1,1 1 5,699 Patented Nov. 3, 1914.: E. D. Loose

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1,1 1 5,699 Patented Nov. 3, 1914.

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Speci?cation of Letters Patent. Patented Nov. 3, 1914.
1,115,699. Application filed April 30, 1912. Serial No. 694,224.
ture after it leaves the carburetor and be
To all whom it may concern .' fore it enters the cylinders of the motor.
Be it known that I, ROBERT D. LoosE, a I. accomplish this result by first cutting,
citizen of the United States, and a resident dividing, or separating, as it were the
of Spring?eld, in the county of Sangamon charge as it leaves the carbureter, into a 60
and State of Illinois, have invented certain plurality of distinct and separate entities.
new and useful Improvements in Auxiliary To these I impart a \ortical or whirling
Mixers for Internal-Combustion Engines; motion in my mixer, and then permit them
and I do hereby declare that the following to recombine after passing therethrough.
description of my said invention, taken in This whirling motion, once established, will 65
10 connection with the- accompanying sheet of continue in the ?ow of the mixture and re
drawings, forms a full, clear, and exact sults in a more intimate union, and a more
speci?cation, which will enable others thorough inter-mingling, of the constituent
skilled in the art to which it appertains elements tlua'cof, than is otherwise possible.
to make and use the same. Moreover, the particles of liquid hydrocar IO
15 This invention has general reference to bon carried through the carbureter in sus
improvements in auxiliary mixers for in pension are separated by this continuous
ternal combustion or explosive motors, and vwhirling action, and their union with the
it consists, essentially, in the novel and oxygen accelerated.
peculiar combination of parts and details Other objects of my invention are the 75
20 of construction as hereinafter ?rst fully set production of mixers which can be applied
forth and described, and then pointed out to existing motors without disarranging any
in the claims. {of the present parts or mechanism, and
In the drawings, to which reference has capable of being attached by the merest
already been made, Figure 1 is a perspective tyro; and, which can be cheaply and ef so_
25 viewof my invention and Fig. 2 a plan ticiently manufactured. "
thereof. Fig. 3 is a similar view of a flat In Figs. 1,2, and 3 I illustrate how my
blank employed in my invention, and Fig. mixer A is formed from a ?at, metallic
4. anvedge view of the same. Fig. 5 is a strip B. The vanes 6 are pierced out from
vertical section of my invention as installed and bent up at right angles to the plane 85
30 in a manifold of a hydrocarbon moto? of the strip B, and the ?ange C is notched
Like characters or symbols of reference along its edges and bent back. The strip B
are employed to designate similar parts in is then passed through a special pair of
all the ?gures of the drawing. . rolls, made for the purpose, and shaped
It is a well known fact that while carbu~ into cylindrical form, with the vanes 6 pro 90
35 reters now used in motors of this class per jecting inwardly from the interior and the
form their functions of rolatilizing the hy flange C exteriorly (from the exterior
drocarbon in a more or less perfect manner thereof. This completes the mixer, which
under proper conditions, yet, under widely is adapted to. be introduced directly into
variant circumstances, there is room for vast the intake pipe F of a motor, its ?ange C
40 improyeinent in this respect. A carbureter being clamped between the flange F of said
functioning perfectly under normal condi intake and a ?ange C of a carbureter Gr,
tions, under unusually applied loads upon all as clearly illustrated in Fig. 5. It will
the motor, or a sudden acceleration of speed thus be seen that my mixer can be attached
of the same, or under adverse atmospheric to any existing motor by simply separating 100
45 conditions, will permit charges, in which the intake and carbureter ?anges, slipping
the constituent elements of mixture have not my mixer into the intake, and then rebolt-~
been thoroughly commingled or united, to in __said ?anges together.
pass into the intake pipe leading to the In cases where the interior of the intake
motor cylinders, with the resultant mis pipe has irregularities or inequalities in the 1.0.5
?res or ?ooding the cylinders Wltha-UIIVOld casting, which would otherwise prevent the
tilized hydrocarbons. ' insertion of the mixer A therein, the same
The essence of my inieution, therefore, may be slightly squeezed together to pass
resides in the provision of means for thor the. obstruction, and when beyond the same,
oughly inter-mingling, commingling, and the natural spring in the mixer will tend 110
uniting the. eleinei-its of the explosive mix
2 1,115,699
to spread the same apart and cause it to tending interiorly thereof in helical dis
closely adhere to the interior of the intake position and equidistant spacing about the
1 e. . inner circumference of said shell, there be
p Ifilaving thus fully described my invention, ing an axial, circular opening through said
I claim as new and desire to secure unto my shell _formed by the inner edges of said 70
self by Letters Patent of the United States: yanes, the whole when so shaped constitut
1. A flat metallic blank having a plurality ing a mixer. w _

of parallel vanes formed integrally there 7 . A ?at metallic blank having a plurality
with, said blank being adapted to be shaped of parallelvanes formed integrally there
into a cylindrical shell with said vanes ex a with and arranged obliquely to the longitudi- 75
tending interiorly thereof, there being an _nal edges thereof, said blank being adapted
axial, circular opening through said shell to be shaped intoacylindrical shell with said
formed by the inner edges of said vanes, the vanes extending interiorlyfthereof in heli
whole when soshaped constituting a mixer. cal disposition, there being'an axial, circular
2. A flat metallic blank having a plurality opening through said shell formed by the so
of parallel vanes formed integrally there inner edges of said vanes, the'diameter of
with' and spaced equidistantly apart, said which opening is substantially equal to the
blank being adapted to be shaped into av _ width of one of said vanes, the whole when
cylindrical shell'with said vanes extending so shaped constituting a mixer. ' , _
20 interiorly thereof and equidistantly spaced I l 8. A ?at metallic blank having a lurality 85
about the inner circumference of said shell, of parallel vanes formed integral y there
there being an axial, circular opening with, arranged obli uely to the longitudinal
through said shell formed by the inner edges edges thereof,?an spaced equidistantly . :f
of said vanes, the whole when so shaped apart, said blank being adapted to be shaped
25 constituting a mixer. ' into a cylindrical shell with'said vanes ex- 90 v
3. A ?at metallic blank having a plurality tending interiorlythereof in helical dispQ-j=
of parallel vanes formed integrally there sition' and equidistant spacing about the in
with, said blank being adapted to be shaped ner circumference of said shell, there being i. -
into a cylindrical shell with said vanes ex an axial, circular. opening through said shell '
30 tending interiorly thereof, there being an formed by the inner edges of said vanes, the 95
axial, circular opening through said shell diameter of which opening-is substantially
formed by the inner edges of said vanes, the equal to the width of one of said vanes, the _
diameter of which opening is substantially whole when so shaped constituting a mixer. 4 i
equal to the width of one of said vanes, the - 9. A ?at metallic blank having a plurality-'- ' .
35 whole when so shaped constituting a mixer. of parallel vanes pierced from and bentup 100
4. A ?at metallic blank having a plurality at right angles to the plane thereof, said '
of parallel vanes formed integrally there blank being'adapted to, be shaped-intoa '
with and spaced equidistantly apart, said cylindrical shell with said vanes extending
blankbeing adapted'to be shaped into 'a interior-1y thereof, there being an axial, ,cir
40 cylindrical shell with said vanes extending cular opening through said shell formed" Ibo
interiorly thereof and equidistantly spaced
about the inner circumference of said shell, the
so shaped
edges constituting
of said vanes,
:th'e whole'ii
there being an axial, circular opening 10. A flat metallic blank having a plu-
through said shell formed by the inner rality of parallel vanes pierced _from_'and
45 edges of said vanes, the diameter of which bent up at right angles to the plane thereof 110
opening is substantially equal to the width and spaced, equidistantly apart, said blank ~
of one of said vanes, the whole when so being adapted to be shaped into a cylindri-I
shaped constituting a mixer. cal shell with said vanes extending inte~
5. A flat metallic blank having a plurality riorly thereof and equidistantly spaced about
50 of parallel vanes formed integrally there the inner circumference of sald shell, there 1'15
with and arranged obliquely to the longi being an axial, circular opening through
tudinal edges thereof, said blank bein said shell formed by the inner edges of said
adapted to ,be shaped into a cylindrica 'vanes, the whole when so shapedconstitut
shell with said vanes extending interiorly ing a mixer.
55 thereof in helical disposition, there being an 11. A an mania; blank having a. plu- 120
axial, circular opening through said shell rality of parallel vanes pierced from and
formed by the inner edges of said vanes, bent up at right angles to the plane thereof,
the whole when so shaped constituting a arranged obliquely to the longitudinal edges
mixer. - -\ , . of said blank, and spaced 'equidistantly
6. A flat metallic blank having a plurality apart, said blank being adapted to be shaped 125 i
of parallel vanes formed integrally there into a cylindrical shell'with said vanes ex
with, arranged obliquely to the longitudinal tending interiorly' thereof in- helical dis
edges thereof, and spaced equidistantly position and equidistant spacing about/ the
apart, said blank being adapted to be shaped inner circumference of said shell, there be
65 into a cylindrical shell with said vanes ex
ing an axial, circular opening through said 130
1,115,699 3

shell formed bypthe inner edges of said inner circumference of said shell, the whole
vanes, the wholewhen so shaped constitut when so shaped constituting a mixer.
ing a mixer. , 14. A flat metallic blank having a plu 20
12. A ?at metallic blank having a plu rality of parallel vanes pierced from and
rality of parallel vanes pierced from and bent up at right angles to the plane thereof,
bent up at right angles to the plane thereof, arranged Oblltigll) to the longitudinal edges
said blank being adapted to be shaped into of said blan , and spaced equidistantly
. a circular'shell with said vanes extending apart, said blank being arranged to be 25
interiorly thereof, the whole when so shapedv shaped into a cylindrical shell with said
10 constituting a mixer, vanes extending interiorly thereof in helical
13. A ?at metallic blank, having aplu disposition and equidistant spacing about
rality of parallel vanes pierced from and the inner circumference of said shell, the
bent up at right angles to the plane thereof whole when so shaped constituting a mixer.
and spaced equidistantly apart, said blank ROBERT D. LOOSE.
15 being adapted tobe shaped into a cylindri Witnesses:
cal shell with said vanesextending interiorly MICHAEL J. STARK,
_ thereof andequidistan?y spaced abputthe 'WILLIAM O. STARK.

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