Imc Campaign Proposal

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Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Laurel Region

Childrens Fair and Publicity Campaign

Submitted to
Kelli Belanger, MS.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Laurel Region

Submitted by
Calli Arida
The Selfie Paradigm

April 7, 2016
A. Executive Summary- The purpose of this campaign is to launch the Big Brothers Big
Sisters of the Laurel Region Childrens Fair. The purpose of the fair is to provide children
with a day of fun that allows them to develop their educational, social, and self-identity
skills. The campaign will also introduce a new community outreach initiative under
BBBSLR called the Coach Quigley Project, which provides mentoring for all children
facing adversity. The primary target audience for this campaign includes children, college
students as well as current and possible partners. As seen in the SWOT Analysis, a
primary strength for this campaign is its focus on all children facing adversity, not just
those children defined as traditional littles.

B. Table of Contents
Client Background page 3
Target Market Analysis page 4
SWOT Analysis page 4
Integrated Marketing Communication 5
Imagination Station 5
Media Overview. page 6
Public Relations Strategies. page 6
Direct Marketing Strategies page 7
Promotion Strategies... page 7
Corporate Identitypage 7
Event 7
Summary. page 7
Conclusion.. page 7

C. Client Background
1. Historical Timeline -
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Westmoreland County was established in 1975. The
agency continued to expand and grow until 2001 when the agency branched into Fayette
County changing the name to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Laurel Region. Since then
BBBSLR has been serving the Westmoreland and Fayette Counties.
Along the way there have been many accomplishments. In 2006, BBBS of
America recognized BBBSLR for excellence in average match length in both
community-based and school-based mentoring programs. Also in 2006, BBBSLR broke
an agency record by having served over 500 children. They broke that record again in
2008, serving 618 children. In 2013 the Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce selected
them as the Non-Profit of the Year. BBBSLR celebrated their 40th anniversary in 2015.
2. Setting
Big Brothers Big Sister of the Laurel Region is located in downtown Greensburg
and has been serving the Westmoreland and Fayette counties for over 40 years. The
purpose of BBBSLR is to create long-lasting mentor relationships between a child and
mentor, one that serves to change and better the childs life.
BBBSLR hires professional mentor match makers who can partner the children
with mentors best suited for their personality, qualities, and needs. There are both
community and school based mentor relationships. However, each relationship is meant
to go beyond that and last a lifetime
The BBBSLR Board of Directors consists of a president, vice president, secretary,
treasurer and several solicitors. The staff includes an executive director, partnership and
development director, as well as mentoring coordinators. Each member plays an
important role in creating and establishing the mentor relationships.
3. Mission The BBBSLR mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong
and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for
the better, forever.
4. Vision The BBSLR vision is that all children achieve success in life.
5. Consumer Descriptors A majority of the children in the BBBSLR program come
from underprivileged families. Whether it is a single parent, a low-level income
household, or any situation that prevents the child from certain opportunities. They
are faced with situations involving drugs, violence, poor education skills, or lack of
self-esteem and social skills. The purpose of this campaign is to change this
6. Competitor Descriptors
b. Other non-profits (make a wish, red cross, etc)
c. YMCA: 101 South Maple Ave, Greensburg, PA 15651
7. Partner Descriptors -
a. Government Partners
i. US Department of Education
ii. US Department of Health and Human Services
iii. Corporation for National and Community Service

iv. Office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention
b. Corporate Partners-
i. Chick-fil-a
ii. Chuck E. Cheese
iii. Minor League Baseball
iv. Eat n Park
v. United Way

D. Target Market Analysis

1. My first target audience consists of children in the elementary and middle school
level in the Greensburg and Westmoreland areas. The children are male and female of
every race/ethnicity and any religion or faith. These children are facing some type of
difficulty whether it is in the home, at school, in their various communities, or are
dealing with self-identity issues. These children, primarily at the middle school age,
are beginning to develop their own identity and can be very susceptible to the
environment around them. They tend to lack self-confidence and/or motivation.
2. My second target audience is college students at Seton Hill University, St. Vincent,
Pitt-Greensburg, and Westmoreland County Community College. These students are
dedicated to their schoolwork and activities, but also want to take the time to make a
difference in someones life when they can. They have busy schedules, but want to
allocate time to providing their skills and attributes by serving as volunteer mentors at
various BBBS events.
3. My third target audience will consist of sponsors and partners of BBBS who will
donate money, materials or services to the Childrens Fair. These can include local
schools, universities, churches, business and other organizations that advocate the
mentoring of children in their community. These organizations are located in the
Westmoreland and Fayette counties. Somewhere in their mission statements will be a
concept that reflects making a difference or bettering the world in someway. These
mission statements will reflect the goals and objectives of BBBSLR.

E. SWOT Analysis
1. Strengths
My campaign focuses on including all children, and not just the traditional
My campaign has strategies and tactics that are well defined and meet the
overall goal
My campaign has well defined target audiences
Campaign incorporates community partners

2. Weaknesses
Campaign does not include ways to incorporate partners
Campaign does not include social media strategies and techniques
Campaign does not fully develop the competitors
Campaign does not outline a budget
Campaign does not include enough recommendations and suggestions

3. Opportunities
I can expand on my campaign my including a social media campaign
Partner with Chick-Fil-a to organize a commercial for the event.
Fully develop competitors
Include more recommendations and suggestions
Partner with Excela Health because they can promote the health and well-
being of children

4. Threats
My campaign does not include what would happen in the event of an
Campaign does not include what other events may be going on that day
that could interfere with the event
Campaign does not include how incorporate competitors so that they
respond positively to our event.

F. Integrated Marketing Communication Overview

1. The purpose of the campaign is to introduce the Coach Quigley Project to BBBSLR.
The CQP will redefine the image of what qualifies a child to become a little in the
BBBS program. We want to change the overall reputation of the program and what
exactly it means to be a little. We want to make the concept of BBBS welcoming to
all children facing any type of adversity in life.
2. The goal of the campaign is to bring in new littles and bigs to BBBS as members of
the CQP.
3. Objectives
a. Persuade target audience to attend Childrens Fair.
b. Persuade sponsors and partners to donate to the Childrens Fair.
4. Strategies In order to meet these objectives, we will promote the benefits of BBBS
and the Coach Quigley Project. We will show with facts and statistics that the mentor
relationship between a little and a big can provide positive influence on a childs life.
5. Tactics We are going to create commercials, brochures, videos and social media
pages that explain the importance of the mentor relationships.
6. Recommendations
a. BBBS will promote the Coach Quigley Project initiative
b. BBBS will ask for sponsors and donations to fund the Childrens Fair
c. BBBS will reach out to local churches, schools, universities and other
organizations for volunteers for the Childrens Fair
7. Suggestions
a. BBBS should create social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and

G. Imagination Station Worksheet

1. We are doing this campaign to recreate the image of a Little and give college students
the opportunity to serve as Bigs. The fair itself will give children a chance to develop
their self-identities, while creating awareness for the Coach Quigley Project.
2. Our primary target audiences are all children facing adversity and college students
willing to make a difference in someones life. We would also like to target sponsors
and partners who are willing to donate to the Childrens Fair.
3. Our target audience currently thinks that BBBSLR is for underprivileged children.
They are not aware of the intended purpose of the mentoring relationships. The
college students in particular want to provide help, but feel they dont have the time
to become a standard Big.
4. We want our primary target audience to get involved in the Coach Quigley Project
under BBBSLR. We want our secondary target audience to promote and encourage
the Coach Quigley Project, and contribute in other ways.
5. Our most persuasive message is that all children deserve the opportunity to develop
their self-identity.
6. Our target audience cares about the development of all children, whether it is socially,
educationally or with intra-personally. Our target audience should want to get
involved for this reason.
7. The available media that will most likely reach our target audience is television
advertisements and social media.

H. Media Overview
1. Media Overview- I am using media to gain the target audiences attention and provide
them with information to learn and become aware of the Childrens Fair. I will use
media to promote the brand image and identity of BBBSLR and the Coach Quigley
Project. This will establish brand awareness and attitude, which will help to convey
my message and persuade the target audience to attend the Fair and get involved.
2. Media Objectives- The objective of using media is to persuade the target audience to
attend the Childrens Fair and ultimately get involved with BBBSLR or the Coach
Quigley Project.
3. Media Tactics- Traditional media will include television and radio commercials radio
that advertise and promote the event. Television commercials will be the best way to
reach children and parents.

I. Public Relations Strategies

1. Overview- By using Public Relations, I am creating a focused message that will
engage a specific target audience to come to the fair and get involved in BBBSLR.
Public Relations messages will do this by establishing the need to redefine the
concept of a Little and how the Coach Quigley project satisfies this need. The PR
messages will show the target audience how important this need for change is, which
will motivate them to get involved.
2. PR Objectives- The media used from a Public Relations standpoint will reinforce
brand awareness and attitude. This will persuade the target audience to more likely
get involved.

3. PR Tactics- There will be a press release held two weeks prior to the Fair to gain
public attention. This is also a great way to bring media attention to our campaign and

J. Direct Marketing Strategies- There will be a weekly newsletter sent via email for those
who wish to sign up for emails. We will also send flyers and brochures in the mail to keep
the target audiences up to date on our campaign and event.

K. Promotion (Advertising) Strategies- We will use television and radio commercials to

promote the Fair.

L. Corporate Identity- Based on my campaign, the publics image of my brand will be that
BBBS is more than just mentoring the troubled child. They will see that BBBS is really
about mentoring all children facing adversity to become of aware of their self. They will
want to contribute to BBBS in various ways, either through donation, volunteering, or
joining BBBS by becoming Littles, Bigs or coaches.

M. Event Worksheet
My event is a Childrens Fair to be hosted by BBBSLR that will promote their new
initiative, the Coach Quigley Project. The event will be held on May 5 at St. Clairs Park
in Greensburg. Food will be carnival themed and there will be an assortment of
educational and self-development activities, such as crafting, dancing and participating in
various games. There will also be various chances to win prizes, such as a silent auction
and giveaways. The event will be open to the public.

N. Summary My integrated marketing communication campaign worked because it was

able to advertise and promote the event to various target audiences in a way that allowed
them to become engaged and wanting to participate in the event. I promoted BBBS and
the Coach Quigley Project to motivate and inspire my target audience to become
involved. I promoted the fair to be a fun-filled event that also promoted the childs
learning experience and self-development.

O. Conclusion- This campaign is intended to promote BBBS and bring awareness to the
Coach Quigley Project, while promote a Childrens Fair. The fair is designed to foster
childrens self-development and well being through a day filled with fun. Both the
campaign and the fair work to expand the concept of BBBS to all children facing
adversity so they can seek the same mentoring benefits as a traditional little does.

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