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XenMobile 8.6 MDM and Microsoft PKI


Hands-on lab exercise guide

November 2013 Version 1.0

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................2


Exercise 1: Configure Microsoft Cert Services to support Client Cert


Exercise 2: Configuring XDM to Communicate with Microsoft CA..............35

Exercise 3: Create Credential Policy in MDM Server...................................45

Exercise 4: Configure Client Access Server to accept client certificates.....55

Page 2

Citrix XenMobile is the revolutionary new way to mobilize your business. The
product offers security and compliance for IT while giving users mobile device,
app and data freedom. Users gain single-click access to all of their mobile, SaaS
and Windows apps from a unified corporate app store, including seamlessly-
integrated email, browser, data sharing and support apps.

IT gains control over mobile devices with full configuration, security,

provisioning and support capabilities. In addition, XenMobile securely delivers
Worx Mobile Apps, mobile apps built for businesses using the Worx App SDK and
found through the Worx App Gallery. With XenMobile, IT can meet their
compliance and control needs while users get the freedom to experience work
and life their way.

In this lab, you will get hands on experience with deploying the full XenMobile
Enterprise Solution.

Hands-on Training Module

This training module has the following details:

Objectiv Provide hands on experience configuring XenMobile

e Device Manager with Microsoft PKI for Client
Certificate Authentication
Provide hands on experience on how to configure
Exchange Server 2010 with Client Certificate

Audienc Primary: Citrix Technical Support


Page 3

Lab Environment Details

This section is used to describe the lab environment and the virtual machines
that are used.

Machine Details
Site1- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Domain controller for training.lab, DNS, DHCP
lab services, and license server. (Training.lab)
Site1- XM App Controller v2.9
Site1-DDC XenDesktop 7 Delivery Controller
Site1- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 with
Exchange Exchange 2010 installed
Site1-NS1 NSIP=192.168.1 NetScaler VPX 10.1.e. NetScaler VPX pre-
0.50 configured to provide remote access to MS
SNIP=192.168.1 Exchange and XenMobile Device Manager
0.60 8.6.
Site1- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 running
SharePoint SharePoint 2010.
Site1-SQL1 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 running
Microsoft SQL 2008 R2.
Site1-VDA Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 running as
Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) for
XenDesktop 7.0
Site1- Windows 7 Client machine
Site1-XDM1 Windows Server 2012 running XenMobile
Device Manager 8.6
Site2- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Domain controller for training.lab, DNS, DHCP
2.lab services, and license server. (Training2.lab)
Site2-NS2 NSIP=192.168.2 NetScaler VPX 10.1.e.

Page 4

Machine Details

Page 5

Required Lab Credentials

Below is the login credentials required to connect to the workshop system and
complete the lab exercises.

Domain/Machine Username Passwor Description

AppController (GUI) administra passwor AppController Administrator
tor d
AppController admin passwor AppController Administrator
(XenCenter d
NetScaler VPX nsroot nsroot NetScaler Administrator
Training.lab administra Citrix12 Domain Administrator
tor 3
Training.lab user1-3 Citrix12 Domain test users
Training2.lab administra Citrix12 Domain Administrator
tor 3
Training2.lab user1-3 Citrix12 Domain test users
XenMobile Device administra Citrix12 Device Manager Administrator
Manager tor 3

Page 6

How to login to the environment

Ste Action
From your Browser navigate to
Enter the Student Portal Session Code (provided by Instructor)
and your Business Email Address

NOTE: to select option keep session to email address when login off.
2. Click Start Lab to launch XenCenter Session

Click Add a Server

Use the XenServer IP and Password provided by the VTC portal
Click Add

Page 7
Exercise 1: Configure Microsoft Cert Services
to support Client Cert Authentication
In this exercise, students will learn how to configure Microsoft Certificate
Services to support client certificate authentication.

Step-by-step guidance
Estimated time to complete this lab: 60 minutes
Ste Action
1. Select the virtual machine and navigate to the
Console tab.

Click Send Ctrl+Alt+Del (Ctrl+Alt+Insert) and log in using

Username: Training\Administrator
Password: Citrix123

Exercise 1: Page 8
Ste Action
2. Open Active Directory Users and Computers shortcut found on
the desktop

3. Create a new AD user

Exercise 1: Page 9
Ste Action
4. Enter the following details:
First name: CertSvc
User Logon name: Certsvc

Select Next

Exercise 1: Page 10
Ste Action
5. Enter the following details:

Password: Citrix123
Check Password never expires

Select Next -> Finish

Exercise 1: Page 11
Ste Action
6. Make the new user CertSvc part of the Domain Admins group

Exercise 1: Page 12
Ste Action
7. Confirm that both Client Cert Mapping and IIS Client Cert
Mapping are installed

8. Select Add Role Services

Exercise 1: Page 13
Ste Action
9. Select Client Cert Mapping Authentication and IIS Client Cert
Mapping Authentication

Click on Next -> Install

10. Confirm that Client Cert Mapping Authentication and IIS Client
Cert Mapping Authentication roles are now installed

Exercise 1: Page 14
Ste Action
11. Open IIS Manager to confirm that https has been configured
Open IIS Manager -> Default web site -> Edit Bindings

Exercise 1: Page 15
Ste Action
12. Select https -> Edit
Confirm SSL Certificate is set to

13. Select Authentication Methods

Exercise 1: Page 16
Ste Action
14. Enable Active Directory Client Certificate Authentication

15. To enable SSL, select CertSrv - > SSL Settings

Select Accept -> Apply

Exercise 1: Page 17
Ste Action
16. Add Certificate Template MMC snap-in by launching mmc console
Select File -> Add\Remove Snap-in -> Certificate Templates ->

Select OK

Exercise 1: Page 18
Ste Action
17. XDM will be using a certificate to authenticate the connection to the
Microsoft Certificate authority. The Certificate used will be tied to a
user which in this case will be the CertSvc account. (This account
needs no special rights; a standard AD user is sufficient).

Select User template -> Duplicate Template

Exercise 1: Page 19
Ste Action
18. Select Windows Server 2003 Enterprise

NOTE: It is important to create a Windows Server 2003 template as

XDM uses web enrollment to request certificates. 2008 templates
CANNOT be requested via web enrollment.

19. In Properties of New Template

Template display name: XDM User Template

Exercise 1: Page 20
Ste Action
20. In Request Handling Tab ensure Allow private key to be
exported is unchecked

Exercise 1: Page 21
Ste Action
21. In Subject Name tab, select Supply in the request. This allows
XDM to provide parameters to the certificate request. When this
option is selected, the following warning is seen:

Select OK

Exercise 1: Page 22
Ste Action
22. Select the Security tab -> Add CertSvc account and grant Full

Exercise 1: Page 23
Ste Action
23. Select Authenticated Users and grant them Enroll permissions

Select OK

24. Select Certificate Authority from Desktop

Exercise 1: Page 24
Ste Action
25. Select Certificate Template -> New -> Certificate Template to

Exercise 1: Page 25
Ste Action
26. Select XDM User Template

Select OK

27. Log of from Domain Controller

Exercise 1: Page 26
Ste Action
28. The next step is to generate a user certificate for CertSvc. This can
be done on the server running the Certificate Authority which, in this
case is the Domain Controller.

Log into using the following logon details:

Username: Certsvc
Password: Citrix123

29. Launch URL https://localhost/Certsrv

Exercise 1: Page 27
Ste Action
30. We will now request an user certificate which will be used to
htt authenticate XDM to the Microsoft Certificate Authority.
Select Request a certificate -> User Certificate

Exercise 1: Page 28
Ste Action
31. The following Web Access Confirmation is seen:

Select Yes

Select Submit

32. The following Web Access Confirmation is seen:

Select Yes

Exercise 1: Page 29
Ste Action
33. Install the certificate. This will make it available in the personal
certificate store and will allow us to open the certificate MMC plug-in
for the user and export the certificate.

Exercise 1: Page 30
Ste Action
34. Add Certificates MMC snap-in by launching mmc console
Select File -> Add\Remove Snap-in -> Certificates -> Add

Choose My user account -> Finish

Select OK

Exercise 1: Page 31
Ste Action
35. Select Certificates -> Personal -> Certificates

36. Select Certificate Service -> All Tasks -> Export

37. Select Yes, export the private key

Exercise 1: Page 32
Ste Action
38. Check:
Include all certificates in the certificate path if possible
Export all extended properties

Click on Next
39. Type a password to protect the Private key
Password: Citrix123

Select Next

Exercise 1: Page 33
Ste Action
40. Specify the file path where to save the certificate:
File name: c:\certs\Certsvc.pfx

Select Finish

Exercise 1: Page 34
Ste Action
41. To test and confirm that Client certificate Authentication is
configured correctly, we need to temporarily disabling integrated
windows authentication.

Launch Internet Explorer -> Internet options -> Advanced ->

Uncheck Enable Integrated Windows Authentication

Select Apply -> OK

Close Internet Explorer and reopen it

Exercise 1: Page 35
Ste Action
42. In a browser, enter the following URL:
You should be prompted with a certificate as per below:

NOTE: It is very important to have this part working properly. Do not

proceed further until this is working as if it does not prompt you for a
certificate, then something is not configured correctly and XDM will
not be able to authenticate.


Exercise 1: Page 36
Key The key takeaways for this exercise are:
Takeaway Configure Microsoft Certificate services to support Client
s certificate authentication

Exercise 1: Page 37
Exercise 2: Configuring XDM to Communicate
with Microsoft CA
In this exercise you will learn how to configure XenMobile MDM server to
communicate with the Microsoft Certificate Authority and check out client

Step-by-step guidance
Estimated time to complete this lab: 20 minutes
Ste Action
1. Select the Site1-Win7Client virtual machine and navigate to the
Console tab.

Click Send Ctrl+Alt+Del (Ctrl+Alt+Insert) and log in using

Username: Training\Administrator
Password: Citrix123

Exercise 2: Page 38
Ste Action
2. Launch URL and use the following
User name: training\administrator
Password: Citrix123

3. Select Options -> PKI -> Server certificates -> Upload a


Exercise 2: Page 39
Ste Action
4. In this section we will import the PFX file we just created for user
Certsvc. This is simply a user certificate for a user that has
permission to generate certificates based on the mobility certificate
we plan to issue to the device. XDM authenticates itself to the CA
with this user certificate.

Certificate type: select Keystore

Keystore type: select PKCS#12
Keystore file: \\\c$\certs\Certsvc.pfx
Password: Citrix123

Click Upload

Exercise 2: Page 40
Ste Action
5. Select Entities -> New -> New MS CertSrv entity

6. Use the following details:

Entity name: MS CA
Service root URL:
certnew.cer page name: certnew.cer
certfnsh.asp page name: certfnsh.asp
Authentication type: Client certificate
SSL client certificate: <This is the user cert you imported in the
previous step>

Exercise 2: Page 41
Ste Action
7. Select the Template tab -> New template
Here we will specify the User template we created in exercise . This
will allow XDM to know which certificate template is available for use
in this CA.

Template name: XDMUserTemplate

8. Select CA Certificates tab -> Add -> <Select imported certificate>

Click Add -> Create

Exercise 2: Page 42
Ste Action
9. Select Credential providers tab -> New credential provider
Use the following details:
Credential provider name: MS CA Provider
Description: CA Provider
Issuing entity: MS CA
Issuing method: SIGN
Template: XDM User template

Exercise 2: Page 43
Ste Action
10. Select CSR tab and use the details below:

Key algorithm: RSA

Key Size: 2048
Signature algorithm: SHA1withRSA
Subject name: cn=$user.username
Subject alternative names:-
Select New alternative name -> select User Principal Name ->
Value: $user.userprincipalname

NOTE: Alternative names are used by an Exchange server to

determine if this certificate authentication has rights to a given
users mailbox where UPN is used to determine this.

Exercise 2: Page 44
Ste Action
11. Select Distribution Tab and use the following details:
Issuer: <Select the issuing CA certificate we added in PKI
Distribution mode: Prefer centralised

Exercise 2: Page 45
Ste Action
12. Select Renewal Tab -> Check Renew certificates when they

Select Add

Exercise 2: Page 46
In this exercise, you learnt how to configure XenMobile MDM
server to communicate with the Microsoft Certificate Authority
and check out client certificates.

Exercise 2: Page 47
Exercise 3: Create Credential Policy in MDM Server

In this exercise, students will learn how to create a credential policy on the
MDM server which will be included in a deployment package and pushed down
to the devices.

Step-by-step guidance
Estimated time to complete this lab: 20 minutes
Ste Action
1. Select the Site1-Win7Client virtual machine and navigate to the
Console tab.

Click Send Ctrl+Alt+Del (Ctrl+Alt+Insert) and log in using

Username: Training\Administrator
Password: Citrix123

Page 48
Ste Action
2. Launch URL and use the following
User name: Administrator
Password: Citrix123

3. For iOS devices, follow steps 4 6

For Android devices, follow steps 7 8
4. For iOS devices:
Select Policies Tab -> iOS -> Configurations -> Credentials

Page 49
Ste Action
5. Select General tab and use the following details:

Identifier: MS Credentials
Display name: MS Credentials
Organisation: Citrix Readiness
Description: MS Credentials

6. Select Credential tab and use the following details:

Credential type: Credential provider

Credential provider: MS CA provider

Select Create

Page 50
Ste Action
7. For Android devices:
Select Policies Tab -> Android -> Configurations -> General ->

8. Use the following details:

Credential name: MS Credentials
Description: MS Credentials
Credential type: Credential provider
Credentials provider: MS CA Provider

Select Add

Page 51
Ste Action
9. Select Deployment tab -> Training Package - iOS -> Edit

10. Select Resources and add MS Credentials

Select Finish

Page 52
Ste Action
11. Select Deployment tab -> Training Package - Android -> Edit

12. Select Resources and add MS Credentials

13. Re-enroll your device using the MDM server FQDN (your Extra IP2

Page 53
Ste Action
14. Use the following credentials:
Username: training\user2
Password: Citrix123

15. Once the device is enrolled, you can confirm that deployment
package has been deployed successfully by:

Select device -> Edit - > Deployment tab

Page 54
Ste Action
16. View the MDM server logs by:
Launch URL:
Select Tools -> Logs -> ZDMLOGFILE -> *

Page 55
Ste Action
17. Within the ZDM.log file, you will see the following information:

2013-11-13 06:43:17,522 [http-nio-443-exec-11] INFO

com.sparus.nps.macro [UID=43,usr=user2@training.lab,dev=14] -
Property 'webeas-url' resolved to: https://75-126-86-
2013-11-13 06:43:18,380 [http-nio-443-exec-7] INFO
com.sparus.nps.macro [UID=43,usr=user2@training.lab,dev=14] -
Property 'user.username' resolved to: user2
2013-11-13 06:43:18,380 [http-nio-443-exec-7] INFO
com.sparus.nps.macro [UID=43,usr=user2@training.lab,dev=14] -
Property 'user.userprincipalname' resolved to: user2@training.lab
2013-11-13 06:43:19,160 [http-nio-443-exec-7] INFO
[UID=43,usr=user2@training.lab,dev=14] - Adding PAYLOAD/MS
Credentials.credential2 certificate
(serial=191773687551998944083999) to enrollment
EnrollmentImpl{activationDate=2013-11-13 06:43:00.173, id=17,
status=ACTIVE, username='user2@training.lab', device={id:"14",
serialNumber:"DMPHM2PZDJ8T", imei:"null",
activeSyncId:"ApplDMPHM2PZDJ8T", osFamily:"iOS",
strongId:"Q0QUYNFP", Last user name:"user2@training.lab
2013-11-13 06:45:33,695 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO


Page 56
Key The key takeaways for this exercise are:
Takeaway How to integrate configure and deliver Client Certificates to mobile
s devices (e.g. iOS and Android)

Page 57
Exercise 4: Configure Client Access Server to accept client certificates

In this exercise, you will learn how to configure Microsoft Exchange client
access server to accept client certificates as well as create an ActiveSync policy
within the MDM server.

Step-by-step guidance
Estimated time to complete this lab: 20 minutes
Ste Action
1. Select the Site1-Exchange virtual machine and navigate to the
Console tab.

Click Send Ctrl+Alt+Del (Ctrl+Alt+Insert) and log in using

Username: Training\Administrator
Password: Citrix123

Exercise Page 58
Ste Action
2. Open Exchange Management Console shortcut found on the

3. First, we need to replace the SSL certificate in order to allow mobile

devices make a full SSL connection with Exchange Server. Right now,
NetScaler is configured to terminate the SSL connection which will
cause the Client Certificate not to be passed to Exchange.

Select Microsoft Exchange On-Premises -> Server Configuration

4. Select the first certificate and click Assign Services to Certificate

Exercise Page 59
Ste Action
5. Click Next

6. Select Internet Information Services

Click Next > Assign

Exercise Page 60
Ste Action
7. Verify everything is OK.

Click Finish
8. Select Microsoft Exchange On-Premises -> Server Configuration
-> Client Access

Select Exchange Active Sync tab -> Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync

-> Properties

Exercise Page 61
Ste Action
9. Select Authentication tab -> Accept client certificates

Select Apply -> OK

10. Confirm that both Client Cert Mapping and IIS Client Cert
Mapping are installed in Server Manager

Exercise Page 62
Ste Action
11. Select Add Role Services

12. Select Client Cert Mapping Authentication and IIS Client Cert
Mapping Authentication

Click on Next -> Install

Exercise Page 63
Ste Action
13. Confirm that Client Cert Mapping Authentication and IIS Client
Cert Mapping Authentication roles are now installed
14. Open IIS Manager and select Authentication Methods

Enable Active Directory Client Certificate Authentication

15. Navigate to Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (EX1 -> Sites -> Default

Web site)

Click SSL Settings -> ensure SSL Settings are set to Accept

Exercise Page 64
Ste Action
16. Ensure Windows Authentication is enabled by selecting
Authentication -> Open Feature

17. Enable Windows Authentication

Exercise Page 65
Ste Action
18. Open Configuration Editor

Exercise Page 66
Ste Action
19. Select system.webServer -> Security -> authentication ->

20. Select enabled and set it to True

Select Apply
21. Close IIS Manager console

22. Next, we need to re-create the Load Balancing configuration on

NetScaler so we can verify client certificate authentication on
Exchange Server. We need to ensure the SSL connection made from
the mobile device is not terminated by NetScaler.

Exercise Page 67
Ste Action
23. Select the Site1-Win7Client virtual machine and navigate to the
Console tab.

Click Send Ctrl+Alt+Del (Ctrl+Alt+Insert) and log in using

Username: Training\Administrator
Password: Citrix123

24. First, lets recreate the Load Balance virtual server of NetScaler for
Exchange connections.

On the desktop, open the folder NS-Configs

Were going to replace the existing configuration on NetScaler from

SSL Offload to SSL Bridge for Exchange server.

Exercise Page 68
Ste Action
25. Leave the folder open and launch WinSCP.

26. Select Site1-NS1 and click Login

27. On the left pane, drag-and-drop the SSL Bridge ns.conf file to the
right pane. Click Yes to overwrite the file.

28. Next, launch PuTTY

29. Double-click on Site1-NS1 to connect via SSH to the NetScaler.

Enter the credentials: nsroot/nsroot

Exercise Page 69
Ste Action
30. Type the following command:

>reboot warm

Hit Enter and enter Y

31. Wait 1-2 minutes for NetScaler to reboot. You want watch the
progress in the XenCenter console.

Exercise Page 70
Ste Action
32. To verify if everything is working as expected, outside from the lab
environment, open Internet Explorer browser and connect to (Note: ExtraIP1 is
available on the ILT page. Ensure to replace the periods between
octets to dashes (-).

Exercise Page 71
Ste Action
33. Next, were going to configure the MDM policy to configure Exchange
with Client Certificate Auth against Exchange Server.

Launch URL and use the following

User name: Administrator
Password: Citrix123

34. For iOS devices:

Select Policies Tab -> iOS -> Configurations -> Exchange

Exercise Page 72
Ste Action
35. Select General tab and use the following details:

Identifier: MS Exchange Credentials

Display name: MS Exchange Credentials
Organization: Citrix Readiness
Description: MS Exchange Credentials

Exercise Page 73
Ste Action
36. Select Exchange ActiveSync tab and use the following details:

Exchange ActiveSync account name: Training Exchange

Exchange ActiveSync host: <extra-IP1>
Example: 173-192-86-
Domain: training.lab
User: $user.username
Email address: $user.mail
Identity credential: MS Credentials

Select Create

Exercise Page 74
Ste Action
37. Next, create a Credentials policy to push the Root CA for Training.lab
for iOS devices in order to trust the Client Certificate delivered by

Go to iOS > Configurations > New Configuration > Profiles and

Settings > Credentials

38. Enter the following parameters:

Identifier: Root Training

Display name: Root Training
Organization: Citrix Support
Description: Root CA Training

Exercise Page 75
Ste Action
39. Go to Credential tab and enter the Credential Name as Root CA

Click Choose File and navigate to \\ad\Software\Certs. Select Root-

CA TrainingLab.cer

Click Create
40. Select Deployment tab -> Training Package - iOS -> Edit

Exercise Page 76
Ste Action
41. Select Resources and add MS Exchange Credentials and Root

Select Finish
42. If you are not enrolled, re-enroll to XDM. Otherwise, redeploy the
package by:

Select device -> Deploy -> Yes

Exercise Page 77
Ste Action
43. Once the package has been redeployed, you can confirm that the
additional policy has been deployed successfully by:

Select device -> Edit - > Deployment tab

44. Unfortunately for Android devices using TouchDown is not possible to

use client certificate authentication delivered by XenMobile Device
Manager. This is because the client certificate is sandboxed by Worx
Home and TouchDown will not be able to access it.

Were going to configure the Root CA for later use with WorxMail on
XenMobile App and Enterprise Edition exercises.

Next, create an Android credential policy to push the Root CA for


Exercise Page 78
Ste Action
45. Enter the following parameters:

Credential Name: Root Training

Description: Root CA Training.lab
Credential type: (leave default settings)
Choose File: select Root-CA-TrainingLab.cer from
\\ad\software\certs folder

Click Add
46. Select Deployment tab -> Training Package - Android -> Edit

Exercise Page 79
Ste Action
47. Select Resources and add Exchange ActiveSync and Root

Select Finish
48. If you are not enrolled to XDM, please enroll to test. Otherwise, go to
the Devices tab and click Deploy to the Android device.
49. View the MDM server logs by:
Launch URL:
Select Tools -> Logs -> ZDMLOGFILE -> *

Exercise Page 80
Ste Action
50. Within the ZDM.log file, you will see the following information:

2013-11-13 07:19:03,504 [http-nio-443-exec-2] INFO

com.sparus.nps.macro [UID=49,usr=user3@training.lab,dev=16] -
Property 'user.username' resolved to: user3
2013-11-13 07:19:03,504 [http-nio-443-exec-2] INFO
com.sparus.nps.macro [UID=49,usr=user3@training.lab,dev=16] -
Property 'user.userprincipalname' resolved to: user3@training.lab
2013-11-13 07:19:03,926 [http-nio-443-exec-2] INFO
[UID=49,usr=user3@training.lab,dev=16] - Adding PAYLOAD/MS
Exchange Credentials.identity certificate
(serial=192377393956148052230177) to enrollment
EnrollmentImpl{activationDate=2013-11-13 07:18:44.113, id=19,
status=ACTIVE, username='user3@training.lab', device={id:"16",
serialNumber:"DMPHM2PZDJ8T", imei:"null",
activeSyncId:"ApplDMPHM2PZDJ8T", osFamily:"iOS",
strongId:"6KPBQB60", Last user name:"user3@training.lab
2013-11-13 07:19:03,941 [http-nio-443-exec-2] INFO
com.sparus.nps.macro [UID=49,usr=user3@training.lab,dev=16] -
Property 'user.username' resolved to: user3
2013-11-13 07:19:03,941 [http-nio-443-exec-2] INFO
com.sparus.nps.macro [UID=49,usr=user3@training.lab,dev=16] -
Property 'user.mail' resolved to: user3@training.lab

51. The user should not be prompted for any password as we are now
using the client certificate for authentication
52. Before moving forward with other lab exercises, please revert the
changes on the NetScaler back to SSL Offload by replacing the
ns.conf file. Refer to steps 23-31.

Exercise Page 81
Key The key takeaways for this exercise are:
Takeaway Configure Microsoft Exchange CAS to accept Client
s Certificates
Create an ActiveSync policy on MDM server and include it
in a deployment package.

Exercise Page 82
Revision History
Revisi Change Description Updated By Date
1.0 Original Version Karen 11/13/2013
1.1 Fixed typos and added the SSL Adolfo 11/25/13
Bridge for Exchange Montoya
1.2 Fixed typos and removed Android Adolfo 12/2/2013
Exchange Profile for MDM and Montoya

Page 83

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