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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UCC-1-308 {llo r-tt$gU42

Thomas William Healan Jr., a citizen of the kingdom of YHWH, secured party creditor, a free inhabitant
on the soil of Georgia, a non-corporate, non US CITIZEN , in full possession of ALL of My UN-A-
LIEN-ABLE rights bestowed upon me by My Creator, reserves all rights under UCC-1-308, to bring
common law claims against; ANY wrongdoers/libellees; the fraudsters; the negligent; the
derelicts; in breach of their fiduciary duty, and oaths of office.

Common Law is above the foreign, bankrupt, private de facto's STATUTORY COMMERCIAL CODE,
written by those who are not lawfully allowed to hold offices of trust. The Crown Temple B.A.R.
Attorners are purveyors of fraud and piracy, and whatever they do is null and void on it's face.

"US Supreme Court held that state officials acting by "color of law" may be held personally liable for
the injuries or torts they cause and that official or sovereign immunity may not be asserted.";
Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 US 232 (79741,94 S. Ct. L683, !687 (L974l, "When a state officer acts
under a state law in a manner violative of the Federal Constitution, he comes into conflict with
the superior authority of that Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or
representative character and is subjected in his person to the consequences of his individual
conduct. The State has no power to impart to him any immunity from responsibility to the
supreme authority of the United States."; Warnock v Pecos County, Texas, 116 F. 3d 776 - No.96-
50869 Summary Calendar. July 3, 1997.

The de facto is foreclosed from parity with the tangible. Their STATUTES and CODES are colour of law,
not law. They can control only that which they create. They are a CORPORATION, not a
government. They, as TRUSTEES are all in breach of their fiduciary duty and many are guilty of

These public servants have taken over so that we are their servants. This is what happens when the
general population is hoodwinked into thinking they're supposed to be acting as U.S. citizens. lt's
the exact opposite of the truthl lt's imperative to correct that tragic, mortal error mentally and
in your political status. Many years ago, when Dick Marple was a young man, he and many
others quit and resigned from the State Police because they learned they weren't law
enforcement at all, in that they were CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS acting as RE-VENUE
generators for the Bankruptcy by fleecing living people as if they were DEAD
entities/PERSONS/JOHN H. DOEs under Colour of Law. That is a serious crime and
hangable/punishable by death.

Dick figured this out 60 years ago, yet still to this day, the general population doesn't know that they're
supposed to be free and unencumbered by their servants. Their STATUTES and CODES are to
govern them, not us. Today, the Police are trained chimpanzees who go about kidnapping
people for the foreign B.A.R. maggots in black robes who have no jurisdiction over us. Read
Jordan vs. New London. That man couldn't get a job as a Policeman because he scored too highly
on the test. The last thing the B.A.R. wants is a Cop with a brain capable of critical thinking,


because if the Cops could think, they'd figure out that it's the B.A.R. Attorneys who need to be
arrested, especially the scum at the Bank/Bench. Today, the Police don't know the difference
between :john-henry: doe and JOHN H. DOE. When it's explained to them, they get that stupid
"deer in the headlights" look on their faces, then they swear they're hearing nonsense.

"There are NO Judicial Courts in America and have not been since 1789. "Judges" do NOT enforce
Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S.
464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178"

"There have NOT been any "Judges" in America since 1789. There have only been Administrators. FRC
v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178"

"The Supreme Court has warned, "Because of what appears

to be Lawful commands [Statutory Rules, Regulations and -codes-ordinances- and RestrictionsJ on the
surface, many citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly
coerced into waiving their rights, due to ignorance... [deceptive practices, constructive fraud,
barratry, legal plunder, conversion, and malicious prosecution in inferior administrative State
courtsl." (United States v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179,1,87,76 S.Ct. 281, L00 L.Ed. 185 (1956);"

"The Common Law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land. The codes, rules, regulations, policy
and statutes are "not the law." (Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn 2d 261), They are the law of government for
internal regulation, not the law of man, in his separate but equal station and natural state, a
sovereign foreign with respect to government generally.

"A concurrent or loint resolution'of legislature is not "Law," (Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292,179 N. E.
7Q5,707; Ward v State, 176 Okl. 358, 56 P.2d 736,737; State ex rel. Todd v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443,
1L0 P.2d 162, 1"65).
All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accord
with God's Laws. "All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process
of Law.."(Rodriques v. Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of Labor, 759 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985));
...lacking due process of law, in that they are 'void for ambiguity' in their failure to specify the
statutes' applicability to 'natural persons,' otherwise depriving the same of fair notice, as their
construction by definition of terms aptly identifies the applicability of such statutes to "artificial
or fictional corporate entities or 'persons', creatures of statute, or those by contract employed as
agents or representatives, departmental subdivisions, offices, officers, and property of the
government, but not the 'Natural Person' or American citizen lmmune from such jurisdiction of

"A "statute' is not a Law." (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport,l9T La. !067,3 So.2d 244,248),
A "Code' or Statute' is not a Law," (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveporl, 197 La. 1067 ,3 So.2d 244,
2491," *

"A "Code' is not a Law," (ln Re Self v Rhay Wn 2d 261l,in point of fact in Law)."


PAGE 2 OF 5 AFFtANrsrrlrlnrffi.
All officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to provide the name, address and
tetephone number of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company and the policy
number of the bond and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of
their specific job performance. Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and
limited liability insurance fraud (15 USC) and is prim-a-facie evidence and grounds to impose a
lien upon the official personally to secure their public oath and service of office. Municipal
corporations, which include cities, counties, states and nationalgovernments, have no
commercial reality without bonding of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects {the
execution of its rulings).
ln commerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Politica/Public Office to not receive and
report a Claim to its Bonding Company - and it is a felony for the agent of a Bonding
Company to not pay the Claim.
lf a Bonding Company does not get a malfeasant public official prosecuted for criminal
malpractice within sixty (50) days, then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien
process {at 90 days.} Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders originate from a
limited liability entity called a municipal corporation hence must be reinforced by a
CommercialAffidavit, and a Commercial Liability Bond.

Thomas William Healan Jr. denies any change to his politicalstatus. .AS IT CANT BE CHANGED
BY NO ONE. I am a resident of the kingdom of Heaven and slave of YHWH. A bondservant,
subject only to YHWH and HIS Supreme Law. Manmade heathen government statutes, codes,
rules, or laws have no effect on me. YHWH is sovereign over all mankind. I Fear not what man
nor his laws can do to me. I fear YHWH, and eternal damnation. lf I am faithful and, obedient
YHWH will protect me, and defeat my enemies with TRUTH. Sovereign Truth. UNITED STATES,
man has jurisdiction over ME, it just cannot happen. I was owned before I ever came here. l,
and my Brothers, and Sisters operate under the Most High YHWH'S (Psalm 91:1) laws by His
Covenant, natural law, and not the world's operation of the Babylonian l'lammurabi Code or
Admiralty Law, Therefore, it is a trespass and a tort on YHWH Almighty's laws and His subjects
when Christians are compelled to comply with private, substantive statutory law repugnant to
the tenets of our Holy Writ and conscience, in violation of the restraints upon the United States
pursuant to the Free Exercise Clause. The Head of our State is The King of Kings to who our
allegiance is a covenantal obligation. He is our Sovereign, not any Admiral. We occupy the
same soil a U.S. citizens as Non Resident Alien Men and Women-Citizens of Heaven,
Ephesians 2:19. Christians are as defined born out of the jurisdiction of the United States and
not naturalized under the constitution and laws.* George Mason: All acts of legislature
apparentty contrary to natural right and just are, in our laws, and must be in the nature of
things, considered as VOID. The laws of nature are the laws of YHWH; whose authority can be
superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from
whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws,
we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of
Justice. Personae is specific to the secular Roman civil law, not YHWH'S law to which Apostle
Pau! bound himself. The Constitution of the United States of America at Article I section 2
references slaves as person. For believers of the tenets of the Christian faith to forego their
Law of Two Masters articulated by our Wonderfu! Prince of Peace by acquiescing to an inferior
14th Amendment SS 3 and 4 subject responsible for a contrived private corporate debt of the
United States is to commit spiritual treason to which one cannot be compelled to commit. The
word person(ae) did not have the meaning in Roman Civil Law that homo (man) did; it
particular reference to artificial beings (persons). To COMPEL Christians to operate as a
resident of the U. S. as a person is a Violation of the U.S. commune's 13th Amendment
Violations of the Free Exercise Clause in the First through Fourteenth Amendments to said
Constitution which effectively penalizes the free exercise of cardinal principles of one's
religious faith and constitutional liberties is squarely addressed by the Supreme Court upon
overturning the Supreme Court of South Carolina.
The door of the Free Exercise Clause stands tightly closed against any Government regulation of
religious beliefs as such. Governments may neither compel affirmation of a repugnant belief,
nor penalize or discriminate against individuals orgroups because they hold religious views
abhorrent to the authorities..." The government has an obligation of neutrality and equal
protection. Many people hold beliefs alien to the majority of our society-beliefs that are
protected by the First Amendment but which could easily be trod upon under the guise of
'police' or'health' regulations reflecting the majority views.
Justice Douglas concurring, 'The harm is the interference with the individual's scruples or
conscience-an important area of privacy which the First Amendment fences off from
government. The interference here is as plain as it is in Soviet Russia, where a churchgoer is
given a second-class citizenship.
Justice Stewart concurring I am convinced that no liberty is more essential to the vitality of the free
society which our Constitution guarantees by the Free Exercise Clause explicit in the First
Amendment and embedded in the Fourteenth...l think our Constitution commands the positive
protection by government of religious freedom-not only for the minority, however small-not
only for the majority, however large, but for each of us."

"The "individual" may stand upon "his Constitutional Rights" as a CITIZEN.

IIMPORTANT NOTE: BAR members, having Pledged their Oaths & Allegiance to &
entitled to carry on his "private" business in his own way. "His power to contract
is unlimited." He owes no duty to the State or to his neighbors to divulge his
business, or to open his doors to an investigation, so far as it may tend to incriminate
him. He owes no duty to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the
protection of his life and property. "His rights" are such as "existed" by the Law of
the Land (Common Law) "long antecedent" to the otganization of the State," and
can only be taken from him by "due process of law", and "in accordance with the
Constitutiotl." "He owes nothing" to the public so long as he does not trespass upon
their rights."
HALE V. HENKEL201U.S. 43 at 89 (1906).
Hale v. Henkel is binding on allthe courts of the United States of America"
until another Supreme Court case says it isn't. No other Supreme Court case has
ever overturned Hale v. Henkel.
None of the various issues of Hale v. Henkel has ever been ovemrled.
Since 1906, Hale v. Henkel has been cited by the Federal and State Appellate
Court systems over 1,600 times! In nearly every instance when a case is cited, it has
had an immediate impact on precedent authority of the cited case.
Compared with other previously decided Supreme Court cases, no other case
has surpassed Hale v. Henkel in the number of times it has been cited by the

PAGE 4 OF 5 AFFIANTS' *'''O'-']-LA.

LNALIENABLE. Incapable of being transferred. "Things which are not in
commerce, as, public roads, are in their nature unalienable. The natural rights
of life and liberty are unalienable." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), p. 3350.
LTNALIENABLE. "The state of thing or right u'hich cannot be sold." Bouvier's Law
Dictionary (1859), Vol. II, p. 610. "[Unalienable rights] are enumerated rights
that individuals, acting in their own behalf, cannot disregard or destroy."
McCullough v. Brown, 19 S.E. 458, 480,23 L.R.A. 410.
This affidavit is in the nature of a Claim, TITLE 18 USC SECTION 241-242,42 USC i983, 42
USC i985(3) All Libellees are encouraged to study this AFFIDAVIT thoroughly and carefully
before making any counter Affidavit This is a lawful NOTICE. It informs you. It means what it
says, and says what it means.
This Affidavit is a PRIMA FACIE CASE. This Affidavit addresses the crimes and violations ot-
OATHS of public servants. The following stare decisis apply; Hafer v. Melo, 502 US 2l (1991):
"US Supreme Court held that state officials acting by "color of law" may be held personally
liable for the injuries or tofts they cause and that official or sovereign immunity may not be
asserted."; Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 US 232 {1974), 94 S. Ct. 1683, 1681 (1974), "When a state
officer acts under a state law in a manner in violation of the Federal Constitution, he comes into
conflict with the superior authority of that Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his
official or representative character and is subjected in his person to the consequences ofhis
individual conduct. The State has no power to impart to him any immunity fiom responsibility to
the supreme authority of the United States."; Warnock v Pecos County, Texas, 116 F. 3d776 -
No.96-50869 Summary Calendar. July 3, 1997..

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten" or intimidate any person in any
State, Teritory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any
right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the Llnited States, or because of
his having so exercised the same;...
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death
results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or
an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual
abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of
years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects
any person in any State, Tertitory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of
any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the
United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;
and if bodily injury results from the acts commiued in vioiation of this section or if such acts
include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death
results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnaping or
an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual
abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years
or ror lirb' or both' or mav be
PAGE 5 OF 6 ,J; **l* -T
And; 18 USC $ 402 - Contempts constituting crimes, wherein;
"Any person, corporation or association willfully disobeying any lawfirl writ,
process, order, rule, decree, or command of any district court of the United States or
any court of the District of Columbia, by doing any act or thing therein, or thereby
forbidden, if the act or thing so done be of such character as to constitute also a
criminal offense under any statute of the United States or under the laws of any
State in which the act was committed, shall be prosecuted for such contempt as
provided in sectiorl 3691 of this title and shall be punished by a fine under this title
or imprisonment. or both."
[STATEMENT OF FACT: Having NEVER been a knowledgeable & willing
cotporate participant, or infotmed signatore, as in a Consenting party to the Contract
under any Legislative authority that may have created these codes. rules. and
color of law. I am NOT commercially liable under these codes, or to obligate myself,
in any form or fashion, to accept your presumptions, allegations. and/or fabricated
charges. The above codes apply directly to you, as you ARE, by your signature on
y'our oath of office, a corporate officer, employee, agent, member, partner, associate,
and consenter to these codes, where again, (i) am NOT!...........PERIOD!]


Barrow County

Commercial Oath Verified tleclaration

l, Thomas William Healan Jr. thclarant, Afftant, on My Cornmercial Oath with unlimited liability,

BY: Thomas William Healan Jr.

Secured party creditor. UCC-1-308

Subscribed before
^e, to;,i-t-, / f': jir. li . ,'i., a Notary public, this day of

\1nv*ts Utll

,,*$ffi ,*,r,o*$7rth
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