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Intermediate wordlist with English Profile level description

Part of
Wordlist Definition

author noun B1 someone who writes a book, article, etc

an occasion when you do something to an

binge noun
extreme degree
bottom noun A2 the flat surface on the lowest side of something
cab noun B1 a taxi (=car that you pay to travel in)
campsite noun B1 an area where people stay in tents for a holiday

cancel verb B1 to say that an organized event will not happen

chat noun A2 when you talk with someone in a friendly way

chest of a piece of furniture with drawers for keeping
noun B1
drawers clothes in
when you can choose between two or more
choice noun B1
clean up phrasal verb A1 to make a person or place clean and tidy
clutter noun a lot of objects that are not tidy or well organized
a set of numbers used at the beginning of all the
code noun B2
telephone numbers in a particular area
concentrate on to use most of your time and effort to do
phrasal verb B1
(sth) something
condition noun B1 the state that something or someone is in
someone who advises people about a particular
consultant noun B2
a machine that you use to play records or tapes
deck noun (=plastic cases containing magnetic material
used to record sounds)
to get rid of objects that make a place untidy and
declutter verb
are not needed
delicate adjective B2 easy to damage or break
dry cleaner's noun a shop where clothes are cleaned with chemicals
a machine for taking exercise which looks similar
exercise bike noun to and is used like a bicycle but does not move
from one place
feeling noun B1 an opinion or belief
field noun B1 an area of grass where you can play a sport
a path or track for people to walk along,
footpath noun
especially in the countryside
the side of something that is most often seen
front noun A2
because it faces forward
gate noun A2 a door in a fence or outside wall
get off phrasal verb A2 to leave a bus, train, aircraft, or boat
get on phrasal verb A2 to go onto a bus, train, aircraft, or boat
get rid of phrase B1 to throw away something that you do not need
give away phrasal verb B1 to give something to someone for free
gradually adverb B2 slowly over a period of time
have a go phrase B2 to try something
have a look phrase B1 to look at something
have a word phrase B2 to speak to someone, often in private
a set of electronic equipment for playing music,
hi-fi noun
consisting of a CD player, radio, etc
to get free rides in people's vehicles by standing
hitchhike verb B1 next to the road and waiting for someone to pick
you up
to collect and store a large supply of something,
hoard verb
often secretly

something that you say to show that you believe

I bet verb B1
that something is true or will happen

ideal adjective B2 perfect, or the best possible

included adjective A2 contained within something else
inside preposition A2 in or into a room, building, or container
information that explains how to do or use
instructions noun A2
lifestyle noun B2 the way that you live
lift (noun) noun A2 a free ride somewhere, usually in a car
lighten up phrasal verb to become more relaxed and less serious
a room where things that people have
lost property noun
accidentally left, for instance on a train, are kept

a picture that shows where countries, towns,

map noun A2
roads, etc are
neighbourhood noun B1 an area of a town or city that people live in

nightmare noun B1 a very unpleasant experience

someone who has an important position in an
official noun C2
organisation such as the government
order (noun) noun B2 when everything is tidy and in its correct place
outside noun B2 the outer part or surface of something
palm noun C2 the inside surface of your hand

path noun A2 a long, thin area of ground for people to walk on

plain adjective B1 having a simple design, without much decoration

If a machine plays up, it does not work as it
play up phrasal verb
possession noun B2 a thing that you own
a piece of equipment that is used to control
remote control noun B1
something such as a television from a distance

ridiculous adjective B2 very silly

rope noun B2 very thick string made from twisted thread
things that you throw away because you do not
rubbish noun B1
want them

a flat, outer surface of an object, especially one

side noun A2
that is not its top, bottom, front, or back
sort (noun) noun A2 a type of something
someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge,
specialist noun B2
or skill in a particular subject
a man who looks after people on an aircraft, boat,
steward noun
or train
string noun B2 very thin rope used for tying things
stripe noun B1 a long, straight area of colour
stuck adjective B2 not able to move anywhere
used to mean a substance or a group of things or
stuff noun B1
ideas, etc without saying exactly what they are

something or someone that you attack, shoot at,

target noun B2
try to hit, etc
to get rid of something that you do not want
throw away phrasal verb B1
tidy up phrasal verb B1 to make a place tidy
extremely bad or good and making you feel
unbelievable adjective B1
unpopular adjective B2 disliked by most people
usable adjective that can be used

word noun A1 a group of letters or sounds that mean something

to put information in a newspaper or on the

advertise verb B1 Internet, asking for someone or something that
you need

also adverb A1 in addition

apart from phrase B1 except for

to speak angrily to someone, telling them that
argue verb B2
you disagree with them
when you tell someone that you disagree with
argument noun B1
them and are angry with them

as well as phrase A1 in addition to

to make people come to a place or do a particular

attract verb B1
thing by being interesting, enjoyable, etc

back adverb B1 to the state something or someone was in before

an object that provides electricity for things such
battery noun A2
as radios, toys, or cars
If something blows down, or if the wind blows
blow down phrasal verb B1 something down, that thing falls to the ground
because the wind blows it.
(of strong wind) to detach parts of buildings or
blow off phrasal verb B1
other objects
both ... and quantifier A1 used to talk about two people or things
to suggest a lot of ideas quickly without giving
brainstorm verb
them deeper consideration

If a container bursts, or if you burst it, it breaks

burst verb B2
suddenly, so that what is inside it comes out

a stick of wax with string inside it that you burn

candle noun B1
to make light
case noun C2 an argument or point of view
a situation where there is no order at all and
chaos noun B2
everyone is confused
come off phrasal verb C2 to become detached
come on phrasal verb C1 to start to happen or work
when you agree to something which is not exactly
compromise noun B2
what you want
conflict noun B2 disagreement or fighting

deal with phrasal verb B1 to take action in order to solve a problem

to change and become better, or to make
develop verb B1
someone or something become better
when people have a different opinion about
disagreement noun B2
something or have an argument
eat verb A1 to put food into your mouth and then swallow it
used when you are giving a choice of two or more
either ... or phrase B1
someone whose job is to put in or repair
electrician noun B2
electrical equipment
If a person or company employs someone, they
employ verb B1
pay that person to work for them.
expand verb B2 to get larger, or to make something get larger
something that you know is true, exists, or has
fact noun A2
fiery adjective showing strong emotion, especially anger
flat adjective If a battery is flat, it does not have any power left.
gloomy adjective unhappy and without hope
go off phrasal verb B1 If a light or machine goes off, it stops working.
the part of something that you use to hold it or
handle (noun) noun B2
open it
have to verb A2 used to express obligation
heart noun B1 someone's deepest feelings and true character
heating noun A2 the system that keeps a building warm
hold verb B1 to organize an event
used to describe how many hours in the day you
hours phrase
How about ...? phrase A2 used to make a suggestion
hush-hush adjective If something is hush-hush, it is kept secret.
to find a particular thing or all the things of a
identify verb B2
particular group
in particular phrase especially

inhibited adjective not confident enough to say or do what you want

to try to control or become involved in a
interfere verb B2
situation, in a way that is annoying
the feeling that you know something without
intuition noun C2
being able to explain why
to give a good enough reason to make something
justify verb B2
seem acceptable
landlord noun B2 a man who you rent a room or house from
If a container leaks, it allows liquid or gas to
leak verb B2
come out when it should not.
a formal talk given to a group of people in order
lecture noun B1
to teach them about a subject
light noun A2 an object that produces light
someone who pays to live with someone in their
lodger noun
when people come together for a reason, usually
meeting noun A2
to talk about something
a nurse who has had special training to help
midwife noun
women give birth
to try to make or change an agreement by talking
negotiate verb
about it
used when a negative fact is true of two people or
neither ... nor phrase B2
new adjective A1 recently made

not only ... but used to say that one thing is true and another
phrase B2
also thing is true too, especially a surprising thing

of course phrase A1 used to show that what you are saying is obvious
to suddenly feel so worried or frightened that you
panic verb B2 cannot think or behave calmly, or to make
someone feel this way

pipe noun B1 a long tube which liquid or gas can move through

plan noun A2 something that you are going to do

someone whose job is to repair or connect water
plumber noun B2
pipes, toilets and baths
pop out phrasal verb B2 to go somewhere for a short time
power cut noun B2 when the supply of electricity suddenly stops

property noun B2 a building or area of land

a piece of equipment used for listening to radio

radio noun A1
reach a to make an agreement in which each side agrees
compromise to part of what the other side wants
to pay or receive money to live in a building that
rent verb B1
someone else owns
represent verb B2 to be a sign or symbol of something

resolve verb C1 to solve or end a problem or difficulty

when you are polite to someone, especially

respect noun B1 because they are older or more important than
the surface that covers the top of a building or
roof noun A2
a plan which shows who must do which jobs and
rota noun
when they must do them
row noun B2 a loud, angry argument
used instead of 'will' when the subject is 'I' or
shall modal verb A2
'we', especially when asking for suggestions

solution noun B1 the way to stop a problem

to find the answer to something or to stop a
solve verb B1
to use language which people think is rude or
swear verb B2

a small object that you push up or down with

switch noun B1
your finger to turn something electrical on or off

the part at the end of a pipe which controls the

tap noun B1
flow of water
technique noun B1 a particular or special way of doing something
someone who pays rent to live in a room, house,
tenant noun C2

a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of

tension noun B2
people who do not trust each other
a flat area outside a house, restaurant, etc where
terrace noun B2
you can sit
torch noun B2 a small electric light that you hold in your hand

something which you do to try to cure an illness

treatment noun B2 or injury, especially something suggested or done
by a doctor
to put on a piece of clothing to discover if it fits
try on phrasal verb A2
you or if you like it
a space in the wall of a building or car that has
window noun A1 glass in it, used for letting light and air inside and
for looking through
If a machine or piece of equipment works, it is
work (verb) verb A2
not broken.
ofile level description

Example Unit

a popular author of children's fiction Unit 08

I went on a cleaning binge. Unit 08

It has a little silver stripe on the bottom. Unit 08

We took a cab to the theatre. Unit 08

I've found a campsite by the beach. Unit 08

All the trains were cancelled. Unit 08

I had a chat with this old lady. Unit 08

Your shirts are in the chest of drawers. Unit 08

I don't have a choice. Unit 08

I'd clean up the kitchen. Unit 08

Free yourself from clutter. Unit 08

What is your area code? Unit 08

I'm concentrating on my career at the Unit 08

The table's in quite good condition. Unit 08

a tax consultant Unit 08

a tape deck Unit 08

I would like to declutter my house. Unit 08

a delicate china cup Unit 08

I took my coat to the dry cleaner's. Unit 08

I use my exercise bike every day. Unit 08

I have a feeling it's on Tuesday. Unit 08

a football field Unit 08

a public footpath Unit 08

There's a heart design on the front. Unit 08

Please shut the gate. Unit 08

We got off the train. Unit 08
We got on the wrong train. Unit 08

I got rid of my old furniture. Unit 08

He gave away all his books. Unit 08

Gradually he began to get better. Unit 08
Have a go at this crossword. Unit 08
Let me have a look at your cut. Unit 08
I need to have a word with you about Unit 08
your expenses.
hi-fi equipment Unit 08

We hitchhiked to Berlin. Unit 08

He hoarded antique books in the attic. Unit 08

I bet it'll be there. Unit 08

It's ideal for anyone who wants to Unit 08

exercise at home.
The instructions are included. Unit 08
The wallet's got some cash inside. Unit 08

I just followed the instructions. Unit 08

a healthy lifestyle Unit 08

The woman who gave us a lift was really
Unit 08
I wish she'd lighten up a bit. Unit 08

You need to go to lost property. Unit 08

She draws you a map. Unit 08

I grew up in a very poor neighbourhood. Unit 08

The traffic can be a real nightmare after Unit 08

a senior official Unit 08

It's in good working order. Unit 08

It has pink stripes on the outside. Unit 08

He held the beetle on the palm of his Unit 08
There's a path through the forest. Unit 08

a plain blue carpet Unit 08

The CD deck can play up sometimes. Unit 08

personal possessions Unit 08

The hi-fi comes with a remote control. Unit 08

I've never heard anything so ridiculous. Unit 08

We tied a rope to the branch. Unit 08

Our rubbish gets collected on Thursdays. Unit 08

My bag's got pockets on the side. Unit 08

It's a sort of chest of drawers. Unit 08

a cancer/software specialist Unit 08

an air steward Unit 08

a ball of string Unit 08

white with blue stripes Unit 08
The window's stuck. Unit 08

We keep getting and keeping more stuff. Unit 08

It's very difficult to hit a moving target. Unit 08

I threw away all my old magazines. Unit 08

We should tidy up the house before your

Unit 08
parents arrive.
It's unbelievable how lucky she's been. Unit 08

an unpopular idea Unit 08

The specific software is also usable in Unit 08
other areas of research.
'Hund' is the German word for 'dog'. Unit 08

The university is advertising for Unit 09

administrative staff.

She speaks French and also a little

Unit 09
Apart from Jodie, who hurt her leg, all Unit 09
the children were fine.
My parents are always arguing about Unit 09
People have a lot more arguments and Unit 09

As well as always paying my rent on Unit 09

time, I've also looked after this property.

The castle attracts more than 300,000 Unit 09

visitors a year.

The lights came back on. Unit 09

The batteries are flat. Unit 09

A tree had blown down in the garden. Unit 09

Part of our roof was blown off. Unit 09

The flat is both his and yours. Unit 09

Brainstorm ideas and don't criticise Unit 09
what anybody says.

The pipe's burst. Unit 09

We had to use candles when the lights Unit 09

went out.
I would argue my case. Unit 09
The country's at war and everything is in Unit 09
The handle's come off. Unit 09
The lights came back on. Unit 09

We'll reach a compromise. Unit 09

They often don't try to resolve the Unit 09

The government has failed to deal with
Unit 09
It will help you to develop new and Unit 09
creative solutions to problems.
They had a disagreement about money. Unit 09

Who ate all the cake? Unit 09

Either you or I can go. Unit 09

We need to call an electrician to fix the Unit 09

The company employs 2500 staff. Unit 09

Here are some ideas for expanding the Unit 09

The fact is that we don't have enough Unit 09
a fiery temper Unit 09
The batteries in my torch are flat. Unit 09

The future looks gloomy. Unit 09

The heating went off. Unit 09

a door handle Unit 09

We'll have to call someone. Unit 09

Listen to your heart. Unit 09

The heating went off. Unit 09

hold a meeting Unit 09
We're all going to have to work more
Unit 09
hours anyway.
How about if we take turns to do the
Unit 09
The project's all very hush-hush. Unit 09

You need to identify your priorities. Unit 09

Are you looking for anything in

Unit 09
We are less inhibited with our friends. Unit 09

I know he's worried about us, but I wish Unit 09

he wouldn't interfere.
Her approach to childcare is based on Unit 09
I don't know how they can justify those Unit 09
ticket prices.
My landlord is going to double my rent. Unit 09

The pipe's leaking. Unit 09

We went to a lecture on Italian art. Unit 09

The lights came back on. Unit 09

I got a lodger to help me pay the rent. Unit 09

Hold a meeting Unit 09

She is a trained midwife. Unit 09

We are negotiating for a new contract. Unit 09

Neither he nor his mother would talk to Unit 09

the police.
Come up with a new and better plan. Unit 09

Not only did he turn up late, he also Unit 09

forgot his books.

Of course it's his property in law. Unit 09

Don't panic, we've got plenty of time. Unit 09

The pipe's leaking. Unit 09

Come up with a new and better plan. Unit 09

We need to call a plumber to fix the tap. Unit 09

He's just popped out to the shops. Unit 09

We've got candles in case there's a power
Unit 09

As well as always paying my rent on Unit 09

time, I've also looked after this property.

Would you mind not having the radio on Unit 09

all the time?
We discuss things, and usually we reach
Unit 09
a compromise.
I rent a room to a lodger. Unit 09

The crosses on the map represent Unit 09

They often don't try to resolve the Unit 09

I would still always show him respect. Unit 09

He climbed onto the roof. Unit 09

We'll have to make a rota for the Unit 09

We will still have quite angry rows. Unit 09

What shall we do? Unit 09

There's no easy solution to this problem. Unit 09

We have solved the problem. Unit 09

He was sent home because he swore at Unit 09

the teacher.

Where is the light switch? Unit 09

the cold/hot tap Unit 09

Scientists have developed a new Unit 09

technique for taking blood samples.
You've been a good tenant. Unit 09

If someone's done something which Unit 09

causes tension, nobody says anything.
We had dinner on the terrace. Unit 09

I always carry a torch. Unit 09

She's receiving treatment for a lung Unit 09


Why don't you try on the green shirt? Unit 09

Open the window if you're too hot. Unit 09

The washing machine's not working. Unit 09

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