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EPS 400-002: Applied and Environmental Geophysics

Spring 2017
MWF 10-11:50 Northrop 340/115

Lecture and Discussion Schedule of Topics

(Subject to Change)

A note on the lectures:

The lectures in this class are design to be discussion based and
will move you beyond the basic material and introduce you to new and
occasionally open-ended problems. This meansyou will need to
prepare for lecture before hand by reading the text and and
lecture notes and engaging with the discussion questions.
Class discussions are meant to assist you in gaining a firm
knowledge of the basic subject material while also helping you become
more comfortable with problem-solving on the fly and being
flexible/creative in your approaches. Discussion times are when you
can practice problem solving with the opportunity for guidance and
reflection from everyone. I expect that you bravely engage with this
opportunity and participate. It is your responsibility to assess your
comfort with the material and rectify any points of confusion by asking
questions during discussion time. Given that during discussion times,
it is expected that everyone is practicing their logic and problem-
solving, be critical but gentle with your peers in the class and be ready
yourself for your ideas to be critiqued! You can expect that each
problem we work on may not be straightforward, may not have a well-
defined answer, and may require pursuing logic to many dead-ends
before we come up with a reasonable set of solutions. That is the true
nature of science, so be excited about engaging with the process, and
be ready to let go of getting the answer.

Your preparation for the lecture portion of the class will comprise the
majority of your class participation grade.

WEEK 1Jan 18
Introduction to the course, overview of methods and course

WEEK 2Jan 23
Intro to data acquisition and processing

WEEK 3Jan 30
Seismic waves
WEEK 4Feb 6
Seismic refraction
DiscussionSeismic waves: knowledge questions, case study

WEEK 5Feb 13 - Seismic reflection

M: In Class Exercise
W: Lecture/Discussion
F: Lab

WEEK 6Feb 20 - Seismic reflection

M: Case Studies
W: Lecture/Discussion
F: Lab

WEEK 7Feb 27 - Seismology Wrap Up

M: Case Studies
W: Field Exercise

WEEK 8Mar 6 - GPR

M: Case Studies
W: Lecture/Discussion
F: Lab

WEEK 9Mar 13

WEEK 10Mar 20 Introduction to Potential Fields

M: Lecture/Discussion
W: Lecture/Discussion
F: Lab

WEEK 11Mar 27 - Gravity

M: Case Studies (Gravity)
W: Lecture/Discussion
F: Lab

WEEK 12Apr 3 - Resistivity

M: Lecture
W: Lecture
F: Lab

WEEK 13Apr 10 - Magnetics

M: Case Studies (Resistivity)
W: QUIZ GPR, Gravity, Resistivity
F: Lecture

WEEK 14Apr 17
M: Case Studies (Magnetics)
W: Lecture/Discussion
F: Lab

WEEK 15Apr 24
M/W/F: Integration Lab

WEEK 16May 1
Integration Lab and Presentation of Final Projects 5 minutes each
F: QUIZ - Cumulative

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