Irwin 1962

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Screening-Evaluative Program

Drug screening is essentially a scan-

ning procedure designed to distinguish
useful from nonuseful drugs as rapidly,
Drug Screening and comprehensively, and inexpensively as
possible. The best approach is one in
which no assumptions are made about
Evaluative Procedures what the probable action or actions of
a compound may be, except when one
Current approaches do not provide the information is dealing with a well-worked-out struc-
ture-activity series. In view of the wide
needed for properly predicting drug effects in man. variety of measurable drug actions,
however, this is a staggering undertak-
Samuel Irwin ing. In order to screen effectively, the
investigator is forced to impose numer-
ous limitations as to the species, route
of administration, or procedures em-
ployed, and as a consequence he must
"'.. . observationis the mind'ssupportin unusual activity. They point to the fact accept the possibility that he will over-
reasoning,and experiencethe mind'ssup- that almost all unique drug actions look a useful drug. The task, simply
port in deciding . . ." (1).
have been discovered in studies in man. stated, is to develop a program suffi-
The pharmacologist engaged in the Other investigators, however, feel that ciently comprehensive and balanced to
screening and evaluation of drugs is re- there exists a large area of direct or minimize this possibility.
quired to select drugs of potential in- empirical observation in animals from One of the most important aspects of
terest from among thousands of new which clinical predictions can be made drug screening and evaluation is the
chemicals presented for testing. Accord- with reasonable assurance. These in- problem of decision making-the "yes"
ing to Smith (2) and de Haen (3), out vestigators place greater reliance on the or "no" with respect to interest in a
of 114,600 differentchemical substances results of testing and drug evaluation in compound. It is important to obtain in
tested by the pharmaceuticalindustry in animals and consider it possible, on the the earliest phase of screening the infor-
1958, approximately1900 were selected basis of animal studies, to discard many mation essential to making this deci-
for clinical trial. Of these, only 44 (2.3 of the drugs that might otherwise be sion, so that compounds of little or no
percent) were ultimately marketed-a submitted for testing in man. As a con- apparent value can be discarded quick-
figure that indicates an inordinately sequence, they submit fewer drugs for ly. To accomplish this, it seems best
high attrition rate. Since the cost of a clinical trial. to proceed from the general observation
single drug evaluation, with assessment Thus, much of what is done in the to the specific, and from comprehensive
of long-term toxicity and minimal clini- laboratory today is predicated on a observationaltechniques, wherever they
cal effect, may be tens of thousands of variety of biases and attitudes. Some of are applicable, to the use of instrumen-
dollars, this attrition rate is of no small these attitudes have arisen from the de- tation.
consequence. It leads one to examine velopment of pharmacology as an ex- This approach accelerates the pro-
the extent to which failures in selecting perimental science, for investigators gram and decision making and mini-
drugs and in predicting their usefulness have been led to adopt methods and mizes the possibility of overlooking un-
are unavoidable at our present state of experimentalapproachesin drug screen- foreseen drug actions of potential clini-
knowledge, or may arise from the man- ing and evaluation which, in important cal usefulness. Instrumental techniques
ner in which we accumulate informa- respects, greatly compromise their abil- are best brought into play when the
tion and evaluate drugs. ity to single out and properly evaluate time and effort expended in accumulat-
The action of some drugs, such as potentially useful compounds. A major ing unit information can be justified, as
acetylsalicylic acid or phenylbutazone, problem, as I view it, is the elusive one when they provide the most satisfac-
is demonstrableonly in man. For agents of attitude and orientation, since certain tory approach to obtaining the needed
of this type, laboratory tests of activity seemingly obvious requisites in screen- information or to the further investiga-
at present are of little or no predictive ing and evaluation seem to be generally tion of drugs of established interest.
value. In the case of other drugs, how- overlooked or ignored. Attitude and If it were only a problem of finding
ever, where one can demonstrate simi- orientation ultimately determine what a drug with activity, the development of
lar activity in animals and man, one can the investigator does. new drugs would be relatively simple.
proceed from animal studies to human This article represents an attempt to The investigator,however, still faces the
studies with greater assurance. None- review the problem critically-to de- task of evaluating the specific action or
theless, some investigators place little scribe and analyze some of the more actions of interest within the context of
reliance on findings in animals, particu- basic requirements for screening and the overall changes produced by a
larly with respect to drugs that affect evaluating drugs and some major weak- drug. This requires a considerable de-
behavior, and emphasize instead the nesses in the proceduresas they are car- gree of sophistication. Ideally, the phar-
importance of clinical screening and ried out today. The article is predomi- macologist should be able to predict,
evaluation of almost any drug found in nantly oriented toward neuro- and psy- within reasonable limits, the effective
animal studies to possess interesting or chopharmacology but is intended as a dosage, actions, side effects, and po-
The author is head of the department of neurophar-
frame of reference for drug screening tential toxicity, as well as the patient-
macology, Schering Corporation, Bloomfield, N.J. and evaluation as a whole. population most likely to benefit from
13 APRIL 1962 123
the drug. In order to even partially measures of their activity-from the behavioral responses to drugs exhibit
achieve this goal, the investigator's overall profile of their action-than much greater variability than do auto-
prime concern must be the validity, re- from any single measure (4). This is nomic or neurologic responses. For ex-
liability, and relevance of his methods true because specific actions frequently ample, in studying the effects of drugs
and observations. It is important that arise through different mechanisms and on locomoter activity or emotional be-
he note the whole range of qualitative may be shared by different drugs. For havior, one may observe diametrically
changes produced by a drug and the example, Houde et al. (5) have demon- opposite effects in different individuals.
quantitative or semiquantitative rela- strated in spinal dogs that, although This is a not uncommon observation
tionships between them, whether or not barbiturates, muscle relaxants, and nar- in subjects that have been given pheno-
these changes and relationships can be cotic analgesics all depress the ipsi- thiazine tranquilizers; in cats or dogs
accurately measured. He cannot ignore lateral flexor reflex, the drugs can be that have been given these tranquilizers
or deny the existence of phenomena differentiated and classified if one also one occasionally observes amphetamine-
merely because they are difficult to considers their differential effects on two like stimulation or even increased ag-
measure. In the evaluation of drugs for other reflexes, the knee jerk and the gressiveness (8). Such findings present
clinical use, precision of measurement ipsilateral extensor thrust. As a con- special problems in data analysis, for
as such is less important than is the sequence, the most efficient primary drug effects that are opposite in charac-
accumulation of general information. screen would seem to be a comprehen- ter may cancel one another out if in-
Moreover, the low portion of the dose- sive battery of tests which reveal the advertently averaged.
response curve is likely to contain the dose-response profile, the toxicity, and Social-interaction effects are another
most germane information. the pattern-specificity of action of a source of difficulty. These effects are
It is a fundamental concept in drug new drug-a multidimensional ap- sufficiently great at times to obscure
screening that each drug action in- proach. the quantitative differences in response
volves alterations in the tissue which are of saline- and drug-treated animals (9),
reflected in functional changes. These or to increase the apparent toxic effect
functional changes can be measured, Hazards in Drug Screening of drugs (10). Qualitative changes in
and the data can be used empirically the response to drugs may also result.
to differentiate and to classify new A simple problem of logistics and For example, doses of phenobarbital or
drugs. To develop relevant, highly spe- cost limits much of our screening to pentobarbital which produce full hyp-
cific screens it is desirable, but by no studies in small animals, such as the nosis in isolated mice produce marked
means necessary, to understand the un- mouse and rat, and imposes a high risk stimulation when the animals are group-
derlying mechanisms of action. Since factor, since no single species is a satis- ed (11). Similar qualitative differences
we generally lack this information, an factory indicator of all drug actions. in the response to drugs have been
effort is made to test drugs against the Similarly, use of a single route of ad- observed in humans (12).
disease process to be treated, or against ministration imposes a high risk factor. As long as we do not have suitable
a suitable model. The route should be selected with care, analogues of human disease states when
A second important concept is that for it influences the rate of absorption, studying drug effects in animals, it.
drugs may act similarly in animals and the steepness and variability of the dose- will remain impossible for the pharma-
humans, and that laboratory animals response slope, the intensity and dura- cologist to predict, a priori, the effect
can thus serve as "model analogues" of tion of the effect, and even the actual of drugs on such states. It is not sur-
man. However, all biologists are aware profile of the drug action. Some drugs, prising, therefore, that the antipsychotic
that this relationship is tenuous and that such as 1-alpha-acetylmethadol, are effects of chlorpromazine and the anti-
vast differences can exist, not only be- more active when administered orally depressant effects of monoamineoxidase
tween humans and animals but also be- than when administered parenterally inhibitors and imipramine were first
tween various animal species. It is gen- (6). discovered in man.
erally accepted in pharmacology that Selection of an arbitrary single dose Once these effects had been dis-
interspecies differences in response to of drug or of a specific time of measure- covered, the pharmacologist could es-
drugs are least likely to occur in closely ment likewise imposes an element of tablish a host of laboratory measures
related phylogenetic forms, although risk. A drug action may be missed al- which could be used to reveal agents
there are many exceptions to this rule. together, or the actions of low and high with similar activity. However, although
Generally, however, the probability of doses of the drug may differ qualita- much of what we measure with these
carry-over of drug effects from animals tively and mask one another, as in the agents seems relevant to the treatment
to man seems to be greatest when di- case of the pressor and depressor effects of certain behavioral disturbances, such
verse species show similar responses to of epinephrine. Also, the different ac- as hyperactivity, agitation, or aggres-
a given drug, and least when their re- tions of an agent may exhibit different siveness, there is nothing in their nature
sponses vary widely. It is important, time-response curves. This is evident in which could logically have led us to
therefore, that new drugs be evaluated the cat after the administration of predict their antipsychotic or antide-
for their effects in several animal spe- chloral hydrate, where one observes pressant activity. What is surprising is
cies, particularly in species from dif- peak motor incoordination as an early that a drug like chlorpromazine was not
ferent orders. The range of variation in effect and peak hypnosis very much initially recognized as a potentially use-
the responses obtained enables the phar- later. ful and unique behavioral drug. An
macologist to establish reasonable limits From a statistical point of view, aside analysis of the major weaknesses in
for error in his predictions. from the dangers implicit in poor ex- drug screening and evaluation, which
A third important concept in screen- perimental design (7), special problems seem to contribute to present difficulties
ing is that drugs are more readily dif- arise when one studies the effects of in drug selection and clinical prediction,
ferentiated and classified from multiple drugs on psychological behavior, for is presented below.
124 SCIENCE, VOL. 136
Standardized Multidimensional malaise, fear, stupor, and apprehension, It is similarly possible to establish tech-
Observation merely because they are difficult to niques for grading the degree of impair-
quantify or too complex to adequately ment of the righting reflex, the struggle
The evaluation of a patient or a define. Notwithstanding these diffi- behavior of animals placed in a series
drug requires examination and dif- culties, we make such distinctions of unusual postures, a visual placing
ferential diagnosis. The physician relies daily, talk about such constructs, and reaction, and many other attributes
heavily on subjective observation, the are somehow understood. We distinguish of behavior or performance (13, 14).
pharmacologist on special in vitro and sickness from health, panic from calm, Once such techniques have been estab-
in vivo laboratory procedures. The two aggressiveness from friendliness, and we lished, observer and interobserver re-
approaches-those of subjective obser- would fare very badly as social animals liability in their application can be
vation and objective recording-are if we did not. The same principle ap- readily subjected to statistical analysis
complementary and furnish different plies to the study of drug effects in and validation.
kinds of information. The physician animals. Those engaged in screening Certain measures, however, such as
views the total patient; notes significant and evaluating drugs should carefully malaise, stupor, or fearfulness, are
behavioral, neurologic, or autonomic consider what the physician has been more difficult to define and quantify
changes; integrates the information; and able to achieve with the gross, even and will remain a challenge for some
often can complete a diagnosis in min- unstandardized and poorly quantified, time. For measures such as these, which
utes. The pharmacologist performs a observation of total behavior as his involve a complexity of attributes dif-
series of laboratory tests, at different primary tool. ficult to describe and quantify verbally,
times, under different conditions, in Standardized, multidimensional ob- a sequence of pictures or a film which
different species, and by different routes servation is a method applicable to can serve as a standard of reference
of administration; integrates the infor- many experimental situations. It is not for describing and scoring the intensity
mation; and may complete his analysis a universal panacea; there is much it of change would seem the best ap-
in weeks or months. The physician ob- obviously cannot do. However, it may proach. The point I am making, how-
serves symptomatic changes within a be the most effective single approach ever, is that rigid criteria such as we
direct, clinical context; the pharmacolo- we can use in drug screening and evalu- apply for the acceptance of objective
gist more often concerns himself with ation, particularly in areas of neuro- techniques of measurement can also
measures and preparations far removed and psychopharmacology. The major be applied to observational techniques.
from the clinical situation. Neverthe- advantage of this technique is that, The setting up of such criteria merely
less, both the physician and the pharma- freed from the restrictions imposed by awaits serious consideration and devel-
cologist may make an incorrect diag- the use of physical equipment, one can opment.
nosis because of excessive reliance on obtain a wide range of quantitative (or Other weaknesses in the use of ob-
one or the other approach. The physi- semiquantitative), useful, and relevant servational techniques are a tendency
cian has turned more and more to the information about a drug, quickly and toward subjective bias, the possibility
laboratory for the establishment or con- economically. Further, much of the that the rating scales used may be non-
firmation of a diagnosis; conversely, information obtained would be difficult linear and therefore nonadditive, and a
the pharmacologist may benefit from or impossible to derive with instrumen- tendency to have an insufficient number
a more clinical approach in his evalu- tal techniques. of steps in the rating scale. In the lat-
ations. Both sources of information are The use of observational techniques ter case, one tends to lose information,
required for drug evaluation, and both has several major weaknesses, but these whereas excessive subdivision does little
should be used, due attention being are not intrinsic and they are not in- harm. How many steps are appropriate
paid to the differences in the nature surmountable. It would be pointless in a rating scale, however, and whether
of the derived information. to deny that individuals differ in their the scale is linear or nonlinear can be
Perhaps the greatest deterrent to ef- ability to observe or to rate. Observa- determined through statistical analysis
fective drug screening and evaluation tion requires greater attentiveness and of the acquired data, and subjective
has been failure to give serious consid- skill on the part of the investigator bias can be minimized through the use
eration to the development of gross ob- than most other techniques do, and it of blind procedures. The weaknesses
servation of animal behavior as a requires a commensurate degree of attributed to observation, thus, are not
quantitative instrument. Notwithstand- training. Thus, in order that differences intrinsic. They arise in the main from
ing current prejudices as to the sci- in findings due to differences in the the use of procedures which have not
entific status of subjective reporting, observational skill of the observers may been standardized, validated, and sys-
a standardized, carefully defined pro- be minimal, the procedures and rating tematically carried out, and the objec-
cedure may provide quantitative data scales developed must depend as little tions would apply equally to objective
of as much reliability and reproduci- as possible on skill and experience. This procedures carried out in similar fash-
bility as some objective techniques (13). is best achieved where it is possible to ion. If as much time had been devoted
Whether labeled "objective" or "sub- describe the behavior in terms of its to the development of observational
jective," all quantification ultimately duration or frequency of occurrence techniques as these techniques deserve,
requires subjective discrimination. The per unit of time or trial or, where in- there would be available today a variety
labels themselves are quite misleading. tensity is to be measured, by describing of standardized procedures for use in
What is really meant is that some dis- and quantifying the observed behavior animals, producing information of more
tinctions are more difficult to make on the basis of an all-or-none rating immediate value and relevance to drug
than others. From the standpoint of scale of events. Thus, for example, the screening, evaluation, and research
drug evaluation, however, one cannot depth of ether anesthesia has been op- than is provided by many of our at-
ignore the existence of discrete meas- erationally described on the basis of a tempts to avoid such direct measure-
ures or constructs, such as mood, rating scale of eight progressive steps. ment.
13 APRIL 1962 125
Data Collection and Integration with respect to dosage and the thera- ity greatly exceed this level. The value
peutic ratio of drugs almost entirely on of an all-or-none approach would seem
In drug evaluation it is important to the basis of direct carry-over of such entirely contingentupon one's objective;
note the whole range of qualitative animal findings to man. However, this this should be clearly defined. In drug
changes produced by a drug and the is possible only when similar events are screening and evaluation, precision of
quantitativerelationshipsbetween them. measured in animal studies and human measurement, as such, is far less im-
It is unlikely that a drug can be prop- studies-when emphasis is placed on portant than is the accumulation of
erly evaluated until most of the major the therapeutic rather than the toxic meaningful information.
tests have been performed, under con- effects of drugs.
ditions that are similar, in a single ani- Such predictions, of course, cannot
mal species and by the route of ad- always be made; species differences in Use of Indirect Measures
ministration intended to be used clini- response to drugs do exist. However,
cally. Such uniformity in testing greatly when the sensitivity and therapeutic There appears to be a tendency to
simplifies the problem of integrating relevance of test procedures is in- employ indirect measures for drug ac-
and subsequently interpretingthe data. creased, one is likely to find better inter- tions which can be measured directly,
The procedures in use, however, rarely species correlation with respect to the principle hazard being that one may
approximate this. More often one finds dosage. Where quantitative species dif- not measure what one intends to. It
a tendency to confuse matters by ex- ferences of response do occur, a linear makes no sense at all, for example, to
tending the range of variables-by mix- relationship, across species, frequently measure abolition of the righting reflex
ing up as many different species, prep- exists between the log of the dose ad- ("sleep time") as an index of hypnotic
arations, conditions, and routes of ad- ministered and the log of the body activity. This reflex has nothing to do
ministration as possible in investigating weight (16). When this is true, and with sleep. Empirically, many hypnotic
the different actions of a drug. In this when the slope and interceptfor a given drugs do in fact abolish this reflex, but
way, an enormous mass of data is ac- drug response are known, one can ex- so do muscle relaxants, neuromuscular
cumulated which it is almost impossible trapolate dosage to man or to other blockers, narcotic analgesics, tranquil-
to integrate. The value of obtaining species with far greater precision than izers, and many other classes of drugs.
multiple data from the same species, is otherwise attainable. Depending upon the frame of refer-
preferably from the same animals, can- ence, the same response may be labeled
not be overemphasized. It is here that hypnotic dose (HD5o), anesthetic dose
multidimensionalprocedures are of par- Quantal versus Graded Measurement (ADso), or paralytic dose (PD5o). Even
ticular value, for they permit the in- worse, most investigators using this
vestigator to obtain a wide range of An all-or-none (quantal) approach in measure do not differentiate between
data from each animal simultaneously measurementgreatly simplifiesthe proc- the behavioral (level-of-awareness) and
and in integrated form. From such data ess of data accumulation and usually neurologic (neuromuscular) abolition
the dose-response relationships for dif- facilitates analysis, especially when one of the righting reflex, a differentiation
ferent drug actions can be more mean- is dealing with graded measures such as easily made by applying pressure or a
ingfully compared, related, and extrap- ataxia or muscle weakness, which are pain stimulus to the animal's tail.
olated to man. difficult to quantify reliably. This ap- Further, by taking motor impairmentas
proach is particularlyuseful in studying an end point, one builds this property
relative potency, or in demonstrating into every hypnotic or muscle relaxant
Dosage the occurrence of a statistically signifi- developed. Similarly, if one uses spinal-
cant change. In the framework of re- reflex changes like those produced by
It is generally believed that humans quirements for drug appraisal and pre- mephenesin as a screen for muscle re-
are more sensitive to drug effects than diction, however, all-or-none data can laxants, one is likely to select mephene-
laboratory animals and thus require be grossly misleading, of limited value, sin-like muscle relaxants only, and to
greatly reduced dosage. This assump- and at best a poor substitutefor graded, effectively eliminate muscle relaxants
tion, particularlyin neuro- and psycho- quantitative information when the end which produce their effects through
pharmacology, probably derives from points selected for analysis are extreme different mechanisms, as does chlor-
the fact that in most evaluative proce- drug-inducedchanges. Such data place promazine after supra-tranquilizing
dures with animals, the responses meas- the investigator in the uncomfortable doses.
ured-for example, marked motor in- position of having to predict the effec- The potentiation of barbiturateanes-
coordination,locomotor stimulation,de- tive dose, therapeutic ratio, or side ef- thesia is another indirect measure
pression, or elevation of the pain fects of a drug in man from almost ir- widely used in pharmacology. While
threshold-are quantitatively and often relevant information. In drug screening, there can be no objection to using the
qualitatively far removed from the ef- a quantal approach imposes the addi- procedureto measure potentiation of or
fects sought clinically. When more sen- tional danger that the investigator will antagonism to barbiturate activity, all
sitive techniques are employed (13, 15) overlook potentially useful and safer too frequently one finds it used as a
to measure in animals the same indices drugs which may be unable to produce measure of hypnotic activity. Nothing
of change that are observed in humans, the marked changes required by the could be more misleading.According to
we find that an unusual degree of corre- procedure in use. Riley and Spinks (17), "20 to 30 per
lation exists between humans and such All that is actually demanded of a cent of randomly selected compounds
species as the cat and dog. As a con- drug is that it produce the degree of are able to prolong hexobarbitonesleep
sequence, we have been able to make quantitativechange desired in man, yet when given (by pretreatment) in the
reasonably valid predictions for man many laboratory criteria for drug activ- relatively modest dose of 100 mg/kg,
126 SCIENCE, VOL. 136
and their subsequent examination is a relevance to normal function, and, in vidual animals with their subsequent
formidable task." the case of certain diseases or prob- responses to drugs, one is in a greatly
The point is that changes in the lems, the fundamental process may improved position for interpreting the
level of wakefulness or of skeletal-mus- often be lost in the cutting. data. Disregard of such differencesmay
cle activity can be measured directly, explain the discrepancies frequently
without resort to inappropriatelylabeled noted between findings of different
procedures which bear little relation to Long-term versus Short-term Study laboratories or investigators.
what they are supposed to measure. The and Individual versus Group Study In studies of drug effects on loco-
pharmacologist, it would seem, should motor and conditioned-avoidance be-
devise methods for making more direct Another area requiring emphasis is havior (22, 23), for example, in which
measurement and, more important, the almost universal failure to study correlations have been made for in-
should address himself more completely drug effects under long-term as well as dividual animals between their con-
to the question of what is being meas- short-term conditions of drug admin- trol levels of behavior and their sub-
ured and what the results are likely to istration. The pharmacologist is re- sequent responses to drugs, it has been
mean. quired both to find useful drugs and to possible to minimize or eliminate sex,
predict their clinical efficacy. In screen- intergroup, interanimal, and day-to-day
ing new agents on a single-dose basis differences as experimental variables
Use of Intact Animals one cannot recognize as useful a drug and to greatly increase the precision
whose actions are demonstrable only of statistical analysis. Analysis of dif-
In studying the effects of drugs, ex- after long-term administration. Simi- ferences in response to drugs on an
cept where diseased states or abnormal larly, for drugs of established interest individual basis, in addition to provid-
animal preparations are required to likely to be administered repeatedly, it ing information concerning the dynam-
demonstrate certain drug actions (for seems important to determine whether ics of responsiveness to drugs, can also
example, anti-inflammatoryor anticon- tolerance, increased sensitivity, or cu- be employed as an effective and more
vulsant activity) one should avoid the mulative effects develop in response to precise tool for studying and verifying
pitfalls of relying on other than intact any or all of its actions. The end result the role of intrinsic factors (biochemi-
animals that have received no medica- of long-term administrationof a drug cal or physiological) which may con-
tion. In biology, the whole is more may be more revealing and significant trol or influence the cellular response
than the sum of its parts. Analysis than the short-term effects (4). In this to drugs.
to ever-finer levels of structure does connection, one should perhaps take
not necessarily reveal the nature of re- advantage of long-term toxicity studies
lations between the parts and may ac- to investigatepossible withdrawaleffects Analysis of Variables
tually destroy the relations. Although of drugs before the animals are sacri-
the dynamics and mechanisms of drug ficed. One cannot but be impressed by the
action are most readily studied in iso- In the analysis of data, altogethertoo profound changes in response to drugs
lated situations, the reliability of knowl- much emphasis has been placed on which can arise as a consequence of
edge as a basis for clinical prediction group as opposed to individual-animal minor changes in an experimental pro-
tends to decrease as we proceed from responses to a drug. This is surprising, cedure-changes in the intensity of a
the whole to isolated tissue, single func- since in the final analysis we are re- conditioned stimulus (22), the electro-
tional units, or subcellular levels of ac- quired to treat individuals and have lyte content of a perfusate, the work-
tivity. little basis at present for predictingtheir load applied to muscle, and so on. The
Some of the dangers in evaluating response to drugs. Supplying the mean changes observed may be qualitative
drugs solely at the enzyme, electro- and standard deviation for a group re- as well as quantitative, yet frequently
physiological, or neurophysiological sponse is important, but it is no substi- there is insufficient attention given to
level have been emphasized recently tute for studying and understandingthe this fact and failure to examine even
by Toman (18), Bain (19), and Killam dynamics of responsiveness. some of our most time-honored pro-
and Killam (20). These authors note Statistically significant differences in cedures. For example, the variables in
that surgical lesions, in vitro administra- the results of differing treatments fre- the widely used pharmacodynamic dog
tion of drugs, or the use of anesthetics quently may reflect differences in re- screen have never been adequately stu-
or neuromuscular blocking agents fre- sponse of the animals selected, not died, even though, with this procedure,
quently affect responses to drugs, caus- actual differences in the actions of the pharmacologists may at times draw
ing them to differ greatly from re- drugs. By the fortuitous selection, de- conclusions from findings in only one
sponses obtained in normal animals. spite the use of randomization tech- or two animals. The same comment ap-
Thus, although it is sometimes more niques, of animals which may be either plies to measures of general locomotor
convenient or expedient to employ un- very resistant to or very responsive to activity, where the various devices used
usual or isolated preparations, an in- drugs (because of species characteris- (jiggle-cages, revolving treadwheels,
tact animal that has received no medi- tics, seasonal or sudden climatic stationary photocell units, and so on)
cation must be used wherever possible changes, and so on), one may either differently influence an animal's be-
in evaluating a drug's activity. As Kety overlook a useful compound or get an havioral performance and responsive-
aptly states it (21), "we do not always exaggerated notion of its activity. Ex- ness to drugs (8).
get closer to the truth as we slice and pectations for response to a drug differ The study of experimental variables
homogenize and isolate," what we gain for animals with different base lines of is time-consuming, but one can hardly
in precision and in the rigorous con- activity. Thus, where it is possible to expect to understand the meaning, re-
trol of variables we sometimes lose in correlate base lines of activity for indi- liability, or possible relevance of ac-
13 APRIL 1962
cumulated data without making a study larly affected by drugs. This working neuro- and psychopharmacologicalob-
of this kind. Such information enables hypothesis has proved to be a useful servations) essential to intelligent drug
us to establish optimal conditions for one and appears to be as applicable screening or evaluation. We must take
drug screening and evaluation and pro- to the psychologic as to the autonomic this "instrument" seriously enough to
vides fundamental knowledge about the or neurologic effects of drugs, except develop it as a truly quantitative and
role of external factors in modifying when one is dealing with pathological reliable tool. The ability to predict,
individual or group responsiveness to conditions of unknown etiology which from animal studies, the effects of drugs
drugs; and it may also provide insights cannot be duplicated and studied in on man will be greatly increased
concerning the mode of action of drugs. animals as such. Differences also are through attention to these factors.
This is an area of study that has been likely to arise because of the more
References and Notes
much neglected. complex behavior characteristicof man,
particularly when we consider that the 1. C. Bernard, An Introduction to the Study of
Experimental Medicine (Schuman, New York,
response to a drug is a result of a 1927).
2. A. Smith, quoted by I. H. Freeman, in "Drug
International Standardization complex interaction of drug, tissue, trade held a 'whipping boy,'" New York
personality, and environment. Times (10 Dec. 1959).
3. P. de Haen, F-D-C Repts. 22, 16 (11 Jan.
The pharmacologist has been char- Despite the handicaps and limita- 1960).
acterized in part as an "individualwho tions implicit in animal studies, how- 4. A. Wikler, The Relation of Psychiatry to
Pharmacology (Williams and Wilkins, Balti-
never uses a procedure without modi- ever, one can do a great deal more in more, 1957), pp. 268-270.
fying it," but it would be useful if he predicting from them the dosage, clini- 5. R. W. Houde, A. Wikler, S. Irwin, J. Phar-
macol. Exptl. Therap. 103, 243 (1951).
were to accept and develop the notion cal efficacy, side effects, and therapeutic 6. H. F. Fraser and H. Isbell, ibid. 105, 458
of establishing rigidly standardizedpro- ratio of drugs in man than is generally (1952).
7. D. Mainland, Clin. Pharmacol. Therap. 1,
cedures for at least some of his meas- considered possible. To do this, how- 411 (1960).
8. S. Irwin, Can. Rev. Biol. 20, suppl., 239 (1961).
ures. For the purpose of better com- ever, will require a change in emphasis. 9. -, in Research Conference on Thera-
munication,and understanding,particu- It requires attention to therapeutically peutic Community, H. C. B. Denber, Ed.
(Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1959), p. 29.
larly in the evaluation and comparison relevant measures of drug activity, and 10. J. H. Burn and R. Hobbs, Arch. intern.
of new drugs, there is much to be to the measurement of dose effects pharmacodynamie 113, 290 (1958); M. R. A.
Chance, J. Pharmacol. Exptl. Therap. 89,
gained from the use of internationally comparable to those sought or con- 289 (1947); J. A. Gunn and M. R. Gurd, J.
standardizedprocedures and equipment sidered acceptable for man, for it is Physiol. (London) 97, 543 (1940); L. Lasagna
and W. P. McCann, Federation Proc. 16, 315
for widely used measures. In addition, far easier to predict the probable clini- (1957).
this would seem to be a necessary first cal efficacy and side effects of a drug 11. B. B. Brown, in "Psychopharmacology: Prob-
lems in Evaluation," Natl. Acad. Sci.-Natl.
step toward a systematic study of the from a realistic base line than from Research Council Publ. No. 583 (1959), p. 236.
sources of interlaboratory variability. the extreme base lines of activity on 12. V. Nowlis and H. Nowlis, Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci. 65, 345 (1956).
Although some collaborative studies which most of our median effective 13. Standardized, multidimensional procedures
have been undertaken to determine have been developed at the Schering Corpora-
dose (ED5o) values are based. To tion laboratories for quantifying and evaluat-
variability in certain specified proce- achieve this realistic base line, how- ing the behavioral, neurologic, autonomic,
and toxic effects of drugs in both small and
dures (24), definitive information on ever, will require an increase in the large animals. These procedures are based
the sources of interlaboratoryvariability sensitivity of many of our methods. exclusively on gross observation and require
no instrumentation; quantification is opera-
is still lacking. Unfortunately, such Drug effects which can be observed tionally defined. A brief description of the
studies are unlikely to be undertaken only after the administration of doses procedures was presented at a Gordon Re-
search Conference on medicinal chemistry in
unless a special group is organized with producing unacceptable side effects or 1959; the text of that report is available on
request. A more complete description of the
the responsibility of undertaking them. toxicity can hardly be considered to methods is in preparation. See also S. Irwin,
It is to be hoped that such a group have therapeutic significance. Arch. intern. pharmacodynamie 118, 358
will someday be established, and that (1959).
In addition, greater reliance should 14. S. Norton and E. J. DeBeer, Ann. N.Y.
pharmacologists throughout the world be placed on the unique faculties of Acad. Sci. 65, 249 (1956).
15. S. Irwin, in Psychopharmacology Frontiers,
will cooperate with it. The results the properly trained human observer to N. S. Kline, Ed. (Little, Brown, Boston,
should greatly increase our understand- distinguish and quantify the desirable 1957), p. 251.
16. E. W. Pelikan, Pharmacologist 1, 73 (1959).
ing and also our ability to communi- and the undesirable attributes of drugs 17. H. Riley and A. Spinks, J. Pharm. and
cate. Pharmacol. 10, 657 (1958).
and the relationships between them. 18. J. E. P. Toman, in "Psychopharmacology:
Where procedures for observation and Problems in Evaluation," Natl. Acad. Sci.-
Natl. Research Council Publ. No. 583 (1959),
quantificationare properly and system- p. 175.
Prediction from Animals to Man atically defined, one has available in 19. J. A. Bain, ibid., p. 199.
20. E. K. Killam and K. F. Killam, ibid., p. 159.
the human an instrument capable of 21. S. S. Kety, Science 132, 1861 (1960).
In making predictions from animal far greater quantitative discrimination 22. S. Irwin, in Dynamics of Psychiatric Drug
Therapy, G. J. Sarwer-Foner, Ed. (Thomas,
studies to man it is assumed that many than has been supposed, as well as a Springfield, Ill., 1960), p. 5.
of the attributes of behavior found in most effective and efficient laboratory 23. --, M. Slabok, G. Thomas, J. Pharmacol.
Exptl. Therap. 123, 206 (1958).
man are also found in the higher ani- tool for the simultaneous recording, 24. C. I. Bliss, J. Assoc. Offic. Agr. Chemists 29,
396 (1946); -, J. Am. Pharm. Assoc.
mals, to a sufficient degree to cause collating, and integrating of many of Sci. Ed. 38, 560 (1949); L. C. Miller, ibid.
man and the higher animals to be simi- the observations (in particular, the 33, 245 (1944).

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