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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

clinical therapeutics

Targeted Temperature Management

for Comatose Survivors of Cardiac Arrest
Michael Holzer, M.D.
This Journal feature begins with a case vignette that includes a therapeutic recommendation. A discussion
of the clinical problem and the mechanism of benefit of this form of therapy follows. Major clinical studies,
the clinical use of this therapy, and potential adverse effects are reviewed. Relevant formal guidelines,
if they exist, are presented. The article ends with the authors clinical recommendations.

A 62-year-old man collapses on the street, and emergency medical personnel who are
called to the scene find that he is not breathing and that he has no pulse. The first re-
corded cardiac rhythm is ventricular fibrillation. Advanced cardiac life-support mea-
sures, including intubation, a total dose of 2 mg of epinephrine, and six defibrillation
attempts, restore spontaneous circulation 22 minutes after the onset of the event. On
admission to the emergency department, his condition is hemodynamically stable
and he has adequate oxygenation and ventilation, but he is still comatose. A neuro-
logic examination reveals reactive pupils and a positive cough reflex. The core body
temperature is 35.5C. A diagnosis of the postcardiac arrest syndrome with coma is
made. An intensive care specialist evaluates the patient and recommends the im-
mediate initiation of targeted temperature management.

The Cl inic a l Probl em

From the Department of Emergency Med- The annual incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in industrialized countries has
icine, Medical University of Vienna, Vi-
been estimated to be 92 to 189 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.1-3 According to one
enna. Address reprint requests to Dr.
Holzer at the Department of Emergency estimate, 350,000 to 450,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the United States
Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, annually; resuscitation is attempted in the case of 100,000 of these arrests, and
Whringer Grtel 18-20/6D, 1090 Vienna,
40,000 patients survive to hospital admission.4
Austria, or at michael.holzer@meduniwien
.ac.at. Unfortunately, even among patients who survive to hospital admission, the prog-
nosis is uncertain. These patients may have multiple consequences of cardiac arrest,
N Engl J Med 2010;363:1256-64.
including brain injury, myocardial dysfunction, systemic ischemia, and reperfusion
Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
responses, as well as consequences of the disorder that caused the cardiac arrest.
This constellation of pathophysiological processes has been termed the postcar-
diac arrest syndrome.5 The effects of this syndrome are sufficiently severe and
pervasive that only about one third of patients who are admitted to the hospital after
cardiac arrest survive to hospital discharge.5
Perhaps the most important manifestations of the postcardiac arrest syndrome
are neurologic. Approximately 80% of patients remain comatose for more than 1 hour
after resuscitation, and fewer than half of admitted patients have a good neuro-
logic recovery, as defined by a score on the Cerebral Performance Category (CPC)
scale (which ranges from 1 to 5, with higher scores indicating increased disability)
of 1 (good recovery) or 2 (moderate disability) on neurologic examination (see
Table 1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article
at NEJM.org); such patients have sufficient cerebral function to live independently
and work at least part-time.6 Patients who are more severely affected may remain
comatose or in a persistent vegetative state or may suffer from varying degrees of
cognitive dysfunction and other neurologic deficits. In one study, it was estimated
that the cost of care during the first 6 months after a cardiac arrest was approxi-

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clinical ther apeutics

mately $200,000 for a patient with a CPC score of glutamate and dopamine and induces brain-
of 1 or 2, $300,000 for a patient with a CPC score derived neurotrophic factor, which further reduces
of 3 or 4, and less than $10,000 for a patient with the release of glutamate.19,20 Oxidative stress is
a CPC score of 5 (indicating brain death).7 attenuated and lipid peroxidation is reduced.21,22
Apoptosis is inhibited as a result of a reduction in
calcium overload and glutamate release, as well
OF THER A PY as the induction of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 and the
suppression of the proapoptotic factor BAX.23 Hy-
In animal models of cardiac arrest, stores of oxy- pothermia has also been shown to suppress the
gen in the brain are lost in seconds, and stores of inflammation that occurs after global cerebral
glucose and ATP are lost within 5 minutes.8 Tis- ischemia24 and to reduce both early hyperemia and
sue hypoxia and substrate depletion quickly lead delayed hypoperfusion.25
to the loss of transmembrane electrochemical gra-
dients and sequential failure of synaptic transmis- CL INIC A L E V IDENCE
sion, axonal conduction, and action-potential fir-
ing.9 The neurotransmitter glutamate is released The first major clinical trials that provided direct
and intracellular calcium accumulates, leading to a evidence of a benefit of targeted temperature man-
phenomenon known as excitotoxic cell death.10,11 agement were published in 2002.26,27 These two
Some regions of the brain are especially vulner- trials, one conducted in Australia and the other in
able to global ischemia, including the hippocam- Europe, have become the basis for clinical guide-
pus, neocortex, cerebellum, corpus striatum, and lines regarding the use of therapeutic hypother
thalamus.12 Both neuronal necrosis and apopto- mia in patients who have had a cardiac arrest.
sis have been reported after cardiac arrest, although In the Australian trial, 77 comatose survivors
the contribution of each mechanism of cell death of a cardiac arrest were enrolled.26 Participants
to the resulting brain injury remains unclear.5 were required to have had an initial rhythm of
After restoration of circulation, reperfusion and ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular
reoxygenation can cause further neuronal dam- tachycardia, and the arrest had to be of presumed
age over a period of hours to days, owing to the cardiac origin. Patients who were enrolled on odd-
phenomenon of reperfusion injury. Cerebral mi- numbered days of the months were assigned to
crocirculation fails with an initial transient global hypothermia (target temperature, 33C; cooling
hyperemia due to vasomotor paralysis, followed duration, 12 hours; cooling performed with the
by delayed, prolonged global and multifocal hy- use of ice packs), and patients who were enrolled
poperfusion.13 Reoxygenation initiates chemical on even-numbered days were assigned to stan-
cascades producing reactive oxygen species that dard treatment with normothermia. A total of 21
cause lipid peroxidation and other oxidative dam- of the 43 patients (49%) who were treated with
age.14 Alterations in the inflammatory response hypothermia survived and had a favorable neuro-
can cause endothelial activation, leukocyte infil- logic recovery at hospital discharge, as compared
tration, and further tissue injury.15 Other contrib- with 9 of the 34 patients (26%) treated with nor-
uting factors, including hypotension, hypoxemia, mothermia (P=0.05). The odds ratio for a favor-
impaired cerebrovascular autoregulation, and brain able neurologic recovery with hypothermia ther-
edema, can further impede the delivery of oxygen apy was 5.25 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.47 to
to the brain. 18.76; P=0.01), after adjustment for age and dura-
Targeted temperature management, also known tion of the arrest.
as therapeutic hypothermia, is a therapeutic inter- In the European multicenter trial, 275 coma-
vention that is intended to limit neurologic injury tose survivors of a cardiac arrest of cardiac cause
after a patients resuscitation from cardiac arrest. (ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular
Hypothermia causes a reduction in brain metabo- tachycardia) were enrolled.27 Patients were ran-
lism, including a reduction in oxygen utilization domly assigned to targeted temperature manage-
and ATP consumption.16,17 However, it does not ment (target temperature, 32 to 34C; cooling du-
appear that these metabolic effects correlate well ration, 24 hours; cooling with the use of cold
with the protective effects of hypothermia,18 and air) or to standard treatment with normother
numerous other effects of hypothermia have also mia. A total of 75 of the 136 patients (55%) in the
been observed. Hypothermia inhibits the release hypothermia group had a favorable neurologic

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

recovery (CPC score of 1 or 2) after 6 months, as hypothermia should be initiated as early as pos-
compared with 54 of 137 patients (39%) in the sible and not later than 10 hours after the cardiac
normothermia group (risk ratio for a favorable arrest.
outcome with hypothermia, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.08 Before hypothermia is induced, sedation, anal-
to 1.81). In addition, as compared with standard gesia, and paralysis should be initiated to prevent
treatment with normothermia, there was a sig- shivering (which can lead to increased oxygen con-
nificant reduction with hypothermia in the rate sumption, excessively laborious breathing, an in-
of death at 6 months (risk ratio for death, 0.74; crease in the heart rate, and a general stresslike
95% CI, 0.58 to 0.95). response, and can also impede the cooling pro-
cess) and to minimize the patients discomfort.33
CL INIC A L USE My colleagues and I use midazolam at a dose of
0.15 mg per kilogram of body weight per hour and
Targeted temperature management should be im- fentanyl at a dose of 2.5 g per kilogram per hour
plemented in the context of a broader strategy of initially, with adjustment of the doses to facilitate
critical care for a comatose patient with the post mechanical ventilation. To prevent shivering, pa-
cardiac arrest syndrome.5 All patients require pro- ralysis is induced by means of the intravenous ad-
tection of their airway and mechanical ventila- ministration of rocuronium at a dose of 0.5 mg
tion. Hemodynamic support should be given with per kilogram as a bolus and a dose of 0.5 mg per
the use of intravenous fluids, inotropic agents or kilogram per hour thereafter. Physiological mon-
pressors, or even mechanical cardiac assistance, itoring during sedation and paralysis should be
if necessary. If the patient had an acute myocar- undertaken only by personnel who have the ap-
dial infarction, prompt revascularization should be propriate experience and expertise in the use of
considered. Hemofiltration or hemodialysis may these agents.
be necessary for patients with substantial renal Several different cooling methods are available
injury. Monitoring and management of blood glu- for use in therapeutic hypothermia (Fig. 1).34,35
cose levels, antibiotic therapy for infection, and In the pivotal clinical trials, cooling was achieved
other disease-specific interventions should be im- by the application of numerous ice packs around
plemented as appropriate. Targeted temperature the head, neck, torso, and limbs (in the Australian
management is focused mainly on mitigating brain trial) or with the use of a cold-air mattress cover-
injury associated with the postcardiac arrest syn- ing the entire body (in the European trial). Other
drome but may have a beneficial effect on other methods of surface cooling include the use of
elements of the syndrome as well. water-circulating cooling pads and precooled
A list of indications for targeted temperature (refrigerated) cooling pads. Core cooling can be
management is given in Table 1. The criteria are achieved with the use of intravascular cooling
based on the enrollment criteria of the two major catheters (made of metal or containing balloons
trials and additional retrospective data. In gen- filled with cold saline) or by means of intravenous
eral, therapeutic hypothermia should be consid- infusion of cold fluids. Many of these techniques
ered in the case of patients who have had a car- make use of commercially developed equipment
diac arrest with an initial rhythm of ventricular that is specifically designed for the purpose of
fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, targeted temperature management.
who have been successfully resuscitated, and We generally use a combination of core-cooling
whose condition is hemodynamically stable, but and surface-cooling methods. In a patient who
who are comatose (as indicated by a score on the does not have pulmonary edema, we administer
Glasgow Coma Scale of less than 8 [see Table 2 30 ml of cold (4C) lactated Ringers solution per
in the Supplementary Appendix] and a lack of ver- kilogram (about 2 liters for a patient who weighs
bal response). 70 kg), administered intravenously over the course
Animal models suggest that any delay in the of 30 minutes. At the same time, we apply refrig-
initiation of targeted temperature management erated cooling pads to cover most of the body
may diminish or even abrogate the beneficial ef- surface. Our objective is to reach a target tempera-
fects of this form of therapy.31,32 Unfortunately, ture of 32 to 34C and to maintain that tempera-
no data are available from large-scale clinical tri- ture for 24 hours, if feasible.
als to confirm the time dependence of treatment Measurement of the core body temperature is
in humans. Nevertheless, it seems reasonable that essential in targeted temperature management.

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clinical ther apeutics

For accurate assessment, core body temperature Table 1. Indications and Contraindications for Targeted Temperature
should be measured at central monitoring sites, Management in Comatose Patients after Cardiac Arrest.
such as the esophagus (in which temperature is Patients for whom therapeutic hypothermia should be considered
monitored with the use of a multipurpose tem-
Adult patients successfully resuscitated from a witnessed out-of-hospital
perature probe) or the central venous system (in cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac cause (patients after in-hospital
which temperature is monitored with the use of cardiac arrest may also benefit)28
a SwanGanz catheter), since the temperature in Patients who are comatose (i.e., patients with a score on the Glasgow Coma
the bladder and rectum may be slow to reflect a Scale of less than 8 or patients who do not obey any verbal command at
change in core body temperature.36 Blood gases any time after restoration of spontaneous circulation and before initiation
of cooling)
should be measured at least every 4 hours to allow
Patients with an initial rhythm of ventricular fibrillation or nonperfusing ven-
for the adjustment of respiratory therapy to meet tricular tachycardia (patients presenting with other initial rhythms such
the patients needs (with the goal of achieving as asystole or pulseless electrical activity may also benefit)28
normal partial pressure of carbon dioxide [PaCO2] Patients whose condition is hemodynamically stable (retrospective data sug-
and sufficient oxygenation).37 gest that patients in cardiogenic shock may also safely undergo hypo-
Hypothermia can induce metabolic disturbanc- thermia treatment)29,30
es, including hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hy- Patients for whom therapeutic hypothermia should not be considered
pophosphatemia, and hyperglycemia.38-40 There- Patients with tympanic-membrane temperature below 30C on admission
fore, regular measurement of electrolyte and Patients who were comatose before the cardiac arrest
glucose levels is necessary to guide the appropri- Pregnant patients
ate amount of electrolyte substitution and insu-
Patients who are terminally ill or for whom intensive care does not seem
lin therapy. Leukopenia and thrombocytopenia to be appropriate
may occur but typically do not require interven-
Patients with inherited blood coagulation disorders
tion. Rarely, severe thrombocytopenia, coagulation
disorders, or pancreatitis may develop. In such
circumstances, it is reasonable to raise the tem- the patients temperature should be kept within
perature level until these side effects resolve. the normal range for up to 48 hours, since hyper-
Since there are reports that indicate that non- thermia could worsen the outcome.42 After re-
convulsive seizures can occur during hypother warming, sedatives, analgesics, and paralytic
mia, it is reasonable to perform continuous elec- agents are discontinued and standard intensive
troencephalographic monitoring to detect these care should be provided, including extubation
seizures and to treat them if they occur, but when feasible.
whether this approach improves the long-term Some patients may remain comatose for an
outcome has not yet been established.41 Standard extended period after resuscitation from cardiac
intensive care measures should be applied to arrest and yet have substantial neurologic recov-
monitor and manage the patients condition: in- ery. The American Academy of Neurology has de-
vasive blood-pressure measurement, continuous veloped a prognostic algorithm to assist in predict-
monitoring of electrocardiographic findings and ing a poor outcome in this setting.43 However,
oxygen saturation levels, establishment of central the use of therapeutic hypothermia may compli-
venous line access, and assessment and replace- cate this assessment, and the optimal approach
ment of fluid balance. If the patients condition to the prognostic evaluation of a patient treated
becomes hemodynamically unstable during hypo- with targeted temperature management has not
thermia, rewarming may not be helpful, since va- been fully resolved (see Areas of Uncertainty). This
sodilatation can occur during rewarming.27 Fluid is an issue of central importance, since it is ethi-
replacement and inotropic and pressor therapy cally justifiable to limit care or withdraw sup-
should instead be used to support blood pressure. port only when a poor prognosis is reasonably
After maintenance of hypothermia for 24 hours, certain.44
the patient should be rewarmed slowly (0.3 to The cost of treating a comatose patient with
0.5C per hour) to normal core body temperature the postcardiac arrest syndrome is dependent on
(36.5 to 37.5C). The rewarming can be performed the final clinical outcome, because most of the
with the use of the same device that was used for costs derive from the duration of the hospital stay
cooling, by blowing warm air over the patient, and subsequent rehabilitation. In an analysis of
or by covering the patient with blankets. Above- cost-effectiveness, the incremental cost for an aver-
normal body temperatures should be avoided, and age patient treated with targeted temperature

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Core cooling methods

Surface cooling methods

Precooled surface
cooling pad

surface cooling pad


Cold saline

Catheter-based endovascular device inserted in the femoral vein

Figure 1. Cooling Methods Used in Clinical Practice.

Surface cooling methods include the use of precooled (refrigerated) surface cooling pads and water-circulating surface cooling pads.
Core cooling methods include the infusion of cold intravenous fluids and the use of catheter-based endovascular devices.

management was estimated to be approximately cases of deep-vein thrombosis in patients who were
$30,000 over the average cost for conventional cooled with the use of a catheter-based cooling
care, which is estimated to be approximately device, as well as 8 cases of pulmonary edema in
$100,000.7 patients who were cooled with the use of cold in-
travenous fluid.
A DV ER SE EFFEC T S Adverse effects of targeted temperature man-
agement that were not related to a cooling device,
Adverse effects of targeted temperature manage- as reported in the major comparative clinical
ment are either directly related to the cooling de- trials,26,27,45-47 occurred in 74% of the patients who
vice or due to hypothermia itself. In 41 clinical tri- were treated with hypothermia (223 events in 300
als of targeted temperature management that were patients) and in 71% of the patients who were
conducted between 1997 and 2010, the overall rate given standard treatment (201 events in 285 pa-
of adverse events related to a cooling device was tients, P = 0.31) (Table 2). There were no reports in
1% (29 events in 3133 patients). These included the randomized trials of thrombocytopenia, acute
3 cases of bleeding, 8 cases of infection, and 10 respiratory distress syndrome, cerebrovascular in-

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clinical ther apeutics

sult, or bradycardia. In a recent observational study

Table 2. Adverse Events, Not Related to the Cooling Device, in Patients Who
involving 986 patients, the most commonly ob- Received Targeted Temperature Management, as Compared with Adverse
served adverse events were pneumonia (41%), hy- Events in Patients Who Received Standard Treatment.*
perglycemia (37%), cardiac arrhythmias (33%),
Targeted Temperature
seizures (24%), and electrolyte disturbances (hy- Management Standard Treatment
pophosphatemia, 19%; hypomagnesemia, 18%; Adverse Event (N=300) (N=285)
and hypokalemia, 18%).48 no. (%)
Arrhythmia 55 (18) 47 (16)
Hemodynamic instability 14 (5) 15 (5)

In the Australian26 and European27 trials discussed Bleeding 26 (9) 19 (7)

above, targeted temperature management was used Pneumonia 37 (12) 29 (10)
almost exclusively in patients who had an out-of- Sepsis 13 (4) 7 (2)
hospital cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrilla-
Electrolyte disorder 17 (6) 0
tion or pulseless ventricular tachycardia. There are
Renal failure 17 (6) 19 (7)
no data from studies of sufficient quality to rec-
ommend the use of this therapy in an adult who Seizures 10 (3) 11 (4)
has had a cardiac arrest that is not due to ventricu- Pancreatitis 1 (<1) 2 (1)
lar fibrillation. However, since the pathophysiol- Pulmonary edema 33 (11) 52 (18)
ogy of brain damage (global ischemia and reper-
fusion) is not different between patients with * Data are from major clinical trials comparing targeted temperature manage-
ment with standard therapy after cardiac arrest.26,27,45-47
out-of-hospital arrests and those with in-hospital
cardiac arrests or between cardiac arrests that
are due to ventricular fibrillation and those that
are not due to ventricular fibrillation, targeted tem- these components of targeted temperature man-
perature management may be a useful option for agement may provide information that would al-
a broader population of patients than the popula- low the tailoring of treatment to the individual
tions in these two major trials. patient, depending on the severity of the insult.
The optimal regimen of sedation, analgesia, Longer exposure to hypothermia might be re-
and relaxation is still a matter of debate, and many quired in the setting of more severe injury, as indi-
different protocols are used in clinical practice.33 cated in studies in rodents.52 In addition, milder
In the randomized trials, midazolam, fentanyl, levels of hypothermia (e.g., 35C) might have pro-
pancuronium, or vecuronium was used to facilitate tective effects similar to those of the target tem-
cooling and prevent shivering. A possible draw- peratures used in current protocols (33C).53
back of midazolam is that levels of the drug ac- Determination of the prognosis after cardiac
cumulate during hypothermia,49 and the increased arrest may be difficult in patients undergoing
levels of the drug could result in a prolonged need therapeutic hypothermia.43,54 The effect of hypo-
for ventilation and intensive care. The use of para- thermia on the predictive value of various assess-
lytic agents has been questioned, since these ments, including somatosensory evoked potentials
agents are thought to increase the risk of myo- (SSEPs), magnetic resonance imaging, and serum
pathy associated with critical illness, although markers of neuronal damage (e.g., neuron-specif-
there has been no prospective trial so far that has ic enolase and S-100), remains uncertain.55-58 Lim-
shown such an association.50 In any case, shiver- ited data suggest that hypothermia reduces the
ing should be avoided, since it increases the adren- predictive value of motor responses and of the
ergic response to induced hypothermia and sys- lack of N20 responses (the primary cortical com-
temic metabolic demands a response that could ponent after median-nerve stimulation in SSEP
lead to increased cardiac complications.51 readings) during SSEP testing early after cardiac
The optimal time to initiate hypothermia, the arrest.44,57
optimal length of time that should be taken to
reach the target temperature, the optimal level GUIDEL INE S
and duration of hypothermia, and the effect of the
rewarming rate on the neurologic outcome after After an advisory statement of the International
cardiac arrest are still unknown. Further study of Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) en-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

dorsed the use of therapeutic hypothermia in I would insert an additional temperature probe
2003,59 targeted temperature management was in- in the esophagus and initiate rapid cooling by the
cluded in the 2005 guidelines for resuscitation infusion of 2000 ml of cold lactated Ringers solu-
and emergency cardiac care of the European Re- tion with the use of a pressure bag through a large-
suscitation Council60 and the American Heart bore cannula over the course of 30 minutes, com-
Association.61 These guidelines recommend that bined with the application of refrigerated cooling
the core body temperature of unconscious adult pads (or the use of a catheter-based endovascular
patients with spontaneous circulation after an out- cooling device) to maintain a core temperature of
of-hospital ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest 33C for 24 hours. I would monitor the patients
should be lowered to 32 to 34C. Cooling should hemodynamic status, oxygenation, electrolyte lev-
be started as soon as possible after the arrest and els, and blood counts carefully during the period
should be continued for at least 12 to 24 hours. of hypothermia. After considering treatment op-
The guidelines note that patients who have had a tions with respect to the cause of the cardiac ar-
cardiac arrest due to nonshockable rhythms and rest (e.g., cardiac catheterization in the case of
patients who have had a cardiac arrest in the hos- acute myocardial infarction), I would rewarm the
pital may also benefit from induced hypothermia. patient slowly, at a rate of 0.4C per hour, until nor-
In 2008, another statement from ILCOR incorpo- mothermia (36.5 to 37.5C) was restored. I would
rated targeted temperature management into the then discontinue the sedatives, the analgesics, and
more comprehensive treatment bundle of therapy the paralytic agent as tolerated and plan to initiate
for the postcardiac arrest syndrome.5 weaning from ventilatory support as soon as pos-
sible thereafter.
Dr. Holzer reports receiving fees for board membership from
The patient described in the vignette is an appro- KCI Medical, consulting fees from EMCOOLS, and lecture fees
from KCI Medical and Medivance. The Department of Emer-
priate candidate for targeted temperature man- gency Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna received re-
agement, given the diagnosis of the postcardiac search grants from KCI Medical, Life Recovery Systems, and
arrest syndrome with coma after successful resus- Velomedix on behalf of Dr. Holzer. No other potential conflict
of interest relevant to this article was reported.
citation from an out-of hospital cardiac arrest Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
with a primary rhythm of ventricular fibrillation. full text of this article at NEJM.org.

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