Defensive Portfolio Construction Based On Extreme VaR SCHIMIELEWSKI and STOYANOV

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Defensive Portfolio Construction

Based on Extreme Value at Risk

Frank Schmielewski and Stoyan Stoyanov
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The Journal of Portfolio Management 2017.43.3:42-50. Downloaded from by Franco Angiolini on 05/22/17.

Frank Schmielewski ow-volatility strategies have been value theory (EVT) to get a more accurate
is managing director found empirically to be conservative approximation of the low quantile needed
and chief scientist at
portfolios delivering returns com- because of the non-Gaussian behavior of
RC Banken Group in
Buxtehude, Germany. parable or higher than the market stock returns (see Stoyanov etal. [2011] and portfolio (see, for example, Blitz and Vliet Schmielewski and Schwehm [2014]). Our
[2007] and Walkshausl [2014]). There are two method, therefore, belongs to the class of
Stoyan Stoyanov main methods of construction: The portfolio low-risk strategies in which risk refers to a
is a research professor in can be obtained by (1) minimizing portfolio tail-risk measure.
the College of Business at
Stony Brook University in
variance subject to some weight constraints We run an extensive empirical study
Stony Brook, NY. or (2) a two-step process in which stocks are on a large universe of international stocks to ranked by a risk-related criterion (e.g., histor- compare the properties of the low-eVaR port-
ical volatility or beta) and then low-volatility folio and the low-volatility portfolio based
stocks are selected and weighted on an ad hoc on the same ranking methodology. Our first
basis using equal weights or cap weights. main finding is that the low-eVaR portfolio
A problem of low-volatility portfolios has better risk and performance characteris-
documented in the literature is the concen- tics and a better downside risk profile. Our
tration in low-volatility stocks (see DeMiguel second main finding is that the sector and
etal. [2009] and Clarke etal. [2011]). Such regional concentration of the low-eVaR
biases can lead to concentrations in certain portfolio is lower than that of the low-
industries that tend to be less volatile in cer- volatility portfolio. To make sure the con-
tain time periods (see Chan etal. [1999]) and clusions are robust, we explore four different
are a source of strategy-specific risk. estimations of eVaR and find similar results.
In this article, we explore a different Finally, we use the FamaFrenchCarhart
methodology for defensive low-risk portfolio factors to compare the risk premium struc-
construction that is not based on volatility ture across the two methodologies and also to
but on a tail-risk measure called extreme look for a possible explanation of the better
Value at Risk (eVaR). Our approach follows downside risk profile of low-eVaR portfolios.
the second method; that is, stocks are ranked Although we find statistically significant dif-
by their eVaRthe ones with the lowest risk ferences by conditioning on U.S. recessions,
are selected and equally weighted. The eVaR the systematic exposures cannot explain the
measure is the Value at Risk (VaR) of the better downside risk profile of the low-eVaR
return distribution of each stock computed strategy, which, as a result, turns out to be a
at a low-tail probability level using extreme strategy-specific characteristic.

42 Defensive Portfolio Construction Based on Extreme Value at R isk Spring 2017

METHODOLOGY 90% quantile of the daily loss distribution, which is a
common choice (see Stoyanov etal. [2017]). eVaR is then
The portfolio construction method is based on the estimated as the 99% quantile of the fitted distributions.
eVaR of each stock, which is a forecast of VaR com- In the case of a GARCH(1,1) filter, we assume the
puted through EVT. There are different ways in which return has the following structure,
EVT can be applied (see Embrechts etal. [2004] and
McNeil etal. [2005]). To verify the robustness of the rt = + t Z t
conclusions, we adopt four different methods. In this
t2 = K + at21 + b t21 (1)
section, we first describe the methods and then outline
the portfolio construction approach, and, finally, we
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where t=tZt. The conditional eVaR at time t fore-

explain the risk and performance characteristics used
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2017.43.3:42-50. Downloaded from by Franco Angiolini on 05/22/17.

casted for 10 working days ahead is given by

for strategy comparison.
p ( X t +10 | I t ) = + t +10|tVaR
VaR p (Z ) (2)

EVT provides a model for the extreme tail of the where It denotes the information available at time t and
p (Z ) is estimated as the 99% quantile of the GPD
distribution and has been applied in finance to estimate
probabilities of extreme losses or extreme loss quantiles. or the GEV distribution estimated from the normalized
The appeal of EVT is that it provides a model for the residual Zt. The parameters of the filter are estimated
extreme tail without heavy assumptions on the return from daily data; the estimation of GEV and GPD follows
distribution. the steps shown here.
There are two ways to apply EVT in practice:
(1) the block-of-maxima method (BM) and (2) peaks-over- Portfolio Construction
threshold method (POT) (see McNeil etal. [2005]). BM
divides the sample period into blocks of equal size, The portfolio construction method consists of the
which typically match the risk horizon (e.g., one month following steps. For a given eVaR calculation method,
or one week) and computes the maximum loss in each at each rebalancing that occurs every quarter, the next
block. The asymptotic distribution of the maxima is the steps are followed:
Generalized Extreme Value Distribution (GEV). POT
sets a high threshold and considers the extreme losses 1. The eVaR of all stocks is calculated using the most
beyond the threshold. The asymptotic distribution of recent 750 daily returns in local currency.
the excess losses beyond the threshold is the Generalized 2. The stocks are ranked by their eVaR in increasing
Pareto Distribution (GPD).1 order.
In our empirical study, we compute eVaR in two 3. The top 200 low-risk stocks are selected and are
different ways: (1) we apply both methods directly on equally weighted.2 No constraints of any type are
the stock returns and (2) we combine both methods applied.
with a GARCH(1,1) filter. The GARCH (generalized
autoregressive conditional heteroskadasticity) model Furthermore, we apply a one-way transaction cost
explains the clustering of volatility of the stock returns, of 50 basis points. Also, our universe of stocks has no
and EVT is applied to the residual. In the literature, both survivorship biasesthat is, if a stock gets delisted, the
techniques have been used (see, for example, Stoyanov portfolio loses the invested amount in that stock. We
etal. [2017] and the references therein). In total, we have use returns in local currency in the eVaR calculation to
four different ways of calculating eVaR. have a ranking invariant of currency risks.
The method of applying GPD and GEV directly Finally, apart from eVaR we apply the same algo-
to the return distribution is straightforward; the distri- rithm for a strategy in which stocks are ranked by their
bution parameters are estimated using the maximum- historical volatility using the same estimation time
likelihood method. The block size is set to 10 working window. This allows us to compare the properties of
days, and the high threshold in the POT is set to the the volatility-based strategy to the eVaR strategies on
an equal basis.

Spring 2017 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement 43

Risk and Performance Characteristics Exhibit1
Total Number of Stocks per Sector and Region
To compare the performance of the strategies,
we use some standard performance measures and some
that are more sensitive to tail losses. We look at the
standard realized return, volatility, and Sharpe ratio, but
we also consider the downside deviation, the 99% VaR
of the realized return distribution, and the drawdowns.
Finally, we calculate the pain index (PI),
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1 T max
PI = (St St )+ , (3)
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2017.43.3:42-50. Downloaded from by Franco Angiolini on 05/22/17.

n t =1

and the ulcer index (UI),

1 T max
UI =
n t =1
(St St )2+ , (4)

in which (x) + = max(x,0), Stmax = max t S denotes

the running maximum, and n = #{(Stmax St )+ > 0,
t=1,,T} denotes the number of drawdowns. For
a motivation, see Schmielewski and Schwehm [2014]. we use only as a broad benchmark because the constit-
uent stocks are not the same. We also conclude that the
DATA concentration of the low-eVaR portfolios in both sec-
tors and regions is lower than that of the low-volatility
The stock universe consists of 9,472 stocks in total portfolio.
from 48 developed and emerging markets. The criteria Second, we compare the structure of the risk pre-
for selection is that market capitalization should be above mium of the low-eVaR and the low-volatility strategies
$1 billion.3 Exhibit1 provides details on the number of using the classical FamaFrench three-factor model.
stocks per sector and region globally. The time period We find that the exposures to the traditional factors are
for backtesting the performance of the strategies is from very similar in the entire period and also if we condition on
April 1995 to December 2014. U.S. expansions. Although we find some differences in the
The factor returns of the global market, size, value, factor structure during U.S. recessions, they do not explain
and momentum factors are taken from the data library the better downside risk profile of low-eVaR strategies.
of K. French that is available online.4 The regressions
are estimated with monthly returns. To define the time Risk and Performance
periods of U.S. expansions and recessions, we use data
from the National Bureau of Economic Research.5 Exhibit2 provides a comparison of the perfor-
mance of the strategies. The plot shows the evolution of
EMPIRICAL RESULTS the value of each portfolio with $100 invested in April
1995. The risk and performance statistics are available
In this section, we describe the empirical results in Exhibit3.
starting with the risk and performance characteristics. The low-eVaR strategies exhibit slightly higher
We find that the eVaR strategies have better tail-risk realized returns and slightly better volatilities, which
characteristics measured by a variety of different mea- translate into higher Sharpe ratios than the low-volatility
sures, better returns than the low-volatility portfolio, strategy. Their downside riskas measured by downside
and better Sharpe ratios. Both low-risk strategies sig- deviation, eVaR, the different drawdown statistics, PI, and
nificantly outperform the MSCI World Index, which UIis also better than that of the low-volatility strategy.

44 Defensive Portfolio Construction Based on Extreme Value at R isk Spring 2017

Across the low-eVaR strategies, it is interesting utilize it, the lack of value added is most likely due to
to see that the GARCH filter does not contribute any the big difference between the data frequency used for
value: The risk and the performance statistics of those estimation and the rebalancing frequency.
that utilize the filter are quite similar to those that do The MSCI World Index in Exhibit3 is used only
not. Even though econometrically it makes sense to as a broad benchmark, because its constituents are a
subset of the constituents of the other strategies; clearly,
the risk premium of the strategies is driven by factors
Exhibit2 beyond the market factor. It is nevertheless important
A Performance Comparison: $100 Invested in Each to consider the improvement in the risk statistics of the
Strategy in April 1995
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strategies relative to that index: They all exhibit much

lower downside risks, even though the stock universe is
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2017.43.3:42-50. Downloaded from by Franco Angiolini on 05/22/17.

larger and includes riskier stocks on a stand-alone basis.

To measure the concentration of the strategies
in different sectors and regions, we use the notion of
effective number of stocks translated into sectors or
regions. The effective number of sectors/regions is
defined as

EN = (5)

i =1 i

where k denotes the number of sectors/regions and wi is

the total weight allocated to the corresponding industry/
region. In the case of equally weighted allocation, the
EN coincides with the actual number of sectors/regions.
A lower EN statistic indicates a higher concentration.
Exhibits 4 and 5 illustrate the allocation to the
regions and sectors through time for the low-volatility
strategy (left plots) and the low-eVaR strategy
based on GPD with no GARCH filter (right plots).

Risk and Performance Statistics of the Low-eVaR Strategy, the Low-Volatility Strategy, and the MSCI

Spring 2017 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement 45

Allocation to Regions of the Low-Volatility Strategy (Left) and the Low-eVaR Strategy (Right)
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Note: The low-eVaR implements the GPD method; we find similar results with the other methods.

The corresponding plots of the other low-eVaR strate- 1995 to 2015. The EN statistic is higher for all low-eVaR
gies are very similar. Even though one can find similar strategies; the GPD method tends to produce a relatively
trends in the allocations, the low-eVaR strategy exhibits more diversified allocation either with or without the
a visibly lower concentration. The trade-off in Exhibit4 GARCH filter.
appears to be primarily between the allocation to North
America and the emerging markets. The fact that there Structure of the Risk Premium
are similar trends is natural given that tail-risk mea-
sures are sensitive to the scale parameter (see Stoyanov The performance results in Exhibit3 indicate
etal. [2013]). that the low-eVaR strategies tend to dominate the
In contrast, Exhibit5 shows more complicated low-volatility strategy in two aspects: (1) the supe-
dynamics. In the low-volatility regime before the finan- rior realized performance over the entire period
cial crisis of 2008, the low-volatility strategy tended to and (2) better downside risk prof ile of the return
concentrate on the financial and utilities sectors (about distribution. Next, we look at the exposures in the
70% of the total allocation). As the crisis unfolded and traditional FamaFrenchCarhart four-factor model
volatilities increased across all sectors, the sector allo- (see Fama and French [1992] and Carhart [1992]) to
cations gradually become less concentrated, with the see if these differences arise from different exposures
financial sector shrinking to a small fraction of its alloca- to the systematic factors. We also look for a possible
tion in 2004. In contrast, the low-eVaR strategy appears explanation for the second aspect mentioned, which
to be much more balanced, which can be explained in theory might be caused by a factor that is significant
by the fact that the allocation is affected not only by for the low-eVaR strategy and insignificant for the
volatility but also by the stocks tail risk; low volatility low-volatility strategy.
does not necessarily mean low tail risk. We run the factor model unconditionally using
Those observations on the relative concentration the data in the entire period from 1995 to 2015 and
are confirmed by the numerical data in Exhibits 6 and 7, also by conditioning on U.S. expansions and recessions.
which is based on the average sector allocation from The estimated exposures, confidence intervals, and

46 Defensive Portfolio Construction Based on Extreme Value at R isk Spring 2017

Allocation to Sectors of the Low-Volatility Strategy (Left) and the Low-eVaR Strategy (Right),
January 2004July 2009
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Note: The low-eVaR implements the GPD method; we find similar results with the other methods.

The Effective Number of Regions across Strategies Computed from the Average Allocations, 19952015

goodness of fit are available in Exhibit8, which is orga- at the 95% level than the other two. The source of the
nized in three panels. We include the regression results excess performance is either the intercept term (GEV)
of the GPD and GEV strategies, which are representative or a combination of the intercept and a higher exposure
of all low-eVaR strategies.6 to the market factor (GPD).
The results in Panel A, which are based on the full Panel B reveals a similar picture. The case of reces-
sample, show no significant differences in the structure sions in Panel C shows a different structure in the risk pre-
of the risk premium of the three strategies. The three mium. None of the strategies has a significant intercept.
exhibit a significant exposure to the market factor and The GEV strategy has a value and a momentum tilt,
a value tilt. The size and momentum exposures are while the GPD has a significant exposure only to the
insignificant. The GPD strategy appears to have a sta- market index. The low-volatility strategy has a statisti-
tistically significant higher exposure to the market factor cally significant value tilt.

Spring 2017 The Journal of Portfolio M anagement 47

The Effective Number of Sectors across All Strategies Computed from the Average Allocations, 19952015
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The Regression Coefficients, the 95% Confidence Bounds, and the Adjusted R2 of the Traditional Four-Factor
Model, Run on the Full Period and Conditioned on Expansions and Recessions

Even though the differences in the exposures can average drawdowns. As a result, we conclude that the
explain the differences in the average returns during reason for the differences in the downside is strategy
recessions, they cannot account for the differences in the specific and is contained in the residual; that is, although
downside of the return distribution. The GPD strategy in theory there may be a factor causing these differences,
has a significant exposure only to the market factor and it is not one of the common factors suggested in the
yet it exhibits a difference in both the extreme and the literature. Most likely, it is a consequence of the more

48 Defensive Portfolio Construction Based on Extreme Value at R isk Spring 2017

balanced allocation across sectors, which exposes the where G ,, (x) denotes the GPD, and H ,, (x) denotes the
strategy to smaller sector-specific risks. GEV. In both cases, the parameter is referred to as the
tail index and depends on the degree of heavy-tailedness of
the loss distribution. The parameters and are a loca-
CONCLUSION tion and scale parameter, respectively. The eVaR at a tail
probability of p is simply the (1-p) quantile of the GEV or
In this article, we compare a low-volatility strategy
GPD distributionsthat is, it is a loss threshold violated with
and low-risk strategies based on eVaR constructed from a probability of p.
a large universe of international stocks in the period 2
We also implemented two modif ications of this
from 1995 to 2015. We adopt four different methodolo- methodselecting the top 50 and the top 100 stocksand
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gies to compute eVaR based on EVT and a GARCH(1,1) found similar conclusions. The difference between the three
filter, which is a common model for the clustering of
The Journal of Portfolio Management 2017.43.3:42-50. Downloaded from by Franco Angiolini on 05/22/17.

modifications is the relative stability of the sector and country

volatility effect. The strategies are compared in terms of allocations.
the risk-adjusted performance and also in terms of the We also applied the same strategies to the subuniverse
concentration of the allocations to sectors and regions. of the U.S. stocks and found similar results.
We also compare the structure of the risk premium using The factor returns are available at mba.tuck.dartmouth
the common FamaFrenchCarhart four-factor model. .edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/data_library.html.
We find that the low-eVaR strategies exhibit better The U.S. business economic cycles are available online
risk and performance statistics and also a better down- 6
For better readability of the regression output, all
side of the return distribution measured by a variety of returns used in the regressions are in percentages. That is,
statistics. The common problem of high sector concen- the coefficients are effectively scaled by a factor of 100.
trations of low-volatility strategies is less pronounced in
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The Journal of Portfolio Management 2017.43.3:42-50. Downloaded from by Franco Angiolini on 05/22/17.

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To order reprints of this article, please contact Dewey Palmieri

at dpalmieri@ or 212-224-3675.

50 Defensive Portfolio Construction Based on Extreme Value at R isk Spring 2017

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