK777 & Hundreds

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