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From: C.J. Peters

Date: December 9 , 1989

Re: Seeking Volunteers For Upcoming Mission

In the upcoming month, we are looking for recruits to help eradicate Ebola in Reston, VA and
work alongside your team members at USAMRID. The monkey house has been infected with a
virus of Ebola, and the goal is to put an end to this deadly virus and protect the people in the
community. We are interested in individuals who are brave as well as calm in intense situations.
It is key to be educated in biosafety, and working in the veterinary field is a bonus. In this type of
work, we are seeking a team player who can cooperate with the team members to efficiently get
work done. The gear required for this job includes, biohazard suits, sequence of biosafety,
flashlights, syringes etc. If any individuals are interested in helping protect the public on this
confidential mission and exterminate Ebola in the United States, please contact me immediately.


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