Email 2

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To: Tom Geisbert

From: Peter Jahrling

Date: November 17, 1989
Re: Possible Infection

Hello Tom Geisbert,

I hope all is well with you today. I am writing to you in hopes of coming to an
understanding about our dilemma. As you are well aware there is a distinct possibility
that we may have been infected with a deadly disease. Considering that we have no
diagnosis and are not showing symptoms as of yet, it is probably in everyone's best
interest to keep this to ourselves for the time being. It is not a convenient time to false
alarm others when there is more important situations occurring around us. However, if
either of us starts to show any symptoms at all, we will both go immediately to Colonel
CJ Peters for further instructions.

Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge the severity of this problem. If you have
any concerns or if you don't agree with this, let me know and we can come to an
agreement. Hopefully, neither of us have become infected and we will be able to move
on with our lives. Until we know for sure I thank you for your discretion and

Best regards,
Peter Jahrling
Civilian Army Virologist

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