b2 - Revises Assessments Regularly - Freshmen Poem Evaluation Reflection

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Name: Sean B.

English 110, A Period

Poem #2- Self Evaluation and Reflection

Directions: Please complete the Self-Evaluation Questions for Poem #2.

1. Explain where the idea for your poem came from.

I get up in the morning every day thinking these things, so I just put it into words.

2. How did you edit and revise this piece?

I took into account my partners edits and read it over to see how it sounded.

3. In which way(s) did you challenge yourself to write outside of your comfort zone? What was
the result?

I tried to really think about what goes through my head and analyze it and turn it into poetry. I
think the result was a well written poem.

4. What kind of structure did you employ in this piece: stanzas, white space, end-rhyme, etc?

I did include end rhyme and stanzas, but kept my poem formatted along the left side of the
page. I liked how it looked linear and organized.

5. What are you most proud of in this piece? What, if anything, can still be improved?

I am Most proud of how well I think I used literary devices. What still can be improved is how
well the poem flows.

6. What grade do you think you earned on this poem? A-; Im proud of it, but can do

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