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Bit #5 & 6

What is your
The social class discrimination in Cuba and its reflection in its musical
main research culture.

1 MLA citation CUMANA, MARA CARIDAD and KAREN DUBINSKY. "Beginning a New
Cuban Dream: An Interview with Carlos Varela." Latin American
Music Review, vol. 34, no. 2, Fall/Winter2013, pp. 198-222.
EBSCOhost, doi:10.7560/LAMR34203.

Quick summary & An interview with the influential Cuban musician about how he uses
description of modern politics in his music, his own views, and why he is
relevance controversial to Cuban citizens by using music to talk about politics.
He discusses his concerns, along with his representation of the
modern Cuban generation and their unrest. Ties into musics link to
Cuban social and political aspects. There is also an interesting point
made that is not discussed in other articles about how Cuba has this
underground piracy world for music, showing that even in the
streets people are coming up with ways to go around government
regulations. Begs the question to what else they might considering
when going around the law.

Thorough evaluation Authors: Cumana is a former Havana university art professor and a
published film critic and writer. Dubinsky is a History and Global
Affairs professor at Queens University and published author. Article
is fairly recent (2013), was written shortly after the lift on the Cuban
American travel ban (Obamas Presidency). Thoroughly written
paper in an interview of a leading figure in Cubas unrest and newer
generation. Very well laid out, providing well thought out
background to the person being interviewed, however due to an
interviews limitations, doesnt necessarily show the opinion of
those who do not share the same political views.

2 MLA citation Thornburgh, Nathan. "The Sound of Change." Time, vol. 172, no. 23,
08 Dec. 2008, pp. 46-51. EBSCOhost,

Quick summary & Through the stories of Cuban musicians the author knew as a
description of Saxophonist in Cuba, he gives a personal insight into the issues of
relevance Cuba (poor and inflated economy leaves lower class living on
rations and creating guitar strings and picks out of shampoo bottles
and telephone strings, Cuban exiles wanting to see loved ones still
in the country, etc.). Also, due to this article being published in 2008
verses 2013 (the first source above), it can be used to compare the
differing generational groups views on Cubas standings.
Thorough evaluation Author: Nathan Thornburgh is a former editor of Time magazine,
specializing in political and travel piece. This article was written
based on his personal experience in Havana, Cuba as a musician, so
is a direct source. Article is from 2008, so its not entirely recent, but
it gives insight on generational differences in issue priorities, and
change in comparison to more modern times.

3 MLA citation Kronenberg, Clive W. "Revolutionary Cuban Culture in Review:

Theories, Tensions, Triumphs, and the Struggle for Universal Social
Change." Critical Arts: A South-North Journal of Cultural & Media
Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, June 2011, pp. 259-281. EBSCOhost,

Quick summary & Discusses the link between Post-Revolutionary Cuban goals and
description of realities with its cultural tension. Mentions the grey period in
relevance which Cuban officials oppressed extreme anti-socialist Cuban artists
to protect their revolutionary message and to fight against
imperialist influence (such as the U.S). I want to use this as one of
my documents that discusses the more modern Cuban reflection
through music and the Arts.

Thorough evaluation This article was written by Clive W. Kronenberg, who is a research
scholar at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. This paper is
meant to inform fellow scholars about the cultural aftermath of the
Revolution. This is still relevant due to it only being published 6
years ago, and it being about a specific period of Cuban history.

4 MLA citation De La Fuente, Alejandro. "The Resurgence of Racism in Cuba."

NACLA Report on the Americas, vol. 34, no. 6, May/Jun2001, p. 29.

Quick summary & This is a great report on the reality of Racism and social
description of discrimination in Cuba. It explains why discussing racism is
relevance considered a betrayal to Cuba, but points out how this is silent
oppression. This subjects is the basis of my argument (besides the
musical aspect), and therefore, makes this reference very useful for
quoting and knowledge.

Thorough evaluation
This article is sponsored by NACLA, a creditable nonprofit whose
goal is to educate on the social and political trends of Latin America.
Its writer is Alejandro De La Fuente, who is a historian whom
specializes in comparative slavery and race relations in Latin
America and the Caribbean. The source was written in 2001, so
though not entirely recent, it still applies to modern Cuba (to which I
call Post-Revolution Cuba). The article is very well laid out, doing
well to answer all the questions to which come up in the topics
discussions, including the whys, hows, etc.

5 MLA citation Baker, Geoff. "La Habana Que No Conoces": Cuban Rap and the
Social Construction of Urban Space." Ethnomusicology Forum, vol.
15, no. 2, Nov. 2006, pp. 215-246. EBSCOhost,

Quick summary & Discusses the modern social problem of the urban special
description of segregation in Cuba due to tourism and social separation, especially
relevance regarding Afro-Cuban individuals. This also discusses how modern
rap culture in Cuba provides an outlet for political, social, and family
value based exchanges for Cubans. This can be an example of how
modern technology and influences can provide more outlets to raise
awareness of the political and social issues of today.

Thorough evaluation This article is actually pretty modern (published in 2006), and it
discusses the 1990s, which was a major point in Cuban history that
led to the segregation in Cuban culture. It provides an easily read
account of historical and modern context with the topic. This was
written by Geoff Baker, who is a music professor at the Royal
Halloway University of London, and specializes in the music study of
Latin America, making his essay creditable.

6 MLA citation Carrillo, Karen Juanita. "Afro-Cuban Journalist Speaks on Racial

Discrimination in Cuba." New York Amsterdam News, vol. 91, no. 50,
14 Dec. 2000, p. 2. EBSCOhost,

Quick summary & This is a brief news article covering a Afro-Cubans experience of
description of Racial Discrimination in Cuba. It talks about how African decent
relevance citizens are the majority of the Cuban poor and are more likely to be
arrested. This article also gives a comparison between American
racism and Cuban racism, a factor in which would help a reader
better understand the differences between the two.
Thorough evaluation This article was written in 2000, so it is not exactly was one would
consider a modern news representation. However, I still feel it is
relevant due to its comparison, and that there has been little to no
progress in the social discrimination in Cuba since the writing of this
article. The Author, Karen Juanita Carrillo is a New York based writer
whom specializes in writing about African American and Afro-Latino
history, literature, and politics. She also has published several books
on this content, making her a creditable source. Overall, the article
is relevant because it gives a brief but informative introductory
insight on the basis of my paper: social discrimination in Cuba, and
it is based around the personal perspective of an Afro-Cuban.

7 MLA citation Perez, Hebert. "Mart, Race, & Cuban Identity." Monthly Review: An
Independent Socialist Magazine, vol. 55, no. 6, Nov. 2003, pp. 19-32.

Quick summary & This article is fantastic in the way that is clearly talks about modern
description of relations first, before discussing in depth the story of the 1895
relevance revolution in Cuba from Spain, and the organizer of the war Jose
Marti. This article fits perfectly as a source for my essay because it
has historical context, race relations (and the reasoning behind
them), and how the black community came to be in the social
stigma it is in now in Cuba. It is very well thought out, and reads
easily (like a story), so it would be good for quoting.

Thorough evaluation
Though this source holds a lot of valuable information on the
background to my topic, I cannot seem to find the author online. I
think its because it is a common name, but it is difficult to narrow
the search. Despite that, this article gives lots of true insight (the
author sourced all his documents and quotes) into race relations, so
it is very creditable.

8 MLA citation Hall, Marlie. The Fight Against Cuban Racism Goes Viral. The Grio.
14 May, 2010.

Quick summary & This article describes Carlos Moore, a Cuban Activist and his new
description of involvement in the new form of protests to Cuban Racism: the
relevance internet. Now, many of the Cuban protestors are turning to blogging
and writing online articles to protest without the risk of being
arrested by the government for publically criticizing the Castro
government. This article is unique in the sense it shows how
protestors are adapting with and utilizing modern technology to
fight for their cause; specifically to contrast the modern Cuban
Racism with the old.

Thorough evaluation This article is one of the more modern ones, giving good intel on
how the fight against racism is going and adapting today (though
maybe not as modern as the article above). It was written by Marlie
Hall, a traveling journalist who writes exclusively for The Grio, a
news website dedicated to informing the African-American public
with relevant news and political matters. This site seems to be split
between for entertainment and news, so its reputation isnt as solid
as more well known news sources, but it is incredibly well thought
out and provides a perspective that wasnt shown in any of the
other articles I found.

9 MLA citation Perez, Carlos Cabrera. The Tragedy of Cuban Racism. Havana
Times, 9 Feb, 2015.

Quick summary & This article is great because it describes a more modern sense
description of (2015) of Cuban racism, through the protests of Afro-Cuban
relevance individuals of the Cubas Orlando Zapata National Civic Resistance
and Disobedience Front in protest to the Ley de Peligrosidad
(Potential criminality law). I like this article because besides
covering this protest, it briefly demonstrates why Racism in Cuba
wasnt dissipated in the Castro Revolution, and how it is reflected
through government and public views.

Thorough evaluation This article is fairly recent (2015) so it shows the continuance in the
trend of racism to this day more than the other articles above. The
author of this article is a journalist for the Havana Times, writing
exclusively about Cuban social and political affairs, making his work
consistent and reliable. However, his writing style seems a bit
opinionated, so I may not use a direct quote from him, but use the
concepts of his writing.
1 MLA citation Boogalu. Cuban Music History. Hosted In Havana,

Quick summary & This source is amazing in which it gives the progression of Cuban
description of Music through its history, specifically the styles and when they
relevance became popular. This is completely relevant in how I will be
discussing how music reflects the racism in Cuba in history, and how
it has acted as an outlet. This also shows how the music is reflecting
the struggles of the people more and more as the years go by,
showing how they seem to be seeking attention through music as it
is progressively being adapted for mass consumption.

Thorough evaluation This source is different in the way I cant find the authors name.
However the cite in which this source is from is a webpage
completely devoted to educating about Cuba and its history, for
what seems primarily for education and research. Because the
article is about progression of music over time, the publication date
doesnt really matter because the history is still the same, and no
new musical progressions (besides rap, but that is in one of my
other documents) have occurred since the end of the musical time
line they discus in the source.

1 MLA citation Musical Atlas of Cuba: History. PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,

Quick summary & This resource is really great because it talks about music history as
description of it coincides with Cuban history, all the way back to the colonial
relevance times. This is similar to the Hosted in Havana source, but this source
is more of a visual, which really helps when you are comparing
times with each other.

Thorough evaluation This sources is really reliable because it is by PBS, which is a news
broadcasting company that is constantly reporting on political,
historical, and cultural matters (typically getting the information
from the original source). I cant find the author of the article, but it
is still very factual, so I can count on it. The only thing, is this source
doesnt go past the 1900s in historical context, so I will have to rely
on my other sources for more recent developments.

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