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Digital Curation of Information in the Project Jugando a Definir la

Las Alpi Landim, Maria Jos Vicentini Jorente. Campus de Marlia, Faculdade de Filosofia e
Cincias, Arquivologia,
Keywords: Information and Technology, Digital Curation, Collabortaive Web.

Introduction planning of the management process of digital

objects. Digital Curation brings a proposal for a
With the rapid development of Information and
holistic approach to digital objects, which
Communication Technologies (ICT), observed in
systematizes the planning of their treatment with
recent years, the amount of information produced
interconnected actions to be carried out from the
and recorded on digital media greatly increased,
time prior to the design of information, through its
including archival documents. The problem of
organization to their availability and dissemination,
preservation of documents is a new challenge in the
in order to prevent the isolated application of
digital universe. (Conway, 2001) In this context
preservation techniques that impair its entirety to
emerges the Digital Curation, a new
future access and retrieval. For the information
interdisciplinary area that offers a holistic approach
generated in the digital environment of the project
to the life cycle of digital objects, from the planning
studied, the adoption of a Digital Curation model
of its production to its organization, delivery and
would represent a gain for the information there
access. (Siebra et al., 2013) This paper investigates
produced in terms of organization, preservation and
how the Digital Curation could contribute to the
access. In addition to Digital Curation procedures
treatment of information generated in the digital
that are also achivistic, such as description and
environment of the project Jugando a Definir la
appraisal, the adoption of a holistic and integrated
Ciencia, a digital environment of collaborative
approach of curation proceedings would mean a
construction of verbal and pictorial dictionaries of
better treatment of planning and performing actions
scientific terms by children for children.
that contribute to the preservation, retrieval and
Objectives access of digital information for longer.

This research aims at exploring the digital Conclusions

environment of the project Jugando a Definir la
Isolated application of digital preservation
Ciencia, identify the archival information there
techniques may compromise the proper treatment of
produced collaboratively and investigate what
the information produced in digital media. The
contributions the Digital Curation could bring to an
Digital Curation brings an integrated approach of
adequate treatment of this information, so that it is
actions that cover the entire life cycle of the digital
preserved and made available for current and future
object, which, combined with actions already taken
recovery and reuse satisfactorily.
by the archival science, promotes a more
Material and Methods appropriate treatment of digital information in terms
of organization, preservation and access. For the
The methodology is qualitative, with an exploratory archival information produced in the digital
and bibliographical research method. Literature environment of the project Jugando a Definir la
searches in databases and journals of Information Ciencia, the Digital Curation would be of great
Science around the terms digital curation, digital importance to promote access, retrieval and
preservation and collaborative web, and exploitation preservation of long-term digital objects generated
of the digital environment of the digital environment during the project execution.
studied were performed.
Results and discussion
According to Siebra et al. (2013), various RibeiroGonalvesdaSilva.RiodeJaneiro:ArquivoNacional,2001.
preservation solutions of digital information have 2
been thought out and considered successful, such Paulo:EditoraAtlas,2008.200p.
SIEBRA,SandradeAlbuquerque et al.Curadoria Digital:Alm da
as emulation, migration and encapsulation. Questo da Preservao Digital. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE
However, knowing these techniques is not sufficient PESQUISA EM CINCIA DA INFORMAO, 14, 2013,
and it is necessary to consider an integrated Florianpolis.Anaiseletrnicos...Florianpolis:2013.

XXVIII Congresso de Iniciao Cientfica

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