Active History Key Quotes

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IB History: Useful Quotes

Quotes are useful snippets of evidence to deploy in your essays, especially when they express a point of view in a
particularly memorable way.
HOWEVER, the Chief Examiner does not like students simply "name dropping" quotes into essays for the sake of it.
Instead, he is impressed by candidates who use quotes as the basis for an argument: this will mean explaining why
the witness is so valuable, elaborating on his/her testimony with further background knowledge and examples, and
then moving on to consider the limitations of the source as a way of leading into the next factor.
In this sense you should be using the analytical skills from the sourcework paper to develop your essay skills.

Task: Using quotes analytically to avoid "name dropping"

Aim to memorise a few quotes from this pack for each topic area (how many is up to you).
For each one that you select, try constructing a few sentences around it which show real analytical skill:
What essential point can it be used to illustrate?
In what ways can the content be substantiated with other evidence?
In what ways can the provenance be considered reliable?
In what ways can the provenance be considered unreliable?
In what ways can the content be challenged by other evidence?

Here's an example:
Count Brockdorff argued that "Over 50 yearsimperialismpoisoned the international situation", suggesting that
World War One was caused by the rivalry created by the Empire-building of countries such as France, Britain and
Germany. Brockdorff was a respected statesman and his view can be substantiated through reference to examples
of imperial rivalry such as the Moroccan Crises of 1905 and 1911 [etc]. Nevertheless, it has to be borne in mind that
Brockdorff made this statement in his role as a German delegate at the Versailles Conference of 1919, when his
purpose was to shift as much blame away from Germany in particular as he possibly could.
In this sense, perhaps a more compelling explanation for the origins of the war is provided by Kaiser
Wilhelm II, who stated in 1913 that "The Slavs were not born to rule but to serve: this they must be taught". This
suggests that the main cause of the war was a growing sense of nationalism in the Balkans[and so on].
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Origins of World War One

If there is ever another war in Europe, it will come out of some damned silly thing in the Balkans. Bismarck
The Slavs were not born to rule but to serve: this they must be taught. Wilhelm II, 1913
Germany must have her place in the sun. Wilhelm II, 1908
Over 50 yearsimperialismpoisoned the international situation. Count Brockdorff
Kaiser Wilhelm II had neither brains nor manners. RJ Unstead
We muddled into warThe nations slithered over the brink. Lloyd George
The war [was] imposedby the aggression of Germany and her allies. Art. 231 of Versailles
The First World War [was] imposed on the statesmen of Europe by railway timetables. AJP Taylor
The sole cause for the outbreak of war in 1914 was the Schlieffen Plan. A.J.P. Taylor
So decisive was the British victory in the naval race that it [cannot be regarded as] a cause of the First World War. Fergusson
The armaments race ... was a necessary precondition for the outbreak of hostilities. David Stevenson
Peace Treaties after WW1
Why does Wilson need 14 Points when God Almighty only needs 10? Clemenceau
We will squeeze Germany until the pips squeak. Lloyd George
The war [was] imposedby the aggression of Germany and her allies. Art. 231 of Versailles
[The War Guilt Clause was] a stigma on an entire nation. Terrain
May the hand wither that signs this Treaty. Schneidemann
This is not peace: it is an armistice for 20 years. Marshall Foch
We were very stupid men... neither just nor wise. Nicolson
The treaty, by overstepping the limits of the possible, has in practice settled nothing. Keynes
The difficulty was not that the Treaty was very severe, but that the Germans thought it was. Sally Marks
It is not surprising that they made a bad peace; what is surprising is that they managed to make peace at all. Gilbert White
International Relations 1919-1936
Within another generation there will be another world war if the nations of the world do not work together to prevent it. Woodrow Wilson
Even if the next war is no worse than the last, I believe it will destroy our European civilization. Nansen, 1926
[As an American] I have loved but one flag and I cannot share that devotion withthe League of Nations. Henry Cabot Lodge
We require more than a material disarmament. What we want is a moral disarmament. Noblemaire, 1926
We renounce war as an instrument of national policy. Kellogg-Briand Pact
Locarno [must] not be the end, but the beginning of confident cooperation among the nations. Stresemann
Shares are cheap at current prices[soon] poverty will be banished from this nation. Hoover
Sooner or later, a crash is coming - and it may be terrific. Charles Babson
I reflected that if the hysteria had reached the barber level, something must soon happen. Cecil Roberts
Far from wanting war, a general war was the last thing Hitler wanted. AJP Taylor
To the end, Hitler maintained the purity of his war aims. Trevor-Roper
When we speak of new land in Europe today we must principally bear in mind Russia Hitler, in Mein Kampf
The German armed forces must be ready for combat within four years. Hitler's 4-Year Plan
The Sudetenland is the last territorial claim that I have to make in Europe. Hitler
[The Sudeten Crisis is] a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing. Chamberlain
[The Munich Agreement represents] Peace with honourpeace for our time. Chamberlain
[The Appeasers] feed the crocodile in the hope that he will eat them last. Churchill
Hitler wanted the fruits of total victory without total war; and thanks to the stupidity of others he nearly got them. AJP Taylor
Mussolini's Italy Domestic Policy
[Mussolini was] a vain blundering boaster without either ideas or aims. AJP Taylor
[Mussolini was] a good man to do business with. Austen Chamberlain
Often I would like to be wrong, but so far it has never happened. Mussolini
Strike the imagination of the public: that is the real secret of how to govern. Mussolini
The inert masses must be ledthe public are stupid, dirty, content with their little cinema shows. Mussolini
[Catholic Priests are] black germs. Mussolini
The history of saints is mainly the history of insane people. Mussolini
Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power. Mussolini
Fortunately the Italian people are not accustomed to eat much and therefore feel privation less than others. Mussolini
We are probably moving towards a lower standard of living. Mussolini
A woman's place is in the home - and preferably pregnant. Mussolini
The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction. Mussolini
All nations and all empires first felt decadence gnawing at them when their birth rate fell off. Mussolini
The eyes of the Duce are on every one of youWhat is the duty of a child? Obedience! Mussolini
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Mussolini's Italy Foreign Policy

Diplomacy is simply the art of deceiving one's enemies. Mussolini
It is blood which turns the clanging wheels of history. Mussolini
[My foreign policy is] to bleat with the sheep and howl with the wolves. Mussolini
[Italy must] take shelter on rainy days under the ample and capacious cloak of England. Guariglia
British policy threw Mussolini into Hitler's arms. Richard Lamb
[With regard to World War Two:] If Britain wins, we lose; if Germany wins, we are lost. Mussolini
[After the Pact of Steel] Mussolini oscillated between greed and fear. Richard Lamb
No one could imagine that we could stay completely out of [the war]. We cannot become a second division team. Mussolini
Mussolini saved thousands of Jewish lives - far more than Oskar Schindler. Nicholas Farell
Mussolini took part voluntarily and knowingly in the Shoah. Michelle Sarfati
Alexander II
Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Churchill
It is better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait for the time when it begins to abolish itself from below. Alexander II
In the economic sphere, serfdom brings the whole state into an abnormal situation. Kavelin
[In a political sense] serfdom is a powder keg under the state. Benckendorff
The abolition of the right to dispose of people like objects or cattle is as much our liberation as theirs. Koshelyov
Freed from the surveillance of the mastersthe peasants will take to drinking and villainy. Karamzin
The serfdom of peasantsis abolished forever. Edict of Emancipation
[Alexander II was] a man of strong passions and weak will. Kropotkin
All I have to do to make an enemy is to do him a service. Alexander II
[Corruption in the administration was summarised by the slogan] No grease, no motion. -
Alexander III
[Alexander III] is not a gentleman. Queen Victoria
[I have] full faith in the justice and strength of the autocracy. Accession speech
Autocracy, Orthodoxy and Nationality. Alexander III's motto
In a democracy, the real rulers are the dexterous manipulators of votes. Pobedonostev
Learning [in the working classes] corrupts the mind, and subjects it to the temptations of vanity and conceit. Pobedonostev
We must go hungry, but export. Vyshnegradsky
One-third of the Jews will convert, one-third will die, and one-third will flee the country. Pobedonostev
Nicholas II
I am not yet ready to be Tsar. I know nothing of the business of ruling. Nicholas II
[Nicholas II] was not fit to run a village post office. Trotsky
I promise to uphold the principles of autocracy as unswervingly as did my dear father. Accession Speech
[Demands for more democracy are] senseless dreams. Nicholas II
A short victorious war to stem the revolutionary tide. Plehve
[The Russo-Japanese War] promises to shatter to its foundations the regime of Nicholas II. Plekhanov
The war with Japan was one of the most terrible blunders made during the reignand marked the beginning of our Prince Yusupov
[The proletariat] are pressed ever deeper into the abyss of poverty, ignorance and lack of rights. Father Gapon
The people believe in theeDo not fear anythingaccept our humblest petition. Father Gapon
[From Bloody Sunday] the name of the Romanoff dynasty began to become odious among the working men in Russia. Kropotkin
[The 1905 Revolution was] the Great Dress Rehearsal. Lenin
No law will come into force without its approval by the Duma. October Manifesto
No law can come into force without [the Tsars] approval. Fundamental Laws
To the Emperor of all Russians belongs the supreme autocratic power. Submission to his power is demanded by God Fundamental Laws
The Manifesto destroyed the unified front that had made the opposition camp so formidable. It sobered up the country. Witte
Thank God for the Tsar, who has saved us from the people! Struve
Curse the Dumait is all Witte's doing. Nicholas II
[The Duma is] a betrayal of the dynasty. Nicholas II
[In 1905 the Liberals] feared anarchy more than monarchy. McAuley
[For my reforms to take effect Russia needs] 20 Years of Peace. Stolypin
[Nicholas II is] a sad man; he lacks guts. Rasputin
I want to sleep foreverin your embrace. Tsarina to Rasputin
If I die or you desert me, in six months you will lose your son and your throne. Rasputin to Nicholas II
Nnot one honest man is left. Rodzianko to Nicholas
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Fat Rodzianko has sent me some nonsense to which I will not even reply. Nicholas II, diary entry
The Russian Revolutions
[The Great War was] a mighty accelerator of events. Lenin
To prevent a catastrophe the Tsar himself must be removed, by force if there is no other way. Kerensky
[Kerensky was] the real master of the modern technology of politics in 1917. Delivered speeches which left Service
[Kerensy's speeches left] his whole body trembling with sweat. Service
I want to take a middle road, but no-one will let me. Kerensky
[The composition of the Provisional Government] reflected how far the moderate opposition had been left behind by the Rogger
radicalisation of the masses.
[The Provisional Government is] a stinking corpse. Lenin
The Germans unleashed Lenin into Russia like a plague bacillus. Churchill
Peace, Bread and Land! Lenin's April Theses
All power to the Soviets! Lenin's April Theses
[Kornilov had] the heart of a lion and the brains of a sheep. Trotsky
Everything now hangs by a thread. Lenin, Sep. 1917
The Bolsheviks did not seize power, they picked it up. Adam Ulam
[The October Revolution was like] picking up a feather. Lenin
[The Bolsheviks] grabbed governmental authority through conspiracythe Russian 'masses' were hijackedby a tiny Service
intellectual elite of meglomaniacs.
Lenin's Russia
The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles. Marx
The worker of the world has nothing to lose, but their chains. Workers of the world, unite! Marx
Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. Marx
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Marx
The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. Marx
Bolshevism must be strangled in its cradle. Churchill
The sheer size of Russia meant that local and regional considerations predominated over larger ideological issues. Lynch
[Moscow is] the whole brain of our country, all her soul, all that is talented in Russia. Lebedev
Russia: one and indivisible! Slogan of the Whites
Peasants did not love the Bolsheviks, but they loved the Whites even less. Wolfson
We stand for organised terror. This should be frankly stated. Dzerzhinsky
Plots, blockades, and interventions made them lose their heads. Victor Serge
It is a senseless and criminal to decimate the ranks of our intelligentsia in our illiterate country. Gorky
You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves. Trotsky
Liberty is precious. So precious that it must be rationed. Lenin
He who does not work shall not eat. Constitution 1918
Make use of armed troops in the case of resistance to requisition. Decree on War
[Our policy towards rebellious national minorities should be] merciless annihilation. Lenin to Trotsky, 1918
[In the extermination of Georgian rebels] Our hand shall not tremble. Stalin to Lenin, 1920
Lenin held both Russian workers and peasants in contempt he showed no human feelings whatever. Pipes
[The communist state is like] a man beaten to within an inch of his life. Lenin
[The Kronstadt rebellion was] the flash which lit up reality better than anything else. Lenin
[NEP is a] substitution of requisitioning by a proportional tax. Lenin
[With regard to NEP] a wise Communist will not be afraid of learning from a capitalist. Lenin
Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country. Lenin
Under the Bolshevik regime, Russians were stripped of most the rights they briefly enjoyed in 1917. Alan White
The Soviet experiment turned totalitarian not despite its being socialist but because it was socialist. Martin Malia
Stalin's USSR
Stalin is too rude and this defect [is] intolerable in a general secretary. Lenin's Testament
[Bukharin's] theoretical views can be classified as fully Marxist only with great reserve. Lenin's Testament
[Trotsky has] displayed excessive self-assurance. Lenin's Testament
[Stalin is] an unprincipled intriguer who subordinates everything to his appetite for power. Bukharin
We are 50 to 100 years behind the advanced countries of the West. We must make up this gap in 10 years. Either we do Stalin
this or they crush us.
We must liquidate the Kulaks as a class. Stalin
Everywhere was the cry, There is no bread. We are dying. Gareth Jones
Russia is hungry, but not starving. Duranty
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[Walter Duranty was] the greatest liar of any journalist I have met in 50 years of journalism. Muggeridge
[Collectivisation] turned the countryside into a scene of despair, bloodshed and terror. Shukman
The idea that the famine was deliberately man made is crap, rubbish. Lewin
We have become Dizzy with Success. Stalin
[Soviet writers must be] engineers of human souls. Stalin
[Stalin was the] best read ruler of Russia from Catherine the Great up to Putin. Montefiore
Gorky is a vain man. We must bind him with cables to the party. Stalin
Stalin a man who never had an equal in world history. Avdienko
When the woman I love presents me with a child the first word it shall utter will be: Stalin. Avdienko
[Stalin is] the world's greatest living statesman. Duranty
One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is merely a statistic. Stalin
Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Stalin
A man deserves to be shot ten times over for [my] crimes. Bukharin
[The Moscow show trials are] a conscious and premeditated frame-up. Trotsky
When chopping wood, chips fly. Yezhov
I may be small, but I have strong hands: Stalin's hands. Yezhov
Whoever opposed Stalinwas doomed tomoral and physical annihilation. Khrushchev
One careless word or gesture and [we] would fly off irrevocably into the abyss. Solzhenitsyn
The Spanish Civil War
The Spanish struggle is the fight of reaction against the people, against freedom. Picasso
[The Spanish Civil War was] decided in the chancelleries of Europe rather than on the battlefields of Spain. Trevor-Roper
It is necessary now to defeat socialismwhat does it matter if we have to shed blood. Robles, 1933
There is no alternative but to destroy and rebuild society from its foundations. Caballero, 1933
All the convents in Madrid are not worth the life of a single Republican. Azana
[To the International Brigades]: You can go proudly. You are history. You are legend. Dolores Ibarruri
Germany needs to import ore. That is why we want a Nationalist government in Spain. Hitler
"Miss Canary Islands 1936" Franco's nickname
[The nationalists are conducting a] crusade against communism to save religion, the fatherland and the family. Bishop of Salamanca
"Dr. Negrin's resistance pills" (Lentils)
[Guernica was] flaming from end to end...the streets became long heaps of red impenetrable debris. Steer
Chinese Civil War / Rise of Mao
The sky cannot have two suns. Chiang Kai Shek
Learn from the masses, and then teach them. Mao
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Mao
The Japanese are a disease of the skin; the communists are a disease of the heart. Chiang
Communism is not love; it is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao
The guerilla must move among the people as a fish swims in the sea. Mao
The army must become one with the peoplesuch an army will be invincible. Mao
One word from Mao is worth 10 thousand words from any other. Lin Biao
Selling space to buy time. Chiang Kai Shek
First internal pacification, then external resistance. Chiang Kai Shek
Revolution is not a dinner party. Mao
The peasants are the sea. We are the fish. The sea is our habitat. Mao
[When the Japanese attacked Nanking] anything female between the ages of 10 and 70 was raped. Edgar Snow

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