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ser «sie seen nis denn te seh ene: the DUNGEONS & Dracons® game. ( Armed with dice, pencils, paper, and rulebooks, thousands ‘of people set forth on a quest of the imagination. Along the way they battled monsters, discovered treasure, and , ‘uckked through countless dungeons, keeps, castles, and ais. ‘The Donators « Dragons experience created an industry Not only did ic spawn similar roleplaying games, it had a profound impact on the burgeoning computer gam industry. Around the world and over the years, people fon all walks of lie joined inthis game of monsters and magic This book is a celebration of that phenomenon and a tibute (0 the millions of players who brought the Donatos « Deacons experience to life S49.95US. $69.95CAN £26.99 UK. 965550000 Dua & Orson, Mase: Garane,and Wes Fr Cou ance igos are tracamars of Wears te Cont ne, lathe USA and ober counties C200 Wares 2 FIO wt MW a AN cls a3 Ie: \ 30 YEARS OF ADVENTURE: A CELEBRATION OF DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ©2004 Wirerds of the Coos, Ine. ‘All characters in this back are fictitious. Any revemblonce to octeol perio living ar deod, tx purely coincidental. This book Is protected under the capysight laws of the United States of America, Aewy reproduction er uncutheeizedt we of the material or artwork canfained herein it prohibited without the express written permission of Wirards caf the Coan, ine. Distributed i the Untied States by Haltzbrinck Publishing. Di jbbuted! in Canada by Fenn Lid Distributed to the hobby, toy, and comic track in the United States ond Conode by regional distribviers Disttbuted worldwide by Wizards of the Coat, Inc. and segianal distributors Dunorors & Deacons, Acvancee xreceans B Daacion, Gaerawn, Raviacsr, Deaconaner, Foscomn Reais, Mrstan Dare Sex, Barmecint, Auttmnarr, Carona, Ai-Gatwy, Esiaion, Macks Tre Ganeennc, Wieatns of tat Coast, ond thal respective loges ore trademarks of Wizards af the Coast Inc. in the USA, end other countries Ali Wizards of the Coot characters, character names, and she distinctive likenesres therect are property of Wisoreds of the Coort, Ie. Printed nthe U.S.A The sole of this book without its cover hay not been authorized by the publisher. Wf you purchased this book without 2 cover, you should be aware that nelther the outhor nos the publither hos secsived payment for this “siriaped book” Cover design by Matt Adelsperger Ineerior design by Mott Adelsperger & Brion Fraley First Printing: Qetaber 2004 Ubrory of Congress Cotelog Cord Number: 2004106936 Gar asaa2y US ISBN: 0-7869-2498-0 620-94555-001.EN US, CANADA, EUROPEAN HEADGIUARTERS ASIA, PACIFIC, & LATIN, ‘wiards of the Coot, AMERICA Befgiom Wizards of the Coo, Inc. T Hofveld 6d P.O, Box 707 i 1702 Groct-tiigaarden Rentee, WA 98057-0707 Beigiom +1-BOD-924-4496 +322 467 3360 ‘Vish our web site ar wwwiwizordncom a amet : \o _ pasces™ ‘an BME Huy to™ he Game nae puis giss0W'0" “ga othe formed Meus or Plt . out” Despite able _ssful ¥° unset gold het" aqicerest Aja crane ope’ ren Pca Pe Ors eT 5 ro igre re rad ge Pe ald cue eral sowed a agit Pr Le the eT uaa “Tem ag A Pe Po) pe ae 1A, but ny eral Key) aye rc Pa ee xsl tr ea Ret ceed Caen or ea A ale ened ‘ : : , SROs Chris Prynoski Statistics and Attributes: Chris Prynoski is the founder and owner of West Hollywood's Titmouse, Inc. a studio. He has worked on such shows as Bea Butthead, The Osbournes, MTV Movie Awards, and Downtown. Currently he is the Supervising Director of Cartoon Network’s new show MEGAS XLR. ea eR Description: “You're standing at the foot of an altar, built upon a rock embankment, overlooking a great valley. There is a dense forest to the west, a small cave opening in the mountainside to the east, and a stone citadel on the road ahead. What are you gonna do?” “What do you mean, ‘What are you gonna do’? Don’t Thave to roll these fucked-up-looking dice or something? What am I supposed to do?” “You can do anything.” “What's anything? What are the rules?” “The rules are you can make your guy do whatever you want.” “Are you sure you know how to play?” “Yeah, dude. Just do something” “Okay. My guy pulls down his pants and pisses on the altar” “Are you sure you want to do that?” “Neah, yeah. Let’s get on with it... What are you doing?” “I'm rolling to see what happens to you.” “Shouldn’t I be rolling to see what happens to me? “I'm the Dungeon Master, dude.” “What?” “The clouds open up, and a giant bolt of blue lightning shoots down from the heavens, striking you and frying your ass to a shriveled-up, black piece of bacon. You're dead, dude” “This game is great!” In the fall of 1982, my good friend Andy German invited me over to his house after school. His older brother had introduced him to a game called”D&D” and Wwe were going to try it out with a few of our fellow ten- year-old companions— Dave, Irv, and Michael. It was a life-changing experience. I put my Star Wars action figures in a box and never looked back. For the next four years we got together and played every single day. We couldn’t conceive of doing anything else. Ttmay have been an imaginary, fantasy world, but it was real to us. We knew our characters better than ourselves and treated their situations as seriously as we would any in our own lives. Experience points were more important than grades. Magic weapons were more important than food. The death of a player character was a tragedy as terrible as losing a real brother. Dungeons and Dragons opened our minds to the fact that life had no boundaries. It wasn’t played out on a flat board with pieces that moved around a determined path 7,, it was open to anything you could imagine. D&D was “thinking outside the box” decades before that stupid expression existed. { believe that role-playing at an early age really hipped ime to the fact that one could do anything in life. The only path available isn’t the boring job in the boring suburbs. There areas many paths as you want to take. And if the path you want doesn’t exist yet, you can go ahead and make your Own — even if you have to Kill some Bugbears to doit. i Cardell Kerr is the Senior & Dragons Online at Attributes! x, Dungeons t Software yu think the mean WI rly went up to 6sides? ded to search ‘oks from out ee managed to find il remember how we all regat eee with, unmitigated glee, staring at the Prstticolored crystalline dice, being B nazed by the varieties. Tremember buying to ag, because my character it to deal damage. house and being ince back in the day different sized opponent In retrospect, I thinl day, a. d20 and a d, and Ineeded Sf that | didn’t have 2 a1 Gid different damage ' thing we looked for ally run a game- cially in an age before Tike MAcic: THE GATHERING stores and Inter weeks, one of oUF friends finally decided he'd waited long enough and was to runagame. ating (backs, St Waa cohesive game. We fought kobolds in a sewer, ‘Did 1 mention they wert Siding dragons? WOW - | inking about it, is almost MT mean, kobolds would nevey ride dragons! the fact that we Were ‘hooked. We would ing recess and plan. out our next adventures, al party roles like other kids were allocating Yyats, 1 would typically wea up as the wizard, Sines ther people didn’ envi to learn the spells. But oat no one wanted to BE the cleric. Oh how young We were! When we all got to high School, the mood had changed Finding @ up, Paterested in “getting & game ads stopped playing, but probably not a5 mild think, Meanwhile other people tuned P. Atihat we could all carry © story well make a stunning descriptions 8 good game. This Was the peri would drive together.” It was at this ‘enough to actually od of time where he campaign and ‘he players’ imaginations: ‘Ghost Mountains that fame place twice (Krull), and amazing ing effects were the main ed learned to bounce, 50 this the nomenclature of 2A ie’ mnantra that will not isions pre’ with d20 modern. ght anyone could e current staff, sent in 3.5, 1 can't . 5 co} = FE iy Ls A ra} Ey Rees eat cas Panu youNso™ CONVENTIC BON 5) & a j J past two years, stephen The Daily Show with m cyatstics and Adib F eine correspondent OF mF dcity improv FOUPE Tolbert has serve’ vonstewart-Hiscare fat the Seco Jonchicago. There he co paul Dinello, with som he later develo “comedy series, Exit Wosently he reunited will veate comedy Contes acti weries, Strangers With Candy first-ever live .Vhad been {was in seventh grade arte the spring of 1976 ‘and had just st Description: In Deg sence sion FOF SHO ears sever into fantasy one day at unc 1 overteare friend Keith saying: listened y at the door rear anything, ©! W208 inside and got syacked by 2 giant Fa +s mean, you Tstened atthe oor? What are What do YO" bot?” swell, it’s kind of f ard to explain but in this ss & DRAGONS thet tity that you'll heat door, and my char acl a thef so he can Hear vt Come over Fri ’ 1 thought it wa5 Vsaid, you talking # is game 1 what sex Your ind of cook that i gidn’t matte! e's a pro Jon Masters fof her, and he e the clouds: hey ssid, called DUNGEO Something through & iter. The game just character Wa: 1 aid and was instantly poard—just dice, just probabilities allow Killed hei ‘and he made itr oe eee sme than 1 ver id 80 chose old Gia ffort into that ‘my favorite men as. Those are through Fire Giants est campaign to me 1 put more & schoolwork. sve were all complete ONE in schoot beyond the fe some o Wes ends. We were anal bubble of the | Fret Siam, ana storm Gian e rolls the Fite Expedition 10 the Barre” crs, 0 Sei-FiFantasy ™ cad an eloventivtevel pala {iuiook me yearstoadvane those enon Expedition, and Me he Power ATMO fo, But he also went 2 in that modul paign we saw & shant caravans fand landed next © be school. I'm not We levels) whom I t's how outcast big thing 10 8 which was the ‘On the next cam wh wg mate te tule @ <5 ai elt and mute reaching Bile Be ut ei to aching eng utlepower a ried away and believing yealand a merchant and tore, off the guy's hea harp Eememier oe ag be suupid enue (0 believe rhe DM informed me hat 1 was not @ paladin anymore. this was real?” ‘And while 1 Certainly wished tt ‘was real at times 1 Tsaid, “Oh, shit, forgot. '™ jawful good!” ‘was sure these WEE ‘boos! we nade up by preachers who % wae ake the implications rir stores like Tolkein OY Mi by what they DM: “Yeah, and the gods are angry. $9 YY, re not a paladin character's done.” a a do ge eis syehad mutple bars and yal take hem TOMES dung’ person rutin multiple Eventually We started to judge each other pased on how OF ash ec ean of ens have OnE DM ee ies wee wo ey eleven prothers and sisters. ¥ included myself and my ‘mother ant xd 100 much. We wanted oUF characters t© be too stron my father. c ¢ of high 5 ool we were the weak 7 ier, ralbeit imagine’: Well this on& 1 took them throu e called The dungeon ‘mastering a @ critique of Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor fat, He would tempt to get seemingly antimnited powet Tier, whose mane 15 | iulu. She was & vaya poison with NOS ip throw) an then throw sruge roadblocks site at was deseibed iDaacon magazine: Cs vay wo Keep WOT Byiewing it MY remembering WPO%Es dance of seduction ind fove potions and stuff like that. She Jy pat t think by the end aoe sing. the game © express now WE and she ended UP ‘being my character for years. Al felt ‘pout each othe . quite well that my ‘ny friends bussed ME cer what sex Yo va of her, and HE ous. Those tome mendous. The {through Fite best campaign tasy mix wwance those 10a mt, pate ett i a merchant cal nd mand landed nex" aladin anymore vod! re not Bo 300 a ‘ing yo a palain yt that on how our x base on BOM re too strong ars 0 be 100 sO bare eee we i shool wey iso seitimagined. Wel Tue 0 masteing 2S re a slimes eeminglyuatisited Dow «.Trmay remember row WE se 10 €XP! other based iclieve we We! the g Ben Kweller Statistics and Attribute: 'S second album, On My Way, release: Description: I grew up in a small town north of Dallas called Greenville, Texas. The first time I heard about D&D was from aneighborhood friend. There was a kid in the neighborhood {wo or three years older than me ~ his name een Casey ~and he always talked about Dungeons & Dragons. Twas eight or nine when I first learned about it. We would go to the bookstores and sit there for hours reading the books because we didn’t have the monen te buy them. We were fascinated by this fantasy world set in medieval times, with heroes and sorcerers. We weren‘t able to buy the books and actually play, but we dreamed about being in that world. We would go home and dravy Pictures of our characters. We didn’t know all the rules, but I remember Thad a trampoline in the backyard and we'd act out our mes and play out our characters, That was the first time I really ot bit by the bug. It took dreamy Jats to actually get my first game. Butfalwok dreamed about playing. There were about four of us who Would get together Piano lessons I was given, Twould take a few chords that I and play, but in my town there si’t a huge outlet for Could get and make up my own songs. I think for me early gaming. There was one comic book Store, butit was.alot of 8 when I was younger, reading wasn’t as much fun if it older people that would always play and I was not in their Crs Something already created. I could really relate to the Sroup. . I would hang out there and watch people play. | Choose Your Own Adventure books because I was able Wished I could play too, but they thought I was too young, fo be a part of it and make a decision, Otherwise Id get One year Iwas at summer camp —Iwas about thirteen distracted or bored. So I wae really into Choose Your Own PMN komo % Adventure, because I had a say in tt [2nd I played my first game. We had a free day and there A ure, hin, Ris really cool kid with jet black hair: Vl neve’ forget | That's what I love about Dungeons & Dragons: You're him. He had a backpack full of every book: the ranger ¢reating reality book, the rogue book. They looked like bibles with the page When I was a kid, it was hard ecause | always wanted < markers. I just thought he was the coolest kia because he {0 Play but couldn’t. Now, on tour after the concerts in had this backpack full of these ainazing books. He was the the hotel rooms or on the tour ba We play on the road Dungeon Master, and I played my fen game and loved it, during our down time. My sound engineer is our Dungeon About two years ago I finally got sonar lot of the Master, my guitar player is a cleric my tow: Manager is a books and started playing games with some friends, fighter, and I'm a ranger. As a matter of fact, the name of I'm a half-elf ranger. [ love Fangers, especially with the ™Y publishing company is Twelve-Sided Die Music new 3.5 rules, [love the stealthinese it’s not quite a fighter, Brian, the DM, had played for years. I’ve really been the and you have a few spells you can cast. It’s just a good Tingleader. I was, like,“We gotta do this reminds me of a Navy SEAL You can almost de everything, My tour manager especially has taken to the game. I like to create characters that are like me, that are small ™e ‘an, We're so into it! It’s really just now ten years later pnd fast. 've never really wanted to play » dwarf ora big that I'm playing it for real. I've just had my first three barbarian or anything, consecutive sessions, When I was young, I read a ton of the Dungeons & But most of all, I remember back to that summer camp, Dragons Choose Your Own Adventore books. Music's remember lying on the carpeted floor ct the clubhouse, always been my one passion in life. I had Piano lessons and this guy with his backpack full of stacks of books. Iwas 5 il when I was growing up, but Inever wanted t Practice the in awe of him, GAME co} Ww. SER ‘& TRADE SHO} AMERICA’S PR this 7° hese pression wilh oa sean from C Bry Ee ea) Ay AW, ' are Aa e6 i Nee Wil Wheaton Huatistles and Attributes: Film audiences first met Wil Wheaton in the classic film Stand By Me while television audiences followed his journeys on the starship Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wheaton, 32, recently ppened the Second Act of his life with two books Dancing Barefoot, and Just A Geek. His Personal website at \ is one of the most Popular weblog Webdae fhe Internet, and was recently named Best Co lebrity Weblog by Wil is a life-long gamer, and his column Wil Save appears monthly in Dungeon magazin, pesctiption: At Christmas 1979 my great aunt gave me the red box set of D&D that had the bare rules, the papled Dungeon Masters Guide, and the Keep on the Borderlands module. It had the old dice thar you had to color in the numbers, She said,“ hear this is a game that the kids really like to play, and I think you'd really like it because you get to use your imagination.” When I sat down and started reading, my head immediately filled with images of dragons and ores. Vd fever heard of those things before — Iwas ¢ little young for Tolkein and I didn’t know what an ore or a bugbear wae hat L thought it was the coolest thing! Fifth and sixth grade was when 1 really began to play spuensively because a lot of kids in my school care really into it. One friend had a ton of little lead figures and Pieces of Styrofoam that he had cut to look like bricks and then painted gray. We used to build dungeons all over my bedroom floor. I always liked being a wizard, because I thought they were super-cool. Nowadays with Th d Edition 1 Play monks and rangers, but when Iwas » ht loved to Play wizards. In real life, ve always been slight and not ‘ally strong or big. Instead I've been really cerebral Une Players who wanted to portray charactes very unlike themselves, I wanted to Play a wizard who om Ieyidealized version of myself. Wizards ane based on Intelligence and Wisdom rather than being based on Charisma, like sorcerers are in Third Edy ion. I always taunted to be a wise, intelligent person, so 1 way drawn to wizards. 1 think the Forcorten Reams setting is fantastic. It mothe’ me 80 much of Middle Earth, My friewas gave me the campaign sourcebook for my birthday a couple of Haan, 280. | find that D&D manuals, espe ally the This Fdition manuals, can be read kind of like tha appendices in Return of the King, {stopped playing during Second Edition but started the Gonat vith Third Edition. I went to my local Wizards of the Coast store every day for a week ahead ot time, trying ie aculole the manager into letting me see the ster before it came out. When the first set of core tulebooks finally all sroun gt Lstuck them in my backpack and earried them around everywhere. Nowadays I DM a lot. I'm teaching my stepchildren, Who are twelve and fourteen, to play. Ive op great for me {0 sit down with them and describe 4 dungeon. I was doing a hack-and-slash dungeon one afternoon, and I put them in a really big empty cavern. I'm describing this big empty cavern to them, and they can hear water dripping facen ates and there's this breath of wind aeront their faces. A really awful smell comes from the back of the wa, They both looked at each other, and I could cos they Were putting two and two together, My oldler stepson said,”Stop! I know what it is!” Td made a bunch of bugbears standing over goblin corpses, and that was what they smelled, Roleplaying games are incredibly interac ve. I tell my Kids all the time that when you have free time ar fine to watch aTV show, but try to strike a balance between using our time in a ways that’s entertaining but also ens hing. And roleplaying games are incredibly enric hing, = gp Sherman Alexie ee SO Statistics and Attributes: Sherman Aleve © poet, satitist, author of the screenplay for Smoke Signals, and roe of the most dynamic forces in modern ‘American, Hiterature. He lives in the Seattle area. 1 first learned about Dunceoxs & DRAcoNS ight or nine years old. Maybe older, maybe Younger. The Spokesman-Review, the only paper in Spokane, Washington, sixty miles from my reservation, published a story about a local hobby store that was Rome to a dedicated group of men who wert conducting, a months-long DUNGEONS & Dracons campaign The story 2 mre rcompanied by a four-color photograph ofa chubby tran leaning over a table decorated with tiny plastic trees, boulders, and castles. He looked like a ‘Twinkie-addicted giant as he stared at the two-inch-tall Jead miniature figure Set medieval warrior. That little warrior was muscular ond fierce and heroic, completely unlike his NC ‘That hero was the fantasy doppelganger for 2 chubby gamer who probably couldn’t have run 9 mile without serious heart damage. Other readers might have laughed at the story and photograph. Heck, ninety-nine percent of other seaders probably made fun of that guy: But 1 was in love Well, notin love with the guy, but in love with the slightly crazed look in his eyes. There was a mysteniow® passion in his eyes. Something mystical. Yes, 1 said it. It was mystical. Maybe mystical is not the right word. Maybe there arene words to explain why the story and photograph appealed so strongly to me. But I'm a riter, so I have to tert find the words, enit? So listen: I knew instantly that Hye ed to play the game. Moreover, I knew 7 would love the game and play it and love it foreve® Can you fall in Jovewith a game? Heck, can you fall in love with the idea ofa game? I don’t know, but | instantly wanted to become weed obsessive-compulsive geek-boy gamer ‘Other kids a wifed to be USS. President or quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, but I wanted to be a tw tieth-level warrior with triple-digit Strength and Dexterity. wanted to be heroi So 1 bought used copies of the DUNGEON: & Dracons’ books and played the game mostly by myself. It's hard to Description: when I was find sympathetic gamers dang impossible on the created campaigns and dun; and played all of the roles: I the courageous and hapless and the warrior and the ‘and the troll. I created entire any Spokane elf and the dragon igeons and heroes adventurers. I was the wiz and the worlds and tribes that Ico} Control. Iwas a small version of God. My family is troubled by poverty and alcoholism. My tribe is eve been destroyed by more family has. | was and has nearly alcoholism than my in a dangerous world where ae sje a saving roll,And yet, while playing D&D 1 ‘and strength that I learned how to so often to have courage display courage and game, ‘and has nearly been destroyed n more troubled poverty and alittle boy growing up the chance to pretended strength in my real ‘because I never thought it was a game. nobody gave me life. Hove D&D, ;where in the world and pretty Indian Reservation. 1 and villains vas the Dungeon Master and ard ore ld the REYHAWK BY ED STARK tag 4 PP en See eee canoe : nt = GREYHAWK Zz Ey 3 F Ff a FE 6 EB 5 Es ra ry j ghee s Pie Ts ae sme Tt re Ralph Sanchez ————————————— Statistics and Attributes: Ralph Sanchez uutive for MTV Networks. isa former production Description: I remember the moment as if it was only yesterday: But it was really twenty-six years ago almost to the day. It was a chilly day in early February. Second semester was about to start. 1 stood at the doorway. I listened. Somebody said the words, “roll for initiative.” Iwas about to step into a new world. It was 1978, and I was halfway through my sophomore year at the University of Southern California. Still living at the dorms, fone Friday night I wandered past an open door near the end of the hallway. Fven over the Aerosmith blaring from two doors down, I could hear the strange conversation that was taking place in Dan’s room. Phrases like, “what's your armor lass,’ Tim checking, for secret doors,” and “conjuring hold portal” were being bandied about enthusiastically, as if the guys in Dan's room were participating in some sporting event... yef, they were fas static as three guys sitting on top of dorm bunks. “What's this?” Tasked, poking my head in. Dan simply said, “DUNGEONS AND D&acons.” Tdon’t know if it was the fact I was on my third beer, or that my girlfriend was studying for a final and was half a campus away, or that I was just plain curious ~I ventured into the room qwith a “Say what?” and a sudden desire to join. Dunctons é Deacons soon became part of my life, ALUSC, it was mostly every Friday night that at least five of us would gather for an adventure. Dan started running a campaign. He twas our DM. Iwas the initiate. So was another buddy of mine — fresh fodder for the Dungeon Master to torture. It was a perfect time for me, too, to be getting into a game that demanded so much imagination from its players. I was on my second screenwriting class at SC, and the interactive storytelling that is, in my opinion, the basis for D&D helped my developing skills as ‘writer tremendously Of course, it was also a heckuva good time. One of my first characters was a Paladin-wannabe fighter whom I uninspitedly called “Arthur.” Our DM thought I could do better. Well, I quickly changed his name to GoForlt, Okay, so maybe I was breaking a little bit of the mood since the others were calling their characters Alagorth and Blortok the Great, but T thought it might be fun to have a noble warrior with a blue collar name and personality. GoForlt turned out to be one of the great heroes of the campaign we ran that year. He was also a huge pain in the butt. You see, GoForlt was completely committed to stamping out evil All evil. Anything that he ran into that even smelled of evil, he would lunge after, raising sword high over his head, and exclaiming in no small voice, “In the name of God!” He would charge into the fray almost without thinking. Ift was orc, kobold, fo: goblin, he would dash and slash. He was a berserker paladin Even when faced with a foe that those with reason would recommend a hasty retreat from, GoForlt just charged with his alktoo-familiar war cry. He charged a Beholder once. The Outcome was not pretty. It’s a good thing there was a high-level cleric in the party that day. ‘GoForlt learned a little about restraint when one time, he was hit by an arrow in his left shoulder blade. The arrow came from cone of the party members. GoForlt was trying to charge a Balrog, that time (yes, Dan ran Balrogs in his dungeon!). ‘His party dragged him into retreat. From that day on, GoForlt leamed fo playa little nicer with his friends ‘The thing that kept GoForlt valuable to the group was his uncanny ability to always hit. He would roll more hits than the laws of average would supposedly allow. He rose quickly in experience and rank, and was soon one of the leaders in the ‘Quest for the White Sword ~ the campaign that lasted the rest of the school year. There was a final confrontation that took place over Memorial Day Weekend. Three straight days of D&D. The party confronted the elusive but legendary “Death Dealer,” a sort bf medieval Darth Vader, who had stolen the powerful White Sword (this artifact could open portals between dimensions, aside from being a really good weapon). We won. We took the Sword back. Our Memorial Day Weekend was a celebration of our love for the game. After college life happens. The opportunites to play D&D seem less and less. But the fond memories of the games shared with friends keep tugging you back to an occasional dabbling into the arena. For me, as I tilted at the giant windmills of the entertainment industry in order to geta job in television, D&D found me again and was instrumental in helping me get my first “rea” job Th the fall of 1983, CBS was airing the animated children’s series, Dungeons & Dragons on Saturday mornings. I just so happened to be working at CBS at the time, as an assistant to one of the directors of prime time programming. I eagerly watched the show. [liked it, despite the obligatory funny unicorn that was inserted for comic relief and to push plush merchandise, no doubt. Still, this was D&D. On TV! Suddenly, | was sparked to write a treatment for an episode. I showed the treatment to the executive overseeing the production of the show, and he liked i Before | knew it, [had an interview with the head of Children’s Programs at CBS, because they thought I had captured the sensibilities of the show, and because, more importantly, there vas an opening in their department Twas hired a week later all thanks to D&D. By the way, the episode I wrote — it was about how the heroes encountered this Death Dealer. Sound familiar? Well, they say you write best about what you experience. And for me, the Experience of DUNcrONS anD Dracons will be part of who T am forever. [tis a fun and influential part of my life. It is a small part of my current life, as [have DM’ed once or twice for my own kids ‘The legend just keeps going, and going, 7 puntisles and Attributes: 1 Phillips, Myles Kennedy, of the band Alter Bridge, a'k Tremonti along with Scott and Brian Marshall, ie.» member misters in le with our ch, of ee Monster and do han of fun stuff My favorite cha had an 18 Strength, but he fame was Conan — nat rally. [ mad at me once viteclsened him to deat I had a fit and wouldn¢ oe ith him anymore uniece he Od Conan, so we hate, work i & Ip} @ hat and take aracters, all kinds racter was probabl, nu Rrra none) Dracons stutt” mind me of Dep, Just recently | bought a Trivial P, I Said, “Jeff Easley?» sitet DVOVOneief tha He sent the Painting to Jeff and Jett Signed my name dpaations had a picture thar You had to identify, anc it wre happand Sent it back. feaneg Jeff and asked him “pe you 2 twenty-sided die appen to have any of your org Paintings sitting aroundoe Oday ‘my most prized deentos are the original [ie said,“Sure, [ve got tons of them.” Gantt att for The Players Handbook, The 2 on Master ct “You wouldn't happen to have the Monster wide, Monster Manual, Keep ‘on tha Borderlands, Manual one?” Pan oF thie: Planes, ard other D&D books, Han it “Yes” aPPened was, Ihave Signature model with Paul Reed hey Buitars, and they dee By parcalled a dragon modes SY Commissioned Jeff Easley to paint the dragon.Tsaw asters Guider” hap aitting in Paul Reed ¢ IWS office and asked hay ; What it was about He told me i Bold mine. Today they're my most sas the painting for the Suitar and asked theazits: Whenever look 3p them if |wanted it, Of course, I said yee * of my childhood. It bio i pits by the gay wie did all the Dunceons & RAGONLANCE BY PETER ARCHER Statistics and Attributes: acclaimed writer/director of dance Film Fe Classic, SLC Punk, which ig Series for MTV. Me; number of in, Starring Alan A, Heather Graha, Estella Warren, raised in Salt Lal n 1 was eight years old, and ‘Sa rip off of Lord of the Rings. Itwas, like, 800 pages, Somebody gave me Deities and Demigods $0 I could come up with 80ds for my book, For Christmas { got the Dungeon Masten Guide, the Players Handbook, and the Creatures guide. So | had all these great books y Siuld refer to. 1 used the books {0 help structure my story. At some point I realized thie book needed si history so | started writing a history to go with it, and that’s when | started using these book. 1 got my first adventure T don't remember what it was called. The next-door neighbors and | Played it immediately, in two hours. Everyone T'was the Dungeon Master, When I wasn’t, I played a My intere: chaotic good elf. My favorite character was Zenta,a magic Duyeron & Dr user, who bec, nth-level magic user, and film it. Wed pl, tors I know, and 1 happened. | lived chool we playey certain lake, we found the tre: 3s Supposed to be a six-mon ‘asure and th tournam was mad at me. making was tot Ns. We used to do live lay part of adi won the game, It ent and itended ally driven by ® action gaming still have all ack in high s, or afte ventures, and Vd film what Hight against a mountain, and there was 'd every weekend Rothing on it, so it could look like a D&D world if you School or all summer long. ‘wanted to. That’s when I started directing, We got to a point where we {tarted making up our own 'd love to make a fantasy movie. To me it Would be dungeons. It was more fun {hat way. We played all theay caleresting t0 make one of the adventures—or have 9 adventures—White Plume Mountain, Expedition to the farrier competition and see how the Pecks—but then we made HP our own adventures. I think that’s the best part of it youd have to by Tlived in Utah, lay out. Of course rush it up, but it would makes great movie, Tshot my movie at this Place called the Old Mill, Where IinctheFe Was a lot of scandal about they had live role Playing. like the live stutf But it’s lots of P&D back in the eighties Is the midst of al that, there wan fun to sit down at the table and play the game. We start in bar mPetition, and we won the par petition. We won $1000, foun and buy your stuff. Some People skip that stuff—how aan’ Won it by accident The DM had made the dungeon far you can go in a day and $0 on—but I like With a back door, where thene Was a Secondary way to win wind find the treasure. We foumy tl would ever loo} s trapdoor th; K for in a tunnel, The that. at no one crossed a n when we ohn Rogers Statistics and Attributes: John Rogers created the hit WB Kids show Jackie Chan Adventures, has written 4 over thirteen feature films, ‘and is currently executive- ‘a producing the TV show Global Frequency for the Warner Bros. Network. Description: “We don’t want to go into the cave, scripted. at my sister and my friends, But the graph- paper maps were all done.The monstet stats. The random treasure tables! How could they not understand? aa yd there were ruins near the village. We want to go there.” WT siid the graph-paper maps away, stuck a thumb in the Monater Manual, and started, well... winging it ‘The mad King, the bargain with the monsters, the ‘betrayal by his daughter — Lwas just telling 2 story. My first story. [ had arrica Tid be “just telling stories” for the rest of my life. ‘Obstacle, conflict, resolution, complication people spend years at college learning to master these crucial sPeting tools. | learned them through, the. ny arrows Jeading from room (“obstacle”) to room complication”) in thaVault of the Drow.Iearned about good characterization, iffhangers, and reversals. All good TV shows and movies caente their own internal, consistent worlds. So do all good of life. They're particularly heavy on the ground in the catertainment world, using all those same lessons I picked up along the way. recently started playing again, Pomething I’m not shy about telling people. I expected som of mocking from my fellow writers, bul almost to a a ye the eyes go wide, the jaw drops, and I get 2 whispered Dungeon Masters. ‘Rad most important, when I came 0 Hollywood, the DM's greatest tool was mine: the abjity lie quickly ol enthusiastically. It doesn’t matter how off the rails a story meeting goes, what insane question & producer asks, “No... way.” sto ow vast a rewrite we need in an hout, 1 can always How ingrained is D&D in Hollywood? I once walked convince people that whatever I'm spewing, cat was my out ofa meeting with a studio president during which one Clever plan all along. You think an angry Wiirector is tough? of his less-important exece had interrupted with an idiotic Nothing compared to a PC arguing over his beloved pitch. In the hallway, one producer turned to another and paladin’s death, my friend. Nothin eeked,"Who was the dude with four hit points?” Te may be my mid-thirties talking, but pity kids now, My friend ndrew Cosby (creator of the TV show playing alone in video simulations mf simeone else's Haunted) was recently in 8 ™ sing with an Oscar-winning, v orlds, Worlds where if you don’t do the“right”thing, you writer-producer- The writer, discussing a character in a $60 Gon't “win? I played with a group of re cnas, There were million script, said site's like, you know, a multi-classed cc limits, and the world was ours. (And we had to walk to fighterithief.” After an awkw ‘and pause, the writer chortled our games in the snow, uphill both way butthat’s another “Come on, T knew youd get that reference.” Andrew ont.) The rules were often impenetrable on ihe first, nodded and picked up the phone, third, and fourteenth read-through, forcing us {0 teach the There, in the middle of an insanely important meeting, game from generation of gamer to generation of gamer. he took time wat to dial his mother back in Georgia. Ss fact is — although it may have been an vecidental by- soon as she picked up the phone, Andrew yelled into the product of some very bad copywriting (you know who you receiver: TETDLD YOU IT WASN'T THE DEVILS GAME!” vee) — DUNGEONS & Deacons is one of the few remaining and hung up. Gral traditions in our high-tech world. ‘Sweet victory at last. > ‘Thirty years of D&D has also, produced an entire So next time you're in LA, pive 4 yell. Bring 446 and generation of players who are out there now in ‘all walks come with me . THE FORGOTTEN EALMS BY STEVE WINTER Scslant >y nA Murbent”%y 2 g = z FA g = 6 BI FE 8 $ Fe 2 < = CI < = cy rs FA 9 Es Statistics anc ate Studios, py roducers of such Toone Towers, ort mer Forgotten Realms: pe Dagiowis presi Video games ae 7 he Rings: Retumn ident of Stormfront Lord of the Of the Ki i's into 0 ar tet Wed completed college bey tur lives in 1975 7P otherwise AS it i, we wore layed by wa 8 atthe brea eball and Star Printed out lety pee aminate. Td write Bas 'ae 19751 started a erg? Computer tk ree Bae was cae DNGE names wer ind use; ancient fe Trek game, fev Perennial boop AS this is w onanew p Selle} eT reSed again before My Next chance e. lependent dey and we we an ind cannot w. brin, 22" Paving the way West The title ine a Annovative and has became ‘ S Were created by St Foams OF fifty on re 'ore People the first ext thinty ait to see YSTARA BY STEVE WINTER pee pose and Attributes; is Community Dungeons & /p, Entertainment Software gamer, I think 'S Of chess at six or seven, cated rules to ng Lego tribes 1 Warr Ncountered Dung; (basic red book. “elves were bo} lass) in the sixth grade, Monders for my socic] Status, butall ofa sudden had a creative i i storytelling, JY gaming friends we a step above YS considered nds helped sed their last Bet the rest of th at some poin the nebulous, distant future, Seatty OUt Of the ve Would likely stop being able to have our ep before they broke their staff of the magi. Weekend Baming sessions that lasted until the y Memory is awful, but while phone Wee hours. Between nding Neuromancer amd Heels. addresses, rames, birthdays and th becoming dimly aware of the potential of dial- ike move cleanly between, MY ears without UP BBSes, | remember sitting in my friend’. ving a trace of thein Passage, I can recal] attic (not the basement, we Weren't quite that obscure details about rules, game systems, and Stereotypical) talking with my gaming group 8aming sessions of Years long ago. RPG, tho about how cool it Would be to have some way be more than a Pastime; they can become the of playing D&D in Some sort of“cyberspace,” Sort of oral history that you don’t fing often in Fast forward to today, and an idle geek modern society, ‘For friends with whom Te dream is fast becoming a reality, Samed with for years, the RPG has become our | ener ted my old friends ‘0 be excited beyond shared mythology, the anecdotes have worked belief when they heard what Project T was their way into oy language (to “Nandor,” for Working on. Their 1 action (positive, but not ample, as a verb, ig bad) and the characters exuberant) was a shock to me at first, but it We've played are unlikely to ever be forgotten, quickly became clear, Dungeons & Dragons think Iwas around fourteen when I started Online would be a Breat thing, but they had Setting more into computer gaming: Bard's more Pressing questions to as like how long Tale, Wizardry, Moria, some of the classics. My i i did 1 b friends and I were becoming vaguely aware that ring my . eo \e ¢ lead designer stics and Attell = Online game, coming from it Software- players 10 © new stories: pecause when 1 was eleven years old. “ e Test of the wins,” by Wrargaret Weis, W950 Brat expasue tO. We wreaaok Tesora ey DRAGON ance. It told the story ‘of the twins, Raistlin an followed, were the catalyst forme tom ove away fr ns, Rae ( High as an excise to raise arbitrary eteanbers (although L still 5 wards wsing RE mechanics of DED Caramon, am at part), and to ametory, a story mn Sorcery. In order 19 ‘complet prother, whois test. You don’t know whe! ihe Test. 1 WAS ‘enmediately hooke vide th uNaracters seemed OTE eal, more interesting DED campaign MY friends and Thad P ene working togeter topr Dior really just exerci jn advancing Ste achieve. The StOry giving you? Mraracters and getting ipinat loot — 35! ‘said, DED really § wi y y f how it cas the precursor OF ORPGS): fa interactive Bame: ‘of an interactive SF y timate fantasy that SPELLIAMMER BY STEVE WINTER Te as War Captain's eels] ” Somerh, > ling Fa 3 = < = 3 < ES 6 8 F S ES |e eee LNA Hob, RTPA Teh aiie oncouh O20 John Frank Rosenblum Statistics and Attributes: John Frank Rosenblum is a writer ‘and producer who has worked on such shows as Docfor aio Trailer Park, Mimic, and Impostor Description: When I was 2 kid there were two things | Pouldn’t get enough of: DUNGEONS ‘& Dracons and Doctor Who. went to visit the set of Docto® ‘Who when I was ten, and I knew right then that I never wanted to work a day in ‘my life—I wanted to be 2 producer! When I went 0 work ry octor Who, I was awestruck Tt was my chance to work with so many people Thad mired, adored, and idolized. Twas sure that all my dreams Thad come true and that the excitement would never wear off, ince then, 1 have had the pleaser of working on many television shows, documentaries, and feature films, allowing me to experienc things I never would have dreamed of twenty years, 20 1 have had my film nevGundance, sat next to Brad Pitt at the Oscars, and waited with Michelle Pfeiffer ot the Emmys. I have met ‘he President, been to Buckingham Palace, and eaten with Steven Spielberg, 1 have sat in the captain's chair on the ridge of the starship Enterpritt pent the night at the Big Brother House, and stood under the English Channel on the dividing line between England and France. I have partied backstage with Phish in Amsterdam, Madness patlondon, and They Might Be Giants in Athens. I have in iated a famous actor’s Ferrari oof ‘of a swimming pool, had an Oscar-winning director throw a coffee mug at My fat d (he missed), and once Lalmos} #40 ‘over Harrison Ford. rand yet, these things no longer Bit ‘me that golden glow they once did. I worried that I Ihed become too jaded and that I would never again feel that sense of exhilaration ‘Luckily, even though the reality of living in the moviel television business has made me iramune to the excitement ofstanding behind Jim Carrey at the buffet, I still get goose pumps when I think about the first time I opened the DED box. And even though T had played D&D on many a production set (with everyou® from grips to stars), Thad * Per met anyone who actually worked on it. So imagine my surprise when I discov red in the middle of a meeting Trot the people I was dealing with wees previously from TSR In front of the studio executive, the rights holder, and the development people, T ‘blurted out, “You worked on Dunceons & Deacons?” have subsequently Greenwood, Da Now that I Peter Adkison, Ed Gygax, | find that the slow away after all ag ask him whether I should hay ‘Combat Casting head those fan voice Who, “If the TARDIS. you jettison twenty percent of infinity?” Itjust so happens enjoy a special relationship—l am we get together, itis When I pick is a fan of mine. Whenever like the old spy movi bridge: "You tell me a good D&D story, al good Doctor Who story.” little spark of excitement in ‘as my first feat, s which used t ‘supposed to be inf e percent of it? What ies where they tra hidden inside me, was struck with awe. met Cindi Rice, we Arneson, ai up the phone to cal each and every ve Improves Thear in the Jo always ask us de hostage: ind Vl tell you a just a that Ed likes Doctor Who, so Ed ‘a fan of his work, and he very much ws over the * fter twenty-five years, the majesty of D&D is still able to pring out that fanboy as itignit ine of US, Ed Stark, nd Gary ‘of excitement has not slippes iI Ed Stark .d Initiative oF back of my at Doctor jnite, how can is twenty-five AVENLOFT BY STEVE WINTER WORLDS OF IMAGINATION i. avenl Lie ident of fainment studio, ree StRg to think about how fl answered this question whe d probably have sat that it made me a los TReant to the ridicule gt People who thought of lay weet Nerd, oF dorky realy Butch dreaded the anny Announcement in ge 0 ustin High ming club was 28 it did every i smirks and stran ck. We didn't always all to the club Sinto other game astig ana! Playing D&D feq my and th 8 around and ¥ can happen in lv enough, the fy Tiends to this Professionally anyevelve D&D compute pnyone had told mew. man that I Would have been in charge of tn y na single, D&D ! would proba ave th u 145 given me statistics and Attributes’ New York Times beseseTiN8, author rips the autor oF the ANI Blake, Vampire Be ago, the latest oF whlch Tncubs oS ot, Hamilton's MEY ee gate Eye, from Ballantine Dre Merry Get began w' Mecently continues Hh naueed by Moot ayare of D&D in junior YOAr of high ‘dom school. Most of of Bayed old stzie DED. At fore they had all the rind ot years later that id it because Of BOW ‘Over the yes in high school, one hnusband a group out Bother gaming SOUP thet to a small Christi played DED at all Wo something Bn worship. You had & Satanic lt was hard to find people. Nobody wars or ted me and my first ‘husband to date ‘both gamed gh school SrOUP through most syne girl who played ‘he second Year “smother gist who came ‘priefiy. She a, and the fact that ated with even told wy roling UP #8) characte y vse there were $0 few. jn hobbies 7 wf the few gists eve) ~ from martial ota when Twas in CCE to what sainay andiscience BeEON still generally & Twas raised to BE the woo! most of The resul ‘We had two wore! se-was the most women Fd Ge Ihe longest me. THESE Woe the people party forme when | sold my first nove Early in my know, my husband am ry a down payment: Con you qn somebody else's playground? Book Department, Brian Thomsen. We tal He wanted me to WHE Raventoft because 1 Ww Blake Vampire besides me: ‘group fOr a surprise inter series: Ravenloft novels. gamed in FORCOTTEN ead the books when they So many of us of that Thad gamed sin righ schoo! that MAY ih the Dungeon Masters wound uP ie ng their own adventures atone ime we were inthe omb of Horrors, and eVEEYORS died except for me, BECRIEY my longest runsit diet gadan the Cautious: She ay her name because Trough she didn’t Bet ood treasure, she jgidn't scrambled thong she always wanted ate as capped or cursed fal things but they She was the only persen fo ul pvive the Tomb of HOPE ed her life to recover cone body. character ‘died sooner she Everyone else W25 ner people got words yelling r Seiyers who first played te nen iteame out talkin hushed once about the Tomb of HOTT crave yet wo mest any BFOUT, that didi’ cheat, Sadan Tne Cautious was CHAE Good, Mich was probably the te alignment for me Beery 1 Sant understand Chachi he retired at cteventh OF tweltth ae campaign turned Mr and the evil characters started I gem onsiof he ONY ‘people who survived that campaign: pie Mnaracters idn’t HAVE vampire Hunter, Duty 2 ey first novel, Nightsest: payed in high schoo! ‘and carly something that ensbody because Thess ff and seaseinating everybody Again. ‘big influence on Anita people could igame in then high school ge sey high gn’ behave. {said ‘ake it away and college: would something | pitfalls live peor! Pes also very enlighten Te Wy egaae or 60 ater 1 ind hat my imaginary Shara Ane at about a5 mncoOPeT tates 05 the Piayer® just aProple are alive and so talk to you ane tll YO" epacthey want they dom always) can hat you want- When Yee hey migers are allve eNOUER artok up from te PAB So ‘a1 don’t think to tego having real people £0 Oe throug! ary world probabl Prpen to listening (OY imagine) ave an intl more rs isl = a & < = 6 a ey Fy S 2 pret oa 3 = — MONTE) SS acetal a lek al je| Fl cI s Es | pra | sil a Eee) ey 3 } 220 —~A£5 oe BS es 3 GRE ReE EE Ree mo VS | =.) | ce fom Wise hha con, purrs len ee aT cy LS iy ash Ce ra sire ae THE ACQUISITION OF TSR B 2) ey 8 Pe = os 6 ry Ea 4 8 = & 2 3 o a fs [-) ry 3 2 < 3 Es COAST a Aram ie ® © ie if 2 ro is) s = 6 3 Ps < By 2 As Qo} HEC Yaa) a a on oT co Ete mr aol cus ‘ koe is *Mtiber op RV macy, differen, Pipi COrdney f de the « Seomcne “I8ion ay ld pore Pench arcs Le ¥ Y: ie 6 & B =i ° 2 & & 2 a F4 S > 2 Mish Same p, ack 2 tnt p 2003 De 3y r Vizard, TNR mone _oprio gust THIRD EDITION more bens eave ou Gonls Third Edition should be ai elegant, Solid gave that i; well thought out and thoroughly Playtested. Our Goal af designers if to fimprove the existing ADR. D game better i AHY Way Possible While Tetalning the Savor and feel of the Previous editions. I IW order to retain this Siavor, the following list indudes the Primary, taviolate dlementy of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons that WUst be preserved, Stat. The Standard six ability scores, generated (essentially) bY rolling sade, Level-basea game mechanics. ADR D & arguably the Only level-based Same that really works. Masses. The four ral character asses. warrior, Wizard, rogue and Pest waft rennin fa The game af Suck. To a UeSfer degree, ADRLD Would Hot be ADR. D Without paladins and Tangert, either. To-hit rolls. Attack Tollf made with « dao, desiring high muinbery Spells. Many spelly, suck AS fireball’, magic misite, and others, ATTY & Slonificant amount of APBD favor. Monsters. Org, beholders, wind Slayers, Wickes, and other monsters have Meated a place for themfelves in the genre of fantasy (even beyond gaming) af APRLD-ith. We 40 Hot want to lose that, Magical Itewas. Along with Spells and Wonsters, various items contribute to making ADRLD the game it if Caunttets of ogre power, Staff of the Magi, rod of lordly wight, ete). Initiative-driven cowbat. The Feel of ADELD combat shone be Kert, regardless of changes made, 3. In order to funprove the Same, the following large Cand fntentionalty vague) issues, among (any others, shall be considered, lining. ADGed Contains many Pedundanctes. Further, Perhaps certatn ‘things (like ability Cross out nrevinna 1a 3. oot, core boruses) can be wade more universal. fortability. ADRLD (hould be able to be utilized by a DM to create the fantasy (ettting of kis choice. The Base Campaign. That said, we have to come up with a baseline oft whick we base our presentation of Eeeeeing” watertalraces, cquipwaent, SRMNG, maagic, ett. Hard (holes. The game should contain hard choles rather than restrictions, Where possible. Tif, rather than restricting a character dass from an option, we give them all possible options, show them the up-side and down-side to each, and tet them choose Making various options ke the value af the varfous abity scores) wire oF Leff equal (mcreases ‘the Ukelihood of the dvoices being harder. Making AD&D More ADBLD. Certain asec of the crrent edition do not capture the over-riding flavor of the gai a well af they could. For exawele, certain aspects of this evel and dasfed- based qawe do not take this all-dmportant factors fnto account. Combat Enhancements. Combat needs to be made more interesting, With wore ortions available to players, withort becoming wore camberfowe. Character Options. Built within the dass system, cack would have vartous options to choose from as levels are gained to increase power and/or flexibility. Spells. While we want to Keep the Vandan system. wawber of the spells need reconsideration and cation. Further, we can create new ways of Using the existing spall syste and spell ists to Showcase is fiexiity. Skal,, The current profidency syste needs a ot of work, and. perhaps can carry wort of the sustew's load thane (€ current, dots. Formatting. The rules weed to be Straightforward and dear, without a lot of chit-chat Cwhick cain come after the rule & presented). Templating. By wing templating, we can wae things wence easfer to follow. Rules, abiites, and functions which could be siwillar probably should be to decrease contradictions, confusion and wake thiligs like computer gawse translation easier. Templating through dagsificattons for things Uke monsters can be created to Keep ot ever-tucreasing game from picking HP contradicttons até problems down the rond. ‘Arvaing the DM. Tal (€ to theme straight. Give them the “why” behind the rules, fo that they can make thelr own calls. Optional Rule. AN rales iven sn the THB wil be a core fet af res. Options will be left to the DMG. cw Level and Hiok Level. Thefe are the Weakest areas of the gaine aud che waechainis nay need Co be altered to wake these levels wore playable Cand enjoyable). Tateting Gotta have ct. Lots. Awd tts Period. Hot fo wack a design consideration and just & elit that needS to be streied at every opportunity, A i=} & & 2 a= Fa iS 5 ° 2 Fd Fs Pea Pena ae ee - Coast g the Fa ° iS ey a ry EA =z F Pa 2 > 2 z qz ° 2 S 22° Eprtine: Peter Art Direcric Grapric De TYPESETTING: TMaGint DEaRCHIV PRODUCTION ] PREPRESS: Jeff FRONT Cover Larry Elmore Back COvER / Jeff Dee, Erol INTERIOR ART Carlo Arellane Fischer, Dan I Moore, Mark Robh Ruppel, D.A. Trampier PHOTOGRAPH) Matt Adelsper SPECIAL THAN Nick Bartolert Also to Paula | _ Eorrn: Peter Archer Agr Direction: Mact Adelsperger GaAbic Desicn: Mart Adelsperger & Brian Fraley Tyrese tina: Matt Adelsperger & Brian Fraley IMAGING: Travis Adams & Jay Sakamoto Deagcutvine: Bryn Rector & Neil Shinkle PRODUCTION ENGINEERING: Randall Crews & Josh Fischer Prepress: Jefferson Dunlap Fronr Cover Akt Larry Elmore Back Cover Art Jeff Dee, Erol Ons, James Roslof, Dave C, Sutherland Il, DA. Trampiet, Tim Truman, Tom Wham INTERIOR ART Carlo Arellano,"Tom Baxa, Paul Bonner, Brom, Jeff Butler, Clyde Caldwell, Carl Critchlow, Jeff Dee, Jeff Easley; Larry Elmore, Fred Fields, Seort M Fischer, Dan Frazier, Tim Hildebrand, Jim Holloway, Daniel R. Horne, Paul Jaquays, Diesel, John & Laura Lakey, Todd Lockwood, Monte Michael Moore, Matk Nelson, William O'Connor, Erik Olsen, Glen Orbik, Erol Otus, Keith Parkinson, Alan Pollack, rk Post, Adam Rex, Wayne Reynolds, Robh Ruppel, James Roslof, Dave Simons, Ellym Sirac, Greg Staples, Matt Stawicki, Jon Sullivan, Dave C. Suthe:land IIL, Justin Sweet, Tony Szeztdlo, DA. Trampier, Tim Truman, Walter Velez, Anthony S. Waters, Tom Wham, Sam Wood, Mark 7 PHOTOGRAPHY Matt Adelsperg Harold Johnson, & Alex Tinsman recta. THANKS Nick Bartolerti, Joe Fernandez, & Angie Lokotz, Also to Paula Greenfield and Celebrit HAROLD JOHNSON has been associated with role playing games for twenty years, fist with TSR, then with Wizards of the Coast, Inc. His jobs have ranged from Manager of Production, Editing, and Design, to Director of Periodicals. He served as Creative Director for Dusceoxs « Dracoxs® Game Worlds and Vice President of Games for TSR. He lives in Wisconsin, (STEVE WINTER went to work for TSR in 1981 as an editor and stayed there through thick and thin until the company was sold in 1997. During those years he worked on hundreds of projects as editor, developer designer, manager, and creative director. He currently lives in Seattle, where he produces web sites for Hasbro, PETER ADKISON founded Wizands of the Coast in 1990 and was its CEO until January 2001, one year after selling the company to Hasbro, Under his leadership Wizards published Macc: rae Gattirmsc®, launched the Macrc: THe GariseRine pro tout, acquired TSR, and released Dunceons 4 Daacons 3rd Edition. Peter loves all kinds of games, from board games co minis to RPGs to TCGs-you name it, he'll play it. Peter currently owns and manages the largest convention for gamers in North Ametics~Gen Con, held each summer in Indianapolis, Indiana (see ED STARK scaited work in the roleplaying game industry in 1990 as an editor/designer at West End Games. He joined TSR in 1995 asa lead designer in the Buurviacit® product group and then came co Wizards of the Coast as part of the acquisition in 1997. Since then, he has been an Assistant Brand Manager, Creative Director, and Design Manager for various RPG lines, and he was the Creative Dizector for Duwatons w Dracons daring ts 3rd Edition and "3.5 development.” He currently works as RPG R&D's Special Projects manager whete he focuses on licensing efforts. for Dusavons « Dracoxs as well as strange and unusual projects that come down the pipe for everyone’ favorice RPG line. PETER ARCHER is the brand manager for novels at Wizards of the Const Ang we ag. Play

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