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TypeofPin HowEarned
YearlyPin Given out to all Farnsworth students for being a part of our school community.

Reading Reading; Given to students who achieve their yearly individual reading goal.


StarAchievement Math; Given to students who have mastered 75% or more of the priority
benchmarks as demonstrated on math post-tests.

ReachingforSuccess Writing; Given to students who perform at the proficient or exemplary level
consistently on two writing unit rubrics.
whenpinsareusedup) Units will vary by grade level and be selected by each grade level team.

JIllWallAward Given to one 4th grade student who exemplifies interest in aerospace/science
and has shown determination, willingness to meet high expectations, and the
ability to set goals and accomplish them.

(Chosen by gathering input from the principal, Aerospace teacher, science

teacher, 4th grade teachers, and the aerospace coordinator)

PresidentialAward Given to 4th grade students who scored in the exceeds category on the MCA III
in 3rd grade in the areas of math and reading.

SafetyPatrol Given to Patrols (3rd/4th grade).

AwardofExcellence Given to bus ambassadors (4th grade sign holders) and bus buddies.

ChessPin Given to students who participate in Chess Club after school and have attended
~70% of meetings. Additional certificates are given out for participants of
tournaments. (Given out by Mr. Heinemann)

LegoLeague Given to students who participate in Lego League Jr. and Lego League during
(Beginin2017-18) EDL. Must attend 80% of meetings, and the tournament / showcase


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