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Greek Mythology Project

1. Research any of the Greek Stories on the Bullfinches Text in
the link provided on the website. Become very familiar with
your story.
2. In pairs groups design a temple to honor the god or hero of
your story.
3. Design a comic book that tells the story of your hero.
4. You may be asked to explain your work in the form of a play
or story telling so be prepared to share.

1 Below expectation

2 Approaching Expectation

3 At Expectation

4 Exceeding Expectation

What is the expectation?

1. Work is well researched, correct20pts
2. Work is neat, legible, and on time..20pts
3. Learning product is done using correct cultural
and Architectural features that are historically
correct for Greece and
4. Citizenship in working with Partner..20pts
5. Presentation follows correct chronology and
context (background information)

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