The Comparative (Revision) and The Double Comparative

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The comparative (revision) and the double comparative

1 Circle the appropriate option.

a. The more / most it rains, the fewest / fewer people show up to watch the matches.
b. The little / less I talk to her on the phone, the less / more I miss her.
c. Its taking longer / long and longer / longest to get everything ready for the Parent / Teacher night.
Lets get a move on!
d. Most / More and less / more students are joining the drama club, since it has become the cool thing
to do at school.
e. The Nobel prize-winning scientist developed less / more and most / more fascinating theories about
the beginning of the universe.

2 Get together with a partner and take turns asking questions about his/her life and personality.
Remember to use the comparative when answering.

EXAMPLE: Q: How would you describe your life now as opposed to what it was like ten years ago?
A: I appreciate my parents more, work harder, spend more and more time at school and
make fewer friends. Ten years ago, I used to have fewer expectations about the future and
be more focused on playing and having fun.

3 Rewrite the sentences below using the words in brackets and a comparative structure. Do not
change the meaning of the sentences.

a. This year the number of shoppers who want their Christmas gifts wrapped in the shop has risen. (more)
b. When I spend a lot of time in parks and gardens, I feel better. (more)
c. If you dont read a lot in English, Adrian, your reading skills will suffer. (less / more)
d. Im getting to know him better and starting to like him better too. (more)
e. There arent as many Chinese students around campus this year as there were last year. (fewer)


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