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Driven (3 Points) ................................................................................. 19 Osusuki & Akomachi - Fox Ancestor, 3 Points ..................................

ADVANTAGES .............................................................................................4 Enlightened Madness (Ise Zumi Only, 2, 4 or 6 Points) ..................... 19 Otaku (???-???) Unicorn Ancestor, 5 Points ....................................... 37
Abomination (Naga Only, 5 Points).......................................................4 Enlightened Madness (Phoenix Shugenja Only, 1, 3 or 6 Points)....... 19 Otaku Shiko (???-???) Unicorn Ancestor, 4 Points............................. 38
Absolute Direction (1 Point) ..................................................................4 Epilepsy (4 Points; 5 for Crane) .......................................................... 19 Otomo Madoko (640-690) Imperial Ancestor, 2 points ...................... 38
Acute Smell (Naga Only, 3 Points) ........................................................4 Fascination (1 Point) ........................................................................... 20 Reichin - Hare Ancestor, 3 Points ....................................................... 38
Allies (Variable).....................................................................................4 Forced Retirement (Monk Only, 2 or 4 Points)................................... 20 Rezan - Ronin Ancestor, 4 Points.................................................... 38
Ambidextrous (3 Points; 2 for Dragon)..................................................4 Forgotten (Phoenix Only, 4 Points)..................................................... 20 Seppun (???-???) Seppun Ancestor, 4 Points ...................................... 38
Amphibious (Naga Only, 3 Points, 2 for Chameleons) ..........................4 Forgotten Training (Ronin Only, 7 Points) ......................................... 20 Seppun Hanako (570-637) Imperial Ancestor, 5 points ...................... 38
Bentens Blessing (3 Points, 2 for Crane) ..............................................4 Forsaken (2 Points; 3 for Lion) ........................................................... 20 Shiba Gaijushiko (357-439) Imperial or Phoenix Ancestor, 5 points.. 38
Balance (4 Points) ..................................................................................4 Frail Mind (3 Points) ........................................................................... 20 Shiba Kaigen (375-408) Phoenix Ancestor, 2 Points .......................... 39
Blackmail (Glory of Blackmailee, Minimum 1) ....................................4 Gaijin Name (Unicorn Only, 1 Point) ................................................. 20 Shiba Murayasu (418-479) Shiba or Otomo Ancestor, 9 Points ......... 39
Bland (2 Points) .....................................................................................4 Gossip (5 Points) ................................................................................. 20 Shiba Sakazu (881-922) Phoenix Ancestor, 4 Points .......................... 39
Blissful Betrothal (3 Points)...................................................................4 Greedy (1-3 Points) ............................................................................. 20 Shiba Toriiko (802-827) Phonix Ancestor, 1 Point............................. 39
Bloodlines (Kitsu Only, 5 Points) ..........................................................5 Gullible (3 Points) ............................................................................... 20 Shinjo (???-400?) Unicorn Ancestor, 3 Points .................................... 39
Blood of Osano-Wo (5 Points, 3 for Crab and Mantis)..........................5 Haunted (1-3 Points) ........................................................................... 21 Shinjo Martera (100?-500?) Unicorn Ancestor, 10 Points .................. 39
Brink of Enlightenment (Monks Only, 10 Points) .................................5 Heimin (Ronin Only, 8 Points) ........................................................... 21 Shosuro Furuyari (774-836) Scorpion Ancestor, 2 Points .................. 40
Cadence (Cranes Only) (3 Points)..........................................................5 Hohei (Bushi Only, 6 Points) .............................................................. 21 Shosuro Itode (914-940) Crab or Scorpion Ancestor, 1 Point............. 40
Chosen by the Oracles (5 Points) ...........................................................5 A Home in Ashes (1 Point) ................................................................. 21 Soshi Saibankan (130-175) Scorpion Ancestor, 5 Points (4 Points for
Clear Thinker (2 Points).........................................................................5 Hostage (3 Points) ............................................................................... 21 Scorpion Magistrates) ......................................................................... 40
Combat Reflexes (Forbidden, 6 Points) .................................................5 Idealistic (2 Points; 3 for Lion) ........................................................... 21 Sun Tao - Ronin Ancestor, 11 Points .................................................. 40
Correspondence (1 Point).......................................................................5 Insensitive (2 Points)........................................................................... 21 Suzume (Doji) - Sparrow Ancestor, 1 points ...................................... 40
Crab Hands (Crab and Mantis Only, 6 Points).......................................5 Jealousy (1 Points; 2 for Phoenix)....................................................... 21 Tonbo Maroko - Dragonfly Ancestor, 4 Points................................... 40
Crafty (5 Points).....................................................................................5 Junshin (Scorpion Only, 3 Points)....................................................... 21 Tsukino - Monk Ancestor, 4 Points..................................................... 40
Dangerous Beauty (2 Points, 1 for Scorpion).........................................6 Kitsune Taboos (Fox Only, 1 Point Each up to 3)............................... 21 Yasuki Fumoki (635-671?) Crab Ancestor, 3 Points .......................... 41
Daredevil (4 Points) ...............................................................................6 Lame (3 Points) ................................................................................... 22 Yasuki Tanaka (189-264) Crane, Crab, or Imperial Ancestor, 2 points
Darling of the Court (4 Points)...............................................................6 Lechery (1-3 Points)............................................................................ 22 (4 for Crane)........................................................................................ 41
Death Trance (3 Points, 2 for Lion) .......................................................6 Lost Love (2 Points)............................................................................ 22 Yogo (???-???) Scorpion Ancestor, 2 Points....................................... 41
Different School (3 Points) ....................................................................6 Low Pain Threshold (5 Points)............................................................ 22
Ear of the Emperor (5 Points) ................................................................6 Meddler (2 Points)............................................................................... 22 NAGA DUTIES........................................................................................... 41
Elemental Attunement (Mirumoto Bushi Only, 1 Point) .......................6 Missing Eye (3 Points) ........................................................................ 22 Duty: Bhakarash - Naga Past Life, 7 Points ........................................ 41
Elemental Attunement (6 Points) ...........................................................6 Missing Limb (3 Points)...................................................................... 22 Duty: Cobra Soulbinder - Naga Past Life, 5 Points............................. 41
Elemental Convergence (Ishiken Only, 6 Points) ..................................6 Momoku (8 Points) ............................................................................. 22 Duty: Hero of the Bloodland Wars - Naga Past Life, 5 Points Each... 41
Elemental Harmony (5 Points) ...............................................................6 Moto Curse (Moto Only, 0 Points)...................................................... 22 Duty: Jakla - Naga Past Life, 3 Points Each........................................ 41
Favor Tables (3-15 Points).....................................................................6 Nameless One (Nameless Ones Only, 5 points).................................. 22 Duty: Oseuth - Naga Past Life, 6 Points ............................................. 42
Fertile (Naga Only, 4 Points) .................................................................7 Nemesis (+2 Points) ............................................................................ 23 Duty: Scout - Naga Past Life, 4 Points Each....................................... 42
Forbidden Knowledge (Phoenix Only, 1-10 Points) ..............................7 Never Sat on a Horse (Unicorn Only, 1 Point).................................... 23 Duty: Syba - Naga Past Life, 7 Points................................................. 42
Gaijin Gear (Unicorn Only, 2 Points) ....................................................7 Obligation (2 or 4 Points).................................................................... 23 Duty: The Qatols Legion - Naga Past Life, 1-5 Points ...................... 42
Gentry (Variable) ...................................................................................7 Obtuse (1 Point) .................................................................................. 23 Duty: Vedic - Naga Past Life, 4 Points Each ...................................... 42
Great Destiny (4 Points).........................................................................8 Outcast (Badger or Ronin Only, Variable).......................................... 23 Duty: Villain of the Bloodland Wars - Naga Past Life, -3 Points Each43
Great Potential (3, 8 or 10 Points)..........................................................8 Overconfident (2 Points) ..................................................................... 23 Duty: Warrior - Naga Past Life, 5 Points Each ................................... 43
Hands of Stone (5 Points) ......................................................................8 Permanent Wound (5 Points) .............................................................. 23
Harmonic Alignment (Imperials and Monks only, 10 points)................8 Phobia (Variable) ................................................................................ 23 YOKAI......................................................................................................... 43
Heartless (2 Points) ................................................................................8 Proud (1 Point) .................................................................................... 23 Chuda Bikomi - Yokai, 2 Points ......................................................... 43
A Heart of Vengeance (3 Points) ...........................................................8 Ranshin (1-5 Points)............................................................................ 23 Gubukaru - Yokai, -4 Points, Shugenja Only...................................... 43
Heisho (2 Points)....................................................................................8 Scarred (1 Point) ................................................................................. 24 Kitsu Ujiyasu - Yokai, 5 Points........................................................... 43
Hero of the People (Ronin Only, 2 Points) ............................................9 Small (2 Points)................................................................................... 24 Kotego Yokai, 8 Points .................................................................... 44
Higher Purpose (2 Points) ......................................................................9 Shadowlands Taint (1-5 points) .......................................................... 24 Moto Yoshisuke - Yokai, 4 Points ...................................................... 44
Imperial Spouse (2 Points) .....................................................................9 Social Disadvantage (3 Points per Rank) ............................................ 24
Immune to Fear (Naga Only, 3 Points) ..................................................9 Soft-Hearted (2 Points) ....................................................................... 24 SCHOOLS................................................................................................... 45
Inheritance (Variable) ............................................................................9 Spoiled (3 Points)................................................................................ 24
Inner Gift (6 Points) ...............................................................................9 Sworn Enemy (2-5 Points) .................................................................. 24 CRAB SCHOOLS....................................................................................... 45
Irreproachable (Variable) .......................................................................9 Touch of the Void (2 Points)............................................................... 24 Hida Family......................................................................................... 45
Ishiken-do (Isawa Shugenka Only, 5 Points) .........................................9 True Love (3 Points) ........................................................................... 24 Kuni Family ........................................................................................ 45
Kaiu Sword (8 Points, 4 for Crab)..........................................................9 Unhygienic (2 Points) ......................................................................... 24 Yasuki Family ..................................................................................... 45
Kakita Blade (8 Points, 4 for Crane) ......................................................9 Unluck (3, 6, or 9 Points) .................................................................... 24 Hiruma Family .................................................................................... 45
Kharmic Tie (1-5 Points) .......................................................................9 Vanity (1 Point)................................................................................... 25 Kaiu Family......................................................................................... 45
Large (3 Points, 2 for Crab) .................................................................10 Victim of Darkness (2 points, 4 points for Moto) ............................... 25 Hida Bushi School (Bushi).................................................................. 45
Leadership (7 Points; 4 for Lion) .........................................................10 Watersnake (Naga Only, 4 Points) ...................................................... 25 Kuni Shugenja School (Shugenja) ...................................................... 45
Luck (3, 6, or 9 Points).........................................................................10 Weakness (5 Points) ............................................................................ 25 Yasuki Taskmaster School (Misc.) ..................................................... 45
Magic Resistance (2, 4, or 6 Points).....................................................10 Wrath of the Kami (3 Points per Element Chosen) ............................. 25 Hiruma Scout School (Misc.).............................................................. 46
Maho (2 points, Shugenja only) ...........................................................10 The Yogo Course (All Yogo, 0 Points) (Asako Only, 3 Points) ......... 25 Kaiu Engineering School (Bushi) ....................................................... 46
Meek (5 Points, 2 for Miya) .................................................................10 Kuni Witch Hunters (Bushi) ............................................................... 47
Multiple Schools (6 Experience Points)...............................................10 ANCESTORS.............................................................................................. 26 Yasuki Merchant School (Misc.) ........................................................ 47
Musha Shugyo (Clan Ronin Only, 4 Points) ........................................10 Agasha (???-82?) Dragon Ancestor, 8 Points...................................... 26 The Berserker School (Bushi).......................................................... 48
Noble Birth (Ise Zumi Only, 3 Points) .................................................10 Agasha Kitsuki (798-829) Dragon Ancestor, 5 Points ........................ 26 The Damned Berserker School (Bushi)............................................... 48
Patron (Artisan Only, 1-5 Points).........................................................10 Agasha Nodotai (712-744) Dragon Ancestor, 3 Points....................... 26 Crab Beginning Outfit......................................................................... 49
Patron (Ronin Only, Varies).................................................................11 Akodo (???-???) Lion Ancestor, 10 Points.......................................... 26 CRAB HERITAGE TABLES ............................................................. 50
Pearl Jiva (Naga Only, 5 Points per Rank with Ability) ......................11 Akodo Godaigo (410-???) Lion Ancestor, -2 Points........................... 26
Perceived Honor (2, 4 or 6 Points) .......................................................11 Akodo Shinju (???-73?) Lion Ancestor, 2 Points................................ 26 CRANE SCHOOLS.................................................................................... 53
Personal Mon (Ronin Only, 1 Point)....................................................11 Amiku - Monk Ancestor, 4 Points....................................................... 27 Doji Family ......................................................................................... 53
Precise Memory (3 Points)...................................................................11 Asahina Yajinden (475-515) Crane Ancestor, 3 Points ...................... 27 Kakita Family...................................................................................... 53
Prehensile Tail (Naga Only, 2 Points)..................................................11 Asako (???-57?) Phoenix Ancestor, 4 Points ...................................... 27 Asahina Family ................................................................................... 53
Provincial Hero (Ronin Only, 4 Points) ...............................................12 Asako Hanasaku (98-153) Phoenix Ancestor, 4 points....................... 27 Daidoji Family .................................................................................... 53
Quick (3 Points) ...................................................................................12 Asako Ingen (???-243)(275-312)(402-779) Phoenix Ancestor, 5 Points Kakita Bushi School (Bushi)............................................................... 53
Quick Healer (1 Point) .........................................................................12 ............................................................................................................. 27 Asahina Shugenja School (Shugenja) ................................................. 53
Ratling Ally (4 Points; 2 for Crab).......................................................12 Bayushi (???-76?) Scorpion Ancestor, 5 Points .................................. 28 Doji Magistrate School (Bushi)........................................................... 53
Read Lips (2 Points).............................................................................12 Bayushi Tangen (147-170) Scorpion Ancestor, 2 Points .................... 28 Doji Courtier School (Misc.)............................................................... 54
Sage (2 Points) .....................................................................................12 Bayushi Tesaguri (415-545) Scorpion Ancestor, 2 Points .................. 28 Favor Tables for Doji Courtier............................................................ 55
Sensei (1-5 Points) ...............................................................................12 Chiroru - Ronin Ancestor, 5 Points ..................................................... 28 Daidoji Bodyguard School (Bushi) ..................................................... 55
Servant (Variable) ................................................................................12 Daidoji Masashigi (690-715) Crane Ancestor, 7 Points...................... 28 Kakita Artisan Academy (Misc.) ........................................................ 56
Shinseis Servant (Monk Only, GM Aprroval, 10 Points) ...................13 Daidoji Yohko (???-???) Crane Ancestor, -3 Points ........................... 28 Acrobatics.................................................................................. 57
Silent (2 Points)....................................................................................13 Daidoji Yurei (960-998) Crane Ancestor, 5 Points ............................. 29 Dancing...................................................................................... 57
Social Position (5 Points per Rank)......................................................13 Doji, Lady (???-???) Crane Ancestor, 6 Points ................................... 29 Ikebana ...................................................................................... 57
Standing Invitation (2 Points, 1 for Otomo, Seppun, or Miya) ............13 Doji Hatsuo (136-183) Crane and Imperial Ancestor, 8 points........... 29 Jester .......................................................................................... 58
Storm Legion (Mantis Only, 4 Points) .................................................13 Doji Hotei (539-582) Crane Ancestor, 4 Points .................................. 29 Music ......................................................................................... 58
Strength of the Earth (2, 4 or 8 Points).................................................13 Doji Nio (???-179) Crane or Imperial Ancestor, 4 points ................... 29 Noh/Kabuki Acting.................................................................... 59
Student of Water (5 Points)..................................................................13 Doji Taehime (680-745) Crane Ancestor, 5 Points ............................. 29 Origami...................................................................................... 59
Tactician (5 Points; 3 for Lion) ............................................................13 Gusai - Mantis Ancestor, 3 Points....................................................... 30 Painting...................................................................................... 60
Taint Resistance (8 points, 4 for Kuni Witch Hunters or Phoenix Hayabusa - Falcon Ancestor, 5 Points................................................. 30 Poetry......................................................................................... 60
Inquisitors) ...........................................................................................13 Hida (???-210?) Crab Ancestor, 10 Points .......................................... 30 Storytelling ................................................................................ 61
True Friend (Variable) .........................................................................14 Hida Akemi (120-168?) Crab Ancestor, 4 Points................................ 30 Crane Beginning Outfit ....................................................................... 62
Tutor (1-5 Points).................................................................................14 Hida Atarasi (???-???) Crab Ancestor, -5 Points................................. 30 CRANE HERITAGE TABLES .......................................................... 63
Twisted Kharma (2-4 points) ...............................................................14 Hida Banuken (684-739) Crab Ancestor, 2 Points .............................. 30
Venom (Naga Only, 7 Points per Rank)...............................................14 Hida Tadaka (376-412) Crab Ancestor, 4 Points ................................ 31 DRAGON SCHOOLS ................................................................................ 67
Voice (2 Points) ...................................................................................15 Hido - Monk Ancestor, 3 Points.......................................................... 31 Togashi Family.................................................................................... 67
Way of the Land (2 Points, 1 for Unicorn)...........................................15 Hiro - Ronin Ancestor, 3 Points .......................................................... 31 Mirumoto Family ................................................................................ 67
Wealthy (1-10 Points) ..........................................................................15 Hiruma (???-127?) Crab Ancestor, 5 Points........................................ 31 Agasha Family .................................................................................... 67
Xenophobic (Naga Only, 3 Points) ......................................................15 Ichiro Fureheshu (422-462) Badger Ancestor, 3 Points ...................... 31 Kitsuki Family..................................................................................... 67
Ide (???-???) Unicorn Ancestor, 4 Points............................................ 31 Mirumoto Bushi School (Bushi) ......................................................... 67
Buying Advantages Once the Game as Started.........................................15 Ikoma (???-82?) Lion Ancestor, 2 Points............................................ 31 Agasha Shugenja School (Shugenja) .................................................. 67
Isawa Akuma (250-283) Phoenix Ancestor, 3 Points.......................... 31 Mirumoto Swordmaster School (Bushi).............................................. 67
DISADVANTAGES.....................................................................................16 Isawa Ijime (601-649) Phoenix Ancestor, -3 Points............................ 32 Kitsuki Magistrate School (Bushi) ...................................................... 68
Abomination (Naga Only, 5 Points).....................................................16 Isawa Takao (465-489) Phoenix Ancestor, 2 Points ........................... 32 The Togashi Order of Tatooed Men (Misc.) ....................................... 68
Antisocial (2 or 4 Points) .....................................................................16 Iuchi (???-200?) Unicorn Ancestor, 3 Points ...................................... 32 Tattoos ....................................................................................... 68
Ascetic (3 Points) .................................................................................16 Iuchi Atesoro (354-418) Unicorn Ancestor, 6 Points.......................... 32 Dragon Beginning Outfit..................................................................... 73
Adopted Blood (1-5 Points) .................................................................16 Kaimetsu-uo - Mantis Ancestor, 5 Points ........................................... 32 DRAGON HERITAGE TABLES....................................................... 73
Bad Fortune (1 Point)...........................................................................16 Kaiu (???-???) Crab Ancestor, 5 Points .............................................. 33
Bad Health (3 Points) ...........................................................................16 Kaiu Gineza (459-511?) Crab Ancestor, 1 Point................................. 33 LION SCHOOLS........................................................................................ 77
Bad Reputation (2 Points) ....................................................................16 Kaiu Anou (282-337) Crab and Imperial Ancestor, 3 points .............. 33 Akodo Family ..................................................................................... 77
Bad Sight (Naga Only, 2 Points) ..........................................................16 Kakita (???-??? Age 39) Crane Ancestor, 15 Points ........................... 33 Matsu Family ...................................................................................... 77
Bentens Curse (2 Points).....................................................................17 Kakita Rensei (935-962) Crane Ancestor, 5 Points............................. 33 Ikoma Family ...................................................................................... 77
Bitter Betrothal (3 Points) ....................................................................17 Kakita Wayozu (450-535) Crane Ancestor, 12 Points ........................ 33 Kitsu Family........................................................................................ 77
Black Sheep (5 Points) .........................................................................17 Kasuga (Agasha) (492-532) Tortoise Ancestor, 2 Points.................... 34 Akodo Bushi School (Bushi)............................................................... 77
Bounty (Variable, See Table)...............................................................17 Kazemu - Monk Ancestor, 2 Points .................................................... 34 Kitsu Shugenja School (Shugenja)...................................................... 77
Brash (2 Points)....................................................................................17 Kitsu (???-???) Lion Ancestor, 8 Points.............................................. 34 Ikoma Tactical School (Bushi)............................................................ 77
Broken Daisho (Ronin Only, 3 or 5 Points) .........................................17 Kitsu Ichiosu (566-598) Samurai or Peasant Ancestor, -5 Points ....... 34 The Ikoma Omoidasu (Bard) School (Misc.) ...................................... 78
Cant Lie (3 Points)..............................................................................17 Kitsu Taiko (717-781) Phoenix or Lion Ancestor, 7 Points................ 34 Kitsu Sodan-senzo Ancestor Magic School (Shugenja)...................... 78
Cast Out (Monk Only, 3, 6 or 9 Points) ...............................................17 Kuni (???-???) Crab Ancestor, 4 Points .............................................. 35 Sensing Ancestors...................................................................... 79
Colorblind (1 Point) .............................................................................17 Kuni Osaku (695-716) Crab Ancestor, 6 Points.................................. 35 Communing with Ancestors ...................................................... 79
Compulsion (2-4 Points) ......................................................................18 Matsu Hitomi (423-441) Lion Ancestor, 6 Points............................... 35 Summoning Ancestors............................................................... 79
Contrary (3 Points)...............................................................................18 Mirumoto (???-42?) Dragon Ancestor, 15 Points ............................... 35 Matsu Bushi School (Bushi) ............................................................... 79
Coward (Variable)................................................................................18 Mirumoto Kaijuko (789-877) Dragon Ancestor, 4 Points................... 35 Lion Beginning Outfit ......................................................................... 79
Cruel (3 Points, 4 for Otomo)...............................................................18 Mirumoto Tokeru (433-456) Dragon Ancestor, 3 Points .................... 36 LION HERITAGE TABLES .............................................................. 80
Curse of the Kami (Shugenja Only, 10 Points) ....................................18 Mizumoto - Monk Ancestor, 3 Points ................................................. 36
Cursed (2-4 Points) ..............................................................................18 Miya (???-85) Imperial Ancestor, 3 points.......................................... 36 PHOENIX SCHOOLS ............................................................................... 83
Dark Fate (3 Points) .............................................................................18 Miya Naganori (376-399) Miya Ancestor, 8 Points ............................ 36 Isawa family ........................................................................................ 83
Dark Secret (5 Points) ..........................................................................18 Miyuko - Ronin Ancestor, 15 Points................................................... 36 Shiba Family ....................................................................................... 83
Deathseeker (7 Points; Lion Only).......................................................19 Moshi Azami, The Morning Star Centipede Ancestor, 5 Points ...... 36 Asako Family ...................................................................................... 83
Dependent (1-3 Points) ........................................................................19 Moto Chai (593-619) Unicorn Ancestor, 7 Points .............................. 37 Shiba Bushi School (Bushi) ................................................................ 83
Disbeliever (3 Points)...........................................................................19 Moto Soro (60?-150?) Unicorn Ancestor, 5 Points............................. 37 lsawa Shuganja School (Shugenja) ..................................................... 83
Dishonored (5 Points) ..........................................................................19 Moto Sanjo (472-???) Unicorn Ancestor, 0 Points.............................. 37 Shiba Yojimbo School (Bushi) ........................................................... 83
Doubt (4 Points) ...................................................................................19 Naka Kaeteru (13-160) Phoenix Ancestor, 14 Points.......................... 37 Shiba Tejina School ............................................................................ 84

Isawa Tensai School (Shugenja) ..........................................................84 Acting (Awareness) ................................................................. 168 KAGAKU ITEMS .................................................................................... 184
Isawa Ishiken (Void) School (Shugenja)..............................................85 Advanced medicine/Acupunture (Perception) ......................... 168
Asako Henshin Academy (Misc.) ........................................................85 Animal Husbandry (Intelligence/Awareness).......................... 168 MIZUGUSURI ELIXIRS ........................................................................ 185
The Nameless One ...............................................................................87 Artisan Skills (Varies) ............................................................. 168
Phoenix Beginning Outfit ....................................................................88 Astrology Divination .......................................................... 168 TSANGUSURIS COMMON FETISHES.............................................. 187
PHOENIX HERITAGE TABLES .......................................................89 Atemi (Intelligence) (Monks only) .......................................... 168
Bard Artisan - Storytelling.................................................. 168 POISONS................................................................................................... 187
SCORPION SCHOOLS..............................................................................93 Beastmaster Animal Husbandry ......................................... 168
Bayushi Family ....................................................................................93 Calligraphy (Perception).......................................................... 168 MAGIC ...................................................................................................... 189
Shosuro Family ....................................................................................93 Cipher (Intelligence)................................................................ 168 Definitions......................................................................................... 189
Soshi Family ........................................................................................93 Conversation Courtier......................................................... 168 Mechanics ......................................................................................... 190
Yogo Family ........................................................................................93 Courtier (Awareness)............................................................... 168 Target Numbers for Casting Spells ................................................... 191
Bayushi Bushi School (Bushi) .............................................................93 Dance Artisan - Dancing..................................................... 168 Raises ................................................................................................ 191
Soshi Shugenja School (Shugenja) ......................................................93 Diplomacy Etiquette ........................................................... 168 Casting a Spell .................................................................................. 191
Bayushi Saboteur School (Misc.).........................................................93 Divination (Void) .................................................................... 168 Casting with Subtlety ........................................................................ 192
Yogo Shugenja School (Shugenja) ......................................................94 Etiquette (Intelligence) ............................................................ 169
Shosuro Butei (Acting) School (Misc.)................................................94 Falconry Animal Husbandry............................................... 169 GENERIC SPELLS.................................................................................. 193
Bayushi Courtier School (Misc.)..........................................................94 Fasting Shintao ................................................................... 169 Sense ................................................................................................. 193
Shosuro Shinobi (Assassin) School (Misc.) .........................................95 Games - Go (Intelligence) ....................................................... 169 Commune .......................................................................................... 193
Scorpion Beginning Outfit ...................................................................96 Heraldry (Perception) .............................................................. 169 Summon ............................................................................................ 193
SCORPION HERITAGE TABLES .....................................................97 History (Intelligence)............................................................... 169 Spirit Script ....................................................................................... 193
Horsemanship (Agility) ........................................................... 169 Transform.......................................................................................... 193
UNICORN SCHOOLS..............................................................................100 Hunting (Perception) ............................................................... 169 Ward magic ....................................................................................... 194
Shinjo Family.....................................................................................100 Ichi Miru (Perception) (Kitsuki only) ...................................... 169
Otaku Family......................................................................................100 Instruction Sensei................................................................ 169 AIR SPELLS ............................................................................................. 195
Iuchi Family .......................................................................................100 Investigation (Perception/Awareness) ..................................... 169 Mastery Level 1................................................................................. 195
Ide Family ..........................................................................................100 Kagaku (Intelligence) (Agasha and Kitsuki only) ................... 169 Arrows Flight ......................................................................... 195
Moto Family.......................................................................................100 Kokyu (Void) (Monks only) .................................................... 169 By the Light of Lord Moon ..................................................... 195
Shinjo Bushi School (Bushi) ..............................................................100 Law (Intelligence).................................................................... 169 Cloak of Night ......................................................................... 195
Iuchi Shugenja School (Shugenja) .....................................................100 Lore (Intelligence) ................................................................. 169 Cryptic Cipher ......................................................................... 195
Shinjo Scout School (Misc.)...............................................................100 Manipulation (Awareness)....................................................... 169 Natures Touch ........................................................................ 195
Ide Emissary School (Misc.) ..............................................................101 Meditation (Void) .................................................................... 170 Quiescence of Air .................................................................... 195
Moto Bushi School (Bushi)................................................................101 Mountaineer (Strength or Stamina) ......................................... 170 Reflecting Mirror ..................................................................... 195
Otaku Battle Maiden School (Bushi) .................................................102 Music Artisan - Music ........................................................ 170 Summon Bird........................................................................... 196
Unicorn Beginning Outfit ..................................................................103 Nazodo (Iintelligence) (Dragons only) .................................... 170 Tempest of Air......................................................................... 196
UNICORN HERITAGE TABLES.....................................................103 Omens Divination............................................................... 170 The archer's reach .................................................................... 196
Oratory/Rhetoric Manipulation........................................... 170 Way of Deception .................................................................... 196
MINOR CLANS SCHOOLS ....................................................................107 Origami Artisan - Origami.................................................. 170 Wind-Borne Slumbers ............................................................. 196
MANTIS CLAN ................................................................................107 Painting Artisan - Painting.................................................. 170 Yari of Air ............................................................................... 196
FOX CLAN........................................................................................107 Poetry Artisan - Poetry ....................................................... 170 Mastery Level 2................................................................................. 196
DRAGONFLY CLAN .......................................................................107 Political Maneuvering(Intelligence) (Crane only) ................... 170 Awaken the spirit..................................................................... 196
SPARROW CLAN ............................................................................108 Puppetering Artisan - Puppetering...................................... 170 Bentens Touch........................................................................ 196
BADGER CLAN ...............................................................................108 Research Lore - Literature .................................................. 170 Call Upon the Wind ................................................................. 197
CENTIPEDE CLAN ..........................................................................109 Sensei (Intelligence) ................................................................ 170 Castle of Air............................................................................. 197
FALCON CLAN................................................................................109 Shintao (Intelligence)............................................................... 170 Crow's vision ........................................................................... 197
TORTOISE CLAN.............................................................................109 Sincerity (Awareness).............................................................. 170 Echoes of a Breeze .................................................................. 197
WASP CLAN.....................................................................................110 Spellcraft (Intelligence) (Shugenja only)................................. 170 False Face ................................................................................ 197
BOAR CLAN (Lost) ..........................................................................110 Spell Research (Intelligence) ................................................... 170 False Tongue............................................................................ 197
HARE CLAN (Lost) ..........................................................................111 Tea Ceremony (Void) .............................................................. 170 Fear .......................................................................................... 197
SNAKE CLAN (Lost)........................................................................111 Tejina (Perception) (Tejina only) ............................................ 170 Flight of the dragonfly ............................................................. 198
Minor Clan Beginning Outfit .............................................................111 Theology Shintao................................................................ 171 Gift of the Wind....................................................................... 198
Tsangusuri (Awareness) (Asahina shugenja only)................... 171 Howl of Isora ........................................................................... 198
IMPERIAL SCHOOLS.............................................................................113 Zanji (Void. Monks only) ........................................................ 171 Mists of illusion ....................................................................... 198
Seppun Family ...................................................................................113 BUGEI SKILLS ................................................................................ 171 Osano-Wos Breath ................................................................. 198
Otomo Family ....................................................................................113 Armorer (Earth) ....................................................................... 171 Roaming the wide plains ......................................................... 198
Miya Family.......................................................................................113 Athletics (Agility/Stamina/Reflexes)....................................... 171 Secrets on the Wind ................................................................. 198
Seppun Miharu (Guardsman) School (Bushi) ....................................113 Battle (Perception) ................................................................... 171 Summon Kami of Air .............................................................. 199
Seppun Shugenja School (Shugenja) .................................................114 Bujutsu (Varies)....................................................................... 171 The four winds favor .............................................................. 199
Otomo Seiyaku School (Misc.) ..........................................................114 Defense (Agility) ..................................................................... 171 Whispering Wind..................................................................... 199
Miya Shisha (Herald) School (Bushi) ................................................115 Explosives (Intelligence) ......................................................... 171 Mastery Level 3................................................................................. 199
Emerald Magistrate Dojo ...................................................................115 Horse Archery (Agility)........................................................... 171 Bad kharma.............................................................................. 199
Imperial Beginning Outfit ..................................................................116 laijutsu (Agility) ...................................................................... 172 Essence of Air.......................................................................... 199
Intimidation (Willpower)......................................................... 172 Facing your devils ................................................................... 199
RONIN SCHOOLS................................................................................117 Jiujutsu (Agility)...................................................................... 172 Forgotten Murmurs.................................................................. 199
Brotherhoods......................................................................................117 Kenjutsu (Agility).................................................................... 172 Gust of wind ............................................................................ 200
Ronin Shugenja ..................................................................................120 Know the school (Intelligence)............................................... 172 Look Into the Soul ................................................................... 200
Ronin Beginning Outfit......................................................................122 Kyujutsu (Reflexes) ................................................................. 172 The Eye Shall Not See............................................................. 200
RONIN HERITAGE TABLES ..........................................................122 Lance (Strenght) ...................................................................... 172 Step Between the Stars ............................................................ 200
Obiesaseru Intimidation...................................................... 172 Summon Fog............................................................................ 200
MONK SCHOOL ..................................................................................125 Siege (Perception).................................................................... 172 Watchful Spirit ........................................................................ 200
The Four Temples ..............................................................................125 War Fan (Agility) .................................................................... 172 Wind-Borne Speed .................................................................. 200
The Temple of the Seven Fortunes ....................................................125 Weaponsmith (Earth)............................................................... 172 Wisdom of the Kami................................................................ 200
Shrine of the Seven Thunders ............................................................125 Wrestling (Strength) ................................................................ 172 Mastery Level 4................................................................................. 201
Temple of Osano-Wo ........................................................................125 Yomanri (Agility) (Unicorn Only) .......................................... 172 Binding .................................................................................... 201
Temple of Kaimetsu-uo......................................................................125 MERCHANT SKILLS...................................................................... 172 Call Upon the Wind ................................................................. 201
Kiho....................................................................................................127 Appraisal (Perception) ............................................................. 173 Dominate the Mind .................................................................. 201
Earth Kiho ................................................................................127 Armorer (Earth) ....................................................................... 173 Forget....................................................................................... 201
Water Kiho ...............................................................................128 Commerce (Awareness)........................................................... 173 Sacred Ground ......................................................................... 201
Fire Kiho...................................................................................129 Craft (Variable)........................................................................ 173 Symbol of Air .......................................................................... 201
Air Kiho....................................................................................131 Craft: Mitsugusuri (Intelligence) ............................................. 173 Teleportation............................................................................ 201
Void Kiho .................................................................................132 Craft: Tattoing (Agility) .......................................................... 173 Wall of Air............................................................................... 201
Monk Beginning Outfit ......................................................................134 Engineering (Intelligence) ....................................................... 173 Wisdom the Wind Brings ........................................................ 202
Fletchery (Agility) Weaponsmith ....................................... 173 Mastery Level 5................................................................................. 202
NAGA SCHOOLS .....................................................................................134 Herbalism (Intelligence) .......................................................... 173 Command the Clouds .............................................................. 202
NAGA BLOODLINES ......................................................................134 Locksmith (Agility) ................................................................. 173 Defender From Beyond ........................................................... 202
Asp .....................................................................................................134 Navigation Sailing .............................................................. 173 Gate to nowhere....................................................................... 202
Chameleon .........................................................................................134 Sailing (Agility) ....................................................................... 173 Glimpse the Souls Shadow..................................................... 202
Cobra..................................................................................................135 Weaponsmith (Earth)............................................................... 173 Poison of the Windspider......................................................... 203
Constrictor..........................................................................................135 LOW SKILLS ................................................................................... 173 Slayers Knives........................................................................ 203
Greensnake.........................................................................................135 Athletics (Variable) ................................................................. 173 The mirror's smile.................................................................... 203
GREAT LESSONS ............................................................................136 Autopsy (Intelligence) ............................................................. 173 Whirlwind................................................................................ 203
Naga Warrior......................................................................................136 Climbing (Strength) ................................................................. 173 Mastery Level 6................................................................................. 203
Naga Slayer ........................................................................................136 Disguise (Awareness) .............................................................. 173 The Blessings of Jizo ............................................................... 203
Naga Jakla ..........................................................................................137 Escape (Agility) ....................................................................... 173 Rise, Air................................................................................... 203
Naga Scout .........................................................................................138 Evasion Stealth ................................................................... 174 The Wrath of Kaze-No-Kami .................................................. 204
Naga Vedic.........................................................................................139 Forgery (Agility)...................................................................... 174 Walking the Way ..................................................................... 204
Naga Beginning Outfit .......................................................................140 Gambling (Awareness) ............................................................ 174
NAGA HERITAGE TABLES ...........................................................141 Goblin culture (Intelligence).................................................... 174 EARTH SPELLS ...................................................................................... 205
ABOMINATION TABLES ...............................................................144 Hisomu Stealth.................................................................... 174 Mastery Level 1................................................................................. 205
Kuenai Etiquette ................................................................. 174 Armor ...................................................................................... 205
SHADOWLANDS SCHOOLS .............................................................146 Mimic (Awareness) ................................................................. 174 Blessing of cleansing ............................................................... 205
Maho-Bujin Techniques.....................................................................146 Ninjutsu (Varies) ..................................................................... 174 Clay horse ................................................................................ 205
The Akutsukai ....................................................................................146 Nofujutsu (Varies) ................................................................... 174 Earths Stagnation.................................................................... 205
The Akutenshi ....................................................................................147 Poison (Intelligence)................................................................ 174 Elemental Ward ....................................................................... 205
The Temple of Onnotangu .................................................................147 Ratling speech (Intelligence) ................................................... 174 Fires from the Forge ................................................................ 205
The Moto Black Guard.......................................................................148 Seduction (Awareness) ............................................................ 174 Force of Will............................................................................ 205
The Power of Corruption ...................................................................148 Sleight of Hand (Agility) ......................................................... 174 Hidden Footsteps ..................................................................... 205
The Shadowlands School ................................................................149 Stealth (Agility) ....................................................................... 174 Jade Strike ............................................................................... 206
Minor Shadowlands Powers...............................................................150 Torture (Awareness) ................................................................ 174 Know the Ground .................................................................... 206
Major Shadowlands Powers ...............................................................152 Traps (Perception) ................................................................... 174 Speed Growth .......................................................................... 206
Greater Shadowlands Powers.............................................................154 Tetsubo of Earth ...................................................................... 206
Ogre Bushi School .............................................................................155 SKILLS LIST............................................................................................ 175 Way of Earth............................................................................ 206
Dark Kiho...........................................................................................155 HIGH SKILLS .................................................................................. 175 Mastery Level 2................................................................................. 206
Shadowlands Beginning Outfit ..........................................................156 BUGEI SKILLS ................................................................................ 175 Armor of Earth......................................................................... 206
SHADOWLANDS HERITAGE TABLES ........................................157 MERCHANT SKILLS...................................................................... 175 Binding (Minor and Major) ..................................................... 206
LOW SKILLS ................................................................................... 175 Courage of the Seven Thunders............................................... 206
ADVANCED SCHOOLS, KATA AND NEW PATHS ..........................159 Grounding Energy ................................................................... 207
New Paths ..........................................................................................159 EQUIPMENT............................................................................................ 176 Hands of Jurojin....................................................................... 207
Kata ....................................................................................................160 Gaijin Gear ........................................................................................ 176 Hands of Clay .......................................................................... 207
Advanced School ...............................................................................163 High-Grade Equipment ..................................................................... 178 Jade Eternal.............................................................................. 207
Crab Avenger School................................................................163 Protection of the Seven Thunders............................................ 207
Crane Kenskinzen.....................................................................164 WEAPONS ................................................................................................ 179 Purification .............................................................................. 207
Dragon Spirit-Binders...............................................................164 Swords and Tessen............................................................................ 179 Rock Storm .............................................................................. 207
The Lions Pride .......................................................................164 Pole-arms .......................................................................................... 180 Summon Earth Spirit ............................................................... 208
Matsu Beastmasters ..................................................................165 Bows ................................................................................................. 180 Tremor ..................................................................................... 208
Phoenix Elemental Guard .........................................................166 Arrows............................................................................................... 181 Walk Without Passing ............................................................. 208
Scorpion Supai..........................................................................166 Peasant Weapons ........................................................................... 181 Whispers of the land ................................................................ 208
Unicorn Magistrates .................................................................166 Yobanjin Equipment From Winter Court Kyuden Asako ................. 182 Mastery Level 3................................................................................. 208
Masters of the Akaska ..............................................................167 Weaponless Combat.......................................................................... 183 Benevolent Protection of Shinsei............................................. 208
Kaze-do.................................................................................... 183 Call beasts................................................................................ 208
SKILLS.......................................................................................................168 Mizu-do ................................................................................... 183 Castle of earth.......................................................................... 209
HIGH SKILLS ...................................................................................168 Earths Protection .................................................................... 209

Embrace of Kenro-ji-jin............................................................209 Rise, Flame .............................................................................. 220 Essence of Void ....................................................................... 231
Essence of earth ........................................................................209 Tempest of Fire........................................................................ 220 Mastery Level 3................................................................................. 231
Immortal Steel ..........................................................................209 Tsukes Call of Heaven ........................................................... 220 Kharmic intent ......................................................................... 231
Not this day! .............................................................................210 Moment of clarity .................................................................... 231
Preservation ..............................................................................210 WATER SPELLS ..................................................................................... 221 Visage of the Void ................................................................... 231
Slash of the Lion.......................................................................210 Mastery Level 1................................................................................. 221 Mastery Level 4................................................................................. 231
Strength of the Crow.................................................................210 Bo of Water ............................................................................. 221 Depth of the Void .................................................................... 231
The Final Gift ...........................................................................210 Breath of Mist.......................................................................... 221 Void release ............................................................................. 232
Mastery Level 4 .................................................................................210 Castle of Water ........................................................................ 221 Void strike ............................................................................... 232
Armor of the Emperor ..............................................................210 Dance of the Unicorn............................................................... 221 Mastery Level 5................................................................................. 232
Shatter.......................................................................................210 Heart of Nature ........................................................................ 221 Rise from the ashes.................................................................. 232
Symbol of Earth........................................................................210 Path to Inner Peace .................................................................. 221 Void suppression ..................................................................... 232
Tomb of Jade ............................................................................211 Reflections of Pan Ku.............................................................. 222 Mastery Level 6................................................................................. 232
Wall of Earth ............................................................................211 Reversal of Fortunes ................................................................ 222 Divine the Future ..................................................................... 232
Mastery Level 5 .................................................................................211 Speed of the waterfall .............................................................. 222
Divide into Ash.........................................................................211 Sympathetic Energies .............................................................. 222 MAHO SPELLS ....................................................................................... 233
Earthquake ................................................................................211 Wall of bamboo ....................................................................... 222 Mastery Level 1................................................................................. 233
Fist of the Earth ........................................................................211 Mastery Level 2................................................................................. 222 Bleeding................................................................................... 233
Prison of Earth ..........................................................................211 Energy Reversal....................................................................... 222 Blood and Darkness................................................................. 233
Spikes of Earth .........................................................................211 Heart of Mortality.................................................................... 223 Blood Rite................................................................................ 233
Times Deadly Hand.................................................................212 Miyas Sasumata...................................................................... 223 Drain Soul................................................................................ 233
Mastery Level 6 .................................................................................212 Purify Water ............................................................................ 223 Heart of the Damned................................................................ 233
Fraying of Jigoku......................................................................212 Reflective Pool ........................................................................ 223 Legacy of the Dark One........................................................... 233
Kamis Strength........................................................................212 Ride through the night ............................................................. 223 Limb Disruption ...................................................................... 233
Oni Warding .............................................................................212 Summon Water Spirit .............................................................. 223 Pain .......................................................................................... 233
Rise, Earth ................................................................................212 The horses nose ...................................................................... 223 Rise Again ............................................................................... 233
Wooden Prison .........................................................................213 The Tie that Binds ................................................................... 223 Summon Undead Champion.................................................... 233
The world is not heavy ............................................................ 223 Mastery Level 2................................................................................. 233
FIRE SPELLS............................................................................................214 Water's sweet clarity................................................................ 224 Blood of midnight.................................................................... 233
Mastery Level 1 .................................................................................214 When two become one............................................................. 224 Choking Death......................................................................... 234
Biting Steel ...............................................................................214 Wisdom and Clarity................................................................. 224 Control Undead........................................................................ 234
Evil Ward..................................................................................214 Mastery Level 3................................................................................. 224 Curse........................................................................................ 234
Extinguish.................................................................................214 Inaris Blessing ........................................................................ 224 Curse of the Water Spirits........................................................ 234
Fires of Purity ...........................................................................214 Kharmic Vengeance................................................................. 224 Curse of the Unblinking Eye ................................................... 234
Katana of Fire ...........................................................................214 Near to Ice ............................................................................... 224 Dark charisma.......................................................................... 234
The Fires That Cleanse .............................................................214 Path of the Scorpion ................................................................ 224 Dark Wings.............................................................................. 234
Last rites ...................................................................................214 Regrow the Wound .................................................................. 225 Hates Heart............................................................................. 235
The Fury of Osano-Wo.............................................................214 Silent Waters............................................................................ 225 Mists of Fear............................................................................ 235
Wings of Fire ............................................................................215 The path not taken ................................................................... 225 Sinful dreams........................................................................... 235
Mastery Level 2 .................................................................................215 The Flow of Time .................................................................... 225 Summon swamp spirits............................................................ 235
Aura of Flame...........................................................................215 Way of Still Waters ................................................................. 225 The Caress of Fu Leng............................................................. 235
Hurried Steps ............................................................................215 Walking Upon the Waves ........................................................ 225 Truth is a scourge .................................................................... 235
Infernos Tooth .........................................................................215 Wonderful origami furoshiki ................................................... 225 Mastery Level 3................................................................................. 235
Osano-Wos Blessing ...............................................................215 Yukis blessing ........................................................................ 226 Animate the Dead .................................................................... 235
The burning sands.....................................................................215 Mastery Level 4................................................................................. 226 Corruption of the earth............................................................. 236
The Elements Fury ..................................................................215 Avoidance................................................................................ 226 Corruption of the Elements...................................................... 236
The Fires From Within .............................................................215 Curse of the Jackal................................................................... 226 Gift of the kansen .................................................................... 236
The Light of Amaterasu............................................................216 Perceive Harmony ................................................................... 226 Heaven has no justice .............................................................. 236
The Purity of Shinsei ................................................................216 Symbol of Water...................................................................... 226 No pure breaths........................................................................ 236
Summon Fire Spirit ..................................................................216 The penetrating drop................................................................ 226 Obsidian Armor ....................................................................... 236
Mastery Level 3 .................................................................................216 Wall of Water .......................................................................... 227 Pekkles Visage ....................................................................... 236
Breath of the Fire Dragon .........................................................216 Within the Waves .................................................................... 227 Stealing Breath ........................................................................ 236
Castle of Fire ............................................................................216 Mastery Level 5................................................................................. 227 Summon Garegosu no Bakemono ........................................... 237
Eyes of the Phoenix ..................................................................216 Master of the Rolling River ..................................................... 227 Summon Oni............................................................................ 237
Flames of the goddess...............................................................216 Open the Waves....................................................................... 227 Ward of divine peace ............................................................... 237
Heart of the Inferno ..................................................................217 Part Water................................................................................ 227 Mastery Level 4................................................................................. 237
Isawas Rage.............................................................................217 Power of the Ocean.................................................................. 227 Banish Oni ............................................................................... 237
The Fist of Osano-Wo ..............................................................217 Sukinjins Gift ......................................................................... 228 Dancing with demons .............................................................. 237
Waiting Flame ..........................................................................217 Waves are Ever Changing ....................................................... 228 Dark divination ........................................................................ 237
Mastery Level 4 .................................................................................217 Whirlpool................................................................................. 228 Gift of the Maker ..................................................................... 238
Death of Flame .........................................................................217 Mastery Level 6................................................................................. 228 Invoke Oni ............................................................................... 238
Essence of Fire .........................................................................217 Peace of the Kami.................................................................... 228 Possession................................................................................ 238
Fire Guardian............................................................................218 Rise, Water .............................................................................. 228 Stealing the soul....................................................................... 238
Fire Walking .............................................................................218 Suitengus Embrace ................................................................. 228 Summon Greater Kansen ......................................................... 238
Kuros fire ................................................................................218 Wheel of Fortune ..................................................................... 229 Summon revenant .................................................................... 238
Light of the Morning Sun .........................................................218 Words of the Kami .................................................................. 229 Tomb of earth .......................................................................... 238
Rays of Amaterasu....................................................................218 Mastery Level 5................................................................................. 238
Symbol of Fire ..........................................................................218 VOID SPELLS .......................................................................................... 230 Create Elemental Vortex.......................................................... 238
The Wrath of Osano-Wo ..........................................................218 Mastery Level 1................................................................................. 230 Dominion of Fu Leng .............................................................. 239
Wall of Fire...............................................................................219 Contemplate the Void .............................................................. 230 Fierce Blood of the Earth......................................................... 239
Mastery Level 5 .................................................................................219 Drawing the void ..................................................................... 230 Fu Lengs Champion ............................................................... 239
Burn the Soul ............................................................................219 Sense void................................................................................ 230 Touch of death ......................................................................... 239
Everburning Rage .....................................................................219 Spiritual Presence .................................................................... 230 Ward of the eighth kami .......................................................... 239
Fiery Wrath...............................................................................219 Winds of Change ..................................................................... 230 Mastery Level 6................................................................................. 239
Follow the Flame ......................................................................219 Mastery Level 2................................................................................. 231 Rise, Taint................................................................................ 239
Following Osano-Wo ...............................................................219 Altering the course................................................................... 231
Mastery Level 6 .................................................................................220

Abomination (Naga Only, 5 Points)
There are two ways to design a Naga abomination, one which results in advantageous mutations - such as natural weaponry, keen
eyesight, and thermal vision - and another which hinders the character (see Disadvantages, later in this chapter). Purchasing this
Advantage grants the character one roll on the Positive Abomination Table. Note that some of the beneficial abomination abilities are
particularly effective, and cost additional CP. These are noted on the Positive Abomination Table. Characters may forfeit these
abilities to save the requisite CP, and roll again on the table until they come up with something they can afford.
Absolute Direction (1 Point)
This character never gets lost. He always knows which way is north, even in a garden maze in the middle of the night - or even after
hours of fleeing from enemies. There are places in the Shadowlands, however, which can mislead even those who have Absolute
Direction, so be careful when youre beyond the Wall...
Acute Smell (Naga Only, 3 Points)
The character a sharper sense of smell than is natural, even for a Naga. They gain 2 dice (rolled, but not kept) for all their Perception-
based Skill checks involving their sense of smell, including hunting, tracking, fishing, etc. The target of their check must be within 50
yards per Rank of the characters Perception, or have traveled over the ground that they are surveying within the last twenty-four
hours. Rains, excessive foot-traffic through the area, and other factors may raise the TN for such Skill checks, at the GMS discretion.
Allies (Variable)
You are connected. For every 2 points you spend on Allies, you can gain a single Minor Ally, and for every 4 you can gain a Major
Ally. Minor Allies are folks who can get you legal things like food, shelter and perhaps a small amount of money. A Major Ally can
get you things that are slightly less easy to acquire - like fake travel papers, an audience with a daimyo, or a quick midnight ride out of
the province.
Ambidextrous (3 Points; 2 for Dragon)
You may use both hands without penalty. Any character who does not invest in Ambidextrous has all TNs increased by 10 when using
his off-hand.
Amphibious (Naga Only, 3 Points, 2 for Chameleons)
The Amphibious Advantage allows a character to remain submerged within a body of water. The character derives the oxygen he
needs from the water, and does not need to breathe air while he is submerged. For this purpose, gills line the neck and upper torso of a
character who takes this Advantage. Generally, gills are considered an abomination ability by the Naga (except for Chameleons), who
look unfavorably on those who have been born with them. Hiding such a mutation from other Naga is difficult, but not impossible. If
a character is found to have them, he loses 1 Caste Rank.
Bentens Blessing (3 Points, 2 for Crane)
You fascinate people. It may be your looks or your charm, or may be both. You just have that certain something. Whenever you
make a roll involving persuasion, keep an additional die (two if they are attracted to you).
Balance (4 Points)
You have the ability to remain neutral - even level-heade regardless of your inner emotional state. You may ignore comments
designed to taunt you or impel you to react. In game terms, this means you ignore any modifiers to your Honor roll. Also, during
Iaijutsu duels, you may Raise a number of times up to Void + 2. Matsu characters may not purchase this Advantage.
Blackmail (Glory of Blackmailee, Minimum 1)
You have a bit of information or evidence that you can hold someones head. This Advantage is similar to Minor Ally, but more
dangerous - and much less public. Because a person who is being blackmailed is more willing to do terrible things at your bidding
than a Minor Ally would be, this Advantage has a distinct difference. However, it should be noted that no one likes to blackmailed,
and overuse of this Advantage could result in some very unpleasant results. Because of this information, you can gain advantages
over the guilty party. The cost of this Advantage is equal to the Glory Rank of the individual. This Advantage costs one point less than
usual for Scorpion Clan characters. You may take this Advantage multiple times, once for every individual being blackmailed. This
Advantage may never cost less than one point, even for Scorpions.
Bland (2 Points)
Characters who are bland by nature tend to be unassuming, quiet folk with average build and features. Because they are not striking in
any way, it is easy to forget their name and appearance. Theyl have no real distinguishing features, and many people simply look
away when they pass nearby. Being bland is both an advantage and a disadvantage; someone who is bland has a greater likelihood of
being ignored when disguised or not wishing to be noticed, but they also have a smaller chance of being noticed for recognition or
award by their daimyo. One cannot be Bland and have Bentens Blessing, Bentens Curse, nor Dangerous Beauty. This Advantage
cements the characters appearance and makes it difficult to detract from that, although Bentens Curse could be acquired later. A
Bland PC is more difficult to recognize than other samurai. Therefore a +10 TN modifier should be applied to any roll to recognize a
samurai with this Advantage.
Blissful Betrothal (3 Points)
Your character is betrothed, and couldnt be happier about it. Maybe your spouse is rich or well-connected, or maybe youre just
lucky enough to have found true love. For one reason or another, the marriage works to the benefit of both sides. You gain a
significant political connection to your betrotheds family, and may purchase one of the following Advantages for two points less:
Gentry, Wealth, Social Position, Ear of the Emperor, True Friend (with your betrothed only) and Kharmic Tie (with your betrothed
only). Note that you do not receive either of these benefits until after the wedding ceremony, which will take place within one year. Of
course, such a wonderful match doesnt come without its drawbacks. Youll have to see to your spouses welfare, and disgruntled
suitors may eye your happy new home with jealousy. Be on your guard.
Bloodlines (Kitsu Only, 5 Points)
You are the confluence of several pivotal bloodlines within the clan. The voices of your ancestors come to you without effort, at times
to the point of annoyance. All spells and abilities involving any of your clans ancestors directly keep an additional two dice, and
ancestors cost you only half their original value in Character Points. Your ancestors check up on you from time to time, however, and
they frequently drop in at inconvenient times.
Blood of Osano-Wo (5 Points, 3 for Crab and Mantis)
You are a descendant of the great Osano-Wo, the Crab warrior whose stamina and battle fury rivaled that of the elements themselves.
His blood has rendered you resistant to cold, heat and extremes of temperature. You cannot be harmed by any weather-related
phenomena and always succeed at any Stamina checks involving temperature changes. Anyone attempting to cast a Fire spell or other
appropriate spell (GMS discretion) on you against your will has a +10 to the spells TN. This Advantage is typically only found
among the Crab; however, the Blood of Osano-Wo is strong and flows through the breadth of Rokugan. Matsu and Mantis have been
known to carry the blood with them, as the Crab marry only the strongest of samurai.
Brink of Enlightenment (Monks Only, 10 Points)
Your soul has been reborn many times. You are nearly ready to join the chosen in the Celestial Heavens, and many recognize this.
Reflecting your souls accomplishment, you begin the game with +1 Void, and all tests to deceive you are at +15 TN.
Cadence (Cranes Only) (3 Points)
This is the secret language of the Crane artisans, capable of encoding detailed information into song, speech or painting. Certain
mythological figures have meanings which can be deciphered by those who have been taught the Cadence. It is never taught to a non-
Crane, lest their enemies learn the secret of their exceptional abilities of information gathering. This Advantage can be bought during
play if the GM decides a willing Crane mentor can be found.
Chosen by the Oracles (5 Points)
Occasionally, a child is noticed by the Oracles and guided gently through her life. While this does not mean that the person so chosen
is destined to become the next Oracle, it means that the Oracle takes a definite interest in such a persons life and well being - to the
point of interfering when the individual is not doing as the Oracle thinks best. Because the Oracles are mystical, barely-human
creatures, their idea of best and worst can be very different from our own, and their meddling can be a double-edged sword.
Clan Background (Ronin and Monk Only, 1 Point)
For whatever reason, this character was once a member of one of the Seven Great Clans. Pick a Clan and family. At character
creation, you may choose skills and advantages as if you were from that Clan. Some within your old family probably still remember
you, so why and how you left is usually important.
Clear Thinker (2 Points)
It isnt easy to trick you. Whenever another character tries to confuse, befuddle, or lie to you, add 10 to the Target Number.
Combat Reflexes (Forbidden, 6 Points)
After initiative is rolled, while actions are being declared, you may switch places with the character whose action is directly before
yours. For example, if you are third in line for actions this turn, you may switch places with the character who is second. That person
becomes the third in line.
Correspondence (1 Point)
You have become friends with someone else in Rokugan, though youve never met. Pick a character in another clan as your
correspondent, or let your GM pick one. The two of you write letters to one another often, keeping one another abreast of current
events in your respective domains. Not only does this provide a great source of information about unknown areas of Rokugan, but if
your letters are well-written your correspondent may come to consider you a close ally or confidant. There is only one drawback: if
you take longer than a week to reply to one of your correspondents letters, even once, this advantage is lost permanently. You may
reestablish communication with your correspondent, but something fundamental in your relationship has been lost and you will never
become true friends or allies without some significant effort on your part.
Crab Hands (Crab and Mantis Only, 6 Points)
You have a familiarity with many forms of weapons, and can wield most of them with some degree of effectiveness. You fight with
any weapon you do not have a Bujutsu skill ranking in as if you had a Bujutsu skill ranking equal to the Trait involved on the roll.
However the character dont get to re-roll 10s and cannot call Raises if he doesnt have the appropriate skill. This is not a substitute
for regular skill ranks, and all weapon skills must still be purchased as normal. Example: Hida Shitoki has the Crab Hands Advantage,
a Kenjutsu Rank 3 and no skill in Subojutsu. He fights as if he has a Kenjutsu Rank 3 and Subojutsu Rank equal to his Agility. If he
purchases a Rank of Subojutsu through experience, he still fights as if he had a Subojutsu Rank 1. This is a powerful Advantage, and
no more than one PC in the party should have access to it
Crafty (5 Points)
Quite simply, you are very good at acting in a devilish manner. You are considered to have Ranks equal to the Trait involved on the
roll in all Low Skills, even Skills for which you have not yet purchased a Rank, but you cannot re-roll 10s or call Raises. If, however,
you wish to buy a Low Skill you do not have, you must purchase Rank 1 with Experience Points as normal. It is still considered
dishonorable to use these skills, even if the PC is not highly honorable. GMs may rule that a Crafty PC may never have an Honor
above 2.5. Crafty PCs are considered resourceful by nature and GMs may wish to allow them to make an Intelligence roll to scrounge
up a useful item in a crisis. The TN is dependent upon the value of the item. This is a powerful Advantage, and no more than one PC
in the party should have access to it.
Dangerous Beauty (2 Points, 1 for Scorpion)
This is a very different Advantage from Bentens Blessing. A woman (or man) with Dangerous Beauty rolls three additional dice for
the purposes of seduction and other less-than-honorable temptations. A character who wishes to purchase both Bentens Blessing and
Dangerous Beauty must pay an additional 3 Character Points on top of the total Advantage price (a total of 8 Points, or 7 Points for
Scorpion and Crane characters).
Daredevil (4 Points)
Whenever a Daredevil does something risky, or performs an impossible feat, the GM secretly rolls a die. If the die roll is even, the
character receives a +10 bonus to their roll (unknown to the player) for that feat. Otherwise, there is no benefit from this Advantage.
This a particularly cinematic Advantage and GMs should consider allowing it in games that have a very heroic flair. Realistic games
would rarely have use for such an ability. This Advantage provides the PC with ample opportunities to put herself in harms way. PCs
that abuse this Advantage or try the same thing twice will find that it isnt so daring once it has already been done.
Darling of the Court (4 Points)
Recently, you did something clever or heroic and the Emperor thanked you personally, to your surprise. You never met or spoke with
the Emperor again. Still, the countless courtiers and Imperial hangers-on have begun to harry you at every turn, hoping that some of
the Emperors favor will rub off on them. Its a bit of an annoyance at times, but you have to admit its fun to be popular. For the next
six months, your Glory is effectively two Ranks higher in social situations and you may spend 2 Experience Points to take any of your
sycophants as a permanent Minor Ally. (There is no limit to the amount of times you may do this, if you have enough Experience
Points to spend.). After six months, this Advantage goes away forever. The Minor Allies you purchased remain loyal, but they no
longer hang on your every word as they did. Everyone else just seems to forget your name. Fame is fleeting. Make the best of it.
Death Trance (3 Points, 2 for Lion)
This samurai understands that death has no hold over him, and has taken the philosophy of bushido to heart. When he faces death, he
enters into a thoughtless trance that gives him great courage in the face of adversity. A character with Death Trance automatically
succeeds at Fear Rolls.
Different School (3 Points)
This character did not go to his clans bushi or shugenja school, but was instead an exchange student at another clans school. This
requires the prospective students family to cash in a number of favors, and may have some effect on others perception of him; a
Crab bushi who studied at the Kakita School would almost certainly be mocked by his cousins. This Advantage may only be taken
Ear of the Emperor (5 Points)
The PC has a (semi-)direct line to the Imperial Court, whether through familial connections, favors, social or political influence or
simple respect The terms of the connection must be clearly defined before a PC with this Advantage can be brought into play. You are
generally treated as if your Glory Rank is one or two levels higher, and you gain a bonus equal to your Glory to the dice (rolled, but
not kept) in Awareness rolls when suggesting things to those in the Imperial Court.. Depending on the circumstances, the PC might
not need to be present in court when it is proposed, relying instead on a third party to relay and insinuate the desired information.
Elemental Attunement (Mirumoto Bushi Only, 1 Point)
The bushi has spent many years training with shugenja. Now he is attuned to the shifts, ebbs and flows of elemental energy. With a
successful Awareness roll (TN set by GM), the bushi may detect the use of magic in the immediate area.
Elemental Attunement (6 Points)
Characters with this Advantage have a bonus to their use of one element, and a detriment to their use of another. A shugenja who is
aligned with one element is said to resist another. Earth and Air resist each other, as do Fire and Water. For example, a character
with Elemental Attunement to Fire gains a -5 to all TNs while he is using that form of magic, but a +5 to all Water spells. If an Earth-
attuned character is being attacked by Earth, his TN to be hit is considered +5, while if they are being targeted by Air, the TN is
reduced by 5.
Elemental Convergence (Ishiken Only, 6 Points)
Unlike a standard Innate Ability, this Advantage allows a Void mage to use a Void spell a number of times per day equal to their Void
Rank without it counting toward their total available Void spells. This is accomplished through a dedicated regimen of constant
practice and application, in which the character studies the complexities of that single method and its various uses. As every Void
method can result in hundreds of possible effects, this process often takes years to accomplish, and only one Void spell may ever be
considered an Innate Void Ability for any character. Mastery of a Void spell will not grant this Advantage - only the standard benefit
of the PC no longer requiring the scroll to cast it. Also, the common Innate Ability Advantage may still be purchased or acquired
during play for Void spells, and this has the same effect for them as for common spells.
Elemental Harmony (5 Points)
Any character may choose this advantage, though typically monks are the only ones to really reap its benefits. Elemental Harmony is
chosen for one particular element, and this advantage may be purchased multiple times for different elements if desired. The
characters spirit runs strongly with the power of the chosen element, and the characters Ring is considered to be one higher for the
purposes of determining kiho Mastery Level only. This advantage does not affect spell Mastery Levels, nor does it affect the kihos
actual use. Only when selecting new kiho is this advantage ever likely to come into play.
Favor Tables (3-15 Points)
This advantage allows the character to begin the game with a few favors in his pocket. These favors need to be given a good history
and background, and must be appropriate to the concept of the character itself. Purchase of this advantage grants the character one

initial roll on the favor tables. It may be purchased up to three times per character. The point cost for this advantage is the tables rank
(1-5) times three. The favor tables can be found following the Kakita Courtier schools description..
Fertile (Naga Only, 4 Points)
Since the days of the Great Sleep, fewer and fewer eggs are seen among the Naga, and their population is diminishing rapidly. Some
believe that this is a temporary side-effect of the Great Sleep, but others say that the Naga have outlived their time, and are slowly
being weeded out of the natural order. If the latter is true, then the lack of children may be the first sign of the Nagas final decline.
Naga who can lay eggs are treated with far more respect than most. Similar to Social Position for Rokugani, a Naga with this
Advantage gains 1 full Caste Rank if their condition is known among the other Naga. Also, fellow Naga will strive to keep the
character out of harms way; Naga Warriors will seek to protect them and Vedics will bless them frequently. Naga of the Constrictor
Bloodline may not purchase this Advantage.
Forbidden Knowledge (Phoenix Only, 1-10 Points)
This advantage is a form of the Inheritance advantage from the basic RPG. However, rather than inheriting a physical item or ability,
the character has some secret knowledge which should be kept secret from the rest of Rokugan. Because of the reclusive nature of the
Phoenix, family secrets are passed only from one member of the household to another as death comes to take the original holder of the
secret. Such secrets are considered to be the most precious knowledge a member of that family can hold. Each family is publicly
known (within their clan) to have this secret, although the majority of Rokugan does not know. This information is jealously guarded
by the Phoenix Clan. This knowledge can be anything from the true ritual to summon an Oni to the location of a Black Scroll, or
knowledge of a hidden maho rite dating back to the Tribe of Isawa, before the Empire came to Gisei Toshi. For each point spent on
this Advantage, the characters secret is more potentially damaging to him and his clan, and he will be more seriously watched by his
clan. In any case, members of his clan should be informed that they know he is a holder of some Forbidden Knowledge; NPCs tend to
treat the character differently - better or worse, depending on the NPC.
Gaijin Gear (Unicorn Only, 2 Points)
You start the game with a piece of gaijin equipment of your choice. You may only purchase this once.
Gentry (Variable)
Most samurai characters are not responsible for any land, instead being sworn to samurai of higher Glory and paid a stipend from the
taxes their lords collect. Characters with the Gentry Advantage have land they must attend to and collect taxes from. This provides the
samurai with additional income, but also requires some responsibility. After all, the samurai must now deal with bandits, wandering
ogres, maho-tsukai and all other threats, real or imagined, to his fiefdom. Administrative duties over the area (cataloging births and
deaths, etc.) are also now his responsibility, although he may assign an assistant to handle most of it. A character must spend at least 5
Character Points on the Gentry Advantage. These grant him one village to tax and govern. Additional points can be spent for
additional villages, or to augment the villages hes already purchased. See the table below to determine exactly how much.

Cost for Village: 5 Points

Every village the character is responsible for costs 5 Character Points. A village provides a samurai:
5 Koku a year in taxes (at least 3 go to the lord who granted the samurai his title)
1 Yoriki (peacekeeper stationed at the village)
50 farmers
10 Ashigaru soldiers (commissioned at tax time)
Villages may be augmented with character points.

Farm: 1 Point
Each village is considered a farm, but for 1 CP, the village has an additional farm, which provides more rice, and thus more taxes. See
The Harvest below to determine how much more.

Holding: 2 Points, 4 Points, 6 Points

There are many kinds of Holdings, and each provides the village with new taxes. A samurai who governs a village with a blacksmith
has an exploitable resource for new armor and arms. Creative samurai can find a benefit in any kind of Holding, from sake works to
geisha houses.
Holdings are either Basic (2 Points), Fine (4 Points) or Excellent (6 Points). For each additional two points spent on the Holding, the
quality of merchandise they provide is just that much better. There are few if any holdings in Rokugan over 10 points, however. Basic
Holdings provide just what they promise: merchandise that sells. Fine Holdings have a bit of a reputation for providing memorable
and striking quality. Excellent Holdings, on the other hand, provide merchandise known throughout the Clan, and perhaps throughout
the Empire. Some examples of Holdings include: Blacksmith, Mine (gold, silver, copper, etc.), Sake Works, Tea House, Geisha
House, Silk Works, Leather Works, Hawks and Falcons, etc. Players of the CCG should be able to come up with a few creative
holdings on their own.

Followers: 2 Points
Samurai may acquire a retinue of soldiers to assist them in managing a particularly difficult area. Characters can build a retinue of
soldiers commissioned to their service. These soldiers will serve their lords commands, even unto death (they are all samurai
themselves, after all). Samurai must be at least Rank 2 to purchase Followers. Every 2 Character Points spent on Followers gains the
samurai 10 additional soldiers (Rank 0 samurai). Rank 0 Samurai all have a 1 in each Ring, and a 2 in one Ring of your choice. They
are have 3 High Skills, and 2 Bugei skills. They have yet to attain a Technique and are fresh out of their gempukku.

Harvest and Taxes
At the beginning of each harvest (there are two each year), the governing samurai must collect taxes. As mentioned above, he is given
(at least) 10 ashigaru to aid him in this task.

At least 3 Koku goes to the samurais lord.
At least 1 Koku goes to each Samurai under the characters command.
When the samurai collects taxes, roll on the following table to determine the fate of the village:
Roll Event
1 Catastrophe! (Roll for type below, lose 3 dice of Koku)
1-5 Plague
6-0 Famine
2-3 Bandits! (Lose 2 dice of Koku)
4-6 No Event
7-9 Unusual or Supernatural Event
0 Bountiful Harvest (Add 2 dice of Koku to taxes)

The Harvest
For each farm in the village the samurai controls, roll one die per year (each village has at least one farm). You may re-roll lOs as
usual. The total is the number of Koku in rice that the samurai takes from the village. The samurai then gives this rice to clan
magistrates to give to his daimyo. At this time he receives the actual minted Koku. Add 3 Koku to the result for each Basic Holding, 4
for each Fine Holding and 5 for each Excellent Holding. The village itself provides 5 Koku, so even the smallest village produces 1
die+5 Koku per year.
Great Destiny (4 Points)
When this character was born, it may have been that the stars were aligned just right, or a birthmark was in just the right shape, but the
ancestors smiled and a Destiny was created for this child. The great wheel moves this character slowly and surely towards this destiny.
If this character takes damage that would kill him, he is reduced instead to a single Wound at the Out Level. The Seven Fortunes will
only protect a character in this manner once per story. The GM will decide what the Great Destiny is, but need never reveal it. Once
the Destiny has been fulfilled, these points are turned into 8 Experience Points.
Great Potential (3, 8 or 10 Points)
Pick one of your characters skills. The character is a natural talent in this area, and will one day be a master. When using this skill,
the character may make any number of Raises, unlimited by his Void. This Advantage provides no free Raises. Taking Great Potential
for any Bugei skill, even if it is also considered part of another skill group, costs 8 points. Taking this Advantage for any other skill
costs only 3 points. For 10 points, a shugenja character may purchase this Advantage for a single element, for use only when casting
spells from that element A character may only purchase this Advantage once.
Hands of Stone (5 Points)
Crab hand-to-hand combat techniques are brutal in the extreme and make good use of the Hidas great size. But you are a prodigy
even by their standards. In bare-handed combat, you may keep 2 dice of damage instead of just 1. This Advantage is only available to
Crab and non-Crab samurai that have the Large Advantage. Bear in mind that this makes a Crabs hands nearly as deadly as a katana.
This is a powerful Advantage and no more than one PC in the party should have access to it
Harmonic Alignment (Imperials and Monks only, 10 points)
Dwelling as they have in close proximity to the Emperor their whole lives, members of the Imperial Families have been known to
achieve a state of elemental harmony similar to that found in certain enlightened monks. Shugenja liken this balance of ones chi to
the balance found within jade or crystal. Those who have achieved Harmonic Alignment feel ill at ease in the presence of corruption,
such as that created by the Living Shadow, Shadowlands creatures, or those who possess two or more Ranks of Taint. When such an
entity is in the characters immediate vicinity, the GM may secretly roll and keep the characters Void versus a TN of 15. Success
reveals to the character that something impure is near.
Heartless (2 Points)
All attempts to woo or sway your heart to pleas of compassion, love or courtesy fall on deaf ears. Any appeal to your heart shall find it
made of stone. Any Skills used with Awareness in such an attempt (such as Seduction, Poetry, Acting, or Sincerity) have a +10 to
their TN. Note: this is an Advantage, where Insensitive is a Disadvantage. A PC cannot take both.
A Heart of Vengeance (3 Points)
Choose any Great Clan. For some reason or another, members of that clan will always draw your wrath. Whenever you are using any
Skill against a member of that clan, you always keep (not roll) an additional die. You must take a 2-point Sworn Enemy from that clan
when you take this Advantage, but you receive no points for the Enemy.
Heisho (2 Points)
Every day of his life, the character expects to die. This is similar to the Death Trance advantage in that it grants immunity to the Fear
power. In addition, the character gets a Free Raise for noticing traps, concealed weapons, and other dangers. The problem is, the
character is numb and tends to accept what comes rather than planning ways out. They have a +5 to all TNs to detect lies or convince
another of their sincerity.

Hero of the People (Ronin Only, 2 Points)
You have overcome the class barrier between the samurai and the peasants. Peasants identify with you, view you as a leader and hero.
As long as you treat the common folk with respect they will go out of their way to help you.
Higher Purpose (2 Points)
Your entire existence is focused on some overriding goal. Whenever the GM determines that you have taken a step toward achieving
your Higher Purpose, you gain an extra experience point (see Experience Points on page 87) at the end of the session.
Imperial Spouse (2 Points)
In rare cases, a member of the Seppun or Otomo families marries someone of the seven Clans, and chooses to join the household of
their spouse. Having an Imperial Cousin as a wife or husband is a mixed blessing - they will certainly know events happening in the
Imperial Court, even as far away as the Phoenix or Crab Lands (letters from the Emperors family travel rapidly). Also, they will be
able to secure invitations, audiences with the imperial Advisors or one of the daimyo of the Imperial House (Seppun, Otomo or Miya),
or extra koku and supplies for troubled times. However, if an Imperial wife is in danger, the families of the Emperor may choose to
take direct action, without considering the wishes of the husband, his clan, or their alliances. Although she has changed her name to
suit her wedding, a Seppun is always a Seppun. Thus, the character may be constantly plagued by well-wishers, sycophants, and
threats from the Imperial Families as they make certain that our cousin is well-treated.
Immune to Fear (Naga Only, 3 Points)
Naga are raised within striking distance of the Shadowlands, and come in contact with the horrible menace of the blighted realms
frequently, and from a young age. As such, many of them have developed a thick skin against such monstrosities. With this
advantage, the Naga may resist the fearful presence of Shadowlands creatures, and is no longer subject to Fear Effects. Note that this
is the Naga equivalent of the Death Trance Advantage. Since Naga have no concept of honor or chi, they cannot purchase the Death
Trance Advantage. This option replaces it.
Inheritance (Variable)
You have been given an ancestral item of some sort This item has been carried by your ancestors and its spirit has become more
powerful than a normal item. The cost in points and the nature of the item must be agreed upon with the GM, but even a minor
magical item would cost 2 or 3 points. A Clans Ancestral Weapon or Armor might cost 20 points or more.
Inner Gift (6 Points)
The character with Inner Gift has been blessed with an uncontrollable talent, perhaps empathy, precognition, or the ability to sense
when danger is near. It is up to the GM to let the character know when the gift activates, and what that means to the current situation.
A character with the inner gift of precognition, for example, might have a series of dreams about a bloody knife, only to wake up one
morning and find their dearest friend has been assassinated. A character with empathy might be able to tell when someone is lying to
them, or a character with a gift of psychometry (reading emotions from objects) might gain a flash of insight when they touch a
samurais katana. The gift must be clearly defined at the time a character purchases this Advantage. The Gifts a character can choose
are: precognition, animal speech, psychometry, and empathy.
Irreproachable (Variable)
You are devoted to your word. For each point you spend on this Advantage, you add +5 TN to your ability to resist seduction and
bribery attempts. You may not purchase Greed or Lechery. GMs should not allow PCs to spend a number of points on Irreproachable
higher than their starting Willpower.
Ishiken-do (Isawa Shugenka Only, 5 Points)
This Advantage is required of all Isawa who wish to become Void mages. It is the basic latent ability all candidates for ishi status
possess, allowing them to reach out into the Realm of Void and see the myriad patterns swirling between the four elements most
shugenja associate with. Most importantly, this allows them to comprehend what they are seeing. Should a person ever be exposed to
the Realm of Void without this Advantage, the subtle eddies of Void would either be invisible to them, or would drive them insane.
Kaiu Sword (8 Points, 4 for Crab)
You have inherited one of the fabled Kaiu katanas, a magnificent weapon which has been in your familys hands for generations. It
keeps an extra die of damage (3k3), but it must never leave your side. If anyone outside of your family touches the blade, you lose 1
Honor point. If you ever actually lose the sword, you lose two Honor Ranks permanently.
Kakita Blade (8 Points, 4 for Crane)
Kakita blades are the finest swords in the Empire, thinner and more flexible than ordinary katana. A character who carries a Kakita
sword has prestige, and draws attention. A character can begin the game with a Kakita blade only under certain circumstances. Kakita
blades are rarely given to youths, and only under very special circumstances is one allowed to leave the Crane lands. These blades are
rarely given to non-Crane Characters. A Kakita blade rolls and keeps one extra die when striking to hit an opponent, and allows its
user to reroll a single damage die during an iaijutsu duel.
Kharmic Tie (1-5 Points)
The Rokugani believe in reincarnation, that every soul lives a hundred thousand lifetimes. When you meet someone, the
relationship(s) youve had in past lives influence your reaction to them in this life. You feel uneasy around the people youve had bad
relationships with while you feel comfortable around those youve had good relationships with. If you purchase a Kharmic Tie, your
character has found someone they are connected with from a past life. Your relationship depends on the amount of points you invest
in this Advantage. For every point you invest (up to 5), you may, once per game session, roll an additional die when you are fighting
for or protecting your tie. You do not get to keep the additional dice you roll.

Large (3 Points, 2 for Crab)
You are big. The average male Rokugani is approximately 56 to 58 tall. You are anywhere from 60 to 63. This can be both an
advantage and a disadvantage. Whenever you engage in social situations, your TNs are increased by 5. However, all of your melee
weapon and hand-to-hand Damage Rolls gain a +5 bonus. You may not purchase the Small Disadvantage.
Leadership (7 Points; 4 for Lion)
A character with the Leadership Advantage is able to bestow limited benefits on those who follow him. If another character is
following a samurai with Leadership, he is able to use some of his leaders Skills. Whenever a character is following a leaders
example (performing the same action as the leader), he automatically gains a bonus Rank in that Skill. If the character does not have
the Skill, then he performs as if he had Rank 1. The leaders Skill must be higher than those who follow him, and must be at least
Rank 3 in order for his followers to gain this bonus.
Luck (3, 6, or 9 Points)
For every level of Luck, you may reroll one unsuccessful roll during a session.
Magic Resistance (2, 4, or 6 Points)
For some reason or another, you are highly resistant to spell effects. For every two points spent on Magic Resistance, any spells that
target you add 5 to their TN.
Maho (2 points, Shugenja only)
You have somehow inherited, discovered, or found a scroll of forbidden magic. You have been able to resist the temptation of
drawing upon the magics power... so far. Choose any maho spell of Mastery Level 1 from the GMs Guide This Advantage may be
taken multiple times, but each additional scroll beyond the first also gives you one point of Shadowlands Taint.
Meek (5 Points, 2 for Miya)
Try as you might, you just dont look very threatening. Unless youre having a serious effect upon combat, opponents wont attack
you until theyve disposed of all of your allies first. If youre not attacking, casting spells, or holding any offensive weapons, they
might not bother to attack you at all. Your demeanor is so non-threatening that you may roll an extra die on all rolls involving
diplomacy or negotiation, even if youre simply begging for your life. This skill is particularly useful for Miya shisha, for whom an
intimidating appearance is an impediment. This Advantage in no way prevents anyone from questioning, capturing, or verbally
harassing the character. In most non-Miya bushi families (the Hida and Matsu in particular), meekness is often seen as a curse or a
grievous error in ones upbringing.
Multiple Schools (6 Experience Points)
This is an unusual Advantage, in that it can only be bought after a bushi (and only a bushi and only to another bushi school) has
progressed beyond level 1 in his school. GM permitting, this Advantage lets the player switch schools without losing his old
techniques. When the bushi switches schools, his old Techniques are frozen. He wont learn any further techniques from his old
school, but hell begin learning new techniques in his new school immediately. As soon as he gains permission to begin training at the
new school, he more-or-less immediately learns the Rank 1 Technique (GMs discretion on the length of training necessary, but
probably not longer than 3 to 6 game months). The bushi then begins gaining Techniques in his new school as his Insight goes up.
Example: Doji Kuwanan purchased the Different School Advantage (3 points) and immediately began training at the Akodo school
(now the Lion Bushi School) under Akodo Toturi. After he gained enough Insight to learn the second Technique, he bought Multiple
Schools (6 Experience Points), returned home to attend the Daidoji school, and learned the first-rank Daidoji technique instead. When
he attained enough Insight to learn a new technique, he learned the second rank Daidoji technique. He did not learn the second or third
rank Akodo technique, since he was no longer at that school. Kuwanan now knows the first rank Akodo technique (and will never
advance again in that school), and the first and second rank Daidoji Technique. Even though he has the Insight of a third rank bushi,
he doesnt know the third-rank Technique for either school. See the end of this section for rules for purchasing Advantages once play
has started.
Musha Shugyo (Clan Ronin Only, 4 Points)
The ronin is actually a bushi on a musha shugyo, a warrior pilgrimage. The bushi has, for a time, left behind the ways of his clan to
seek wisdom through experiencing the fighting styles of samurai throughout the Empire. Everyone the bushi encounters during his
journey will treat him as a clan ronin. Although not frequently practiced, most Great Clans respect the tradition of the musha shugyo
and believe that it can only strengthen the resolve of a young warrior. Most pilgrimages last a minimum of one year and can only be
ended with the completion of an act of incredible skill and prowess set by the ronins former sensei. The character is treated as a Clan
Ronin, and suffers all the social disadvantages and prejudices that accompany such a position. When the character feels that he has
learned all he can from his wandering, he may return to his clan and resume his study. This advantage may only be taken by Clan
Noble Birth (Ise Zumi Only, 3 Points)
Its true that many samurai climb up Togashi Mountain and throw away their heritage for enlightenment, but some still retain their
social status. By default, Ise zumi characters are not considered samurai. They are monks, and fall between heimin and samurai in the
Celestial Order. They do not have a samurais obligation, nor do they command the respect of that class. Ise zumi who wish to retain
their daisho and samurai status must take this advantage.
Patron (Artisan Only, 1-5 Points)
Someone of importance has taken an interest in you. Not to be confused with the Allies advantage, a Patron expects a certain amount
of reciprocal trade for their gifts. The patron will call upon the character from time to time, expecting some great work of art or a
creation to celebrate the patrons latest achievement. However, such works will undoubtedly be circulated among the patrons
followers, and this may cause a certain amount of fame and jealousy. This is similar to the Sensei advantage in the basic RPG, but it

differs in two ways. One, the patron may not know anything about the art itself, and may therefore be simply an admirer rather than a
teacher; and two, the patron seeks to advance the characters political and artistic career by displaying the artisans masterpieces in
courts and public gatherings. Of course, in exchange for this, the artisan is expected to create masterpieces which flatter their patron
and give them glory. The artisan is also expected to perform at the request of their patron, whenever the patron has need for the
artisans services. The more points an artisan spends on a patron, the more powerful and influential their patron will be - and the more
often the patron will call upon the artisan to perform their art.
Patron (Ronin Only, Varies)
A samurai in a position of authority (most likely a city governor, but possibly a provincial daimyo) has noticed the ronin and
appreciates his skill and discretion. From time to time, when a suitable duty arises, this individual contacts the ronin regarding
employment Although the task in question will be difficult and possibly even life-threatening, the ronin will be well compensated for
his work. A ronin who successfully completes such a duty also gains Glory points equal to his Patrons Glory Rank. The GM is the
final authority on whether or not a given task performed for the Patron is sufficient to warrant the reward of Glory. The cost of this
advantage is equal to the Glory Rank of the Patron, rounding up. Any Glory Rank exceeding 6.0 rounds down to 6 points; the ronin
can not receive more than 6 Glory points per successful assignment This advantage is only available to ronin, since samurai of the
clans gain Glory from their lords without the need for such an advantage. Example: The ronin Jubei has caught the eye of minor
Unicorn lord Ide Nabeth. Nabeths Glory Rank is 4.6 For 5 points, Jubei may take Nabeth as a Patron. Every successful assignment
that Jubei completes for Nabeth-sama results in the awarding of 5 Glory points to Jubei.
Pearl Jiva (Naga Only, 5 Points per Rank with Ability)
Some Naga are raised in the Cobra pearl bed egg-pits, but do not become Jakla. Many of these retain a slight bit of magical prowess,
enough to perform rudimentary attacks with the power of a pearl. A Naga with this Advantage may destroy a pearl to perform a
Ranged Attack at up to 50 yards. Resolve this like an Archery Attack (using Agility instead of Reflexes), except that Strength does not
affect the potency of the attack. The number of dice rolled and kept for the Damage of the Attack is based on the Rank of the pearl
used (which may not exceed the characters School Rank with the Advantage). If a character uses a pearl of higher Rank, the effect is
reduced to the value he is capable of. Thus, a character with this Advantage at Rank 2, destroying a Rank 3 pearl, would only have a
Damage value of 2k2. Only one pearl may be used for such an Attack per Action. Characters purchasing this Advantage gain one
Rank 1 pearl at the start of the game. They must find any other pearls they wish to use as ammunition during play. Note that pearls
of Rank 3, 4, and 5 are near-impossible to find in the wild, and difficult to procure from the Cobra Jakia protecting them. No pearl
above Rank 5 has ever been found.
Perceived Honor (2, 4 or 6 Points)
This option allows a characters outward Honor (what everyone sees) to vary by 1 Rank per Rank purchased in the Advantage. For
example, 2 CP would mean that a character with an actual Honor of 1 would be perceived as having an Honor Rank of 2, while 4 CP
would allow the same character to be perceived as having an Honor Rank of 3.
Several conditions apply to those who purchase this Advantage:
The perceived Honor Rank rises and falls with the characters real Honor.
This Advantage does not affect any mechanic in the game that relies on Honor, such as Honor Tests or the Daidoji Bodyguard Rank
1 Technique, for example. PCs still use their true Honor in such cases.
PCs may still gain Honor for actions above their current (true) Honor.
PCs must maintain their modified Honor in public. If they act below their Perceived Honor in public, the effects of the Advantage
are negated. The player must spend time and effort in public rebuilding his perceived Honor to regain the modified Rank. (satisfying
the GM that he has rebuilt his reputation).
Severe infractions witnessed by the public or a sensitive individual (such as the PCs lord or an important daimyo or influential
NPC) result in the loss of the Advantage, permanently.
Personal Mon (Ronin Only, 1 Point)
Any ronin may choose to adopt a mon to represent himself, although many ronin are too preoccupied with matters of survival to
bother doing so. Of the mons worn by ronin, the vast majority go totally unnoticed by the samurai of the clans. This ronins mon,
however, is different Its design is eye-catching and has a quiet symbolism that appeals to the sensibilities of the samurai soul. There is
no immediate mechanical benefit for the ronin, but upon the completion of every ten successful assignments undertaken by the ronin,
he gains a permanent Free Raise to use in every social situation with a potential employer.
Precise Memory (3 Points)
You have a phenomenal ability to memorize facts, figures and written material. Your mind records information easily, but this does
not make you infallible. Neither does it give you any unusual ability to understand the information, nor learn new skills or languages.
Characters wishing to remember something intricate, or precisely memorize large amounts of information, must make a simple
Intelligence roll at a TN of 10. More complex information may require a higher TN to memorize. GMs should keep a short list of the
highlights of the information. PCs that can be trusted may maintain these notes as well.
Prehensile Tail (Naga Only, 2 Points)
Though tails are a frequent source of mutation, some grow to be strong and efficient limbs as well. Characters with this Advantage
may use their tail as a fifth limb, picking objects of reasonable weight (no more than five times the characters Strength in pounds) or
manipulating simple tools, levers, pulleys, etc. Gamemasters are within their rights asking for Dexterity, Strength, or Reflexes rolls if
the character attempts something complicated or strenuous with his tail. TNs should be applied as necessary (pushing a poorly-
balanced item from the edge of a table might be simple enough for a Strength + Hand-to-Hand check of 5 to succeed, while pilfering a
fan from the Emerald Magistrates obi might result in a Dexterity + Sleight of Hand check of 30 or more).

Provincial Hero (Ronin Only, 4 Points)
You lead heimin well, ronin. Are you ready to lead men?-Hida Yakamo
Through years of hard work and devotion, the ronin has achieved a degree of acceptance in one particular region of Rokugan. The
peasantry there looks to the ronin as a hero and friend for his actions, and the local magistrates choose to ignore him so long as his
behavior is not outlandish or extreme. While in this region (which may be a single large city or a sprawling rural area with half a
dozen tiny villages), the ronin will always find some degree of employment, no matter how meager. Protecting a caravan, serving as a
bouncer at a sake house, or enforcing the rulings of a village headman all fall in this category. Note that this does not mean the ronin
is paid for his labor, but rather receives free room and board. For many ronin, that is a far greater reward than koku. Ronin who are
Provincial Heroes are among those most likely to be offered the opportunity to swear fealty to a clan or family.
Quick (3 Points)
Youre just faster than other folks. When determining initiative, you roll (but not keep) an extra die.
Quick Healer (1 Point)
You heal Wounds as if your Stamina were one Rank higher.
Ratling Ally (4 Points; 2 for Crab)
You have a friend among the Nezumi, one who will help you in time of need. He can act as a liaison between you and the tribe,
provide accurate information on the surrounding landscape, or even assist you in covert tasks like scouting or hiding from oni. You
should design a name and personality for your Ratling friend (your GM has more information about Nezumi in his book), as well as a
reason why the two of you are connected. While other Rokugani may look upon you with distrust for keeping such a tie, the Crab
Clan knows its real value and will treat you with respect. GMs may wish to turn this Advantage into a bad reputation or hamper the
PC with negative social effects. If so, the cost of the ally should become 1 point, and the PC should lose one die in social situations
with individuals that are aware of the relationship.
Read Lips (2 Points)
With a successful Perception Roll (TN determined by the GM), you can read the lips of anyone whose face you can see clearly.
Sage (2 Points)
Books and knowledge are nearly as important to you as food and water. It is well known you are a seeker of wisdom and words, and
many come to you when they want to know about the past and present Your devotion to the texts has given you an excellent memory
for the events they record and the lessons they impart. All Lore and History rolls you make roll and keep one additional die.
Sensei (1-5 Points)
You and your sensei have developed a bond that makes you inseparable. You would do anything to protect your sensei and his school,
and he would do the same. The cost of a sensei depends on his renown. Your sensei will not be able to accompany you on journeys
(he has responsibilities, after all), but he will be able to assist you in other ways. The number of points you spend on this Advantage
determines the School Rank of your Sensei. Each point you spend buys your Sensei one School Rank.
Servant (Variable)
Most ji-samurai have one servant to attend to their needs and their home. It is considered excessive for a ji-samurai to require more
than that. There are exceptions, and PCs interested in having a servant to tend to other matters may spend character points based on
the duty they perform. Landed nobles with many attendant servants under their care are still expected to buy them per these rules.

1 Point = eta servant

2 Points = stable hand, personal attendant
3 Points = groom, peasant armorer, peasant bladesmith
4 Points = peasant scribe, spy (both are very rare)

There is no set limit to the number of servants you may have (although it is not honorable to have more than one eta servant at a time),
but the GM should not allow you to purchase more servants than three times your Glory (factoring in the boxes as well). Example:A
PC with a Glory of 1.1 could only have 3 servants, while a PC with a Glory of 1.5 could have 4 servants (1.5 x 3 = 4.5). If your
Glory ever goes down for any reason, the number of servants in your care is reduced to your maximum (the daimyo takes away your
privileges, and therefore the GM decides which ones return to her). You do not get the points back for the separating servants.
Servants may be purchased with Experience Points as per the rules at the end of this section. Under no circumstances should a GM
allow a PC to have more than one scribe or spy. A personal attendant is expected to do any odd task that does not require a great deal
of skill. It is not uncommon for a number of personal attendants to serve a single samurai. A stable hand feeds the horse, while a
groom is expected to care for a horse at every level (assume Animal Husbandry 2). A personal armorer or bladesmith cares for and
repairs items, but does not forge them. A personal bladesmith cleans and sharpens the samurais katana, but only when he has ordered
it. The bladesmith never touches the samurais katana without permission. The bladesmith is also responsible for maintaining the
samurais other weapons, even a bow. Such a servant would be the equivalent of a holding or retainer (see Gentry Advantage). A
scribe is a peasant that has been taught to take notes and write reports for a samurai, while a peasant spy can serve the samurai in
many ways.

Crab samurai may purchase one bladesmith for 2 less.

Crane samurai may purchase up to three personal attendants for 1 less.
Ise zumi do not have servants.
Kitsuki samurai may purchase one eta for 1 less.
Lion samurai may purchase one armorer for 2 less.

Phoenix samurai may purchase one scribe for 1 less.
Scorpion samurai may purchase one spy for 1 less.
Unicorn samurai may purchase one groom for 2 less.

Servants are one of the lower rungs of the heimin caste, but a samurai still wields power over them. It is perfectly natural to remind a
peasant of her station, but it is unacceptable to kill a peasant that serves your family or Clan. The peasant is not yours to do with as
you see fit. Of course peasants must obey samurai, but your lord has ultimate power over the peasants fate.
Shinseis Servant (Monk Only, GM Aprroval, 10 Points)
While many monks study the Tao and claim to be the servant of Shinsei, you can claim such a title in a far less metaphorical sense.
The blood descendant of the first Shinsei is alive in Rokugan, and it is your duty to do everything in your power to defend and serve
him. There are very few in the Emerald Empire who know the identity of Shinseis kin, and it is a jealously guarded secret You gain
several advantages and disadvantages as a result of your knowledge and duty. Your character is blessed with the Sensei advantage,
with no less than the descendant of Shinsei himself as your mentor! However, the beasts of the Dark Kami will stop at nothing to
destroy him when the second Day of Thunder draws near. You cannot tell anyone the secret you hold, for one of his greatest
safeguards is his anonymity. Should anyone learn even what sort of knowledge you are privy to, your life would become an endless
series of escapes. Shinseis wardens are trained in secret by some of the finest minds of the Empire. You begin the game with an extra
15 character points to spend on skills only. There is a sparse network of men and women such as you spread throughout the Empire,
and you are likely to be recognized by another of your calling at a temple or shrine. Because of this, your character will be privy to
more than the usual amount of hospitality and assistance from the brotherhood of Shinsei. If this character ever breaks his monastic
oaths, or slips below 2 personal honor, the Servants of Shinsei will almost certainly cast him out from their order. The only possible
exceptions to this rule are when the servant must do somewhat dishonorable deeds in the name of their master, which can be forgiven
for the greater good. Those who are cast out of the order are very seldom allowed to leave openly, as the information they hold is too
precious to be left to someone now seen as untrustworthy. While the brotherhood is above killing in cold blood, more than a few souls
have ended their own lives rather than be committed to spend the rest of their days in enforced imprisonment and meditation within a
temples walls.
Silent (2 Points)
Although unpleasant, the harsh realities of a ronins life sometimes result in beneficial side effects. The unfortunate necessities of
hunting for food and evading the grasp of magistrates often trains a ronin to move very quietly when the need arises. The character
rolls one extra die on all Stealth tests.
Social Position (5 Points per Rank)
A character who has additional Social Position gains a bonus to their Glory, and therefore to their position within Rokugan society.
This can come from being closely related to a daimyo (or even the Emperor himself), or possibly from having a great omen appear
when you were born, etc. Record exactly how you gained this Advantage.
Standing Invitation (2 Points, 1 for Otomo, Seppun, or Miya)
For your familys past accomplishments, you have earned a standing invitation to the annual Winter Court for yourself and your
retinue (up to six persons). Though this is a great honor, remember that you are representing your family and your clan. A dishonor or
accident on your part will shame everyone at home as well as yourself.
Storm Legion (Mantis Only, 4 Points)
To be a member of the Storm Legion of the Mantis is as much a responsibility as it is an advantage, for it confers responsibility and
absolute loyalty to the Mantis Clan above all else. A character with this advantage can never take the Different School or Multiple
Schools advantages, nor can they take the Black Sheep disadvantage or reduce their starting Glory. In exchange, a member of the
Storm Legion need never question the loyalty of a Mantis Clan member. No person born of Mantis blood, or formally adopted into the
Mantis will - or can - betray them. It simply cant happen. In fact, a Mantis Clan member must spend a Void point in order to lie to a
member of the Storm Legion, and further, must treat a member of the Storm Legion as if they were one full Glory rank higher than
they truly are. Lastly, they automatically gain one point in the Gentry Advantage, allowing them a small stipend of koku per year.
Strength of the Earth (2, 4 or 8 Points)
A character who has the Strength of the Earth may ignore some effects of Wound Levels on their rolls. The Wound Level penalty is
decreased by 5 for every level the character has invested into Strength of the Earth.
Student of Water (5 Points)
While many generals seek to improve their position on the battlefield, you take a slightly different approach to warfare. Instead of
looking to take advantage of your enemys mistakes, you look for ways to encourage him to stumble. Whenever your opponent rolls
on the Battle Table (and you are not in the Reserves), you may adjust his total by exactly three points in either direction.
Tactician (5 Points; 3 for Lion)
You were trained in the art of warfare at the Ikoma War College. and you know how to look for opportunities in the clamor of battle
Whenever you roll on the Battle Table (and you are not in the Reserves), you may modify your final roll by 3 points, up or down (i.e.
a roll of 13 can become either 10 or 16). GMs may wish to decide if a player may purchase this Advantage more than once. Since thit
is a very specific Advantage with limited use outside of the battle, it is not an unbalancing ability to purchase more than once. For
each level of Tactician that a samurai buys, allow them to check one box of Glory at the beginning of play.
Taint Resistance (8 points, 4 for Kuni Witch Hunters or Phoenix Inquisitors)
You are remarkably resistant to the corruption of the Shadowlands, and kansen avoid the purity of your spirit. All rolls to resist
contracting the Shadowlands Taint or to cure any Taint you accumulate receive a +10 bonus to their totals. Any time you contract the

Taint, you receive one fewer point than normal, to a minimum of one. In addition, all maho spells targeting you have a +5 to their TN,
and any maho you attempt to cast has a +10 to its TN. You may never purchase or be given Shadowlands Powers, and cannot use the
Shadowlands Taint to boost your physical Traits. This ability is strong within the Kuni bloodline. It is not quite as strong in other
clans, though Phoenix that carry this blessing tend to be promoted to positions as Inquisitors. You may not purchase this Advantage if
you already have the Shadowlands Taint.
True Friend (Variable)
True friendship is a rare commodity in Rokugan. You and your NPC friend have gone through much together, and would de anything
for each other. Having such a friend is a blessing, but also demands great devotion and loyalty. The cost for a True Friend depends on
his influence and his devotion.

1 Point = A character of minor influence (a samurai withothout land or political position).
3 Points = A character of some influence (a samurai with land and/or political position).
5 Points = A character of great influence (a daimyo with land and political position).

1 Point = Your friend would go out of his way for you, but would not risk family honor.
3 Points = Your friend would risk family honor to aid you, but would do so secretly.
5 Points = Your friend would do anything to aid you.
Tutor (1-5 Points)
You are a mentor to several students who come to learn from you. These students are usually seeking your knowledge in a skill, but
with GMs approval, it can be in School Techniques. You gain one student for each point you spend on this skill, whom you may call
upon once per session in an appropriate manner. As you are their teacher, they have little choice to refuse you, but you are expected to
have time to teach them or gain the reputation of a worthless sensei.
Twisted Kharma (2-4 points)
You were born with a kansen looking over your shoulder, waiting for the right moment to corrupt you. For two points, your Mastery
Level is considered one higher when casting one maho spell of your choice. (Pick one spell, even one you are not currently capable of
casting.) For four points, you may either select three maho spells to be so affected, or select a single spell that you may cast as if your
Mastery Level were two higher. This Advantage does not allow you to begin with the selected spells, though kansen will attempt to
manipulate events so that you may more easily find them.
Venom (Naga Only, 7 Points per Rank)
No character may purchase more than 3 Ranks in this Advantage, nor may they purchase more than one type of Venom. Some Naga
are able to spit, inject, or spread venom upon their opponents, causing a variety of powerful effects. The precise result of such an
Attack is determined by the type of Venom chosen, the Ranks purchased in this Advantage, and the characters Ranks in an associated
Ring (see the table on the next page for more).
Venom Ring Used
Acid Water
Blinding Mist Air
Blood Thickener Earth
Consuming Flame Fire
Contact Poison Earth
Nerve Toxin Air
Attacking Using Venom
Making an Attack with Venom requires an Agility + Hand-to-Hand check against the opponents TN to be Hit, with 2 Raises.
Attacking within close quarters (inches) eliminates the need for the Raises, so that the TN to be Hit is unmodified. Additional Raises
beyond those required to hit with a Venom Attack may be used to strike a certain location, but do not affect damage in any way.

Venom Damage Values

The Damage Value for each type of Venom is determined by rolling the Venoms Rank (as purchased) + its associate Ring, and
keeping a number equal to the Venoms Rank. For instance, a character attacking with Rank 3 Contact Poison and has an Earth Ring
of 4 would roll 7k3 Damage when his Venom Attack is successful.

Special Effects
Each type of venom has a specific effect, described in the following paragraphs:
Acid: The Naga regurgitates acidic bile, which he spits upon his enemies. The Damage Value is applied directly to the location hit,
and affects the targets Wound Levels normally.
Blinding Mist: The Naga exhales a cloud of vapor toward the target, which burns all bodily orifices. The victim must overcome the
Damage Value, rolling and keeping his Earth in dice, or be blinded for a number of Turns equal to the amount by which he missed the
Damage Value. If the target is blinded for more than ten Turns, the effect is permanent.
Blood Thickener: The Naga injects his Venom into the targets bloodstream through his incisors. The venom thickens the blood,
causing clots and possible paralysis. The Damage Value of this Venom is applied directly. If the victim takes more than three times

his Earth in Wounds, he suffers paralysis for a number of Turns equal to the Damage dice rolled. If he takes more than six times his
Earth in Wounds, the victim suffers a stroke, and he loses 2 Ranks in a random Trait.
Consuming Flame: This is a special Venom, available only to the Naar Teban of the Burning Sands. It is emitted from a special lung-
like organ, and blown upon the target. When it touches organic tissue (including human skin), it begins dissolving it, using the matter
as a fuel source. The victim must roll his Earth in dice to overcome the Damage Value. Success reduces the Damage Value by the
difference between the rolled total and the Damage Value. Additionally, a success results in no applied Damage for the Turn. Failure
adds an equal amount to the Damage Value, and applies Damage for the Turn. The cycle continues until the Damage Value is reduced
below 0 (at which time the fire burns itself out), or the victim dies, his bones fused in place by the intensity of the heat. Skeletons of
such victims are occasionally discovered among the ruins of old Naga cities at the base of the Spine of the World Mountains, where
early Scouts roamed. They remain standing as they died, reminders of the power of the sands.
Contact Poison: The Naga either emits a mist or exudes a gel (players choice) which seeps through the pores of the victim upon
contact. Each day thereafter, the victim must roll his Earth in dice against the Damage Value generated by the Naga. Success reduces
the Damage Value of the poison by the difference between the TN and the rolled total, and results in no applied Damage for that day.
Failure adds the same amount to the Damage Value (and applies the Damage to the victim). The cycle continues until the poisons
Damage Value is reduced below 0 or the victim dies a slow, agonizing death.
Note that the targets Void may not be affected by this Venom.
Nerve Toxin: This venom is not inherently deadly. It must be injected into the victims system or sprayed upon their eyes, mouth, or
ears (requiring three Raises instead of the standard two). No (standard) physical damage is applied using this Venom. Instead, for
every ten points in Damage the Venom applies to the target, a random Trait is reduced by one. A single Trait may be affected by the
Venom multiple times during a single Attack, if the Damage Value is high enough and the Trait is rolled again (e.g. a Damage Value
of 20 could result in the victim losing 2 Ranks of Willpower). Should any Trait be reduced to 0 by way of this Attack, the victim falls
unconscious and permanently loses two Ranks in the Trait that fell below 0. Should this permanently reduce the Trait to 0 or less, the
character dies.
Should the character survive, Traits that were not lost permanently return to the victim at the rate of one Rank per day.
Akasha and Void may not be affected by this Venom.
Voice (2 Points)
A character with the Voice Advantage receives a Free Raise to rolls involving speaking, such as Oratory.
Way of the Land (2 Points, 1 for Unicorn)
You know your home province like the back of your hand. You never get lost and know all the best travel routes. Characters may
also purchase this Advantage more than once and may choose provinces other than their own or those owned by their clan.
Wealthy (1-10 Points)
For each point a character spends on this Advantage (up to a maximum of ten), they begin with four additional koku.
Xenophobic (Naga Only, 3 Points)
This is a specialized version of the Phobia Disadvantage from the L5R rulebook. The character is mistrustful of non-Naga, and will go
to great lengths to avoid them. He may even become irrational when around them for too long, lashing out or going into deep
depression if he cannot escape their presence. When the Naga character enters combat with beings of another race (humans, Nezumi,
goblins, etc.), he gains one die (rolled, but not kept) for all attacks against them. This benefit does not apply to Damage Values, or any
other aspect of combat Also, Naga who take this Advantage lose one rolled die during all social interactions with other Naga.
Buying Advantages Once the Game as Started
The PCs may decide that they would like to purchase an Advantage once the game has started. This is rarely possible. A character
does not suddenly become Large, or gain Crab Hands. Therefore, GMs should rule against purchases that contradict their campaign
rules. It may be fun to buy Way of the Land, Gentry, or Blackmail for instance once the game has started, but all of these require role-
playing opportunities to justify and no PC should be allowed to buy them without a very good reason. The Experience Point cost for
buying an Advantage is twice the cost of the Advantage.

Abomination (Naga Only, 5 Points)
Where some abominations are born with mutations that can benefit them under certain circumstances, others are not so fortunate.
Most abominations suffer from horrible distortions of the natural Naga form, possibly caused by their parents exposure to pearl
magics, or the pearls used in the egg-pits. These mutations range from mild facial or torso elongation, scales on their faces or hands,
and human-colored or albino skin, to more severe forms of mutation, including serpentine eyes, fins, useless gills, or webbed hands.
This Disadvantage represents the negative aspects seen among abominations. Taking this Disadvantage grants the character 5
additional CP to spend at creation, at the cost of one roll on the Negative Abomination Table. The cost of the Disadvantage is static,
and does not increase or decrease regardless of the Point gain listed on the table for the abomination trait acquired.
Antisocial (2 or 4 Points)
You have difficulty getting along with others. Perhaps this manifests as shyness, troubled speech, discomfort around people, or even
bouts of depression. Whatever the symptoms, you find it hard to communicate your feelings properly or withdraw from contact with
others. This is a debilitating Disadvantage for samurai and players should consider carefully before taking this as a Disadvantage.
Moderately Antisocial: 2 Points. All social skills keep 1 fewer die.
Extremely Antisocial: 4 Points. All social skills keep 2 fewer dice.
This may result in the character keeping zero dice, which is an automatic failure. This rule is distinctive to this Disadvantage.
Ascetic (3 Points)
You arent interested in material wealth or temporal power, glory or gaudy fashion. This world is only a transitional place between
one reality and the next, and you have passed beyond the need to cling to it. An ascetic bushi owns only one kimono, one pair of
sandals, one obi, and his daisho. Ascetic shugenja own one kimono, one pair of sandals, one obi, and a pouch full of scrolls. Maybe -
maybe -they own a hat. These are the only material objects you will ever own. You are unconcerned with Glory, but Honor is still
very important. After all, a liar is concerned with the immediate consequences of his actions, and thus still clings to a material world.
An ascetic samurai has no need of such things and therefore is more concerned about a persons actions. GMs should not concern
themselves over awarding the PC Glory, although great role-playing opportunities can arise from a samurai rejecting his lords offer
of Glory. Mainly, the PC and GM should come to an understand of the PCs views on Honor and Glory and allow the PC to monitor
his own behavior.
Adopted Blood (1-5 Points)
Your parents were adopted (or perhaps you were). You must prove yourself to overcome the stigma of being a recent addition to the
clan. For every point gained from this Disadvantage, you must gain an additional five points of Glory before you may move up a
Glory rank. Each time you go up a Glory rank, this penalty drops by five. Example: A samurai takes four points of Adopted Blood. He
has a Glory of 1. It will take 30 Glory points before he is recognized as a Glory 2 samurai. It will take 25 after that to become a Glory
3 samurai; then 20, and then finally 15 until the Disadvantage is gone. Remember, the more points in the Disadvantage, the more
disrespect the samurai receives from his peers.
Bad Fortune (1 Point)
A character with Bad Fortune puts his fate in the hands of the GM. The Game Master makes a secret roll on the table below (or just
chooses one of the options). Some of the results are obvious (evil eye, allergy, etc.) but others are less so. You may not take this
Disadvantage more than once. Few of the outcomes on the list below have any effect on game mechanics, but all can cause role-
playing challenges. You have been warned!
1: Someone is secretly in love with you and will go to great lengths to mess up your current love life (if any) to make room for their
2: You have a disfiguring scar or birthmark: the mark of being born under a bad sign. Just touching you can cause bad luck. Good luck
getting a massage.
3: You lack one item from your standard outfit.
4: You have an allergy to a common item. Tobacco smoke, sushi, silk and cotton are all good examples.
5: You have the evil eye (one of your eyes is discolored). People avoid your gaze and whisper about evil spirits as you pass by.
6: One of these days, one roll a very important roll is going to fail completely. You wont even need to make the roll. You
wont get to use Luck or any other mechanic to salvage the situation. Its your destiny. Accept it.
7: You have an enemy in another Clan. You wont even know youve developed this enemy until its far too late, of course.
8: Your father has accrued a great gambling debt that you will have to pay off. Soon. Very soon.
9: You just havent gotten the hang of one of your Skills just yet. All TNs for one Skill are at +5. You may spend one Experience
Point to get rid of this Bad Fortune.
0: You have lost some or all of an ear, through misfortune or combat This may be a social handicap unless you disguise it
Bad Health (3 Points)
A character with Bad Health has his Wound Ranks figured as if his Stamina were one Rank lower. A character cannot take this
Disadvantage if his Stamina is 1.
Bad Reputation (2 Points)
Youve already earned yourself a bad reputation in Rokugan. Whenever other samurai see you, they add a die to the recognition roll,
but they begin with a bad impression of your character. You should choose a single word to define your reputation.
Bad Sight (Naga Only, 2 Points)
A common ailment among Naga is poor eyesight, from a mild cataract condition to full and permanent blindness. With this
Disadvantage, the player characters sight is impaired, and he rolls two fewer dice for all sightbased Perception checks during play.

Bentens Curse (2 Points)
There is just something about you that others find repulsive. The TN of all your attempts to be cordial, persuasive, or use Etiquette are
increased by 10.
Bitter Betrothal (3 Points)
Your character is betrothed. Unfortunately, the marriage is not destined to be a happy one. Perhaps your spouse-to-be is a member of
an enemy family or clan. Maybe he or she is just an arrogant, obnoxious boor, or youre in love with someone else. Whatever the case,
your family has plans for you to marry and expects you to submit to their will. The wedding is planned sometime within the next year,
and you do not look forward to it. Whats worse, your intended Isnt fond of the idea, either At best, you are doomed to live in a cold
and bitter home, shackled by a political marriage. At worst, your spouse may be a spy, and your marriage may be part of a greater plot
to weaken and destroy your family from within. The exact details are left up to the GM.
Black Sheep (5 Points)
Youve been ostracized from your family. You have no family ties - although you may purchase some with the Allies Advantage. Any
samurai from your Clan who see you are expected to treat you as if you were eta (so dont go offending them or youll find yourseff in
a duel). You may not attend your family School beyond Rank 1 and must find another school to attend. Ronin may not take this
Bounty (Variable, See Table)
A price has been placed upon the head of the ronin for a crime, although whether or not he is guilty is between the player and the
Game Master. The level of the disadvantage depends upon the nature of the crime, which also determines the amount of the bounty
and the nature of those who hunt the ronin in order to collect it A ronin accused of a minor offense will likely only be hunted by
magistrates from the province where the offense took place or other ronin who simply want the bounty. A violent offense, however,
means that magistrates in the lands of all the Great Clans have heard of the offense and are watching for the ronin, who will likely be
executed in very short order if captured It is even possible that a Wasp Bounty Hunter may pursue a character responsible for such a
heinous act
CP Value Offense Bounty TN*
2 points Minor 1-5 koku 25
4 points Serious 10 koku 15
6 points Violent 20 koku 10
*The TN is the target number needed on a perception test for a Magistrate to recognize the Ronin.
Brash (2 Points)
Characters with this Disadvantage are hot-headed. They seek to avenge any slight on their honor, and they must make an Honor Roll
(TN 20) in order to keep control of their emotions when insulted.
Broken Daisho (Ronin Only, 3 or 5 Points)
A ronins daisho is all he has to validate his claim to his samurai heritage. If his daisho is lost, he is no more than a common peasant
The katana is also the primary means by which a ronin plies his trade. Whether as a yojimbo, a doshin, or the guardian of a simple
village, a ronin needs his blade to execute his duty. A ronin whose wakizashi has been broken still has his katana to support himself~
but he suffers from the stigma of having his honor broken. A ronin with a broken wakizashi (3 points) rolls one fewer die during
social interactions with those of the samurai caste. A broken wakizashi may be reforged into a tanto or aiguchi. A broken katana is of
significantly more import The katana is the soul of a samurai. Without it, his place in the Celestial Order is questioned. A ronin with a
broken katana (5 points) keeps one fewer die in social interactions with other samurai. A broken katana can be reforged into a
wakizashi, but unless it is it does 1k2 damage and leaves a very characteristic, jagged edge when it cuts. Obviously, this disadvantage
can be removed by acquiring a new sword, but unless the ronin is singularly dishonorable, he will keep the broken sword of his
ancestors, thereby keeping the penalties as well.
Cant Lie (3 Points)
A character with this Disadvantage just cant tell a good lit Whenever he tries, he fails; the party listening doesnt even need to make a
roll. They simply know the character is lying, and will ad accordingly.
Cast Out (Monk Only, 3, 6 or 9 Points)
Somehow you caught the attention of a religious sect or certain temple, and not in a flattering way. Those who are aware of your
indiscretion treat you with little more than scorn, and holy men who know your history see you as practically filth. The more points
spent on this disadvantage, the bigger the temple or more widespread the tale of your blasphemy.
Colorblind (1 Point)
The Doji tend to have eyes that are paler than most of Rokugans natives, and sometimes this causes colorblindness. The Colorblind
character can see colors as shades of gray, but cannot tell the difference between shades. This tends to make certain tasks more
difficult, such as identifying a Clans mon.

Compulsion (2-4 Points)
You have an uncontrollable urge (drinking, gambling, a love of geisha) that gets you into trouble. You must make an Honor Roll
every time you confront your compulsion to keep you from losing control and giving into your compulsion. The cost of compulsions
depends on the TN of your Honor Roll:
CP Cost TN to beat
2 15
3 20
4 25
Contrary (3 Points)
A player character with this Disadvantage may not remain neutral about anything. He is not compelled to action at every turn, but
must bave an opinion about everything he encounters. This means that the player must take a side in every dispute, seek to solve every
problem (even if he cant), and never stand by idly while others take action. In game terms, this means that he must make a Simple
Willpower roll vs. a TN determined by the GM (commonly between 5 and 20) to avoid acting in tense situations. Should he fail the
roll, he must do something decisive, regardless of the consequences.
ng decisive, regardless of the consequences.
Coward (Variable)
You are secretly afraid. It might be that you lack confidence in your own abilities, or that you are sure that everyone is better than you
are. Whatever the case, you have an increased TN when facing an opponent with a higher Glory, or certain Shadowlands creatures.
Moderate Cowardice: 3 points, 4 for Lion characters. Your TNs are increased by 5 when facing an opponent with higher Glory than
you, or when facing a Shadowlands creature with a Fear rating.
Extreme Cowardice: 6 points, 8 for Lion characters. Your TNs are increased by 10 when facing an opponent with higher Glory than
you, or when facing any Shadowlands creature.
Cruel (3 Points, 4 for Otomo)
The Imperial Court is prone to create people with very different tastes from the rest of Rokugan. Cruel people are not an exception.
Beyond being uncaring, a cruel person delights in the suffering of others. In Rokugan, there are few that would be considered so
dishonorable as to take pleasure in the pain of others, but there are those who think nothing more enjoyable than watching a samurai
squirm. The cruelty need not manifest itself as physical, but instead could be just glee in making someone dance on their strings. A
Cruel person can never spend his last Void Point, nor raise his Void Ring above his lowest Ring. In addition, his Awareness score is
considered one less when interacting with anyone socially, and his Honor is one full Rank lower during Honor Tests. A truly cruel
character is expected to behave in a cruel manner, and if ever caught engaging in a cruel act, may suffer greatly for his transgressions.
Curse of the Kami (Shugenja Only, 10 Points)
You have little connection to the Elements beyond that required to grant you sentience. Any spell you are trying to cast has its TN
increased by 10 and takes twice as long to cast. You can never learn any school Techniques or develop any of your own.
Cursed (2-4 Points)
The character is the victim of a curse of some sort It might be a result of a maho spell (such as the Yogo Curse) or it may simply be a
result of kharma (like the Moto Curse). Whatever the reason, it has a profound effect on the characters life. The point cost can vary
depending upon the potency of the curse, ranging from mild inconvenience (2 points) to life-altering conditions (4 points). Players
and GMs are encouraged to create their own curses, although examples have been included to give a sense of the point range.
Points Curse
-2 May never eat rice
-3 Always keeps one fewer die in a certain situation
-4 Will be killed on the day rain touches their bare skin
Dark Fate (3 Points)
This is the opposite of Great Destiny. Your character can achieve great things in his day, but his death will be spoken of in hushed
whispers, if at all. Some enormous failure will mark the end of his days: he may be the one whose mistake results in the Shadowlands
overrunning the wall, or his misstatement may result in a costly war against another clan, or perhaps he will simply become Tainted
and turn against the people of Rokugan. Only a premature death via battle or seppuku can stop this fate. Once per story, when the
character takes damage that will kill him, he is reduced to 1 Wound instead. Sounds advantageous, doesnt it? In truth, he is only
being kept alive to meet his dark fate, one which will damn him, his family, perhaps even the entire Empire. Death might be
Dark Secret (5 Points)
You are keeping a secret that would jeopardize your familys standing if it was revealed. Dark Secret should not be taken lightly. If a
characters secret is ever revealed, he will be expected to commit seppuku to clear the shame. An enemy who gains knowledge of the
secret will own the characters life, holding the secret over his head with the very real threat of ruining the characters family. For
examples of Dark Secrets, just look under the capital crimes in the Justice section in The Book of Earth (page 39). If a characters
Dark Secret is discovered, this Advantage can be exchanged for an Obligation Advantage that can never be bought off. This
Obligation represents blackmail, or a life debt to an NPC who has saved the character from seppuku somehow. As always, the exact
arbitration is up to your GM.

Deathseeker (7 Points; Lion Only)
You are a member of the elite Lion outcasts - the Deathseekers. Your family has been dishonored, your name erased from the records
of the Lion Clan. The only way to redeem your family name is to give your life in combat against a superior foe. To achieve this,
you must seek a situation where your death can benefit the clan, and you must die for the cause. Unless your familys name can be
cleared, this is your only option. Remember, the Ancestors do not look favorably on those who shirk their duty... As a Deathseeker,
you begin the game with no Glory, nor may you ever gain any. You may not take the Black Sheep Disadvantage. This is a particularly
heinous Disadvantage and the character that takes it has given himself a very short life expectancy. Most GMs only allow this
Disadvantage in one-shot adventures and short campaigns. The whole point of this character is to die gloriously. Period. Its hard to
give such a character long-term goals.
Dependent (1-3 Points)
You have someone who is completely dependent upon you. Who they are (a child, grandparent, etc.) is up to you, but they are
helpless without you. Good examples of dependents include small children and aged grandparents, but a naive spouse could also be
included as a dependent
CP Cost Type of dependent
1 Adult Dependent
2 Elderly Dependent
3 Child Dependent
Disbeliever (3 Points)
To you, the Fortunes have forsaken man. The Kami were slave masters, and Shinsei was nothing but a hopeful parable. In the Emerald
Empire, such thoughts are practically treason, as they go against Hantei himself. You may or may not be vocal about what you think;
in fact, you must try to avoid religious discussions at all costs, lest your true feelings be discovered. But remember, no matter how
quiet you are or how well you lie, some say those thoughts are going to get you in trouble...
Dishonored (5 Points)
You begin at Glory Rank 0 with no points. You are not a ronin, and ronin may not take this Disadvantage, but you have to earn your
Glory back. You cant spend any Experience Points youve earned until gaining Rank 1 Glory, and then can only buy up to three Skill
Ranks, one Ring Rank, or one Trait Rank (total) per adventure. You may not also purchase Social Disadvantage.
Doubt (4 Points)
You have a problem. You have no confidence in one of your starting skills (chosen by the GM). Though you train and train, you still
dont excel. The knowledge is there, but the doubt always lingers. In game terms, every time this skill is used the character must Raise
twice in order to succeed. He gains no extra benefits from these Raises, and they still count toward his maximum number of Raises.
This Disadvantage can eventually be conquered, but only when the skill that is plagued with Doubt is raised to a 5, and the character
uses it to defeat a superior opponent, to save the life of himself or another, or, in the case of a craft, to create a work of profound skill
and lasting beauty (TN 45 at the very least).
Driven (3 Points)
Similar to the Higher Purpose Advantage, a character who is Driven has a single goal that he will sacrifice anything to achieve. He
will turn his back on his friends and family, and even sacrifice his honor to gain his goal.
Enlightened Madness (Ise Zumi Only, 2, 4 or 6 Points)
Only Ise zumi may take this Disadvantage. Youre not quite sure what, but something is wrong. Your tattoo tapped into a dark energy,
an energy too powerful for your will to control. Every once in a while, your madness takes control, and you wake up with blood on
your hands and no memory of your actions. Every Tattooed Mans madness is unique and personalized, and is (for all intents and
purposes) permanent. You have heard legends of Ise zumi overcoming this madness, but youve never seen it. Choose one of your
tattoos. Whenever you summon the power of that tattoo, you must make a Simple Willpower Roll. If you fail the roll, you lose control
of your character until the following dawn. The TN for the roll depends on how many points you take for this Disadvantage.
CP Cost TN to beat
2 Point 15
4 Points 20
6 Points 25
Enlightened Madness (Phoenix Shugenja Only, 1, 3 or 6 Points)
Similar to the Disadvantage in Way of the Dragon, this character has a form of permanent madness brought on by an uncontrolled
release of energy within the soul. For the Phoenix, such troubles can be the result of a ritual going terribly awry, or a spell which was
cast incorrectly. The form of madness triggered by later spellcasting is closely related to the original spell which was miscast.
Nevertheless, every once in a while, your madness takes control, and you wake up with no memory of your actions. Every spell-
induced madness is different, but all are irrevocable. Such a character must be warned: your mind is not your own, and one day, it will
turn against you. When the character is created, choose an element (Air, Fire, Water or Earth. You may not choose Void for this
disadvantage unless the character is a Void Shugenja). Any spell the shugenja casts from that element could cause the characters
madness to surface. A Simple Willpower roll is required for the shugenja to maintain their wits. When they cast such a spell, the TN
to keep their sanity is 20. (A character receives 1 point for one element, 3 for two, and 6 if three elements can trigger the roll).
Epilepsy (4 Points; 5 for Crane)
Because the Crane families often interbreed with the Emperors lineage, some simple genetic problems have evolved. One of these
difficulties is epilepsy, a rare disease which can cause rigidity of muscles, shaking symptoms, and even death. Epilepsy is a genetic
dysfunction which often arises when the character is under stress. Also, flashing lights (such as a fireworks display) can trigger a
seizure. The Rokugani believe that characters with this malady have been touched by the kami, and that they are channeling divine
influences. Thus, any character who shows obvious signs of epilepsy (shaking fits, spasms, etc.) might be shunned by common
society, but treated as a mystic or holy man by those brave enough to come near. When a character with epilepsy is in a stressful
situation, he must make a Willpower roll at a TN of 15 to resist a seizure. If the character enters a seizure, he may may make a
Willpower roll each round at a TN of 20 to end the seizure. This Disadvantage is rare outside of the Crane, but not unheard of; non-
Cranes should justify this Disadvantage by explaining their hereditary connection to the Imperial lineage.
Fascination (1 Point)
The character has a fascination with something - music, horses, ancient history - and will go to any length to learn new things about it
A character with a fascination for spell-craft might resort to stealing scrolls from other shugenja. Someone who has a fascination with
horses would go to any length to purchase (or otherwise obtain) one of the finest steeds of the Unicorn, and someone who was
fascinated with the Naga would leap at the chance to travel into the forests of Shinomen, searching for Naga ruins even if the forest
were crawling with monsters.
Forced Retirement (Monk Only, 2 or 4 Points)
Not all members of the samurai caste join the Brotherhood of their own choosing. Many have shamed their family or Clan in such a
manner that the best course of action was for the offending person to be forgotten, shave his head, and join the monks. You are one
such person. Your former Clan either ignores you politely (2 points), or avoids you completely, and is likely to cut you down if you
press your luck (4 points).
Forgotten (Phoenix Only, 4 Points)
For some terrible reason, the character has been Forgotten. The ritual of Forgetting has been cast upon them, and they have been
stripped of all magical ability, spellcasting knowledge and ritual lore, and may never gain any new knowledge of such things. The
character must be a non-shugenja, and can never use magical items or abilities that require magical aptitude.
Forgotten Training (Ronin Only, 7 Points)
There are some among Rokugans population of wave-men who have been without a clan for years or even decades. A young samurai
cast out from his clan can survive for many years in the Emerald Empire, eventually becoming an aged ronin warrior. These older
ronin have been absent from the dojo of their clans for the majority of their lives, and some have great difficulty remembering their
training. This is rarely the case for a first-level Technique, as this is the basic style of fighting that the ronin practices his entire life.
Higher level Techniques are much more difficult to recall. When entering a combat situation, the ronin must roll his Willpower versus
a TN of 10 to recall his Rank 1 Technique. Higher level Techniques require Willpower rolls at +5 to the TN per Rank of the
Forsaken (2 Points; 3 for Lion)
This is a particularly bitter handicap in which, for reasons of the player and GMS devising, the PCs ancestors do not listen to or aid
him in any way. No ancestor will ever, under any circumstances, talk to you. Other Rokugani will assume that someone whose karma
is so bad that their ancestors shun them completely must have done something very wrong indeed. This is not quite as bad as a true
Dark Secret, but it will certainly reflect poorly on the Forsaken character should the truth ever come to light A PC can never be both
Forsaken and Haunted.
Frail Mind (3 Points)
Whenever you are the subject of a magical spell, Seduction Roll, or any other task that would involve your Willpower, the attacker
gets +10 to his roll.
Gaijin Name (Unicorn Only, 1 Point)
You have a name that sounds foreign. It might include the letters L or V. consonant combinations like ST, KS, or TH, or end in a
consonant other than N. Your name is difficult for Rokugani to pronounce, and brands you as one who consorts with blue-eyed
devils. You lose one die on all social interaction with those who are neither Unicorn nor gaijin.
Gossip (5 Points)
You tell all your friends they can confide in you. Youre a great listener, and have heard the darkest secrets of many samurai who trust
you. Unfortunately, youre not so good at keeping such entertaining information to yourself. The only thing better than being so
trusted by so many people is being known as such a wealth of hidden knowledge by others. Whenever you learn a closely guarded
secret or delicate information of any kind, you must make a simple Willpower roll to resist blurting it out to the next trustworthy
friend you encounter. The TN for this roll is 5 x the Glory of the person involved. If there are many unfortunate subjects, always use
the highest Glory among them.
Greedy (1-3 Points)
Youve spent too much time watching the caravan masters and not enough learning their ways. A greedy samurai is concerned with
material wealth over glory and honor. For each point of Greed, your enemies get a bonus of five points on all bribery skill rolls they
make. You may not make an Honor roll to resist bribery attempts.
Gullible (3 Points)
You have a soft spot in your heart for sob stories. You believe almost everything anyone tells you if they are convincing enough.
The TN to convince you of anything (this usually involves a Sincerity/Awareness roll) is 5.

Haunted (1-3 Points)
You are haunted by the spirit of an ancestor who is not happy with you. He is distracting, insulting and irritating, but he is also your
ancestor, which means all you can do is try to do better.
CP Cost Frequency of apparition
1 The ghost only shows up once per story.
2 The ghost appears up to three times per story.
3 The ghost is with you at least once a day.
A PC can never be both Haunted and Forsaken.
Heimin (Ronin Only, 8 Points)
The ronin hides the greatest secret of all: while some true ronin can claim genuine samurai ancestry, he cannot. The ronin is the son of
a farmer, merchant, craftsman, or another member of the non-samurai caste. If any samurai were to discover the truth, the ronin would
be quickly and mercilessly executed for violating the Celestial Order. In addition, the ronins complete unfamiliarity with the details
of Rokugans culture makes it very difficult for him to adapt to new situations. The cost of advancing all High Skills is doubled for the
ronin, and any roll involving social interaction with samurai has its target number increased by a minimum of 5 (GMS discretion).
The characters beginning Glory Rank is zero and may not be raised above zero during character creation. A character with the
Heimin Disadvantage does not have to take Social Disadvantage: Ronin. This advantage may only be taken by True Ronin.
Hohei (Bushi Only, 6 Points)
The character has been recruited into combat fresh from gempukku with the rank of hohei, or private. He begins as a green recruit
without the techniques, skills, or attribute bonus of his school, and may not use Character Points to purchase more than three of the
skills initially offered by his school. He is considered Rank 0. On the plus side, the character gains double the normal amount of
experience points usable only toward obtaining the starting skills of his school at rank 1, and raising the attribute associated with his
school once. When this is done, the character gains his first Technique and five experience points (the benefit of on-the-job
experience). At this time, all effects of this disadvantage are permanently lost The GM may choose to allow this disadvantage only in
times of war.
A Home in Ashes (1 Point)
Your immediate family lies dead, butchered by Shadowlands creatures. Besides having no kin to speak for you or to call on for aid,
you cannot use the Kharma rule with this character, and have no lands or savings to attract a spouse.
Hostage (3 Points)
The character was taken by another clan and made to swear fealty. Though he is considered a member of this new clan, he is neither
fully trusted or respected. His old family has turned its back on him, and he may never learn any more Rank Techniques from them.
On the plus side, the character may purchase Different School or Multiple Schools (from his new clan) for two points less.
Idealistic (2 Points; 3 for Lion)
Some samurai are extreme in their views of bushido. While all adhere to the code in theory, if not necessarily in practice, Idealistic
characters hew to a more stringent code for behavior and ethica Whenever an Idealistic PC loses Honor, he loses one extra point of
Honor. Whenever he gains five or more points at once, he gains one extra point of Honor. An Idealistic samurai may be quick to pass
judgment, act as mentor, or look down at others. Although an irreproachable and idealistic samurai is likely to beam with pious
energy, such a combination is difficult to role-play and still fit into a group. When taken in addition to Meddler this Disadvantage is
very potent
Insensitive (2 Points)
The three most important things in your life are your health, your welfare and your wealth. You care little for the plights of others and
you dont make any pretense of keeping it a secret You must spend a Void Point whenever you want to put yourself at risk for
another, even for your daimyo or the Emperor himself.
Jealousy (1 Points; 2 for Phoenix)
Because of the highly competitive nature of the Phoenix Clan, this Disadvantage is common among their members, resulting in much
Infighting and other problems. A PC with the Jealousy Disadvantage must choose another character or dependent NPC, and constantly
try to outdo them. Once they feel that they have successfully beaten the diaracter in question, the disadvantaged character will latch
on to another, better opponent, and continue with their sense of rivalry. Unlike the Proud or Vanity Disadvantages, the Jealous
character does not necessarily feel that they are superior - simply that they must prove themselves so, at any opportunity. With the
GMS permission, this Disadvantage can be attached to a skill or ability instead, and the diaracter will be driven to constantly prove
their ability with that one maneuver, particularly against anyone else who has shown aptitude with that skill.
Junshin (Scorpion Only, 3 Points)
This Disadvantage is a kind of specialized Black Sheep. You are legitimately honorable. You try your best to adhere to bushido, but
your Scorpion blood keeps disagreeing with your pure heart. Not only do your fellow Scorpions not completely trust you, but the
rest of the Empire thinks youre just putting on another mask. Or, at the very least, youre some kind of freak. (See the Junshin
sidebar, Chapter One.)
Kitsune Taboos (Fox Only, 1 Point Each up to 3)
Kitsune, as with other spirits who spend a great deal of time among the people of the Empire, have been sullied by being too much
surrounded by mortal man. In order to keep themselves distant (and avoid losing their spiritual powers), the kitsune who interact with
the Fox Clan have adopted several taboos which guide their behavior and mannerism. Some human members of the Fox Clan, as well,
have chosen to adopt these taboos, respecting their spiritual guides and making it less likely that a visiting kilsune will be noticed. Not
all Fox samurai choose to accept a taboo, but those who do follow it faithfully all their lives. It is said that a Fox who accepts the
burden of a taboo is especially loved by the kitsune, and if he abides by it faithfully, will be well cared for if ever in great need.
The kitsune are creatures of the land and of the woods. The samurai may not harm a commoner, nor may he allow the woodland to
be defiled or destroyed without cause. He must care for the needs of the common heimin, and in exchange, he will be warmly greeted
and well-cared for when he visits a village.
The kitsune are creatures of deceit and mischief. The samurai who chooses this taboo may never tell the complete truth, and must
cover their words with a veneer of falsehood. This is a dangerous taboo to accept, and the samurai must be doubly careful not to
mislead his lord while still adhering to the bonds of the taboo.
For a spirit to become involved in the affairs of mortal man, they must be invited to take action. This taboo requires the samurai to
never directly affect either a battle or any other major scenario without first having been asked to interfere. They may not enter houses
unless they are invited to do so by name, and they may not offer aid until they have been asked for it
The samurai cannot eat rice, but must make do with the natural berries and foods of the forest, supplemented by a diet of fish and
fowl. In this way, they attune themselves to the forest, rather than to agriculture and the ways of mankind, and remember the kitsune
oath to man, Lesser Fortune of Rice.
Being alone is abhorrent to many kitsune, who live for affection, dedicated attention, and mischief. Samurai who accept this taboo
may never be alone, and must always be in the company of at least two other individuals even when sleeping.
As with many spirits, kitsune become ill if they are not able to keep their promises, and follow their word of honor. A samurai who
accepts this taboo will commit seppuku before he breaks a promise (even one given in haste), and if someone else breaks a promise to
them, they will rapidly become deadly enemies.
Lame (3 Points)
You have a crippled leg or arm. All Agility Rolls are at +10 TN, as well as any roll that requires that limb strength.
Lechery (1-3 Points)
Love is more important to you than it should be to a samurai. For each point of Lechery, your enemies get a bonus of five points on all
Seduction skill rolls they make against you. You may not make an Honor roll to resist seduction attempts. Lechery is not necessarily a
dishonorable trait, but a samurai that puts priorities before his lord is sure to bring shame to himself eventually.
Lost Love (2 Points)
You once knew true love, and now its gone. You tend to have fits of melancholy when you are reminded of your love. Whenever
your love is mentioned, all of your TNs are increased by 5 until you spend a Void Point to bring yourself back to the present Spending
the Void Point prevents you from having a relapse into melancholy for at least an hour.
Low Pain Threshold (5 Points)
Whenever you get wounded, add an additional +5 to your Wound Penalty. This does not apply until you have reached the second
wound level.
Meddler (2 Points)
You cannot resist getting into other peoples business. You always have an opinion and enjoy sharing it with others. You know whats
best for everyone and have no qualms about telling them. This can get you in a lot of trouble. The Rokugani are a very private people,
and meddling in anothers affairs is considered an insult - it implies that they cant take care of their own house. Sticking your nose in
other peoples business could get it cut off. All of your Courtier and Etiquette rolls have their TN increased by +10.
Missing Eye (3 Points)
You have only one eye, and therefore have no depth perception. It is difficult to spot exactly where someone is standing. All visual
Perception rolls of their TN increased by 5, and the TN to attack with a melee weapon is also increased by 5. Firing a bow becomes
much more difficult and the TN is increase by 10 up to 50 and by 15 beyond that A PC missing an eye is subject to the same social
stigma as one that is missing a limb.
Missing Limb (3 Points)
You are missing a hand, arm, foot, or leg. All physical tests involving this limb have their TNs increased by 10.
Momoku (8 Points)
Every Rokugani hero has the potential to achieve greatness. Periodically, there come moments in every heros life when she must
tap into a reserve of something extra to perform a miraculous feat or obtain a remarkable victory. Characters with the Momoku
Disadvantage do not have this reserve to tap into. They must rely solely on their own skill and daring to solve the problems they face.
Perhaps this is because of some dark dabbling with maho, or due to their ancestors disgrace before or angering of the Fortunes.
Whatever the cause, this character cannot use Void Points. As far as he is concerned, Void is a distant, unknowable thing, and he has
either turned a blind eye or is without the knack for it
Moto Curse (Moto Only, 0 Points)
This disadvantage is required for all Moto characters. Your family has been in part corrupted by the Shadowlands. While your
clansmen understand your situation, other Rokugani first heard your family name in connection with the evils of that dark land, and
you find yourself the victim of great prejudice. Other clans refuse to give you Glory, recognition, or awards. They wont trust you and
wont be hospitable unless pressured by other Unicorns (lose three dice on all social skills with non-Unicorns). On the other hand,
they are also somewhat fearful of you, so they give you no trouble... at least not to your face.
Nameless One (Nameless Ones Only, 5 points)
You are one of the rare Nameless Ones, creatures spoken of in hushed whispers. Once you were an Ishiken, a shugenja skilled in
using the magic of the Void. The Shadowlands tried to corrupt you, and was expelled by a strange side effect of your Void magic. The

clash between corruption and nothingness has left you shattered, a thing to be pitied. The only value the Phoenix Clan or anyone else
places in you is as a weapon against the Shadowlands. You are a secret better left forgotten, a monster in human form. You are
entirely immune to the Shadowlands Taint and can never accumulate any Shadowlands Points for any reason. (See the section on the
Nameless Ones for more information on this Disadvantage.)
Nemesis (+2 Points)
The dark counterpart to the Kharmic Tie Advantage, Nemesis attaches you to an enemy from a past life rather than an ally. To
purchase this Disadvantage, you must already have purchased the Sworn Enemy Disadvantage. This Disadvantage turns your Sworn
Enemy into a Nemesis. Whenever you face your Nemesis, you cannot use Void Points.
Never Sat on a Horse (Unicorn Only, 1 Point)
You have never been on a horse, and dont know how to ride one. Even sitting on the t back of a calm mare while traveling, youll
need someone to hold the reins and lead the horse for you. If you are mounted when fighting starts or something startles the horse, you
are sure to fall off. You can buy this disadvantage away with one Experience Point
Obligation (2 or 4 Points)
You owe someone a favor, and someday they are going to collect. An Obligation is worth 2 Points if it is a small favor and 4 Points if
it is a large favor. When your Obligation is cashed in, you are honor bound to do everything in your power to complete the request -
even at the cost of your own life, if the Disadvantage is a 4 point one. If you fail, or refuse, your Honor is permanently reduced by two
full ranks (for a 2 point Obligation), and you may additionally receive the Black Sheep Disadvantage (for a 4 point Obligation) for no
points. A small favor would include something that would not threaten your position and/or your familys standing, but would cause
you inconvenience. A major favor requires a great deal of effort and risk on your part, and will take significant time and resources to
Obtuse (1 Point)
You just dont get it. Poems are a meaningless babble of nonsense. Paintings are just something to cover holes in the walls. Music is a
waste of time if you cant dance to it, and dancing is a waste of time unless youve drunk enough sake to drown out the music~ Dont
even start on that kabuki garbage. Your soul is unmoved by the finer things; even when you try, you just dont see the point With the
exception of Lore skills, Hunting. Investigation, Mountaineering, and Medicine, learning or raising any High Skill costs double the
normal amount In any social or courtly situation, you must Raise your TN twice to get the effects of a single Raise. On the other hand,
being numb to the finer things is not always a weakness. In the court, people tend to ignore you. They tried making fun of you for a
while, but eventually that stopped too. Other characters receive a +5 penalty to all TNs involving taunting, ridiculing, or manipulating
your thick-skulled character.
Outcast (Badger or Ronin Only, Variable)
You have been outcast by the Badger clan. Perhaps your worldview did not agree with that of your father or your clan. Perhaps youre
just too eager to embrace new ways. Whatever the case, they now treat you like an outsider. They dont necessarily hate you, but now
they look on you with suspicion. Youll have to earn their respect and, perhaps, regain their trust.
Refused by Family (1 point): All social skills with your family keep 1 fewer die. You cannot inherit property or goods. One starting
item is good quality, all others are considered poor.
Refused by the Clan (2 points): As above; in addition, all social skills with your clan roll 1 fewer die. (Badger shugenja must take this
Overconfident (2 Points)
You never retreat, never choose to fight another day. You are possessed of the youthful illusion of immortality. When faced with
superior forces, you must make a Battle/Perception skill check at 30 or you stay and fight. You may not purchase Great Destiny.
Permanent Wound (5 Points)
You begin the game with a wound that has never properly healed. In game terms, this means that you always begin each day at the +3
Wound Level, with your +0 Wound Level completely filled (see Getting Wounded in The Book of Fire, page 163).
Phobia (Variable)
Every time you encounter your phobia, the TN of all rolls you make go up by +5 for every point you gained from this Disadvantage.
Having a phobia must be approved by the Game Master. Listed below are some possible phobias for your character: Fear of Heights,
Fear of Open Places, Fear of Enclosed Spaces, Fear of Insects, Fear of Blood, Fear of Being Alone, Fear of Dead Things, Fear of Fire,
and Fear of Darkness.
Proud (1 Point)
You know that you are the finest bushi or shugenja that has ever been produced by your familys school. Your skills are honed, and
the ancestors are on your side. Its not mere overconfidence - its absolute arrogance. Nothing can stop you from fulfilling the destiny
youre sure you have, whatever it is. Obviously, it will be the grandest thing you come upon, and any who meet you should be
informed of the caliber of person they are dealing with. One day, they will want to tell their children about you!
Ranshin (1-5 Points)
Your character has been traumatized beyond the point of nightmares. Casual acquaintances may not realize you are unstable, but it is
soon evident. Memories of war are everywhere: sudden movements look like attacks, a cough reminds you of Tainted victims, playing
children sound like goblins. The GM can call for a Simple Willpower roll, TN 20, a number of times per session equal to the cost of
the disadvantage. If this roll is failed, the samurai goes into post-traumatic stress disorder, fearfully lashing out, fainting or having
full-sensory flashbacks. Conversely, the urges could mean you are the sort of samurai who leaps into oni mouths believing you can
carve your way out. You are uncontrollable in Rokugani society; you have emotional outbursts, cackling laughter, and make snap
decisions which cause a steady loss of face.
Scarred (1 Point)
Unhealed wounds in the Shadowlands that were not infeded by Taint still leave disgusttng, visible marks. Common scars whiten the
skin, twist and blacken it or turn it green and oozing. These subtract one die on all social interactions and two for seduction.
Small (2 Points)
You are below average height and weight. Your movement rate is 3 Instead of 5. Small characters roll one fewer Damage die when
using any Weapon, even bare-handed. You may not purchase the Large Advantage.
Shadowlands Taint (1-5 points)
Whether by birth or bad fortune, your character begins with the curse of the Shadowlands Taint. For each point you gain from this
Disadvantage, you gain 2 points of Shadowlands Taint Your GM may assign suitable symptoms.
Social Disadvantage (3 Points per Rank)
You have slipped from your position within the Celestial Order. For every 3 points of Social Disadvantage, the characters Glory
Rank is reduced by one from his School Rank. All Ronin characters must have at least 3 Points of Social Disadvantage. Characters
that fall below Glory Rank zero are hardly considered part of the Celestial Order.
Soft-Hearted (2 Points)
You have a profound respect for human life. Your conscience overcomes you whenever you are about to commit an act of inhumane
cruelty. Whenever you try to take a human life, you must make a Simple Willpower Roll against a TN of 20 or you cant follow
through with the Action. If you kill someone, all of your TNs are at +10 for the next full day, and you must somehow attempt
Spoiled (3 Points)
A Spoiled character is used to having the best of everything. Like the Compulsion Disadvantage, a Spoiled character must make a
Willpower roll to resist the object of their desire. If they succeed against a TN of 15 (or greater in instances where the object is of
extreme value) then the object is merely admired and jealously desired. However, if the character fails their roll, they must find a way
to acquire the item regardless of consequences, or at least (GMs discretion) find a similar copy. Obviously if the item in questions is
unique or very rare, like a daimyos sword, a duplicate will not work. In instances where a unique item or object is sought after the TN
should be exceptionally high. A spoiled character also desires people, and this is exceptionally difficult and abusive when the person
is already taken by another -servant, spouse, craftsman, or otherwise. This Disadvantage is akin to the Compulsion Disadvantage, with
less focus over what it is the character desires. Such is the way of a spoiled individual.
Sworn Enemy (2-5 Points)
The character has a sworn enemy who desires his death. Having the Sworn Enemy is worth 2 points: up to three additional points can
be gained if the sworn enemy is a higher rank (at one point per School Rank higher). See also the Nemesis Disdavantage, for a more
virulent type of Sworn Enemy.
Touch of the Void (2 Points)
Somewhere in your family line, your ancestors gained a close connedion to the Void which has manifested itself in you. While your
attunement allows you to use an extra point of Void a day, you are often unable to control your power. Each time you expend a
point of Void, all people (including yourself) within a five foot radius must roll their Willpower against a TN of your Void x 5. Those
who fail the roll feel the backlash of your power, becoming dizzy and disoriented. The effect lasts for as many turns as your Void
rank; during this time affected characters roll one fewer die on all rolls.
True Love (3 Points)
Finding true love in Rokugan can be a painful experience. Any character who takes True Love finds himself torn between his true
love and loyalty to his Clan, his sensei, and his family. Whenever he must choose between love and duty (to the Clan and/or family
sensei, daimyo, etc.), he must spend a Void Point to choose duty. Also, if he ever loses his True Loves favor, he may spend no Void
Points at all until he can gain the favor back.
Unhygienic (2 Points)
In addition to the considerable social stigma that comes from being cast out from a clan (or never having been accepted into a clan in
the first place), there are other stigmas attached to being a ronin. Many wave-men become so distraught over their lot in life that
simple matters of hygiene become trivial and unimportant to them. They go weeks and months without bathing, a practice incredibly
offensive to other samurai, who often bathe multiple times per day. A ronin with this disadvantage bathes very infrequently, and often
has a very unpleasant odor as well as a filthy appearance. He will be denied entrance to the court of virtually any clan, and keeps one
fewer die in social interactions with other samurai. Also, the incessant itching caused by this condition prevents the ronin from
benefiting from any Technique or Advantage that offers Free Raises on a Willpower roll. This disadvantage may be bought off with
experience points.
Unluck (3, 6, or 9 Points)
Any character with Unluck will find himself the victim of the GMS whim. For every 3 Points the character invests in Unluck, the
GM may - once per session - command the re-roll of any roll the character makes. It is possible to take both Luck and Unluck,
although not very bright and even harder to justify. A GM may not use Unluck on a roll the character has just re-rolled using the Luck
Advantage, and vice versa Characters with this Disadvantage are opening themselves up for more than just re-rolls. GMs should feel
free to make unlucky samurai the target of many midnight raids.

Vanity (1 Point)
You are gorgeous and/or brilliant - and you know it. The rest of the world doesnt always notice your clear superiority, though, so you
had better make sure they know the quality of person they are dealing with! Players should role-play out this Disadvantage, and GMs
should assign appropriate penalties based on how other characters react to the PC.
Victim of Darkness (2 points, 4 points for Moto)
Though you may not realize it, your bloodline is weak against the corruption of Fu Leng. You always receive the maximum amount of
Shadowlands Taint whenever you accumulate Shadowlands points. Rolls to resist accumulating Taint have a +5 TN penalty. Effects
which cure or prevent the Shadowlands Taint have no effect on you. If you ever contract the Taint, characters with the ability to sense
it gain a +5 bonus to their roll.
Watersnake (Naga Only, 4 Points)
This Naga is less able to survive above water than most of his kin. He must return to the water every 24 hours, or be completely
immersed in water (such as a cool bath) for at least an hour per day. Otherwise, all his TNs are increased by 5 until he fulfills this
requirement Note that the character must be fully immersed for the full hour once per day to ignore this penalty.
Weakness (5 Points)
You can reduce Agility, Awareness, Intelligence, Perception, Reflexes, Stamina, Strength, or Willpower by one point to gain 5
Character Points. You may not reduce a Trait below one, or by more than two levels. Increase in the chosen Trait are calculated from
the standard value. Example: Soshi Reyosu has an initial Agility value of 2, she chose Weakness (Agility); now her initial value his 1
but if she want to raise Agility from1 to 2 she must pay as if Agility his going from 2 to 3 (9 Experience Points).
Wrath of the Kami (3 Points per Element Chosen)
There is something about you that the spirits of Rokugan do not like. Perhaps your soul was born unclean, your ancestors wish to
show their disfavor of you, or you have offended them in some way. In any case, the kami of the Empire go out of their way to harm
you when they are directed to do so by a shugenja. Choose one or more elements. Any time a spell of any element chosen is cast to
harm or hinder you directly, the caster gains a Free Raise.
The Yogo Course (All Yogo, 0 Points) (Asako Only, 3 Points)
All characters from the Yogo family automatically have this Disadvantage. At the beginning of character creation, all Scorpion
characters roll one die, and re-roll any 10 as usual. If the roll is at least 15 (one ten and at least a five), they have inherited the Yogo
curse. Once in your life, you will betray the person you love the most. Some action, either intentional or unintentional, will cause that
person pain. The more you try to avoid it, the more painful the betrayal will be. Because of the curse, the Yogo family has been
forbidden to marry within the Scorpion Clan. However, true love rarely listens to rules, and taboo often breeds tragedy. Members of
the Asako family are closely related to the Yogo, a family within the Scorpion Clan. Although the two families have been parted since
the day of Yogos curse by Fu Leng during the First War, some members of the Asako family occasionally pop up with the terrible

Agasha (???-82?) Dragon Ancestor, 8 Points
Founder of the Dragon shugenja School, Agashas keen intellect and observation proved invaluable to her lord Togashi. She seemed
to have an almost intuitive knowledge of the natural world, speaking to animals was nearly second nature. Her years of isolation in the
mountains added to this understanding, and as she educated herself, she kept meticulous notes of her observations. Like her Phoenix
cousins, Agasha was opposed to violence in any form. Humanity is the only creature that argues, she once wrote, and the only
creature that can choose not to. Her life of peaceful observation was nearly put to an early end by an attack of goblins. They
kidnapped the shugenja and stole her away to the Shadowlands. Mirumotos son, Hojatsu, set off after them and rescued the shugenja
before they reached their destination. Plays and novels have taken this opportunity to introduce an element of romance between the
two, but there is no evidence to support it (she would have been nearly fifty at the time, and he would have been about nineteen).
Shugenja who choose Agasha as an Ancestor receive one Free Raise for casting any spell.
Agasha Kitsuki (798-829) Dragon Ancestor, 5 Points
As founder of the fourth Dragon family, Kitsuki is regarded with esteem just not the same degree of esteem his own ancestors
receive. Kitsuki is a relatively new Ancestor, and his shrine is still very new compared to the shrines of Mirumoto and Agasha.
Kitsukis successes in court intrigue (and frustrating failures) are the stuff legends are made of. His unorthodox tactics and relentless
pursuit of justice have made him a hero among the peasantry of Rokugan. Kitsukis skills of observation made him many enemies in
his lifetime, particularly among the Scorpion Clan. His conflicts with the Scorpions centered on one particular Bayushi. Her name was
Shiko, and she proved to be Kitsukis nemesis. Only recently, Doji Yosei has written a play about the two called Eyes and Ears. His
liberal interpretation of history has caused great concern among some Lions, but otherwise, it has proven to be a great success in the
Emperors court. Which brings up the matter of his death.Kitsuki died mysteriously after his final duel with Bayushi Shiko. The
Scorpion had gained sensitive information on a member of the Unicorn Clan involving mingling of samurai and peasant blood and
false documentation of birth records. She planned on using the information to blackmail the Unicorn daimyo into handing over
gaijin technology and magic. Kitsuki managed to get his hands on the documents after a stunning and heroic chase through the
Shinomen forest, only to learn the documents were false .. and poisoned. Kitsuki died with blackened fingers on the thirtieth day of
the Monkey. Those who purchase Kitsuki as an Ancestor may spend a Void point to entirely negate the effects of poison.
Agasha Nodotai (712-744) Dragon Ancestor, 3 Points
One of the foremost shugenja of the Dragon Clan, Nodotai was also a cunning strategist and a brilliant teacher. Born the son of two
samurai, Nodotai began training in the Mirumoto school, but at the age of nine he left to join the shugenja school. He continued to
study bushido, however, and his essays on the way of the warrior are some of the most beautiful and profound. As more and more
generals read his treatise, he was asked to speak in their courts. He was able to take the elusive passages in the Tao of Shinsei and
explain them with anecdotes and stories, illustrating them to samurai and shugenja alike with simplicity and clarity. At the battle of
White Stag, he served as personal advisor to the young Akodo Ukija, the Emperors general. He was killed during the battle by a rifle
shot. If he had been standing just a foot to the left, the Lion general would have met his own destiny, delivered by a shot of lead.
Nodotais family was adopted by Akodo Ukija (a widower himself). Nodotais death is remembered on the seventeenth day of the
Tortoise. When characters who choose Agasha Nodotai as an Ancestor are engaged in mass combat, they may move their position on
the chart by one position.
Akodo (???-???) Lion Ancestor, 10 Points
Supreme commander of the Emperors armies, author of the most important document on tactics and strategy, Akodo One-Eye was a
tall, powerful man who rejected the teachings of Shinsei and lived his entire life serving another. It could be said that Akodo is the
paramount of samurai virtue, and while that would be fair to the image of Akodo, it would not be fair to the man. Despite what many
say, Akodo did feel fear, doubt and even pity. He was not a stoic, heartless beast. He did love, although that love was never returned,
and he lost much during the war with his brother, Fu Leng. Lions who take Akodo as an ancestor gain his almost intuitive knowledge
of battle and tactics. When rolling on the battle chart, they may roll 2 dice and keep the one they like. Also, their Battle Skill is always
considered to be one Rank higher than it actually is (yes, this means they can have a Battle Skill of 11). Finally, the Leadership
Advantage costs 1 point less for Akodos descendants.
Akodo Godaigo (410-???) Lion Ancestor, -2 Points
Little is known about Godaigo, save that he commanded alongside Matsu Hitomi in her last war. There are many speculations as to
why he aligned himself with the Dragon instead of her, but these must remain speculations. It is known that his forces eventually
trapped her at Omoidoso Toshi. Godaigo and Hitomi last met at that village, and their moments together are only known by the
villagers. His betrayal of Hitomi is legendary, and different interpretations of the tale have led to many folk stories. Historians have no
record of Godaigos death, and there are those who say he is condemned to walk the earth forever, denied honor, denied rest, and
denied even death. He is a symbol of all betrayers, a dark stain on the honor of the Lion, and remembered only for his crime against
Hitomi, not the victories of his life. If Godaigo is your ancestor, then your elemental Rings and Glory rank can never be higher than
your Honor. If your Honor ever drops below the level of a Ring of Glory rank, then the Ring or Glory is considered equal to your
current honor rank until your honor raises back above the Ring or Glory level.
Akodo Shinju (???-73?) Lion Ancestor, 2 Points
Akodo Shinju (whose name means Pearl) was old One-Eyes best spy. It was said the man could impersonate the Hantei himself,
and not even the Emperors wife would suspect a thing. Shinjus father was a Lion, but his mother was a Shosuro Scorpion, and she
taught him everything he knew. When it came time for his gempukku, he begged for the right to join Akodos army. From that day
forward, the name Shinju has become synonymous with the word spy in the Lion armies. One tale of Shinjus expertise tells of a
time when Akodo faced an army led by three maho-tsukai. On the night before the battle, Shinju dressed in the uniform of the army
and snuck down into their command camp. The wounds across his chest were maple syrup and the gashes across his face were

Shosuro make-up, but they were convincing enough for the commanders. He handed to them a small piece of paper that read, In five
minutes, General Rijutsu will die. The lieutenant rushed the scrap of paper to Rijutsus tent ... and Akodo watched him from the top
of the hill. Then, Akodos shugenja awakened all the slumbering fire spirits that had been carefully concealed within that scrap of
paper. The fire could be seen from the east walls of Otosan Uchi. At that precise moment, Akodos army attacked. Without leadership,
their armies soon surrendered. Lions who take Shinju as an ancestor always receive a Heroic Opportunity on the Battle Table.
Amiku - Monk Ancestor, 4 Points
A former Ishiken, Amiku was shamed on the field of battle. During a skirmish, he attempted to use his abilities to alter the terrain and
thereby slowed a Lion charge. However, he lost control and became fascinated with the patterns of the universe interweaving
themselves. As a result of his failure, the Lion charge crashed into the Phoenix line, routing it. Amiku was devastated by his failure
and resigned from the Council of Elemental Masters. He believed that he had become too dependent on his Ishiken abilities and so
shaved his head and became a monk. His study of the Tao led him to realize that the fault was not his study of Void magic. Rather, he
saw that he focused only on the Ring of Void and had lost the perception of oneness with all other things. He spent the rest of his days
preaching a holistic view of the universe, and his claims that Shinsei himself saw the patterns of Void in all things (and thus reached
Enlightenment) remain controversial to this day. Characters with Amiku as an ancestor may spend 1 extra Void Point per action than
they are normally allowed.
Asahina Yajinden (475-515) Crane Ancestor, 3 Points
Asahina Yajinden was a shugenja of the Crane Clan who lived during the time of the luchiban bloodspeakers. Because his will was
weak and his thirst for knowledge and power was great, he turned from his brethren and became luchibans greatest lieutenant, taking
great strides in researching maho magic. Between the blood magic which luchiban practiced and his own cunning and skill
manipulating the malevolent spirits known as the kuei, or darkness within all things, Yajinden created the Bloodswords and other evil
items which were used by the armies of luchiban. Although his descendants say they can feel his spirit within their blood, it has been
whispered that Yajinden never truly died, but rather escaped to haunt the world until luchibans return. The exact date of his death has
been forgotten, and is never celebrated. Those who choose Yajinden as an ancestor have a remarkable affinity with kami, and get a
free raise anytime they attempt to create a fetish or magic item. However, the call of the darker side of nature is in their blood, and the
target number for them to be seduced is lowered by 10.
Asako (???-57?) Phoenix Ancestor, 4 Points
The original head of the Asako family was heartbroken by the sudden departure of her husband, Yogo, for Scorpion lands. Deep
down, she never forgot his betrayal, but she would never have grown into the charismatic and wise leader if his destiny had been
otherwise. Shiba showed her what it meant to he human, divulged The Gift to her, and opened up the Path of Man before her eyes. He
saved her life, and in return she became everything he told her she must become-dignitary, diplomat, mother, guide, leader, and
founder of one of the most secretive, enigmatic bushi schools in the Empire. She and her family helped build the Imperial Library in
Gisei Toshi, compiled hundreds of volumes of lore about the war with Fu Leng and everything that came after, and formed a
conscientious collective to care for the future of the entire world. But for all her efforts, she could not save her own son. Sagoten was
a difficult youth, and a spiteful, vindictive adult; where Asako never forgot her husband, Sagoten never forgave him. Even all of
Asakos bright and hopeful enthusiasm after Shibas return could not fully heal the wounds her sons unspent rage created. Asako did
not ascend to the realm of the Fortunes. Neither did she live on among the Fushihai. Her death came early on in the familys growth,
when their understanding of the Path was still young. They believe that she walks among them, however, or has since reincarnated
through the family again and proven herself worthy to join the gods. Those who choose Asako as an Ancestor gain her luck with
companions, in the form of a 6-point True Friend Advantage. The player may design another character to fill this role, as the GM
desires. They also inherit her sons wrathful nature, however, which results in the Brash Disadvantage. Should the PC ever be
betrayed by anyone, this becomes the Driven Disadvantage, and he will be devoted to their downfall thereafter.
Asako Hanasaku (98-153) Phoenix Ancestor, 4 points
Asako Hanasaku discovered much of what now fills the Asako libraries. His eclectic, almost esoteric research classified him as
dishonorable and aberrant, but the good work Hanasaku performed on his own body changed the very nature of study for the Asako.
Poisons, plants, fish, eggs, inks, blood, oils, and spices were ingested, scraped into the skin or otherwise consumed by Hanasaku in
order to discern their properties. His knack for understanding anything was a blessing to the Phoenix and the rest of Rokugan as a very
unfamiliar world was being explored. Hanasaku died while testing a rare, mold-colored poison - afterwards known as Jin-Hana
Saku poison. With a tiny drop on his tongue his body convulsed, and then his left arm went numb. As he recalled it to a scribe, he
said, It takes sour, like old rice milk. With his research complete, he drank a bit of sake to clean his mouth. Moments later, the body
of Hanasaku collapsed, and fell to the ground. He never woke. The samurai with Hanasaku as an ancestor is cursed with the
unquenchable desire to know what everything is. Anything undiscovered or unknown to the Asako is a new frontier to be tested. A
Willpower roll against the TN of 20 is necessary to resist the allure of trying anything new. However, Hanasakus knowledge of the
bizarre gives the samurai an automatic rank for all rolls involving Medicine, Poison, Herbalism, and all lore rolls involving strange
events and information. Buying rank one in any skill still requires the expenditure of one Character Point.
Asako Ingen (???-243)(275-312)(402-779) Phoenix Ancestor, 5 Points
Asako Ingen was the pioneer responsible for discovering and refining the initial ventures into the aspects of the Gift resulting in the
Fushihai (immortals), though most Asako do not realize this. He had been obsessed with the Path since he was first accepted into
the Henshin Academy over eight hundred years ago. Convinced that the Riddles were only the beginning of something far greater, he
embarked on a lifetimes-long journey to unravel their intricate puzzle. At the end of his life, Ingen finally managed to lay the
groundwork for the modern view of the Path, but died of old age before it could be completely realized. His last words were
reportedly I would be as a god! Some 32 years later, another great Asako thinker, Reisha, became enraptured with the idea of
solving the Paths pattern. Although he showed incredible acumen with the higher dynamics, his promise was nipped in the bud when
he was killed during a surprise Crane attack. His last words, as well, were said to be I would be as a god! Six hundred years ago, yet

another Asako, known as Beiwa, made productive inroads into the field of research. This time, he was successful. The gates to the
next level of humanitys existence were flung open, and Beiwa stepped through. He freely gave his insights to the Asako family, and
directed formally the portion of the Academy dedicated to the Final Mystery for almost four hundred years. He died under mysterious
circumstances in the year 779. (Many believe it was the result of poison.) His last words were I would be as a god!. No one has
reported those words among the Asako since that day. Those with Ingen as an Ancestor are always considered to be 1 School Rank
higher for all purposes when using Riddles.
Bayushi (???-76?) Scorpion Ancestor, 5 Points
You cannot talk about Bayushi without also talking about Shosuro. - Bayushi Ubane
It is said the progenitor of the Scorpion Clan wept only once in his life: on the day he watched his daughter march into the
Shadowlands. His new companions served him faithfully and without question, but as his son Bayushi Ubane once wrote. Soshi was
not Shosuro. Thirty years after Shosuro walked into the Shadowlands. Bayushi disappeared. All he left behind was his mask and a
single strip of paper, both found by his son. The paper read. I have lost her forever. Scorpions who take Bayushi as an ancestor have
both a blessing and a curse. They gain a kind of Kharmic Tie with one other character (NPC or otherwise) that allows the two to use
each others Void Points at will. If one of characters dies, however, the other character may never use Void Points again.
Bayushi Tangen (147-170) Scorpion Ancestor, 2 Points
The author of Lies and Little Truths, Tangen was one of the most successlul and popular daimyos in Scorpion history. His death
caused as much controversy as his life At the age of thirty-three, Tangen suddenly dropped dead in the middle of Akodo Hiyorimis
court. It occurred during an argument over his work, shortly after he had presented it to the Emperor. The Lions called the whole work
treasonous, but Tangen supported it, saying There is not a single lie on those pages. In the middle of all the excitement, Tangen
suddenly stopped, grasped his left arm and fell to the floor, dead. Chaos erupted. His supporters claimed he had heen poisoned.
Hiyorimi claimed assassins caused the death to put the blame on the Lion house. Cranes whispered tales of ninja within the Scorpion
Clan who did not trust their own master, or were angry at him for giving away their secrets, while the Phoenix proclaimed it was the
will of the Fortunes. The cause of Tangens mysterious death is disputed to this day. Scorpions who take Tangen as an Ancestor
automatically have the Disadvantage Cant Lie. However, this character always needs 10 less Insight to gain his next School Rank.
Bayushi Tesaguri (415-545) Scorpion Ancestor, 2 Points
Bayushi Junzen daimyo of the Scorpion Clan, did not trust the Yogo family. He took the third, fourth anf fifth Black Scroll from their
possession and entrusted them to his son, Tesaguri. The boy had proven himself time after time in battle. He was an accomplished
shugenja and a brilliant strategist. Unfortunately, Junzen trusted his son a little too much. Within days of receiving the scrolls,
Tesaguri took advantage of his fathers trust, sold them to the Phoenix Clan, and replaced them with forgeries, thinking no one would
ever notice. Ichinore, the daimyo of the Yogo family noticed. He informed Junzen and the boy was called in to validate the Yogos
story. Once Tesaguri learned his trick had been discovered, he ran. But he didnt get far. He was caught in the place that is now known
as Traitor Grove. There, the Yogo family tied him to a tree and trapped his soul within it forever. Samurai who take Tesaguri as an
Ancestor are always paid 50% more gold for any service they perform. They also receive finer gifts than they deserve. On the other
hand, they cant keep a secret. If they ever learn a secret, they will spill it the first chance they get.
Chiroru - Ronin Ancestor, 5 Points
During the final battle against luchiban at Sleeping River, Chiroru led the assault team of ronin sent ahead of the armies of the clans.
After his death, Chirorus spirit was offered a place in the Fox Clan, but refused. My brothers died without a clan, Kitsune-sama, he
said. If I arrive in Toshigoku wearing your mon, they will not know me. For his honor and bravery, the Fox built a monument to his
memory at Sleeping River Plain, and donated funds to his wife and family sufficient for them to build a small home in the territory
between Unicorn and Dragon territories. Descendants of the proud ronin survive to this day. Some of them live in the City of the Rich
Frog, while others have ventured out to various other locations throughout Rokugan. A descendant of Chiroru can draw upon his
steadfast loyalty, forming a special bond with those that fight by his side. Such a character may name a number of his friends and
allies equal to his Honor as brothers or sisters. Whenever one of these siblings is in danger, the character is immediately aware.
The ancestor does not provide the location, distance, or the nature of the danger, only the identity of the brother or sister who is
threatened. If the brother or sister is not aware of the danger, the ancestor does not function. (Its not precognition). Chirorus benefits
fade if the character ever swears fealty to a clan.
Daidoji Masashigi (690-715) Crane Ancestor, 7 Points
Daidoji Masashigi is the daimyo of the Daidoji family who left his palace to defend the landbridge with a handful of samurai. His
descendants are among the most celebrated in the Daidoji lineage. Each year, on the sixteenth day of the month of the Dragon, (the
anniversary of his death), his descendants gather at the shrine and do homage to his memory. A character with this ancestor gains a
Major Ally in the Crab house, and their TN to Be Hit is increased by 3 for each Wound Rank they take after the first. For example, a
character with Daidoji Masashigi as their ancestor would have a +6 to their TN to Be Hit if they were at the +6 Wound Rank.
Daidoji Yohko (???-???) Crane Ancestor, -3 Points
Hayaku returned from the Shadowlands leaning on the shoulder of a tall girl in gray armor, who spoke for him when words were
needed. After returning the blade, Daidoji Hayaku began planning their wedding. One of his fathers retainers expressed doubt about a
girl he met in the Shadowlands and demanded to know her familys name. The voiceless Hayaku wrote, Her name is Daidoji
Yohko. Moto Tsume is wrong about Hayaku never asking her crime. As all Daidoji daimyo learn, Hayaku knew very well that his
beloved was thrown out of the Hida for using maho to defend her family during the First War. He also knew that she despised Fu
Leng to the bottom of her soul. For a thousand years, the Daidoji have hid the secret of their founding mothers Taint and name.
Characters with Daidoji Yohko as an ancestor inherit her devotion, and cannot be affected by fear as long as they are aiding someone
else. However, they can never knowingly abandon someone who needs their help. This includes championing courtiers in duels
(whether or not you agree with them), always being the last to leave a battlefield of retreating men, and pursuing friends lost to the
Daidoji Yurei (960-998) Crane Ancestor, 5 Points
Daidoji Yurei, an ancient daimyo of the Daidoji family, was also called Chiyurei (the Bloodghost) by his enemies. Born on the
battlefield as the Crane nobles fled Shiro no Yojin and the oncoming Lion, Daidoji Yurei became one of Rokugans most feared
generals. It was rumored by the peasants that Yurei was inhabited by the spirits of all the samurai who died on that battlefield, and
certainly he maintained an uncompromising hatred of the Lion Clan all his life. Dedicating himself to crushing the Lion, Yurei was
the first general to use guerrilla tactics, dividing his army into small units and using ambushes to outmaneuver and whittle down his
opponents resources, leaving them stranded with no aid and no hope of retreat Yurei died in combat against the Lion, and his valiant
death is remembered each year on the ninth day of the month of the Dog. A descendant of this ruthless general can roll but not keep an
additional number of dice equal to their Fire when they make the contested Perception/Battle roll to determine which side is
winning in a battle.
Doji, Lady (???-???) Crane Ancestor, 6 Points
Lady Doji is the founder of the Crane household, as well as creator of culture and civilization. Her wisdom during the foundation of
the Emerald Empire shaped the nature of Rokugan diplomacy and interaction, as well as revolutionizing the use of language and
inventing its written form. Lady Doji was the mother of the arts, as well, and helped to invent many of the techniques which are still
used by the Kakita Academy. Characters who choose Lady Doji as an ancestor are considered to have a Rank equal to the associated
Trait in all High Skills (excluding Horsemanship, Investigation, Lore and Medicine). But they cannot call Raises and re-roll 10s. If
the character wishes to advance in a High Skill, they must begin from rank 1. Of all the original Kami, Lady Doji was perhaps the
least mysterious. She spent her life surrounded by her courtiers, building the language and traditions which lived long past her death.
Her life is celebrated by all the Clans of Rokugan by Imperial Edict, on the first day of the month of the Crane.
Doji Hatsuo (136-183) Crane and Imperial Ancestor, 8 points
Doji Hatsuo, together with Soshi Saibankan, founded the Emerald Magistrates to enforce the laws of the Son of Heaven and later
assembled the first Emerald Legion. Hatsuo took his role as the Emperors champion very seriously, and was known for his devotion
to justice and impartiality. His spirit still watches over his descendants and those magistrates or legiounaires who extol the virtues he
held so dear. A character with a bond to Doji Hatsuo may meditate one full hour each morning when the sun rises. Those that do so
gain a number of bonus Void points equal to their School Rank. These Void points may be used on any Courtier, Heraldry,
Investigation, or Law rolls. Bonus Void points not used are lost by the next sunrise. (Any character who is a member of the Imperial
Legions may also choose Doji Hatsuo as an ancestor.)
Doji Hotei (539-582) Crane Ancestor, 4 Points
Doji Hotei was once the Champion of the Crane Clan. Although happily married for a number of years, he had no children. When his
wife died, he went mad, abdicating the position of Champion to his younger brother, Kukojin, who was the Emerald Champion at the
time. In the dark of the night, Hotei took one horse and his daisho, and left his ancestral home. Beside him, despite his curses and
commands, rode two faithful samurai (Sanzo and Panjuo), who were determined to protect him from his own folly. Hotei traveled
Rokugan for years, claiming that his wife had sent him on a great quest. In his madness, he challenged towering trees to duels and
held court before flocks of doves on the beach. His past glorious deeds were forgotten in time and he became an object of ridicule and
scorn among Rokugan, even in the court of his own brother. Many years later when the Crane went to war with the Lion, Akodo
Shakato had victory within his grasp. The troops of the Crane were retreating in fear before the mighty army of the Lion, and all hope
was lost. Kakita palace seemed an easy target for the invading general. Suddenly, from behind the Crane lines charged an old man and
two aging samurai. When the Crane saw the Lions falling before the blade of the madman; they rallied, and won the day. Doji Hotei
died on that battlefield, surrounded by Lion samurai, his two brave retainers by his side. A shrine to his soul was erected on the Kakita
plains, and his daisho still rests where he fell. A character which chooses Hotei as an ancestor gains a minor insanity which may
surface periodically during their life. This insanity should be somewhat debilitating, and triggered by some outside influence: a
spouses death, going into battle, being called a coward, seeing a chickens head. It is up to the Gamemasters twisted imagination to
decide exactly what the insanity is and what triggers it (as well as how often), but it should be appropriate to the character.
Descendants of Doji Hotei may spend a Void point in combat to ignore all wounds for one round. They still suffer damage; it simply
doesnt affect them right away. The player must declare before the round begins if he wishes to use this ability. Hotei is remembered
on the last day of the month of the Horse.
Doji Nio (???-179) Crane or Imperial Ancestor, 4 points
Doji Nio was the eldest son of Doji and Kakita, and is regarded as one of the greatest poets and calligraphers in history. Though only
one of his original works survives to this day (My Mother, the World), copies of his poems and essays grace nearly every library in
Rokugan. The basic elements of Rokugani art and poetry were inspired by Nios innovations, and many view him as one of the fathers
of the Empires culture. Descendants of Doji Nio may spend any amount of Void Points when making any skill rolls involving High
Doji Taehime (680-745) Crane Ancestor, 5 Points
Doji Taehime was the ambassador of the Crane to the Scorpion court. Her skill at discovering falsehoods and uncovering plots were
unmatched, and many in the court of the Bayushi called her the Poison Crane. When she was offered a position of some rank in the
Imperial Court, she refused it, claiming that she served the Emperor far better where she was. None disputed her. It is claimed that she
held many of the most cherished secrets of the Scorpion daimyo, Bayushi Riozu, and that the two were secretly lovers. Taehime died
an old woman, and her possessions - as per her will - were sealed into an iron box and buried somewhere beneath the walls of Kakita
palace. Let all my knowledge go to my family, she wrote, but let no man betray my trust to the Lord who has been my host for so
many year. To this day, no one knows what secrets she uncovered, for she kept her faith with both the Crane and the enigmatic
Scorpion daimyo. When making a roll using Persuasion, Manipulation or Etiquette skills, descendants of Doji Taehime may add (but
not keep) an additional number of dice equal to their Void. They must spend a Void point in order to do this. However, a descendant
of Taehime may never reveal all they know about any topic, lest their ancestor strike them with sudden ill fortune for their wagging

tongue. The exact date of Taehimes death is recorded differently in three different texts, and each is arguably correct. Scholars have
spent three hundred years trying to verify the precise day, but to little avail. Thus, her death is celebrated by general consensus on
either the fifth day of the month of the Rooster, or the first day of the month of the Monkey.
Gusai - Mantis Ancestor, 3 Points
Gusai was the first, and shortest.lived, daimyo of the Mantis Clan. His bravery and brashness won the Mantis their place in the records
of Minor Clans, but also cost Gusai his life. While there are those who would revile Gusai for his tactics, the Mantis revere him as an
unsung hero. For three generations, the Mantis bore the family name Gusai, before it was stripped from them by Imperial Decree.
Those samurai who are descended from Gusai do not brag of their lineage, even to other Mantis. To do so would be to cast shame
upon the name that had been taken from them. Instead, they revere Gusai in silence, dedicating their lives to his vision of the Mantis
as a Great Clan in the Empire. One day, perhaps, that vision will come true. A descendant of Gusai can never be completely stripped
of weapons, unless they choose to be. No matter how well searched, unless they are completely naked, the Mantis will always be able
to conceal some weapon (tanto or smaller). They may also spend a Void point to conceal a single other item, so long as it could be
carried in the palm of the Mantiss hand. All descendants of Gusai automatically have the disadvantage Brash, for no points.
Hayabusa - Falcon Ancestor, 5 Points
Long ago, a maddened peasant attacked an Imperial entourage. The farmer Hayabusa, waiting outside the sake house for handouts,
saw something hidden in the shadows. Hayabusa watched the attacker steal into the window of the advisors chambers, and he knew
that unless he acted immediately, the killer would succeed. With a shriek of fear and fury the farmer leapt through the window,
slashing at the assassin with the kama he used to harvest grain. Incredibly his strikes found home and the assassin died, butchered by
the crazed Hayabusa. However, the killers aiguchi caught the farmers neck. While the cut itself would not have killed Hayabusa, the
poison coating the blade did. Characters who have Hayabusa as an ancestor gain the ability to roll (but not keep) an additional die for
rolls involving Awareness.
Hida (???-210?) Crab Ancestor, 10 Points
The first Crab, the primal warrior, the patriarch of the guardians of Rokugan, Hida is the paramount of strength and stamina. He was
the embodiment of pure power and raw emotional rampage. It is said that Hida once wrestled an oni to the ground with his bare hands,
ripping it apart with his fingers and teeth. When Hida sent away his only son with Shinsei to walk in the Shadowlands, the Crab was
convinced he would see his son again. None of the other Thunders would return, but Hidas son would certainly have the strength to
survive whatever challenges Fu Leng would throw at them. Of course, only Shosuro returned, and died on the Emperors throne room.
Hida had no chance to learn his sons fate, and that fact haunted him his entire life. Legend says that Hida lived to be two hundred and
ten years old. Of course, Lion historians view this to be an apocryphal fact. Crabs could care less. If Hida wanted to live to be a
thousand years old, they say, he could have. Nonetheless, when Hida had reached this venerable age, he rose from his throne, took his
tetsubo in hand and announced that he was going to find his lost son. No-one questioned his judgment. On that day, the greatest Crab
who ever lived walked through the gates of Kaiu castle, calling out his sons name. He was never seen again. Characters who take the
primal Hida as an Ancestor gain a great benefit and a great burden. Those who carry the soul of Hida within them gain an additional
Void point for each Crab who stands with them. Likewise, those Crabs who stand with him in combat gain an additional Void point.
However, the character also takes a Wound point each time one of his fellow Crabs is wounded.
Hida Akemi (120-168?) Crab Ancestor, 4 Points
Akemi was the fifth daimyo of the Crab, and today at Kaiu Shiro, she is still venerated as the protector of Crab women. However, at
the Hida, Ikoma and Asako libraries, she remains relegated to the back shelf of early samurai-ko history, due to her colorful and
somewhat eccentric character. The Shadowlands rarely attacked on the battlefield during her reign, and the Crab lost ground both
times, for Akemi was a far better fighter than a general. In her personal life, she was justifiably paranoid, for she frequently had to
defend herself and her position in her loveless marriage to the Clan Champion, Hida Kugen. Too small to wear more than the
breastplate, skirt and helmet of the enormous clan ancestral armor, she deliberately left it open in the back during her pregnancies to
tempt assassins. At night, she slept blindfolded beneath a sword hanging by a silk thread to keep herself constantly alert, and refused
to drink water, preferring ginseng, green tea, and energizing Kuni concoctions. She survived twenty-one assassination attempts by
Tainted and possessed bushi, and put down an oni-inspired coup with the deaths of thirty-one samurai in a two-week period. Akemi
was suspected of improper conduct with Kuni Jisso, for he was alone with her frequently, supposedly to stave off her asthma attacks
with prayers to Jurojin. After his death, her own soon followed; she was playing in a pile of leaves with her grandchildren when an
asthma episode led to heart failure. She stabbed a nearby tree with her tanto, hissed, Execute the traitor, and died. The tree was
executed. Those with Hida Akemi as an Ancestor receive two extra damage dice to roll against any opponent more than twice their
weight, and +2 to their Initiative if fighting in an enclosed space such as a corridor, privy, or bath-house.
Hida Atarasi (???-???) Crab Ancestor, -5 Points
When Hida Atarasi left with the Seven Thunders, his wife was pregnant, and his twin sons were born the very day his mother killed
herself. The boys grew up to be the chief retainers of their uncle Osano-wo, then disappeared into the Shadowlands some time during
the troll wars. Though no one knows it, they were the first humans Atarasi recruited after he rose from the almost-dead to drink Fu
Lengs blood. Unlike most Ancestors, Atarasi is not yet dead, but his descendants remain tied to his spirit, and bear his curse. Those
with Hida Atarasi as an Ancestor are doomed to eventually go over to Fu Leng. They may fight it for years, and do a lot of good in the
world first, but eventually, no matter how they try to get around it, they will join the forces of the Shadowlands.
Hida Banuken (684-739) Crab Ancestor, 2 Points
Hida Banuken was daimyo of the Crab Clan during the Battle of the Cresting Wave, and orchestrated the defense of Rokugan from the
terrible army of the Maw. He rallied the forces of several clans and oversaw the Crabs miraculous construction of the Kaiu wall.
Those who choose Hida Banuken as an Ancestor are able to adapt their own strengths to complement the strengths of others. When
they fight side by side with another, they may strike simultaneously with their ally, regardless of initiative rolls, and vice versa. The
ally must be determined before initiative rolls are made.
Hida Tadaka (376-412) Crab Ancestor, 4 Points
Characters who take Hida Tadaka as an ancestor feel his selfless sacrifice in their veins. They may lend Wound points to other Crab
characters. They may also lend Wound points to non-Crab personalities, but this costs them a Void point. The character must be
touched in order to pass on the spirit of the Crab. He may transfer as many wound points as he wishes, but he loses any Wound
points he transfers-mark them off as you would any normal injury.
Hido - Monk Ancestor, 3 Points
Prior to becoming a monk, Hido was a Crab bushi who led many expeditions into the Shadowlands. He became proud of his
accomplishments and came to believe that there was nothing Fu Leng could throw at him he could not defeat, He was very wrong. As
he returned triumphant from his last expedition, his party met a wounded samurai-ko just south of the Kaiu Wall. She told him that
she had been attacked and the rest of her group slaughtered. The beasts responsible had moved on and were probably at the Wall
already. Hido led his troops forward and was attacked from behind as the treacherous samurai-ko turned out to be an oni in disguise. It
fell upon his men and killed a third of them before they realized what had happened. Hidos entire regiment was slaughtered in the
ensuing battle with the Dark Lords foul servant, and be barely escaped with his life. The oni took his right hand before succumbing.
Shattered by the loss of his troops and his sword hand, and shamed that he had been so easily deceived, Hido begged his lord for
permission to commit seppuku. He was denied, but was allowed to become a monk. Hido became renowned for preaching the virtues
of humility and careful examination of a situation before deciding on the truth. Characters with Hido as an ancestor get a Free Raise to
any Perception roll.
Hiro - Ronin Ancestor, 3 Points
Hiro considered himself a clever rogue, hero of the peasants, and brave antagonist of samurai everywhere. In reality, Hiro was a
cutthroat, notorious bandit lord. He was utterly ruthless. Those who defied him, died. Magistrates who hunted him were hunted in turn
by the horde that followed him. Hiro was not loved by the masses; he was hated and feared by everyone, even his own men. Only the
fact that he was a tactical genius and brilliant criminal mastermind kept his own followers from rebelling against him. At the height of
his power, it is believed that Hiro led over one thousand bandits from a fortress deep in the Spine of the World mountain range. He is
said to have been the founder of the Forest-Killers, and the creator of their deadly technique. In time, the full weight of the Imperial
Legions were leveled against Hiros fortress. Hiros men fled or were slain. Hiro died alone. riddled with arrows, but with his yumi in
his hand and a smile on his face. Hiros final shot had slain the Emerald Champion. Hiro had many liaisons, and left many children to
carry on his name. Characters with a kharmic tie to the bandit lord roll and keep an extra die on all rolls to influence others by
intimidation or coercion. Descendants of Hiro automatically have their Honor reduced to zero. If their Honor ever rises above one, the
benefits of this ancestor depart forever.
Hiruma (???-127?) Crab Ancestor, 5 Points
The quick-footed and quick-witted Hiruma is the archetypical Rokugani hunter. Tales of his exploits in the Shadowlands border
between inhuman bravery and foolhardy bravado. Those who choose Hiruma as an Ancestor can re-roll any roll by expending a Void
Point. This may only be done a number of times per day equal to the characters Void Rank.
Ichiro Fureheshu (422-462) Badger Ancestor, 3 Points
During his life Fureheshu was the strongest man in the province, perhaps in all of Rokugan. it is written that he could wrestle a
charging bull to a complete stop. Although skilled and intelligent, he repeatedly refused promotion, and remained a simple bushi all
his life. He was calm and soft-spoken, preferring to let his actions speak for him. Fureheshu died several months before his scheduled
retirement. A huge oni somehow found its way to the province and the entire clan was mobilized to track it down. Fureheshu found it
first and rushed to engage. In the ensuing struggle, Fureheshu crushed the creatures skull with his bare hands as the abomination
broke his back. Once per day, someone with Fureheshu as an ancestor may substitute his or her Strength for any attribute roll.
Ide (???-???) Unicorn Ancestor, 4 Points
Ide was a peaceable man, and an extraordinary diplomat. His demeanor was so cordial that he was chosen to be the voice of Shinjo in
all dealings with strangers. It is said that although he wore the daisho in camp, he never drew either his katana or his wakizashi. When
he met with foreigners, he left his daisho in the hands of a loyal retainer who understood that if the weapons were drawn, the only
blood they would spill would be the retainers. It is due to the influence of Ide that the Unicorn were able to move through so many
strange lands without warring all the time. Those who choose Ide as an ancestor have a powerful ability: as long as they wear neither
weapon nor armor, anyone attacking them must first make a Contested roll. The attacker rolls their Willpower and the Unicorn rolls
their Honor. If the attacker rolls higher, he may attack normally. If he fails (the Unicorn rolls higher), be cannot attack that character
this round.
Ikoma (???-82?) Lion Ancestor, 2 Points
Akodos karo, old Ikoma was an advisor, historian, judge, storyteller and (most importantly) Akodos closest friend. Ikoma never
married, and he was the first one to say, A samurai has room in his heart only for his lord. Akodo called him Migite (Right
Hand), and he was certainly that. Ikoma died a quiet death in a geisha house just on the outskirts of Crane territory. I want to be
surrounded by beautiful women when I die. And they will serve me sweet sake and sing me songs, and listen as I recount all the tales
of my valor, honor and glory, and they will believe every word I tell them. That is how I want to die. Ikomas death is celebrated on
the fourteenth day of the Monkey. Men are not allowed to venerate him. Instead, they pay geisha to bring sake, rice and sushi to
Ikomas shrine. The women stay there all day, quietly listening to the old mans stories. Lions who take Ikoma as an ancestor inherit
the old mans keen intuition and understanding of the patterns of life. Once a game session, they may ask the Game Master a single
yes-or-no question about their current situation in the game. The GM must answer honestly.
Isawa Akuma (250-283) Phoenix Ancestor, 3 Points
Centuries ago, the shugenja known as Isawa Akuma sought to discover the secrets of identity. He spent years studying within the Kuni
and Imperial Libraries, went to the Kitsuki for advice, and even spent time at the Kaiu Wall, observing the dark legions of the

Shadowlands and, in particular, the beings known as oni. Eventually, he discovered that his goal would be out of reach within the
known Empire. He had to take drastic steps if he was going to unlock the arcane secrets of the unique being. He prepared for weeks,
and then - despite the fervent warnings of the Crab - ventured into the Dark Realm of Fu Leng. No one would ever see Isawa Akuma
again. For years, he traveled the blighted countryside, capturing small, less powerful Oni for interrogation and examination, and
avoiding and observing the truly terrible ones. He was convinced that the knowledge he desired rested in those creatures, and with the
abundance of them beyond the wall, he hoped one of them might have it. He did find his answers, but only after an Oni whose power
and cunning he had underestimated taught it to him. The Oni stole his name, stripping him of exactly what he had been seeking all
those years. Broken and unhinged, Isawa Akuma wandered the Shadowlands and beyond until he was unceremoniously killed by one
of the same Kuni who had warned him of the dangers of his quest. Those choosing Akuma as an Ancestor gain Free Raises equal to
their Void when combating Oni, but are also born into only the lowest social climates (acquiring a 3-point Social Disadvantage
without cost) as a result of his fall.
Isawa Ijime (601-649) Phoenix Ancestor, -3 Points
Ijime was born to a Shiba to a very large uncaring family. As the youngest daughter to many older boys she quickly became the target
of ridicule and abuse. Growing without love or attention, Ijime built imaginary places in her mind that she could retreat to, when the
weight of the world seemed too much to bear. By the age of 8 she came to realize that her powers of perception allowed her not only
create an imaginary world in her mind, but she was also able to manifest the images into the air and manipulate them for others to see.
She hid the talent away fearing more scorn from her family, but one day while a Magistrate was visiting, her powers displayed
themselves without her control. The dancing world of tiny butterflies and beetles sparked and whistled before the Magistrate. The
Magistrate summoned the family and asked if this childs gift was being advanced through training. At the age of nine, she was well
past the age of training as an Isawa. When none would speak, the Magistrate surmised the problem, swept up the young Ijime upon his
horse. She never saw her family again. Ijime was brought to the Isawa and was trained as if she had been learning all along,with no
special treatment. She was expected to do the work required to catch up. At the age of 16, when she was finally prepared for her
gempukku, Ijime died from a rupture in her head. When her body was found, blood trickled from her ear, and the snarl on her face
painted the picture of abuse and anger. Her powers of magic would never be fully known by the Phoenix. With honor, her body was
consigned to the fire. Anyone taking Ijime as an ancestor is constantly haunted by images of a dark imaginary world beyond the realm
of what Rokugani consider normal. This unbalancing euphoria may unhinge a samurai and cause them distress in formal settings.
All contested rolls have an increased TN of 5, and all social rolls require a TN increase of 10. Dueling is done as if the Void of the
samurai is one lower, and all meditation attempts are at a TN of 40! However, they are able to glean insight into perplexing situations.
The samurai receives a one die bonus to all skills involving puzzles, investigations, and other unsolvables.
Isawa Takao (465-489) Phoenix Ancestor, 2 Points
The spirit of Isawa Takao is a fierce impetuous force that guides the hand of his descendants and impels their actions. The brash
nature of this spirit is what led him to his death some 500 years ago. Isawa Takao was an amazing Master of Fire. At his peak of
power, some 18 years of age, he had far exceeded the expectations of his many senseis. At the age of 21, he was the Master of Fire
and was deciding the course of events for the Isawa. The remaining Masters of the Elements found his methods rash and immature,
but his station afforded him some leeway. When Takao was 24 he sought to prove the might of the Oracle of Fire and challenged him
to a duel. He swore his powers would command and dominate the Chosen in ways none had known before. When the time came, a
giant tower of fire rose from the earth, and licked at the sky. For miles the fires could be seen, and for many, many moments, the fire
swayed and Isawa Takao watched it dance. It seemed as if forever nothing was happening. as if the Oracle of Fire were caught in a
trance. And then suddenly Takao stepped forward into the fire and was consumed by it: quickly the fire disappeared into nothing. The
world fell silent as the Master of Fire was no more. Anyone taking Isawa Takao as ancestor may roll one extra die when casting fire
spells, but is assumed to have the Brash disadvantage in addition to all other disadvantages. If the samurai already has the Brash
disadvantage then all honor tests have a TN of 35.
Iuchi (???-200?) Unicorn Ancestor, 3 Points
luchi was one of the most resourceful shugenja in early Rokugan. He learned quickly from gaijin magic, and adapted it to his own
metaphysical understandings. In the Burning Sands he carefully studied the alchemists views of the elements, and how they
interacted. This knowledge he was able to adapt to his teachings, making him even more resourceful. Once a day, characters with
luchi as an ancestor may use their Void in the place of any other Ring when casting spells.
Iuchi Atesoro (354-418) Unicorn Ancestor, 6 Points
Iuchi Atesoro was the first of the luchi family to pursue a life as a bushi instead of a shugenja. While there were bushi adopted into the
family, Atesoro was the first male descendant to take that path. Atesoro never wore armor (the family having at that time no retainers
skilled in armoring), and thus was forced to find other ways to defend himself. He adapted the mysterious luchi shugenja schooling to
his martial training, and eventually became a master of seeming to be where he wasnt. Tales tell of him charging a large group of
barbarian archers, weaving and dodging his way while the arrows fell about him like rain. Unfortunately, his technique has been lost
over the years, but those with a close kharmic tie to him can occasionally display a shadow of his talent. Characters with Atesoro as an
ancestor may dodge arrows and other projectiles. Characters who fire arrows (or other ranged attacks) at this character do so as if this
character were at Full Defense, even if he is performing a Full Attack.
Kaimetsu-uo - Mantis Ancestor, 5 Points
Hida Kaimetsu~uo was the son of Osano-wo and a Matsu daimyo, who was denied his rightful place of honor within the Crab Clan.
When his mother took her son and left for the Islands of Silk, Kaimetsu-uo renounced his name and ties to his fathers clan. He is
depicted in story and song as having been very much like his father; a volatile man who believed in action, not words, and whose
temper was legendary. Descendants of Kaimetsu-uo inherit their ancestors nasty disposition. and can be easily provoked to combat
with insults. However, their will is indomitable. They gain one free Void Point to spend on any tests involving Willpower, save those
tests which would allow him to avoid combat.

Kaiu (???-???) Crab Ancestor, 5 Points
Kaiu the blacksmith was one of the original followers of Hida: he forged the weapons which the Crah used against the Shadowlands,
including the mighty Chikara. In reward for his service, he was granted his own family line. Characters who choose Kaiu as an
Ancestor gain a number of free Raises equal to their Void when using any Craft Skill.
Kaiu Gineza (459-511?) Crab Ancestor, 1 Point
Kaiu Gineza helped construct the original Tomb of luchiban. When it was completed, he opted to remain within the tomb and set the
remaining trap, knowing that he would ultimately perish there. Characters who choose Gineza as an Ancestor may sacrifice their own
Wound points to inflict additional Wound points to creatures and characters with the Shadowlands Taint. Before damage is rolled, the
character can sacrifice a number of Wounds less than or equal to his Earth. The target creature or character takes as many Wounds as
were sacrificed by the character, on top of whatever damage was inflicted on it from other sources. Ginezas ability can cause Wounds
to creatures with Invulnerability.
Kaiu Anou (282-337) Crab and Imperial Ancestor, 3 points
Perhaps the most gifted architect that Rokugan has ever seen, Kaiu Anous prowess in the art of design and siege was unquestionable.
He played a role in the design of several notable Crab structures, and oversaw the rebuilding of Hiruma Castle after the failed siege in
the year 314. Granted the vassal family name Anon, his descendants went on to be absorbed into the Miya family, although there are
some among the Kaiu who can trace their ancestry to him as well. All of Anous descendants receive his keen insight into the design
of strongholds of all types. They receive a number of Free Raises per day equal to their Void Ring, which may be used on any Battle,
Engineering or Siege roll that involves structures of any sort.
Kakita (???-??? Age 39) Crane Ancestor, 15 Points
Those who are descended directly from the first Kakita are not unusual, but those who have the spirit of his blood in their veins are
rare indeed, and they often find along with it the love of the sword. The direct line of Kakita is not merely the blood which became the
Doji, Kakita and Daidoji, but is in fact the pure lineage of the first Kakita to walk upon the earth, in the time of the children of
Amaterasu. Technically, all the children of the Kakita, Doji, and Daidoji lines are descended from Kakita, but those who purchase this
ancestor have a strong kharmic tie between their character and the ancestor. The blood of Kakita is a tremendous burden, although it
brings with it great courage and an illustrious history. Kakita is said to have been the greatest single swordsman ever to have lived; his
fame and his treatise on swordplay have spread through Rokugan and become the doctrine of the sword. The descendant of Kakita
may choose to re-roll any failed roll once per day, in or out of combat, including an iaijutsu strike. In place of the initial skill used for
this reroll, the character should substitute their Iaijutsu skill level. Further, if the descendant of Kakita is defending the Emperor, the
Doji noble family or a member of the Hantei house, they have a +10 to their TN to be hit in any combat, including iaijutsu duels. The
blood of Kakita has its drawbacks, however, as Kakita was not loved by all. The enemies he made in the Matsu house are well-known,
and even today the Matsu family still seeks to avenge the dishonor to their ancestress. To avenge her is to destroy the original, direct
line of Kakita himself, wiping out the last of the taint which dishonored the Mother of their line. Relations with any Lion will be
difficult at best, and children of the Matsu house will seek the character out in order to kill him and avenge their ancestor. The Kakita
descendants battle prowess will be tested, their honor challenged, and they will never find solace in the house of the Lion. In effect,
the entire Clan hates her, although only the Matsus act without provocation. But woe if you provoke a Lion. You may find yourself
facing more than a challenge - you may be facing an execution. Treat the character as if she hase the disadvantage Sworn Enemy
(Lion). She receive no points for the disadvantage.
Kakita Rensei (935-962) Crane Ancestor, 5 Points
Kakita Rensei was a famous bushi of the Daidoji school, who forsook his heritage and family to follow the way of the Daidoji rather
than attend the Academy of the Kakita. Rensel lived a simple life, and followed his heart in all matters, living on faith and instinct
rather than training and discipline. Despite his simple way of living, Rensei had an uncanny knowledge of his opponents weaknesses,
and consistently defeated his opposition in duels. Although he was approached more than once to be the Master of Kakita Academy,
he repeatedly refused, saying that he did not want to live his life in a cage, no matter how beautiful the view. Rensei lived his days
traveling from village to village, learning the ways of the other Clans of Rokugan and defeating the best they could offer. At the battle
of the Day of the Falling Stars, he offered his services to Daidoji Tenzo as a shireikan (commander) of the Crane forces. On the field,
none could match his brutal style of iaijutsu, slicing through armor and bone as if they were water beneath his blade. It is said that in
one battle, his sword cut through a man on horseback - and continued to cleave the horse in two with the same stroke. His strength and
resilience was legendary, and his desire for freedom has become the topic of many poems and plays. His death is a source of mystery
to historians. The last account of Kakita Rensei occurs shortly after the fall of Shiro no Yogin, when he declared his intention to travel
alone to the palace of the Matsu and challenge their Champion to a duel. Whether he reached the castle or not still remains a mystery -
his body was never found, and the Champion of the Lion vanished three months after Rensei left for his quest. Neither death is
recorded and it is still debated whether the fateful duel ever actually occurred. Those who choose Rensei as their ancestor may not
have the damage they deliver reduced, avoided or ignored in any fashion. Abilities which would allow a character to dodge or parry
the blow are still effective; only those abilities which negate damage after it has been dealt are ineffective. This ability does not negate
the effect of monster type armor. Renseis death is remembered on the eighteenth day of the month of the Crane.
Kakita Wayozu (450-535) Crane Ancestor, 12 Points
Kakita Wayozu was the first female Mistress of the Kakita Academy, serving as the principal Artisan and sensei to all arts, including
the school of Iaijutsu. Although not a student of the sword, Wayozu nevertheless spent hours in the dojo, learning the art of bushido as
well as the gentler arts of her school. A respected headmistress and a wise counselor, it seemed that Wayozu would spend her tenure
in peace and harmony, and be remembered for her wisdom and gentle nature. But then a war with the Crab Clan changed her life
forever. As the Daidoji forces took tremendous casualties, the Kakita were called upon to defend against the invaders and to protect
the Crane from the wrath of the Hida legions. Kakita Wayozu sent out the Artisans from the Iaijutsu specialization and watched as the
Iaijutsu Masters were cut down by the Crab despite their best efforts. At last, the Kakita forces retreated to a bridge which spanned a

large ravine near the River of White Waters. Wayozu gathered a number of artists from the Kakita school, ready to defend the bridge
with their lives. With a mighty effort, Wayozu began to fuse their abilities, first calling upon the poets, then the dramatists, the
painters and the storytellers, until they had created a complete realm of fantasy which existed only within their own art and
imagination. Armed with the knowledge and the concreteness of this fantasy world, Kakita Wayozu and several of the other artists
released their own souls into the work, destroying their bodies in the attempt to bring life into their creation. They were successful.
The Hida warriors besieging the bridge vanished without trace, and no remnant of the Artisans nor the Crab remained. At the spot was
discovered only a fine book with delicate calligraphy and phenomenal paintings which was written in a language which none in
Rokugan has yet been able to decipher. It is said that the book is the tale of the Crab and the Crane, the war which they fought, and the
world into which they were all drawn, never to return. The pictures depict a Crab army, true, and the characters in the bindings seem
to be the Artisans who vanished at the spot as well. Whether they still live in some world of imagination is unknown, but none of them
has ever been heard from again. The battle is remembered with a celebration at Kakita Palace, on the sixteenth day of the month of the
Dragon. Characters descended from Wayozu may, once per week, spend 2 Void Points and attempt to perform any single first - rank
maya from any of the Artisan specialties. If the character has no skill in the art needed for that specialty, they must roll dice equal to
their Fire Ring, keeping only one die. If the character has the skill needed, they may roll their Skill/Fire, keeping a number of dice
equal to their skill. Unless otherwise specified. all mayas last a number of hours equal to the School Rank of their user.
Kasuga (Agasha) (492-532) Tortoise Ancestor, 2 Points
The founder of Clan Tortoise was a passionate and forgiving samurai. He saw something in the gaijin refugees worth saving, and
risked his own reputation (and life) to get them home. Likewise, when he returned to the Emerald Empire, he pleaded for the safety of
his Yasuki companions, who had aided him in the escape, and paved the way for a new type of clan to emerge under the Emperors
eye. Characters who choose Agasha Kasuga as one of their ancestors gain an understanding of the goodness within all men, regardless
of their caste, and are driven by his fire to see humanity in perfect and equal balance. They gain one kept die for all rolls using social
Skills with heimin and hinin.
Kazemu - Monk Ancestor, 2 Points
Kazemu was a Scorpion courtier who won much fame in court as a master manipulator and great respect within his own clan for his
ability to craft long range plots. He retired late in life because he was an invaluable aid to his clan. However, when Bayushi Daijo
succeeded his father as daimyo, Kazemu became frustrated. The new lord hatched a dangerous plan to ensnare the daughter of a
Matsu lord. He hoped to force the girl to marry a Crab daimyo, thereby making the Crab beholden to the Scorpion and planting a spy
in the Hida court. Kazemu advised against the plan because it was full of holes and very dangerous. Daijo refused to listen. He
proceeded, and the plot backfired. The Lion were enraged, and they attacked the Scorpion, killing many bushi and claiming some
Scorpion territory in the process. Kazemu became convinced that his time had passed, and retired to a life of quiet contemplation,
unable to understand the impetuousness of youth. Characters with Kazemu as their ancestor get a Free Raise to any action involving
an Awareness check.
Kitsu (???-???) Lion Ancestor, 8 Points
The eldest living male of the Kitsu species, this being was one of the last five to be hunted down by Akodo during his youth. When
his mate and three children were threatened by the samurai and his men, it was his sentient cry that halted the swing of Akodos
katana, and his fallen brothers that revealed themselves to the Kami. Akodo was taught a valuable lesson that day - that war and
violence served only themselves. Nothing he could do would make up for the genocidal actions he and his soldiers had committed
against the Kitsu, but he could still help those that remained. When the troops came down out of the mountains, they were
accompanied by a couple and their three small children, all with remarkable manes of gold and eyes that burned in the night like
crystal. They traveled for a time with Akodo, but later settled in a northern portion of what would become Lion territory. Kitsu
founded a family of his own, culled from the fledgling shugenja of the area. He revealed to them the secrets of speaking with those
long past, and walking with them beyond the veil of physical life. Eventually, these reclusive souls were reintegrated into Akodos
clan, their beliefs and customs incorporated into those of the other families. Kitsu himself passed on from this mortal coil long ago, on
the day of the birth of Akodos first son and the founding of Shinden Shorai. He single-handedly faced a large contingent of Fu Lengs
armies intent upon the deaths of Akodos family, though the Kitsu would claim that he was aided by the spirits of the thousands from
all the clans fallen to the armies of HeWho-Is-Not-To-Be-Named. Lions who take Kitsu as an ancestor may Sense spirits as a Half-
Blooded Kitsu does.
Kitsu Ichiosu (566-598) Samurai or Peasant Ancestor, -5 Points
Descendants of lchiosu automatically suffer from the Haunted disadvantage, for Ichiosu keeps track of all of his grandchildren for Fu
Leng. He whispers to them of the blindness of Rokugans beliefs, saying the kharmic wheel is a lie and that death only leads to a
prison of mediocrity; that the way to rise above your station is to leap off the bridge and gain immortality as a servant of the Dark
One. This constant demonic encouragement is the equivalent of a Compulsion: Maho disadvantage. The character must spend one
Void point per day to resist the temptation, or seek out scrolls of maho for just a little peek. Ichiosu also interferes with other
samurais kharmic ancestors. No one with an Ancestor with an absolute point value less than 5 gains the benefit of their spirit when
within fifty feet of lchiosus descendants. lchiosu had children among Rokugans nobles and peasantry alike. His descendants may
lead hinin armies or be in the service of a PC if you want to bring him into your campaign without driving your player characters mad.
Kitsu Taiko (717-781) Phoenix or Lion Ancestor, 7 Points
Kitsu Taiko was an unassuming babe of peasant birth. A strong child, he learned to walk and caper before his peers could crawl.
When Taiko was very young, his house was attacked by brigands who slaughtered his family. The brigands planned to steal the
households money and goods, and sell the young boy to a laborer as an apprentice. The young Taiko had other ideas. In the midst of
the attack, the child called forth the spirits of long-dead fires. When he was found, Taiko sat alone amidst a blackened pile of rubble.
The Kitsu who found him say they were guided by the spirit of a fire-like, lion-maned beast whose ghostly eyes spoke of centuries of
wisdom. Taiko was taken to Shiro sano Ken Hayai immediately, and placed in their care. When he was accepted into the school of the

Kitsu, he was only four years old. Taiko had an amazing affinity for the school of Fire, and although his Kitsu blood was too weak to
do much more than hear an occasional spirit, he soon grew to prominence as one of the most deadly warmages in the Empire. His
ability was the deciding factor in many of the foremost battles of his day, and he made numerous innovations to the knowledge and
spellcraft of Fire magic. Taiko believed in confronting problems with force, and destroying obstacles rather than seeking ways to
avoid them. Any problems with the enemy, he would say, should be resolved by killing them all, and then asking the Kitsu to
interrogate their souls in Jigoku. No other answer would satisfy him. When he retired from the Emperors service, he was invited to
travel to Phoenix lands and become the next Master of Fire. Taiko accepted, and was released of his duties to the Lion clan and the
Kitsu families. Although he died a Phoenix, his heart was with the Kitsu, and his descendants are still found among both clans. Only a
shugenja character of the Lion or the Phoenix can purchase this ancestor. The shugenja may choose an element, and they are
considered to be well-loved by the kami of that element. Attempts to commune, summon or sense spirits of that element will be met
with friendship, and the character may roll and keep one extra die when casting spells of that element.
Kuni (???-???) Crab Ancestor, 4 Points
The very first Kuni lent his knowledge to his companions to gain Hidas favor. He spent his life in service to the Crab Clan, a service
that cost him greatly. It is said his spirit lives in the blood of those who take his name, and he watches over them as he would his own
children. Those who take Kuni as an Ancestor always roll twice when determining if they gain the Shadowlands Taint and use the
higher roll.
Kuni Osaku (695-716) Crab Ancestor, 6 Points
The valiant Kuni Osaku may have single-handedly saved the Emerald Empire when she sacrificed herself to keep the army of the
Maw at bay at the Battle of the Cresting Wave. Characters who choose Osaku as an Ancestor may spend a Void point to gain a
number of Free Raises equal to their School Rank when casting a spell.
Matsu Hitomi (423-441) Lion Ancestor, 6 Points
Matsu Hitomi was the most famous samurai-ko of the early empire. Though originally trained for the Lions Pride, she broke with
tradition and donned her brothers armor to avenge his death, unwittingly blazing a trail for women for centuries to come. Her fierce
devotion to war caused her to be granted command of her late brothers unit, and they obeyed her word without question. During a
war between the Dragon and the Crab, Mirumoto Turan, Daimyo of the Mirumoto came to the Lion Champion and asked for military
assistance. Hitomi and her unit were placed under the command of the Dragon daimyo, and led several assaults against the Crab
armies and their Scorpion allies. However, the daimyo sent Hitomi to attack the castle defended by her lover. Although details are
sketchy, Hitomi refused the order and killed the Dragon daimyo in his tent, then led her troops away from the field of battle. Her death
has become as legendary as her life, as she fought to escape the overwhelming Dragon forces and other Lion forces led by Akodo
Godaigo. Godaigo and his forces eventually trapped her troops near a small peasant village now known as the Omoidoso Toshi, the
City of Rememberance. Though the Dragon offered rewards and titles, Godaigo refused them, and left for the wandering life of a
ronin. He was never seen again, and his tale has become apocryphal. Once per day, someone with Hitomi as an ancestor may spend a
Void point to reroll a to-hit or damage roll, taking whichever total the player prefers. A character with Matsu Hitomi as an ancestor
may not for any reason attack a person to whom they have a strong personal tie.
Mirumoto (???-42?) Dragon Ancestor, 15 Points
Little is known of Mirumotos life before he met Togashi. It is said that he was a tall man with long. gangly arms and large hands. He
was not hndsome, and when he is portrayed in the theater, he is given two long scars (making a cross) on his face. Mirumoto was
known for his no-nonsense fighting style. While other fighting schools emphasized stance, Mirumoto would stand with his katana at
his side, his arms relaxed, his feet just slightly apart. Only when his body flew into a frenzy of motion could his true style be seen. He
would hit his opponent any way he could; with his elbow, with his pommel, with his head. It was later in life that he developed
niten the two-sword style that the Dragon samurai are known for. Many Dragon refuse to use two swords against a single opponent,
but others are not so discriminating. When Mirumoto reached the age of forty, he became a monk. He took many students, but swore
he would never pick up a sword as long as his head was shaved. Once, while crossing a river with a student, three assassins waited for
him on the other side. His student asked, What will we do? Mirumoto took his knife in his hand and started whittling one of the
oars. I will fight, and you will row, he said. By the time they reached the shore, Mirumoto had carved the oar into a boken and killed
all three assassins. Because it is unknown when or how he died (after his walk with Shinsei into the Shadowlands), his death is
celebrated on the Day of the Dragon (the first day of the month of the Dragon). Characters who purchase Mirumoto as an Ancestor
know and can use the Mirumoto Technique just above their current Rank For instance, a Rank 1 Mirumoto may use the Rank 2
Mirumoto School Technique. Only bushi from the Mirumoto family may take Mirumoto as an Ancestor. Those who leave the
Mirumoto Bushi school loose the benefits of the Ancestor.
Mirumoto Kaijuko (789-877) Dragon Ancestor, 4 Points
Kaijuko was the first woman to be the daimyo of the Mirumoto family. She was the only child of Mirumoto Watanubo and Doji
Kaijuko (obviously, she took her mothers name). When Watanubo died, he left no male heir, and his brother, Ujino, claimed right to
lead the Clan. Kaijuko was only sixteen, just one year after her graduation. She refused to step aside, saying, Only if you can take my
life can you take my fathers place. Ujino did not want to face his niece in single combat, but to back out now meant a loss of face, so
he accepted the challenge. Kaijuko defeated her uncle soundly, and her right to lead the Mirumoto family was never questioned again.
Kaijuko was a lovely woman and had many suitors in court, but she refused them all. She never cut her hair, and often wore comely
kimono that highly accentuated her features and she was called the scaled scorpion by the famous Crane poet, Kakita Sojatsu. She
was also one of the most opportunistic Mirumoto daimyos. She never traveled without her trusted advisor, Kltsuki Runoso, who was
also rumored to be her lover. Whenever she visited court, it seemed she made it her purpose to thwart the plans of the Scorpion
ambassadors. She gained a personal enmity with Bayushi Shinoko, the wife of the Bayushi daimyo. The tale of their rivalry can be
found in Akodo Wujens novel, Footsteps in the Snow. Kaijiko died at the age of 88. She had no children. Her uncles son inherited
her position with her blessing. She died shortly after she begged her cousin (now her lord) forgave her for killing her father. Her death

is celebrated on the seventeenth day of the Rooster. Characters who gain Kaijuko as an ancestor are both blessed and cursed. They
will never marry (even if they try), but gain an additional die to roll and keep whenever they are making Courtier or Seduction rolls.
Mirumoto Tokeru (433-456) Dragon Ancestor, 3 Points
The second of a pair of twins, Tokerus initial name was Omosa, which means heavy. The Rokugani believe that during childbirth,
the mother is in close contact with the spirit world, and so it is the fathers duty to distract evil spirits while she is giving birth. He
wanders about the house, crying out with a heavy mortar stuck under his kimono to give the illusion of pregnancy and labor pains.
The first child was born with little difficulty, but the second child required much effort, nearly killing the mother. When he was finally
born, his father gave him the name Omosa. Upon his graduation, Omosa chose the name Tokeru and became his older brothers most
trusted lieutenant. Tokerus brother. Ryudumu, was not much of a general or a commander, The soldiers admired and trusted Tokeru,
but in secret, ridiculed Ryudumu. All through his life, Tokeru supported his brother, never once betraying him. When Ryudumu
married, he watched the way his lovely wife eyed his handsome younger brother and became instantly jealous. The jealousy soon
turned violent and Ryudumu challenged his younger brother to a duel to the death. Tokeru could have easily killed his brother, but
instead chose to purposefully lose the duel. His death is one of the most tragic (and heroic) in the Mirumoto family history, and he is
remembered on the third day of the month of the Rat. Characters who have Tokeru as an ancestor never need to make Honor rolls
when duty to their lord is in question. Seducing them away from their sworn duty is impossible, the blood of Tokeru forbids it.
Mizumoto - Monk Ancestor, 3 Points
Mizumoto was a Crane courtier from the Doji family. He had a distinguished career in the court and is credited with helping to secure
the Cranes dominance of the Imperial Court early in the history of the Empire. His success in court was due in large part to his keen
intellect. He had a knack for thinking through problems and devising unique solutions. His intelligence was renowned throughout the
Empire. After retiring, he became a monk and spent the rest of his life contemplating the mysteries of the Tao of Shinsei. In this
regard, he was perhaps more valuable to the Empire, for he made numerous observations and interpretations of Shinseis words that
have since been accepted as canonical. In the early days of the Empire, he was thought to be one of the foremost authorities on the
meanings of the sacred texts. Characters with Mizumoto as an ancestor may keep one extra die when making an Intelligence check or
using any Intelligence.based Skill. The character does not get an extra die to roll, but only keeps one extra die from those available to
Miya (???-85) Imperial Ancestor, 3 points
The name Miya means many things in Rokugan - builder, diplomat, messenger, protector. Born a simple vassal of the Otomo, Miya
became a hero when he brought the Emperors Blessing to the land, helping to undo the damage wrought by the armies of Fu Leng.
His name carries a power all its own, and those descended from his blood carry a nobility stronger than mere honor. Descendants of
Miya may add their School Rank to their Honor during all Honor Tests. However, the character may never take an action that would
drop his Honor below 2 (Honor Tests that could potentially drop his Honor below 2 are the exception to this). If, at any time, the
characters honor does drop below 2 he must report to his daimyo or to a major temple as soon as possible in order to find a quest by
which he may purify himself and regain his honor.
Miya Naganori (376-399) Miya Ancestor, 8 Points
Though few remember his name. Naganori is the true hero of the Victory With No Strike. Six centuries ago, the Lion maneuvered the
Crane into a strict treaty of peace, then attacked the Phoenix with impunity. The Phoenix might have been slaughtered. Naganori
moved swiftly, poring through volumes of ancient laws in Otosan Uchi. Finding a solution, the clever herald raced out on foot, hoping
against hope he would reach the Crane in time. On the way he encountered a group of ronin working for the Lion general. They
severed Naganoris leg and left him. Two days later, Naganori arrived at Shiro no Doji, crawling on one leg and bloody fingers. He
stood, bowed to the Doji daimyo, delivered his message, and died. The Lion were deterred before the battle even began. Descendants
of Naganori inherit his extraordinary devotion. By spending a Void Point, they may ignore wound penalties (including Down, Out,
and Dead) for a numher of hours equal to their Honor. This ability does not apply to attack rolls, only Full Defense, skill rolls, and
movement. If the characters Dead level is depleted, the character dies.
Miyuko - Ronin Ancestor, 15 Points
Miyuko was the first and greatest of Naka Kaeterus apprentices. a simple farmer who happened along the lone monk meditating in
his quiet grove. On impulse, she joined him in his meditation. In time, the two were joined by dozens of others, from other heimin like
Miyuko to Isawa shugenja and monks of Shinsei. In the frequent discussions of philosophy that took place in the grove, it was always
to Miyuko that Kaeteru first addressed his questions. Though she came from humble beginnings, her ideas were profound and
thoughtful. The Phoenix were deeply impressed by Kaeterus humble apprentice. After Kaeterus death, she was granted samurai
status by the Phoenix, just as a heroic ashigaru might be granted such a reward after a long war. Though Miyuko was deeply grateful,
her path lay elsewhere. The Grand Master of the Elements wished for Miyuko to carry on his teachings, not only to the Phoenix but to
all of the Empire. With the blessings of the Isawa, Miyuko became a ronin. Descendants of Miyuko must be shugenja. These
individuals wield their illustrious ancestors deep understanding of the dance of the Elements. All spell effects which depend upon the
shugenjas rank (including Damage Ratings) operate as if the ronins Rank was that of a Clan shugenja with equal insight
Moshi Azami, The Morning Star Centipede Ancestor, 5 Points
Azami was the Centipede daimyo who first spoke with Lady Sun and learned her Clans destiny. When she returned, she helped set
them on the path they currently follow. Ne one was closer to Amaterasu than she; it was thought that she came as closer as a human
being could to understanding Lady Suns soul. Her descendants claim that she still travels with the Lady Sun, her spirit serving as a
handmaiden to the great Kami. The morning star - the last one to fade before the sun rises in the east - is said to be her. Characters
who choose Azami as their ancestor channel Lady Sun with ease and assurance. Once per session, they gain one free raise on any skill
check involving either Agility or Reflexes.

Moto Chai (593-619) Unicorn Ancestor, 7 Points
One of the greatest horsemen ever to live, even for Unicorn standards, Moto Chai served as a Scout and skirmisher in the most
dangerous situations. Whenever the Unicorn needed the impossible done, they turned to him. He is said once to have ridden his horse
at a gallop while hanging underneath it so that the tall grass would conceal him from the enemy, and to have used his umayari as a
pole to vault over a hedge to escape gaijin guards. It seemed the more daring the man was, the more the fortunes smiled upon him.
Three times he was offered the command of a large unit. Three times he refused, stating that if he commanded other men instead of
doing missions himself, he would not he able to use his skills to serve his lord to the best of his ability. On the third refusal, the
general was so insulted he ordered Chai to commit seppuku. When the daimyo heard of this, he wept for the loss of a great man and
ordered the general to commit seppuku and had his name struck from Unicorn histories. Those with Chai as an ancestor can keep all
the dice they roll for horsemanship, and get a free Void Point to spend on each and every athletics feat they undertake.
Moto Soro (60?-150?) Unicorn Ancestor, 5 Points
Moto Soro was a simple peasant, but his fearless determination to succeed and his whole-hearted embrace of bushido caused him
eventually to be elevated to samurai status with his own family name. Although several Unicorn objected to the promotion of this
rough and unmannered Ujik-hai guard to a position of such prominence, none can now argue that Shinjo made anything but a brilliant
choice, Moto Soro and his progeny have been both fearless and fearsome, and have bought many great victories with their blood.
Their unquestioning obedience and ruthless determination makes the fact that Moto now ride for the Shadowlands an even greater
tragedy. Those with a direct tie to Moto Soro can completely ignore their wounds for a number of rounds each day equal to their Void.
These rounds need not be sequential.
Moto Sanjo (472-???) Unicorn Ancestor, 0 Points
Not all kharmic ties wth ones ancestors are beneficial this is one such example. Moto Sanjo was one of the many brave (and
overconfident) samurai who followed Moto Tsume on his doomed raid into the Shadowlands. No one knows his fate - no one knows
the fate of any of the Moto who failed to return - but another Moto samurai was clutching Sanjos broken katana when he staggered
back into the Unicorn camp. Moto Sanjo had had a number of children before be vanished, and now his spirit haunts those of his line.
Whatever happened to him in the Shadowlands, it has driven his spirit mad. Some say that if his katana can be reforged, it will heal
his spirit and allow him to move into the next world, for the katana is the soul of a samurai. Others stoutly maintain that he has been
completely corrupted, and will hunger for the flesh and blood of the hiving for as long as he has descendants. Whatever the case, those
of his blood always hear his maniacal laugh whenever Shadowlands creatures are near. While this acts as an early warning system (it
alerts the character even if he cant see the creatures), it is also demoralizing: the character must always drop his highest die on every
die roll while fighting Shadowlands. The character can avoid this penalty for one day if he succeeds in passing an honor test at TN 10.
Naka Kaeteru (13-160) Phoenix Ancestor, 14 Points
Naka Kaeteru was the first Grand Master of all the Elements. Born to a humble family, Kaeteru took it upon himself to see the world.
He wandered through a virgin Rokugan attempting to learn what the land, and sky would teach him. He visited creek and tree alike,
pondering the questions that plagued him, all the while cleansing his mind of worry. He walked to ever corner, learning lessons from
all parts of Rokugan, and turning his mind to knowledge. Kaeteru traveled for many years before coming to pass at a beautiful grove.
Kaeteru sat there and meditated. When someone passed seeing a lone monk sitting beneath they would ask the monk what he was
doing. Thinking, was always his reply. Perhaps you should meditate along with me. Before a month had passed, the grove was
filled with those that wished to know the secret of being. Kaeteru would merely smile and say, Think on it, and you will have your
answer. Kaeteru spent his remaining years in contemplation guiding those around him to the task of enlightenment. When the
Phoenix were forming as a clan, they took Kaeteru under their care and fed him, calling him and his teaching part of what is great
about the spirit and mind. He was the first ever monk to be given the title of Seishin Ichibiku (Spiritual Guide or Enlightened Host)
and to this day is revered by both of the Monks of Shinsei and the Asako as the greatest and foremost teacher of Shinsei and
contemplation that Rokugan has ever known. Any shugenja that takes Kaeteru as their ancestor is always considered to have a Void
two higher than it is, and may always add two additional dice to their meditation score when meditating or helping others to meditate.
If the honor of the shugenja is ever reduced to 1 or less, Kaeteru will disappear forever and never return.
Osusuki & Akomachi - Fox Ancestor, 3 Points
In the story of the pilgrimage of the Fox and their union with the last kitsune of the forest, the male kitsunes name was Osusuki, and
the females name was Akomachi. In some art depicting kitsune, the male is black, while the female is white. Either the black fox or
the white fox are good omens, with the black fox being called genko and the white fox being called byako. These oaths allow the
kitsune to gain power through the shrine itself and to be able to live there, and find shelter. The kitsune, in turn, protects those who
work and live near the shrine, and aid those who come to them for help. Fox characters who purchase Osusuki and Akomachi as
ancestors are descended from the kits of their union, through human form. They automatically have the unusual green eyes of the
Kitsune family, and may spend one Void Point in any area of the world in order to gain the advantage Way of the Land for that area
for one day. Further, they gain one free die (rolled and kept) for any action taken when they are in the forest of Kitsune Mori.
However, the character must take at least one point of Kitsune Taboos.
Otaku (???-???) Unicorn Ancestor, 5 Points
Otaku was Shinjos most trusted lieutenant and devoted bodyguard. When it came time to select one Unicorn samurai to ride with
Shinsei into the Shadowlands, Otaku was already on her steed, ready to leave. Much folklore surrounds the mysterious Thunder.
Many theatrical productions involving Otaku portray her as mute, speaking with a secret language that only she and Shinjo could
understand. Other folk tales tell that her voice was one of the most beautiful that the hills of Rokugan ever beard, but that she would
only sing for Shinjo. Otherwise, she was silent. Characters who take Otaku as an Ancestor automatically gain the Voice Advantage.
Also, their words are understandable by all mammalian nonhuman creatures. This does not mean that the creatures will comprehend
the meaning, nor does it mean that the creatures will obey or respond... but at least the words will be understood.

Otaku Shiko (???-???) Unicorn Ancestor, 4 Points
When the original Otaku left to fight by Shinseis side, she left behind a small daughter, Otaku Shiko. Raised by her wise father, Ide,
Shiko grew into a fine, strong young woman. Her mothers fiery spirit burned in her veins, tempered by the calm eloquence of her
diplomatic fathers nature. She was skilled, bright. decisive and inventive. After the defeat of Fu Leng. Shinjo gathered the Ki-Rin
Clan together and announced her quest. Otako Shiko was one of the first to step forward, offering Shinjo her loyalty, protection and
friendship. Taking her mothers armor and swords, she followed Shinjo into the unknown. She stayed by Shinjos side until the day
the Ki-Rin Clan split up in order to find a way back to Rokugan. Shiko proved to be an excellent leader, combining the strength and
skills of the warrior and the tact of a diplomat to steer her followers through many perils and adventures. While her mother is
considered to be the first battle maiden, Shiko is the founder of the battle maiden tradition. During her travels with Shinjo, she realized
the enormous potential of the saddle and stirrups of the Ujik-hai. She began to practice riding with the new device, to experiment with
different techniques of riding and fighting. She called her new style of fighting free-hand riding. With the saddle and stirrups, she
was able to ride much faster and further, and with more maneuverability. With her hands free, she was able to utilize many different
kinds of weapons. She developed techniques for using almost any weapon from horseback, at thundering speeds. She taught these new
ways she was developing to her family, passing on the knowledge and encouraging others to experiment as well. She knew in her
heart that this new form of mounted battle would be a great advantage to her clan - perhaps their key to survival. She encouraged the
qualities of loyalty, swift action and fierce determination in her students. Shikos fighting techniques, refined and perfected by her
descendants, are taught at the Otaku battle maiden school to this day. Her fierce warriors code shapes the spirit and attitude of one of
the finest and most feared fighting forces in all of Rokugan. A Unicorn who takes Shiko as an Ancestor is as stalwart as her noble
ancestor. She may spend a Void point to ignore Wound Ranks for a number of rounds equal to her School Rank.
Otomo Madoko (640-690) Imperial Ancestor, 2 points
Madoko was the Imperial Matchmaker during the reigns of Hantei XIX through Hantei XXII. Her experiences left her with
unmatched skill in the courts. Her best-remembered work, The Subtlety of the Court, is considered an essential guide to courtly life.
Those who carry Madokos blood gain a Free Raise when using any non-Lore High Skill.
Reichin - Hare Ancestor, 3 Points
The original Hare was a man of action, but had sharp wits as well. Those who carry the blood of the first Usagi have an uncanny
knack for puzzling out codes and detecting traps. They may roll and keep an extra dice when attempting such activities. Sadly, their
curious nature also tends to get them into trouble. The character rolls and keeps one fewer die when attempting to use stealth to gain
an advantage or spy on an opponent.
Rezan - Ronin Ancestor, 4 Points
Many critics acclaim Rezan as the greatest poet in history. They are wrong; he was a terrible poet, but a fearsome duelist. While
visiting the Doji court, Rezan fell into an argument with a poet over which lady at the court was the most beautiful. The argument
ended with Rezan challenging the Doji to a duel. The Doji accepted, but twisted the letter of Rezans challenge to force him into a
duel of poetry. Each would compose a poem in tribute to their lady. The Dojis choice was a young Crane, and Rezan selected a
young woman who hid her face behind a scarlet veil. To the horror of the Crane court, it was discovered that Rezans choice was none
other than the Emperors daughter, traveling in disguise to maintain her anonymity. The Doji could not win the contest without
shaming the Emperors daughter. The Crane not only intentionally failed, but failed miserably and heralded Rezans poetry as the
finest in the Empire. Since that time, poets have invoked Rezans names, in order to draw honor and attention to their work. As a
result, hundreds of wonderful poems have been written by Rezan. A character with a kharmic tie to Rezan is descended from one of
these many poets. He may roll and keep a number of extra dice equal to his Void for all Poetry skill rolls.
Seppun (???-???) Seppun Ancestor, 4 Points
The Lady Seppun was the first Imperial follower, and the most prestigious. Her house follows her crusade to educate and enlighten the
Emerald Empire by teaching the Tao to this day, and many temples bear memorials to honor her spirit. It is thought that Lady Seppun
continues to serve the Emperor, rather than ascending to her rightful place in the Celestial Heavens (a place promised to her by the
Sun Mother herself), because Seppun was unwilling to leave the side of the Imperial Line. Characters with Seppun as an ancestor can
draw on her near-fanatic desire to protect the line of Heaven, even after his death. They also have his ability to fight with honor
against the foulest foes. Whenever the character leads troops to defend the Emperor, the opposing (human) general cannot use more
Battle skill than he has Honor.
Seppun Hanako (570-637) Imperial Ancestor, 5 points
Seppun Hanako was Imperial Chancellor early in the reign of Hantei XVII. During her lifetime she instituted a variety of political
reforms (described in more detail in the History section of Chapter One), not the least of which were The Articles of Heaven.
Descendants of Hanako know the best thing to say in a variety of situations, and are extremely resourceful and knowledgeable in a
variety of subjects. Characters who take Hanako as an ancestor may use their Etiquette skill as a Similar Skill when attempting any
unskilled rolls involving High Skills.
Shiba Gaijushiko (357-439) Imperial or Phoenix Ancestor, 5 points
Shiba Gaijushikos story is a strange one. According to Phoenix records, he was nothing more than the Imperial Scribe, but those who
know history remember that he was much, much more. At one point, he led the gozoku triad that controlled the reigns of Hantei
Fujiwa and Hantei Kusada. He survived the usurpation of his power by Doji Raigu. He survived the downfall of the gozoku itself,
finding a position in Hantei Yugozohimes court by betraying his former comrades. He was a ruthless, cold, treacherous man but he
was quite adept at surviving despite all odds and lived to a ripe, bitter old age. Any character descended from Gaijushiko gains +10 to
his total when making an opposed Skill roll in a social situation.

Shiba Kaigen (375-408) Phoenix Ancestor, 2 Points
Shiba Kaigen stood alone at a focal point of the Phoenixs history. He had been ordered to guard a mountain pass just north of Otosan
Uchi when an invading Lion force attempted to charge into Phoenix lands. If the Lion had been able to reach the opposite side of the
pass, the Phoenix might have heen taken unaware. Without previous warning, the Phoenix would not have had a unified front against
the Lion, and might certainly have been destroyed. The courage of all the Shiba line changed that destiny. Kaegen and his men held
the pass and fought the Lion while a message was sent to the Isawa. He used unorthodox strategy, counterspells and integrated the
power of the kami into their defense, saving the pass at the cost of their lives. The Phoenix do not honor a particular day for Shiba
Kaigen. His sacrifice fills the ages. When ever a Phoenix bushi travels the Treacherous Pass they stop at the narrowest point and shout
Kaigens Oath: My breath I give to the Phoenix! Only a bushi may take Kaigen as an ancestor, for the warrior spirit which lies on in
his descendants will accept no less. Those who do take the One Man Alone (his title in the ancestral records) are proud of their
forefathers death, and ready to emulate it if ever the time should come. Because Kaigen was able to perform his feat through his
knowledge of spellcraft, descendants of Kaigen are allowed to spend one year within the halls of the Isawa academy, learning much
about spells, magic and the kami. This knowledge gives the bushi a greater aptitude for using spells in battle, understanding the
destructive potential of shugenja, and using the elemental spirit to supplement his own strength in combat, If a shugenja within 10 feet
spends a Void point, the descendant of Kaigen may gain an extra action, even if they have already performed their only action for the
round. This additional action may not be an attack, but may be used to perform any other ability or maneuver.
Shiba Murayasu (418-479) Shiba or Otomo Ancestor, 9 Points
Shiba Murayasu was born to a Phoenix father and a wealthy Otomo mother. He spent his youth traveling between the Imperial
Gardens at Otosan Uchi and the dojo at Kyuden Shiba. His days of training as a bushi showed a quiet brilliance. His simple
explanations and natural examples of the essence of Shiba swordsmanship earned him a place as a junior sensei, and his steady growth
in the art of the sword never faltered. At the age of 26 he became one of the youngest full sensei the school has ever known. When
Hantei XVI met his tragic end, his son (a childhood friend of Murayasu) ascended the throne. Hantei XVII requested that Murayasu
return and teach at the Seppun dojo. Thus did Shiba Murayasu become the sensei of one of the few ruling Hantei to be trained outside
of the Kakita Academy. In fact, Hantei XVII (though married to a Doji) fell in love with one of Murayasus cousins, and broke
tradition a second time to be buried in Phoenix lands upon his death. The burial ground, known as Pale Oak Plain, is a popular site for
lovers. Both the Otomo and the Shiba revere Murayasus memory, celebrating his passage on the 11th day of the Rooster. Characters
touched by Murayasus spirit possess his remarkable calmness, both in combat and everyday life. The characters TN to hit anyone
who has declared an attack on him that round (including duels) is reduced by 5. The character also declares his action last, regardless
of his initiative roll (actions still resolve in the order rolled). This balanced demeanor has a price, however. The character only gains a
5 to the opponents TN, instead of the normal 10, when making a Full Attack.
Shiba Sakazu (881-922) Phoenix Ancestor, 4 Points
Though no one knows how Sakazu met his end, his descendants have inherited his confidence in their abilities to prevail even when
naked, alone and emptied of thought. Characters with Sakazu as an Ancestor roll an additional number of dice equal to their Void for
all barehanded attacks.
Shiba Toriiko (802-827) Phonix Ancestor, 1 Point
When Shiba Toriiko was young, her beloved aunt was taken as the Oracle of the Wind. The child, not knowing what that might mean
begged her to do a trick. The Oracle laid her hands on the girl and looked into the wind. Her expression soured. What is it, Tama-
san? To know the future is to deny hope. There is always hope for peace, the girl solemnly intoned. The Oracle smiled. Grow
strong. One day you will save peace. Shiba Toriiko, Champion of the Phoenix, died at the hands of a Crane swordsman, defending
peace. Her life is immortalized in Worlds In Her Eyes the epic poem by the once-Crane poet Gosano. The Phoenix remember her
gift to all on the 4th day of the Horse. Those who take Shiba Toriiko as an ancestor are always eligible for the kharma rule should they
die trying to prevent strife.
Shinjo (???-400?) Unicorn Ancestor, 3 Points
Of all the kami, Shinjo was perhaps the kindest and most compassionate. She was no warrior. always preferring to outmaneuver her
opponents rather than destroy them. Her journey outside of Rokugan taught her much about the ways of mortal men. and perhaps that
is why she held them so close to her heart She also gained a fondness for the other creatures of Rokugan and the world beyond. Ever
curious, she learned their languages and their ways and taught their wisdom to her followers. We have much to learn from the
world, she said, not just from ourselves and each other, but from the trees and the wind and the creatures and everything we teach
ourselves to ignore. Characters who choose Shinjo as an Ancestor get a free raise when trying to discern peoples emotions or
understand enigmas. That is, a character gets a Free Raise for trying to read someones emotions, figure out what type of Shadowlands
creature faces her, how this gaijin contraption works, or what the best way is to cook this curious plant.
Shinjo Martera (100?-500?) Unicorn Ancestor, 10 Points
Shinjo Mlartera was the first-born son of Shinjo. A ruthless general and daring explorer, he was greatly feared in close combat. In the
Burning Sands, he even gouged the eye out of one of his abductors before he was overpowered, even though he was then only a year
and a half of age. More so than all of this, the son of Shinjo was known as a living example of everything a samurai should be. He
exemplified bushido for the Unicorn, and none found fault with him his entire life. Every move was graceful, every action deliberate,
every activity successful. Many assume it is from studying under Martera that Moto developed his schools technique of Purity of
Breath. Those with Shinjo Martera as an ancestor never fail to do their duty as they see it. While they may not live up to the higher
expectations of others, they never fail the standards they set for themselves internally. In game terms, such a character never fails an
honor roll, but he may never deliberately undertake any action that will result in a loss of honor, or he loses his connection to this

Shosuro Furuyari (774-836) Scorpion Ancestor, 2 Points
Furuyari wrote three of the most important plays in Rokugani history. He wrote The Death of Hantei the tale of the death of the first
Emperor; The Mask a history of the only Scorpion daimyo who never wore a mask; and Father and Daughter a three-part epic
about Bayushi and Shosuro. Furuyari is said to have died three days after the death of his only son. However. some Lion historians
claim Furuyari never existed. They say his plays were written by three minor Scorpion playwrights who felt their work might be
considered too controversial; so they all wrote under the same pseudonym in order to hide their true identities. The controversy
persisted for several years until finally, one of Furyari descendants proved the Lions claims to be a hoax meant to discredit a Scorpion
playwright that rivaled their own. Scorpions who take Furuyari as an Ancestor gain a Free Raise whenever using the Skills: Acting.
Oratory/Rhetoric, and Disguise. The Advantage Voice costs 1 Point rather than 2 Points if you have Furuyari as an Ancestor.
Shosuro Itode (914-940) Crab or Scorpion Ancestor, 1 Point
Though he had no children, Shosuro Itode remains an ancestor to two families, both of which share his determination and persistence
in the face of almost certain failure. They receive a Free Raise to all Willpower rolls. However, his decision to leave his blood
relatives for his adopted ones still has repercussions today, and characters of either clan with this ancestor receive a +5 TN penalty for
all social rolls to gain favor with the Scorpion Clan.
Soshi Saibankan (130-175) Scorpion Ancestor, 5 Points (4 Points for Scorpion Magistrates)
Before the convention of sending Emerald Magistrates to enforce the Emperors Law, the various cities of the Empire often had their
own system of judges who would arbitrarily interpret the law for each city. Soshi Saibankan was one such judge, and one of the most
famous. He ruled over Taiyo One Toshi (Suns Ridge City) as its judge for ten years. Afterwards, the Emperor called him to serve his
court, and he defined the system and function of the Emerald Magistrates in roughly the same way we know them today. One of the
things Soshi Saibankan was most famous for were his stories about his wise old Uncle Sochoku His tales of Sochoku were parables
of wisdom, and he used them to explain his rather unorthodox judgements. Saibankan unified the interpretations of the Emperors
Law into a single code, and used stories of his wise old uncle to justify his decisions. Because of his wisdom and the great work he
performed for the Emperor, all judges in Rokugan are called saibankans and he is considered the patron Fortune of magistrates
and judges. Any character who is a magistrate may choose him as an Ancestor, but Scorpions may take him for 1 point less.
Characters who take him as an Ancestor gain a number of Free Raises per day equal to their School Rank, which may only be used for
the following Skills: Investigation, Law, Heraldry, and History.
Sun Tao - Ronin Ancestor, 11 Points
In every version of Sun Taos tale, the great general ended his days as a ronin. Ronin who know his tale will be quick to point out this
fact, and many ronin claim to be descended from Sun Tao. There are no records of Sun Tao ever having children, but the only
surviving records of the generals life are sketchy. The Kitsu believe that Sun Tao did have children, for his spirit still watches over a
select few of those who claim to be his descendants. Descendants of Sun Tao have a remarkable ability to adapt to their environment,
learning from their mistakes almost instantaneously. After some time living with the wisdom of Sun Tao, mistakes no longer exist.
After any failed skill roll the character may spend one Void Point to add 10 to the result. If this new total would result in a success,
then the roll becomes successful. Any Raises that were originally made are negated. This effect may only be used once per day. The
use of this ability is always obvious. The character makes a mistake, but comes back instantly, making another maneuver or correction
to negate the results. Often the success seems to be nothing more than dumb luck. For example, an archer missing a moving target
may make an improbable ricochet shot off of a nearby tree, striking his foe.
Suzume (Doji) - Sparrow Ancestor, 1 points
The first Sparrow was known for his quick tongue and his questionable wit. As unintended as his accomplishments may have been,
one cannot discount the effect his words have had on thousands of people through seven centuries. A Sparrow with the blood of
Suzume is very clever in conversation, rolling an extra die when using Lore, Oratory, and Conversation skills. However, their words
often carry more power than is intended. Whenever the character speaks in large public groups, the GM secretly rolls one die. If the
result is a 1 or 10, the characters remarks will be interpreted in a way directly opposite to their intent. (For example, a witty remark
might lead to your expulsion from your clan). To make matters worse, at least half of the listeners will usually find the unintended
meaning of the characters words extraordinarily brilliant.
Tonbo Maroko - Dragonfly Ancestor, 4 Points
Tonbo Maroko was a founding member of the Dragonfly Clan. She left her duties as an Adept of Water to pursue her love of
Mirumoto Asijin. After they left their respective clans and settled at what is now Kyuden Tonbo, Maroko continued her studies. It was
through this work that she had the vision that would forever change the philosophy of the fledgling clan. She foresaw that her love,
Asijin, would be forced to die. She saw that her new Clan would ally with the Dragon, and that the Dragonfly would become their
emissaries. But she knew that change was coming to the Empire, and the Dragonfly were inextricably linked to it. Thus, she was able
to prevent her son from taking revenge. Maroko is seen as a hero by all Dragonfly. She is a courageous figure who had the bravery to
defy tradition, break with her family and duties, and thereby create something new and greater that benefits all Clans of the Emerald
Empire. Characters taking Maroko as an Ancestor gain a free Raise for any action that requires the use of Perception. Maroko was an
intuitive woman, and she blesses her descendants with the same type of insight.
Tsukino - Monk Ancestor, 4 Points
Tsukino did not come from the samurai caste. He was not a noble who retired to contemplate the Tao. Rather, he was a farmer. During
a famine, he refused to turn over his entire crop to his Phoenix lord. Intrigued by the mans bravery (for he surely knew that his refusal
would mean death), the daimyo asked Tsukino why he defied the will of his lord. Tsukino answered simply that he could not feed his
large family on what would be left. He further inquired if his family starved to death, who would grow the crop to feed his lord the
next year when the harvest was better? The daimyo was struck by the simple wisdom of this heimin but found himself forced to
punish insolence. He allowed the effrontery to stand, but ordered Tsukino to live out the rest of his days as a monk contemplating the

mysteries of the Tao. Characters with Tsukino as an ancestor may take an additional 2 Wounds per Wound Level, a reflection of his
recognition of the importance of the overall health of the Empire.
Yasuki Fumoki (635-671?) Crab Ancestor, 3 Points
Fumoki was a notorious pirate who preyed upon Crane merchant ships traveling up and down the coast. He hijacked or sank over a
hundred vessels in before disappearing in a violent thunderstorm. Survivors among his crew claimed they were attacked by a huge sea
monster, and that Fumoki was last seen ramming his katana into the beasts mighty gullet. Those with Fumoki as an ancestor have a
deep affinity for the sea and her secrets. They can predict the weather within a 24-hour period with perfect accuracy. Also, Fumokis
sea legs grant them an uncanny sense of balance; they gain a free raise to any rolls involving agility (not combat roll).
Yasuki Tanaka (189-264) Crane, Crab, or Imperial Ancestor, 2 points (4 for Crane)
Tanaka was the wily Crane merchant who devised the original design of the koku. Descendants of Tanaka are naturally clever and
tend to invest their money well. Characters who purchase this ancestor gain a number of Free Raises equal to their Rank on all
Commerce Skill rolls and may add their Awareness to all Skill roll totals when they are convincing someone to buy something.
Although Tanaka is a Crane ancestor, he costs 4 points for Crane characters due to the bad blood resulting from the Crab-Crane War
and the Yasuki Break.
Yogo (???-???) Scorpion Ancestor, 2 Points
First guardian of the Black Scrolls, Asako Yogo was cursed to betray the one he loved the most, but to never know when or how he
would do it. Yogo left behind his Clan and his wife and son, changing his name from Asako Yogo to Yogo Kocho. Yogo Kocho took
a new Scorpion wife - a very plain, simple woman named Shujunoko - and over the course of attempting to give him a son, she bore
him three daughters. Yogo cared nothing for the children, and saw them rarely. When Yogo was seventy, he passed on his duty to his
eldest daughter. She took on the responsibility reluctantly while his youngest daughter swallowed her protest. She knew her sister was
not strong enough for the position and she was right. Within one year, the locations of the Black Scrolls had to be resecured.
Historians are often asked the question, Whom did Yogo betray? The answer is not a simple one. Some count the eldest daughter,
others count the youngest. Some Phoenix have said that Yogo betrayed his first wife and son. Perhaps he betrayed them all. Those
who take Yogo as an Ancestor have an innate skill at maho. They gain a number of Free Raises equal to their School Rank when
using Lore: Maho. On the other hand, they also gain an additional number of Shadowlands Points equal to their School Rank when
they use maho.
Duty: Bhakarash - Naga Past Life, 7 Points
The First Cobra was known as the Bhakarash, a female who was strong with the spirit of the Bright Eye. Some legends say that she
was the wife of the Qatol, but others call her sister to the legendary peacemaker. The Naga do not ask, and the Akasha does not
choose to reveal their true relationship. Instead, the Bhakarashs tale is told simply, and her final wish -for secrecy- has been
respected through the ages. The Bhakarash was a strong ruler, and she taught the Cobra their magic, stolen from the pearls in the sea.
She is revered for tricking the Atmans Bright Eye into crying. Those tears, it is said, fell across the ocean and became pearls. But
even the Bhakarash could not cause the Pale Eye to weep, and so the dark tears which scatter the ocean are far more rare, stolen from
the Pale Eye while it slept during the heat of the Atmans day. Without her clever tricks, the Naga would have no magic - and there
would be no pearls in the ocean. Pearls handled by PCs who have chosen Bhakarash as one of their Past Lives are considered to be
one Rank higher when used for effects generated by the PC. Such effects include pearl magic, Pearl Jiva, and other effects listed in
this book. Rank 5 pearls are unaffected by this ability.
Duty: Cobra Soulbinder - Naga Past Life, 5 Points
This Past Life may only be taken by Cobra Bloodline characters. The Cobra know the secrets of maintaining their bloodline away
from the body of the Akasha while still participating in the Naga communal mind. While the methods practiced at the Well of Souls in
Vyakarana are not flawless, there are those Cobra souls who have been reborn as Cobra through a number of consecutive lives. These
special Naga, called soulbinders, receive the finest eggs to reincarnate within, and therefore have better control. over their physical
forms. But the constant separation of their souls from the body of the Akasha impaired their use of its powers - and affected their
sanity as well. PCs with this Duty as one of their Past Lives choose one physical Trait (Strength, Stamina, Agility or Reflexes), which
is raised by 1. But all Spell TNs using the Ring of that Trait are increased by 5. Though multiple Soulbinders may be bought only four
may apply a cumulative effect to the character (i.e. the character is limited to 4 Trait Ranks and +20 to Spell TN s total- from this
Duty). The starting Trait limit of 4 is ignored for the purposes of this ability.
Duty: Hero of the Bloodland Wars - Naga Past Life, 5 Points Each
When the Naga race was torn apart by violence, every Bloodline was affected. From the peaceful Chameleon to the savage Asp, every
race had opportunity for heroism - or for villainy. This Duty is one of the former, filled with glory and knowledge of the rightful
struggle. Regardless of whether history tells that the Asp were wrong to subjugate their brothers, the Greensnake, there were many on
both sides who fought the battle with virtue. A character who chooses to have been a hero of these wars as a Past Life has a solid
sense of virtue, instilled by the unification of the entire Naga race. They have an easier time understanding the path of duty and faith
in the Atman than others do, and they seem more at peace with their past actions. This filters through the memory of their Akashic
soul, into their present reincarnation. Player characters with this Duty gain 1 extra Point of Caste every time they earn Caste. Also, all
Caste losses are reduced by 1 (minimum 0). Though multiple Heroes may be bought, only three may apply a cumulative effect to the
character (i.e. the character may never apply a modifier of more than 3 to Caste gains or losses from this Duty).
Duty: Jakla - Naga Past Life, 3 Points Each
Naga pearl-carvers are the foremost spellcasters of the Cobra Bloodline, dedicated to defending their homeland and eradicating the
Shadowlands threat once and for all. Their powerful connection to the Akasha is supplemented by their tremendous ability to focus
and infuse it with a small piece of themselves before hurling it at their foes. When they have need. they can summon the force of their
spirits, sending a desperate wave through the Akasha pleading for its blessing upon their troops. With this gift, they offer to their unit
a powerful advantage, making them of one mind, one soul. One will. For each Naga Jakla taken as a Past Life, the player character
may cast one additional Pearl Effect in an Element of their choice. For instance, a character with a Fire Ring of 3 would be able to cast
four Fire-based Spells if he chose this Past Life once. Taking the duty again could increase this number to five, or raise the number of
Spells available in another Element Though multiple Jakla may be taken as Past Lives, only five may have this cumulative effect (i.e.
the character may never derive more than 5 additional Pearl Effects per day from this Past Life).
Duty: Oseuth - Naga Past Life, 6 Points
Few Naga know what it is to be alone, but the Oseuth does. He is the Warrior of the Pale Eye, a thing of legend, intimately connected
with the being known as the Pale Eye of Atman - and distinct from the Akasha. The Oseuth is destined to be fully reborn - and, the
legends say, soon. In a way, this means all characters who choose the past life of the Oseuth also gain the knowledge of their dark fate
- to die so that the Oseuth can be united and reborn. However, this terrible omen is balanced by the power and intuition of the
legendary Oseuth. Although he is distinct from the Akasha, he is a part of it, but has the knowledge gained by seeing it from a
different perspective. The Oseuth is also particularly blessed when under the gaze of the Pale Eye, his benefactor and guide. PCs
choosing this Personality as one of their Past Lives gain one Rank of Magic Resistance (useful against Rokugani Elemental Magic
only, not Pearl Magic or Ishiken Void Magic) for each Rank they have in their Akasha Ring.
Duty: Scout - Naga Past Life, 4 Points Each
Naga are trained to perceive everything around them - well beyond the limits of humanity, and even beyond most others of their own
Blood - Scouts are the first line of defense against threats from the outside world. They are also the first line of offense when Naga
armies march upon foreign territories, where their knowledge of the enemy and their terrain may be limited. For each Naga Scout
taken as a Past Life, the player character may roll (but not keep) one additional die when using a Scout Lesson or making a Perception
check. Though multiple Scouts may be taken as Past Lives, only three may apply this cumulative effect to the character (ie. the
character may never derive more than 3 additional rolled dice from this Duty).
Duty: Syba - Naga Past Life, 7 Points
During the ancient days, when the Five Cities still warred upon each other, reports arrived that one of the Foul was beading towards
the lands of the Naga. The Greensnake sent out a scouting party to investigate. Long was their journey until they reached the borders
of the Shadowlands, and saw in the distance a mountain moving towards them. Quickly, hissed one Scout go warn our brethren. I
shall hold off this beast as long as I have breath! Although the beast was within eyesight, it was so huge that two days passed before
it was within striking distance of the Scouts bow. Risking death -or worse- she waited in the highest bough of a blighted tree for the
mountainous beast to approach. When it finally thundered into range, she saw that it was covered with thousands upon thousands of
man-sized creatures, thus providing it with armor. For every one she slew, another would take its place... Without hesitation, she
propelled herself from the tree, into the multitudes of creatures which clung to their monstrous sibling. Quickly, she ascended towards
its head, unafraid of the creatures all around her. Her swiftness was unparalleled. She skillfully dodged the clinging creatures that tried
to thwart her, and soon reached its cavernous mouth, the chasm leading to its heart. Scarcely pausing, she plunged into its horrible
depths, drawing her bow as she descended down the Foul beasts throat... A day later, the earth shook as if a mountain had fallen from
the sky, and the Naga mourned the loss of a noble Warrior. Since then, tales have been told of the Naga known as Syba - the
Mountain Killer. PCs choosing Syba as one of their Past Lives gain the Combat Reflexes Advantage. Also, they receive 2 Free
Raises when performing risky or seemingly impossible feats. They also start the game with the Disadvantage: Weakness
Duty: The Qatols Legion - Naga Past Life, 1-5 Points
The serpents of Qatols Legion took an oath when they gathered, that they would forever serve the Qatol, no matter what life they
lead. All those linked through the Akasha with one of the Qatols original five servants instinctively remember this oath, and if the
Qatol calls, they will serve without question. Members of this elite force know that Qatol may return at any time, arising from
centuries of silence to issue a command. As when Qatol ordered the Great Sleep, they obey - even if the command is suicidal. They
have no choice; their souls demand it. Characters purchasing this Duty as a Past Life gain a long-term quest. They can make
suggestions to the GM as to what the quest is, and what the conditions are for completing it, but the GM has final say. Examples of
such quests include:
-Rebuilding Nirukti
-Finding a lost Naga artifact or relic
-Destroying the Ratlings of the Chewed Fish tribe.
Such quests should be difficult, but not impossible to attain, and should take several full adventures to complete. When the PC
successfully finishes the quest, he gains a number of XP equal to twice his investment in this Duty. This Duty may only be purchased
Duty: Vedic - Naga Past Life, 4 Points Each
There are two types of Vedic that may be chosen as a Past Life. When buying a Vedic Duty as a Past Life, the PC must decide which
type his character was linked to as the Past Life. He only gains the benefit for that type, not both.
Child of the Bright
As the priests, guides, and scholars of the Naga, they fulfill a wide number of roles within their society. They guide the populace
along the path to Atman, and teach and administer the rituals of old. Characters choosing a Child of the Bright as one of their Past
Lives gain one additional die (rolled, not kept) when using a Vedic Lesson or making a roll involving the Akasha Trait.
Child of the Pale
The magistrates of the Naga, they have developed a great many resources to draw upon in their work. Characters choosing a Child of
the Pale as one of their Past Lives gain one additional die (rolled, not kept) when using a Vedic Lesson or using the Research or

Investigation Skills. Though multiple Vedics may be bought, only three may apply a cumulative effect to the character (i.e. the
character may never derive more than 3 additional rolled dice from either Vedic Duty).
Duty: Villain of the Bloodland Wars - Naga Past Life, -3 Points Each
However, from the struggles of war, also come the souls of villains. This Duty is one of villainy. Filled with hatred, bigotry, and
anger, the Naga who shares the memories of this soul is forever plagued by his past. There were many - on both sides - who chose to
abandon their brotherhood and struggle against unification. A character who chooses to have been a villain of the Bloodland wars has
nightmarish memories of the atrocities which were performed during times of war - made all the more painful by the awakening of the
Akasha, and the knowledge that the Naga people are one. A character with this past life has a difficult time subjugating the anger and
pain of his former life, and trusting in the Atman. They will never be at peace with their past. Player characters with this Duty gain 1
less Point of Caste every time they earn Caste (minimum 0). Also, all Caste losses are increased hy 1. Though multiple Villains may
be bought, only three may apply a cumulative effect to the character (i.e. the character may never apply a modifier of more than 3 to
Caste gains or losses from this Duty).
Duty: Warrior - Naga Past Life, 5 Points Each
The Warriors of the Naga are the powerful backbone of the serpent fighting forces, able to understand and pass their generals
commands with a swift ripple of the Akasha. Their swift strikes with spear and scimitar tear through samurai armies with force and
dedication, and you have only to look into their green eyes to know that they would readily die for their people. Most Warriors are of
the Asp Bloodline, but it is not unknown to see Constrictors and Chameleons in this position as well. They are the soldiers among
their people, prepared and trained for a singular duty since birth. For each Naga Warrior taken as a Past Life, the player character may
roll (but not keep) one additional die when using a Great Lesson to Attack. This bonus does not apply to standard Attack options or
other combat Actions that do not involve a Great Lesson. Though multiple Warriors may be taken as Past Lives, only three may apply
this cumulative effect (i.e. the character may never derive more than 3 additional rolled dice from this Duty).
Yokai are purchased in exactly the same way as Ancestors. Any character who possesses the Taint may purchase a yokai by paying
the listed cost in Character Points. They then receive all listed benefits associated with the yokai. Be aware that some yokai have a
negative cost, and work in the same manner as Disadvantages, so are counted in the 10 points limit.
Chuda Bikomi - Yokai, 2 Points
Born to the Snake Clan after their descent into madness began, Chuda Bikomi was a great disappointment to his family. Utterly
devoid of the ability to work magic through the kami, he was relegated to serve as a simple yojimbo to his more mystically inclined
relatives. Bikomi was determined to contribute to the affairs of his family, regardless of whether or not he was a shugenja He
willingly embraced the Taint that had begun to spread throughout his entire bloodline, drawing upon it to make him faster and more
cunning. Where many used the Taint to boost their strength and stamina to supernatural levels, Bikomi used it to master the art of
stealth and subterfuge. When blood was required for the Chudas experiments into the nature of maho, it was Bikomi who would steal
into the villages to the south and return suitable quantities. Magistrates who suspected the Snake Clans corruption were found dead
upon their tatami mats, their throats slit by Bikomis blade. Those among the Chuda who could not reconcile their familys mission
would leave the Snake lands, but never reach their destinations. Prodigies of Chuda Bikomi share his talent for using the Taint to
enhance their own speed and dexterity. When using the Taint to increase their Agility or Reflexes, their Shadowlands Rank is
Gubukaru - Yokai, -4 Points, Shugenja Only
Crab warriors still tell tales of Gubukaru upon the wall at night to remind themselves to never let down their guard. A goblin
spellcaster, Gubukaru was an arrogant and self-important leader of a small warband of bakemono. Notoriously cunning for a goblin,
Gubukaru would have his warriors create distractions so that he and a small number of his kind could infiltrate the wall. Once inside,
they would desecrate shrines, destroy food stores, steal weapons, and generally wreak as much havoc as possible. Whats more,
Gubukarus primitive, shamanic maho allowed them to claim the lives of several guards as well. This deadly nuisance was dealt with
once and for all by a Kaiu trap. Allowing the goblins to creep into the wall once more, the Kaiu lured them into an empty room and
sealed them there. Lantern oil was generously applied through small holes in the walls before a torch was shoved in, ending the
goblins threat once and for all. Unknown to them, the finality of the Crab victory was undone when a Kitsu sodan-senzo
inadvertently released Gubukaru from Jigoku, freeing his spirit to wander as a yokai.Gubukaru only watches over those who practice
maho. He delights in watching them strike down the uncorrupted, but becomes quite jealous of any maho-tsukai who demonstrates
greater ability than he possessed in life. In his mind, after all, he was the greatest spellcaster who ever lived. Those guided by the
Gubukarus yokai receive 3 Wounds for each successful Raise they make casting any maho spell.
Kitsu Ujiyasu - Yokai, 5 Points
The tale of Kitsu Ujiyasu is one of the most tragic in all of the Ikoma records. He is held before young Kitsu in training as an example
of the disaster that can befall the careless. As a young man approaching his gempukku, Ujiyasu had great difficulty in his lessons with
the sodan-senzo. When alone, he was able to converse with the ancestor spirits easily, but could not perform adequately before his
sensei. After months of this, he was expelled from the school, bringing great dishonor to his family. Many months later, a passing
Kuni witch-hunter informed the Kitsu that the young man was in fact communing with kansen rather than kami. Unfortunately, it was
far too late, and Ujiyasu had become thoroughly corrupted by his exposure to the dark spirits. The kansen manifested to combat
Ujiyasus would-be executioners, and it took three sodan-senzo to keep them at bay while the grisly deed was committed. Tainted
individuals looked after by Ujiyatsus spirit receive his natural affinity for all Shadowlands creatures. In any social roll with creatures
of the Shadowlands (intimidation, commands, and bargaining are all considered social rolls for this purpose), the character may roll
and keep one additional die.

Kotego Yokai, 8 Points
For a time in the sixth century of Rokugans history, the Crane Clan turned its attention from court matters stemming from the
incident at Kenson Gakka to a series of murders within their own territories. Distracted by the hostilities between the Scorpion and the
Lion, they had neglected to deal with a growing problem in their home provinces, and now nearly two dozen women and children had
paid the price. In efficient Daidoji fashion, the investigation was brief and intense. When it was concluded, a minor functionary of the
Asahina had been executed for practicing maho based on the testimony of his superiors. These same superiors themselves came under
suspicion when the murders continued after the execution. No less than six different samurai were dishonored or executed before the
flurry of accusations slowed and the chief magistrate declared that a subversive cult was in fact responsible. The province was heavily
patrolled by Daidoji guards for nearly six months, and the family spurned all offers of aid from sources such as the Kuni witch-
hunters. The situation was declared resolved after the death of an eta named Kotego. Terrified neighbors summoned the Doji
magistrates to Kotegos home after his death, where they found a labyrinth of tunnels beneath his non-descript hovel. These tunnels
contained several decades worth of maho research and arcane materials for dark rituals. Kotego watches over the discreet, helping to
conceal them from prying eyes. A recipient of his tutelage may, when targeted by Taint-detecting abilities, make an Awareness roll
versus the Awareness x 5 of the investigator. Success indicates that they have completely concealed their Taint
Moto Yoshisuke - Yokai, 4 Points
Trained from childhood to be a living weapon against the Shadowlands, Moto Yoshisuke was considered to be one of the Moto
familys finest warriors even at the time of his gempukku. Unfortunately, no consideration was ever given to his social training.
During a brief stay at Shiro Ide, he overheard a light-hearted slight toward his family by a Crane courtier and immediately attacked
and killed the man. Horrified and embarrassed, the Ide daimyo demanded Yoshisukes seppuku. The young warrior refused, killing
several guards who attempted to detain him. Fleeing the Unicorn provinces, he traveled south toward the Shadowlands, a place he had
been destined for his entire life. Arriving in the Crab lands, Yoshisuke demanded to be allowed to enter the Shadowlands that he
might cleanse the scourge that the Crab cannot Angered, the Crab sentries refused him entry. He attacked and killed three armored
men before scaling the wall and disappearing within the Dark Lords realm. Yoshisuke entered the Shadowlands planning to destroy
anything he came across. Instead he found beings that shared his temperament and love of violence. He was lost to corruption within
hours of entering. He rode alongside the Dark Moto for two decades before one of his destructive raids into the Kuni provinces ended
in his final death.Those haunted by Yoshisukes yokai feel the same overwhelming violent urges that dominated his life. They receive
two Free Raises on any Full Attack, but also must succeed on a Willpower roll versus a TN of 20 whenever insulted or slighted or
immediately attack the offender.



Hida Family
Benefit: +1 Strength

Kuni Family
Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Yasuki Family
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Hiruma Family
Benefit: +1 Stamina

Kaiu Family
Benefit: +1 Perception

Hida Bushi School (Bushi)

Benefit: +1 Stamina
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills :Battle, Defense, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Subojutsu, Lore (Shadowlands)

Rank 1: The Way of the Crab
The bushi begins by learning how to tap into his own Earth energy. Every time the bushi rolls attack or damage in melee comobat, he
adds his Earth to the total of the roll. Also, because Crab bushi training is always done in full armor, they can ignore the penalties
other bushi suffer from wearing Full Armor (+5 to all physical TNs).
Rank 2: The Mountain Does Not Move
At this Rank, the bushi learns the secret of true resilience. When he is about to take Wounds from a blow, the bushi may spend a Void
Point to make a simple Earth roll with a Target Number of the number of Wounds taken. If he succeeds, he ignores those Wounds.
Rank 3: Two Pincers, One Mind
At this Rank, the bushi has learned how to make two attacks per round.
Rank 4: The Berserker Rage
There are times in Rokugan when the Earth rages. At this Rank, the bushi learns how to tap into that energy. At the beginning
of each round, the bushi may choose to sacrifice 3 Wounds to keep an additional die on an attack or damage roll until the end of the
Rank 5: The Mountain Does Not Fall
The bushi may now spend a Void Point at the beginning of a round to take a single action, even if he cannot due to Wound Rank
(Down, Out or Dead). The bushi can continue to take a single action per round as long as he has Void Points to spend.
Kuni Shugenja School (Shugenja)
Benefit: +1 Willpower
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Defense, Kenjutsu, Meditation, Lore (Shadowlands), any one High Skill, any one Weapon Skill
Beginning spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Earth, 2 Fire, and 1 Water. Kuni Shugenja have an Affinity to Earth, and a
Deficiency to Air.
Yasuki Taskmaster School (Misc.)
The Taskmasters are the sub-officers and commanders of the rank and file troops. They keep the heimin in line, but have also proven
quite useful in controlling the Shadowlands beasts that have become the Crabs allies. Students of the Yasuki Taskmaster School may
learn the Whip specialized weapon skill as a Bugei Skill instead of a Low Skill.
Benefit: +1 Willpower
Beginning Honor: 1, plus zero boxes
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Intimidation, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, Lore (Shadowlands), any Bugei Skill

Rank 1: Fear is a Gift
The Taskmaster has learned the art of cowing those weaker than himself. He may roll an extra die on all attack and Intimidation rolls
against those with less Willpower than himself.
Rank 2: Taking the Gift

As his action for the round, the Taskmaster may activate Taking the Gift. Once on, it stays activated until the Taskmaster takes
another action. If an opponent hits the Taskmaster while Taking the Gift is active, the Taskmaster may immediately attack that
opponent, once; this attack automatically hits. The Taskmasters damage roll is increased, if necessary, to be at least the amount of
damage done by the attacker. The Taskmaster may not counterattack if he is at the Down, Out, or Dead Wound Level.
Rank 3: Giving the Gift
The character is well on his way to mastering the arts of intimidation. The Taskmaster may taunt or insult any one opponent who can
understand him (even while the Taskmaster is attacking or doing something else), making a contested Intimidation/Willpower roll
with that target. If he succeeds, he may add the amount by which he succeeded to one attack roll against that opponent in the
following round.
Rank 4: Fears Bane
The Taskmasters rage has become so terrifying and overwhelming that he may now make two attacks per round.
Rank 5: The Test of Might
The Taskmaster has mastered the arts of fear and intimidation to the point that they are a part of his being. Opponents attacking the
Taskmaster subtract twice his Intimidation skill from all attack and damage totals against him.
Hiruma Scout School (Misc.)
The Hiruma have no formal school; it was lost along with their ancestral lands. However, a branch of the Shinjo school houses a vast
majority of Hiruma, and has become a de facto family school. It emphasizes stealth and observation techniques, as preparation for the
Shadowlands scouts.
Benefit: Perception +1
Beginning Honor: 2, plus zero boxes
Skills: Stealth 2, Archery, Athletics, Jujutsu, Kenjutsu, Shadowlands Lore

Rank 1: Dance the Razors Edge
The first thing Hiruma bushi learn is how to avoid their enemies blows. The forces of the Shadowlands have taken their homeland,
but they must not be allowed to take them as well. Thus do the Hiruma maintain the balance between duty and vengeance. For every
school rank the bushi has, add 5 to his TN to be hit by any Shadowlands creature.
Rank 2: Run Like the Wind
The Hiruma Scouts must be able to outdistance the horrors of the Shadowlands and report back to the Kaiu wall. Those who reach this
rank know how to push their endurance beyond normal human limits. They can maintain a running pace for a number of hours equal
to their Stamina times two, after which they must rest (no activities and little movement) for the same amount of time. Assume they
can keep a pace of at least 10 mph during the length of their run.
Rank 3: Smell the Dark Lords Touch
At this Rank, the Scout has learned how to detect the subtle nuances of the Shadowlands Taint. It grants her a sense of absolute
direction when traveling through Fu Lengs Realm - how far into the darkness she has gone, where the Taint is strongest, and the
nearest path back to the Crab lands. The Scout can never become lost while in the Shadowlands and always succeeds on any rolls
involving direction therein. Also, the Scout gains the ability to sense the Shadowlands Taint in nearby sentient creatures. The aura of
awareness extends adistance of approximately 10 feet times his School Rank.
Rank 4: Harness the Falcon
The bushi learns to translate his fleet footedness to combat. At this level he may make 2 attacks per turn against Shadowlands
creature. Also, the Scouts memory facilities are enhanced considerably. At any time, he can hold a image in his head, and recount the
details of that image on demand with perfect clarity, as if he were still standing there. He may only hold one image at a time in such a
Rank 5: Veil of the Spirits
The Scout has learned how to keep himself perfectly still, and to remain hidden within that state. By spending a Void point and
remaining still. the Scout gains an effective invisibility, unable to be seen by any creature. He or she must be making a conscious
attempt to hide - using available cover, wearing camouflaged clothes, etc. - and can conduct no actions while hidden; any movement
at all disrupts the effect.
Kaiu Engineering School (Bushi)
Students at the school learn architecture, construction, and physics. They must show an aptitude for hands-on experience since the
Kaiu are known as much for building a given structure as for conceiving or designing it. They also study military strategy, siege
methods, and the construction of long-range artillery; a Kaiu must know how to destroy a building as well as she knows how to put
one up.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 2, plus zero boxes
Skills: Siege, Engineering, Traps, History, Armorer, Battle, Weaponsmith

The Kaiu understand the ebb and flow of large-scale battles, the fundamentals of civil engineering, and the practical crafts of armor
and weaponsmithing. The Kaiu school emphasizes these crafts, and focuses on the more subtle elements of military conflict. At each
successive Rank, the Kaiu picks one of the seven skills taught by the school. He or she may roll and keep an additional die for that
skill whenever a check is called for. He or she is not limited to the number of times a skill can be improved in this manner; for
example, a Rank 2 Kaiu could opt to roll and keep an additional die for Battle and and additional die for Weaponsmith, or opt to roll
and keep two additional dice for Weaponsmith only. The only limits are the GMs discretion and the characters willingness to
Kuni Witch Hunters (Bushi)
Kuni Witch Hunters do not join a school per se, but are trained on the road with a witch hunter sensei. Hunter characters have passed
their masters strenuous requirements, as well as an early rudimentary education from the Kuni shugenja school. For this reason, Kuni
Hunters have a wide variety of skills, they can learn Spellcraft even if they arent Shugenja. Since Hunters are so rare, and since they
are a solitary bunch to begin with, the GM should only allow one Witch Hunter character per adventuring group.
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Shadowlands Lore, Defense, Hunting, Herbalism, 2 Bugei Skills, Athletics or Stealth

Rank 1: To Strike the Darkness.
The apprentice has learned how to block out all distraction when facing their foe. He or she gains two attacks per turn against any
creature with the Shadowlands Trait
Rank 2: To See the Darkness.
The Hunter learns the tell-tale signs of the Shadowlands Taint and can attune his or her senses to its elemental corruption. This is an
intuitive sense, dependent upon the Witch Hunters instincts rather than any tangible evidence. He or she can detect the presence and
proximity of a Tainted being, out to about fifty ken-an (fifty yards) by rolling Awareness + Shadowlands Lore at TN 10. (15+ if the
person/creature is adept at hiding its nature; GMs discretion).
Rank 3: To Ride the Darkness.
The Hunters proximity to evil lends him great strength when he battles against it. In close range combat, the Witch Hunter gains a
bonus to his attack roll equal to his opponents Shadowlands Taint X 5. Against native Shadowlands creatures, they gain the following
Goblins, Hanemuri, lesser Oni and Zombies (minor creatures): +5
Pennaggolan and Ghosts (moderately powerful creatures): +10
Ogres, Trolls, Bog Hags (very powerful creatures): +15
Oni (very powerful creatures): +15 or more (GMs Discretion)
Rank 4: To Repel the Darkness.
At this level, the hunter can focus his will to resist the effects of dark magic. He or she becomes immune to maho and can make
another character resistant for one round by rolling Willpower + MahoTsukai Lore TN 20. Raises allow the hunter to extend this
resistance, one round per 5 TN raise. The Hunter can also make him resistant to any magic being cast by a character with the
Shadowlands Taint; add the Hunters Rank x 5 to the TN of the spell targeting him.
Rank 5: To Shatter the Darkness.
The hunter is now a true enemy of the Shadowlands, and can cut down Fu Lengs minions with devastating power. If a Hunters
damage roll kills a Shadowlands opponent (a creature of Fu Leng or human with the taint), it does not count as an attack for the round.
Yasuki Merchant School (Misc.)
The Yasuki Merchant School does not teach techniques, but as the merchant grows in Insight, he shows a greater ability to acquire
what he needs. With each Rank, the Merchant is able to appropriate more valuable objects. In addition, the time required to gain an
object decreases significantly. It takes approximately one week to gain an item, but two days less to acquire an item from a previous
School Rank. For example, if a Rank 3 Merchant wishes to gain a Rank 1 item, it will take him 7 days minus 4 (2 fewer days x 2
Ranks). Thus, the Rank 3 Merchant can gain Rank 1 items in 3 days. To gain an item, the Merchant must make a.j School Rank +
Commerce roll to beat a TN set by the GM. The Merchant may make Raises to increase the quality of the item, decrease the amount
of time required to acquire it or increase the number of items acquired. Each Raise takes away one day required to gain the item. A
Merchant will always need at least one day to gain an item. Each Raise doubles the number of items that can be acquired. For
instance, three Raises will gain a Merchant eight items.
Benefit: Perception +1
Beginning Honor: 0, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Etiquette, Heraldry, Sincerity, Defense, Commerce, Craft, Gambling.
Within the Yasuki family, Commerce is not considered a dishonorable skill.

Rank One Items

Cart, bolt of cloth, lantern, clothes, pots, peasant weapons, pans, wicker backpack, trinkets (which may be mistaken for real
Rank Two Items
Boat (raft), pony, weapon of average quality, safe travel to the next town, real jewelry of average quality, any two Rank 1 items.
Rank Three Items
Safe travel to a distant town (within the same province), finger of jade, expensive jewelry, Illicit goods including but not limited to:
forged. papers and other merchandise of doubtful provenance, recommendation to an average quality geisha house, any four Rank 1
items, any two Rank 2 items.
Rank Four Items
Safe travel out of the province (with or without papers), armor, warhorse (non-Unicorn), weapon of fine quality, boat (sampan or
junk), recommendation to a fine quality geisha house, any eight Rank 1 items, any four Rank 2 items, any two Rank 3 items.
Rank Five Items
Unicorn horse (bad color, born on a bad day, etc.), official travel papers (unlimited travel), minor nemuranai (with appropriate
consequences), introduction to a high quality geisha (You mean that sake house is really a tea house?), a girl with green eyes, any
sixteen Rank 1 items, any eight Rank 2 items, any four Rank 3 Items, any 2 Rank 4 items.

The Berserker School (Bushi)
More than any other Clan, the Crab employ dead-eyes berserkers within their ranks. Most Crab bushi embrace the code of bushido
as a rock to anchor them against the horrors of the Shadowlands. If one can keep the warriors creed pure within the heart, then ones
opponents - no matter how terrifying - pose no threat. Those who embrace bushido to the exclusion of all else go into a sort of trance
during combat, heightening their strength and stamina to inhuman levels. Some claim the Crab need berserkers to equal their enemies
ferocity. Some say the Hirumas great loss makes them perfect receptacles for the dead-eyes philosophy. Some even say the Crabs
natural temperament leads them to mindlessly throw their lives away. Whatever the reason, berserkers have found a home amid the
Crab as they could nowhere else. With the Clan in a constant state of war, their unique talents are always needed. The majority of
Crab berserkers belong to the Hiruma family, who have been driven to it by the loss of their homeland. The Hiruma embrace bushido
as the only thing worth living for, and have learned to focus their frustration into a deadly trance. Hida berserkers are less common,
and most come to it out of a love of battle rather than a need to erase any dishonor. Rage plays a large part in a Hida berserkers life: a
rage carefully filtered through inflexible bushido. Most berserkers spend several hours meditating before a battle. There, they allow
their emotions to burst forth, and shape the resulting energy into a death-like trance. They harness their anger and frustration by the
strength of their warriors philosophy, sharpening it as the would a weapon. Most berserkers exhibit signs of their process as their
meditation continues: screaming, foaming at the mouth, occasionally striking the wall or other nearby objects. Those around them
quickly learn to leave them in peace during such times. When the battle itself dawns, the berserker has achieved an almost Zen-like
balance between discipline and emotion, where the combined power of both comes to him in a great rush. The results are awe-
inspiring. In combat, the berserker strikes with heedless abandon, raining down blows like a thunderstorm. Their eyes become glassy
and distant and their mouth curls back in a hideous grimace. They move with the speed of a panther and attack with the ferocity of
wolves. A berserker in full combat mode can easily kill ten men within the space of a heartbeat, slaughtering them as he would a sow
or a chicken. A few berserkers will cackle or howl like wild animals when they enter the fight, but most remain deathly silent as they
plow through their foes. It is difficult to say which of the two is more unnerving. Berserkers do not change their countenance when
fighting inhuman foes, and will attack the largest Oni with the same abandon that they strike at the weakest goblin. All are the same in
their deadened eyes.
In order to become a berserker, a character must spend points to take the Death Trance Advantage. He must further renounce any
schools he previously belonged to (giving up their advantages and techniques), and drop his Honor Rank to 1 (unless it was already 1
or lower), reflecting an increased callousness and disregard for social niceties. If he does this, he has achieved enough focus to enter a
berserk rage. He may later increase his Honor through Character Points or experience.
Benefit: Stamina +1
Beginning Honor: 1, plus zero boxes
Skills: same as Hida Bushi School
There is no berserker school, just instinct and the passion with which one adheres to bushido. When berserkers go into their trance,
however they forget the tenets of other battle philosophies and so cannot use any of the special abilities of their home school. In
exchange, they gain an inhuman strength and the ability to absorb incredible amounts of damage. The benefits of being a berserker
increases as time goes on: as he gains experience, he learns how to harness his rage more and more effectively, and can this strike
with greater and greater amounts of power The Ranks of the Berserker School reflect this increased effectiveness. When a berserker
enters combat, he ignores wound penalties for a number of rounds equal to his Earth x2 plus one round per school Rank. (The wounds
are suffered, they just have no effect on him.) Furthermore, he may roll and keep an extra die of damage for every Rank he has,
reflecting his ability to focus his rage into his attacks. These extra dice are rolled regardless of what the berserker is attacking with, be
it a tetsubo, katana, or his bare hands. There is a price to be paid for such power however. After a number of rounds equal to his Earth
x2, the berserker is spent, and his rage collapses into a semiconscious daze. He Is considered Incapacitated for the rest of the combat,
and must be protected by his comrades if he wishes to stay alive. Because of this, many berserkers along the Kaiu Wall live short,
brutal lives, despite their combat effectiveness.
The Damned Berserker School (Bushi)
Though the Crab take many precautions against the corruption of their bushi, accidents happen. When a defender of the Wall becomes
Tainted, he either dies or joins the Damned. These unfortunate souls have resigned themselves to inevitable corruption. Though most
Damned are Crab, one need not be a Crab to join. Many clans discard their Tainted bushi by sending them to the wall to die, and they
find a home among the Damned. An oath of fealty to the Crab Clan is standard practice for these individuals, and they are considered
Crab by their comrades despite their birth heritage. There is little prejudice or infighting among the Damned - what good does it do for
dead men to fight one another?
A starting Damned character may spend one Character Point to gain a Minor Shadowlands Power (see page 60), but only if he has a
full rank of Taint. Keep in mind that those who display radical symptoms of Taint are usually executed by the Witch Hunters who
watch over the Damned. The open embrace of the Dark Lords power is not tolerated. The Damned have created a few techniques, but
one need not have familiarity with these techniques to join their ranks. All that is required for membership is the curse of the
Shadowlands Taint and a desire to fight the Crabs eternal enemy. These are the front line troops of the Crab against the Shadowlands.
Their careers tend to be harsh, violent, and short. They are seldom seen outside of Crab lands. A Tainted Crab character may begin as
a member of the Damned school. This indicates that the unfortunate bushi was Tainted early in his training. Any other Tainted
character may join the Damned by purchasing the Different School Advantage. Any character (including Crabs) who join the Damned
later in life must purchase the Multiple Schools Advantage. These Advantages cost 2 points less than normal, as becoming a member
of the Damned is hardly a matter of prestige. There are only three Damned techniques, as these soldiers seldom live long enough to
achieve a high rank. The skills taught by the Damned include a regimen of acupuncture, meditation, and herbal medicines designed to
make the Tainted berserkers descent into death less painful. Those who spurn these medicines risk the wrath of their Kuni overseers,
who consider refusal of treatment a dangerous mental symptom. While not all Damned are bushi, the Damned Berserker school is
considered to be a bushi school. Only bushi may learn these techniques.
Benefit: +1 Willpower

Beginning Honor: 1, plus zero boxes
Skills: Battle, Defense, Herbalism, Kenjutsu, Lore (Shadowlands), Meditation, any Weapon Skill
Special: The character must have at least one point of Shadowlands Taint

Rank 1 Technique: Burning the Shadow

The Damned has learned a series of herbal and meditation techniques through which he can slow the corruption of his body. Once per
month he may make a Void/Meditation roll vs. a TN of 30 in order to reduce his Taint by one point He may not attempt this roll more
than once a month, whether he succeeds or not He may not reduce his Taint below a full rank, or below one point This process is
customized for the berserkers own metabolism, so the Damned cannot remove anothers Taint In addition, the Damned bushis fierce
hatred of his own corruption has begun to turn his Taint outward, allowing him to add his Taint Rank to all attack and damage totals.
Rank 2 Technique: Turn the Dark Lords Blade
The Damned berserker walks the razors edge between embracing his Taint and using it as a weapon against evil. He may
permanently gain one point of Taint to gain an extra attack each round. If this attack is directed against a Tainted opponent, the
berserker gains no Taint so long as he personally kills his opponent within three rounds.
Rank 3 Technique: Shout at the Darkness
At this point, the berserker is very likely nearly Lost, but this will not stop him from giving his death meaning. The Damned berserker
gains a number of Free Raises equal to his Taint Rank against all Tainted opponents. On a successful strike against a Tainted target,
the Damned berserker may double the amount of Wounds inflicted. When he does so, he gains a full rank of Taint, and receives
Wounds equal to those inflicted upon his target
Crab Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit

Bushi Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type(s), Heavy Armor, Helm, Traveling Pack,
Kimono, any 2 weapons, 5 Koku

Shugenja Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto, 3 Koku

Taskmaster Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Whip (0k1 weapon, uses Nofujutsu), Light Armor, Helm, Traveling Pack,
Kimono, any two weapons, 6 koku

Scout Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, wakizashi, clothing, running sandals, carved piece of jade, black body paint

Engineer Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, wakizashi, heavy armor, kimono, surveying tools, drawing paper and pens, scroll

Witch Hunter Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, wakizashi, traveling clothes, jade pendant symbolizing their status as a hunter.

Merchant Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, katana, wakizashi, traveling clothes, wicker backpack, sleeping roll, traveling pony
with storage packs, 8 Koku.
All Yasuki, regardless of their school, start with an additional 2 Koku from the family coffers.

Berserker Outfit
Same as Bushi Outfit.

Damned Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality) Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type, Light or Heavy Armor, Helm, Traveling
Pack, Kimono, any 2 weapons, finger of jade, 2 koku.

After choosing which family a character came from, a player has the option to roll on the Heritage tables to see what sort of family
line the character was born into. A player may roll on the Heritage tables up to three times as desired, but every roll costs one
Character Point. Begin with Heritage Table 1 and follow the instructions. Be warned, not everything is fair along the Kaiu Wall.
Roll Result
1-2 Dishonorable Past Roll on Heritage Table 2.
3-5 Undistinguished Past. No benefits or penalties.
8-9 Distinguished Past Roll on Heritage Table 3.
10 Mixed Blessings. Roll on Heritage Table 4.


Unfortunately, we are not all blessed with honorable ancestors - especially among the Crab, where honor is a luxury they sometimes
cannot afford.
Roll Result
1 Corrupted! One of your family fell to the Shadowlands and returned as a monster to attack the Clan. You begin the game at 0
Glory and lose 1 Honor rank.
2-3 Ruined! Another clan betrayed your familys trust and all but destroyed it You begin with no money, no family name, just your
outfit (all of which is poor quality). Choose the clan responsible.
4-5 Fool! Your family fell for a subtle Crane or Scorpion ploy. Roll a die: if even, you have a Dark Secret; if odd, you owe an
Obligation. Choose the clan responsible.
6 Weakling! One of your ancestors lacked the courage to face the Shadowlands, resulting in the deaths of many bushi. You start
with no Glory, and must earn twenty Glory points to reach rank one.
7-8 Deserter! For some reason your parents forswore their loyalty and left the clan. This happened shortly before your gempukku.
You are a clan ronin.
9 Cursed! Your family banished a powerful oni, who inflicted a curse upon them before returning to the pit Lose two points of
Honor, and you do not get your family Trait benefit.
10 Traitor! Even Crabs can betray their clan; your father took money in exchange for information. He was banished, and his name
struck from Clan histories. Your clan will give you no land or title, and will not trust you with important information.


Roll Result
1 Venerable Blood: The blood of your original ancestor flows strong in your veins. Gain 1 Honor and one Void. This result may
only occur once. Treat subsequent rolls as no effect
2-5 Battle Veteran: A family member fought at a tremendous battle. Go to Table 3A, Great Battles. (Yasuki characters must re-roll
this result. Accept the result if they get it a second time).
6-7 A Heros End: One of your ancestors died a heros death defending the Emerald Empire. Go to Table 3B, Glorious Death.
8-9 Meritorious Service: Your ancestor performed prestigiously while occupying a high-profile position in the clan. Go to Table 3C,
Prestigious Duty.
10 Famous Affair: Your family has romantic ties with another clan probably the Unicorn, but possibly any Clan in the Empire.
Roll a die: if even, a politically expedient marriage was arranged, gain a Minor Ally from another clan and you can attend that
familys school without buying the advantage; if odd, the affair was troublesome, and you gain a Minor Ally and Minor Enemy
from that clan. All rolls of six or less indicate the connection is with the Unicorn clan.


Roll Result
1-3 As an Imperial Magistrate, your ancestor revealed another familys dishonor. Gain a Major Enemy, 1 Rank of Honor, and 1 rank
in Investigation.
4 Your family had regular dealings with a Nezumi tribe: gain the Ratling Ally advantage.
5 Your ancestor was associated with an infamous
Yasuki smuggler. Gain +1 to any Trait that is rank
2, and one rank in Commerce. You have a Social
Disadvantage and Bad Reputation for all non-Crab
6-7 Your ancestor slew another clans hero in a duel. Gain a Major Enemy, an additional Glory rank and a (Enemy Clan) Lore, rank
8-9 Your family has struggled financially. You have no koku, and all your items save one are average. Gain four bugei, craft or low
skills at rank 1 as you struggle to get by.
10 You have inherited a magical item. It is said it was taken from an oni by a distant relative. You arent sure if its magic, and if it
is, if its cursed or tainted.

Your ancestor fought in a famous battle of the past, giving you a worthy standard to live up to. Yasuki characters subtract two from
this roll.
Roll Result
-1-1 The Crane War
The first great Clan war took place between the Crab and the Crane, fought over possession of the Kenkai Hanto Peninsula.
There were several pitched battles between the Crab forces and the Daidoji family, at which your ancestor fought. Gain 1 point
Crane Clan Lore and 1 point Iaijutsu.
2-4 A small battle
Stationed on the southern border, the Crab have fought a large number of pitched battles against the Shadowlands almost
more than can be counted. Your ancestor distinguished him- or herself during one of these. Gain 1 point of Glory and a free
Void point to spend in every battle against Shadowlands creatures.
5 The Battle of the Cresting Wave
Your ancestor helped spearhead the defense of Rokugan against the Maw and his army. Everyone who fought at the battle also
helped erect the Great Wall, planting its foundations while Kuni Osaku held the Maws army at bay. The battle was relentlessly
brutal, and only the best and bravest samurai survived. Gain 1 Glory rank and a point in the Engineering skill.
6-7 The Battle of the Thundering Shrine
Following the Cresting Wave, the Crab engaged in numerous border skirmishes with the Scorpion Clan. The Battle of the
Thundering Shrine was the largest of these, fought for the territory surrounding the Shrine of Osano-Wo. The rocky terrain was
subjected to fierce storms, which made fighting difficult for both sides. Gain 1 Honor rank and 1 point in Battle.
8-9 The Battle of the Kuni Wastes
150 years ago, the Crab made a final push to rid the Kuni lands of the Shadowlands. The Kuni shugenja fought with powerful
spells as they drove the ranks of oni, goblins and zombies deep into the Shadowlands. Those who battled beside them learned
many ways to destroy the minions of Fu Leng. Gain point 1 Glory and 1 rank in Shadowlands Lore.
10 Battle of Sleeping River
This was the famous battle in which the Clans united against luchiban and his evil order of Bloodspeakers before he could seize
the Emerald Throne. Your forefather was instrumental in putting the mad shugenja down and shattering his dark power. Add
one to your Honor and gain the skill MahoTsukai Lore at rank one.


Your ancestor died an honorable death which has emboldened the family ever since.
Roll Result
1-3 Killed fighting the Shadowlands: Gain 1 rank in the weapon of your choice and you are immune to the fear generated by
Shadowlands creatures as you strive to avenge your ancestor.
4-5 Killed in a duel: Gain 1 rank in Iaijutsu and three Character Points for the example that was set for you.
6-9 Killed in battle: Roll once on Great Battles (gaining whatever benefit) and roll again here:
1 Saved the day: gain a Major Ally from any clan or family on your side.
2 Killed while charging the enemy lines. Gain a Minor Ally from your Clan.
3 Died protecting a clan general: gain a Minor Ally from a clan on your side.
4-5 Killed an important foe, a clan hero or a mighty oni: gain 1 Glory.
6 Saved a wounded samurai: go to Gifts.
7-9 Fought well: gain 1-10 points of Glory.
10 Carried the clan standard into battle. Gain 7 additional Glory points.
10 Seppuku: Your ancestor committed suicide to spare the family honor, leaving you with a token of remembrance. Go to Table
3D: Gifts.


Your Ancestor served the Crab well, and was granted a hereditary position within the Clan. Your character starts with the following
position and rank:
Roll Result
1-3 Magistrate of the family. Gain 1 Glory.
4-5 Magistrate of the Clan. Gain 2 Glory.
6 Magistrate of the Emerald Champion. Gain 3 Glory.
7-8 Gunso. Gain 1 Glory and 1 Battle.
9 Chui. Gain 1 Glory and 2 Battle.
10 Taisa. Gain 2 Glory, 2 Battle and 1 Leadership.

All gifts are subject to Game Master interpretation.
Roll Result
1-6 Money (between 1 and 20 koku).
7-8 Land. (Must be tended to at least three months of the year. Gain 1-10 koku per annum.)
9 Items of high quality.
10 A minor Nemuranai.

Crab Fortune Table

You cannot control the hand of Fate. Every Crab character has the option of rolling once on this tables to discovery what hand Fate has
dealt them. Roll one die. If even, roll on the Good Fortune Table. If odd, roll on the Bad Fortune Table. This roll cost 3 CP.
Roll Result Roll Result
1 Shugenja: You have an extra spell. All others: You have 1-2 You lack two items from your starting outfit (Game Masters
an item of excellent quality. choice).
2 You are a natural combatant; add 2 ranks to any one 3 You grew up secluded in the Crab lands, and are completely
Bugei skill. unfamiliar with the cultural subtleties in the rest of Rokugan.
You may not start out with a skill in Sincerity or Etiquette,
and your Honor can never be greater than 2.
3 You have an heirloom item, several hundred years old 4 You have an heirloom item, which is incomplete. You think
(tea set, painting, helmet). you know who has the rest... (a shogi set minus one set of
pieces, a katana without the saya).
4 You have a potion with five doses. Each cures one die of 5 You broke your family katana. Lose one rank of Honor and
wounds. make do with a 1k2 katana until you find a better one.
5 You have an item of magical curiosity (a go set which can 6 Overconfident: lose 1 rank in your highest skill (choose
play against you, a wakizashi that draws itself on randomly if there are more than one).
command, a kimono which never gets stained or wet).
6 Noble blood: gain three points of honor. 7 Disruptive Student: 10 insight.
7 Prodigy: +10 insight 8 Gambling losses: lose 1-10 koku.

8 Windfall: Roll one die and divide it by two, retaining 9 Gambling debts: Lose all but 1 koku. The next 1-10 koku you
fractions. You have this many extra koku. get must be turned over to your creditor.
9 You have a ceremonial suit of armor. Roll two dice to 0 No bad fortune. Yet. No, dont worry about it. Im sure your
determine its value in koku (re-rolling tens). Game Master will forget all about this.
0 You have friends in another clan (less than a Minor Ally,
more than nothing).


Doji Family
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Kakita Family
Benefit: +1 Agility

Asahina Family
Benefit: +1 Perception

Daidoji Family
Benefit: +1 Strength

Kakita Bushi School (Bushi)

Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Etiquette, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Sincerity, any High Skill, any High or Bugei Skill

Rank 1: Way of the Crane
The Kakita School emphasizes the more traditional and ritualistic fighting styles. Bushi from the Kakita School may add twice their
Iaijutsu Skill to any Initiative roll and may also use laijutsu in the place of their Kenjutsu Skill when attacking with a katana.
Rank 2: The Sudden Strike
The bushi now learns the famous sudden strike of the Crane Clan. When engaged in an Iaijutsu duel, the samurai can Raise the TN
by any value, not just multiples of 5. He may still only Raise a number of times equal to his Void.
Rank 3: Strike From The Void
At this Rank, Crane bushi learn how to spend more than one Void Point when engaged in an Iaijutsu duel.
Rank 4: One Strike, Two Cuts
The bushi learns how to move so quickly that he can make two attacks per round.
Rank 5: Strike With No Thought
At the very beginning of combat, before Initiative is even rolled, the bushi makes a Contested Void Roll with his opponent. If he
succeeds, he gains one attack before combat begins. This Technique may not be used to strike prematurely in an iaijutsu duel.
Asahina Shugenja School (Shugenja)
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Etiquette, Meditation, Shintao, Calligraphy, any three High Skills
Beginning spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Air, 2 Water, and 1 Fire. Asahina Shugenja have an Affinity to Air, and a
Deficiency to Earth.
Doji Magistrate School (Bushi)
The Crane have always had a close relationship with the Emerald Championship, often holding the office itself. Even when a Crane is
not the Emerald Champion, many Cranes carry on the search for justice.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 2, plus five boxes
Skills: Etiquette, Heraldry, Iaijutsu, Investigation, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Law

Rank 1: Eternal Vigilance
The Magistrates first lesson is that his eyes must always be open, ever prepared for ambush from any quarter. His TN to be hit is
increased by his Perception x 2.
Rank 2: The Eyes of Doji
The Magistrate has infused the duties of his position into the core of his being. Spending a Void Point or making a Raise on any Law
or Investigation roll has double the normal effect. (Add two dice instead of one, or gain the effect of two Raises for each Raise made.)
Rank 3: Strike of the Just
When in combat against a Rokugani who is in severe violation of the Emperors law (any crime punishable by death), the Magistrate
rolls additional dice equal to his Honor for all attack rolls against that opponent.
Rank 4: Judgment Swift as the Blade
The Magistrate is so dedicated in his pursuit of justice that he may now make two attacks per round.
Rank 5: Eternal Justice
The Magistrate no longer needs to roll on any Law or Investigation tests, unless he wishes to make a Raise. If the Magistrate Raises
on any Law or Investigation tests and fails, but still rolls greater than the original TN, the roll succeeds without the benefit of his
Doji Courtier School (Misc.)
The truth is always simple.
Liars make things complicated.
- The Tao of Shinsei
While other clans alternately hate and envy the Doji for their ability to influence the Imperial Court and other political negotiations in
Rokugan, none can contest the Cranes absolute dominance over its system of intricate favors and compromises - their ability to create
opportunity from nothing, to influence peoples decisions and to negotiate the best possible outcome to every situation. Although
some other clans - most notably the Crab and Dragon - criticize the Cranes political acumen, they are quick to engage the master
courtiers and diplomats of the Crane when their own efforts fail.
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Beginning Honor: 3, and 5 boxes
Skills: Courtier; Sincerity; Etiquette; Heraldry; Manipulation; Oratory; any one High skill.

Rank 1: The Perfect Gift
The Doji Courtier is part of a tremendously large system of give-and-take between the clans, a system which has resulted in the
collection of favors from various families and individuals. Often, the Crane will intercede in political situations on behalf of other
clans, and from this will gain certain political compensation. A Crane diplomat begins at rank one with the ability to exchange these
favors - either on his own behalf or for another. Each chart on the favor tables of the Crane show examples of political favors which
the Crane Clan can call upon. At the courtiers first school rank, they must be from the rank one favor table; at the second school rank,
they may be from either rank one or two favors, and so on. The Courtier may call upon a maximum number of favors per adventure
equal to their Air + School Rank.
Rank 2: A Whisper From the Soul
A second rank courtier has gained a great amount of control over their emotions, enough so that they can affect others with them - for
good or ill. Through the study of a persons motivations and desires, the courtier gains a certain influence over a persons mental state
-be it one of levity depression, or fear. The ability to influence peoples emotions is a powerful one, and can change peoples reactions
or alter how they perceive their surroundings. Certainly, it can make someone more sympathetic to the courtiers cause, or it can foster
trust toward the courtier. With the use of this skill, the courtier attempts to change a persons emotional state to one more
useful to the courtiers goals. A courtier who shifts a persons emotional state toward anger while telling them of an imminent Lion
armys invasion might cause their audience to react poorly toward any Lion Clan members they come in contact with - even to the
point of offering their services to those opposing the Lion. In order to be successful, a courtier must spend a minimum of five minutes
talking to their target, and make a successful Contested Awareness roll.
Rank 3: Test of Honor
Beginning at this rank, the courtier has the ability to challenge another persons action with a test of honor. The courtier can do this a
number of times per day equal to the courtiers school rank. Before an action has been rolled by the target (any action, from an
etiquette roll to an attack roll), the courtier may challenge the target, either verbally or through more subtle means such as a sneer or
frown.. If the courtiers honor challenge is successful, the action of the other character immediately becomes a failure, no matter what
the roll. Character and creatures with 0 Honor may ignore a Test of Honor. In order to challenge an opponents honor, the courtier and
his victim must make a contested roll based on their Honor ranks (round down). The TN is equal to the opponents Honor x 5, and any
non-Crane character must drop all dice that roll lower than the Cranes Honor. If both contestants succeed on their rolls, the one who
rolled higher wins. If neither contestant succeeds, the contest continues to the next round; the action which the courtier contested is in
stasis and does not occur until the contest is resolved.
Rank 4: The Gift of the Lady
At this rank, the courtier has gained such mastery over the political niceties of the court that such things have become almost
effortless. When the courtier is using Etiquette, Manipulation, Heraldry, Oratory, or Sincerity, they no longer need to roll. Their
attempts are automatically successful. The courtier gains no raises when they are using this skill - if they wish to add raises for the
skill, they must still roll, but a failed roll in that case is still considered to be a base success, without the bonuses the raises would have
applied. This technique cannot be applied to contested rolls.
Rank 5: Your Life is Mine
Once the courtier achieves Rank 5, it is a simple matter for them to gain friends and allies. They can make someone s reaction or
opinion of them more favorable, even going so far as to assuage any warlike or offensive feelings. If the person the courtier is trying
to influence has a Willpower less than the courtier, the courtier can automatically manipulate their actions. If they have a Willpower
equal or greater than the courtier, they still must make a successful Willpower + Etiquette roll against a TN of the courtiers
Willpower x 5. If successful, they have found a way out of the courtiers manipulation. If the courtier succeeds, their target is friendly
to them, and treats them in all ways as a trusted advisor. Charmed by the courtiers ability, the person affected will consider them to
be a friend, and will listen to the courtiers words and counsel. Unless the person affected has a direct reason to mistrust the courtier
(obvious signs of betrayal, or the courtier asks them to risk their life), the target will continue to treat the Crane as a trusted ally.
However, this ability diminishes over time, and must be maintained carefully by the courtier. For every day beyond the courtiers
school rank that the courtier does not have prolonged contact (long conversations, visits or other time spent in the company of the
target), or if the courtier asks them to do something against their personal code of ethics, the person who has been charmed may roll
their Willpower against a TN of 30. For each successive day, or each request, the charmed person gets an additional +5 to their die
roll, until they break free of the courtiers influence. If the person influenced by the courtier has been treated well, and the courtier has
genuinely attempted to be friendly and has assisted their targets own goals and desires, the courtier will have gained a true ally.
However, if the courtier has been unreasonable, asking their target to reveal hidden information or risk themselves in some way, the
person may feel used and unfriendly toward the Crane character, and may actually become an enemy. In any case, the person is
considered to have a Willpower of 2 ranks higher if the same courtier attempts to use this ability on him or her again.
Favor Tables for Doji Courtier
The Crane Clan is renowned for their ability to procure favors and gifts to reward those who assist them, or those who have been
loyal. There is no rolling on these tables - the Crane courtier has the ability to select which gift will be of use in any occasion.
However, as any diplomat knows, it is not wise to give more than is necessary. The Crane Clan is known for its generosity, but they
are not willing to randomly distribute gifts to those who do not serve their interests. The Crane pay particular attention to a courtiers
request for a gift. If that gift is used wisely, the Clan may reward the wisdom of its faithful vassal. If the gift is given fruitlessly, or the
courtier is guilty of idly bestowing rewards to their friends, you can be assured that there will be some serious repercussions. If there
are other things which a courtier wishes to offer as gifts or favors, the character should approach their daimyo, or a courtier of higher
rank, and ask that such an item be given to them for a certain purpose. The time to approve such favors varies, depending upon how
difficult or important the request is. If the gift is approved, the courtier will be given permission to offer it as a favor. (The rank of
such favors is determined by the Gamemaster.) The suggestions below are a guide for GMs. At times, the favors available to courtiers
are apt to change because of current political pressures and alliances. At any time, the Gamemaster should feel free to alter the favor
tables, and add items or skills appropriate to their campaign as it evolves. The GM should also keep a watchful eye on the uses of the
favors, and to whom they are given - for it is assured the Crane will be watching with equal care.

Rank One
2 koku; One item of fine equipment; A pony; Safe (escorted) travel to major city or palace; Meditative study (+ 5 to insight); A
tutor to teach you the Lore appropriate to the Clan - Crab: Lore: Shadowlands, Crane: Lore: Myth and Legend, Dragon: Lore: History,
Lion: Lore: Bushido, Phoenix: Lore: Shugenja, Scorpion: Lore: Ninja, Unicorn: Lore: Burning Sands; Information on some well-
known topic or commonly understood science.
Rank Two
5 koku; A night with a fine geisha or courtesan; One exceptional item; A normal horse; Someone offers to champion you in your
next duel; A minor fetish from the Asahina shugenja; You are asked to visit the court of a noble family (gain 1 Glory box); You are
offered the chance to perform some notable service (when completed, gain 2 Glory boxes); A shugenja will cast a spell of your
choice; Next major battle, you will be placed in a position to gain a Heroic Opportunity; You learn a skill (or +1 to a skill) from a
craftsman of a major Clan: (suggested skills) Crab: Weaponcraft, Crane: Courtier, Dragon: Shintao, Lion: Battle, Phoenix: Meditation,
Unicorn: Horsemanship, Scorpion: Sincerity.
Rank Three
10 koku; Rehonor a dishonored person or ronin; Gain an audience with a minor daimyo; Gain the patron advantage for no point
cost, at any time in the game - however, no person can have more than one patron at any time; The Crab offer a guide into the
Shadowlands; A Crane Artisan will create an artistic masterpiece in your honor (gain 3 Honor boxes); A Kitsuki Magistrate will
investigate something for you; A Lion bushi will serve as your bodyguard for a period of months; A Unicorn steed; The Scorpion
offer to embarrass/slander someone under your directives; A blessing is placed upon you from a great Monk of the Brotherhood - gain
one free raise to be used in your next adventure; You are given the title hatamoto (honored advisor) or the rank gunso (sergeant) (gain
2 Glory boxes); The Agasha offer you a potion; The Shosuro offer you a mild poison; An Asahina shugenja will make you a minor
fetish of your specifications (cost 10 koku, 1 week to create); You are asked to perform a minor service for the Champion of your
Clan (when completed, gain 3 Glory boxes).
Rank Four
20 koku; 1 exceptional item; You have the opportunity to marry a daimyos daughter, and gain the advantage Major Ally (any clan,
whichever one you marry into); Someone unknown to you feels they owe you an obligation, and will repay unexpectedly in the future;
The Asahina ask you to be the bearer of a major nemuranai; Gain a Minor Ally in the clan of your choice; One of your Clan members
(of common origin) comes and asks to serve you as your personal aide and retainer; Fine quality fetish created to your specifications,
no cost; Position as a Magistrate to your Clan (+ 5 Glory boxes).
Rank Five
30 koku; Prominent magic item; Minor magic item made to your specifications (GM to determine cost); Position as a Magistrate for
the Emerald Champion (gain 1 Glory Rank); A prominent member of your Clan (but not a daimyo or other feudal lord) offers to
perform a minor service for you, at your request; You are given the opportunity to prove yourself to the ise zumi of the Dragon Clan -
if successful in their test, you will receive a tattoo; Gain one spell scroll from the Phoenix; A significant service from the Crab,
Scorpion, Lion or Unicorn Clan - including troops, information or safe passage.
Daidoji Bodyguard School (Bushi)
The Daidoji are among Rokugans craftiest fighters, concentrating on defensive maneuvers and a style of fighting that induces their
opponents to defeat themselves. They make excellent bodyguards, although these abilities also can be turned toward the darker side
of life, and many Daidoji work as smugglers, spies and espionage men. The Daidoji arent ashamed of their illicit activities, although
they dont go to any extremes to shout them to the world. Similar to underground spies, the Daidoji are the shadows in the court,
gathering information and protecting the Doji diplomats. If something is needed, the Daidoji can find it. If theres a shipment that
must get through, theres a Daidoji willing to take it there. Let the Doji use their skills to hide any dishonor; the Daidoji are willing to
do what must be done, for the sake of the clan.
Benefit: +1 Agility
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes.
Skills: Kenjutsu; Defense 2; Iaijutsu; Battle; Archery; any one High or Bugei skill

Rank 1: The Force of Honor
At the first rank, the Daidoji bushi adds his Honor Rank to the number of Wound she can take each level. Round all fractions down.
Rank 2: Wielding the Inner Fire

At this rank, if the bushi chooses Full Defense, they automatically gain the highest (fastest) initiative in the combat round following
the round in which they declared a Full Defense. The bushi does not need to roll, and this overrides any other initiative ability.
Rank 3: Moving the Shadow
The bushi can use his opponents armor rank against him, forcing their opponent to move against the constrictions of tightly laced do-
maru and restricted peripheral vision. The bushi dodges and moves in ways which force his opponent to work against the restrictions
of his own armor. The bushis own TN to be hit is increased by the value of his opponents armor.
Rank 4: Strike Beneath the Veil
At this rank, the bushi has gained the ability to pierce his opponents defenses to such an extent that they may make two attacks per
Rank 5: To Tread on the Sword
The bushi at this rank has learned how to use his opponents school against him. If the bushi faces an opponent whose school
technique he has previously seen, the Bodyguard may choose to spend Void equal to their opponents School Rank. If he does so, the
opponent may not use any of their special school abilities that round.
Kakita Artisan Academy (Misc.)
The Kakita artisans are the finest creators of art and literature in Rokugan. Their intense study of the arts and their focus on the innate
magic inherent in all works of beauty have led them to the development of certain techniques, or mayas. They are known throughout
the Empire as teachers, instructors and tutors, and their skills are welcomed in every court in Rokugan. Among their artistic endeavors
are the students of the art of the sword - the famous Kakita Iaijutsu Masters, detailed in the Legend of the Five Rings RPG. Kakita
artisans (other than students of the Iaijutsu school) are neither bushi nor shugenja, similar to the ise zumi detailed in the Way of the
Dragon sourcebook. The Kakita Artisan Academy still trains its students in the traditional School Rank system (from ranks 1-5).
The most unusual part of this system, however, is that when an Artisan gains enough insight to raise them in overall School Rank, the
artisan may choose which maya they will learn for their next rank. However, an Artisan cannot choose to learn a maya for which they
have not already learned the base ranks. This means that while an Artisan can always choose to learn a rank 1 maya, they may not
attempt to learn a rank 2 maya unless they have already mastered the rank 1 maya for that art. Artisans do not have techniques per
se, nor do they gain spells as a shugenja might. Artisans gain maya abilities, as defined below, for each rank they rise within their
school. Characters from the Kakita bushi school do not gain any of the maya abilities outlined below, nor can they choose to take an
artisan maya in place of their normal school rank. When a maya calls for the Artisans School Rank, they are asking for the overall
School Rank of that character, rather than the characters ability with that art. An Artisan who has an insight of 201, and has mastered
the maya Origami 1, Dance 1, and Ikebana 1 & 2 is still considered a School Rank 4 character.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Courtier; Etiquette; Any one artistic skill (choice determined by the artisans first school rank); Calligraphy; Lore: Myth and
Legend; Any one High Skill

Unlike many schools in Rokugan, the Kakita Academy teaches a variety of subjects, including the famous Iaijutsu Duelist
specialization. Both the artisans listed below, and the iaijutsu masters listed in the basic RPG book are considered students of the
Kakita Academy. The Crane consider the mastery of the sword to be like any other art - one which must be followed with discipline
and dedication, so that the mastery of its abilities reflect on the beauty and strength of the spirit A duelist and an ikebana master are, in
this way, viewed with the same respect and admiration for their mastery of their respective arts. When an Artisan begins at rank one,
they must choose a specialization from the list below. At rank one, they will gain the first maya ability of that specialization.
Thereafter, when the Artisan gains enough insight to rise another Rank, they may return to the Crane lands and choose another maya.
If the Artisan chooses to continue in their specialization, they will gain the second maya ability. If they choose to begin another
specialization, they may choose one of the other specializations and gain the first maya in that school. If an Artisan gains all three
maya abilities of one specialization, they are considered to be a Master of that art. In this way, a rank 5 Artisan will have 5 maya
abilities, chosen from the ranks below. At no point may an Artisan have the second or third level ability within a specialization unless
they have already achieved the earlier levels of that art. However, there is no constraint forcing an Artisan to Master in any art, or
even to take more than one maya from any art. Thus, the five maya which are known by a 5th rank Artisan may be from five different
arts, or any combination thereof. When an Artisan picks their first maya from a specialization, they receive a single free Skill Rank in
the corresponding art Thereafter, the Artisan must purchase further skills in this art normally. Unless otherwise specified in the
description, each maya takes approximately five minutes to perform. Art is a delicate matter, and requires implements, concentration
and creativity. Some of the maya, such as origami and painting, can be performed at one time and held until invoked. Such
invocation requires one round of action, and an Artisan can only hold a number of finished products equal to their School Rank.

The specializations are listed below in the following format:
Art: The actual type of work for which the maya is a focus, and a brief description of the art and its applications within society.
Ranks one through three: What the maya does, its effect and how it is used. This also describes the limitations and drawbacks, if any,
of the ability. Each maya is linked to its relevant artistic skill, and to the Fire Ring. In order to use the maya ability effectively, the
character must make a performance roll using a number of dice equal to their Intelligence + Skill, keeping dice equal to their
Intelligence. Unless otherwise specified, all mayas last a number of hours equal to the artisans school rank, and can be performed a
number of times per day equal to the artisans school rank.
The Target Number of the specific action which the character is attempting to perform will be determined by the Game Master, and
the artisan may make a number of raises equal to their skill rank. These raises may be used to increase the duration, accuracy, or some
other property of the artisan ability, as approved by the GM in each situation. The GM will assign Target Numbers appropriate to the
situation, but as a general rule they will range from 20 for a simpler maya to 30 or more for a very complex or advanced effect.

Acrobatics is a popular form of entertainment in Rokugan. The contortionists and high-flying daredevils of the courts are often called
upon to perform stunning acts of balance, flexibility and daring. The first prominent contortionists were a troupe of entertainers who
performed their unusual skills between periods of Noh drama, with a traveling acting band. Eventually, the acrobatic performances
began to outshine the plays, and they began to travel on their own. When those entertainers were given a permanent position as the
Royal Performers to the Prince by the sixth Hantei, it was clear that acrobatics was going to be a major art form in the future. Many
practitioners of the more noble arts look upon acrobats as low samurai and they are often viewed with suspicion. However, the
crowds that acrobats draw cannot be denied, and nearly every noble house has at some point hosted the Imperial Acrobatic Troupe
within their highest court. For an acrobat to be asked to perform with this troupe either on a single occasion or a permanent basis is a
tremendous honor. The maya for acrobatics require no preparatory rounds, and cannot be held.
Rank one: A first rank acrobat has the ability to escape complex bonds through coordination and control of their joints and muscles.
They can escape ropes, gags, or other restraints with a successful Agility + Acrobatics roll. The TN for the roll depends on the
complexity of the restraints (anywhere between 10 and 30). Further, the acrobat has the additional ability to move through passages
too small for typical human inhabitants, to slide through windows, past bars or other major impediments in a Houdini-like style. Such
extreme activity is painful for the acrobat, as it requires dislocating joints or stretching muscles in dangerous ways. Its use delivers a
single rank of Wounds each time the acrobat performs the maneuver. The acrobat may perform this maya an unlimited number of
times per day.
Rank two: When the acrobat reaches the second level of mastery, they have gained the swift reflexes and incredible dexterity needed
to dodge missile combat, such as arrows or thrown weapons. When dodging missles, the Acrobat adds his School Rank x 3 to his TN
to be hit. This bonus is only applied if the acrobat is aware of the incoming missiles. This maya requires no skill roll.
Rank three: Rank three acrobats are among the most agile people in the Empire. Their movements are blindingly fast, and they have
the ability to perceive threats in their peripheral vision. Because of this, an acrobat can instinctively move to correct their position or
balance. If the acrobat chooses a Full Defense and selects a target to defend themselves against, they cannot be hit by any targeted
weapons or spells from that individual. This maya requires a skill roll each round the character declares their Full Defense maneuver.
The TN to succeed is the attackers appropriate weapon skill + school rank times 5.
Traditional dancing is a major aspect of Rokugan culture, and ranges in style from the delicate and gentle movements of the mai
school to the energetic jumping and stamping of feet known as odori. Dancing is not only for the court, performed by the famous Noh
actors, but by the heimin of Rokugan who have developed some rather unusual styles. Dancing is said to lift the spirits, bring cheer
and health, and bless the village. Often, at great festivals, dancers stream through the streets, carrying great paper dragons with which
to frighten away evil spirits. Geisha, too, are famous dancers, performing the arts of the sensual dance. Dancing is often an elaborate
pageant, with glorious kimono and tremendous golden fans for emphasis and grace. Some more warlike dances involve weapons such
as the spear, and are thought to bring honor to the weapon as well as the performer. Dancers are sometimes mistaken for Kabuki
performers, and there are many written plays which are designed to be danced rather than performed by actors on stage. Because of
this, dancers are often as knowledgeable about plays, playwrights and performances as theatrical actors, and they know the intricacies
of makeup, stage combat, and other provinces of Kabuki or Noh theatre. Dancing is an art which requires concentration and skill, but
which can be performed with almost no preparatory work. Thus, an artisan does not require any preparatory time to use a dance maya.
However, dance maya cannot be held.
Rank one: Dancers, as performers, are often asked to use the martial skill of mizu-do in order to perform staged combat during a
performance. Because of this, a dancer often has a better grasp of the martial art of mizu-do than the typical practicioner. The skills
needed to perform accurate stage combat require hours of concentrated rehearsal, making every action a perfect harmony of body and
mind. The rank one dancer gains one level of the mizu-do skill for free. A dancer gains a number of free raises equal
to their Rank in Dance Maya anytime they use the mizu-do skill (See mizu-do, Appendix II).
Rank two: At this rank, if the dancer makes a successful contested roll of their Agility + Dancing versus the viewers Willpower, they
have mesmerized the viewers. Someone who has been mesmerized can break free of the dance by winning the contested roll. A dancer
must continue to make these contested rolls with his audience every three minutes. Someone who has been mesmerized is not
frozen nor ignorant of their surroundings. If attacked, they will respond. However, they will ignore and forget anything which
occurs (save their memory of the dancer and his dance) and down not directly affect them. Therefore, if a dancer mesmerizes the
daimyos guards, someone could slip past them, steal something from them (with a successful Agility check) or discuss A something
in their presence, all without the guards knowledge. And the guards wont even remember they were there.
Rank three: At this rank, the dancer has so sharpened their reflexes, body control and sense of timing that they are able to more
effectively perform precise movements in a short period of time. When using the mizu-do skill, and facing more than one attacker, the
dancer may make an additional defensive maneuver each round. (See mizu-do, Appendix II)
Flower arranging, the art of ikebana, is a respected and beautiful form of expression. It is the arrangement of flowers, branches, and
other plants within appropriate containers. These special containers, prescribed for each form of arrangement by ancient custom, are
displayed in homes and gardens all over Rokugan. Branches arranged to represent natural settings, formed around bursts of color from
flowering sprigs, brighten the otherwise spartan Rokugan dwellings. Flowers are considered lucky, and their arrangement brings good
omens from the kami of the household. Scattered petals are said to ward off disease and ill fortune, and are often given to the sick or
the old in order to bring them long life and health. In general, ikebana maya cannot be held, with the exception of their rank three
ability, noted below.
Rank one: At this rank, the ikebani can bring good fortune to those the - artist favors. By spending ten minutes and making a
successful Intelligence + Ikebana roll at a TN of 15, the artist can grant an individual (himself or another) an additional die to roll and
keep for one task. The task to which this additional die is applied must be immediately performed. No more than one die can be given
in such a way to a single task.
Rank two: A second rank ikebana artist can use the beauty of their arrangements to inspire confidence and remove doubt. With a
successful Intelligence + Ikebana roll (TN 20), the Artisan can grant a single Free Raise to any individual who sees the arrangement,
for any one task (stated by the artisan while in the presence of the arrangement) which must be performed within the hour. It takes ten
minutes for the artist to confer this benefit. This ability is not cumulative with itself, and an ikebana artist may not give more than one
free raise to any individual in the span of less than an hour. However, this is cumulative with free raises from other sources, such as a
shugenjas free spell raise based on their school.
Rank three: A master of flower arranging has the ability to warp luck around himself, gathering fortune and changing the odds of
probability. This ability has two possible applications: beneficial or detrimental, based on the ikebanis choice of luck or unluck.
Either effect requires a successful skill roll (Intelligence + Ikebana at a TN of 25). Once the ikebana Artisan has successfully
performed their art (an act which requires five minutes of concentration), they have gained one reroll. This reroll may be used at any
time, on any individual in the ikebanas sight, to force the reroll of a single action. Thus, the ikebani can choose to reroll a failed roll
performed by himself or one of his companions, or he can force an opponent to reroll a successful action before it can take place. An
ikebana artisan can hold this reroll for up to one full day after he has performed the initial arrangement.
Jesters, the dancing figures which strut through the court and mock the failings of others, are another type of Artisan in Rokugan.
Their satires and public jokes about important figures in the Court are sanctioned only because it is the jesters job. They are some of
the few individuals who can speak publicly about another persons loss of face without being openly challenged for it Even so, they
are usually sponsored by a noble who is responsible for their comedic performance. Jesting does not require any preparation, but it
also cannot be held. Anyone who uses this maya is immediately recognizable as a jester, whether wearing the appropriate costume
or not.
Rank one: At rank 1, the Jester has become adept at manipulating the emotions of others. If the Jester converses with another
character, he can leave that character feeling distracted or care-free, at the Jesters whim. Afterwards, all of the target characters
social skill rolls (Tea Ceremony, Etiquette, etc) either add or subtract one die to their roll for a number of hours equal to the Jesters
School Rank. A character may only be targeted with this once per day, and will know that he or she is being tampered with.
Rank two: The Jester can manipulate everyone else into jumping into a melee before he does. With their skill at taunting and their
understanding of basic human impulses, the Jester has gained the ability to start a fight. While this is not a difficult thing in many
places of Rokugan, the Jester can do so without appearing to be at fault. Whether in or out of combat, the Jester can attempt to draw
someone into direct combat - luring an archer from safe cover, taunting an opposing shugenja into rushing into combat, etc. The Jester
must perform for two actions, after which the victim must roll their Intelligence against a TN of 15, or charge the nearest individual,
whether friend of foe. If the Jester wishes to raise this TN, they must make a performance roll (Intelligence + Jester) at a TN of 20,
plus raises for every 5 they wish to add to their victims TN. Conditions may be right (tense, or combat-ready) for this to work. It
cannot cause anyone to act against his or her basic nature (i.e. pacifist monk will not attack).
Rank three: Upon reaching Rank 3 in his school, the Jester has become skilled enough to pull an onlooker into his act Anytime the
Jester is making a public performance (at the Imperial Court, during a festival, etc.), he may target someone in the audience. The
character targeted is on the receiving end of the Jesters wit If the Jester defeats his opponent in a contested Intelligence roll, the
victim permanently loses a number of Honor points equal to the Jesters School Rank. The Jester may never target the same person
twice in less than six months.
Music is possibly the oldest form of entertainment in the Empire, ranging from simple songs of the hinin to the elaborate court
orchestra of the Emperor. The standard repertory of a court entertainer consists of over 80 numbers on a wide range of instruments.
One of the most popular instruments is the drum, ranging from the hourglass-shaped tsuzum~ which is played with the hand, to the
huge barrel-shaped taiko. Members of the musician class are often called the kodo or Children of the Drum Another popular
instrument is the gentle biwa, said to have been created by Kakita himself for Lady Doji. The biwa, an instrument similar to the
mandolin, has either four or five strings, five frets, and is played with a thin pick made of wood or ivory. Flutes (hichiriki), whistles
(sho) and gongs (shoko) are also popular in orchestral settings. The most popular style of melody is known as gagaku or elegant
music. Much of this style of music originates in ancient temples and ceremonial rites, and has been carried over into the more
popular court tradition. Gagaku is solemn, slow and majestic, often performed before temple ceremonies in order to draw the divine
spirits of the Tao. Because of the delicate and precise nature of this art, it cannot be held. A musicians maya require one round of
playing before their magical abilities activate, with the exception of the rank two maya as noted below.
Rank one: While the musician plays, they create a 10 area around them which makes it more difficult for spells to be effective. All
incoming or outgoing spells within 10 of the caster must add +10 to their Target Number. Raises by the Artisan can increase this
Rank two: At this rank, the musician can summon one die of animals from his area to perform simple tasks. It requires a half hour of
playing, singing and performance to summon the creatures. The animals have limited intellect, but can understand the Artisans will
through the music. These creatures are determined randomly by the Game Master, but all are of small size, such as squirrels, dogs, or
hawks. The creatures are loyal to the caster, and the maya grants them the ability to understand simple commands and perform simple
actions without supervision. These creatures will obey the will of the caster for one full day.
Rank three: The final rank a musician can achieve confers the power to enchant listeners to such an extent that they will cease all
activity and listen to the musician for as long as they choose to play. Use of this power calls for a contested roll versus the listeners
Willpower. If the roll is successful, the listener will cease activity and listen to the music, oblivious to all that occurs around them. If
the listener is attacked, moved or roughly shaken, they are immediately freed of all further effect of the song, and cannot be targeted
with this ability again for 24 hours. This ability is not targeted, and affects all listeners within earshot

Noh/Kabuki Acting
This highly stylized form of traditional theater is popular in all parts of Rokugan, incorporating dance, music, acting, makeup and
glittering displays of costume and lighting effects. In some cases, Noh is performed by puppeteers rather than physical actors and
actresses, but typically a troupe of Noh performers will consist of a protagonist (the shite) and a primary supporting character (the
waki). The drama consists of slow, rhythmic chants and restrained movements, and follows a very rigid pattern. First, the waki calls
the shite to the stage and asks questions which reveal the situation and the nature of the shite. The climax of the play is the formal
dance performed by the shite, which expresses their characters true feelings. All Noh actors keep their faces expressionless during the
performance, preferring to let the words and expressions of the play speak for the character. During an artisans life, they may be
trained to play either or both of these main roles, as well as a host of other characters such as an old man, court noble, spirit or
ancestor, or demon. In some performances, there are elaborate masks which the performers wear to hide their faces and express the
characters nature. There are no sets in Noh. A featureless black backdrop, a few simple objects used as props and a host of musical
instruments comprise all the necessities of the performance. The emphasis of a Noh play is not the plot - it is the gradual
intensification of character and emotion. There are categories of Noh plays: the celebratory plays, the ghost plays, the woman plays,
the warrior plays, and the demon plays. In some more rural Noh, there is a sixth type - the burlesque play. Such plays are not popular
among the courts of Rokugan, but have gained great favor with the common man. Kabuki is a different type of theater, focusing on
lively and almost violent action, dancing, and emotional tension. Singers and an orchestra often provide a backdrop for the actors and
key information about the setting or characters. The name kabuki comes from kabuki-odori, stylish and shocking dances. It makes
use of elaborate costumes and makeup, intricate sets and dramatic special effects. Actors move in stylized patterns known as kata.
Stage hands, dressed entirely in black, move about the stage during a production, changing sets or portraying ancestral spirits which
cannot be seen by the actors. The stage is often constructed with many trap doors, a rotating platform, and other elaborate
contraptions. The two major types of Kabuki plays are the jidaimono, or rough stuff style; and the sewamono, or talk of the town
- the social dramas. Using raises, the artisan can increase the duration of their ability, doubling the time the ability would be active for
each raise declared by the player. Use of any of the Noh/Kabuki maya requires ten minutes to perform, and these maya cannot be
Rank one: The artisan has gained the ability to impersonate certain individuals, through study and observation. The target numbers for
this impersonation skill are:
Someone youve known your whole life: TN 10
Someone youve known for years: TN 15
Someone youve known for months: TN 20
Someone youve just met: TN 25
Through this ability, the artisans voice, mannerisms, and physical appearance are changed through the careful application of makeup
and use of the acting skill. Certain physical attributes, such as extreme height or an extremely unusual voice, cannot be mimicked
through this ability. The artisan needs a makeup kit and simple tools, such as appropriate garb or certification of their identity. (A
samurai who is well known for his tattered saya. for example, might be questioned if he appeared without it)
Rank two: At this rank, the Noh dramatist has captured the essence of the more fearsome characters depicted in the plays. Demons,
nightmares, furious spirits from beyond the grave - all these archetypes common to the Kabuki and Noh dramas have become second
nature to the skilled artisan. With practice, they can use this ability to shape their visage into something more fearsome than any mask
they use on stage. A number of times per day equal to their school rank, the dramatist may attempt to cause a fear effect, centered on
themselves, affecting all creatures in a 30 radius who do not make a Willpower roll against a TN of 15 and spend a Void point. Those
affected will cease whatever they are doing and flee the area at top speed for a number of rounds equal to 2 x the Artisans School
Rank. The Artisan does not have to make an Artisans Skill roll to perform this act, but if they wish to increase the target number or
the radius, or exclude certain individuals from the effect, the dramatist may attempt to roll as per the Artisans rules, making raises
appropriate to their alterations. If this skill check fails, the entire use of the ability is wasted, as if used normally, but no effect is
Rank three: At this rank, the dramatist has gained the ability to physically alter their entire body, so that the dramatist can assume the
form of animals: able to carry object, bark, etc. but unable to fly or perform any action beyond the physical capacity of human being.
The forms which the actor chooses to become may not exceed the mass of a heavy war horse, and be no smaller than a medium-sized
dog. No items (including clothes or weapons) change with the Artisan, and the illusion is broken if an onlooker touches the artisan.
The origami master specializes in the creation of beautiful objects and animals from small squares of rice paper. Origami is the
intricate art of folding, creating lifelike animals or stunning replicas of other items. For centuries, origami has been used in ceremony
and ritual, and the skill is highly regarded in Rokugan. Origami emphasizes straight lines and sharp angles. The earliest uses of
origami derive from a monk who lived alone at a shrine to Hotei, the Fortune of Contentment. The crane, a symbol of contentment
and long life, is the most popular origami shape, but many of the shapes hold special significance to the Rokugani people. Although
differing kinds of paper can be used by the artisan in order to simulate texture, the maya abilities below all require only the finest rice
paper, ornamented on one side by a wash of color or patterning. This is called kawarie origami. Each use of a maya to create the
effects below destroys the paper which is used in the composition.
Rank one: The artisan can create small, mobile animals. At this point, the creatures made by the artisan have no intelligence, and
merely follow commands of the creator. Further, the animals are still formed from paper, and retain their original size and mass. This
means that the artisan could create a horse, but it would only be a three-inch high horse. A bird, however, would have the ability to
fly, a spider to spin a web, or a dog to bark a (rather faint) warning when strangers approached. These creatures make reliable short-
distance messengers, warning alarms and scouts, as they can verbally communicate with their creator in a limited fashion. The artisan
is not limited to real animals. Creations from the characters imagination are acceptable, as are animals from myth and legend. The
items are under the direct mental control of their creator for as long as they are in the artists sight These animals last a number of
minutes equal to the artisans School Rank.

Rank two: The artisan has increased their prowess, and has gained the ability to make their inanimate creations real for a short time -
small boats, boxes or kimonos could be made for use by the artisan. Regardless of the size of rice paper that the artisan uses to activate
their creations, the item becomes the appropriate size and correct (if mundane) material. Such items are always of average quality, and
must be of no greater mass than a rowboat. The items still retain a strange, paper-like quality which distinguishes them from normal
items; they cannot be mistaken for a real item of the same type, even under casual inspection. These items last a number of hours
equal to the artisans school rank.
Rank three: At the final rank, the artisan has the ability to create actual animals, fully alive and formed of flesh and bone. The animal
may be up to the size of a heavy war horse, and has no real intellect and no magical powers. Therefore, a Ki-Rin would look like a Ki-
Rin, but be unable to fly, ignite itself, or use spelllike abilities. A giant eagle, on the other hand, would be able to fly, because a
birds flight is not a magic power. It is completely under the command of its creator, and has the ability to communicate through
barks, nods, or other animal actions. It is not intelligent, and cannot read or understand complex orders. The artisan is not limited to
real animals creations from the characters imagination are acceptable, as are animals from myth and legend. It is loyal to its
creator, and will risk itself for their wellbeing. These animals last a number of hours equal to the artisans school rank.
Painting includes the many skills of color and visual art, including calligraphy, sculpting, and woodblock print. One of the most
common forms of traditional painting is called birdandflower painting, known as kachoga, which uses distinctive landscapes and
figures upon smooth, flowing backgrounds. Paintings are traditionally depicted and displayed on long, vertical scrolls (kakemono) or
rolling, horizontal scrolls (emakimono). The traditional brushes have bamboo or wooden handles, topped with animal hair. Tubular
brushes known as fude are used for calligraphy, along with black ink known as sumi. There are over 300 kinds of writing and painting
brushes, and more than 200 different kinds of hair for their creation. Calligraphy is the artistic writing of Rokugani characters, and is
thought to embody the spirit of the Crane Clan. No art is more highly valued by the clan, for in calligraphy each movement can be
made only once. The ink is indelible, each movement depicted permanently upon the paper without any hope of beginning again. One
strike, one brush stroke -one life. Wayc is the art form of calligraphy, which is more than the simple writing of words on paper. Often,
a person is judged by the beauty of their writing, and treaties have been refused on no more than the flaws in the artists handwriting
on the page. The characters are admired as abstract forms and designs known as kanji, embodying the character and state of mind of
their renderer. They can be powerful glyphs and wards, and their perfection can hold the power of the word which they embody.
Painting is one of the more difficult art forms, and one which encourages immediate perfection. A painter who does not spend the
appropriate amount of time perfecting his technique may end up with some very disturbing results. Painting maya require at least
fifteen minutes of prepation, but they can be held7 Any glyph which is held must be kept in a safe, dry place (spell scroll tubes
work), and the GM must be informed which glyphs in particular have been made.
Rank one: At this rank, the painter has the ability to create semi-permanent calligraphic glyphs which are powered by the essence of
the word. The painter can use special inks and brushes to impart certain magical qualities to the character the Artisan creates. The
glyphs will remain where they were painted until a number of people have seen them equal to the painters school rank. Some
examples of appropriate calligraphic characters are given below, but players should be encouraged to create their own glyphs and
effects. Any power should be mild and unable to affect any great changes, as the examples below:
Confusion: When the painter creates this glyph, he confers the essence of chaos and disorder into his calligraphic character. When
someone looks at it, they must make an Intelligence roll against a TN of 15 or become confused for a number of turns equal to (5 -
their Intelligence). A confused individual will alternately wander about, attack blindly, recite poetry or stand still. The GM will decide
the appropriate reaction. Spending a Void point negates the effect.
Protection: When this glyph is drawn, the painter must inscribe it upon the forehead of the individual to be protected. Once placed, it
will remain for a number of days equal to the painters school rank, and add 5 to their TN to be hit. Further, it offers an additional day
of resistance to the Shadowlands taint for each school rank of the painter. Only one such glyph may be placed upon any individual at a
Rank two: When the Artisan achieves this amount of skill with their medium, they may create paintings of individuals with whom
they are familiar. In order to do this, the painter must first create special implements, such as brushes made from the hair of the
individual, or a canvas which is made of the persons favorite kimono. Such personalized tokens allow the magic to connect the
painting to the target individual. Once the painting has been successfully completed (an Agility + Painting roll at TN 25), the Artisan
can use it to speak to the target over a great distance, by meditating with the work. Such a painting can take a dlO days to create, and
requires a great amount of dedication and devotion to the work. Raises to the Target Number can allow the Artisan to see through the
eyes of the individual in the painting, or allow the picture to work even at extreme distances, such as into the Shadowlands.
Rank three: The Master Painter has gained the ability to actually travel through his paintings. After he creates a work based on a place
with which he is familiar, the Master can meditate on the painting, for at least two hour, and actually step through it to the place
represented by the picture. The creation of a mural of this magnitude can take as long as several weeks, and requires an Intelligence +
School Rank at a TN of 30. If the mural is successful, the Artisan can step through and appear on the other side. If unsuccessful, the
picture is ruined and work must begin again. Each time the painter attempts this feat, there is a 25% chance that the painting will be
ruined. The Master Painter is the only one who can journey in this way.
Poetry is admired in Rokugan as the highest form of literature. Waka, the traditional short poems and songs, is a type of poetic genre
distinguished by its form. Written in short lines with 31 syllables following a 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic pattern, waka can sometimes be
created spontaneously. A popular form of challenge in the court of Rokugan is to comprise a short poem, sometimes by forming a new
poem from the lines of one which someone else has just extemporized, and sometimes by creating it in an alternating fashion, line by
line with an opponent. The earliest and greatest anthology of Rokugani poetry is the Manyoshu, a collection compiled by Ikoma Ume.
In it are listed over 4,000 individual waka, from the great art of masters such as Kakita Kiyamori, Akodo Tomei and the great ronin
poet, Rezan. Modern poetry tends to stress a newer style, called the renga form, which is based on the five line waka, but is always
composed by two people in succession - the first performs the 5-7-5 lines, and the second finishes the verse with the final two 7-
syllabled lines. One of the most highly regarded poets of the current era is Kitsune Shikitora, of the Fox Clan, who has spent over 50
years of her life collecting poems from across the Empire. Her library is said to be quite extensive, and her knowledge of poetic style
is unparalleled. The most famous poetry competition is held on the birthday of the Emperor each year, sponsored by the Crane Clan,
in which thousands of people create waka based on a topic selected by the Emperor himself. At one of these competitions, many years
ago, the great Rezan saved his own life by composing a waka and winning the competition. The Emperor had taken offense at the
poets loud criticisms of Imperial policy, and had been prepared to command Rezan to commit seppuku for his indiscretions.
However, Rezans recitation at the Imperial Birthday Celebration caused the Emperor to rescind his command and allow the poet to
live. Rezan was also the first poet to develop the shortest form of waka, known as the haiku, and to use it to express deep insights into
nature and human life. Until that time, most poetry shorter than five lines was considered frivolous, and used for amusement and
colloquial expressions. His style set the standard for modern haiku, and in fact changed the way poetry was viewed in the Empire.
Extemporaneous poetry is one of the most loved art forms in the Emerald Empire, and courtiers delight in challenging each other to
spontaneous poetic acrobatics. Thus, some poetry can be performed without preparation, while other, more complex works require as
much as an hour to create.
Rank one: At this rank, the poet has the ability to create a minor mirage based on his recitation. Descriptions of woods can create the
image of a forest surrounding the Artisan; a poem based on a ladys beauty can make her (temporarily) even more lovely. These
illusions have no auditory components, and cannot create the illusion of a specific person. However, they could be used to camouflage
a party of samurai as bushes, or to enhance a shugenjas spell effect, making it appear as if flames roared from the casters hand. The
maya is directed by the Artisans mind at the time of its creation, and cannot be altered thereafter, except by the use of another maya.
Anyone attempting to disbelieve the illusion must roll their Willpower + Perception against a Target Number of 20. This maya
requires a preparation time from ten minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of the mirage. Enhancing an already existing
object (such as a ladys beauty) is a relatively simple task (ten minutes), while camouflaging a group of people as bushes is a radical
change and might take an hour.
Rank two: The second rank poet has the ability to send short messages, composed as a haiku or waka, which are received as whispers
in the ear of the receiver. The receiver may then compose their own poem, in the same style, and whisper it back. If the receiver is in
sight of the poet, this ability does not require a Skill roll, and may be done a number of times per day equal to the poets School Rank.
If the recipient is out of sight, the poet must make a Skill roll (Intelligence + Poetry) based on the distance between the two, and must
also have some item which is close to the recipient. Typical skill rolls for distance are: TN of 15 for up to 1 mile, TN of 20 for up to 5
miles, and TN of 25 for up to 10 miles. A message can be sent and received across a great distance in this way once per day for each
School Rank of the poet. This maya requires no preparation.
Rank three: The third rank poet has the ability to inspire great deeds through their recitation of poetic events and famous chants.
Anyone who sits and listens (up to a maximum number of people equal to two times the poets school rank) for three rounds (the
poets preparation time) before going into combat will receive a +10 to all of their attack rolls, and a +10 to their TN to be hit for a
number of rounds equal to two times the poets School Rank.
There are many types of storytelling in Rokugan, from the serious to the comic. A professional storyteller, known as a rakugoka, uses
voice, facial expression and expansive gestures. Often, the storyteller will act out the story with only their fan as a prop. Charades,
such as the pouring of imaginary tea into an imaginary cup, are commonplace among professional storytellers during their stories.
Audiences may already be familiar with the story, to the point of knowing the gestures before the storyteller makes them. However,
the excitement of the story is in the way it is told - the original portrayal of the characters and episodes which the storyteller acts out,
and the emotions which the tale evokes from its audience. Storytellers often tutor noble children because of their familiarity with the
myths and legends of Rokugan, as well as their methods of teaching the Tao and other skills which a noble child will need later in life.
Of all the Artisans, the storyteller most often travels the land, entertaining the populace and reminding them of the traditional ways.
One of the most famous storytellers in history was Kakita Ryoku, author of the novel Winter. Her novel is the published papers of her
journal, which tells of the stories she heard at winter courts, and it illustrates the intricacies of the Rokugan political system. The novel
has been quite popular among the ladies of Rokugan, for some of its stories detail the famous romances of her time. However, it is
much more than a romance novel. Winter also details many political strategies and secrets which were used by the various clans, and
has been considered by some to be the single greatest book on politics and court intrigue that has ever been written. Storytelling is not
a static art. It requires time and creativity to perform, and therefore cannot be held as some other artisan maya can. Storytelling
requires at least ten minutes to perform longer if the storyteller is attempting a complex or difficult feat.
Rank one: At this rank, the storyteller has a great knowledge of items and ancient history. If the storyteller studies an item for a ten
minutes, she has a chance of understanding its importance in history and any legendary attributes which the item may have. The
storyteller may know of the original owner of the item, or any reputed owners, as well. This ability allows her to identify the magical
or renowned capabilities of the item, if any. The Storyteller must make an Intelligence + School Rank roll against a TN of 20 to
identify most notable items (Bloodswords, Ancestral Items) and their abilities, but more obscure items will have higher Target
Numbers. Note that a failed result may result in a misunderstanding, and the storyteller may gain an inaccurate result
Rank two: At this rank, the storyteller has the ability to cause such belief in their stories that they may actually come true. Whether the
storyteller reaches the deepest psychological point of the intended recipient, or whether the ability in some way calls up spirits to do
the storytellers bidding, is unclear. What is clear are the results. The storyteller chooses a myth and recites it in such a way that the
target sees a connection between himself and the character, and that myth will come true in their own life. This can have beneficial or
detrimental effects which come to pass over a period of a week and must be renewed with another rendition of the story to have
further influence over the target. For example, if the storyteller influences their target by telling them of a great Oni which eats the feet
of the dead and carries the hearts of victims to the Shadowlands, the recipient may find themselves plagued by a strange odor, hearing
noises in the night, and over the course of a week actually believing that they are being attacked by such a creature. If they
successfully defeat this being (the product of their own imagination), the story loses its power and will plague them no more. Each

time the storyteller uses this ability, the roll is a contested one, versus the recipients Void. The storyteller loses all points of Void in
the attempt, whether successful or not, and cannot use this ability again for a number of days equal to (6 - their current Void).
Rank Three: A master storyteller has the ability to bring characters from myth and legend to life. Characters such as Doji Nio, son of
Kakita; Osano-Wo, the Fortune of Thunder; or Benten, the patroness of romantic love, can all be created in semi-sentient physical
form. Such spirits are not the original characters, of course - they are merely the storytellers own chi, which has created a
constructed being who has certain traits which are attributed to the character. These creatures, if they can be called that, have no
intelligence of their own aside from the mythical knowledge of their characters and the direction of the storyteller. A construct of
Osano-Wo might be asked to stand and defend the storyteller, for example, but it cannot woo a woman or cast spells, because those
arent part of Osano-Wos mythical characteristics. A storyteller can only have one character active at any given time, and must
maintain total concentration or the character will vanish and the maya will end. At no time can the construct be out of the Artisans
sight. If the construct is ever killed or destroyed, the Artisan immediately drops to the Down wound rank. These creations cannot
have a Ring score higher than the Storytellers school rank and his total Rings cannot be higher than 15. It cab have a maximum of
four skills, and a score no higher than 4 in any one. The total number of skill points cannot be higher than ten. Typical constructs will
require an Intelligence + Storytelling roll at a TN of 20, but more obscure characters or characters with a great deal of personality may
require a higher TN. Players and GMs should peruse the lore of Rokugan as presented in the various clan books and the basic rule
book, and decide on statistics for certain constructs which the storyteller chooses to call upon fairly often - an incarnation of love, for
example, or of deceit. A word of warning is required, however - the only Artisan bold enough to attempt to bring forth the First
Children of the Sun was driven mad and torn to pieces by the power he attempted to channel. Some things are better left alone...
Crane Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit

Bushi Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type(s), Light or Heavy Armor, Helm, Traveling
Pack, Steed, Kimono, any 3 weapons, 10 Koku

Shugenja Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Tanto, 10 Koku, Steed

Magistrate Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type, Light Armor, Jitte, Helm, Traveling Pack,
Steed, Kimono, Badge of Office, any weapon, 10 Koku

Courtier Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Tanto, Kimono, Traveling Pack, Small Iron Box, Steed, 15 Koku

Bodyguard Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Yari, Light or Heavy Armor, Helm, Traveling Pack, Steed, Kimono, any 3
Weapons, 10 koku

Artisan Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Kimono, Traveling Pack, Artisans Satchel, basic equipment as suited for
their Artisan specialty (paintbrushes, makeup kit, etc.), 10 koku

These Tables are designed to give the player a guide to determining random events which have shaped their familys history - glorious
or otherwise. A character may roll on the Heritage Tables up to three times, but each roll costs one Character Point Begin with
Heritage Table 1 and follow the instructions. But be warned, for every family has at least one skeleton in the closet, and not all
ancestors are distant spirits.

Roll Result
1 Dishonorable Past Roll on Heritage Table 2.
2-3 Undistinguished Past. No benefits or penalties.
4-6 Distinguished Ancestor. Roll on Heritage Table 3.
7-10 Mixed Blessings. Roll on Heritage Table 4.


Unfortunately, we are not all blessed with honorable ancestors.
Roll Result
1-2 Traitor! A distant family member betrayed a daimyo of your clan. Begin the game with the Black Sheep Disadvantage (see the
basic rulebook, p 75). You gain no Character Points for this disadvantage.
3-4 Coward! One of your ancestors failed to prove his worth in battle and ran when he faced the enemy of your clan. You begin the
game at zero Glory and must earn twenty Glory points before you reach Rank 1.
5-6 Shameful birth. Your mother was a highly ranked diplomat to another clan. While there, she became pregnant and you were
born. You are considered a tremendous shame to your family, because your mother betrayed her loyalty to the clan with her
lover. She committed seppuku shortly after your birth, and you begin the game at zero Glory. You were cast out of the clan for
her dishonor, and you are a Crane Clan Ronin; a relative raised you in the basics of your schools techniques, but you will need
to go to another school to learn advanced abilities.
7-8 Vow! Your family has a long-standing vow to complete. This could be a duel of honor, the recovery of a stolen item once in
their care, or the repossession of land taken from your clan in battle. You may not achieve rank 3 in your school until this vow is
9-0 Ruined! Your family lost everything in a battle or political coup. You begin the game with nothing. No family (True Ronin), no
money - only the clothes on your back and your outfit (all items are of poor quality).


Roll Result
1-2 Your family is renowned for its cleverness. One of your ancestors established their reputation in the Imperial court at the
expense of another clan, and you are anticipated to follow in your ancestors footsteps. Gain 1 Honor rank, and a minor enemy
in a clan of the GMs choice.
3-4 One of your ancestors slew a powerful enemy of the Crane Clan. Gain one Glory rank, a Major Enemy from a clan of the GMS
choice and the Lore: clan skill for that clan. You are also cursed to always drop your highest die when fighting against members
of that clan
5-7 You have inherited a nemuranai You have no clue as to the items potential, but you have been told to treat the item well. It has
been in your family for generations, and you are expected to carry it with you. Always.
8-9 You are the last of a once-noble family within the Crane Clan. Your fathers land was taken from him to pay taxes, and his
samurai retainers have long since been dismissed. You are the only child, the heir to his title and his responsibilities to the
Crane, but with that nobility comes the knowledge that all the spirits of your ancestors are watching you, and that you are their
last hope for glory and the return of the prestige that your ancestors once had. Gain 3 Glory points.
10 Somethings wrong. Your family has always kept a secret from you, but you never minded as a child. People stared at you as if
they knew something you didnt, and youve never even known your mothers name, much less met anyone who knew her.
Your father wont talk about it he refuses to mention what occurred, why you were found on the step of his home, or why
hes so certain that you are his child. Lately, youve noted some unusual things happening around you - and nobody will explain
why. The circumstances surrounding your birth are unknown to you - and youre starting to think your mother wasnt even


Roll Result: One of Your Ancestors...
1-2 .fought at a famous battle. Roll on Table 3A
3-4 .. had a famous romance. Roll on Table 3B.
5-6 ...performed a heroic deed. Roll on Table 3C.
7-8 ...held a prestigious duty. Roll on Table 3D.
9-10 ...died a glorious death. Roll on table 3E

Your ancestor fought in a famous battle of the past, giving you a worthy standard to live up to.
Roll Result
1-2 Battle of the Landbridge
It was at this battle that the Daidoji first made an alliance with the Crab. The valor of the Crane bushi who sacrificed their lives
alongside the Hida and Kuni at the great wall has forged a respect between the two clans. Your ancestor was one of the original
Iron Cran& Add 1 to your Glory rank and gain a Minor Ally in the Crab Clan.
3-6 Battle at Kyuden Kitsune
This is the most recent battle in Crane history, having been fought only 30 years ago. The forces of two minor clans came
together, and the Crane were forced to fight for peace between them after an assassination killed many of the nobles of the Fox
Clan. Gain the skill Lore: Ninja at Rank 1, add 1 to your Glory rank, and gain a Minor Enemy in the Fox Clan.
4-5 Victory With No Strike
Your ancestor was part of the diplomatic troupe of bushi which engineered the peace between the Lion and the Phoenix Clan at
the borders of Nemuiaminari Yama. Gain a Major Ally in either the Lion or Phoenix Clan.
6 Battle of the Raging Seas
This is the famous seabattle which occurred seven hundred years ago during the Battle at the White Stag, between the gaijin
forces and the fleet of Crane ships. Without the Crane to sink the gaijin ships, their cannons would have destroyed much of the
Rokugani coastline. Gain a Major Ally in the clan of your choice, and the skill Lore: Gunpowder.
7-8 Battle of the Sleeping River
It was at this famous battle that the clan united against luchiban and his order of Blood Speakers. Doji Hejiko, the Champion of
the Crane, led her armies against the Blood Speakers in order to exact revenge on Asahina Jaijimin, a traitorous shugenja. Your
ancestor was at this battle. Add 1 to your Glory, and the skill Lore: Maho (Black Magic).
9-0 Day of the Falling Stars
At this battle, the Crane armies were forced to retreat due to Lion military pressure. Many peasants took their own lives rather
than be at the palace when the Lion arrived, and the castle is said to be haunted with their spirits. Gain a Minor Enemy in the
Lion Clan, and the advantage Higher Purpose:
Retake Shiro no Yogin.


Step One: Roll two dice for the clan with whom your ancestor had a romantic entanglement
01-20 Dragon
21-40 Phoenix
41-70 Crane
71-75 Crab
76-85 Scorpion
86-90 Unicorn
91-00 Lion, Minor Clan or GM/Player choice.
Step Two: Now roll two dice for the outcome of the affair.
01-70 Romantic affair.
01-15 Summer affair. Nothing special. Gain Minor Ally in appropriate clan.
16-30 Winter affair. Much more noticeable. Gain Minor Ally in appropriate clan and 5 Glory points.
31-55 Marriage! Add 1 to your Glory rank and Major Ally in appropriate clan.
56-70 A spot of trouble. A parent didnt approve, so the affair was kept secret Gain a Minor Ally and Minor Enemy in
appropriate clan.
71-00 Tragic affair.
71-75 Your ancestors emotions were unrequited. Gain a Minor Enemy from the appropriate Clan.
76-90 Your ancestors rival had too much influence, so all your ancestor won was a broken heart
91-97 A messy affair. Both parties were commanded to commit seppuku. You were raised by your uncle/aunt/cousin.
Lose 1 Glory rank and switch your family name to another family (Doji to Kakita, Kakita to Daidoji, etc.)
98-00 The affair occurred after your gempukku ceremony. The husband/father/wife of your Ancestors lover demanded
justice and killed him/her in a duel. You now have a Major Enemy and others of your family consider it your duty to
demand the right to blood feud. Good luck.

Roll Result
1-2 Ancestor saved daimyo from assassination. Gain Lore: Ninja and 5 Glory points.
3-4 (Shugenja) Ancestor researched spell. Gain one Air spell as an Innate Ability.
(Bushi) Ancestor was famous for his sword technique. Gain one free raise when using iaijutsu, once per day.
(Artisan) Ancestor was a master of two arts. Gain one skill, and the first maya of that art, to be used once a day. If you later
choose to achieve the second maya of that art, you also gain full standard access to the first maya.
5-6 Ancestor defeated a famous swordsman in a duel. Gain a katana of fine quality and 5 Glory points.
7-8 Ancestor rescued a kidnapped relative. Gain Major Ally (Crane Clan) and 3 Glory points.
9-0 Ancestor singlehandedly turned back a sally during a siege. Gain Battle 1 (or +1 Battle) and 3 Glory points.


Your character has the following position and rank:
Roll Result
1-3 Magistrate of the family (+1 Glory)
4-5 Magistrate of the clan (+2 Glory)
6 Magistrate of the Emerald Champion (+3 Glory)
7 Minor Diplomat to the court of the Clan (+ 1 Honor)
8 Minor Diplomat to the court of the Emperor (+2 Honor)
9 Gunso (Sergeant) (+1 Glory, +1 Battle)
0 Chui (Lieutenant) (+1 Glory, +2 Battle)


All results on this table also roll on Table 5: Gifts, below.
Roll Result
1-4 Killed in a Duel
5-9 Killed in Battle
Step one: Roll on the Famous Battle Table, above (Table 3A)
Step two: Roll on table below. All rolls are worth 1 Glory Rank, plus any listed bonus.
1-2: Killed protecting general. Gain Major Ally from appropriate clan.
3: Killed charging and breaking enemy lines. Gain Minor Ally from your family.
4-5: Rode out before the enemys army and shouted insults, but died later. Gain and lose nothing.
6: Died defending an ambassador. Gain a Favor from the Doji Courtier Favor Table, page 56.
7: Challenged the enemys general, but died. Gain 5 additional Glory Points.
8. Carried the Clan Banner into battle. Gain 7 additional Glory Points.
9: Stole the enemys banner. Gain an additional Glory Rank.
0: Your Ancestor saved a comrade by dragging him from behind enemy lines. Gain a Major Ally from the appropriate clan.
0 Seppuku
Your Ancestor committed seppuku to save your familys honor, and your Ancestor left you something to remind you of his
sacrifice. Gain 5 Honor Points.


Roll Result
01-15 1- 10 koku (1d10)
16-35 2-20 koku (2d10)
36-50 Gain minor fetish (tsangusuri) as a token of the Crane Clans appreciation. Roll on Heritage Table 6, below.
51-75 4-40 koku (4d10)
76-80 You have been made governor over a small bit of land that you must spend at least 3 months of the year tending to. Gain 1
Glory Rank. The revenue of the land is 1-10 koku per year.
81-00 You have been made hatamoto (honored advisor) to a daimyo of a family within the Crane Clan - this is an important obligation,
and you gain 1 Honor Rank, and the responsibility to attend your feudal lord once every three months.

A full description of tsangusuri is given in Appendix III. Each of these items has only one use, unless otherwise specified in the items
Roll Result
01-10 Incense of Concentration With fifteen minutes of meditation, user (must be a shugenja) receives 2 spent Void Points back.
11-25 Brooch of Plenty Once every two days, nourishes the user fully for one day.
26-50 Jade Amulet Adds 2k2 to resist Shadowlands Taint.
51-65 Makeup Kit Adds one die to roll for any disguise/impersonation roll.
66-69 Bone Key Opens any door, even if locked or magically sealed. Any physical traps are negated, any magical ones are
70-76 Feather of the Crane Lowers the wielders weight to 10% of normal for up to one hour. While in this state the wielder
takes 3 times normal damage from physical attacks.
77-79 Acorn of Visions When eaten, this magical nut renders the user comatose for one hour, during which he will receive
visions about any subject meditated upon immediately before eating. At times, this fetish can be used as a type of augury to
attempt to divine a course of action, or as a semi-reliable form of scrying upon another person.
80-89 Tortoise Shell Confers protection from all ranged attacks, for the duration of ten combat rounds.
90-97 White Sheaf of Grain Heals 2d10 worth of damage to one person. The person does not have to be the user, but must be
touched by the user as the sheaf is invoked.
98-00 Black Fan This fan, when used properly, confers a certain amount of awe and fear toward the user. The user may roll 2d10
and add the result to their Glory (in boxes) for one hour. People listening to a speech or command by the user are struck with
mild fear and respect (One free raise toward any Oratory, Command, or Sincerity roll.)

A character may only roll on this table once during character creation. This roll costs 4 Character points.
Roll Result
1 When you were younger, you got very lucky in a duel against a famous swordsman. Now you have a reputation as one of the
best young swordsmen in Rokugan. Sometimes it gets you free board, sometimes it gets you a challenge a day.
2 Innate Talent: Raise one of your Skills by one rank.
3 Youve always been attuned to one of the Elements Its in your blood, and you find it easy to call on the powers of its path.
Add 1 to one trait under the Element of your choice, but lower one trait under the opposing Element by 1.
4 The Path of Blood: You gain a free raise whenever youre in combat against one specific clan. You may specify any clan, or
you may instead specify Ninja.
5 You are a twin, born identical or fraternal you have a sibling who shares your name and nature. They may be radically
different from you, or you may have the same interests and goals - but even when youre far away, you occasionally sense
emotion from your sibling, letting you know what theyre feeling, and they can feel the same from you. Pain, anger, joy and
concern - all are occasionally transmitted by your strange bond. Its uncontrollable, but you couldnt imagine living any other
6 Youve been cursed. A shugenja of one of the major Clans took offense at your actions and laid a curse on you that no one you
know has been able to remove. The exact nature of the curse, and its harmful effects, are up to the twisted imagination of your
7 Heroic Deed: Gain 5-10 Glory points. Its up to the GM to determine the exact nature and circumstances of the deed, and the
8 Son of a daimyo. Gain +1 Glory Rank.
9 Fostered to Another Clan: When you were very young, you were fostered to another clan as an attempt to promote
understanding and peace between the Crane and that clan. Gain a Minor Ally in the clan of your choice, and the Lore: (Clan) of
that clan.
0 Cousin of the Imperial Line: All of the Hantei brides have always been Crane maidens. The wife of the current Emperor
happens also to be your aunt Gain 2 Glory points, 2 Koku and a Minor Ally in the Imperial Court.


Togashi Family
Benefit: +1 Agility

Mirumoto Family
Benefit: +1 to any trait

Agasha Family
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Kitsuki Family
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Mirumoto Bushi School (Bushi)

Benefit: +1 any Trait
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Defense, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Meditation, Shugenja Lore, plus one High skill and one Bugei skill

Rank 1: The Daisho Technique
The Mirumoto School teaches bushi a radical technique that uses both the katana and wakizashi. Because opponents have to deal with
two weapons instead of one, the TN to hit an initiate of this school is increased by 5 pius his School Rank any time hes using both
weapons; this includes during a Full Attack.
Rank 2: Strong and Swift
At this Rank, the bushi has become so attuned to his style that he may make two attacks per round.
Rank 3: The Blood of My Brothers
Unlike the bushi from other Clans, Dragon bushi are not segregated away from their shugenja kin. Because of this, Dragon bushi may
spend a Void Point to aid (or hinder) spells that are targeting them, either giving the caster a Free Raise or raising the TN by 5.
Rank 4: The Unrighteous Will Fall
The bushi has mastered the meditative no-mind techniques taught to him by the Mirumoto School. If this bushis damage roll with
his katana kills his opponent. that strike does not count as one of his attacks this round and he may attack again immediately. This
technique only permits the bushi to attack those opponents that were within range at the beginning of the round.
Rank 5: The Heart of the Dragon
A true master of the blade, the bushi now may make three attacks per round.
Agasha Shugenja School (Shugenja)
Benefit: +1 any Trait
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Shintao, History, Calligraphy, Meditation, plus two High skill and one Bugei Skill
Agasha shugenja get a free raise for all Fire spells.
Beginning spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Fire, 2 Earth, and 1 Air. Agasha Shugenja have an Affinity to Fire, and a
Deficiency to Water.
Mirumoto Swordmaster School (Bushi)
The Dragon equivalent of the Kakita Iaijutsu duelists, these Mirumoto are the masters of Niten, dueling counterparts to their more
combat-ready bushi brethren.
Benefit: +1 Agility
Beginning Honor: 3, plus zero boxes
Skills: Defense, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Meditation, Weaponsmith, plus one High skill and one Bugei Skill

Rank 1: Two Heavens
All paths are one - Mirumotos Niten
The Swordmaster may use his Kenjutsu skill for all Iaijutsu rolls. In addition, TN to be Hit is increased by his Fire Rank.
Rank 2: Half Beat Strike
Victory passes between the space of a heartbeat - Mirumotos Niten
When in a duel, the Swordmaster may spend a Void Point each time he Focuses to reduce the maximum number of times his opponent
may Focus by 1
Rank 3: Let Him Go By
When the enemy charges with strength and urgency let him go by: - Mirumotos Niten
Immediately after an opponent attacks him and misses, the Swordmaster may spend a Void Point to gain an immediate free attack
against that opponent. This action may be performed on Full Defense.
Rank 4: The River Sword
Strike like the flowing river, without beginning or end. - Mirumotos Niten
The Swordmaster may make two attacks per round.
Rank 5: Truth is in the Killing
The greatest example of a Swordmasters skill is the final one. - Mirumotos Niten
The Swordmaster may spend a Void Point at the beginning of a combat round or duel to prevent all enemies within ten feet for
spending Void for any reason during that round or duel. The Swordmaster may spend Void normally. (In the case of two dueling
Swordmasters, the use is simultaneous.)
Kitsuki Magistrate School (Bushi)
The Kitsuki are considered some of the most brilliant diplomats and magistrates in the Empire, not because of their skills as courtiers,
but for their skills at investigation and deduction.
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Courtier, History, Nazodo, Law, Heraldry, Poison or Herbalism, and any Lore

Rank 1: Kitsukis Method
At this Rank, the magistrate has learned how to focus his perceptions to such a degree that he can notice even the most minute details.
This magistrate may spend as many Void points as he has available when he makes an Awareness or Perception roll.
Rank 2: Wisdom the Wind Brings
This character has gained an advanced understanding of Kitsukis method. When making any Awareness or Perception roll, he gains a
number of Free Raises equal to his School Rank.
Rank 3: Finding the Path
At this Rank, the magistrates duties have become effortless, almost second nature. When using Heraldry, Nazodo, Law and History,
the magistrate does not need to roll to succeed. He gains no Raises from using this effect. If he wants to Raise, he must still roll.
Rank 4: Know the Rhythm of the Heart
At this Rank, the magistrate has gained an intuitive understanding of the ways and methods of the Clans of Rokugan. If he faces a
samurai who uses a School Technique he has seen, the samurai must spend a Void Point (or an additional Void Point) in order to use
Rank 5: The Eyes Betray the Heart
When a Kitsuki magistrate reaches this level of skill, not even a Scorpion has a chance of fooling him. Whenever a character tries to
lie to a magistrate, compare their respective Awareness Traits. A character with a lower Awareness cannot even bring himself to lie;
he is overwhelmed by the chi of the magistrate. A character whose Awareness is equal to or greater than the magistrate may lie to
him, but the magistrate automatically knows that the character is not telling the truth.
The Togashi Order of Tatooed Men (Misc.)
Benefit: +1 Void
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Nazodo, Shintao, Kaze-do, Craft, Meditation, plus any 2 other Skills
When an Ise zumi gains Rank One, he also gains a tattoo. He may accumulate up to two more tattoos at the cost of 8 Character Points
apiece. This is a one-time offer, available only at character creation. When he accumulates enough Insight to gain another Rank, his
body and soul are ready for another tattoo. An Ise zumi may never have more Tattoos than his Void Ring.
At each Rank, a tattooed man gains another tattoo. Each tattoo gives the Ise zumi another power, but his previous tattoos gain in
strength as well. Although there is no restriction on the number of tattoos an Ise zumi may have active at any one time, its very
difficult to shut off an activated tattoo. If the GM wished to permit such an attempt, he should call for the character to meditate for
at least half an hour, and then make a Willpower + Meditation roll at a TN of 10. A successful roll permits the Ise zumi to control the
tattoos energy. Many tattoos are constantly in effect; others must be activated. Effects of the tattoos that must be activated last for a
number of hours equal to the ise zumi's School Rank, unless stated otherwise. A tattoo which must be activated can be called on only
a number of times per day equal to the ise zumi's School Rank.
The tattoos below are listed in the following format:
Name: The name and image of the tattoo.
Effect: The specific effect achieved when use of the tattoo is successful.
Cost: All tattoos have a unique side-effect That side-effect is listed here.

Effect: Arrowroot is one of the most potent healing herbs in Rokugan. When this power is invoked, the tattooed man may heal another
character by a number of Wound Ranks equal to his School Rank.
Cost: The dreadful cost of using Arrowroot is that the Ise zumi takes the Wounds of another onto himself when he uses it Whenever
the tattooed man heals another using Arrowroot, he gains half the total Wounds healed. His tattoos bleed when he does this. These
Wounds cannot be healed magically; they may only be healed with time and rest

Effect: Bamboo is often referred to as the great wood of the winter It is known for its seemingly endless endurance during the most
cold winters. When the tattooed man draws power from bamboo, he raises his Stamina Trait a number of Ranks equal to his own
School Rank, and Stamina-related skills rolls roll and keep extra dice equal to his School Rank This lasts a number of Rounds equal to
his School Rank.
Cost: While the Bamboo tattoo is active, the tattooed mans Agility cannot be greater than his School Rank.

Effect: Bats are creatures of good omen, for they are intuitive creatures who do not need to see well to navigate the darkness of the
night. When a tattooed man summons the power of the bat, his own Reflexes is raised by a number equal to his Tattooed Man Rank,
and Reflexes-related skill rolls roll and keep extra dice equal to his School Rank. This effect lasts a number of Rounds equal to his
Rank and does not affect his TN to be hit.
Cost: As certain as the bat is an intuitive creature, its bones are brittle and easily broken. As long as this power is active, the Ise zumis
Strength cannot be greater than his School Rank.

Effect: The bellflower is a violet blossom with five petals, one for each of the Elements. It is said it was the flower that Shinsei
whispered all of his secrets to before he went off into the Shadowlands. By summoning the power of the bellflower, the Ise zumi may
substitute his Void Ring for any Trait or skill for a number of Rounds equal to his Rank. He may not substitute his Void for skills in
which he is unskilled.
Cost: By summoning the secret of the bellflower, the Ise zumi is susceptible to states of sudden and deep fascination as he sees clearly
the dance of the Elements. While under the influence of the Bellflower, the Ise zumi is very vulnerable to magic. Any spells that target
the Ise zumi gain a number of Free Raises equal to the Ise zumis Void while under this tattoos influence.

Effect: The peaceful and fragile butterfly knows the mysteries of the wind. When summoning the butterfly, the Ise zumi adds his
School Rank to his Awareness, and Awareness-related skill rolls roll and keep extra dice equal to his School Rank. This lasts a
number of rounds equal to the Ise Zumi's School Rank.
Cost: The butterfly may know the wind, but she does not know the Earth. While summoning the power of the butterfly, the Ise zumi
automatically fails any Earth, Stamina or Willpower roll he is required to make.

Effect: This tattoo increases the ise zumi's movement from Water X 5 to Water X 100 for up to twenty four hours. While moving in
such a manner, the Ise Zumi's TN to be hit is increased by his Reflexes + his School Rank.
Cost: Once it is deactivated, the ise zumi is effectively Out (the Pine tattoo cannot negate this), and must rest for the amount of time
he ran, multiplied by (6 minus his School Rank).

Effect: The Ise zumi is able to alter his appearance to resemble any other human he has encountered. The tattooed man must make a
Willpower + School Rank roll in order to use this tattoo. The TNs for using this tattoo are:
5 = Someone youve known your entire life
10 = Someone youve known for years
15 = Someone youve known for months
20 = Someone youve only just met
The transformation takes about ten minutes. The Ise zumis voice does not change along with his appearance.
Cost: By changing his form with the power of the chameleon, the Ise zumi loses his own sense of identity. While he is in his alternate
form, he cannot use more Void Points than his School Rank.

Cherry Blossom (Sakura)

Effect: The cherry blossom, the symbol of the samurai, is also the symbol of honor and duty. By summoning its power, the Ise zumi
focuses his own sense of duty and honor. While he is so focused, he gains a number of Honor Points equal to his Honor, which may
be spent in the same manner as Void Points. This effect lasts until sundown. This tattoo cant be used between sunset and sunrise.
Cost: While channeling the power of the cherry blossom, the Ise zumi is highly vulnerable to dishonorable acts. He loses double the
normal Honor Points when performing dishonorable acts while under the cherry blossoms influence.

Effect: An Ise zumi empowered with the cloud has an intuitive link to the spirit world. He may communicate with a number of spirits
per day equal to his Rank. The spirits may be ancestral, elemental, or even the shape-changing animal spirits of the forest
Communicating with spirits is a tricky process. The Ise zumi will get a number of questions equal to his Rank.
Cost: People get an uneasy feeling around you that they just cant put their fingers on. Add 5 to all Awareness rolls that the Ise zumi
tries to make.

Effect: There is an old story of a small crab protecting the Emperor from a venomous scorpion. Ever since then, the crab has been
known as the armor of the Emperor. An Ise zumi with the power of the crab absorbs a number of Wounds (per hit) equal to his
Rank x 2.
Cost: When he summons the power of the Crab, the Ise zumi suffers a +5 penalty to his Reflexes-related for the duration of the effect.

Effect: Often seen as a symbol of good fortune and longevity, it is said that a blessing from the crane brings a samurai one thousand
years of life, fortune and plenty. When the image of the crane is emblazoned on the Ise zumi, he automatically gains the Luck
Advantage. For each Rank he gains, he gains an additional Rank of Luck (see the main rule book, pg. 74). The Ise zumi also gains a
kind of immortality. It is as if the Fortunes are always over his shoulder, keeping him from harm. He never ages, and once per story,
when he takes damage that would kill him, he instead has one Wound left (like the Great Destiny Advantage; see basic book, pg. 73).
Cost: While the crane tattoo seems to make the Ise zumi nigh-indestructible, its cost is high indeed. All Experience Point costs for the
tattooed man are doubled

Effect: The legend of the crows black feathers has been told countless times to the children of Rokugan. It is said that a crow led
Shinsei and his Seven Thunders through the Shadowlands to the lair of Fu Leng, and it returned with its many-colored feathers
blackened by the battle. By summoning the spirit of the crow, the Ise zumi is immune to the Shadowlands taint for a number of days
equal to his Rank.
Cost: Shadowlands creatures have an intense hatred for the crow (for birds in general, for that matter). Creatures with the
Shadowlands Taint can smell Ise zumi with the Crow tattoo a mile away. When Shadowlands creatures make a Perception roll against
an Ise zumi with the Crow tattoo, they gain a bonus to the roll equal to the Ise Zumis Rank x 5.

Effect: The chrysanthemum is known as the sun flower: it is Amaterasus blessed blossom. The Ise zumi with the power of
chrysanthemum heals very quickly while he is under the healing power of the sun. Every hour, the Ise zumi heals a number of
Wounds equal to his School Rank.
Cost: When the sun sinks down below the horizon, the Ise zumi does not heal at all. He cannot even be healed magically.

Effect: Summoning the power of the symbol of the Clan, the tattooed man may breathe his heart fire7 The Ise zumis strike roll is his
Fire + School Rank. The DR of an Ise zumis heart fire is equal to his School Rank + Fire Ring (keeping his Rank). The Ise zumi may
hit a number of targets equal to his Rank. Armor does not protect against this attack (no bonus to TN).
Cost: The Ise zumi may oniy use this power a number of times per day equal to his Rank. After hes used it, he must recover the chi
hes expended to summon his heart fire. He must rest a number of Rounds equal to 10 minus his Rank and, while resting, is
considered to be at the Down Wound Level (he isnt going anywhere any time soon).

Effect: The dragonfly is a quick, clever creature that is highly regarded by samurai. When he uses this tattoo, the Ise zumi adds his
School Rank to his Reflexes when determining his TN to be hit. He may summon this power a number of times a day equal to his
School Rank. The power of the dragonfly lasts a number of rounds equal to his School Rank.
Cost: The dragonflys movement is sometimes too rapid for the human eye to see. The Ise zumi who summons the power of the
dragonfly finds his own muscles trembling with constant movement In order for the tattooed man to sit down or even concentrate on
any one thing for more than ten minutes, he must spend a Void Point

Effect: It is said Osano-Wo was the first falconer, and when depicted, his falcon Gekido is often with him. The falcon is a symbol of
devotion and courage (in service). Those who possess the virtue of the falcon are immune to any Fear effects and may add their
School Rank to their Honor when making Honor tests.
Cost: Those who have the falcon emblazoned on their bodies are particularly imbued with the spirit of devotion. If this tattooed man
ever loses Honor points due to disservice to his lord, his Honor losses are doubled.

Effect: The eyes of the hawk are unparalleled. By accessing this tattoo, the ise zumi is able to see great distances without effort Also,
when using his archery skill, he can reduce the TN to hit his target by 5 and gain one Free Raise for a called shot
Cost: The greater your vision, the less you see. Togashis words are illustrated by this tattoo, for while the ise zumi using this tattoo
can see things far away, he often cannot see what is right next to him. Any perception checks this character makes concerning the
surrounding areas have their TN raised by 10 while the character is using the tattoo.

Effect: For a thousand years, the symbol of the lion has stood for courage and keen battle knowledge. The Ise zumi has an intuitive
knowledge of battle and combat. He may add (and drop) a number of dice equal to his School Rank to all Bugei Skill rolls.
Cost: Because his heart his filled with the soul of the Lion, the Ise zumi cannot resist charging into any opportunity for battle. This
does not mean he cannot help provoking a fight; it means that when swords are drawn and battlecries are in the air, this Ise zumis
voice joins the chorus and he charges.
Effect: The monkey is often seen in Rokugani literature as a cunning trickster figure. The Ise zumi who invokes the power of the
monkey takes on the rapscallion characteristics of the creature. All Stealth, Sleight-of-Hand and similar Skills (GMs discretion) gain
additional dice equal to the School Rank of the tattooed man. Also, when he is making any leaping or climbing actions, he may add
his Rank to his Agility.
Cost: Monkeys, while clever, are also known troublemakers. When attempting to be convincing, charming or personable, the Ise zumi
may not keep a number of dice greater than his School Rank.

Moon. Crescent
Effect: The Ise zumi can take the form and substance of a shadow, becoming completely ephemeral. He may not pass through walls,
doors or other solid objects - but objects will pass through him. As he moves, he must move along floors and walls, as if he were a
true shadow. He can only take this form in a place where true shadows can manifest: a dim room with a single light source, or some
other environment The tattooed man must spend a Void Point in order to take the form of shadow, and may remain in that form for a
number of hours equal to his Rank.
Cost: It is very painful to take the form of shadow: it places your soul close to the netherworid. For every hour (or fraction thereof) the
Ise zumi takes the form of shadow, he also takes six Wounds.

Moon, Full
Effect: Ise zumi who find themselves with the Full Moon tattoo are often called kikage zumi The power they summon from the Full
Moon tattoo can cancel the chi of others. When he draws on the power of the Full Moon, the kikage zumi can cancel a number of
Raises equal to his Rank. He may do this a number of times per day equal to his Rank.
Cost: The terrible cost of using this tattoo is the knowledge that you are separated from Lady Suns blessings. During daylight hours,
you may not Raise at all, but while darkness creeps across the face of Rokugan, you may Raise normally.

Effect: The mountain withstands storms, earthquakes, fires and floods. It even withstands the greatest enemy of all: time. When the
Ise zumi draws upon the power of the mountain, he adds his School Rank to his Earth Ring for a number of rounds equal to his School
Rank x 2. This bonus is also applied to his Stamina and Willpower.
Cost: The mountain does not move. Neither does the Ise zumi2 While the tattooed man summons the power of the mountain, his Air
drops to 1. This penalty is also applied to his Awareness and Reflexes.

Effect:When Togashi finished his fast, a nightingale brought him a plum blossom branch in its beak. The plum blossom is a very holy
plant for the Dragon. Its fruit is used in many dishes and it is also used in medicines. Those who draw from the power of the
nightingale are able to miraculously heal their wounds. Once per day per School Rank, the Ise zumi may heal all of his wounds.
Cost: When the tattooed man uses this power, he draws on his deepest chi, therefore, in order to use this power, the Ise zumi must
expend one Experience Point and one Void Point The Void Point will come back as usual, but the Experience Point is gone for good.

Effect: Every morning, Amaterasu rises from the underworld and casts her light across the ocean onto Rokugan. The ocean provides
Rokugan with an endless supply of food, thus making it a symbol of endless life-giving potential. The Ise zumi who draws from the
power of the ocean draws from an inexhaustible source of energy and power. He never needs to sleep, eat or drink. In addition, he
may refresh his Void points a number of times per day equal to his Rank.
Cost: Just as the energy of the ocean is endless, so is its depth. Those who draw from the power of the ocean sometimes are lost in its
vastness. Every time he refreshes his Void Points with this tattoo, he must make a Simple Willpower test (he cannot spend a Void
Point for this roll). The TN is 5x the number of times he has drawn from the oceans power today. If he fails the roll, he is lost in the
oceans endless depth. He may not move or speak for the rest of the day.

Effect: The Phoenix is a creature of honor and insight By summoning the power of the Phoenix, the Ise zumi has a number of Raises
to use on any spell that is targeting him. The Raises can be used as Free Raises to increase the effect of the spell, or to increase the
Target Number of any spell targeting him. The number of Raises that may be gained per day is equal to the Tattooed Mans School
Cost: Ise zumi with this tattoo embrace the philosophy of the Phoenix, and may only defend themselves in combat situations. They
cannot initiate any attacks whatsoever.

Effect: The pine is a symbol of longevity and stamina It is one of the three companions of winter (see side-bar). The Ise zumi who
own the power of the pine may ignore the effects of Wound Ranks.
School Rank 1 = Ignore Wound Rank +5
School Rank 2 = Ignore Wound Rank +10
School Rank 3 = Ignore Wound Rank +15
School Rank 4 = Ignore Wound Rank +20
School Rank 5 = Ignore Down and Out Wound Ranks
Cost: While the Pine has amazing longevity, it is unchanging nature makes some consider it to be stagnant and unable to adapt to new
situations. The Ise zumis Strength may never exceed his School Rank.
Effect: The Scorpion does not rely on its own strength, but the weakness of others. When other characters face this tattooed man, they
must use their lowest Trait for all rolls(whether with an attack roll or a social skill).
Cost: Even a Scorpion can smile. No-one trusts a Scorpion. Absolutely no-one. Everything the Ise Zumi using the power of the
Scorpion says will be mistrusted, every TN his at +10, +40 if he is trying to convince someone else that he is telling the thruth.

Effect: The Ise zumi with the power of the spider finds that his touch is poisonous. Any skin-to-skin touch from the Ise zumi causes
Xk1 damage, X being equal to the Tattooed Mans School Rank. While using Jiujutsu, this is roll is in addition to normal damage rolls
(roll Jiujutsu damage, then Tattoo damage).
Cost: The Ise zumis touch is unceasingly poisonous. In order to touch another without causing damage, he must spend a Void Point.
This causes the Ise zumis touch to be safe for one hour.

Effect: The exalted mother Amaterasu gives her divine blessing to all, but this Ise zumi has a special connection to her loving grace.
During the day, this tattoo can be drawn on for a Free Raise a number of times equal to the Tattooed Mans School Rank. These raises
must be used on multiple rolls, not just a single roll.
Cost: Being drenched in her glory all day, the Ise zumi is cold and separated from her at night. During the night hours, the Ise zumi
may not make any Raises at all until sunrise.

Effect: The tiger is a fearsome predator, well respected in Rokugan for its ruthlessness in combat. When the Ise zumi summons the
power of the tiger, he increases the number of dice he keeps (without increasing the number of dice rolled) for weaponless to-hit and
damage roll by a number equal to his Rank. The effect lasts a number of rounds equal to his Rank, and he may summon the power of
the tiger a number of times per day equal to his Rank.
Cost: When the Ise zumi summons the power of the tiger, he also summons the tigers ruthless hunting instinct. He cannot speak
(other than in growls and howls) or hold anything in his hands (which at this time look more like claws) for as long as he is under the
influence of the tiger.

Effect: This Ise zumi occasionally has flashes of the memories of previous Ise zumi. He may substitute his School Rank x 2 for any
Skill, and he may do this a number of times equal to his School Rank each day and last for a number of hour equal to the Rank of the
Ise Zumi.
Cost: When the Ise zumi summons the power of the Tortoise, he will find the ancestor he summons may be rather unwilling to leave.
Each time the Ise zumi uses this power, he must make a simple Willpower roll vs 5 x the number of times hes used this power today,
or he will gain a ghostly advisor, akin to the Haunted disadvantage. If he fails the roll, the next time he uses the tattoo, he must begin
again at 5 x 1, because now hes rolling for a different ancestor. The Ise zumi can send back any ancestor by spending three Void

Effect:The Unicorn is a symbol of swiftness, but also of good fortune. The Ise zumi who draws from the power of the Unicorn finds
himself blessed by the Fortunes. He may re-roll a number of rolls per day equal to his Rank.
Cost: By summoning the power of the Unicorn, the ise zumi upsets the delicate cosmic balance which must be corrected. Every time
the ise zumi re-rolls a roll, the GM makes a secret roll with a single die. If the roll is 1-9, nothing happens. If the roll is a 10, one
future roll the ise zumi makes will fail utterly (after he rolls).

Effect:The wasp is known for its agility, speed and accuracy (not to mention its sting). The Ise zumi who summons the power of the
wasp gains an additional action per round. This effect may be used a number of times per day equal to the Ise zumis School Rank.
The effect lasts for one round.
Cost: The wasps strength lies in his quickness, for that is the only advantage he has. While under the influence of the Wasp, the Ise
zumi may not spend Void Points.

White Mask
Effect: This tattoo appears as a laughing porcelain mask. The Ise zumi with the power of White Mask instills a penalty of +40 on all
attempts to read the Ise Zumis emotions or thoughts, whether by courtly skills or magic.This is because he simply does not have
them. He is emotionless and cold, without compassion, sympathy or mercy.
Cost: Because of his lack of emotion, the Ise zumis cannot keep more than one die on any social rolls involving Awareness.

Dragon Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Bushi Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type(s), Light Armor, Traveling Pack, any 1
weapon, Kimono, 2 Koku

Shugenja Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Tanto, 3 Koku

Swordmaster Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality, Katana is Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type, Light Armor,
Traveling Pack, any 1 weapon, Kimono, 2 Koku

Magistrate Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Light Armor, Traveling Pack, Kimono, Small Iron Box, 3 Koku

Tatooed Man Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, 2 Koku


Before a player begins creating a character, he has the option to roll on the Heritage Tables. These tables give the player a guide to
determining his familys past glorious or otherwise. Because all Tattooed Men are technically adopted, they do not get to roll on
the Heritage Table. A character may roll on the Heritage Tables up to three times, but every roll costs him one Character Point. Make
these rolls while choosing Advantages and Disadvantages. Begin with Heritage Table 1 and follow the instructions. Remember, you
can have both honorable and dishonorable ancestors and every family has at least one skeleton in the closet...

Roll Result
1 Dishonorable past. Roll on Heritage Table 2.
2-3 Undistinguished Past No benefits or penalties.
4-6 Distinguished Ancestor. Roll on Heritage Table 3.
7-0 Mixed Blessings. Roll on Heritage Table 4.


Roll Result
1-2 Traitor! A distant family member betrayed a daimyo of your Clan. Begin the game with the Black Sheep Disadvantage (see
basic rulebook, p. 75). You gain no Character Points for this Disadvantage.
3-4 Coward! One of your ancestors failed to prove his worth in battle and ran when he faced the enemy of your Clan. You begin the
game at zero Glory and must earn twenty Glory points before you reach Rank 1.
5-6 You are the child of a samurai-ko who swore celibacy to her lord. Roll a die. If the roll is even, your mother committed seppuku
after she gave birth and you begin the game at zero Glory. If the roll is odd, your mother fled from her Clan, carrying you in her
arms. You are a Dragon Clan Ronin; your mother (or a relative) instructed you in the basics of your schools technique, but you
will need to go to another school to learn advanced abilities.
7-8 Tricked! Your father was tricked in an elaborate confidence scheme by a diplomat from another Clan (GMS discretion). He
was dishonored and banished for his incompetence and you were adopted by your uncle. You are forbidden to speak your
fathers name and your mother spent your childhood in a monastery with a shaved head. You can hold no land or title (its
assumed youll be just as gullible as your father was).
9-0 Ruined! Your family lost everything in a battle/political coup. You begin the game with nothing. No family (you are a True
Ronin), no money, only the clothes on your back (and all your Outfit items are at Poor Quality).

Roll Result
1-2 Your parent was an Ise zumi which means you have some of the original Togashis blood in your veins. You automatically gain
one Ise zumi tattoo, but lose 1 Honor Rank.
3-4 One of your ancestors slew a powerful enemy of the Dragon Clan. Gain 1 Glory Rank, a Major Enemy from a Clan of the GMs
choice and the Lore: [ClanJ Skill for that Clan. You are also cursed to always drop your highest die when fighting against
members of that Clan.
5-6 You have inherited a nemuranai. You have no clue to the items potential, but its been in your family for several generations
and you are expected to carry it with you. Always.
7-8 Your family has fallen on hard times. All of your equipment is Poor Quality and you have no money, but you gain an additional
7 Points to spend on Bugei, Craft and Low Skills.
9-0 One of your ancestors fought and died at a great battle. Your gempukku ceremony took place at that battlefield and ever since
that day, your ancestors spirit has haunted you. He guides you, advises you and makes certain that you make no mistakes. He
can give you 3 Void Points per day, but he never lets you forget that hes right over your shoulder, ensuring that your actions
dont bring dishonor to the Clan.


Roll Result: One of your ancestors...
1-2 ...fought at a famous battle. Roll on Table 3A.
3-4 ...had a famous romance. Roll on Table 3B.
5-6 ...performed a heroic deed. Roll on Table 3C.
7-8 ...held a prestigious duty. Roll on Table 3D.
9-0 ...died a glorious death. Roll on Table 3E.


Roll Result
1-3 Battle of the Sleeping River
It was at this famous battle that the Clans united against luchiban and his evil order of Blood Speakers. Your ancestor was at
this battle. Add 1 to your Glory and gain the Skill Lore: Maho (Black Magic) at Rank 1.
4 Battle of the Cherry Blossom Snow Lake
At this battle, the Dragon made a curious choice in suddenly joining with the Scorpion Clan to gain control of Beiden Pass.
They were victorious, although the Scorpion only held the pass for a few months afterward. Gain the Skill Lore:
Scorpion Clan at Rank 1 and a Minor Ally in the Scorpion Clan.
5-6 Battle of Kyuden Tonbo (Dragonfly Castle)
Your ancestor was instrumental in the battle that won the
Dragonfly Clan its status. Gain the Skill Lore: Dragonfly
Clan at Rank 1 and a Major Ally in that Clan.
7 Battle of The Great Climb
Eight hundred years ago, a political blunder forced the Lions
to attack the Dragon to save face. The Dragons fought
valiantly, but lost. It is speculated they lost intentionally. Gain
1 Glory Rank and a Minor Ally in the Lion Clan.
8-9 Battle of Kenson Gakka (Humilitys Lesson)
The famous battle at Humilitys Lesson (when it was still called Lions Shadow) proved to be a frustrating experience for the
Scorpion Clan. It is assumed they lost because of the assistance the Dragon gave the Lion, but the Lion say otherwise. Gain a
Major Ally in the Lion Clan and a Minor Enemy in the Scorpion Clan.
0 Battle at the White Stag
Seven hundred years ago, barbarians from the east sailed into the Emperors harbor. Two years later, they returned with an
enemy fleet armed with things called cannons The enemy fleet was defeated, and the Emperor forbade the use of cannons in
Rokugan. However, the use of gunpowder was a different story... Gain a Major Ally in the Clan of your choice and the Skill
Lore: Gunpowder

Step One: Roll two dice for Clan with whom your ancestor had a romantic entanglement
01-20 Crane
21-40 Phoenix
41-70 Dragon
71-75 Crab
76-85 Scorpion
86-90 Unicorn
91-00 Lion, Minor Clan, or GM/Player Choice
Step Two: Roll two dice for outcome.
01-70 Romantic affair
01-15 Summer affair. Nothing special. Gain Minor Ally in appropriate Clan.
16-30 Winter affair. Much more noticeable. Gain Minor Ally in appropriate Clan and 5 Glory Points.
31-55 Marriage! Gain 1 Glory Rank and Major Ally in appropriate Clan.
56-70 A spot of trouble. A parent didnt approve, so the affair was kept secret. Gain a Minor Ally and Minor Enemy in
appropriate Clan.
71-00 Tragic affair
71-75 Your ancestors emotions were unrequited Gain a minor Enemy from the appropriate Clan.
76-85 Your ancestors rival had too much influence, so all your ancestor won was a broken heart.
86-90 Parents disapproved and the affair was forcibly called off. No significant honor or Glory loss.
91-97 A messy affair. Both parties were commanded to commit seppuku. You were raised by your uncle/aunt/cousin. Lose 1
Glory Rank and switch your family name to another family (Mirumoto to Agasha. Agasha to Kitsuki, etc.)
98-00 The affair occurred after your gempukku ceremony. The husband/father/wife of your Ancestors lover demanded
justice and killed him/her in a duel. You now have a Major Enemy and others of your family consider it your duty to demand
the right to blood feud. Good luck.


Roll Result
1-2 Ancestor saved daimyo from assassination. Gain Lore: Ninja and 5 Glory Points.
3-4 Ancestor researched spell. Gain one spell as an Innate Ability.
5-6 Ancestor defeated famous swordsman in a duel. Gain a katana of fine quality and 5 Glory Points.
7-8 Ancestor rescued a ransomed relative. Gain Major Ally (Dragon Clan) and 3 Glory Points.
9-0 Ancestor single-handedly turned back a sally during a siege. Gain Battle 1 (or +1 Battle) and 3 Glory Points.


Your character has the following position and rank:
Roll Result
1-3 Magistrate of the family (+1 Glory)
4-5 Magistrate of the Clan (+2 Glory)
6 Magistrate of the Emerald Champion (+3 Glory)
7 Gunso (+1 Glory, +1 Battle)
8 Chui (+1 Glory, +2 Battle)
9 Taisa (+2 Glory, +2 Battle, +1 Leadership)
0 Karo (+2 Glory, +2 Law, +2 Courtier)

All results on this table also roll on Table 5: Gifts, below.
Roll Result
1-4 Killed in a duel.
5-9 Killed in baffle...
Step One: Roll on the Famous Battle Table above.
Step Two: Roll on table below. All are worth 1 Glory Rank, plus any listed bonus.
1-2 Killed protecting general. Gain Major Ally from appropriate Clan.
3 Killed charging and breaking enemy lines. Gain Minor Ally from your Family.
4-5 Rode out before the enemys army and shouted insults, but died later.
6 Killed in a duel with hero of the other famous Clan member. Gain Minor Enemy from appropriate Clan.
7 Challenged the enemys general, but died. Gain 5 additional Glory Points.
8 Carried the Clan banner into battle. Gain 7 additional Glory Points.
9 Stole the enemys banner. Gain an additional Glory Rank.
0 Your Ancestor saved a comrade by dragging him from behind enemy lines. Gain a Major Ally from the appropriate Clan.
0 Seppuku.
Your ancestor committed seppuku to save your familys honor, and he left you something to remind you of his sacrifice. Gain 5
Honor Points.


Roll Result
01-15 1-5 koku
16-35 2-10 koku
36-50 3-15 koku
51-75 4-20 koku
76-80 5-50 koku
81-00 You have been made governor over a small bit of land that you must spend at least 3 months of the year tending to. Gain 1
Glory Rank. The revenue of the land is 1-10 koku per year.

You may roll on this table once during character creation. This roll costs 4 Character Points.
Roll Result
1 When you were younger, you got very lucky in a duel against a legendary swordsman. Now you have a reputation as a
swordsman of legendary status. Sometimes it gets you free room and board, sometimes it gets you a challenge a day.
2 Innate Talent: Raise one of your Skills by one Rank.
3 Youve inherited a parcel of land, on which is a small group of villages. Its worth at least 10 koku a year, but the last lord who
ruled over the land treated the villagers with cruel severity. The peasants have no faith in your abilities and are just waiting for
you to pick up where your predecessor left off. The area is a revolt waiting to happen.
4 The Path of Blood: You gain a Free Raise whenever youre in a combat or contest against one specific Clan. You may specify
any Clan, or you may instead specify Ninja.
5 Youve been an only child your entire life.., or so you thought It turns out you have a long-lost sibling who was raised by
another Clan. The problem is, nobodys sure which one of you is the eldest.
6 Your father has passed away and youve inherited all of his land (1-10 koku a year). Unfortunately, your younger brother is
rather ambitious. You dont trust him, but hes very popular in the court, and hes starting to make motions toward your title.
7 Heroic Deed: Gain 5-10 Glory Points. Its up to the GM to specify the exact award and circumstances.
8 You are a failed Ise zumi. If you do not choose to be a Togashi, you can purchase tattoos for 8 Character Points each. However,
you must expend one Void Point every time you want to use a Tattoo. (If you are an Ise zumi re-roll.)
9 Son of a daimyo. Gain +1 Glory Rank.
0 Cousin of the Imperial Line. Gain +2 Glory Ranks, 2 Koku and a Minor Ally in the Imperial Court


Akodo Family
Benefit: +1 Perception

Matsu Family
Benefit: +1 Strength

Ikoma Family
Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Kitsu Family
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Akodo Bushi School (Bushi)

Benefit: +1 Agility
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Bard, Battle, Defense, History, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, any one High Skill

Rank 1: The Way of the Lion
The Lion School is one of precision. Bushi of this School may ignore their opponents armor or gain a Free Raise while attacking (to
gain an additional die of damage, strike a specific location, etc.).
Rank 2: The Strength of Purity
At this Rank, the Lion is taught how a righteous heart guides a righteous strike. When rolling for attack and for damage, the Lion adds
his Honor Rank to the total of the roll.
Rank 3: With the Strength of My Ancestors
Lion bushi truly believe that their ancestors guide their every action. At this Rank, the bushi may attack twice per round, once for
himself and once for the ancestor guiding his hand.
Rank 4: The Hand of Destiny
By this time, the Lion bushi understands that there is no such thing as luck, and that all actions are pre-ordained. At Rank 4, the bushi
no longer needs to raise his TN for any called shot. The bushi must still raise if he wishes to do additional damage.
Rank 5: The Final Lesson
The bushi has learned the final secret of the Lion technique: there are no failures. If the bushi Raises his TN, misses the Raise but rolls
greater than the original TN, the roll succeeds, although he does not get the benefits of his Raises. This advantage can be used in both
physical and mental contests.
Kitsu Shugenja School (Shugenja)
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Etiquette, Heraldry, History, Calligraphy, Meditation, plus one High skill and one Bugei skill
Beginning spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Water, 2 Earth, and 1 Air. Kitsu Shugenja have an Affinity to Water, and a
Deficiency to Fire
Ikoma Tactical School (Bushi)
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 3, plus five boxes
Skills: Battle, Lore (Bushido), Defense, History, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, any High or Bugei Skill

Rank 1: Knowledge Lies in Knowing
The Tactician has learned the first lesson of the great general Sun Tao, to observe Heaven without stepping outside. He may add his
Honor to all Battle table and Initiative rolls.
Rank 2: Triumph Before The Battle
The Tactician learns from his foes even in the midst of chaos. Once per attack roll or opposed Battle roll, the Tactician may spend a
Void Point to reroll all dice that roll equal to or lower than his Battle.
Rank 3: To Prepare for Death, Die
Like Sun Tao, the Tactician knows that thought should not interfere with strategy in the heat of conflict. He may now make two
attacks per round.
Rank 4: On Deadly Ground, Fight!
The Tactician has learned to goad his opponents, to lead them into making critical errors at the worst times. When making an opposed
Battle Roll, the enemy general must drop all dice that roll equal to or less than the Tacticians Water. Similarly, all opponents making
an attack roll against the Tactician must drop all dice that roll equal to or less than his Water.

Rank 5: Masters Tactics
The final lesson of Sun Tao: when you can go no further, change. The Tactician may spend a Void Point before the opponents attack
roll to make an opposed Battle/Perception roll against any attack - including spells - directed against him. If the Tactician rolls higher
than the attack roll, he has foreseen the attack and it misses completely. If commanding troops in a Battle, the Tactician may shift his
Battle Table rolls by one column (from Losing to Even, from Even to Winning).
The Ikoma Omoidasu (Bard) School (Misc.)
The Ikoma bards represent the heart of the Lion, as only they are allowed to emote openly, even cry. While the rest of the clan
practices restraint, withholding their passions for all but the fight, they act as an outlet for expression normally considered
dishonorable (i.e. crying, regret, fear, etc.). The great irony of this, however, is the fact that the Ikoma are, as a whole, quite a stoic
family, generally internalizing their own pains in favor of those of others. But, as has been said, that is their way...
Benefit: + 1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 3, plus five boxes
Skills: Bard, Calligraphy, Heraldry, History, Law, Lore (any 2).

Ikoma bards do not learn techniques; instead, they gain several abilities. The bulk of these relate to their selfless place in Rokugani
society. Ikoma are the great storytellers of the Empire, and spend a great deal of time seeking out samurai whose experiences they can
craft into sweeping tales of honor and glory. With each new story, comes glory for the samurai involved, and honor for the bard.
In game terms, this means that the bard must seek out a patron samurai at some point during his rise through every School Rank. He
begins the game having already found and made known one samurais tale (to achieve Rank 1), which the player is encouraged to
document as his character would, thus further establishing his Gamemasters world. He must then find another before he can achieve
Rank 2. This can be more complicated than it sounds, as not all great warriors wish to have their stories told, and those that do often
lead the Ikoma into dangerous situations before the tale is done. After the events of the story are done and compiled by the Ikoma, he
must take them back to his daimyo and present them at formal court. This requires an Intelligence+Bard skill check with a TN equal
to the samurais Glory x5. Should this succeed, then the samurai is heralded as a hero and gains Glory Points equal to the School Rank
of the bard. These points can push the samurais Glory to the next Rank without the express permission of his daimyo (though it
would be a rare instance for a daimyo to deny a samurai who has just been so honored by an Ikoma). The one major restriction to this
is that the Ikoma may never increase a samurais Glory to a Rank higher than twice his own (i.e. if the Ikomas Glory is 2.4 the
samurai may not rise above 4.8 as a result of this ability). The Ikoma, for his part, gains a like number of Honor Points and, without
GM intervention, a Major Ally in the samurai honored. Finally, Omoidasu do not lose Honor or Glory for losing face (expressing
emotion) in public. They are the heart of the Lion, and their duty is to express what others cannot.
Kitsu Sodan-senzo Ancestor Magic School (Shugenja)
The Kitsu Family
Because of their unique relationship with the spirit world, certain members of the Kitsu family are able to commune with the lingering
spirits that haunt Rokugan. They are known as sodansenzo: those who speak to the ancestors. Many Kitsu have little or no trace of
their ancestors blood. These generally train at the Kitsu Shugenja School (as listed in the L5R RPG), and can use magic and receive
spells as described therein. Kitsu characters who wish to be more connected to their ancestors, however, must purchase the Kitsu
Ancestry advantage. This permits them to communicate with their ancestors, but only those who go on to attend the Kitsu sodan-senzo
school gain the full benefits. The distinction among the three types of Kitsu - normal, Half-Blood, and Full-Blood - is not recognized
by many in the Empire, but the Lion are well aware of it. During their gempukku ceremonies, their connection to the ancestors is
tested and classified, and from that moment on, all Kitsu know their place in the clan. The path of the ancestor mages diverges greatly
from that of the spell-wielders. They are a link to the Lions past, and its future.

Half-Blood Kitsu Ancestry (Kitsu Shugenja Only, 3 Points)

Kitsu may not perform any Ancestral Magic without this Advantage or Full-Blood Kitsu Ancestry. Half-Blood Kitsu may only Sense
ancestors (see the rules for sensing ancestors, below). Half-Blood Kitsu may not attend the Kitsu Sodan-Senzo School. If they attend
the Kitsu Shugenja School, their beginning spells are restricted. Instead of receiving 3 Water, 2 Fire and 1 Earth, they receive 2 Water
and 1 Fire. This represents the fact that the character has split his studies, and cannot perform either to its full extent. The shugenja
may learn new spells thereafter; however, they may never learn how to Commune or Summon Ancestors. Half-Blood Kitsu who do
not attend the Kitsu Shugenja School lose their connection to their ancestors, and may no longer Sense them.

Only those with Full-Blood Kitsu Ancestry are permitted to attend this school. Others do not have the appropriate connection to the
ancestors. The sodan-senzo, however, learn how to make contact with ancestors, not just from the Kitsu family or the Lion Clan, but
from all the major families in Rokugan. A sodan-senzo may Sense an Ancestor of any power, whether it be a household ghost, a
shuten doji of the Shadowlands or Akodo himself. However, they may only Commune with or Summon those spirits (Ancestors)
whose Character Point cost is less than or equal to twice their current School Rank + Honor. In order to use Commune and Summon
with spirits other than Ancestors (i.e., spirits who do not have Character Point costs), use the spirits Air Ring x 2. Those of Full-
Blood Kitsu Ancestry are able to see and speak with ancestors, and even draw ancestors into their own spirit. There are three ways in
which Kitsu interact with the spirit world. They are equivalent to the ways in which common shugenja manipulate the Elements by
working with the kami. Full-blooded Kitsu can Sense (see), Commune (speak with), and Summon (channel or draw into themselves)
ancestors and their power.
Benefit: +1 Willpower
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Etiquette, Heraldry, History, Calligraphy, Meditation, Lore (Ancestor), plus one High skill or one Bugei skill

Beginning spells: Sense Ancestor, Commune Ancestor, and Summon Ancestor, plus 2 Air, and 1 Water. Kitsu Sodan-senzo have an
Affinity for all Ancestor and a Deficiency Earth and Fire spells.
Sensing Ancestors
The way this works is both simple and complex. No mechanics exist for, nor are any skill rolls ever made for, Sensing ancestors. This
should be roleplayed between the GM and the Kitsu player to their mutual satisfaction. When Sensing an Ancestor, the shugenja can
see, hear, touch and even smell the spirit. Most spirits can make themselves invisible at will, but they cannot hide from a Kitsu if he is
using Sense. Further, although the Ancestor may not be present, the Kitsu can sense if a spirit has a connection to a particular person,
place or thing.
Communing with Ancestors
As with Sensing ancestors, no skill rolls are ever made for Communing with ancestors. It should be roleplayed between the GM and
the Kitsu player to their mutual satisfaction. Remember, however, that ancestors are not all amiable, and often refuse to speak with the
living (particularly if they died badly).
Summoning Ancestors
Summoning ancestors is more difficult than merely Sensing or Communing with them. A Kitsu may only Summon an ancestor whose
cost is equal or less than twice their School Rank + Honor. He may not make Raises of any kind while trying. Finally, the Kitsu must
spend a Void point with every attempt (to represent the spiritual struggle of gaining contact). The TN for Summoning is the Character
Point cost of the ancestor in question, and the skill roll is made using the Kitsus Intelligence/School Rank. Appropriate offerings can
reduce this TN (GMs discretion). If successful, the Kitsu will feel himself filled with the presence of the ancestor, who will remain a
number of hours equal to his Void Ring. This Ancestor does not have to be from the Lion Clan; they may be from any Clan. During
that time, the sodan-senzo gains the ability (and detriments) granted by that Ancestor, as if the sodan-senzo had been created with that
Ancestor. Multiple ancestors can be summoned into a single Kitsu at one time, but only up to the Kitsus Honor.
Matsu Bushi School (Bushi)
The Matsu bushi are possibly the fiercest, most dedicated group of warriors in Rokugan. Although they are matriarchal, men are
treated as equals within the battle corps. The males are easily as bold and daring as their more well-known female counterparts, and
make up the majority of the Matsu armies. Generations of warfare and years of training give the Matsu several advantages on the field
of battle, and their rigid instruction and relentless practice before their gempukku teach them unswerving dedication and fortitude.
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Starting Honor: 3 plus 5 boxes.
Skills: Archery, Battle, Hand-to-Hand, History, Kenjutsu, plus 2 other Bugei (not Defense)

Rank 1: The Lions Roar
When making a Full Attack, the Matsu bushi creates a Fear effect for all those who oppose her. The Fear Rating is equal to her School
Rank +1.
Rank 2: Matsus Fury
When making a Full Attack, the Matsu bushi may now make one additional Attack per turn.
Rank 3: With My Ancestors Beside Me
When making a Full Attack, the Rank 3 Matsu bushi add her Honor x 2 to all Initiative rolls.
Rank 4: The Lions Claws
The bushi may now make two Attacks per Turn. If the Matsu bushi is performing a Full Attack, then she can attack a total of three
times per Turn (see Rank 2 Technique).
Rank 5: Matsus Courage
If the Matsu bushi is making a Full Attack, she ignores Action penalties she would suffer as a result of Wounds, up to her Honor
Rank. Thus, if a Matsu with an Honor of 4 is making a Full Attack, she ignores the -1, -2, -3 and -4 Wound modifiers. This does not
apply to the Down, Out, or Dead Wound Ranks.
Lion Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Bushi Outfit
(All Average Quality; Player chooses one item to be of Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type(s), Light
Armor, Helm, Traveling Pack, Kimono, any 2 weapons, 5 Koku

Shugenja Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Tanto, 3 Koku

Tactician Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality, Player chooses one item to be Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type,
Tessen, Light Armor, Helm, Traveling Pack, Kimono, Sashimono, 5 Koku

Bard Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Light Armor, Traveling Pack, Kimono, Book of Novels, 4 Koku

During character creation, each player has the option to roll on the Heritage Table for free - once. Thereafter, it will cost them 1
Character Point per roll, for a total of up to three rolls. Forward, young one! But know that while the actions of your ancestors can
come to be the stuff of legend, those legends often prove troublesome to live up to. Their abject failure can also carry a price for you,
but not always the one you expect...

Note:All ancestors referred to by table must be chosen by the player and/or GM.
Roll Result
1-3 Glorious Ancestor. Roll on Heritage Table 2.
4 Undistinguished History. No benefits or penalties.
5-6 Shamed Ancestor. Roll on Heritage Table 3
7-8 Uncertain History. Roll on Heritage Table 4
9-0 Something Else. Roll on Heritage Table 6.


Roll Result
1-3 To Battle! Honored his clan as a soldier of the Empire. Roll on Heritage Table 5 with a +3 modifier.
4 Bloodlines. Beyond the blood of your original ancestor, you have the influence of several other key figures in the clans history.
Gain 1.5 Honor and 1 Void; in addition, if Kitsu, gain the Bloodlines Advantage.
5 Ancestral Recall. At his gempukku, your ancestor not only recited his lineage to his original ancestor, but also those of all the
samurai present. Gain 1-5 points of Glory and the Precise Memory Advantage.
6 Hero. An attack on the Emperor while on envoy across the realm was thwarted by the courage and stout resolution of your
ancestor. Gain 1-10 points of Glory and the Ear of the Emperor Advantage.
7 Fame. Your ancestor was cited as an example in Akodos Leadership. Gain 1 Glory.
8 Inventor. One of your ancestors invented an important piece of siege weaponry. Gain 5 Glory, 1 Rank of the Siege skill, and 1
of the Craft (Artillery) skill.
9-0 Glory. Your ancestor served two decades as an Imperial Guard. Gain 1 set of ceremonial armor (fine quality) and 1 Rank in


Roll Result
1-3 Run Away! Disgraced as a soldier of the Empire. Roll on Heritage Table 5 with a -2 modifier.
4 Affront! One of your ancestors angered the spirits. None will answer you save him, and he is a rather pitiful being, not
acknowledged by the others in Jigoku. Gain the Forsaken Disadvantage, but no points for it.
5 Dishonored! Two brothers in your line, after suffering a bitter defeat at the hands of the Crane, became Deathseekers. Much
later, they were killed in a futile battle in Crab lands, never having redeemed themselves. Their stain remains. Begin the game
with the Dishonored Disadvantage, but gain no points for it. Of course, you could always go ask the Emperor for permission to
follow in their steps...
6-7 Coward! Your ancestor was afraid to fight. Gain the Cowardly (Moderate) Disadvantage, but get no points for it.
7-8 Vain! Your ancestor owned a thousand mirrors. Gain the Vanity Disadvantage.
0 Traitor! The Emperor was betrayed by an ancestor of yours, who bartered information critical to the peace of the Empire for
money, power or to satisfy a debt. Now everyone looks to you with the same keen eye that should have been directed at him,
and you are never to step into the royal palace.


Roll Result
1-3 Drafted! Acted in accordance with his vow as a soldier. Roll on Heritage Table 5 with no modifiers.
4-5 Divine Inspiration. Your ancestor, a Crane, accidentally discovered the key strategy used in defeating an enemy while painting.
Gain 3 Honor and 1 Rank in the Artisan (Painting) skill, but lose 5 Honor (due to the derision of other Lions).
6 Spoils. One of your ancestors killed someone important from another clan in a duel. If Akodo, gain 1 Honor. If Matsu, gain 1
Rank in the weapon skill used. If Ikoma, gain 1 Rank in Battle or the appropriate knowledge skill (Lore, etc.). If Kitsu, gain the
Bloodlines advantage. All families gain the Sworn Enemy Disadvantage from the proper clan as well, but no points.
7-8 Knowledge. You family has always had close ties with the Ikoma. Gain a new Lore skill or another level in one you already
9 Truce. An ancestor spent time as an Ikoma Peacekeeper, traveling the Rokugan espousing mutual respect. If Akodo or Matsu,
lose 5 points of Glory and Honor. If Ikoma, gain 5 of each. If Kitsu, gain nothing.
0 Hokkaku. Hokakku is a Rokugani word that means touched On a trip into the spiritworld, your ancestor encountered a being
he shouldnt have... Gain 2 points in both the Strength of the Earth Advantage and Compulsion Disadvantage.

Notes:The soldier herein refers to the proper person (the PC or his ancestor) and the exact battle(s) in question must be determined by
the player and/or GM. Akodo and Matsu add 1 to the roll; Ikoma / Kitsu subtract 1 (all cumulative).
Roll Result
-2 or Legendary Loss. In a battle of epic scope that should have been an easy win for the Lion, they were crushed! In the
lower confusion, none are sure just who was at fault. Worst of all, the soldier was at the center of the action when it happened!
They suffer ignominious death on a roll of 1-5. Rokugan will not soon forget this tactical tragedy, nor the names of those
who fought in it. Lose 1.5 Honor Ranks and 1 Glory rank, but gain the Black Sheep Disadvantage, with no associated
-1 Shattering Defeat. The soldier, an advance scout, is blamed for the loss of over 50 Lions in battle, among them himself,
when he fails to report the presence of several hundred enemy reinforcements. Some claim he was paid by the Scorpion to
do so; others say that he was secretly in league with the enemy. You desire the truth. Gain the Higher Purpose Advantage.
0 The Crest of the Wave. The soldier was not supposed to be involved. He was carrying important documents for the Emperor
and was swept up in events too large to ignore. The scrolls were lost with him and never found again. Lose 1 Glory and gain
the Black Sheep Disadvantage, but no points for it.
1 Bitter-sweet Defeat. In a crushing defeat, the soldier held the line of defense just long enough for the bulk of his forces to
retreat honorably, but was captured as a result. He spent several long months in an enemy prison or camp. Gain 1 Honor
Rank and 2 Ranks of skills appropriate to the victorious clan.
2 Spy for the Clan. For several weeks before an important battle with a major opposing clan, the soldier spent time among
their troops - as a spy! Gain Lore (Appropriate Clan Battle Tactics) and two Ranks in skills or 1 Disadvantage normally
schooled to them (can include skills and Disadvantages normally only available to members of that clan). Despite his
intelligence, however, the battle was lost Death of soldier on a roll of 1-2. Gain 1 Glory Rank but lose 1-10 Honor.
3 Personal Demons. Charging the enemy line to save a Lion soldier that had been injured, the soldier was himself nearly
killed. The wound he received should have been fatal, but was miraculously healed at a Unicorns touch. Only a discordant
bluish scar remained. The Unicorn was a phantasm, a ghost of a soldier fallen on the field of battle many generations ago,
and he lingers with the soldier and those close to him still... Gain 1-5 points of Glory but gain the Haunted Disadvantage,
with no associated points.
4 Fear of Death. The soldier fled in the face of a superior force (which was nonetheless later defeated), and was
excommunicated from his family. Lose 1 Glory Rank.
5 Mutual Retreat. Lose 1 Glory point Obscure death of soldier on a roll of 1 (lose 2 Glory points).
6 Peace. The soldier was instrumental in negotiating a peace that lasted.., three days. He was then killed in battle. Lose 1
Glory point
7 Victory. Gain 1-5 points of Glory and a 3-point Sworn Enemy from the appropriate clan, with no associated Character Point
8 Victory without Words. During an Iaijutsu duel with an opposing general, the soldier was so intimidating that his opponent
walked away in shame rather than face him. You are said to have inherited his eye. Gain the Death Trance Advantage.
9 Arrogant Victory. The soldier was distracted from his duties on the field by a personal iaijutsu match. In a fit of prideful
vengeance, he ignored repeated calls for his aid. The Lion won the battle, but no thanks to him. Death of soldier (in the duel)
on a roll of 1-2. If so, records of his place in the clan have been removed; gain the Dark Secret Disadvantage. Otherwise,
gain the Dishonored Disadvantage.
10 Dishonorable Victory. The soldier was in command of a force that succeeded in battle, but under circumstances that were
less than honorable (an ambush whose sole purpose was to fulfill the commanders glory or one that included the estimated
deaths of innocents, etc.) Gain 1 die of Glory but lose 1 die of Honor.
11 Prodigal Victory. As a child, the soldiers home was attacked by enemy troops and overrun. Although suffering a great loss -
a parent or friend - he rallied several other young Lions into a makeshift force that procured their foes banner and became
the symbol of the Lions ultimate victory. Gain 1 Rank of the Social Position Advantage.
12 Pyrrhic Victory. A vile demon released from beyond the Kaiu Wall by rogue Kuni shugenja was dispatched by the soldier,
but it cost him his own life. Gain 1 jade pendant, a gift from the Crab, and 6-10 points of Glory.
13 or Mythic Victory. The battle waged was against an honorable foe, and a long, difficult struggle, but the forces of the Lion
higher were triumphant The soldier knew this, of course, as early in the fighting, they witnessed the spirit of Matsu the Thunder,
carrying the true Lion ancestral sword, onto the field! Glorious death of soldier on a roll of 1-5. Regardless, the battle and
the soldier go down in history and are still honored today. Gain 1.5 Honor Ranks, 1 Glory Rank, and the Great Destiny


Roll Result
1 Your ancestor ignored his duty to the clan and became an Imperial Magistrate of some standing whose accolades surface even
today. Gain 1 Rank of Investigation and the Bad Reputation Disadvantage, but no points for it.
2-3 An ancestor was a sensei at the Akodo War College. Gain the Tactician Advantage.
4-5 For reasons appropriate for your family (honorable combat, noble research, communing with an important deceased clan figure,
etc.), an ancestor was commemorated in the Hall of Ancestors. Gain 1-5 Honor.

6 You are the kind of person that gets along with everyone, very unlike many of your fellow clansmen. Gain a Minor Ally that
can be used on the fly whenever needed. Once chosen, however, they cannot change.
7 After being horribly wounded in battle, your ancestor turned his able fighting skills (and a fascination with an obscure
technique) to the art of training. Although many laughed at his odd style, many of his students adhere to his teachings to this
day. Gain 2 Ranks of one of the following: Bo Stick, Knife, Tetsubo, War Fan, Wrestling.
8-9 One of your ancestors saved the life of a famed armorer, who promptly commissioned an elaborate kabuto for him. Of fine
quality and covered in the etchings of a dozen famous battle scenes, it has been passed on to you.
0 Some say that the love-hate relationship of Akodo and Matsu continues through the generations in their descendants. Some of
those say that your ancestors infatuation with a member of the Lions Pride was foolishness. Everyone tells you that your
feelings for a Deathseeker are utter lunacy. Gain the Kharmic Tie Advantage.


The player may roll on these tables once only, at the cost of 3 CP. An even roll indicates that the Fortunes favor you, while an odd
result means that they have forsaken you.
Roll Result Roll Result
1-2 You dutifully served your clan on the field of battle. Roll 1-2 You dutifully served your clan on the field of battle. Roll on
on Heritage Table 5 with a +2 modifier. Reroll any result Heritage Table 5 with a -2 modifier. Reroll any result that
that indicates the death of the PC. indicates the death of the PC.
3 Due to the connection between your clan and the Imperial 3 A second cousin was directly related to the Imperial line,
throne, you have been offered the position of Magistrate making you a member of the Emperors family. But his recent
to the Emerald Champion. mysterious death has raised suspicions, and the fact that you
figured prominently in his will does not help. Gain a 6 point
Inheritance: youll need it.
4 Youve just inherited a parcel of land, complete with an 4 You have always been lauded as a remarkable warrior who
ancestral fortress. How unfortunate that it lies on the will win great wars, ever since the fight in which a mute
border of an enemy territory, and that they desire the land Matsu you were infatuated with was rescued from her abusive
as well. To make matters worse, a small retinue of guardian. But the truth of the matter is that you had nothing to
soldiers await their new lord there, unsure of whether he do with it -she saved herself. In fact, you wouldnt consider
will arrive before the enemy lays siege to them. yourself that much of a fighter at all... Gain the Dark Secret
Disadvantage, but no points for it
5 After your gempukku. your uncle brought you a gift a 5 You were one of five Lions born at the Temple of Shorai. But
cat he says is the purebred descendant of a cat your there was a chaotic shuffling of infants shortly after, and none
ancestor owned. An ancient note written in that heros of you know whom the children belonged to. Thus, you could
hand says Trust the cat It will bring you wisdom and not recite your lineage at your gempukku, and still are not
glory. You are expected to pass the cats offspring on to sure of it today. If Akodo, lose 1 Honor Rank. Otherwise, lose
your nephew in time. 1-10 Honor.
6 Your family is well-connected with the Lion military. 6 You were born in court, under a foul moon, and have a
You begin as a Gunso in the army. Whether you accept birthmark upon your neck that some say looks disturbingly
the post or simply retain an honorary title is up to you. like a crane. Gain 1 die of the Unluck Disadvantage.
7 You were trained by a sensei who fought in the Day of 7 Your father was never home, and your mother despised the
Falling Stars. Gain 2 Ranks in any Bugei skill. military. She has passed that hatred of violence to you. Gain
the SoftHearted Disadvantage.
8 The book your mother read to you from when you were 8 You were raised among the Izeimin prior to being accorded a
small was actually a religious text presumed lost in the place at your school by a mysterious sponsor. Two items of
time of the kami. Gain 10 Insight and 1 Rank of Shintao. your starting outfit are of poor quality.
Too bad she disappeared one night many years ago,
because youre sure you could gain more from it now...
9 Your family is provided tax levies by the Emperor for 9 A failed courtship of a Matsu has resulted in her public denial
services rendered. Two items in your starting outfit are of of you. This would be unfortunate enough, but now there is
fine quality. another involved who wishes to scandalize the scene. Gain the
Sworn Enemy Disadvantage.
0 When you were young, you snuck into the Kitsu 0 No Bad fortune - yet Dont worry, though. Doubtless your
Choosing chamber and placed your hand within the Game Master will forget it
sacred brazier. What you saw there scared you so much
that you have blocked it from your memory, but as a a
result, you gain either an Innate Ability (if shugenja) or 1
Rank of Luck (if a bushi).


Isawa family
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Shiba Family
Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Asako Family
Benefit: +1 Perception

Shiba Bushi School (Bushi)

Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Defense, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Meditation, Naginata, Shintao, Tea Ceremony

Rank 1: The Way of the Phoenix
Shiba bushi are trained in the nothought technique, and may add their Void Rank to any attack or damage rolls. They may also
spend up to their naximum Void Points on a single action.
Rank 2: Dancing With The Elements
Because the Phoenix bushi train with the Phoenix shugenja, they have become trained to be more attuned to the manipulation of the
elements. The bushi may spend a Void Point to aid (or hinder) spells that are targeting him, either giving the caster a Free Raise or
raising the TN by 5.
Rank 3: One With Nothing
At this Rank, the bushi learns to fall into a no-mind trance. The bushi may spend a Void Point to gain an additional action this
Round. This ability cannot be used to gain an additional attack or Full Defense. This Technique may be used nore than once per
Rank 4: Everywhere and Nowhere at Once
At this Rank, the bushi has learned to let his Void flow to such an extent that he gains two attacks per round.
Rank 5: One With All and Nothing
The bushi has finally learned to release the full power of nothoughU By spending a Void Point, the bushi may substitute his Void
Rank for any Trait or Skill until the end of the round.
lsawa Shuganja School (Shugenja)
Benefit: +1 Void
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Isawa shugenja may use any number of Void Points when they are casting spells.
Skills: Calligraphy, Investigation, Meditation, Shintao, Theology, any other 2 High Skills
Beginning spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 of one Element, 2 of a second and I of a third. Isawa shugenja may choose
their natural Affinity, but must also take a Deficiency in the opposed element (Fire-Water or Earth-Air).
Shiba Yojimbo School (Bushi)
Those who protect the Elemental Masters and their servants. They are similar to the traditional Shiba, but use their skills entirely for
Benefit: +1 Willpower
Beginning Honor: 2, plus five boxes
Skills: Defense, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Meditation, Shintao, one Bugei Skill

Rank 1: A Single Life
The Yojimbo knows his place in the universe, and is prepared to sacrifice himself for another. When performing a Full Defense,
instead of the normal bonuses, the Yojimbo may attempt to intercept a number o attacks equal to his Void per round. The Yojimbo
may intercept an attack within 10 feet by announcing that he is intercepting the attack before the attack roll is made, and then making
an opposed Defense/Agility roll vs. the attack roll. If successful, the target of the attack is changed to the Yoiimbo.
Rank 2: Shield of Honor
The Yojimbo may spend any amount of Void to raise his TN be Hit for a single round. On Full Defense, his TN to be hit is increased
by 10 per Void Point spent instead of 5. This Full Defense benefit may be combined with the Rank 1 Technique.
Rank 3: No Illusions
The Yojimbo has become mystically linked to someone under his care. By spending a Void Point and meditating for one hour with an
individual, he places that person under his charge. Afterward, the Yojimbo will always know what direction that person lies in regards
to himself by spending a Void Point to do so. This does not indicate distance, location, or even if the charge still lives, only direction.
A Yojimbo may only have one charge at a time.

Rank 4: Sword of the Phoenix
The Yojimbo may make two attacks per round, even while using his Rank 1 Technique. (This is a special bonus. He does not
otherwise get to attack on Full Defense.)
Rank 5: Purity of Fire
The Yojimbos spirit is like the flames, unquenchable, unconquerable. The Yojimbos opponent rolls one fewer Damage die for each
Rank in the Yojimbos Water Ring; someone attacking a Yojimbo with Water 4 would roll four fewer Damage dice than usual. The
opponent may always roll at least one dice.
Shiba Tejina School
The Shiba Tejina are artisan shugenja, masters of entertainment magic. The Game Master should feel free to limit a party to one
Tejina PC, not due to their overwhelming power (in fact, they are roughly equal to an Isawa shugenja) but because of their rarity.
There are only twelve students at the Academy at any time, meaning that only a handful of graduates wander Rokugan, usually
keeping close ties with the school. Their history and background are described elsewhere in this book. Tejina tend to be good-natured,
friendly, and very energetic. Their greatest love in life is bringing joy to others. The laughter of a child and the smile of a stranger is
the only reward they seek. The kami provide the rest.
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Courtier, Etiquette, Meditation, Lore (Myth and Legend), Shintao, Tejina
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Air, 2 Water, and 1 Fire. Tejina tend to favor spells involving illusion. They
have an Affinity for Air and a Deficiency for Earth, plus special additional Affinity rules described below.
Affinity/Deficiency: Tejina shugenja gain an additional rank of Affinity for any spell that creates an illusion or alters the perceptions
of others. This is cumulative with their Affinity for Air magic. They also gain a Deficiency with combat spells (any spells that do
damage to an opponent) which is cumulative with their Deficiency in Earth. Spells affected by Tejina Affinity in the Players Guide
and this book are listed here. The GMS word is final in determining whether spells from other sources gain Tejina Affinity. Any spell
that causes damage in any way automatically gains Tejina Deficiency, even if that damage is conditional (as in the case of Jade
Affinity: Aura of Flame, Bentens Touch, Cloak of Night, Cryptic Cipher (though a Tejina would not have access to this Imperial
Spell, it is an illusion spell), Essence of Air, False Face, Mists of Illusion, Quiescence of Air, Reflective Pool, Secrets on the Wind,
Spirit Script, Walk Without Passing, Way of Deception.
Isawa Tensai School (Shugenja)
Isawa shugenja are trained from a very young age to become guardians of the elements. Perhaps more than any other clan, the
Phoenix expect their children to be in touch with the kami and to have a thorough grasp of magical theory and use. From birth,
children see spellcraft in use, watching elders and apprentices as they learn their skills through study, devotion, and hard work. When
a child is six years old, the shugenja of their immediate family gather at a meeting to determine if a child is acceptable for the Phoenix
shugenja training. Almost invariably, the Isawa send their children to the school it is considered a great dishonor if an Isawa child
is not accepted to the Academy of Wizardry. For the Shiba and the Asako, it is less an obligation and more a simple test to decide the
childs options for the future. Once the child has had time and opportunity to learn the basic rituals and prayers of the kami - around
age eight - they are tested again for their aptitude in each element Any child found lacking in more than two elements is immediately
dismissed from the school in disgrace, and sent to the Shiba bushi school to use their training with the shugenja in a practical manner.
Afterwards, if the child passes their tests, their training is completed with a single Master who may have one to five apprentices of
their own. The Master chooses each child based on aptitude, field of interest, and family lineage. Thousands of apprentices are given
to Masters each year, but very few are chosen by the Masters of the Council, the Grand Shugenja of the Elements themselves. The
Elemental Masters have only three to five apprentices of their own, but they have a scholarly system where they may actually have ten
to fifty children learning from their school An apprentice is responsible not only for his own studies, but for a small group of younger
children who look to him for training and tutelage. In this way, say the members of the Council, the children learn not only spelicraft,
but also responsibility for themselves and others - the true requirement for anyone who wishes to sit upon the Council of Five. These
children study to become tensai, a word which means prodigy; learning how to manipulate one element to the exclusion of all else,
suffering in their overall knowledge in order to further their unique talent with one. Perhaps fifty new children each year are chosen by
the Elemental Council, and of those, fewer than half remain after their first years study. Apprentices to the Elemental Masters do not
see their Lord or Lady for many months while they are trained by another, higher-ranked and more experienced tensai. Competition
and rivalry are rampant in this system, as each apprentice knows they may be the one chosen to replace the Master when his or her
time on the Council ends. Thus, the tensai schools are extremely competitive and require the utmost dedication. Students who fail
return to another Master, who is more willing to give them the personalized training available to typical Isawa Shugenja. Students
who succeed, of course, can not all expect to be the next Master of their element. Only one shugenja in a generation reaches the
pinnacle of training and knowledge that comes with true Mastery of their craft. Those who do not reach those lofty heights are not to
be chastised: the training is itself so rigorous and demanding that it is respected across Rokugan, and many clans beg for tensai to
teach at their academies. An elementalist can be assured of a prosperous future, whether serving as a trusted advisor and religious
teacher to his own clan, or traveling the countryside spreading the wisdom of the Fortunes and Shinsei; they are treated with respect
and honor. Bearing the badge of fellowship, a graduate of the college can expect loyalty and friendship - at least in public - from other
members of this austere fraternity, no matter where they should meet. But for those who are chosen, however rare they may be, to
achieve the supreme position of Master of an Element is the greatest accomplishment of a lifetime. The tensai chosen to bear the
burden of leading the Phoenix Clan and sit on the Council of Five must be willing to speak for their clan and guide its philosophies
and actions. These wizards truly guide the destiny of the clan, so their backgrounds must be impeccable, and their complete mastery
of their spellcraft unquestioned.
Benefit: +1 to one trait in the Ring of their chosen element
Skills: Calligraphy, Meditation, Shintao, Theology, History, plus 2 other High skills. Isawa Shugenja get a free raise for all rituals.
Beginning Honor: 3, plus zero boxes
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, plus 2 of their primary element and 1 of a secondary element.

Because the tensai shugenja are taught as standard Isawa shugenja for the first few years of their training, they have full knowledge of
the workings of the general spellcraft which is used by their companions in the clan of the Phoenix. However, they have completely
devoted themselves to their singular field of study, be it Earth, Air, Water or Fire. Void tensai are covered hereafter, in their own
school. In game terms, this means that tensai receive a Free Raise to any spells within their element for each school rank. Thus, Isawa
Tsuke, who is a rank 5 tensai of Fire, has 5 Free Raises for all fire spells. These raises may be used in any way the player chooses,
whether for distance, damage, or accuracy, and may be divided as the player sees fit. However, such devoted training to one element
is certain to leave a tensai somewhat lacking in knowledge of other elements. Although the tensai can learn and cast spells of any
element, it is more difficult for them to do so. Spells of all elements other than their primary have a +5 to their TN for every school
rank past the first the tensai has achieved. Isawa Tsuke, in our example above, has a +20 TN to all of his Water, Earth, Air or Void
Isawa Ishiken (Void) School (Shugenja)
Of all the elemental forces which a shugenja can draw from, the most powerful and the most difficult to control is that which lies
between and joins the others: Void. Each of the other elements - Earth, Air, Fire, and Water - allow shugenja to call upon and direct
only their individual forces. Also, it is commonly understood that the mages in question must master the appropriate fundamental
concepts, learn the necessary spells, and undertake certain risks should they perform those spells incorrectly. The shugenja who
studies Void, however, understands that everything in the world contains all four basic elements, held together by the least tangible
essence - Void. It is like the silence between notes of music, giving rhythm and shape to the whole. To the man who understands the
relationship of Void to all other things, and who has the innate ability to personally perceive that relationship, distance and form
become inconsequential. When he practices Void magic, he doesnt only risk the power getting away from him or causing physical
(and external) damage. He risks being lost entirely within the source of the power itself, unable to recognize or distinguish between
the elements and what they compose. For such an unfortunate soul, the world becomes a ceaseless canvas of swirling color, all
bleeding into itself - forever.

Void Shugenja
Like all abilities in Legend of the Five Rings, Void magic can be broken down into two distinct arenas of development: ability and
discipline. These roughly equate to ones natural talent with Void magic (ability, represented in the game as their Void Ring), and the
degree of training they have had with its use (discipline, represented by their acquired School Rank). Also, Void spells and effects can
be categorized by the three basic abilities all shugenja share - Sense, Commune, and Summon. Of course, early in a Ishis career, they
are limited to sensing the Realm Between. But as they progress, they will find themselves able to use it to interact with the physical
world and others (communing with them), and change others, and the world around them (summoning Void - through the target).
Note that Ishiken can use common shugenja spells, with no restrictions other than their initial allotment (see below). These spells are
acquired as a result of their Void training, not as a dedicated course of study (i.e. discovered or received during the natural course of
their Void training). This is why so few of them are gained at the outset of a PC Void shugenjas career. Future spells can be acquired
by Ishiken the same as any other shugenja.
Benefit: +1 Void
Beginning Honor: 2, plus five boxes
Skills: Lore (Void Magic), Meditation 2, Shintao, Tea Ceremony, any 2 other Skills
Beginning Spells: Sense Void, Drawing the Void, Sense, Commune & Summon, 2 spells of a second element of their choice, and 1 of
a third. Ishiken are considered to have an Affinity for Void, and no Deficiency.
Asako Henshin Academy (Misc.)
In Rokugan, the word henshin means change but can also be translated as progress or rebirth. The Asako chose this as the name
for their independent academy as a tribute to its purpose; to train students to harness The Gift that Shiba gave Asako a thousand years
ago. In that time, remarkable advances have been made with it, and significant steps have been taken toward what the Asako believe
to be the ultimate fate of humanity. Samurai across the Empire have begun to tap into The Gift already, but they refer to the effort as
Techniques. The Henshin have taken this practice a step further and developed what they call Mysteries. While Techniques are the
mystical by-product of years of discipline, learning to focus the Elements around you, Mysteries are a direct manipulation of those
forces. In essence, the Henshin have discovered how to sculpt the elemental forces around them into pliable, and applicable, effects.
But there is a requirement The Henshin are still human, however advanced they may think they are, and they must act in accordance
with human limitations. They cannot defy the laws of nature. They cannot simply command the Elements to do as they wish, but must
entice them. They do this using what they call Riddles closely-guarded methods of enforcing their will upon the Elements. Over
time, the Henshin have managed to sharpen their talent with Riddles to the point where they can trick nature into submitting to them.
It is roughly akin to deceiving another person, thus causing them to react in a foreseeable manner. However, the Elements - once
gauged properly - are far more predictable than humans, and thus easier to manipulate. They are also arguably more dangerous to
incite in this manner. Should a Henshin fail to properly confound an Element, it is likely to strike back at him decisively. A Henshin is
a non-shugenja class, and cannot cast or research spells as do shugenja.
Benefit: +1 Willpower or +1 Awareness (players choice)
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Defense, Hand-to-Hand, History, Medicine, Meditation, Shintao.

Henshin are trained in the ways of the Elements in their first years with the Academy. This provides them with a general knowledge
of how the Elements react to outside stimuli, and how to gauge their next manifestations. Thereafter, Henshin are tutored in the first
Four Mysteries, learning the Riddles and Rank Effects of each Element with the progression into each new School Rank. The student
is allowed to choose his own course of research, thus tailoring his abilities to his own likes, dislikes, and goals. A Henshin PC chooses
an Element to focus on during each of his first four Ranks. The order in which they are chosen is of paramount importance, for once
an Element is chosen for a School Rank, it may not be chosen again for another and the ability gained at that School Rank will never
increase (i.e. if a player chooses to learn Water at School Rank One, he gains the Rank One ability with the Water Element, but will
never gain any further knowledge with the Element). As the higher Ranks provide more mastery over the associate Elements, this
should result in a strategy in a player characters progression through the game; if a PC wishes to have a great amount of ability with
Fire, for instance, he must wait to acquire it. A Henshin may use both Rank Effects and Riddles in the same day, but may not use them
more times total per day than his rank in the corresponding Ring. For instance, a Henshin with an Air Ring of 2 may, in one day,
perform the Air Rank Effect twice, the Air Rank Effect once and the Riddle of Air once, or the Riddle of Air twice.
Rank Effects
As ranks are assigned, the PC gains the ability to add or subtract five times their rank to his own die roll, or twice his rank to the die
roll of another character (PC or NPC). Even though the Henshin may progress into a higher School Rank, the Elements he has already
assigned will never provide more than the value of the School ranks at which they were originally learned. These abilities require no
roll, and the duration of the effect is equal to the Henshin's current school rank. The use of a mystery is considered a combat action,
and is declared in place of attack, full attack, or full defense. These bonuses and penalties apply only when the target is making a skill
or Trait roll which relies upon the appropriate elemental Ring. Mysteries are ineffective against targets other than yourself if the
target's elemental Ring to be effected is higher than your own.
For example: Asako Kaushen is currently School Rank 3, and has chosen the following Rank/Element assignment - Rank One Air,
Rank Two Earth, Rank Three Fire. He may do the following:
Add or subtract 5 from his own Reflexes, Awareness, or Air rolls for three rounds, or add or subtract 2 from another's Reflexes,
Awareness, or Air rolls for three rounds.
Add or subtract 10 from his own Stamina, Willpower, or Earth rolls for three rounds, or add or subtract 4 from another's Stamina,
Willpower, or Earth rolls for three rounds.
Add or subtract 15 from his own Agility, Intelligence, or Fire rolls for three rounds, or add or subtract 6 from another's Agility,
Intelligence, or Fire rolls for three rounds.

Activating a riddle requires the henshin to roll the appropriate Ring vs. TN = five times the rank at which the riddle was learned.
Riddles are instantaneous when applied to yourself, and are a single action when applied to another. Should the roll for using a riddle
fail, it has the opposite effect (inflicting extra wounds rather than negating them, imposing a penalty rather than a bonus, and vice
Riddle of Earth
The henshin may reduce the number of Wounds taken by an attack by (Chosen School Rank for Earth + Earth). He may heal the same
amount of wounds taken by another by touching them.
Riddle of Water
The henshin may add his (Chosen School Rank for Water + Water) to all Perception related skill rolls and raw perception checks. He
may impose an equal penalty to the Perception rolls of anyone attempting to observe him when he wishes to remain hidden.
Riddle of Fire
The henshin may add his (Chosen School Rank for Fire + Fire) to all hand-to-hand combat skill rolls, and to his initiative when using
hand-to-hand combat.
Riddle of Air
The henshin may add his (Chosen School Rank for Air + Air) to all skills involving social interaction. He may reduce the sincerity
skill roll of anyone attempting to lie to him by an equal amount.

The Final Mystery

The Final Mystery is that of Fate, and those that learn it are forever after known within the Asako as Fushihai (or Masters). No one
ever chooses to become Fushihai (indeed, none - even within the Asako themselves - know that there is another Rank of training; see
the Mysteries of the Asako sidebar, p. 44). The Fushihai choose those who are ready to join their ranks, based on the merits of their
progression through the first Four Mysteries and their understanding of the Riddles. These scholars of the Path have advanced to a
point at which they are fully aware of it, and can perceive their place on it at all times. With effort, they can even perceive the
locations, directions, and pace at which others are moving along it as well. Everything they do and say, everything they dont do or
say, affects their place on the Path, and they know it. They act according to a strict code of conduct dictated by the words originally
passed down to Asako and actively avoid doing things that will hinder their progress. No player character should be allowed to
achieve Rank Five in the Henshin Academy without serious consideration by both the Gamemaster and player involved. The
responsibility of knowing the greatest, most protected secrets of the Asako is a heavy one, and the role of the Fushihai requires a
certain distance from humanity in general. Many of them do not see others outside the family for the duration of their lives, and this
would certainly detract from an ongoing campaign. Should a player wish to acquire such a level of mastery with The Gift, it would
likely be best if it were considered the pinnacle of his game career, and success the end of his role-playing one. Retire him - it is for
the best. Should the mechanics for the Final Mystery ever come into play for some reason, they are as follows:
The Fushihai automatically gain the Contrary Disadvantage. The Fortunes are a fickle bunch, with contrasting peaceful and wrathful
aspects. So are the Fushihai. They believe they are that much closer than everyone else to the next level - that of the Fortunes - and in
this regard, they are right.
They gain the heady ability to alter Fate. A number of times per day equal to his Void, the Fushihai may re-roll an action that failed
or did not succeed to his expectations. If the new roll is less desirable, then he may opt to use the original. No Void points are
expended using this ability.
Finally, they no longer grow old, and will never die by disease or age. They are, for all intents and purposes, immortal, and may
only die by violence. Should this ever happen, the whole of the Fushihai will mourn, for the loss of one so close to divinity is great
indeed (for more on this, see the Life-Cycle of the Henshin sidehar).
The Nameless One
The Nameless Ones are Isawa Ishiken (Void Masters) who were once corrupted by the Taint, but were changed by the conflict of
Taint and Void within themselves. They have become something other than human. They are now weapons against the Taint who
remember little or nothing of their former lives. Nameless One player characters must be from the Phoenix Clan, and are required to
take the Ishiken-do Advantage (from The Way of the Phoenix) and the Nameless One Disadvantage (immediately below). For those
who do not possess The Way of the Phoenix, simply create a Nameless One as a normal Isawa shugenja with no Affinity or
Deficiency, following the rest of these rules as given and replacing the Void spells with three spells of one element This is not as
accurate a depiction of what the Nameless Ones truly are, but it should suffice. Nameless Ones are considered to be shugenja
Benefit: +1 Void
Skills: Lore (Void Magic), Meditation 2, Shintao, Tea Ceremony, any 2 other skills
Beginning Honor: 2, plus five boxes
Beginning Spells: Sense Void, Drawing the Void, Sense, Commune, Summon, 2 spells of a second element and 1 of a third

Magic of the Nameless Ones

Nameless Ones possess no Affinity or Deficiency. (Before their change, they possessed an Affinity for Void.) They may spend any
amount of Void Points they have remaining when casting a spell. Any spell they cast upon a Tainted opponent automatically gains a
number of Free Raises equal to the Nameless Ones Void. A Nameless One can sense this surge in power, so casting a spell on an
opponent is an almost certain way of revealing their Taint. Nameless Ones may use Void Magic.

The Nameless One Disadvantage

The Nameless One Disadvantage is actually a number of smaller Disadvantages. To customize this Disadvantage for a particular
Nameless One, select five points of Disadvantages from the following list. These signify the terrible mutations that have twisted his
body. Only Nameless One characters may take these Disadvantages.

Amnesiac:0-2 points
All Nameless Ones have some amount of amnesia. How much the character remembers depends upon the number of points of
Amnesia that are taken.
0 points: You recognize important details from your former life, but cannot remember specific details or names. You often go through
the motions of your former life without knowing why.
1 point: You do not remember people and places from your former life unless they were extremely important, and then you merely
react on an instinctive, emotional level. You cannot recall the existence of your skills, though you can still use them on an instinctual
level when the need arises.
2 points: You do not remember who or what you once were, and only have a short-term memory capacity. You tend to react to friends
and enemies, but cannot recall events more than twenty-four hours distant You receive a +5 TN penalty to all skills requiring a great
deal of cognition or memory, and must spend an additional Experience Point to learn or Raise such skills.
Deformed Legs:3 points
Your legs are twisted and useless; you cannot move without assistance
Hideous: 0-2 points
All Nameless Ones have a deformed appearance. The extent of the deformity depends upon the points taken in this category.
0 points: Facial features are severely disproportionate. Limbs are too long or too short, posture is definitely not normal. +10 TN to all
social rolls.
1 point: Inhuman or missing facial features. Limbs are severely deformed. Posture is extremely abnormal. Skin is loose, twisted, and
puckered. +25 TN to all social rolls.
2 points: Extremely caricatured or additional facial features. Perhaps the head is stunted into the torso. Limbs may be whip.thin or
grotesquely over-muscled. Skin is either stretched like thin parchment or hangs loose in random places. Posture curves directly
forward or even backward. You are barely human in appearance. +40 TN to all social rolls.
No Ears: 1 point
You are not deaf, but have a great deal of difficulty reacting to sound. +10 TN to all Perception rolls involving sound or stealth.
No Eyes: 3 points
You are completely blind. +20 TN to all rolls involving sight
No Hands:3 points
Your hands are useless pads of flesh; you cannot hold a weapon or perform skills that require a great deal of finesse.
No Mouth: 1 point
When you need to cast spells, a spectral voice rises from somewhere deep within. You are forced to mash food through your flesh in
order to eat, a painful and disturbing sight
Shadowlands Antipathy: 0 points
All Nameless Ones possess this Disadvantage. Nameless Ones cannot abide the presence of Tainted creatures, and will attempt to
destroy them whenever possible. There is no bargaining, no reason. Unless restrained, you will immediately attack and destroy any

Tainted creature in your presence. Comrades can make an opposed Awareness roll against your Willpower to talk you down if
attacking would not be the best option.
Spectral: 1 point
You are surrounded with a ghostly, shimmering aura You do not actually walk so much as you hover several inches above the ground.
If you possess deformed legs, you can move at normal speed with this mutation. This is a common deformity.
Phoenix Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Bushi Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type(s), Light Armor, Traveling Pack, any 1
weapon, Kimono, 2 Koku

Shugenja Outfit
(All considered to be Average quality; Player chooses one item to be of Fine Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel,
Wakizashi, Tanto, 4 Koku, First Aid kit, 2 scrolls (blank)

Yojimbo Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type, Light or Heavy Armor, Traveling Pack,
Kimono, 2 Koku

Tejina Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality; player chooses one item to be of Fine Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel,
Wakizashi, Tanto, 4 Koku, First Aid Kit, 2 Blank Scrolls

Tensai Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Tanto, 5 Koku, First Aid kit, 3 scrolls (blank)

Henshin Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Wakizashi or Bo Staff, Tanto, 3 Koku, First Aid kit, Acupunture
set, Quill and Ink

Ishiken Outfit
(All considered to be Average quality; Player chooses two items to be of Fine Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel,
Wakizashi, 5 Koku, 5 scrolls (blank), 3 Sticks of Incense

Nameless One Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality, any two of Fine Quality) Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, 5 Scrolls, 3
sticks of incense

During character creation, each player is allowed the privilege of rolling upon these tables without cost once. Up to two additional
rolls can be made, at a cost of one Character Point each. Be warned, however! For while the Mystic Phoenix may allow one journey
into their realm without harm, they almost certainly will not allow another.., or will they?


In this and following tables, the ancestor affected should be agreed upon by both the player and Gamemaster.
Roll Result
1 Distinguished Past. Roll on Heritage Table 2.
2-4 Undistinguished Past. No benefits or penalties.
5-6 Dishonorable Past. Roll on Heritage Table 3.
7-9 Mixed Blessing. Roll on Heritage Table 4.
0 Forbidden Knowledge. Roll on Heritage Table 5.


Sometimes, a hero is born in the ashes of great events. Other times, they are born of will alone...
Roll Result
1 Mystic Blood. The blood of an original clan ancestor courses through your veins. Gain 3 Insight, and you may purchase any
ancestor at half the required CP.
2 Proud Magic. An Isawa ancestor bested dozens of rival shugenja in magical duels. Gain 4 Honor Points or an Innate Ability
(PCs choice).
3 No Fear. An ancestor was well-known for his escapes from death. Gain the Daredevil Advantage.
4 Enlightenment. One of your ancestors was an Asako Michibiku, and traveled the Empire cultivating the younger clans. If
Asako, gain 5 Honor Points. If Isawa, lose 5. If Shiba, there is no benefit or loss.
5 Blood of the Kami. An ancestor was discovered to be the Shiba Champion for his generation. Gain 1 Glory Rank and the sword
he carried (a katana of fine quality).
6 Last Stand. One of your ancestors died defending the Emerald Empire from the gaijin. Gain one Imperial favor: it can be called
upon at the PCs discretion, but can only be used once.
7 Void Master. Your ancestor tutored some of the greatest Void apprentices in history. You may take the Ishiken-do Advantage
for free, if you so desire. If not, gain 3 Honor Points.
8 Elemental Master. The infamous Tomb of luchiban was built with the help of your ancestor, an Elemental Master. Gain 5 each
Honor and Glory Points, and 1 Rank in Engineering.
9 Code-Breaker. One of your ancestors was an Asako in the Great Library of the Isawa, and spent many long hours studying the
old tongues. Gain 1 Rank in the Cipher Skill.
0 One of your ancestors managed to prevent a battle that would have needlessly cost the lives of hundreds. Gain 3 Honor Points
and the Voice Advantage.


Traitors can be bred of an unclean mind or a tainted spirit, or from nothing more than the inability to retain a secret...
Roll Result
1 Forgotten! Part of a group dedicated to the free distribution of magical knowledge, one of your ancestors betrayed Phoenix
secrets to shugenja of the other clans. They were promptly exiled from the Isawa. Gain the Forgotten Disadvantage, but no
points for it.
2 Exiled! You have odd features and dark skin. At your birth, it was discovered that your mother was having an affair with
someone who was not from Rokugan Soon after, your mother fled into the northern mountains and your father committed
seppuku. You are now Clan Ronin, and you will have to find another school to advance past Rank One.
3 Tempted! A famous shugenja in your line was seduced by a charismatic but insane colleague who believed that he could capture
and harness the force of one of the original seven Kami. It turned out that he was to be nothing more than a material component
in the ritual, and when he was drawn from the ruins of the madmans fortress by Imperial Magistrates, little remained of the man
he once was. Gain the Weakness Disadvantage (PCs choice of Trait), and lose 3 Points each of Honor and Glory.
4 Loose Lips! A courtier in your line once insulted the Emperor. Gain the Contrary Disadvantage, but no points for it.
5 Fallen! Your Shiba ancestor failed to protect his charge in battle. Lose 3 Honor Points and gain a 1-Point Haunted Disadvantage
(with the fallen shugenja), but no points for it
6 Scoundrel! The courts of Otusan Uchi were ablaze with scandal during the time of your ancestor, a notable - and extremely
lucky - shugenja who used his talents as a womanizer, gambler, and cruel manipulator. Gain 6 Points in Luck and 2 Ranks in the
Lechery Disadvantage, but no points for it.
7 Impudence! Bushi within your family cut down a Fushihai out of spiteful revenge for some petty slight. Even though they
comitted seppuku shortly after, the Fortunes have ignored your family ever since. Gain the Momoku Disadvantage, but no
points for it.
8 Corrupted! Your ancestor was an Isawa dedicated to discovering the truth behind dark magicks others consider unclean, and

he was seduced by his own obsession. Gain 1-3 Ranks in Lore (Maho.-Tsukai) or Research - PCS choice - and an equal
number in the Shadowlands Taint.
9 Imperial Traitor! Centuries ago, one of your ancestors consorted with an oni general, conspiring to bring down the Kaiu Wall.
He sent sensitive information to the Shadowlands, then went across himself. He may still be out there, somewhere... Lose 1
Honor Rank, and gain the Driven Disadvantage (to destroy him), but no points for it
0 Lost Knowledge! Due to the bumbling of your ancestor, important information (the layout of an ancient tomb, secrets of the
Path of Man, etc.) has been lost - presumably forever. You must make it your mission to find it. Lose 1 Honor Rank (that
returns when the information is found), and gain a 4-Point Obligation Disadvantage, but no points for it.


The eternal cycle of life and death, knowledge and ignorance, enlightenment and endless corruption continues; with good, there must
come some evil...
Roll Result
1 Dark Secrets. Your ancestor came across Forbidden Knowledge. Roll on Heritage Table 5.
2 Illicit Affair. Some say that the eternal splintering of the Phoenix Clan is carried into the children of every generation, and that
there will never be peace between them. Some of the same say that your ancestors love affair with one of another family was
wrong. Everyone says that you are insane to love one from beyond your bloodline. Gain the Kharmic Tie Advantage with
someone from another Phoenix family.
3 Obsessed. Your ancestor was constantly bested in something, and it cost your family their lands. You are sure that you can
improve on the past Choose one of your Skills and add 1 Rank in it; gain the Jealousy Disadvantage with that Skill, but no
points for it
4 Unremarkable. One of your ancestors went their entire life without being noticed, and people have told you that you look and
act just like them. Gain the Bland Advantage and lose 1 Glory Point.
5 Spoils. One of your ancestors killed someone important in a duel. If Shiba, gain 3 Honor Points. If Isawa, gain 1 extra spell
(PCs choice, any element). If Asako, gain 20 Insight All families gain the Sworn Enemy Disadvantage from the proper clan as
well, but no points for it
6 Tainted Bargain. Your ancestor summoned an oni, and was consumed by it It must still remember who is was, however,
because family legends refer to it returning periodically to protect its descendants - for a price. At any point, the PC may call
upon the oni for help (once), but thereafter must fulfill an Obligation to it (as determined by the GM).
7 Doomed Cult. One of your ancestors was part of a sect devoted to learning better ways to heal others. Unfortunately, they were
cursed. Gain 2 Ranks in Advanced Medicine/Acupuncture and the Permanent Wound Disadvantage, but no points for it.
8 Infiltrator. One of your ancestors spent time in another clans schools to steal their secrets. Unfortunately, they never came back,
and have sired a new line of relatives you are responsible for. Gain the Different School Advantage or 5 Honor Points (PCs
choice), and a 4-Point Dependent from the appropriate clan.
9 Another Calling. Your ancestor ignored his duty to the clan and became what he always desired to be an Imperial Magistrate.
Although your clan was not too happy, the Magistrates have never forgotten his dedication. Gain the Bad Reputation
Disadvantage, but no points for it; also gain the True Friend Advantage.
0 Message From the Gods. An ancestor vanished in the mountains for a month, returning with what he claimed was a message
from the gods. Gain 3 Ranks in any Lore Skill, but also receive a 4-Point Obligation (GMs choice).

Either you or one of your ancestors stumbled across something you should never have discovered (as indicated by the table that
brought you here). On this table, procurer refers to the focus person (you or your ancestor). If Asako, add 3 to your roll. If Isawa,
subtract 3. If Shiba, just roll.
Roll Result
-2 The procurer stumbled onto a brutal battle scene, and one of the victims was an Asako. Upon his body was a scroll written in
ancient cipher. You now have the scroll. If you can get it to the Isawa Masters, gain 1 Glory Rank and the Sworn Enemy
Disadvantage (6 points; entire Asako family), but no points for it.
-1 The procurer was the subject of his senseis bizarre elemental experiments. Gain the Elemental Attunement Advantage (element
chosen by PC).
0 Discovery of an power-laden elixir gave the procurer special ability with elemental spirits. Unfortunately, there is only a limited
amount of it. Gain 1 Rank in Spellcraft and a 2-point Compulsion Disadvantage (with the elixir), but no points for
1 The procurer dabbled with the dark arts successfully. If shugenja, gain 1 maho spell (designated by the player or GM). If bushi,
gain an enchanted weapon (per the Immortal Steel spell), which houses a minor Oni that likes to speak at all the wrong times.
2 Problematic experimentation with healing spells has gone terribly wrong. Gain the Quick Healer Advantage and the Permanent
Wound Disadvantage, but no points for it This wound can never be healed.
3 The procurer accidentally slipped through into the realm of the kami during a ritual gone awry. When he came back, minutes
later, he brought something with him. Gain one extra Void Point to spend each story (e.g. if you have a Void of 3, you have 4
Points per story), but whenever the last is used (i.e. all your Void Points are used in one story), make a Simple Void roll vs. a
TN of 15 or lose control (your GM runs your character) for your Void in hours.
4 An Ishiken opened a portal to the Realm of Void, and dragged your ancestor into it. Gain 2 Ranks each in Lore (Void) and
Shintao, with a 4-Point Phobia (magic).
5 Extensive investigation of the darkest arcane lore has resulted in a nervous condition for the procurer. Gain 3 Ranks in any
magical Lore, as well as the Epilepsy Diasdvantage, but no points for it. Unfortunately for you, any spell with a TN over 10 can
be considered stress.
6 Fame and fortune were ensured through the procurers impure practices. Gain the one Rank in each of the Wealthy and Social
Position Advantages, but also the Dark Secret Disadvantage. Use your resources well...
7 The procurer either guarded or stumbled upon the ancient wedding gift intended for the first Isawa-Asako union, guarded by the
Shiba. Looking into its incredible depths, they were changed forever. If Isawa, gain one spell. If Shiba, gain one Rank with your
primary weapon. If Asako, your School Rank is considered one higher when using Rank abilities you already possess. Of
course, whenever you use these, you feel the elements around you watching. Its probably nothing; ignore them, and they may
go away...
8 While searching through a cavern beneath the house of a missing hetman, the procurer discovered the skeleton of something
with too many arms. His hand grazed it, and a hundred baths have failed to wash the experience away. Gain the Haunted
Disadvantage, but instead of being visited by a ghost, the PC has visions of a far-away, savage land.
9 Even the kami have secrets, and the procurer discovered one of them. Theyre guarding something out in the elemental realm,
and they know where it is. Gain a 10-Point Forbidden Knowledge Advantage and the Curse of the Kami Disadvantage, but no
points for it.
10 A dying Ikoma passed on the story of his Ishiken patron to the procurer. Gain 1 Rank in Lore (Void Magic).
11 The procurer has strayed from the Path of Man, and ventured out into the darkness. Somewhere they found a new source of
magic, powerful but alien. Gain an Innate Ability with one spell you can cast, and the Enlightened Madness Disadvantage with
that spells element as the trigger, but no points for it
12 The Asako have more secrets than lives, and many that they are willing to kill to protect The procurer accidentally stumbled into
a Fushihai ritual during his days at the Asako Henshin Academy. In exchange for the removal of that day from his memory,
they promised another step along the Path of Man. Fortunately for you, the effects of that bargain linger in the blood. While
using all Riddles, increase the effect by one die (added with success; subtracted with failure).
13 Once, long ago, the procurer made the mistake of mentioning something he called the Riddles to another -an Isawa. Ever since
then, the family has hunted your line, convinced that you have some or all of the information denied their family one thousand
years ago. Gain 2 Ranks to be added to any of the Skills in your basic package and the Sworn Enemy Disadvantage (6 points;
entire Isawa family), but no points for it.

The player may roll on these tables once only, at a cost of three CP. An even roll indicates that the Fortunes favor you, while an odd
result means that you have been forsaken...
Roll Result Roll Result
1 You have come across Forbidden Knowledge. Roll on 1 You have come across Forbidden Knowledge. Roll on
Heritage Table 5. Heritage Table 5.
2 Due to the well-maintained relationship between your 2 The gift your father left you at his death was a very old
family and the Imperial throne, you have been requested charm, captured during the decimation of the Snake Clan. Its
to serve in the Imperial Palace: if Shiba, as an Imperial serpentine chain supporting a single, pale green crystal with a
yojimbo; otherwise, as an Imperial sage. globule of blood trapped inside. Its quite valuable. Too bad
youll never be able to sell it...
3 Youve just inherited a parcel of land. Unfortunately, the 3 Childhood injuries result in lost training. If shugenja, lose one
Isawa have laid claim to it as well, saying that it is a place spell. If bushi, lose one Rank in your primary weapon Skill.
of religious importance. A god died there, they say... No CP are gained for this.
4 You once saved one of your companions lives, narrowly 4 You were born under a bad sign! If Asako, gain the Yogo
rescuing them from some horrible fate. This experience Curse Disadvantage, but no points for it If not, gain 3 points
created a bond between you that has never faded. Once of Unluck.
per story, either one of you may choose to use one Trait
of the opposing character for one Action. Thereafter,
however, the original Trait value is reduced by the
difference for three Actions (minimum 0). Death cannot
result from this effect.
5 Your sensei has extensive resources you can draw from (a 5 A disastrous encounter with mad shugenja results in a Phobia
sizable library for shugenja, or a well-equipped dojo for of shugenja at Rank 1, with no CP gained.
bushi). If shugenja, gain 1 Rank in Research. Otherwise,
gain 1 Rank in a weapons Skill you do not already have.
6 Accidental Evidence. In the process of casting a scrying 6 You were an orphan, left at the steps of a shrine as a baby
spell, one of your ancestors discovered something during a terrible thunderstorm. No one is sure of your true
incriminating about someone else. Gain the Blackmail clan lineage, and you have had to work that much harder for
Advantage, which can be assigned any time you like. everything youve earned. Gain the Adopted Blood
Once assigned, it cannot change. Disadvantage, but no points for it Also, two items from your
starting outfit are of poor quality.
7 Prodigal ability manifests early in life. If shugenja, gain 7 Your first love was killed during a conspiratorial shadow-war
the Elemental Attunement Advantage. If bushi, gain the with another clan. Though neither of you had anything to do
Ambidextrous Advantage. with it, you are the one who suffers. Gain the Lost Love
Disadvantage, but no points for it.
8 Your family is granted a boon by the Emperor for services 8 When you were born, there were complications. One of the
rendered. Two items in your starting outfit are of fine defects could not be reversed. Gain the Lame Disadvantage,
quality. but no points for it.
9 You have been gifted with a remarkable find - a true 9 You have been doing remarkably well in your studies, even
phoenix egg! You must care for it until it hatches, and though you are sure that nothing you have done has been
then raise and train it until its time of rebirth comes. Even right. Little do you know that your performance is being
though you know nothing of animals, your family tells boosted by a childhood rival who is just setting you up for a
you that it is an honor that cannot be refused. fall. Gain the Nemesis Disadvantage, but no points for it.
0 You were born special; Chosen by the Oracles, they say. 0 No bad fortune - yet Dont worry, though. An equitable
Gain that Advantage. If Isawa, gain 5 Glory Points. If Gamemaster would never exploit such an opportunity...
Shiba, gain 3 Glory Points. If Asako, gain the Sworn
Enemy Disadvantage (5 points; Isawa, but they do not
seek to kill you - only draw you into their family). No
points are gained for this Disadvantage.


Bayushi Family
Benefit: +1 Agility

Shosuro Family
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Soshi Family
Benefit: +1 Perception

Yogo Family
Benefit: +1 Willpower

Bayushi Bushi School (Bushi)

Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Defense, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Poison, Sincerity, Stealth

Rank 1: The Way of the Scorpion
The Bayushi Schools motto is Strike First, Strike Last. This bushi rolls and drops extra initiative dice equal to his School Rank.
Rank 2: Pincers and Tail.
The bushi has learned the infamous Scorpion feint. The TN for this bushi to hit an opponent who attacked and missed him last round
is reduced to 5 + armor.
Rank 3: Strike At The Tail
Scorpion bushi know that there is more than one way to defeat an opponent. Instead of making a normal attack, this bushi can
make a Simple Kenjutsu/Agility roll against his opponents Weapon Skill x 5. If successful, he has disarmed his opponent. If he raise
the TN twice, he may take the weapon into his own hands.
Rank 4: Strike From Above, Strike From Below
The bushi has gained enough skill in the art of distraction that he may make two attacks per round.
Rank 5: The Pincers Hold, The Tail Strikes
Finally, the Scorpion learns how to use his distractive techniques to spend a precious moment before the strike to make it as deadly as
possible. This bushi may declare Raises after his attack roll.
Soshi Shugenja School (Shugenja)
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Courtier or Etiquette, Sincerity, Meditation, Theology or Shintao, plus any other 2 High Skills
Beginning spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Air, 2 Water, and 1 Fire. Soshi Shugenja have an Affinity to Air, and a
Deficiency to Earth.
Bayushi Saboteur School (Misc.)
Students of Bayushi Kyono, the saboteurs are now among the most important Scorpion operatives, wreaking the vengeance of the
Bayushi behind the scenes.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 1, plus five boxes
Skills: Acting, Engineering, Explosives, Locksmith. Poison, Stealth, any Low or Bugei Skill

Rank 1: The Forest for the Fire
The Saboteur may add his Stealth to his TN to he Hit. Also, while operating near a source of large distraction (a conveniently located
fire, explosion, avalanche, etc.) the Saboteur keeps all dice on Stealth rolls.
Rank 2: Find the Flaw
For every ten minutes the Saboteur spends observing a target location, he rolls and keeps an extra die on Stealth, Explosives,
Engineering, and any other rolls to infiltrate or destroy what he has observed. He cannot gain more dice than his School Rank.
Rank 3: Soul of Bayushi
The Saboteur gains the Inner Gift advantage. Specifically, he gains a sixth sense about being ambushed. He knows instantly if he is
spotted, and from what direction. The character may always roll initiative when he is ambushed.
Rank 4: No Mistakes
To the Scorpion, sabotage is not a crime, but erring in the service to your lord behind enemy lines is an inexcusable offense. The
Saboteur may roll twice on all rolls involving stealth and sabotage, keeping the better roll. (This does not include attack rolls.)

Rank 5: Follow the Pincers
Like his bushi brethren, the Saboteur has learned the Scorpions greatest trick, to lead with the pincers while the tail finds its target. If
the Saboteur knows he has been noticed, he may spend a Void Point and make an opposed Stealth/Agility roll vs. the
Investigation/Perception of the observer. If the Saboteur is successful, he creates a small distraction and leads the observer to believe
that he was imagining things, giving the Saboteur an opportunity to resume hiding.
Yogo Shugenja School (Shugenja)
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, History, Lore (Shadowlands), Lore (Maho), Meditation, Theology and 1 High Skill.
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, plus 3 Air, 2 Water and 1 Fire
Yogo shugenja gain a Free Raise when using any Warding Spells (see Appendix III).
Shosuro Butei (Acting) School (Misc.)
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Acting, Etiquette, Forgery, Locksmith, Poison, Seduction, Stealth or Sleight of Hand

Rank 1: A Scorpion Has A Thousand Hearts
Drawing upon their rigorous acting training, the actor adds his School Rank to his Awareness whenever he is attempting to influence
or persuade. His Rank is also added to his Awareness when others are attempting to test his candor and sincerity.
Rank 2: The Scorpions Sting
The Actor has been taught how to strike an unaware opponent with such skill that only a single strike is necessary. When an opponent
is unaware or unable to defend himself - making his TN to be hit 5 - the actors Raises are not limited by his Void.
Rank 3 - 5: The Thousand Masks
From this point on, the Actor learns the deepest secrets of Shosuros technique. While other bushi spend months learning new fighting
techniques, the Shosuro Actor spends that time learning a new identity. At each new School Rank, the Actor gains a new Persona,
an identity that is etched into his own personality. Therefore, at Rank 3, the Actor gains one Persona, at Rank 4 he gains a second, and
at Rank 5, he gains a third. When he assumes his Persona, he has the Skills of that Persona. If he takes the role of a Lion bushi, he has
the Skills of a Lion bushi. If she takes the Persona of a geisha, she has the Skills of a trained geisha. Many of the Personae that are
taught by the Shosuro School are listed below. Game Masters are free to create new Personae, as long as they follow the guidelines
listed below. An Actor gains these Skills at their listed Ranks and may use them while in the mindset of that Persona. Immersing
oneself in a completely different identity is not a simple thing; it is a meditation that requires complete concentration. Therefore, while
in the mindset of one Persona, it is very difficult to use the Skills and abilities of another. While in the mindset of one Persona -
including his own native Persona - he cannot use Skills from another without great difficulty. It requires a Void + Meditation roll at
a TN of 5 x the Rank of the Skill. This represents the fact that Skills that are greater are greater etched into the core of that other
Persona, therefore more difficult to summon. To switch between Personae, the Actor must spend 5 minutes of complete
concentration as he sheds one set of trappings and dons another.

Shosuro Personae
The following Personae are those that are taught by the Shosuro School. As an Actor learns each new Persona, he gains these Skills at
Rank 1. The Actor cannot gain Ranks in these Skills regularly. It requires double the regular Experience Points in order to increase

Clan Bushi and Shugenja

A Shosuro Actor who takes on the role of a clan bushi gains all the Skills of that School, but not the Techniques. Particularly
confident or foolhardy Actors may also attempt to impersonate the shugenja of respective clans, but they may not use spells.
Conversation, Dance, Etiquette, Music, Seduction, Tea Ceremony
Shintao, Tea Ceremony, Theology, Hand-to-Hand, Bo-stick, any 2 Craft
Hunting, Lore (Farming), Herbalism, Lore (Peasant Superstition), Knife, any 2 Craft
Commerce, Gambling, Law, Sincerity, Lore (Streetwise), any 2 Craft
Bayushi Courtier School (Misc.)
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Courtier, Etiquette, Investigation, Law, Sincerity, Seduction, and either Forgery or Poison
Rank 1: Weakness Is My Strength
The Courtier School teaches its students to turn the weaknesses of others to their advantage. Whenever he makes a Contested Roll
against another character in a social situation, he gains a Free Raise for every 2 points of Disadvantages the character has (round up).
Rank 2: Shallow Waters
The name of this Technique comes from the proverb: Every man is an ocean, and no matter how deep, every ocean has shallow
waters. After ten minutes of conversation with another character, the Courtier may make a Contested Awareness roll to determine

any characters lowest Trait. If the roll is successful, the Courtier may expend a Void Point to discover the characters next lowest
Trait. A Scorpion may only perform this Technique against a single character a number of times equal to the Scorpions Awareness.
For example, a Scorpion with a 4 Awareness and 3 Void makes a successful Contested Awareness roll against a Crane and discovers
his lowest Trait is his Willpower. Then, over the course of ~ the evening (through continued conversation), the Scorpion spends all
three of her Void points, discovering the Cranes next three lowest Traits. Because she has a 4 Awareness, she can only discover the
Cranes 4 lowest Traits. Once she increases her Awareness to 5, she can go back, chat with the Crane for a while, and discover her
next lowest Trait.
Rank 3: Secrets Are Birthmarks
The name of this technique comes from the Scorpion adage Secrets are like birthmarks; the more you try to hide them, the easier they
are to see. The Courtier has gained an acute sense that allows him to sniff out the weaknesses of his opponent. By making a
successful Contested Awareness roll during conversation, he may know one Disadvantage of any character he speaks with. This
Technique can only be used to gain the general nature of a Disadvantage. For instance, a Scorpion could use this Technique to
determine a character has a Dark Secret, but does not necessarily know the details of the secret.
Rank 4: Scrutinys Sweet Sting
At this Rank, the Scorpion can not only to learn others weaknesses, but how to exploit them. For every one hour of game time spent
interacting with a character, the Scorpion gains 1 point of the Blackmail Advantage on that character (maximum 5). He must make a
successful Contested Awareness + School Rank roll versus the characters Awareness each hour in order to use this Technique 5
points of Blackmail takes five rolls over five hours. In other words, the Scorpion has learned some bit of information the character
doesnt want anyone to know. If the character doesnt have any such secrets to hide (theyd better be a saint to pull this one off), the
Scorpion learns something about their wife or husband or some other family member. Alternately, the Scorpion is just good enough to
twist mundane information into something scandalous.
Rank 5: No More Masks
Finally, the Scorpion has become the master of manipulation. Through conversation, she is able to show the weaknesses she sees,
gaining herself benefit and inflicting difficulties on others. Through slanderous public communication (and the expenditure of Void
Points), the Scorpion is able to give target characters the Disadvantages Bad Reputation (2 Void Points), Obligation (4 Void Points),
or Sworn Enemy (4 Void Points). A character gains no Character Points for these Disadvantages, nor can he get rid of them with
Experience Points. They are stuck with the Disadvantages until the Game Master is satisfied the player has roleplayed his way out
of them. A Courtier may only bestow a number of Disadvantages on one character equal to his School Rank.
Shosuro Shinobi (Assassin) School (Misc.)
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Explosives, Poison, Stealth plus 2 Ninjutsu

Rank 1: The Shadow Has No Mask
Assassins are given rudimentary acting training during their first year, mainly to teach them how to master the art of appearing
nondescript. He keeps a number of additional dice equal to his School Rank when rolling Stealth.
Rank 2: The Shadow Has No Mercy
The Assassin has been taught how to strike an unaware opponent with such skill that only a single strike is necessary. When an
opponent is unaware or unable to defend himself - making his TN to be hit 5 - the Assassins Raises are not limited by his Void.
Rank 3: The Shadow Has No Form
Using unique movement techniques, the assassin is a very difficult target to hit The assassin may, during the declaration phase, decide
to use this Technique instead of one of the three maneuvers. By using his distraction technique, the assassin raises the TN to hit him
by either 10 or 20 (Reflexes x 5 +10 or +20). However, any actions he chooses to take also have their TNs raised by 10 or 20,
Rank 4: The Shadow Has No Substance
At this Rank, the Assassin has learned the true art of invisibility. The Assassin may move through a room without anyone noticing he
was ever there. In order to do this, the Assassin must spend a Void point. The invisibility lasts for as long as the Assassin can hold his
breath (a number of minutes equal to his Stamina), and there must be activity in the area he is passing through.
Rank 5: The Shadow Has No Soul
Finally, the Assassin has learned the mythical power of walking through walls. By spending a Void point, the Assassin can move
through 1 inch of solid material. This requires at least one minute of meditation before the act

Scorpion Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Bushi Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type(s), Light Armor, Traveling Pack, any 1
weapon, Kimono, 2 Koku

Shugenja Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Tanto, 3 Koku

Saboteur Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Light Armor, Traveling Pack, any 1 weapon, Kimono, Lock Picks, 2

Actor Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Traveling Pack, Kimono, Make-up Case, Clothing (to embody various
role), 4 Koku

Courtier Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Traveling Pack, Kimono, Fan, Set of Masks, 3 Koku

Assassin Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Light Armor, Traveling Pack, Kimono, Make-up Case, Lock Picks, any 1
weapon, 2 Koku

After the choice of family is made, a player has the option to roll on the Heritage Tables to see what kind of family line his character
was born into. A player may make up to three rolls upon these tables as desired, but each roll costs him 1 Character Point. Begin with
Table 1 and follow instructions. Beware. The only thing about the Scorpion more venomous than their hollow promise is their bitter-
sweet sting...

Heritage Table 1
Roll Result
1-2 Dishonorable Past. Roll on Heritage Table 2.
3-5 Undistinguished Past. No benefits or penalties.
6-7 Distinguished Past. Roll on Heritage Table 3.
8-10 Mixed Blessing. Roll on Heritage Table 4.


Roll Result
1-2 Villainous Blood. The blood of an ancestor courses through your veins. Gain any one Advantage up to 4 Points for free and you
may purchase an Ancestor for half the required Character Points. This result may only be acquired once. Treat subsequent rolls
as no effect.
3-4 Romantic Entanglement. One of your ancestors attempted to use a romantic affair to his, her or the clans benefit. Roll on
Heritage Table 2A.
5-6 Heinous Deed. One of your ancestors performed a grievous act of depravity for the clan. Roll on Heritage Table 2B.
7-9 Obscure Death. An ancestor managed to remain (largely) invisible into death while in the service of the clan. Roll on Heritage
Table 2C.
10 Deep Secret. One of your ancestors was able to discover some deep, dark secret and make good on its owner. Roll on Heritage
Table 2D.


Scorpions generally prefer to remain hidden behind masks. Your ancestor either did not or was bested by another. Now, his legacy
Roll Result
1-2 Junshin! One of your ancestors fancied himself honorable, and bragged about it! Now, you must live with his legacy. Begin
with 0 Honor and the Junshin Disadvantage (but no CP for it).
3-4 Fool! One of your ancestors was played! Lose 5 Honor Points, 4 Glory Points and lose 5 initial koku or 2 items from your outfit.
5-6 Cursed! One of your ancestors secretly married into the Yogo family. Gain the Yogo Curse Disadvantage. Of course, your
family has kept this secret from the clan.., so far.
7-8 Nemesis! An ancient slight has cost your family the lives of many of their children since before many can remember what it
was. Gain the Nemesis Disadvantage (but no CP for it). Watch your back.
9-0 Betrayer! Your parents or their parents chose to testify against the clan in court, creating a schism between your line and the
clan. You are clan ronin.


Roll Result
1-2 Your family line has a persistent charismatic strain. Gain the Dangerous Beauty Advantage. Of course, this is not
always desirable, as many scorn the attractive. Keep 1 less die when using Etiquette with those whose Honor
exceeds yours.
3-4 Your family has always been involved with the underworld. Gain a Minor Ally in the clan of your choosing, but they
are of a criminal disposition.
5-6 A close relative of yours has periodically disappeared without warning all your life. You are unsure what he or she
does for a living. But when they are around, they teach you strange skills. Gain 2 Ranks in Ninjutsu.
7-8 You were kidnapped and branded as a child. Since then, your family has mysteriously urged you to become a
shugenja. Regardless of your choice, you still gain the benefit of a kage yakiin, as well as the drawbacks. Gain the
Dark Secret Disadvantage (but no CP for it).
9-0 You have inherited a magical item (perhaps a mask or piece of equipment), but are unsure of its history or nature.
You were warned by your relative to keep it safe, hidden and to never ever use it

Step One: Roll two dice for the clan affiliation of your ancestors romantic interest
01-25 Crane
26-35 Phoenix
36-50 Dragon
51-65 Crab
66-70 Unicorn
71-90 Lion
91-00 Minor Clan or GM/Player choice.
Step Two: Now roll a single die for the outcome.
1-3 Advantageous
1 Alliance struck! Gain a Major Ally from appropriate clan. Keep in mind that this alliance may not be based on trust or favor
- it might be coerced.
2 Sensitive information gained! Gain the Blackmail Advantage on one of appropriate clan.
3 Favor owed! A member of the appropriate clan owes you or your family for a perceived kindness during the social
conflict Someone owes you a 4 Point Obligation.
4-7 Noteworthy
4 Scandal! A complicated familial slight resulted in near-conflict, but your ancestor was in his element and twisted events in
is favor. Gain 1 Glory Rank when in presence of appropriate clan.
5 Summer Affair. Marginal success. Gain a Minor Ally from appropriate clan.
6 Marriage! Loving relationship. No effect
7 Winter Affair. Ancestors intent toppled by prying gossip-mongers. Lose 3 Honor.
8-10 Adverse
8 Failure! Your ancestor only managed to trap himself in an uncaring relationship until death. The bitter regret remains to this
day. Gain the Insensitive Disadvantage, but no Character Points for it.
9 Discovery! Gain the Bad Reputation Disadvantage (but no CP) and lose 5 Honor.
10 The Tables are Turned! The target of the amorous assault was a close friend to the Emperor, and less naive than your
ancestor thought. Now, your family owes his or hers a lasting debt by Imperial decree. Gain the Obligation Disadvantage (but
no CP) and lose 1 Honor Rank.


Your ancestor performed a valuable service to the clan, and you reap the reward for his cunning.
Roll Result
12 Ancestor assassinated a daimyo, and was never discovered. Gain Stealth or Poison 1 (or Stealth/Poison 1) and 5 Honor
34 Ancestor ransomed someones relative, and was never discovered. Gain 11-20 koku and 5 Honor. If the victims clan ever
finds out who did this, though...
56 Ancestor impersonated an Imperial magistrate, rooting out several traitors, then arranged for other Scorpion to replace them.
Gain 1 Glory Rank or Ear of the Emperor Advantage (PCs choice) and 3 Honor.
78 Ancestor performed special (undisclosed) mission for the Shosuro School. Gifted with a gilded mask worth 15 koku, which has
been passed on to you. You have a standing offer to attend the school if you so choose.
9 Ancestor wrote an influential book of Scorpion philosophy. Gain Rhetoric 1 or Rhetoric +1 (see Way of the Crane), or Bard; a
10 copy of their book, and 3 Honor.


Your ancestor died in a manner befitting his role as a Scorpion. Commonly, this means he died away from public view, the details of
his passing obscured...
Roll Result
1-2 Killed in a duel either to cover up an undesirable truth, further an aim or prove a point
3-5 Killed in Battle... (roll one die)
1-2 ... after having managed to detain the opposing general the night before. Gain 4 points of Honor and a Minor Enemy in
the appropriate clan.
3-4 .. .having secreted away the object of everyones contention. It has yet to be found. But your mother has told you for years
that she has a special gift for you at your completion of your Rank 1 Technique.
5-6 . . .after poisoning the oppositions flag-bearer. Gain 3 points of Honor and Poison 1 (or Poison +1).
7-8 . . .in guise of Scorpion general, who was sequestered in safety elsewhere. Gain 5 points of Glory, 4 points of Honor and
Mimic 1 (or Mimic +1).
9-0 .. .among the ranks of the enemy, evidence of their guilt upon his person. Gain 2 points of Glory, 4 points of Honor and
Blackmail Advantage for appropriate clan.
6-9 Died to conceal a larger truth or further a larger plot. Gain the Crafty Advantage and 5 points of Honor.
0 Seppuku - either to save face for the clan, lay the foundation for future deception or simply to make a point. You have inherited
is blood-stained wakizashi, originally of fine quality. Gain 3 points of Honor.
Your ancestor discovered something he wasnt meant to, then turned it to your familys advantage. Now youve inherited the secret.
Step One: Roll two dice for the clan affiliation of your ancestors discovery.
01-25 Crane
26-35 Phoenix
36-50 Dragon
51-65 Crab
66-70 Unicorn
71-90 Lion
91-00 Minor Clan or GM/Player choice.
Step Two: Roll on the table below.
Roll Result
1-3 Murder
Your ancestor stumbled on an ambitious murder plot to depose a daimyo and replace him. You know who did it, you know
know why they did it and you have the evidence. Roll one die, then subtract 2; the result is the Glory Rank of the murderer.
4-5 Lies
Someone isnt telling the truth. A family secret lies buried in a chest in Shinomen forest. You know where the chest is and you
wear the key around your neck. Youre not exactly sure what the secret might be, but your father assured you that when you
opened the box, youd understand.
6-7 Dangerous Liaison
Secret affairs are one thing, but secret marriages are another. Youve got the names, dates and places and the shugenja who
performed the ceremony has a habit that you maintain ... just in case you ever need him to testify in the Emperors court
8-9 Magic
Maho is a capital offense ... if its ever reported. Of course, youll never report it as long as the maho-tsukai keeps up his end of
the bargain.
0 One of the Twelve
You are a keeper of one of the Twelve Black Scrolls. You know where its hidden, although youve never seen it And its your
responsibility to guard the scroll with your life ... and anyone elses. You cannot control the hand of Fate. Every Scorpion
character has the option of rolling once on these tables to discover what hand fate has dealt them. Roll one die. If even, roll on
the Good Fortune Table. If odd, roll on the Bad Fortune Table.

Scorpion Fortune Table

You cannot control the hand of Fate. Every Scorpion character has the option of rolling once on this tables to discovery what hand
Fate has dealt them. Roll one die. If even, roll on the Good Fortune Table. If odd, roll on the Bad Fortune Table. This roll cost 3 CP.
Roll Result Roll Result
1 Shugenja: Gain an extra spell. Others: Gain a 1 You have two fewer items from your starting Outfit (GMs choice).
Fine Quality katana
2 You are a natural liar. Gain 2 Ranks in 2 Lying is difficult for you. Gain the Cant Lie Disadvantage (but no CP),
Sincerity (or Sincerity 2). which can be bought off with XPs.
3 You have an heirloom item, several hundred 3 You are a twin! No one knows who was born first, and there is a sizable
years old (mask, tanto, fan). inheritance.
4 You have a potion with five doses. Each 4 You have part of a stolen heirloom (a shogi set minus one of the pieces, a
renders you invisible for 2 turns. katana without its saya); your enemies have the rest.
5 You have a nemuranai to be determined by 5 You lost your family mask. Lose 1 Rank in Honor and suffer at the hands
the GM. of your relatives until you find it!
6 Respected blood. Gain 4 Glory Points. 6 Overconfident: Lose 1 Rank in highest skill (choose randomly if more
than one).
7 Favored Student: Add 3 Points to your Skills. 7 You lack direction and purpose, or perhaps youre just confused about
One Skill may begin higher than 4. loyalty and bushido. You must gain 5 extra Insight for every School
8 Swindling: Roll 2 dice and keep the higher in 8 Gambling Losses: Lose 1-10 koku or gain a Minor Enemy (Loanshark).
9 You have a piece of nice, but stolen, jewelry. 9 You were recently told that you were found in a coffer your father
Roll 2 dice to determine its value in koku. pilfered. You are really the son of a daimyo from another clan.
0 You have many contacts (1 Minor Ally yet to 0 No Bad Fortune yet. Your crafty GM owns your soul now, ninja-boy!
be determined).


Shinjo Family
Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Otaku Family
Benefit: +1 Agility

Iuchi Family
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Ide Family
Benefit: +1 Perception

Moto Family
Benefit: +1 Void
Moto family members automatically receive the Moto Curse disadvantage. There is no compensation for this; you do not receive any
additional character points to spend.

Shinjo Bushi School (Bushi)

Benefit: +1 Strength
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Defense, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Horsemanship 2, Naginata, Yomanri

Rank 1: The Way of the Unicorn
Unicorn bushi are almost raised on horses. When on horseback, the bushi may add his Horsemanship Skill to any Bugei Skill roll.
Rank 2: The Dance of the Blade
The Unicorn fighting style involves techniques the clan learned while on the other side of the mountains. The samurai may choose to
make a Shinjo Parry. The TN to hit a parrying bushi is (Reflexes + Defense + Kenjutsu) x 5. This is considered a Full Defense
Rank 3: The Four Winds Strike
At this Rank, the bushi learns the sweeping style that allows him to make two attacks per round.
Rank 4: One Spirit
The link between the bushi and his steed is complete. When performing any physical acts on horseback (fighting, riding, jumping,
etc.) his steed can make up for any imperfections in the bushis technique. If he Raises his TN, misses his Raise, but makes the
original TN, the roll succeeds, but he gains no benefit from his Raises.
Rank 5: Dancing with the Fortunes
Some call it luck; the Unicorn call it dancing with the Fortunes. After any roll, the Unicorn bushi may choose to roll again to get a
better result. (The bushi may not re-roll this second roll; he has to keep it.). The bushi may even re-roll a success if he wishes to try for
a better result.
Iuchi Shugenja School (Shugenja)
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Defense, Herbalism, Horsemanship, Hunting, Meditation, any one Bugei Skill
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Water, 2 Air, and 1 Earth. luchi Shugenja have an Affinity to Water and a
Deficiency to Fire.
Shinjo Scout School (Misc.)
The Hiruma scouts have long trained in the lands of the Unicorn, and the Unicorn have applied much of what the Crab have taught
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 2, plus five boxes
Skills: Battle, Defense, Horsemanship, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Stealth, Yomanri

Rank 1: Grace of the Unicorn
The Scout has learned well from his Hiruma allies; when on Full Defense, he may add his School Rank x 5 to his TN to Be Hit. In
addition, he is given a steed specially trained to move swiftly and quietly, allowing the Scout to use Stealth while on horseback. (The
horse knows not to make noises when the scout commands, and can move with relative silence. Obviously, a horse is still easier to
notice than a person and there are some limitations to a trained animals abilities.)

Rank 2: Speed of the Viper
While the Hiruma are endurance runners, the Shinjo are sprinters. For a number of minutes equal to the Scouts Earth, he may run at a
speed equal to his Water x 20 in feet per round. After this time, the Scout receives a 15 penalty to all TNs until he rests for an equal
amount of time.
Rank 3: The Stars are My Guide
The scout has a keen sense of direction, rarely becoming lost even in unfamiliar territory. He may always locate true north, and rolls
extra dice equal to his School Rank on all Perception rolls.
Rank 4: A Soul as Swift
The Scouts incredible speed is now incorporated into his fighting style, and he may make two attacks per round.
Rank 5: Purity of the First Strike
The Scout has become the master of the swift ambush. He may roll extra dice equal to his Stealth when attacking any foe unaware of
his presence. Those actively trying to detect the Scout drop all dice thai roll equal to or lower than the Scouts Air.
Ide Emissary School (Misc.)
Although it is every bit as strict as any of the bushi or shugenja schools, the Ide household school is as nonviolent as it is possible to
get in Rokugan. Moto Terumori forbids anyone in his family from joining this school; not that any of them want to go.
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Horsemanship, Etiquette, Law, Kenjutsu, Sincerity, Commerce, Courtier

Rank 1: The Heart Speaks
The Ide student is shown how to let her soul shine in every action. Whenever the emissary makes a skill roll in a social situation, add
her Honor to the result. Whenever the Game Master makes a random roll to determine someones initial reaction to the emissary, the
roll should be similarly adjusted. Also, the emissary is taught to reflexively mimic and be responsive to local customs. She may make
an Awareness + Etiquette roll against a TN of 20 to avoid making a faux pas, even if the character is not aware of the existence of a
taboo. This extends to normal social situations; a successful roll will warn the emissary not to ask about the daimyo's son (who has
just expired from the flu), even if she didn't know of his illness and without knowing why she shouldn't ask.
Rank 2: The Heart Listens
The student has learned that every detail is important, and takes great care to observe and remember everything. The character may
make a simple Intelligence roll to remember anything that was said or done during a meeting. The TN of this check depends on the
importance of the event and the significance of the action: recalling something the Emperor said on his birthday is only a TN of 5,
while remembering what an opponents aide said to another at an impromptu meeting is TN 30. Also, the emissary can gather
important clues about the person she is negotiating with by looking around and assimilating details. Make a simple
Perception/Investigation roll. The better the roll, the more clues to the persons personality are gained. Obviously, it is harder to gain
clues when meeting someone in a dark alley than it is when meeting them in their house during the daylight
Rank 3: When the Veils Move
The emissary is well attuned to the ebb and flow of negotiation, and can sense when the current shifts. If the situation turns violent or
something else is about to happen that the emissary doesnt like, she may be able to react The emissary can make a simple skill check
using her Awareness against a TN equal to five times the sum of the Void + Sincerity of the opponent (i.e., whoever initiates the
undesired activity). If this roll succeeds, the emissary can take one action before anything else happens. Ide merchants use this skill to
proactively attack thieves or cheats, while diplomats use it to move behind their bodyguards or grab someone valuable to their enemy
to use as a shield.
Rank 4: Piercing the Veils
At this level, the emissary has learned to see past the surface to the truth within. This is done by paying acute attention to tangible
clues (dilation of the eyes, unconscious habits, slight alterations in tone of voice) as well as by more esoteric spiritual methods which
defy explanation. The Sincerity skill may no longer be used against the emissary, nor do those opposing her in negotiations receive
any benefit from magical enhancements. Furthermore, whenever someone tells a lie to the emissary, she may make an opposed
Investigation versus Sincerity skill check to discern what the other person believe to be the truth of the matter. For each five points of
success the emissary scores, she learns one true fact
Rank 5: The Immovable Hand of Peace
By this point, the emissary has perfected the art of peace. She has incredible presence, and her calm and assured demeanor make her
an island of serenity in even the worst of storms. She may use her personal presence as her defense. As long as she does not raise a
hand in violence, anyone who wishes to do her harm must make an opposed roll pitting his Willpower against her Awareness to see if
he can do so, after he declares his intent The emissary rolls additional dice equal to her Void, but may only keep dice equal to her
Awareness. If the Attacker succeeds in his roll, he may attack the emissary without penalty. If he fails, he forfeits that action and all
other actions taken against her this turn.
Moto Bushi School (Bushi)
The Moto bushi school is a dark one indeed, dedicated to defending the Empire at all costs (something their family has failed to do so
long as Motos ride in the Shadowlands), as well as preserving the purity of the soul. They do not know why so many their comrades
succumbed to the Shadowlands, so they dont know how to prepare against it Still, they try... and they have some unusual techniques
theyve developed in hopes that they can avoid following in the footsteps of their kin.
Benefit: +1 Willpower
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Archery, Defense, Horsemanship, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Meditation, Shadowlands Lore.

Rank 1: Purity of the Breath
The bushi is first taught how to make every action perfect, from high-level activity like thought and kenjutsu down even to tasks like
breathing and the very beating of the heart. The perfection of this technique will take a lifetime. With this purity of motion, the bushi
adds his school rank to all their damage roll.
Rank 2: Facing the Dark Within
Understanding the kharmic ties between those of the Moto family and their corrupted kin, the bushi can detect the proximity of
Shadowlands creatures with a successful Awareness check (see the sidebar for rules). This is an indistinct sense, and does not rely on
sight or any other sense; its simply a knowing. The better the success, the more is known about the size, number, distance, direction,
power, and even intent of the Shadowlands creature(s).
Rank 3: Justice of Our Ancestors
Driven by the need for atonement, the bushi can focus on an aggressive attack to the exclusion of all else. He can make two attacks
per round, but they may only be gained if the bushi is making a Full Attack.
Rank 4: Avenging Our Own
By this time, the bushi is the master of his fate and embraces the doom of his family. The bushi may spend two Void points on each
action, and may declare whether or not he spends them after making his skill roll.
Rank 5: Bloodied but Unbowed
By this stage, the bushi is perfectly attuned to the doom of the Moto family. If he dies, he can will his spirit to ravage his body, tearing
it and shredding it to prevent it from being animated. The bushi may also stay alive through indomitable force of will. On the wounds
chart, replace Down and Out with +20, and replace Dead with a +25 wound levels, followed by +30 levels, then +35, etc. The bushi
cannot be killed, and can remain alive past the +20 state for a number of turns equal to his Void. During this time, he can continue to
move, fight, take damage, etc., but he must be healed to +20 or better by the end of his last turn or he dies. Some think this is an
expression of the Motos desire to live, but given the great damage taken by some Motos in their lengthy desperate battles, other
Unicorn samurai know the Motos dont harbor such delusions.
Otaku Battle Maiden School (Bushi)
All Otaku females join this school. Females of other Unicorn families must take the Different School advantage to join (this costs only
3 points), while females from other clans are not allowed. This is because all females in this school must have a direct blood tie to the
original Otaku (and given a thousand years for families to intermarry, most Unicorn females can demonstrate at least some distant
relation to the founder). No males are permitted to join this school; many Otaku males end up at the Shinjo bushi school. Students of
this school are the samurai-ko of wonder and legend. They are swift, fearless, and have abilities which move beyond legendary and
into the mystical, piquing the curiosity of bushi, shugenja, and monk alike.
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Horsemanship 2, Defense, Kenjutsu, Battle, Lance and any High or Bugei Skill

Rank 1: Riding in Harmony
Her fiery ancestral blood yearning to be free, the battle maiden is one with Otaku when riding, preferably fast. Whenever the battle
maiden uses one of her six school skills while mounted, she can roll and keep an extra die.
Rank 2: The Void of War
The battle maiden has learned to strike first and strike hard. After everyone rolls for initiative, the battle maiden can switch the values
of her initiative roll and her TN to Be Hit for the rest of the combat round.
Rank 3: Sensing the Breeze
The battle maiden has learned to avoid damage by rolling with the impact. Subtract her school rank from the total damage done by
each strike that lands successfully.
Rank 4: The Wind Never Stops
The battle maiden has learned the secret of the continuous strike. This has two advantages. First, when making an attack from
horseback, she can angle her weapon to make two attacks in a single round. Second, if a battle maiden happens to kill an opponent
with any attack (even if she is not mounted) she may attack another foe at the end of the round. Each attack the battle maiden makes in
a given round can have a second attack associated with it, but if she kills her enemy with the secondary attack, she does not get a third.
Rank 5: Otakus Blessing
The Otaku believe their ancestor looks upon them as they charge into a battle, bestowing her blessings on her most favored. During
any combat, mounted or on foot, the Battle Maiden may re-roll dice that roll less than her appropriate Trait. This may only be done
once per round.

Unicorn Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Bushi Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type(s), Light or Heavy Armor, Helm, Traveling
Pack, Steed, Kimono, any 3 weapons, 10 Koku

Shugenja Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Wakizashi, Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Tanto, Steed, 10 Koku

Scout Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type, Light Armor, Traveling Pack, Steed, any 1
weapon, Kimono, 10 Koku

Emissary Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Wakizashi, Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Tanto, Unicorn Insigna, Steed, 10 Koku

Moto Bushi Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality, Four items are fine quality):Kimono, katana, wakizashi, bow, 30 arrows of any type(s), light or
heavy armor, traveling pack, steed, any 3 weapons, 10 koku.

Battle Maiden Outfit

(All considered to be Fine Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 30 Arrows of any type(s), Heavy Armor, Otaku Battle Steed, Lance,
Traveling Pack, Kimono, any 3 weapons, 10 Koku
After choosing which family a character came from, a player has the option to roll on the Heritage tables to see what sort of family
line the character was born into. A player may roll on the Heritage tables up to three time, but every roll costs one Character Point.
Be warned, not everything is fair among the noble Unicorn...

Roll Result
1-2 Dishonorable Past. Roll on Heritage Table 2.
3-5 Undistinguished Past No benefits or penalties.
6-9 Distinguished Past Roll on Heritage Table 3.
10 Mixed Blessings. Roll on Heritage Table 4.


Unfortunately, we are not all blessed with honorable ancestors. Moto characters subtract one from this die roll, Otaku characters add
Roll Result
0-1 Corrupted! One of your family now rides for the Shadowlands, as he has for the last five centuries. You begin the game at 0
Glory and lose 1 Honor rank.
2 Scapegoat! Another clan betrayed your familys trust and all but destroyed it You begin with no steed, no money, no family,
just your outfit (all of which is poor quality). Choose the clan responsible.
3-5 Fool! Your family fell for a subtle Rokugani ploy. Roll a die: if even, you have a Dark Secret; if odd, you owe an Obligation.
Choose the clan responsible.
6 Weakling! One of your ancestors failed to live up to his duty to the clan. You start with no Glory, and must earn twenty Glory
points to reach rank one.
7-8 Deserter! For some reason your parents forswore their loyalty and left the clan with hard feelings. This happened shortly before
your gempukku. You are a clan ronin.
9 Cursed! Your ancestors cheated a gaijin wizard, who cursed your family to the tenth generation. Lose two points of Honor, and
you do not get your family Trait benefit
10 Scoundrel! Even magistrates can be bribed; your father was. He was banished, and his name struck from Clan histories. Your
mother committed seppuku. Your clan will give you no land or title, and will not trust you with money.
11 Charlatan! Your mother betrayed the battle maidens. Lose one Honor, and you may not join the Otaku school.

Roll Result
1 Venerable Blood: The blood of your original ancestor flows strong in your veins. Gain 1 Honor and one Void. This result may
only occur once. Treat subsequent rolls as no effect
2 Worthy pedigree: Due to marriage, the blood of a different familys ancestor flows in your veins. If you are a shugenja, gain a
Unicorn Clan Secret Spell. Otherwise, gain the rank 1 technique of any Unicorn school other than shugenja or battle maiden.
3-5 Battle Veteran: go to Table 3A, Great Battles. (Ide characters must re-roll this result Accept the result if they get it a second
6-7 A Heros End: go to Table 3B, Glorious Death. (Ide characters must re-roll this result Accept the result if they get it a second
8-9 Meritorious Service: go to Table 3C, Notable Awards.
10 Famous Affair: Your family has romantic ties with another clan. Roll a die: if even, a politically expedient marriage was
arranged, gain a Minor Ally from another clan and you can attend that familys school without buying the advantage; if odd, the
affair was troublesome, and you gain a Minor Ally and Minor Enemy from that clan.


Roll Result
1-3 As an Imperial Magistrate, your ancestor revealed another familys dishonor. Gain a Major Enemy, 1 Honor, and 1 rank in
4 Your family studied under gaijin alchemists: gain 1 rank in Poison.
5 Your ancestor married a barbarian. Gain +1 to any Trait that is rank 2, one rank in Gaijin Lore, and a gaijin appearance. This
functions as a Social Disadvantage and Bad Reputation for non-Unicorn Rokugani.
6-7 Your ancestor slew another clans hero in a duel. Gain a Major Enemy and an excellent item (taken from his dead hands).
8-9 Your family has struggled financially. You have no koku, and all your items save one (and your steed) are average. Gain four
bugei or low skills at rank 1 as you struggle to get by.
10 You have inherited a magical item. It is said it was taken from an oni by a distant relative. You arent sure if its magic, and if it
is, if its cursed or tainted.


Your ancestor fought in a famous battle of the past, giving you a worthy standard to live up to. Moto characters subtract three from
this roll, Shinjo characters add one.
Roll Result
-2-0 The Blood War
Approximately 500 years ago, the Moto fought off the Living Darkness. Your ancestor was one of the few that survived. Gain 1
Glory and a free Void point to spend in every battle against Shadowlands creatures.
1-4 A small battle
Dispersed across the continent, the Unicorn fought a number of pitched battles during their many years abroad, though the
renown of these pales in comparison to more recent events. The Unicorn have also played a part in many of the Cranes battles.
Gain five Glory points.
5 The Return of the Unicorn: the Kaiu Walls
Your ancestor was particularly distinguished in the initial assault on the northern Kaiu walls during the Unicorns return from
the gaijin lands, 200 years ago. The Crab Clan, although they lost interest in the Unicorn Clan when it turned out they were not
the spearhead of a Shadowlands invasion, have long memories. Gain 1 Glory, 1 rank in Battle, and a Minor Enemy in the Crab
6-7 The Return of the Unicorn: Seven Day Battle Plain
After riding through the army of the Crab, the Unicorn faced the Scorpion and the Lion on this historic field where the Blood
Speakers had been defeated a hundred years earlier. The terrain gave the mounted Unicorn enough of an advantage to cancel the
superior numbers they faced, and they were able to withdraw to the north. Gain 1 Honor and 1 rank in Battle.
8-9 Battle of the Chrysanthemum Petals
173 years ago, the corrupted Moto led a vast army out of the Shadowlands and into the Unicorns territory. Near the shores of
the Chrysanthemum Petal Lake the Unicorn and various ashigaru turned them back. Gain 1 Glory and 1 rank in Shadowlands
10 Battle of White Shore Plain
Before this battle, the Scorpion made a concerted effort to prove to the Empire that the so-called "Unicorn" were not Shinjo's
children at all, but barbarian impostors. In the battle itself, however, they were defeated suspiciously easily by a small Unicorn
force mostly made up of Battle Maidens and a handful of Lion samurai. Immediately thereafter, they publicly recognized the
legitimacy of the Unicorn Clan. Gain 1 Glory rank, a Minor Ally in the Akodo (Lion) family, and a Minor Enemy in the
Bayushi (Scorpion) family.

Your ancestor died an honorable death which has emboldened the family ever since. Moto characters subtract one from this roll.
Roll Result
0-1 Killed fighting the Shadowlands: Gain 1 rank in the weapon of your choice and no fear of Shadowlands creatures as you strive
to avenge your ancestor.
2-5 Killed in a duel: Gain 1 rank in Iaijutsu and three Character Points for the example that was set for you.
6-0 Killed in battle: Roll once on Great Battles (gaining whatever benefit) and roll again here:
1 Saved the day: gain a Major Ally from any clan on your side.
2 Spared someones life: gain a Major Ally from an opposing clan and a Minor Enemy from a clan on your side.
3 Protected an general: gain a Minor Ally from a clan on your side.
4-5 Killed an important foe: gain 1 Glory and a Minor Enemy from an opposing clan.
6 Saved a wounded samurai: Go to Table 3D: Gifts.
7-9 Fought well: gain 1-10 points of Glory and a Minor Enemy from an opposing clan.
10 Seppuku: Your ancestor committed suicide to spare the family honor, leaving you with a token of remembrance. Go to Table
3D: Gifts.


Your Ancestor served the Empire well. Gain one Honor and roll below. Moto subtract two from this roll, Ide add two.
Roll Result
-2-2 Famous General: Gain 1 rank in Battle.
3-4 Special mission for the Emperor: go to Table 3D: Gifts.
5-7 Imperial Magistrate: gain Minor Ally in the Imperial Court or any clan.
8 Winner of the Great Hunt: Gain 1 rank in Archery or Hunting.
9-10 No special bonuses.
11-12 Imperial Procurer: Gain 20 koku.


All gifts are subject to Game Master interpretation.
Roll Result
1-6 Money.
7-8 Land.
9 Items of high quality.
10 Magic.

Unicorn Fortune Tables
You cannot always control the hand of fate. Every Unicorn character has the option to roll on this table once to see what fate dealt
them. First, roll a die to determine whether the Fortunes have been good to you. If its even, roll again on the Good Portune table; if its
odd, roll on the Bad Fortune table.
Roll Result Roll Result
1 Shugenja: you have an extra spell. All others: You have 1 You lack two items from your starting outfit (Game Masters
an exquisite item. choice).
2 You are a natural horseman; add 2 ranks to your 2 Your horse died recently. You start the game on foot.
horsemanship skill.
3 You have an heirloom item, several hundred years old 3 You grew up outside Rokugan, and are unfamiliar with its
(tea set, painting, helmet). cultural subfleties. Your Sincerity and Etiquette skills are
reduced one rank. You must pay one extra Experience Point
to raise these skills.
4 You have a potion with five doses. Each cures one die of 4 You have an heirloom item, which is incomplete. You think
wounds. you know who has the rest... (a shogi set minus one set of
pieces, a katana without the saya).
5 You have an item of magical curiosity (a go set which can 5 You broke your family katana. Lose one rank of Honor and
play against you, a wakizashi that draws itself on make do with a 2k2 katana until you find a better one.
command, a kimono which never gets stained or wet).
6 Noble blood: gain three points of honor. 6 Overconfident: lose 1 rank in your highest skill (choose
randomly if there are more than one).
7 Prodigy: +10 insight 7 Disruptive Student: -10 insight
8 Windfall: Roll one die and divide it by two, retaining 8 Gambling losses: lose 1-10 koku.
fractions. You have this many extra koku.
9 You have a nice diamond. Roll two dice to determine its 9 Gambling debts: Lose all but 1 koku. The next 1-10 koku you
value in koku (re-rolling tens). get must be turned over to your creditor.
0 You have friends in another clan (less than a Minor 0 No bad fortune. Yet No, dont worry about it Im sure your
Ally, more than nothing). Game Master will forget all about this.


Minor Clan Starting Glory: Minor Clan character begin with Glory 0.0 instead of the normal 1, Mantis Clan character are an exception
because they begin with glory 0.5.
Mantis Bushi School
The Mantis pride themselves on their seamanship and their unpredictability, as well as their long-standing tradition of mercenary gain
and being swords-for-hire. They will work for the Emerald Champion, and as easily turn their backs to perform an assassination for a
well-paying Scorpion Courtier. They do, however, have a code of honor: once a job has been accepted, it will be completed, and all
aspects of the contract will be fulfilled. This keeps them from being seen as mere ronin, or from being destroyed as a matter of course
by their employers. Once a Mantis has been paid for, he has been permanently bought. No questions asked.
Benefit: +1 Agility
Beginning Honor: 1, plus zero boxes
Skills: Athletics, Battle, Commerce, Defense, Kenjutsu, Sailing, any one Bugei skill.

Rank 1: Fight Without Steel
The origins of the Mantis are noble, but their lives have been spent mixed with the simple heimin of the Islands of Silk. Because of
this heritage, Mantis Clan members have a great familiarity with improvised, unusual, or peasant weapons, such as the tonfa, the
nunchaku, or kama. Mantis bushi may use any Low Weapon Skill as if it were a High Skill. In addition, Mantis bushi fight with any
weapons they do not have a Skill Rank in as if they have a Skill Ranking of 1. This is not a substitute for regular Skill Ranks, and all
weapons skills must be purchased as normal. Also, Mantis bushi train for years on the unstable footing of the Silk Islands and the
rolling boats of the Mantis fleets. This training allows Mantis bushi to ignore any penalties for unsure footing and imbalance during
Rank 2: Voice of the Storm
Mantis live knowing that they are the true heir to the strength of Osano-Wo. Using the storm within their souls, they fuel their ferocity
against an opponent. The Mantis bushi may spend a Void Point when declaring a Full Attack, so that the bushis TN to be hit stays at
its normal level and is not reduced due to the Full Attack.
Rank 3: Claws of the Mantis
Long ago, it is said that the son of Osano-Wo, Kaimetsu-uo, learned a style of fighting from a traveling Dragon monk. If the bushi has
a medium or smaller sized weapon in each hand, he rolls initiative separately for each, and gets an attack with each weapon every
round. If the character is already ambidextrous, he may use the higher initiative for both weapons.
Rank 4: Yoritomos Rolling Wave
The bushi masters of the Mantis Clan have developed a weaving and dodging style of fighting that is perfectly suited to the rolling
waves of Rokugans wide oceans. This movement is hypnotizingly slow and unpredictable, and causes the Mantis to be more difficult
to hit. While making a normal attack, the Mantis bushis normal TN to be hit is increased by the bushis Water Ring times five. It is
said that the newest Mantis daimyo, Yoritomo, created this technique on his own, and has taught it to his followers. The Mantis are
the only Minor Clan with four techniques in their school; a fact that they prize highly. They guard the secret of this fourth technique
with their lives, and have sworn not to teach it to anyone that was not born of their clan.
Rank 5: Hand of Osano-Wo
Masters of the Mantis Bushi school are capable of a savage double overhand strike. While using two weapons of medium size or
smaller, the Mantis may make a single attack with both against an opponent The attacker chooses which weapon he wishes to lead the
strike with; the Damage Rating of the attack is that weapons DR + 1k1. In addition, the attacker gains a number of free Raises on this
attack equal to his Water. Multiple attacks cannot be performed while using this technique.
Kitsune Family
Benefit: +1 Willpower

Kitsune Shugenja School

Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 8 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Defense, Herbalism, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Meditation, any one Bugei skill.
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune and Summon, plus 3 Earth, 2 Air, 1 Water
Tonbo Family
The children of the Tonbo are taught from their first days that they are to study and seek the enlightenment around them, in the world.
They attune themselves to nature, learning how things work, so that in time, they can discover why. For the Dragonfly, the reasons
are as important as the effects that change causes. Each action is weighed deliberately, and every change is given respect and honor.
When the world changes around them, the Dragonfly notice and spend their time learning from the alteration. Through there are some
that would criticize this as seeking alternate paths of the Way and ignoring the truth, the Dragonfly only smile, and continue. They do
not try to force their opinions on others; change is only valuable when it comes from within.
Benefit: +1 Perception

Tonbo Shugenja School
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 7 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Etiquette, Meditation, Shintao, Theology, and any 2 High Skills
Tonbo shugenja get a free raise when casting any Water spell.
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus any 3 Water spells, any 2 Air spells, and 1 spell of any element
Suzume Family
The Suzume still have the keen oratory skills and natural good looks of their Doji ancestry. They are adept at both public speaking and
conversation, and often are mistaken for Cranes -until they begin discussing philosophy. The Sparrow heritage is both their blessing
and their greatest bane.
Benefit: +1 Awareness

Suzume Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Willpower
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 1 box
Skills: Bard, Calligraphy, History, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, any Lore Skill, any High Skill

Rank 1: All Things In Time
At this rank, the Sparrow have learned to focus their legendary patience, even in the heat of combat At the beginning of the round, a
Sparrow may voluntarily lower his own initiative to raise his TN to Be Hit by half that amount (round up). His TN may not be raised
by an amount greater than twice his Reflexes, and he may not use this technique while making a Full Attack. Also at this rank, and
every rank afterward, the Sparrow receives a free raise on a single Lore skill of his choice. Once this skill is chosen, it may not be
changed, though the Sparrow may choose a different Lore Skill every time he increases in Rank.
Rank 2: Purity of Chi
The Sparrow who has attained this level of skill wields an aura of purity as dangerous as any weapon. The Sparrow's TN to be Hit is
increased by +5 against any human attacker with lower Honor.
Rank 3: Wisdom is the Greatest Weapon
The Suzume has now become a walking storehouse of information, and knows how to exploit his knowledge. If the Sparrow has a
Lore Skill that pertains to his opponent, he may make two attacks per round. This technique demands very specific knowledge. For
example, against a Matsu bushi, Lore: Lion Clan or Lore: Matsu Family are acceptable, but Lore: Samurai is not. Against an oni,
Lore: Oni will suffice but Lore: Shadowlands is simply too vague. Attaining levels of skill beyond 1 in a particular Lore provides no
additional benefits.
Ichiro Family
Benefit: +1 Strength

Ichiro Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Strength
Beginning Honor: 1, plus zero boxes
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, Wrestling, Yarijutsu, any one High Skill
(All considered average quality): Katana, wakizashi, No-dachi or Ono, Nage-yari, clothing, musical instrument, 2 koku.

Rank 1: Return the Strike
Because of their tenacity and outright stubbornness, the Badger are feared as opponents in combat throughout the Empire. They are
burly, tough, and capable. There is a proverb in Rokugan: If you plan to strike a Badgerprepare to accept your own strike. The
Badger rolls first for initiative and then may subtract as many points as desired to a minimum initiative result of one. The amount
subtracted may be added to all To Hit rolls in the round.
Rank 2: Refuse to Fail
As Badger samurai learn to adapt to their native mountains, they often practice feats of tremendous strength. As games, the Badger
test their ability to lift and throw, often hurling large trees or small boulders as part of a bet or a gambling match. The bushi may reroll
any strength roll (even one that succeeded) to get a better result. Once rolled, however, the second roll must be accepted
Rank 3: Crushing Blow
Armor? Armor is weak compared to the stone of the mountains, and the Badger know well that a truly crushing blow cannot be turned
aside by mere flaps of metal and silken cord. When the Badger strikes, either with their hand or with a weapon, armor provides no TN
protection versus the bushis attack.

Moshi Family
The Moshi are a clan led by women, but their teachings are open to all members of the clan. Although the males in the Centipede clan
are not encouraged to attend lessons in spellcraft, they are not barred from learning the teachings of the Lady Sun.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Moshi Shugenja School

Benefit: +1 Agility
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Athletics, Calligraphy, History, Meditation, Shintao, Theology, any one High skill.
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon plus 3 Fire and 3 Air.
Falcon Bushi School
Benefit: +1 Willpower
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 0 boxes
Skills: Falconry, Hunting, Lore: Yorei, Meditation, Yarijutsu, and either another rank in Hunting or in Falconry.

Eye of the Eagle: As a Falcon Clan members awareness increases, they gain the following additional benefits:
Awareness 3: If a hidden creature or person in the Falcon normal field of vision moves, the Falcon will immediately notice.
Awareness 4: The Bushi no longer relies solely on his eyes. Darkness and blinding do not affect a Falcon Bushis target number to hit
and to defend.
Awareness 5: The Falcoons mastery of sensing is so greta that the Bushi cannot be surprised.

Rank 1: The Falcons Eyes
Above all things the Falcon prize awareness of the world around them. At each school rank this ability improves. Throughout their
training, Falcons constantly focus upon meditations to expand their senses. The Falcons Eyes grants the bushi a +1 per school rank
bonus to the total of any rolls involving Awareness. Furthermore, the bushi may substitute Awareness for any roll that calls for
Rank 2: The Falcons Wings
When the bushi advances to this rank he gains the understanding of the falcons movements in the skies. The way that the predator
chooses its prey become instinctive within the bushi as well. The Falcon Bushi gains two strikes per round, in imitation of the
Falcons instinctive assault
Rank 3: The Falcons Talons
Finally the bushi learns the secrets and way of the Falcon. At this rank, the bushi may spend a Void point to make an Awareness roll
against his opponents. The TN of this roll is (highest opposing School Rank + number of opponents) x 5. If successful, the Falcon
may make up to three attacks during the combat round. Void points spent for this ability do not allow for the rolling of a Void die.
Tortoise Bushi School
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hand-to-Hand, Nofujutsu, any 3 Merchant or Low Skills

Rank 1: Fortunes Favor
All Tortoise have learned from their heimin and hinin allies. At the time of their creation, all Tortoise characters choose one peasant
weapon as their primary armament When attacking with this weapon, they roll and keep a additional number of dice equal to their
School Rank.
Rank 2: The Path of One
Tortoise samurai understand that honor must sometimes be sacrificed along the path to enlightenment. As of this Rank, the Tortoise
may give up a number of Honor Points (boxes) equal to their School Rank. For each Honor Point sacrificed, he gains one die (rolled,
not kept) for one Action with any single non-High Skill. These extra dice must be used immediately.
Rank 3: The Shell of the Tortoise
Though most other samurai resent it, all know that the Tortoise have the Emperors blessing, and are careful about attacking them.
Their own devotion to the Emperor (their Honor) prevents them from raising their blade against a Tortoise without the consent of their
lord (the Emperor). When the Tortoise is attacked by a non-Tortoise without the express permission of the Emperor, his opponent
must add his own Honor x 5 to the Tortoises TN to be Hit. This modifier can be overcome if the opponent sacrifices an Action and
succeeds in an Honor Test vs. a TN of the Tortoises Glory x5. The roll to overcome the modifier may only be made once per Attack
upon the Tortoise. Success with such an Honor Test removes the modifier to the Tortoises TN to be Hit for the remainder of the
combat. For example: a Cranes lord requests a duel between him and a Tortoise bushi, but is refused by the Emperor. The Crane
seeks out the Tortoise anyway, and attacks him without provocation. The Crane has an Honor of 3, and must therefore adds 15 to his
TN to hit the Tortoise, representing his inner doubt about the act. The Crane decides to rally his spirit beforehand making an Honor
Test against the Tortoises Gloiy x5 (the Tortoise has a Glory of 3, resulting in a TN of 15). The Crane makes the roll, and may now
attack the Tortoise without modifier for the remainder of this skirmish.

Wasp Bushi School
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Archery 2, Defense, Fletchery, Hunting, Stealth, Lore: Area Knowledge

Rank 1: Never Let the Blade Reach You
The first lesson the archer learns is to trust his instincts. Whenever firing an arrow, he gains a number of Free Raises equal to his
School Rank. Each School Rank, including this one, extends archery range by 50.
Rank 2: The Sting of the Wasp
Now moving beyond instinct, the archer may make a number of attacks when firing a bow equal to his School Rank.
Rank 3: The Arrow Knows the Way
Finally, the archer and arrow become one. The archer no longer needs to roll to hit when firing his bow, but hits automatically. No
Raises of any kind may be applied to this attack. The Wasp archer may only use this Technique for one attack per turn.
Heichi Family
When the world is against you, and you believe that you have already lost, it is in that moment you must rise up again. In that action
you will feel the courage of the Boar. - Heichi Mariako
The school of the Boar Clan is based on a single weapon: the Mai Chong. The Mai Chong is a spear with a uniquely curved and wavy
head. Often, the spear tip is decorated with tassels or strips of silk to better hide its movements from the opponent The spear is
typically eight to nine feet long, and has a blade length of over eight inches, with some blades recorded to be as long as a foot and a
half. The blade is double-edged, with a three-inch hook, or spike, pointing back toward the handle. One famous story of a Boar Clan
Master related how he was capable of using his spear to cut the laces and bindings of his enemys armor as they fought, immobilizing
his opponent without harming him.
Benefit: +1 Reflexes

Heichi Bushi School

Benefit: +1 Strength
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hunting, Mai Chong, Lore(Twilight Mountains), Yarijutsu, any one Bugei Skill.

Rank 1: Anger of the Boar
When using their Mai Chong, the bushi may strike a number of adjacent opponents (within reach of the Mai Chong, i.e. within 5 of
the Boar Clan bushi) equal to half of his Mai Chong skill, rounding up. Only one roll is made to strike all of the opponents. That roll is
made against a TN equal to that of the opponent with the highest TN plus 5 for each additional opponent If this roll is successful, the
damage for the single strike is divided equally among opponents thus struck (rounding all fractions down). The bushi must declare a
Full Attack for the round in which he wishes to use the Anger of the Boar.
Rank 2: The Strength of Opposition
At this point, the Heichi bushi has trained with his weapon on the steepest slopes of the Twilight Mountains, learning the advantage in
challenging an opponents footing and balance. His Mai Chong has become more than a simple spear in his hands, and the devastating
potential of the rear.pointed hook can be unleashed. When he has successfully used his Mai Chong in an attack (once damage has
been calculated and applied), the bushi and his opponent must roll an Opposed Strength Test. If the bushi wins the test, his opponent
is entangled in the Mai Chongs hook and automatically acts last in the following round.
Rank 3: Beyond the Mountains
At this rank, the Boar Clan bushi has so mastered the length and advantage of their Mai Chong that they may declare a Full Defense,
and still receive a single, unmodified attack on one opponent in the same round. This secondary attack may not receive any bonuses,
additions, or follow-up benefits of any kind.
It should be noted that all Heichi techniques must be performed with the Mai Chong, and are not available when using any other

Mai Chong 4k2

The statistics and particulars for the Mai Chong, except where mentioned previous to this, are all the same as those for a typical fine-
quality Yari. Few metalsmiths have the knowledge to make such a weapon, but the Mai Chong is not a difficult blade to forge. Only
its rarity prevents weaponsmiths from understanding how to create the particular spear-head that tops the Mai Chong, and those
weaponsmiths who are made familiar with the weapon can easily reproduce it The Mai Chong is a polearm, and as such receives the
standard polearm initiative bonus.

Usagi Bushi School
Benefit: +1 Agility
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 0 boxes
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Kenjutsu, Jiujutsu, Hunting, Lore: Maho (particularly luchiban or the Bloodspeakers), any one High or
Bugei Skill.

Rank 1: Leap of the Hare
At this rank, the bushi begins to incorporate astounding feats of agility and athletics into his normal combat routine. Any maneuver
that requires a leap or jump has its TN reduced by 10. The Hare could use this technique to leap into a fray and lower the TN of his
first attack, but such a daring maneuver would certainly be considered a Full Attack. Once close combat has been joined this
technique is difficult to use offensively unless the local terrain is very uneven, allowing for jumping and capering about If the
character uses this technique when going on Full Defense (leaping and cartwheeling frantically) they may add an additional +5 to their
TN to be hit
Rank 2: Speed of the Hare
The Hare bushi who has attained this level of skill now possesses the quick wits and swift reflexes of the animal from which his clan
takes their name. The bushi need not declare his intended action in a round combat until all other combatants have declared theirs. (If
multiple Hares are in the same combat, resolve among them as normal.)
Rank 3: Kick of the Hare
The Hare that has attained this rank learns the Usagis most bizarre but powerful technique. He gains an additional attack every round,
but this attack must be an unarmed punch or kick. Optionally, the character may declare a Hop7 The hop requires the bushi to kick
an opponent, making one raise. If successful, the bushi performs a snap kick (normal damage) and springs off of his opponent into the
air. The character may then immediately perform his second attack, during which he may use his Rank One technique without
necessarily declaring Full Attack. If the Hop is successful, this second attack may be directed at any opponent within six feet, or even
at the opponent who was originally kicked.
Chuda Shugenja School
Let their eyes slide from you without knowing your face. You shall be seen, yet remain unseen. Only then may your strike bring
certain death. - Chuda Yoharu
The Snake Clan approached magic very differently from other clans. Virtually every spell developed by the Chuda shugenja school
was destroyed in the purge. However, some of the original creations of Isawa Chuda remain in Phoenix possession. Although they are
very tightly controlled due to their controversial nature, they are available to well-connected shugenja who know to ask. All members
of the Chuda Shugenja school are considered to have the Disadvantage: Compulsion (Study Maho) for no earned points. Because this
school is intended for NPC characters, assume all members of the Chuda school to be True Ronin, and have the penalties and Outfits
appropriate to that background.
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 0, plus 2 boxes
Skills: Bard, Calligraphy, Investigation, Kenjutsu. Lore: Maho, Meditation, any other Low Skill.
Beginning Spell: Sense, Commune, Summon plus 3 Maho, 2 Air and 1 Water.

Minor Clan Beginning Outfit

Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Mantis Bushi Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Any one weapon (No sword, bows or dagger), Light Armor, Helm, Traveling Pack, Kimono,
3 koku

Fox Shugenja Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Wakizashi, Tanto, Yari, Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, 1 koku

Dragonfly Shugenja Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Tanto, 1 koku

Sparrow Bushi Outfit

(All considered to be Poor Quality; one item of Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Katana, Wakizashi, Helm, No koku

Badger Bushi Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, No-dachi or Ono, Nage-yari, Kimono, Musical Instrument, 2 koku

Centipede Shugenja Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Tanto, First Aid Kit

Falcon Bushi Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Naginata, Katana, Wakizashi, Traveling Pack, Diary paper and Stylus, 1 koku

Tortoise Bushi Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Wakizashi, Any one peasant weapon, Traveling Pack, 1 koku

Wasp Bushi Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality, Bow of Fine Quality): Bow, 20 Arrows of each type, Light Armor, Traveling Pack, Traveling
Paper (One region), Kimono, any one weapon, Mon of the Emerald Champion, 2 koku


Imperial Families and Schools

The Imperial Schools of the Seppun and Otomo are exclusive - only members of the Imperial House can attend, unless some pretty
hefty favors have been called in. Even then, only those who can prove a direct bloodline to one of the original seven kami are
accepted (5 points of Social Position). All Seppun or Otomo characters must also purchase at least 3 points of Social Position simply
to be allowed to play the character, thus placing them within the Imperial House. If a full 5 points are spent, the character may have
some small tie to the actual ruling house of the family. We do not suggest PCs being members of, or directly related to, the Imperial
Hantei line. Because of their close ties to the Crane, a Seppun or Otomo character may buy Bentens Blessing for 2 points. If they do,
they must also accept a two-point Obligation (to their own house) with no cost The Imperial Families make use of those members of
their house gifted in speech or beauty. While we have not detailed any skills or abilities for the Hantei Imperial family, assume that
members of the Hantei house (and those Otomo or Seppun who once were Hantei) can have any high or \mgei skill, advantage or
disadvantage in any of the Legend of the Five Rings RPG books. They are related by blood to all the clans, though most closely to the
Doji, and no one in Rokugan would dare tell the Emperor that he cannot learn a skill. An exception to this rule is, of course, kaze-do,
the peasant fighting of the Dragon Clan. Further, no member of the Emperors family can learn Low or Craft skills. Rank forbids it.

Seppun Family
Benefit: +1 Willpower

Otomo Family
Benefit: +1 to any mental trait (Perception, Intelligence, Willpower, or Awareness)

Miya Family
Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Seppun Miharu (Guardsman) School (Bushi)

The Seppun Miharu school is only open to members of the Seppun family (or in rare cases, children of the Imperial House with
Seppun mothers). They train an average of sixteen hours a day, rarely allowing their students to leave the schools confines. For this
reason, Seppun guards have higher skills at younger ages than any other school in Rokugan. Their studies focus primarily on
bodyguarding and single combat, but they are also capable generals. Their iaijutsu training exists primarily for the sake of drawing
their swords quickly when surprised rather than for duels (the Hantei line has the Emerald Champion and an ever-ready supply of
Kakitas to duel for their honor). There are only a few hundred Seppun guards in Rokugan, so they generally command troops of Lion
or Crane bushi rather than leading their own men. Thus, Seppun guards often spend a year studying at either the Akodo or Daidoji
school (just enough to understand the techniques, not enough to learn them), and can take Allies in the Crane or Lion clans for one
point less at character creation.
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Archery, Battle, Defense, Etiquette, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Obiesasern

Rank 1: Never in Darkness
The Seppun understands that loyalty to the Hantei line supports the pillars of the world, and cannot be swayed from his duty by any
desire. He may add his School Rank to his Willpower or Honor (to roll and keep), for purposes of resisting any temptation away from
his duty, including fear, fatigue, seduction, bribery or the pleas of his own dying children.
Rank 2: The Clouds Part
The Imperial Guard learns to use his senses to move through an attackers defense as quickly as Lady Suns rays part the morning
clouds. For the first round of any combat, the Miharu may roll an additional number of dice equal to their Perception, keeping one
additional die. In addition, he may make a simple Perception test to avoid being surprised in an ambush or assassination attempt The
TN for this test is 5 x the attackers Honor. Attackers actually trained at an assassins school add 5 x their School Rank to this TN.
Rank 3: The Suns Light Reveals
After so much time spent in the presence of the son of Amaterasu, the Imperial Guard no longer sees with the clouded eyes of mortals.
His discerning gaze can pick out the true nature of all that he views. The character rolls his Honor against a TN of the target
characters Awareness x 5 to see through physical disguises, Mists of Illusion spells, ninja magic, Oni shape- changing abilities,
Shosuro Actors, and so on. This may also be used (at a TN determined by the GM) to see the true nature of a disguised item (ie.
noticing hidden doors, concealed traps or poisons and so on).
Rank 4: Speed of Heaven
Even the constraints of time itself cannot keep a Seppun from his duty. At this rank, the Seppun guard has two actions per round.
These can be used for attack or for any other purpose (e.g. jumping in front of arrows, slinging the Emperors heir onto his horse and
riding away and so on).
Rank 5: Heaven Never Falls
The Seppuns bond with his charge has the strength of Lady Sun behind it. Even when his attention are elsewhere, he is attuned to any
danger. Whenever he is within his School Rank in yards of the person he is guarding, the bushi may spend a Void point to transfer
damage or harmful spell effects inflicted on that person to himself. This ability works even if the bushis back his turned, eyes are

closed or he is knocked out by a sleeping draught. Normally, this ability is used to protect a member of the Hantei line, but the bushi
may choose another recipient. At the dawn of each day, the bushi must declare who the technique his attuned to, and he will remain
attuned to that character alone until the following morning.
Seppun Shugenja School (Shugenja)
The Seppun Shugenja school is extremely selective. Though only those who show talent are offered a position protecting the Emperor,
gaining entrance to the school is often a matter of political influence. Any Otomo, Seppun, or Miya character may choose to attend
this school, and any character from a Phoenix family may attend by purchasing the Different School advantage. Members of any other
family must purchase both the Ear of the Emperor and Different School Advantages in order to be accepted to the prestigious Seppun
School. Seppun Shugenja tend to be grim, practical, and thorough. They specialize in magics that alter or disrupt other magics, and are
particularly adept at combining multiple spells in strange but potent combinations. Sympathetic Energies and Silent Waters are two
particularly popular spells among these shugenja.
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Calligraphy, Courtier or Etiquette, Obiesaseru, Meditation, Investigation, Shintao, Theology
Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Air and 3 Water. Seppun Shugenja have an Affinity for both Air and Water,
but they have a Deficiency for both Fire and Earth.
Otomo Seiyaku School (Misc.)
The Otomo house school takes its name from the Rokugani word for covenant or agreement. A seiyaku devotes their life to
furthering the Emperors power, over that of any daimyo, Champion, or mortal authority. They speak with the assurance of the
Emperors line, and the right of blood.
Benefit: +1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 7 boxes
Skills: Courtier, Calligraphy, Etiquette, Kenjutsu, Obiesaseru, Manipulation, Law

Rank 1: Destiny Has No Secrets
Otomo courtiers get their information from a variety of sources - both inside and out of the court. Because the Otomo are in charge of
trade into and out of Otosan Uchi, as well as serving as the Emperors eyes in any negotiations between clans, they are privy to a great
wealth of information - and they share it with other courtiers of this school. Once per week per rank, an Otomo courtier may speak to
their contacts in any city, court or province and learn one critical fact about the adventure (determined by the GM).
Rank 2: My Masters Voice
Peasants, infiltrators, and even loyal guards instinctively trust the seiyaku. Because of their position in the court, even if the character
has a flaw such as Bentens Curse, a seiyaku may visit and listen to the delicate negotiations of other clans (after all, they are the
Emperors ears and eyes). Any time someone actively disagrees with the seiyaku, or accuses him in public of twisting the truth, the
accuser automatically loses a number of boxes of honor equal to the seiyakus School Rank. If the disagreement occurs in private, the
courtier may choose to spend one day spreading rumors through any public forum (court, a city, a major port). II the seiyaku succeeds
in a Intelligence + Courtier roll versus their targets Honor x 5, their target will lose a number of boxes of honor equal to the seiyakus
School Rank. The Otomo cannot use this skill if there is no basis - no false premise will withstand the critical investigations it must
withstand to reduce someones honor. A false accusation will not make an individual feel that they have dishonored themselves to
the Emperors ambassador, and therefore, no amount of rumormongering will be taken seriously.
Rank 3: Dividing the Stars
If an Otomo courtier spends as little as ten minutes speaking with someone, they can slant the facts to imply the most horrible
outcome possible. In this way, an Otomo who simply mentions that a Lion might be hot-tempered will cause others to recognize him
as a brash, rude and violent individual. Therefore, those individuals will be sure to have many guards around when dealing with that
Lion. If the seiyaku mentions a Crane militia has been called in the Daidoji lands, a Crab might suddenly realize that a nearby village
is unprotected and decide the Crane are going to attack. At that point, of course, the seiyaku will tell the Crane that the Crab - who are
now sending troops to the border village - are preparing for an invasion. It is possible for an Otomo courtier to cause individual
disputes, conflicts, or even (with prolonged activity) minor battles and wars. lf an Otomo wishes to cause someone to believe the
worst about something, they must make a successful Intelligence + School Rank roll against a TN determined by the complexity of
the action, and the amount of truth in their suggested perception. If the Otomo uses their first rank technique three times in order to
gather information about the matter they wish to misrepresent before they attempt this, they will receive a free raise to their action.
The difficulty depends on the particular circumstances of the action. Causing a Crane to mistrust a Lion, when the two personalities
akeady dislike each other might have a TN of 5. Creating border conflicts between two already edgy opponents could be as high as a
15, while convincing someone that their best friend (or mother) is trying to start a war with them is probably closer to a 35. A seiyaku
should be warned, however: their successful divisions often become true. If a Crane begins treating the Lion with distrust, the Lion
will most likely begin to respond with dislike, and shortly, with violence. If the Crane and the Crab were not about to begin a war,
moving their troops to the border on the suggestion of the Otomo will almost certainly cause one, if the situation is not defused.
Rank 4: The Emperors Protection
At this rank, an Otomo Courtier has been noticed by the members of the Hantei family themselves, and given a commendation for
their devoted and dedicated service. The Empire knows that this seiyaku, by blood and association, is under the direct protection of
the Hantei, and further, that any physical harm which befalls him or her will be investigated by the highest authorities in the land. No
one will challenge a seiyaku to a duel, nor attack them, or otherwise injure them unless the individual attempting to assault the
courtier has one of the following: a Glory of 7 or higher, the permission of the Otomo courtiers daimyo, the Emerald Champion, or
the permission of a member of the Hantei family. If someone is foolish enough to choose to assault the seiyaku, they will be horribly
reprimanded: executed immediately (no trial) without honor or seppuku; their family name removed from the rolls of the clan; or the
offenders hands and feet are cut off, their honor permanently removed, and their family sword broken. Indeed, it is considered
Rank 5: Virtues of Command
At this point, the seiyaku is considered the voice of the Emperor in all political negotiations. If they spend a Void point, they may
order a member of the samurai class to obey their wishes. If the person does not obey them, and their honor is less than the seiyakus,
they will be forced to either become Ronin, or commit seppuku. In effect, the samurai has refused or failed an Imperial Command. If
the seiyakus command contradicts or dishonors the samurais daimyo, the samurai may spend 2 Void points to successfully (and
carefully) refuse the command with honor. If a PC samurai agrees to a seiyakus command, and dies attempting to fulfill it, the player
may make his next character according the the Kharma rule, with an additional rank (free of cost) to one of the following: A Trait,
their Honor, or their Glory.
Miya Shisha (Herald) School (Bushi)
Benefit: +1 Perception
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 7 boxes
Skills: Courtier, Defense, Diplomacy, Etiquette, Heraldry 2, Horsemanship

Rank 1: Voice of the Emperor
At this rank, the Miya begins to learn the subtle skills of diplomacy. If the Miya makes an opposed social skill roll, she may roll
additional dice equal to her School Rank. The Miya also gains an astounding fleetness of foot in order to promptly deliver the
Emperors word. If the Miya does nothing but flee combat, she gains a bonus to her TN to be hit equal to her Rank x 5. This bonus is
cumulative with a Full Defense.
Rank 2: Eyes of the Emperor
The shisha who has gained this level of skill obtains a profound harmony with the Empire. The shisha gains the Way of the Land
advantage for one territory, and gains it for another territory each time she gains another School Rank. If the shisha is in one of these
territories she may make any number of raises on Perception checks. Any rolls to identify mons or other heraldic symbols are
automatically successful if that mon originates from one of these territories.
Rank 3: Hand of the Emperor
A shisha who has mastered this technique wears an almost tangible aura of passivity. Any who directly serve or fear the Emperor will
be loath to harm her. If the shisha makes no threatening moves and spends a Void Point, an opponent must spend a Void Point before
they may attack her that round. Up to one other person per School Rank of the shisha can be protected by this technique, though they
must also make no threatening movements and stay within ten feet
Rank 4: Glory of the Emperor
The shisha has developed a powerful personallty capable of intimidating lesser men. If combat has not begun, the shisha can step
forward and address the leader of the enemy party, boasting of her partys skills and offering a chance to retreat This requires a full
round, and the shisha must make an opposed roll of her Awareness + School Rank against the enemy leaders Willpower + School
Rank. If one side is heavily outnumbered, the GM may give the other side free raises during the contested roll. If the shisha succeeds,
her party gains a number of free raises equal to the shishas School Rank x 2 during the combat to split however they wish. If the
shishas roll is more than double her opponents, then the enemy party is affected by Fear equal to the shishas School Rank. If the
shisha attempts to use this technique during a full scale battle, success Indicates that she and a number of companions equal to her
Rank may adjust their positions on the battle table by one column during the first two rounds. Failure has no additional affect in large
battles. This ability will function against any creature that can understand the shishas words.
Rank 5: Blessing of the Emperor
The shisha learns the final lesson, mastering the arts of non-aggression. If the shisha makes no moves to attack or undermine her
enemies in any way, they may not purposefully attack her. Affected enemies may attempt to capture the shisha, and if she resists or
flees they may attack her normally. When an enemy attacks a shisha of this rank, she may spend a Void Point to ignite a lingering
thread of doubt in the attackers mind. The attacker may not keep his highest damage die that round. This technique only works
against those who serve or fear the Emperor.
Emerald Magistrate Dojo
Of all the schools scattered throughout Rokugan, none is more selective than that of the Emerald Magistrates. There is no Benefit, nor
beginning Skills package. There are no Rank 1 or 2 techniques. The sensei at this school do not teach their ways to new, untested
samurai. Rather, they take the finest among the Magistrates and give them additional training. When an Emerald Magistrate who has
demonstrated outstanding service and skill is ready to learn a new Technique from his home school, he may instead be granted the
opportunity to study within the Emerald Champions dojo. There he learns one of the following Techniques instead of that of his
school. Example: Daidoji Tsueno has risen through the ranks from dos/ritz to yoriki and now to full Emerald Magistrate. His record is
spotless and his reputation is impeccable. When it is time for him to return to the Crane lands and learn his Rank 4 technique, he may
instead receive the honor of learning the Rank 4 Technique listed below. Then, one day when the time is right, Tsuneo may return to
the Crane lands and learn the Rank 5 Technique of his school.

Two things must happen for a character to learn any of these Techniques. The Emerald Champion (or another extremely high-ranking
Magistrate) must offer him the chance to do so. Gamemasters should only offer this option if they feel that the player in question has
done an outstanding job of role-playing. Secondly, the PC must spend a number of experience points. This represents the incredible
rarity of this honor as well as the powerful nature of the Techniques. Note that simply because a character has been invited to learn
one of the Emerald Magistrate techniques in no way gives him the right to expect to learn the others. Each one must be offered
separately, as a reward for outstanding service to the Emperor and the Empire.
Recommended Skills
There are certain skills that a Magistrate must possess in order to benefit from training at the Emerald Dojo. Students should be skilled
in Courtier, Heraldry, Investigation, Law, and Sincerity. As a result of studying at the Emerald Magistrate School, the character may
learn the Obiesaseru skill. Any time that the Magistrate uses these skills to either enforce the Emperors laws or to investigate the
culprit or circumstances of a criminal act, he is considered on duty for the purposes of the Techniques below.

Rank 3 : Saibankans Method
The magistrate has grasped the simple but effective methods originated by Soshi Saibankan. Once per session, the magistrate may
spend a Void point to automatically succeed on any test involving one of the skills in the Recommended Skills list. This technique
costs 10 experience points to learn.
Rank 4: For the Empire
The blessing of the Son of Heaven truly shines upon his defenders. Having achieved Rank 4, the magistrate may spend a Void point to
negate the damage-reducing abilities of his opponent, inflicting damage as normal for a number of rounds equal to his Honor Rank.
Oni powers, Shadow powers, protective effects from spells, and maho-bujin Techniques may all be countered by this Technique. This
technique costs 15 experience points to learn.
Rank 5: In his Name
At this level, the burning passion to serve the Emperor permeates every breath the magistrate takes. When undertaking any task in
fulfillment of his sacred duty (on duty, as above), the magistrate has a number of Free Raises per day equal to his Honor rank. This
technique costs 20 experience points to learn.

Imperial Beginning Outfit

Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Guardsman Outfit
(All items are considered Fine Quality; one item of Excellent quality): Heavy armor, katana, wakizashi, bow, 20 arrows, yari, kimono,
steed, helm, any two weapons, emerald badge of office, 20 koku.

Seppun Shugenja Outfit

(All considered to be Fine Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Tanto, Wakizashi, First Aid Kit, 10 Koku, Steed,
Emerald Badge of Office

Seiyaku Outfit
(All items are considered Fine Quality; one item of Excellent quality): Light armor, katana, wakizashi, kimono, steed, traveling pack,
badge of office, 20 koku.

Herald Outfit
(All considered to be Fine Quality): Sashimono or Nobori, Horo, Kimono, Wakizashi, Steed, Light Armor, 10 Koku


Ronin Bands
Prosperity shall not divide us. Tragedy shall not divide us. The past does not exist. It is the present that binds us, and carries us into
the future as brothers. -the oath of the Nanashi Mura otokodate
Ronin bands form for a variety of reasons. Some seek the power that lies in numbers to bring wealth. Some band together as a protest
against injustice. Others are simply thrown together by circumstance. Many ronin bands have existed for so long that they have begun
to develop the rudiments of techniques, and guard these secrets as fiercely as any clan school. Those who wish to join the band must
first prove themselves. If they are found worthy, they are taught the technique. If not, they are ignored. Several examples of these
ronin bands follow, ranging from the ruthless juzimai to the more respected and lawful otokodate. A True Ronin character may elect
to become a member of one of these organizations. Each band lists certain requirements that all members must meet before they are
allowed membership, and so long as the starting character meets these requirements he can begin as a member. The ronin technique
that each band provides can be obtained at character creation, if the character is willing to pay the character point cost listed by that
technique. A ronin need not learn the secret technique in order to be a member of a band, but if the ronin elects to learn his technique
later, the cost is three times the character point cost in experience. A ronin can be a member of only one ronin band, for these
brotherhoods are jealously competitive. The secret techniques of these tiny bands are the foundations upon which future schools may
be built, and the members of these bands know it well. Only true members are privy to their secrets. A Clan Ronin can begin play as a
member of one of these groups, but he cannot begin with the bands technique. He can, however, wait until he has enough Insight to
gain Rank 2 and then purchase the technique as usual (with GM approval). Likewise, a member of a ronin band who swears fealty to a
clan cannot immediately begin learning his new clans techniques. The ronin must purchase the Different School advantage and gain
sufficient Insight to reach Rank 2 before he can learn the Rank 1 Clan Technique. Invitation is not automatic; the character is left to
his own to obtain permission from his new sensei, a rare instance indeed for a first generation ronin, although such extraordinary
individuals as player characters are often the exception to the rule. Depending upon the circumstances in which the character left his
brotherhood, his former brothers may accept his decision to swear fealty or look upon him as a traitor. In either case, he is no longer
considered a member of the brotherhood and can no longer rely upon their aid. Although the following ronin abilities are referred to as
techniques they are not proper techniques like the ones taught in Clan dojos, but are more like advantages. A romn who has learned
one of these techniques is still considered Rank 1. Other abilities which affect opponents techniques are still effective against ronin
techniques. Along with the techniques that are granted by membership in a ronin band, the character also gains other advantages. All
members of a ronin band gain a 2-point Minor Ally: Ronin Band Advantage. This can be very useful, as most bands are extremely
loyal, willing to sacrifice their lives and honor for a comrade. The ronin character also receives a 2 point Obligation Disadvantage
toward his ronin band, as he is expected to show loyalty in return. No extra Character Points are gained for this Disadvantage, and it
does not count toward the characters maximum 10 CPs of Disadvantages. Note that the skills and traits listed with each of these
bands are not bonuses: they are requirements. Any prospective member must possess all of these requirements at the listed
ranks, or they may not join the brotherhood or learn their technique.
Three types of ronin brotherhoods are described in this chapter and elsewhere in this book. For, your convenience, they are also
defined here.
Otokodate - (Manly fellows) Bands of ronin that gather for mutual protection. These groups tend to be organized and seldom stray
outside the boundaries of the law. Members swear vows of loyalty, secrecy, and never question one another about their past lives.
Iuzimai - Gangs of ronin banded together for no other reason than the power that lies in numbers. These groups wreak havoc upon the
law, finding work as bandits, smugglers, assassins, and other unsavory sorts.
Apprenticeship - The only sorts of ronin bands composed entirely of shugenja. These are nothing more than the wandering students of
a particular ronin shugenja teacher.

The Eyes of Nanashi

The Eyes of Nanashi have existed for the thirty years since the establishment of the ronin city. Their technique is impressive
considering their short history, but this is largely due to the presence of the mysterious sohei monks that have adopted the city as their
home. The sohei are harsh masters, but are willing to train anyone to whom the Eyes grant membership. Membership in the Eyes
guarantees staunch allies, for the Eyes are more loyal to one another than any other band. Unfortunately, membership carries great
expectations. First, the ronin is forbidden to offer his services to any enemies of the Lion, and must offer his services to all Lion
samurai at a discount In addition, the Eyes are sent forth to bring ronin bandits and fugitives to justice, often requiring them to endure
long, difficult, and thankless quests alone or in small groups. The Eyes are supported via a special fund collected weekly from the
major businesses in Nanashi Mura The pay is not much, enough to cover room and board in Nanashi and access to the private level of
the Nanashi Dojo. Membership in the Eyes is more a matter of pride and duty than a path to easy wealth.
Type: Otokodate
Required Traits: Water 3
Required Skills: Law 2, Kuenai 1, Kenjutsu 2, Jiujutsu 1
Other Requirements: Honor of 2.5 or higher, 2 point Obligation to Lion Clan
Location: Nanashi Mura
Technique: Righteous Fury - (7 points) The ronin carries the true message and objectives of Nanashi in his heart. He may add his
Honor to his Initiative and TN to be Hit

The Machi-Kanshisha
The Machi-Kanshisha of the City of the Rich Frog are the enforcers of the Kaeru family, but also serve as peace keepers. The
magistrate has offered to appoint some of these men as official yoriki, but the Machi-Kanshisha always refuse. They serve the
interests of the Kaeru first A merchant who defies the Kaeru can expect a visit from the Machi-Kanshisha. Though the Machi-
Kanshisha are a corrupt lot, they are not easily bribed. The Kaeru pay them very well. To maintain the illusion of peace in the City of
the Rich Frog, the Machi-Kanshisha seldom draw their katana. Instead, they carry out most of their duties using a simple bo, saving
their katana for true combat Many of the Machi-Kanshisha have taken to carrying a long, iron smoking pipe slung over one shoulder,
which they use to beat foes into submission and then relax afterward. These pipes are as long as a bo, can be wielded using Bojutsu,
inflict 2k2 damage, and can be purchased for 3 bu.
Type: Otokodate
Required Traits: Agility 3, Perception 3
Required Skills: Bojutsu 2, Commerce 1, Kuenai 1
Other Requirements: Patron (Kaeru family)
Location: City of the Rich Frog
Technique: Smoke and Mirrors - (5 points) The simplest weapons are never to be underestimated. The ronin receives a free Raise
when using a bo or pipe (see abov4 The ronin can knock a foe prone or disarm him by making three Raises (including the free Raise).
Special: The character receives a free bo or iron smoking pipe (see above).

The Forest-Killers
This juzimai is the oldest and largest of Yugoros many bandit hordes. In fact, the band pre-dates Yugoro. Early in his career Yugoro
joined the juzimai, killed the bands masked leader, and replaced him. The technique is not Yugoros. In fact, he has not even learned
it, out of fear he may accidentally use it while in one of his other guises and jeopardize his identity. The Forest-Killers are cutthroat,
ruthless bandits. They live in a ruined castle deep in the Shinomen and prey upon those foolish enough to travel through its depths.
Outside the Falcon Clan, the Forest-Killers are the most experienced woodsmen in the Shinomen, and have explored areas deep within
it that no other mortal has seen. Of course, they typically dont offer their services as guides. Recently, several former members of the
Hare Clan have joined the Forest-Killers, greatly adding to their lethal mastery of the forest
Type: Juzimai
Required Traits: Strength 3, Agility 3
Required Skills: Kenjutsu 2 or Archery 2, Hunting 3, Stealth 1
Other Requirements: Honor no greater than 2, Bad Reputation (bandit), Way of the Land (Shinomen Forest)
Location: The Shinomen Forest
Technique: Fools Harvest - (7 points) The Forest-Killer is swift, deadly, and efficient while wreathed in shadows. Receive a free
Raise on all Stealth rolls. If the ronin manages a successful attack on an unaware target, he automatically gains initiative next round if
attacking that same target. Both effects can only be used in a natural (not urban) environment

The Weavers
The Weavers are ronin assassins, traveling from place to place in the humble disguise of basket merchants. Their knowledge of
Rokugans underworld allows them to know when and where to reveal themselves to gain employment, as do their rather high-placed
connections. The Weavers, although they do not know it, are agents of the Kolat. The Weavers are swift, efficient, and professional.
They always complete a contract, and never report the names of their clientele, not even when tortured. (Of course, every detail of the
Weavers operations and clients trickles back to the Hidden Temple, but no one has to know that). Why would the Kolat risk
themselves this way? Why sell the services of their pawns to outsiders? Simple. Through the Weavers, the Masters have obtained a
long list of disreputable individuals whom they can blackmail when the time is right Through the Weavers, the Kolat gain an
additional source of income to add to their already impressive resources, for the Weavers do not sell their services cheaply. And,
through the Weavers, the Kolat assassins can keep themselves in practice. The best hiding place is often in plain sight
Type: Juzimai
Required Traits: Perception 3, Willpower 3, Awareness 3
Required Skills: Stealth 3, Poison 1, Acting 3, Knife 2, Kuenai 1, Hisomu 1
Other Requirements: Clear Thinker, Dark Secret (Kolat),
Location: Mobile
Technique: Twist the Weave - (6 points) The ronin has embraced the arts of stealth, subtlety, and assassination. For every Raise he
makes on Stealth, Acting, and Poison rolls, he receives the effects of two.

The Tessen (Iron Fans)

The Lion and Crane continue their bitter conflict. Violence Behind Courtliness City and the surrounding villages are increasingly
plagued by crime and violence perpetrated by desperate heimin refugees and angry ronin, victims of Imperial edicts. The Crane (who
currently control the city) are harsh and unforgiving, often sending large groups of armed magistrates through problem neighborhoods
to bring those responsible to justice. In addition, they have issued a mandate throughout the city, forbidding any non-Crane from
bearing weapons. Ronin are allowed to carry their daisho as symbol of their station, but drawing a blade in public is a serious offense.
The Tessen are a brotherhood of ronin who attempt to keep the crime in the city to a minimum, as much for the sake of self-
preservation as justice. They wield paired iron fans, as these are not bound by the technicalities of the Crane mandate and can be
easily concealed. The Tessen patrol the cities in pairs to keep the peace. They serve as bodyguards and escorts, more often to heimin
than to samurai due to the Cranes disdainful opinion of ronin. The Tessen are seen as a nuisance by Crane magistrates, and are often
treated just as severely as common criminals when they are discovered. As such, they keep a low profile. Ironically, the Tessen are
composed mostly of dismissed Lions and Cranes. These individuals get along no better than they did before becoming ronin, causing
deep factionalism within the otokodate except in periods of extreme crisis.
Type: Otokodate, though the Crane consider them Juzimai
Required Traits: Reflexes 4
Required Skills: War Fan 3, Athletics 1
Location: Toshi Ranbo wo Shien Shite Reigasho (Violence Behind Courtliness City)
Technique: The Iron Fan - (5 points) The ronin has learned to transform the simple tessen into a blur of motion, creating a defense that
even skilled swordsmen find quite remarkable. The ronin may use his War Fan skill in place of Defense while using a fan, and may
add his War Fan skill to his TN to be hit while wielding a fan in his off hand.
Special: The character begins with paired tessen.

The Broken Guard

The Broken Guard are a band of mercenaries led by the ronin Saigorei, a former member of the Imperial family and master of the
pike. Many members of the brotherhood were former retainers of the Akodo, and their name is as much a reference to what they have
become as to their specialty - anti-cavalry combat The Broken Guard have a strict code - each member donates a part of their income
to a communal fund for the groups support during lean times. Under no conditions are any ronin of the Broken Guard allowed to
engage in banditry or other crimes. Saigorei may be Imperial no longer, but hes not about to be associated with outlaws. The Broken
Guard have amassed a reputation for their skill in a short time, helping the Fox Clan to repel a large horde of mounted bandits that
have plagued their forest in the past year. They are also quite popular with the common people, as one of the few otokodate to allow
ashigaru into their ranks. Hida Tsuru has expressed interest in hiring Saigorei and his Broken Guard to train his own soldiers, a fact
that Shinjo Hanari would find quite troubling.
Type: Otokodate
Required Traits: Strength 3, Agility 3
Required Skills: Any polearm 3, Battle 1, Defense 1
Other Requirements: Honor 1 or greater
Location: Mobile
Technique: Tigers Teeth - (4 points) The ronin has learned the strength that lies in leverage, and the weakness that lies in speed.
While using a polearm, the ronin may make two free Raises and keep an extra dice of damage. Both of these advantages are only
gained against opponents at least three feet higher than the ronin (i.e. mounted opponents).
Special: The character begins with a polearm of his choice.

Scales of the Carp

The Yasuki Family have a richly deserved reputation as skilled merchants and traders, a reputation that can sometimes be their
undoing. Many cities (especially in Crane territory) are suspicious of Yasuki merchants, often forbidding them entry at all. The Scales
of the Carp are the Yasukis answer to this situation. The Scales are a secret society of ronin traders, smugglers, and gamblers funded
and trained by the Yasuki. The Yasuki family provides the Scales with equipment, weapons, information, and (mostly) quality
merchandise in return for seventy percent of the profit. In addition, the Scales can depend upon Yasuki assistance when they have
trouble with the law, and can always find a cheap inn or hostel willing to house them within Crab lands.
Type: Juzimai
Required Traits: Perception 3, Willpower 3, Awareness 3
Required Skills: Commerce 3, Sincerity 2, Gambling 1, Kuenai 2
Other Requirements: Major Ally in Yasuki family, Patron Yasuki Family,
Location: Yasuki Provinces, frequently mobile
Technique: The Carp Smiles - (4 points) The ronin has become adept in reading and manipulating the emotions of potential
customers. When making opposed skill rolls involving Commerce, Sincerity, or Gambling the ronins target must drop all dice that
roll lower than the ronins skill Rank + Trait Anything higher than an 8 is never dropped. (For example, if a ronin who has a
Commerce of 4 and Awareness of 3 is trying to sell a basket to an uncertain Mirumuto samurai, then the samurai must drop all dice
that roll a 6 or less in his efforts to resist) Targets that do not have enough money or those that have absolutely no interest in the
merchants wares are immune to this effect, unless the merchant can somehow convince him he has what theyre looking for.

The Sword of Yotsu

The Sword of Yotsu is a small, select group of true ronin (no clan ronin are accepted into the unit) who swear loyalty to the Yotsu
family and take the name. They live in Otosan Uchi and serve Yotsu Urieko as their house daimyo, following her orders and
defending her province. They also follow the rest of the Yotsu family on various quests, and are given quests of their own as they
prove their loyalty and dedication to the family. They have existed for only 10 years, but their band is one of the strongest and most
respected ronin bands, and possibly the only ronin with any access to the Imperial Court (through the Yotsu family head).
Membership requires tests of honor and courage, but most importantly, it requires the samurai to be inducted to fall upon his knees
before the Yotsu family, swearing his fealty upon the sword given to them by Hantei XXXVIII. They are supported by the district
wages of the Yatoshin province, and while in that province are expected to uphold the laws of the Empire and see to the running of the
district They serve both as bodyguards and adventurers for the Yotsu line, and as magistrates of the Yatoshin province - heavy
responsibilities for any ronin to bear. But because the Yotsu may be the only ronin who are making progress forging their place in the
Empire, there are many who wish to serve. Of these, only 35 have sworn the oath to the Yotsu family, and been granted the name as
their own.
Type: Otokodate
Required Traits: Intelligence 3, Perception 3
Required Skills: Etiquette 2, Law 2, Kenjutsu or Iaijutsu 2
Other Requirements: True Ronin, no Bad Reputation flaw
Location: Otosan Uchi
Technique: Shelter of the Blameless - (4 Points) - The ronin is dedicated to the protection of the Yatoshin province, but more to the
protection of those who are too weak to defend themselves. The Yotsu believe firmly that they serve the best interests of the Empire

and the Fortunes. They may add their Intelligence to all of their initiative rolls, and if they are genuinely acting to protect an innocent
who is unable to defend themselves, they receive a free raise to all their attack rolls.
Special: The character is always considered an Imperial Magistrate when in the city of Otosan Uchi, and may receive special
privileges because of the familys position and influence there. Yotsu equipment always includes a katana and one fine kimono (for
use when they are representing the Yotsu in formal occasions).

Gaze of Sun Tao

It is uncertain where the name of this technique originated, or who devised it. Sun Tao, of course, is one of the most famous ronin in
Rokugani history, but there is no reason to think that he had anything to do with the development of this Technique; it was most likely
just named in his honor. At any rate, it is a widespread technique utilized by many ronin duelists, and has been used to lay low many
an unprepared Kakita and Mirumoto. There is no true brotherhood associated with this technique; a ronin may pass it on to whoever
he deems worthy. Naturally, this usually means defeating the ronin who knows the technique, which is never easy.
Type: Not a Brotherhood
Required Traits: Agility 3, Void 3
Required Skills: Iaijutsu 3, Investigation 2
Other Requirements: True Ronin, Honor 2.5 or greater
Technique: Gaze of Sun Tao - (4 CP or 12 XP) The ronin always gains one extra piece of information when making an Awareness
check before a duel. Even if he fails his check, he learns one thing. In addition, the ronin may Focus one extra time in any duel.

Toturis Army
The once-motley band of ronin who follow Toturi have been forged by circumstance into an elite fighting force. Though much of
Rokugan despises them, the followers of the Black Wolf take great pride in who they are. Recently, these ronin have developed an
otokodate technique of their own. It is uncertain exactly who devised this technique, but it has caught on quickly among the ronin
Type: Otokodate
Required Traits: Water 3
Required Skills: Battle 3, one weapon skill at 3
Other Requirements: Must have Honor of at least 2.0
Location: Mobile
Technique: A Samurais Fury - (5 points) - Toturis Army teaches its members to be calm and prepared at all times, keeping ones
anger in check as a weapon to be used at the proper moment. Whenever the bushi spends Void Points on an action, he may add his
Water x 2 to the total roll.

The Unbroken
They are only wave men, yet they strike a mighty blow against the Dark Lord. I have seen them in battle, and I would never wish to
be the target of their fury. - Shinjo Hikage
Cast out by the clans, Tainted by the Shadowlands, and given a slim chance at redemption by the Naga, the Unbroken truly have little
to lose. They are a motley, battered band of wave men from across the Empire, yet they are as close as any brothers have ever been.
They are a weapon, forged in the black fire of the Shadowlands, that leaps from the anvil to strike out at the hand that crafted it. The
Unbroken intend for that strike to be mortal. The Unbroken are a band of ronin given a chance to survive the Taint that wracks their
bodies by a dangerous and experimental Naga rituaL The Taint has been driven deep within them where it cannot eat away at their
mind and soul. Unfortunately, it remains within the body, slowly eroding the life span of the individual. This deeply buried Taint can
only be expunged through ritualistically seeking out and destroying the Taint in others, whether they are the unnatural spawn of the
Shadowlands or corrupted mortals from the Empire. If the Unbrokens Taint cannot be extinguished in the span of one year, he will
die. When in battle as a group, all members of the Unbroken swath themselves in bandages. This is a symbolic ritual that the group
devised, one that clearly makes all Unbroken equal. Tainted or redeemed, founding member or new addition.., it does not matter. They
are of one mind and one purpose. They are one weapon against the Dark Lord Fu Leng. Shadowlands creatures seem to be able to
sense the threat that the Unbroken represent. Goblins, ogres, trolls and the like fly into a rage at the very sight of the bandaged ronin,
assaulting them with every weapon at their disposal. It matters little to the Unbroken, for nothing in Rokugan or beyond can quench
their burning hatred of Fu Leng and his minions.
Type: Otokodate
Required Traits: Willpower 3
Required Skills: Kenjutsu 2, Lore (Shadowlands) 2
Other Requirements: Driven (destroy Shadowlands creatures), Obligation (the Ashlim), minimum Taint Rank 1
Location: Shinomen Mon, ranging to the north and south
Technique: Kharmic Vengeance (5 points)
The Unbroken strive to exorcise the Taint within themselves by striking out against it in others. Whenever the ronin successfully hits a
Tainted opponent or one who is a denizen of the Shadowlands, he may choose to sacrifice Wounds to inflict an amount of extra
damage to his target equal to twice the Wounds he has taken. This must be done before damage is rolled. Any opponent killed in this
manner reduces the Taint of the Unbroken by two points.
Ronin Shugenja
Ronin shugenja have far fewer options than bushi. Most improve their art by hiring on as a scribe or librarian for one of the
established clan libraries, eventually gaining enough prestige and respect that they are allowed to copy a few of the clans less
important spells. Spells that are specific to particular clans, or that are very rare (such as the spells in Walking the Way), are never
shared with ronin shugenja. On the other hand, if the shugenja is allowed to swear fealty, he could potentially gain access to whatever

spells the master of the school deems fit Note that ronin librarians are never assigned to any sections of the library containing magical
scrolls or clan ciphers. Trust only goes so far. Another option for gaining new spells is to begin play as a member of one of the
following shugenja brotherhoods. These brotherhoods tend to have only a dozen or so members at any time. While not as militant as
otokodate and juzimai, shugenja brotherhoods are nonetheless protective of their members. A shugenja who joins one of these
brotherhoods gains a 2 point Minor Ally Advantage but also gains a 2 point Obligation toward their school, in the same manner as
otokodate and juzimai. Membership also gives the character knowledge of the brotherhoods cipher, codes in which each brotherhood
transcribes their spells. These brotherhoods allow their members to copy new magics as reward for loyal service, or for delivering a
heretofore unknown spell to the brotherhoods library.
Affinity/Deficiency: True Ronin Shugenja have no Affinity to any element, and no Deficiency to any element. Clan Ronin or Ronin
who studied at a clan school of magic gain the Affinity and Deficiency of their school.

The Order of Isashi

Little is known of the ronin shugenja who first called himself Isashi, only that he appeared near the end of the second war against
luchiban. Without thought of reward or any regard for his own safety, he traveled in the wake of the demonic armies, healing the
wounded and brining the dying to their final rest He was perhaps Rokugans first combat medic, offering healing to anyone who
needed it regardless of clan or station. When he was slain by luchibans demonic hordes near the end of the war, a dozen more ronin
shugenja formed an order of healers in his name and continued his work. To this day, the Order of Isashi travels throughout Rokugan,
visiting the most war-torn and savaged areas of the Empire and offering their aid as healers. Primarily they are found near the
Carpenter Wall (as the war there never ends) though in recent years they have appeared more often in Lion and Crane lands as well.
Type: Brotherhood
Required Traits: Water 3
Required Skills: Calligraphy 1, Herbalism 2, Medicine 2, Meditation 1
Other Requirements: Higher Purpose (heal the sick), Soft Hearted; at least two of the shugenjas starting spells must have a healing
Location: Carpenter Wall, mobile
Special: Isashis Gift - (6 points) Whenever the shugenja casts a spell that heals or negates damage, poison, or illness he receives two
free Raises.

The Fortunes Grace

Among the common people shugenja serve most frequenfly as mediums, go-betweens with the spirit world. Foremost among these is
an order of ronin shugenja known as the Fortunes Grace, who specialize in communicating with household spirits and calming angry
ghosts for the peasantry. The shugenja of the Fortunes Grace are exclusively women, who begin their training from an early age and
take strict vows of celibacy in order to maintain their purity from the physical planes corruption. (A shugenja character who takes this
school and violates her vow of celibacy loses the school advantage listed here, but retains all of her other abilities as a shugenja.) The
Fortunes Grace are mobile throughout Rokugan but their main temple is a small monastery a days travel from the Shrine of the Ki-
Type: Sisterhood
Required Traits: Air 3
Required Skills: Lore (Ghosts & Spirits) 3, Meditation 2, Theology 2
Other Requirements: Obligation (4 points, vow of celibacy), Innate Ability (Commune)
Location: Phoenix territories, mobile
Special: To Touch the Kami - (4 points) So long as the medium maintains her vows she holds a close connection to the spirit world,
even closer than most shugenja. She may cast Commune a number of times a day equal to her highest Ring without affecting the
number of spells she may cast that day.

Cult of the Blood-Red Moon

The Cult of the Blood-Red Moon is one of the largest and most successful Bloodspeaker cells. Its current leader is a mysterious
individual who claims to be the reincarnation of Jama Suru. Whether or not this is true is anyones guess, but the results of the dark
shugenjas research are astounding. Surus Bloodspeakers are less vulnerable to madness and corruption than most tsukai, making
them capable of casting more black magic and rendering them more difficult to track by tsukai-sugasu. The Cult of the Blood-Red
Moon is composed of heimin and ronin seeking a quick avenue to power, power which Suru gladly bestows upon them. The Cult is
designed as an NPC-only brotherhood, and its point values are included for informational purposes only.
Type: Bloodspeaker Cell
Required Traits: Earth 4,
Required Skills: Lore: Maho 3, Meditation: 2, Cipher 1, Calligraphy 1
Other Requirements: Shadowlands Taint (at least 4 points), Dark Secret (tsukai), Shugenja
Location: Phoenix provinces
Special: Bleeding the Elements - (8 points) The maho-tsukai has mastered the art of turning the dark power of his magic away from
himself, dispersing it to the elements. Each time the tsukai casts maho, he may make an Willpower roll vs the same TN as the spell. If
this roll is successful, then the amount of Taint the character accumulates is lowered to one fourth (round down). Unfortunately, the
use of this technique is not subtle. The immediate area immediately begins to show symptoms of Taint: plants wither and die, statuary
takes on a fiendish look, animals move away, etc. The cultist may also choose two maho spells as part of his starting repertoire.

Ronin Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Clan Ronin take the Outfit of their clan.

True Ronin Bushi Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality; two items of Poor Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 10 Arrows of any type, Light Armor,
Traveling Pack, Kimono, 10 zeni (copper coins).

True Ronin Shugenja Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Wakizashi, Tanto, Traveling Pack, Kimono, Scroll Satchel, 10 zeni (copper coins).
Ronin heritage may seem somewhat of an oxymoron. After all, what sort of heritage could a samurai with no master bear? What sort
of noble ancestors could such an ignoble warrior possibly have? Get those ideas out of your head. Remember, a born ronin is rare.
Such an individual is the offspring of a successful parent, a ronin of such prowess and repute that they could afford to pass their
station on to their children. As a result, born ronin have as many stories to tell as a samurai of the Great Clans. This heritage table is
for born ronin characters. True ronin characters from vassal families may choose to roll on this table, or roll on the table of the clan
which their family once served. Clan ronin do not roll on these tables. Heimin characters may not roll on this heritage table, as they do
not yet have any heroic ancestors. Their history is just beginning. In any case, a character may roll on the following tables up to three
times, but each roll costs one Character Point Begin with Heritage Table 1 and proceed as instructed. No extra Character Points are
gained for any Disadvantages given by this table. At the GMS option, the following tables are generic enough that a Minor Clan
character could also use them. The only exception to this is the Great Battles, which should be replaced with battles appropriate to the
specific clan or re-rolled.


Roll Result
1-2 Undistinguished Past. No benefits or penalties.
3-5 Dishonorable Past, see Table 2.
6-7 Honorable Past, see Table 3.
8-9 Mixed Blessings, see Table 4.
0 Great Clan Heritage, see Table 5. (This result may only be rolled once.)


Honorless dog! This result will reveal the origin of your familys ronin status. If you roll on this table multiple times, then you must
have had one pretty foul ancestor. If you value your life, keep your distance from your ancestors former clan. Roll on table 5 to
determine the clan your ancestor came from, but gain no other benefits from that table.
Roll Result
1 Murderer! Your ancestor was a villain of the worst sort, slaying his daimyo and fleeing justice! The clan still hunts your
familys blood with a terrible vengeance. You begin the game with a bounty on your head of 20 koku.
2 Illegitimate! You are the shameful result of an unholy affair between a samurai and an eta! Lose one rank of Honor, begin the
game with the Dark Secret Disadvantage and pray to every Fortune that you can name that no one finds out.
3-4 Coward! Your ancestor abandoned his clan in the heat of battle, heaping disgrace upon your line. Gain a Sworn Enemy in your
ancestors former clan.
5-6 Dishonored! Your ancestor was cast out of the clan for shameful behavior. His kinsmen expect no better from his spawn. Roll
two fewer dice on all social interactions with the former clan.
7-8 Disloyal! Your ancestor left the clan to seek his own fortune, and lost it instead. Begin the game with no koku. All of your
starting equipment is Poor Quality, except one item.
9-0 Oath-breaker! Your ancestor left to spare the clan from any stigma as he undertook a potentially dishonorable vendetta.
Unfortunately, he failed. Now, you must fulfill his vow or bear the dishonor. Gain the Driven Disadvantage. Your ancestor will
not allow you to swear fealty to any clan, no matter the circumstances, until your vow is fulfilled.


Your ancestor is the sort of ronin after whom legends are crafted!
Roll Result
1-3 Significant Death, see Table 3A
4-7 Prestigious Duty, see Table 3B
8-0 Heroic Deed, see Table 3C

Roll Result
1-3 Killed in a duel. Gain 3 boxes of Honor and 1 rank in either Iaijutsu or Kenjutsu.
4-8 Killed in a battle. Unfortunately, this is rarely a positive thing, as ronin are usually the scapegoats of the Great Clans. Roll again
to determinte the battle:
1-2: Battle of White Stag - Your ancestor was one of the saboteurs who destroyed the gaijin ships in Golden Sun Bay. Add one
piece of Gaijin Gear to your starting outfit, but add Dark Secret as well Your family knows that the gaijin of White Stag were
invited to Otosan Uchi at the Emperors request, and the Ikoma would go to great lengths to silence such knowledge.
3-4: Battle of the Rolling Waves - Your ancestor was one of Nakanos famous pirates. Though these men were generally
considered villains, they are heroes among the Mantis. Gain one rank of Sailing and a Minor Ally in the Mantis. Lose one rank
of Honor.
5-6: Battle of White Shore Plain - Your ancestor fought on the side of the Scorpion, dying an ignominious death in part of their
great game. In an uncharacteristic gesture of kindness, the Scorpion made minor restitution toward your family. Gain a Minor
Ally among the Scorpion, but gain a 2 point Obligation toward that same Scorpion.
7-8: Battle of Sleeping River - Your ancestor died in combat against the dark forces of luchiban. However, before he died, he
returned with... something. Begin with a nemuranai of the GMS choice - but keep in mind that this is a Bloodspeaker artifact.
Be careful.
9-0: Five Nights of Shame - The battle against the Snake Clan was a dark time in Rokugans history, but it forged a special bond
between Phoenix and ronin. Gain a Fine Quality item of Phoenix make, or an extra spell if you are a shugenja. On the down
side, all maho that targets your character receives a free Raise.
9-0 Seppuku. Roll again to determine the circumstances:
1-6: After cleansing himself of the shame that cast him from the clan, your ancestor committed seppuku to preserve the honor of
the line. The clan approved, and has kept close tabs upon your ancestors descendants. Some day you may be invited to return to
the clan, if you set a good example. Their eyes are upon you. Do not fail. Roll on Table 5 to determine the clan, but gain no
other benefits from that table.
7-0: After undertaking a secret mission for the benefit of the clan, your ancestor took his own life to hide the secret. You will
never be allowed to swear fealty in that clan, but you gain a Major Ally within the clan who gives you help, support, and advice.
Begin with the starting outfit of a bushi of that clan.


Roll Result
1-2 Yoriki. Your ancestor served as an assistant to an Emerald Magistrate. Gain 5 boxes of Glory and one Rank of Law.
3-4 Skilled Teacher. Your ancestor shared his knowledge with the world, and passed it on to you as well. Gain 5 Character Points
which must be used to purchase five new skills at Rank 1.
5-7 Village Ward Your ancestor made his name by protecting and fortifying a heimin village. You gain Way of the Land for that
area for free, and may purchase a True Friend or Ally from that area for 2 points less.
8-9 Advisor. Your ancestors skills placed him in high demand throughout Rokugan, and the family prospered. You gain one rank
in Battle, Iaijutsu, or Siege (whichever was your ancestors specialty). If you roll on the Random Starting Outfit Table (in the
Appendix) add 2 to your result.
0 Temple Guard. Your ancestor humbly lent his sword to the defense of a group of pacifist monks. As a result of his generosity,
your line has been blessed by the Fortunes. Gain 1 Void.


Roll Result
1-2 Rescue! Your ancestor recovered the lost heir of a powerful daimyo. Gain 1 rank of Honor and a Major Ally in that clan.
Someday, you may be allowed to swear fealty if you prove the heroic deed was not merely a fluke.
3-4 Hero! Your ancestor defeated a powerful ronin bandit lord. Gain 3 koku and roll an extra dice on all interactions with
5-6 Artist! Your ancestor created a great poem, painting, story, or other work of profound and lasting beauty. Select any one artisan
skill and receive two free Raises whenever you use it.
7-8 Sage! Your ancestor was a great and wise shugenja, who created many strange and powerful spells. If you are a shugenja, gain
an extra spell of your choice (including rare or clanspecific spells). If you are a bushi, gain one level of Magic Resistance.
9-0 Explorer! Your ancestor mapped out a previously unexplored area of the Empire. Gain Absolute Direction, one rank of
Navigation or Sailing, and begin with a map of that area.

Some bloodlines run stronger than others. Though you no longer bear the name of your former clan,
your ancestors still consider you one of their own. They constantly watch over you, encouraging you
to greater things. You may purchase any ancestor from the clan you roll on this table, and may begin
the game with the family Trait bonus of one of that clans families by paying an additional 4 CP.
(Actually 5 CP total. counting the Heritage Table roll.) Note: Though many ronin in Rokugan are
Scorpion, most of these are Clan ronin. This table reflects this.
Roll Result
1 Crab
2-3 Crane
4 Dragon
5-6 Lion
7 Phoenix
8 Scorpion
9 Unicorn
0 Minor Clan
1: Badger
2: Centipede
3: Dragonfly
4: Falcon
5: Fox
6: Hare
7: Mantis
8: Sparrow
9: Tortoise
0: Wasp


Roll Result
1-2 Hunted! Your ancestor learned some disturbing truths about his former clan. Gain Lore: Kolat at Rank 1 and a Major Enemy in
the former Clan.
3-4 Bounty! Your ancestor defeated a powerful bandit horde by joining their ranks and betraying them from within. Gain 5 koku of
bounty money, but lose one rank of Honor. Other ronin may know your familys reputation, and will be wary of trusting your
5-6 Demon-slayer! Your ancestor fought and defeated a terrible oni at the side of the Kuni Witch Hunters. Gain a Major Ally in the
Kuni, but also gain 1 die of Shadowlands Taint for the retributive strike the dying oni leveled against your familys bloodline.
7-8 Treasure! Your ancestor discovered a weapon of Excellent Quality. Perhaps it is even magical. Unfortunately, it is also stolen.
Youd return it to the proper owners, but youre afraid that your ancestor may have been the thief.
9-0 Tragic Hero! Your ancestor faced a powerful daimyo in a duel. The daimyo was quite elderly, and stubbornly refused to let
anyone duel in his place. Your ancestor allowed himself to be defeated in order to let the clan save face. Gain a Rank 3 Favor
from that clan as a gesture of their gratitude. On the down side, your ancestor is now widely regarded to be a weakling, a
coward, and a fool. Your Glory is considered 2 Ranks lower until the day you swear fealty. (You could use the favor to negate
this effect, but then youve gained nothing.)


Step One: You Are a Monk

Write Monk under Profession on your character sheet You do not begin with family or clan. A monk has severed all connections
to the clan or family to which he belonged (if any), starting anew with a fresh slate. Though some samurai occasionally acknowledge
relatives who have retired to a life of contemplation, the monks path must be traveled alone. Thus monk characters receive no family
Trait bonus, even if they are descended from the family of a Great Clan. Characters who do not purchase the Clan Background
Advantage were not born to the samurai class at all.Monk Begin with Glory 2, plus zero boxes, instead of one to reflect the general
recognition of monk to the people of Rokugan, but this Glory rating will never increase or decrease during the life of the Monk.All
monk characters are considered to have the Ascetic disadvantage, but receive no bonus Character Points for it. This disadvantage does
not count toward the maximum 10 points of disadvantages a character may select
Benefit: +1 Void
Monk characters do not attend a school per se. The road to enlightenment is a personal thing, and all who follow the Tao do so in their
own ways. However, each of the major temples in Rokugan follows a general path toward enlightenment and tends to pass similar
ideas and philosophies on to its students. A monk character can choose any one of the following temples as his starting school. This
does not necessarily indicate that the monk attended the temple in question, but his teachers followed the same general philosophies as
that temple.

Step Two: Select a Temple

The Four Temples
The Four Temples that surround Kyuden Seppun are the heart of the Empires religion. The shinpu of these temples believe that
enlightenment cannot be gained by separating oneself from the world, but only by going forth and living in it These monks frequently
serve as advisors, especially to generals or other military figures. This archetype works well for other temples that associate regularly
with the outside.
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Courtier, Etiquette, Hand-to-Hand, Meditation, Shintao, Zanji, any one Skill
Benefit: Monks of the Four Temples roll an extra die when using any High Skills.
The Temple of the Seven Fortunes
The Seven Fortunes have countless temples throughout Rokugan. The monks that serve these greater deities believe that the truest
strength comes not from the Fortunes, but from wisdom. The Fortunes are not meant to coddle mankind, but help mortals in their
quest for wisdom. As a result, these monks are among the most educated individuals in Rokugan. These monks believe that only
through the refinement and cultivation of the mind can true enlightenment be gained. This archetype works well for any temple with a
high concentration on learning and internal dialogue.
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Atemi, Hand-to-Hand, History, Meditation, Shintao, any Lore skill, any High Skill
Benefit: Monks of the Temples of the Seven Fortunes begin with an additional kiho.
Shrine of the Seven Thunders
The yamabushi of the Shrine of the Seven Thunders are extremely reclusive, rarely venturing from their mountain retreat These
monks believe that enlightenment can only be found in solitude, in peace, and in quiet contemplation. These monks occasionally
venture down from the mountains to visit the world from which they have separated themselves. Many are intrigued by the variety of
the outside world, or challenged by the prospect of bringing enlightenment to the Empire. These individuals may remain outside the
temples boundaries indefinitely. These monks tend to be clumsy and uncertain in manners of etiquette, but their honor is
unquestionable. This archetype works well for any reclusive temple focused on solitary meditation. (Note: Though the Elemental
Acolytes are all given their titles by this temple, they need not have begun their training here.)
Beginning Honor: 3, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Fasting, Hand-to-Hand, Meditation, Mountaineer, Shintao 2, Zanji
Benefit: A monk from this temple may choose to focus on one element, choosing all of his starting kiho from that element If he does
so, his Mastery Level in the corresponding Ring is considered to be 1 higher than normal.
Temple of Osano-Wo
The Temple of Osano-Wo is known as the birthplace of the sohei, warrior monks as fearsome as any bushi. The sohei are normally
peaceful, but retaliate violently against any blasphemy or unwarranted incursion into their territory. The sohei believe that
enlightenment and mastery of the art of war are by no means mutually exclusive. These monks are relentless, resourceful, and reliable.
They can be terrible foes or powerful allies. Any temple with an emphasis on martial arts and weapons training will work well with
this school archetype.
Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Battle, Meditation, Shintao, two Bugei Skills, any Hand-to-Hand skill 2
Benefit: A monk from this temple may keep an additional die of damage on all Hand-to-Hand attacks. (This is cumulative with Stone
Hands, if that Advantage is taken.). The monk may add one weapon of choice to his starting outfit
Temple of Kaimetsu-uo
The three Temples of Kaimetsu-uo follow an amended Path of Purification. Instead of being prohibited from violence, monks of
Kaimetsu-uo are not allowed to initiate violence, but may react defensively. Many monks never see a fight, preferring to remain

cloistered and practice their martial arts. In addition, monks are prohibited from exhibitionism (both bragging and showing oft), and
many eschew weapons (although the Temples rules do not prohibit them). The rest of the monastic charter remains in effect
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Skills: Defense, Fasting, Hand-to-Hand (Kaze-do), Meditation, Shintao, any one Skill
Benefit: A monk from one of the Temples of Kaimetsu-uo receives the Bland Advantage (from Way of the Phoenix, page 50) for free.

Step Three: Select Kiho

A monk character begins with three kiho of his choice. A Rank 1 monk may purchase additional kiho during character creation at the
cost of twice its Mastery Level in Character Points. None of these kiho may have a Mastery Level greater than the monks Ring +
Rank. Whenever a monks Rank increases, he may learn an additional two kiho. The amount of time it takes to learn new kiho is up to
the GM, but should be a time-consuming process. Even at higher Ranks, a monks choice of kiho is restricted by Mastery Level, and
he may never have a greater number of kiho in an element than his Ring in that element

Monks hail from all walks of life. Samurai, peasants, even lowly eta are invited to follow the path of Shinsei, but the path is not easy.
Shintao monasteries practice a rigorous program of training and tedious menial labor for novices, meant to weed out the lazy and
curious. Some would-be initiates return with tales of bizarre and poinfless tasks, such as fetching buckets of water from a river five
miles away when a nearby stream would have done just as well, moving large piles of rocks to the other side of the courtyard only to
then move them back, or peeling the bark from trees with their bare hands. Most peasants who join the Brotherhood happily return to
work the fields after the first week. A monk player character is assumed to be one of the rare few that not only has survived the initial
training process, but has triumphed, gaining a sliver of enlightenment in the form of kiho. Kiho are similar to spells, for each falls
under the domain of a particular element Unlike spells, kiho do not use scrolls, but draw upon the monks own elements and natural
skill. Kiho can most easily be defined as two parts martial arts and one part magic. Each kiho symbolizes a step in the dance of the
elements, a small piece in the puzzle of creation. Though many of these spectacular feats can be explained by mental discipline or
athletic ability, some are completely inexplicable. In an attempt by the scribes of the Brotherhood to clarify the strange
powers they possess, kiho have been classified into four categories: Mushin, Aiki, Kharmic, and Zanshin.

The term mushin means thought without thought and is suggestive of the rigorous, repetitious kata practice these kiho demand.
Mushin kiho depend upon physical contact, practiced to the point where action no longer requires thought Unless the kiho says
otherwise, all are delivered via unarmed attacks. Only one mushin kiho may be used with each attack. Many, but not all, mushin
require subtie strikes upon the bodys nerve centers; these strikes are known as atemi. Atemi often do no damage; most atemi are
delivered by a single fingertip. Clever monks can use these techniques without initiating combat Unfortunately, armor covers many of
the vital nerve areas necessary for atemi. An opponent gains double the TN bonus normally provided by armor against any atemi
based kiho. A character with the Atemi skill can make additional (not free) Raises equal to1/2 his Atemi skill (round up) on all Atemi

The meaning of the word is as ephemeral as the art itself, but united life force is the closest translation. These are the most passive
and defensive of kiho, depending upon deep meditation and strictly regulated patterns of consciousness. The monk bonds his chi to
the power of a particular element, adjusting the flow of energy through his body and mind, altering his abilities and natural defenses
dramatically. Many aiki bear terrible drawbacks as well so it is recommended that they be used carefully, if at all. A monk may only
use one aiki at a time. Activating an aiki or switching from one aiki to another requires either fifteen minutes of meditation or a single
action and expenditure of one Void Point

Kharma is perhaps the most powerful force in Shintao philosophy. The kharmic wheel spins, distributing every soul its due, and
returning every action to its point of origin. Kharmic kiho draw upon a bit of this power and are among the most potent kiho.
Unfortunately, each kharmic has a specific trigger, and these kiho have no effect unless their trigger occurs. A monk may only have
one kharmic kiho active at a time, and can switch from one to another via fifteen minutes of meditation or a single action
accompanied by spending one Void Point

The term zanshin is abstract, roughly translating to supreme awareness. Zanshin kiho defy explanation. Any kiho that does not fit
neatly into one of the other three groups is a product of zanshin. Zanshin kiho produce incredible effects, comparable only to magic~
Only the most skilled and enlightened monks can master the arts of zanshin, and even they seldom understand how their powers
function. There are no limitations to how many zanshin a monk may have active at one time, though most require expenditure of Void
in order to be used.

Non-Monks and Kiho

Though the Brothers of Shinsei are the undisputed masters of kiho, these strange displays of elemental mastery are not their exclusive
domain. Shugenja may also gain a certain degree of kiho mastery, as can other individuals whose training focuses upon martial
training and spirituality. The ise zumi of the Dragon, the henshin of the Phoenix, the Kitsu family sodan-senzo of the Lion, and the
Kuni tsukai-sagasu (witch hunters) of the Crab are types of non-monks who may learn kiho. Initial kiho must be chosen during
character creation, or when advancing in rank. A non-monk character may only know one kiho per Rank. Non-monk characters must
pay a number of Character Points or Experience Points equal to twice the Mastery level of the kiho. Further, the character must have
some knowledge of the Tao (Meditation and Shintao skills at Rank 1) and spend a great deal of time in private meditation before
learning the kiho (six months is a good minimum). Non-monks are bound by very strict limitations regarding kiho choice. Shugenja
may add only half their Rank (round up) to their appropriate Ring to determine Mastery level. Non-shugenja must use only their Ring.
Like monks, a non-monk may never have a greater number of kiho in one element than his rank in the corresponding Ring. When
using a kiho, effects that depend upon their users Rank function as if their user were Rank 1 for all nonmonk characters.

Note: Though the following descriptions often refer to monks, any character capable of using kiho may use all the effects listed

Earth Kiho

Hearth of Stone
Type: Kharmic
Mastery: 3
The spirit is never so strong as when it is tested. This kiho symbolizes this truth, granting the monk the durability of stone in the face
of destruction. When this kiho is active, the monk may spend a Void Point after he receives Wounds in order to reduce to 10 all dice
that roll greater than 10.

Rest, My Brother
Type: Mushin
Mastery: 3
This kiho was first discovered by a retired tsukai-sagasu. After spending a lifetime striving to defeat the creatures of the Shadowlands,
he learned to direct the purity of his chi against those twisted by corruption. The kiho draws out the inherent purity of the targets soul,
bringing it into conflict with its Taint and causing terrible damage as darkness and light war within the targets soul. The tsukai-sagasu
was quite pleased with the results and began teaching the kiho to any others who could master it. When using this kiho, any attacks
the monk makes against an individual with the Shadowlands Taint roll and keep an additional number of attack and damage dice equal
to twice the targets Shadowlands Rank. Note that this technique is ineffective against creatures without a Shadowlands Rank (both
native creatures of the Shadowlands and uncorrupted opponents), as there is no inherent imbalance for the kiho to draw upon. This
kiho has also been used as an effective, if blunt, method of rooting out those who secretly carry the Taint, as it can be delivered with a
single touch. This kiho can be used with a weapon or with bare-handed attacks. This kiho has a Mastery Level of 2 for all Crab

Cleansing Spirit
Type: Aiki
Mastery: 4
The monk who has reached this state of consciousness has learned to circulate pure chi through his body, removing all external
impurities. While this kiho is in effect, the monk receives a bonus to all rolls to resist poisons and corruptive influences (drugs,
alcohol, poison, etc) Any attempts the monk makes to resist any corruptive effects roll a number of bonus dice equal to the monks
Earth. By spending a Void Point, the monk can attempt to cleanse himself of poisons that normally have no antidote. In this case, the
monk must also roll his Earth vs. a TN of 30, with no bonus dice. A master of this kiho can even attempt to cleanse himself (and only
himself) of the Shadowlands Taint or corruption by the Lying Darkness. This is a difficult process, requiring at least a week of
meditation. At the end of this time, the monk spends a Void Point and makes an Earth roll vs. a TN of 40. He may then reduce his
Shadowlands Taint by one box, permanently. Five successful attempts will remove one Shadow Point, permanently. Like many aiki,
this kiho has its drawbacks. While the spirit is protecting the body, the mind is unguarded. Any attempts to possess or influence the
monks mind with either magic or social skills receive a number of free Raises equal to the monks Water.

Grasp the Earth Dragon

Type: Aiki
Mastery: 4
This kiho allows the monk to fuse his spirit with the stability of the Earth Dragon, drawing upon vast reserves of inner strength. While
under the Earth Dragons power, the monk cannot be forced to lose consciousness by any outside forces short of actual death. Further,
any TN penalties (including those caused by wounds) are decreased by an amount equal to the monks Rank x 5. While under the
effect of this kiho, the monks spirit is encased within the stoic nature of Earth, rendering him unable to speak. If the monk loses
contact with the earth for more than a few seconds, this kihos effects are negated and he must meditate for fifteen minutes or spend a
Void Point to activate it again.

Type: Mushin
Mastery: 4
Many Earth kiho focus upon stillness and stability. Tsuchi-do is not one of these kiho. Tsuchi-do is an incarnation of the raw fury of
the earth, the power of the avalanche and the rage of the earthquake. Tsuchi-do is a fierce and unrelenting embrace, crushing
opponents with the limitless power of the earth. To use this kiho, the monk must first deliver a Hand-to-Hand attack with two Raises,
roughly seizing his opponent about the body. If the monk makes four Raises, his opponents arms will be pinned, leaving him unable
to attack. (This attack does normal Hand-to-Hand damage.) If the victims arms are not pinned and he chooses to attack, his attack
rolls are divided by two (rounded down). If he chooses to break free, he must succeed in a contested Earth roll against the monk. (This
can be attempted once per round.) Each round the monk maintains the hold, he automatically rolls damage dice equal to his Earth +
Rank, keeping the a number of dice equal to his Earth. Note that a monk can take no other actions nor move while holding a target in
the grip of tsuchi-do. The immobile monks base TN to be hit is a mere 5.

Root the Mountain

Type: Zanshin
Mastery: 6
This kiho focuses on the mastery of the itten, a point just below the navel, the repository of the soul and the bodys center of gravity.
By focusing Earth in the itten one becomes nearly impossible to topple or move. At any time the monk may make an Earth roll vs. a
TN of 25 to activate this kiho. (This requires the use of one action.) While the kiho is active, any attempts to lift, throw, or otherwise
forcibly move the monk face a Target Number of the monks Earth x 15. The monk may make a number of attacks each round equal
to half his Earth, rounded up; these cannot be ranged attacks. The monk may not move, but his TN to be hit is unchanged (what he
lacks in mobility is made up for by the durability this kiho grants). The downside to this kiho is its total immobility. The monk cannot
declare Full Defense or Full Attack, and may not move until he spends an action to make another Earth roll vs. TN 15 to negate the
kihos effects.

Walk Through the Mountain

Type: Zanshin
Mastery: 7
A master of this kiho has attained a profound fellowship with the earth. By spending a Void Point, the monk may pass through earth
and stone without harm. Neither the monk nor the stone become immaterial; they simply cease to affect each other. This kiho lasts for
a number of minutes equal to the monks Earth, during which the monk may breathe normally and move freely. This kiho can be
risky, for the inside of solid stone is completely dark. If the monk should become lost, he may become trapped with no further Void to
spend. (The monk is not harmed if trapped in stone, though he may suffocate if he cannot replenish his Void quickly.) Occasionally,
monks who wish to understand the true nature of earth use this kiho to disappear into the heart of a mountain. Some never return.
Using this kiho also allows travel across quicksand, quagmire, or any other unstable earthen surface as if it were solid ground for the
same duration.
Water Kiho

Freezing the Lifeblood

Type: Mushin (Atemi)
Mastery: 3
This is one of the most basic atemi. The monk makes a simple fingertip strike, usually directed at the throat, spine, or heart, causing
no damage. If the monk strikes successfully, he may spend a Void Point to make a contested Water roll against his target If the monk
wins the contested roll, his target is paralyzed for that round and a number of rounds afterward equal to the monks Rank. A victim of
this kiho may make another opposed Water roll each round in order to resist the kihos effects, but must spend a Void Point every
time he wishes to do so.

Type: Kharmic
Mastery: 3
As water is forced down, the surrounding water rises up in greater strength. Such is the power of this kiho. To use musubi, the monk
must first declare a Full Defense. If an attacker fails to strike him, the monk can strike back the following round, gaining a bonus to
his roll equal to the amount by which the attackers roll missed. This attack can only be directed against the opponent who failed to
strike the monk.

Slap the Wave

Type: Mushin
Mastery: 3
Slap the Wave is undoubtedly one of the most dramatic of the Water kiho. The monk summons his chi into a powerful kiai shout,
accompanied by a deafening clap and expenditure of a Void Point These gestures send ripples through the elements, confusing and
disorienting everyone in the area. Anyone who hears the slap must make a Water roll vs. the monks Water x 5. If this roll fails, he
becomes disoriented, subtracting a number of dice equal to the monks Water divided by two (round up) from all actions. This effect
persists for a number of rounds equal to the monks Water. Note that both friends and foes are affected by this kiho; only those
entirely without hearing and the character who delivers the slap are immune. This kiho is used often by traveling monks to quell angry
mobs or to escape groups of pursuers.

Chi Protection
Type: Mushin (Atemi)
Mastery: 4
Also called chi gung, this is the most potent healing kiho. Strangely, this atemi applies many of the same nerve-center strikes and joint
manipulation techniques used in the infamous Death Touch. The practitioner delivers a number of fingertip strikes and painful-
looking manipulations to his subject over the course of ten minutes. At the end of this time, the practitioner spends a Void Point Both
characters then add their Water together and make a single roll vs. a TN of 30. Wound penalties for both practitioner and target affect
this roll. If successful, a number of Wound levels are healed equal to the practitioners Water, plus one for every Raise. A character

may use this ability to heal himself; simply roll as if the monk were his own subject. This kiho may also be used to counter the effects
of any other nerve-strike atemi kiho. In most cases, the monk must simply strike the affected character with a fingertip attack, spend a
Void Point, and make a contested Water roll against whomever delivered the original atemi. If successful, the atemi effect is
immediately negated. Certain atemi attacks require more involved methods of healing, detailed in their own descriptions.

Speak to the Soul

Type: Zanshin
Mastery: 4
Through use of this kiho, the monk allows his own spirit to resonate in harmony with an inanimate object By touching a person or
object, then spending a Void Point, the monk immediately learns the subjects elemental makeup. He learns which element (or Ring)
is strongest, and whether the spirit of an inanimate object is awakened (i.e., a nemuranai). This kiho will also notify the monk whether
the subject is corrupted by the Taint, and it reveals the touch of the Lying Darkness as an absence of all elements. (If the monk is not
familiar with the Shadow, this could be more confusing than informative.)

Ride the Water Dragon

Type: Aiki
Mastery: 5
This powerful aiki fills its user with the spirit of water, greatly improving his healing capabilities. The character heals Wounds equal
to his Water each minute the aiki is in effect. Unfortunately, this kiho renders the user somewhat sluggish as the excess of Water
collects in his muscles. Any damage rolls the monk makes while this kiho is in effect automatically keep the lowest dice.

The Boundless Depth of Water

Type: Kharmic
Mastery: 6
The master of this kiho learns that there is no end to the bodys endurance; as long as the spirit survives the body may be enticed to
endure. If a monks Wounds reach Down, Out, or Dead while this kiho is active, the monk automatically spends 2 Void Points and
regains a number of Wound levels equal to his Water + Rank. If the monk does not have at least 2 Void Points to spend, the kiho does
nothing. This kiho will not revive a monk who has been killed. This kiho puts an extreme shock upon the monks systems. He can
make no maneuvers except Full Defense for 10 rounds minus his Water + Rank. The kiho will not activate during this recovery

Spirit of Water
Type: Zanshin
Mastery: 7
This extraordinary kiho allows the character to step between the bonds of the elements, momentarily disappearing from reality. The
monk simply steps out of sight, spends a Void Point, and reappears anywhere in his previous range of vision. It is unknown exactly
where the monk goes in the interim, or how he traverses the intervening distance. It is known, however, that the kiho will not function
if anyone can see the monk. He must step out of sight, or the kiho fails to work. Only the monk and whatever he can easily carry are
Fire Kiho

Ai Uchi
Type: Kharmic
Mastery: 3
This is the most basic, and perhaps the most powerful, of all kharmic kiho. The monk waits for the moment when his attacker is most
vulnerable: the moment of a successful strike. At the beginning of any round a character with this kiho may declare that he intends to
attempt a kharmic strike, lowering his TN to Be Hit to 5. As soon as he is struck with any blow that would cause Wounds, he
counterattacks before damage is rolled, striking the target automatically. The monk may not make Raises on this attack, but gains a
number of free Raises equal to the number of Raises made by his attacker. A kharmic strike attack may be delivered a number of
times per round equal to the monks Fire divided by two (round down). Only one counterattack may be made per each successful
strike against the monk. Note that the kharmic strike does not prevent Wounds. Both the monk and his target make damage rolls

Channel the Fire Dragon

Type: Aiki
Mastery: 3
This kiho grants incredible resistance to extremes of heat and cold. Temperature extremes no longer bother the monk, not even the
most chilling blizzards or boiling heat waves. The monk can withstand extraordinary temperature extremes for short periods, walking
across hot coals or seizing frozen metal in his bare hands with no effect In game terms, any fire or cold damage the character receives
always drops a number of dice equal to the monks Rank. All damage dice from heat and cold that roll below the monks Fire are also
dropped. While the monk is under the effect of this kiho, his concentration and focus become nearly impenetrable. The distractions of
the outside world are shut away, and there is only the moment The monk may speak only in one-word sentences. Such a character is
easily surprised (+10 TN to all rolls to perceive ambush).

Falling Star Strike
Type: Mushin (Atemi)
Mastery: 4
This is a subtle, yet potentially deadly, atemi strike. After a successful fingertip strike, the monk may spend a Void Point and make a
contested Fire roll against his opponent If this roll is successful, the opponent is struck blind for a number of rounds equal to the
monks Fire. All Perception checks or other actions dependent upon sight receive a +20 TN for the blinded character, and he is likely
to fall or injure himself as he stumbles about The blinded character gains only half his normal Reflexes bonus to his TN to Be Hit

Type: Mushin
Mastery: 4
Kuzushi is the art of unbalancing an opponent It is a quick, precise attack to an opponents joints or other vulnerable areas. Kuzushi
itself does no Wounds, but maneuvers the opponent in such a way that future attacks will be more effective. For every 5 by which the
monk succeeds in his attack roll, he gains a free Raise to attack that same opponent in the following round. These free Raises are only
applicable to this opponent, and must be used in the round immediately afterward. Note that the monk does not necessarily have to
take advantage of the free Raises; they can be used by any character attacking the same opponent. Kuzushi may be delivered with a
weapon or a Hand-to.Hand attack.

Breaking Blow
Type: Mushin
Mastery: 4
Also called tamashiwara, this kiho focuses the mind and body to the execution of one goal: destruction. Using nothing more than his
bare hands, the monk can deliver a blow to shatter stone, crumble wood, or split a samurais armor. Though many kiho are subtle and
reclusive arts, tamashiwara can be very competitive. Some masters have broken as many as a dozen wood planks or clay bricks with a
single blow, and proudly hold open challenges to surpass these records. It is not an uncommon sight to see traveling monks meet one
another at festivals in order to compare their skills. The greatest masters can approach a pile of bricks, invite a spectator to select a
specific brick, then shatter the pile with a single blow, leaving the selected brick unharmed. To use tamashiwara, the monk must
simply make a bare-handed attack. First, the monk spends a Void Point and makes an attack roll against the object (in the case of
inanimate targets, the attack roll is unnecessary). The monk then makes a Fire roll against a predetermined Target Number (see
below). The affected thickness can be doubled for every Raise the monk makes on his Fire roll.
Ceramics/Glass TN 5 1 thickness
Wood TN 10 4 thickness
Brick TN 15 3 thickness
Stone TN 20 2 thickness
Metal TN 25 1 thickness
(Note that the somewhat suicidal notion of punching a moving katana should require several Raises, to say the least Such a tactic will
also automatically allow the person holding the katana to gain initiative on the sword-punching monk.)
If successful, the monk has successfully broken the target, knocking a hole the size of his fist Though the effect is small against
walls or other large structures, an aptly-placed break can threaten even a castles stability. When used against a living opponent, the
Breaking Blow allows the monk to roll and keep a number of extra dice equal to his Fire for damage. This technique requires such
focus and precision that it can never be attempted during a Full Attack. Directing the Breaking Blow specifically at an opponents
armor requires three Raises and does only normal Hand-to-Hand damage to the opponent However, the Armors TN bonus is
permanently reduced by an amount equal to the monks Fire.

Dance of the Flames

Type: Mushin
Mastery: 5
Fire dances and sways as it burns. It is everywhere at once, never still, never unprepared. The master of the Dance of the Flames has
learned to fight like fire, spreading his attack among all that dare to come close. While using a single Hand-to-Hand or weapon skill, a
practitioner of this kiho may make multiple attacks in a single round. The monk gains an additional number of attack dice equal to his
Rank, and then divides that pool as equally as he can among all attackers. This kiho may not be used against less than two attackers at
a time. Kept dice are no longer affected by this kiho. Void can be spent on individual attacks as normal. This mushin kiho may be
used with a weapon, or bare-handed.
For example: A Rank 3 monk with 5 Bojutsu and 3 Agility is being attacked by 4 bandits. He decides to use dance of the Flames. This
allows him to attack each bandit in range, rolling 2k3 dice against each one. Alternately, he could choose to attack only three, rolling
3k3 dice against two of them and 2k3 dice against a bandit of his choice. Or, he could attack two of them, rolling 4k3 against each of
them. If he chose to only attack one bandit, he would not be able to use this kiho and would roll 5k3 normally.

Purity of Shinsei
Type: Zanshin
Mastery: 5
The monk who has mastered the Purity of Shinsei has gained absolute control of his inner fire. He can summon this fire, using it to
light his path or strike fear into the minions of darkness. By spending a Void Point, the monks skin glows with an unearthly light This
radius of the light is equal to ten feet times the monks Fire, and is bright enough to read or travel by. Creatures of the Shadowlands,
the Lying Darkness, and Gakido are irrationally afraid of this light, and are affected by it as if the monk had a Fear Rating equal to his

Fire (frightened creatures who do not have Void drop a die for all actions). This kiho lasts for a number of hours equal to the monks
Fire. Canceling the glow does not end the kiho prematurely.

Type: Aiki
Mastery: 6
This incredible kiho inflates the Fire in its users body, causing his hands, eyes, and weapons to light up with flame. At all times while
under Hitsu-dos effect, the character rolls extra dice equal to his Fire for his attack and damage rolls. Real flame billows from the
monks limbs and eyes, leaving a sparkling corona as he moves. The art of Hitsu-do is an intimidating and amazing sight, and a rare
one. The masters of this kiho are few, for the price of its power is steep. At the end of every round that Hitsu-do is in effect, the
character takes Wounds equal to his Fire. These Wounds cannot be negated or healed until the kiho is deactivated. Fortunately, the
kiho shuts down if the monk is knocked unconscious. This kiho has a Mastery Level of 5 for all Phoenix characters.
Air Kiho

Fortunes Breath
Type: Aiki
Mastery: 3
The monk who has mastered this state of mind knows the art of the true breath; his breath is so strong, pure, and lasting that he needs
little air to survive. While this kiho is active, the monk can go without air for a number of minutes equal to his Air x 5, and may
replenish himself with but a single breath. This kihos drawback is that in casting so much of his spirit upon the winds, one becomes
vulnerable to hostile spirits. Any harmful magic cast upon the monk automatically receives a free Raise.

Way of the Willow

Type: Kharmic
Mastery: 3
Way of the Willow borrows much from the mizu-do fighting style of the Crane. If the monk declares Full Defense and his opponent
declares a Full Attack, the monk may interrupt his opponents initiative and throw him by making a contested Air + Hand-to-Hand
roll vs. his attackers Agility + Weapon Skill. If successful, the attacker is hurled a number of yards equal to the monks Air, in a
direction of the monks choosing. Normal Hand-to-Hand damage is inflicted, plus falling damage if applicable. The opponents attack
is canceled, and he is knocked prone. This kiho has a Mastery level of 2 for all Crane characters.

Stain Upon the Soul

Type: Mushin (Atemi)
Mastery: 4
This is a simple atemi technique, a fingertip attack that inflates the targets nerve centers with elemental Air to cause tremendous pain.
Once the attack roll is successful, the monk may spend a Void Point and make a contested Air roll. If the monk succeeds, the target
receives a TN penalty to all of his skill rolls equal to the monks Air + Rank for a number of rounds equal to the monks Air. The
kihos effect is cumulative if applied multiple times. The fingertip attack causes no Wounds. Victims of this kiho claim that the
sensation is like nothing else, beyond pain and into some other realm of agony. Those who have felt the Stain avoid encountering it a
second time. As an interesting contrast, a few militant sects of monks practice this kiho upon themselves as a form of body hardening
and mortification.

Soul of the Four Winds

Mastery: 4
This strange kiho was introduced to the Brotherhood by the luchi, who discovered it during their travels across the Burning Sands.
Unlike most aiki, it is more a series of movements and counter-movements than a specific mindset It is a highly defensive kiho,
allowing the monk to perceive harm quickly and move out of its path with little effort The monk using Soul of the Four Winds gains a
bonus to his TN to Be Hit equal to his Air + Rank + Defense, but may not declare a Full Attack. This kiho has a Mastery Level of 3
for all Unicorn characters.

The Winds Truth

Mastery: 4
While most aiki involve meditative trances that resist physical hardship, the Winds Truth is something different The monk who fills
his soul with the Winds Truth finds his perceptions heightened in subtle ways. He sees the souls of others painted clearly upon their
faces, and sometimes hears what is meant rather than what is actually said. In other words, he develops a good ear for lies. Any
attempts to lie to or seduce the monk have their target number increased by his Air x 5. Further, whenever the monk hears someone
speak, he may spend a Void Point and make a contested Air roll. If the monk wins, he immediately knows whether the speaker is
lying. The drawback is this: while the monks perceptions are focused upon the subtle, he tends to miss the obvious. Though he can
easily perceive the intentions of another beings spirit, he becomes clumsy in his interactions with the material world. Any non-social
skill rolls made while using this kiho roll three fewer dice. This kiho has a Mastery Level of 3 for all Scorpion characters.

The Great Silence
Type: Zanshin
Mastery: 4
This strange kiho is the bane of courtiers and shugenja. Activating it is a simple task: the monk must meet eyes with his target and
spend a Void Point This allows the monk to make a contested Air roll. If this roll is successful, the target becomes overwhelmed by
the monks chi, temporarily stricken mute. Only a single target is affected. The kiho lasts for a number of minutes equal to the monks
Air, or until the monk spends another Void Point for any reason. Like most zanshin, how this technique works is a mystery. Those
affected by the Great Silence have described its influence as a cold shadow, gripping the throat and filling the lungs Many monks
eschew its use. It is theorized that the Great Silence draws upon the darkest regions of the soul, and that prolonged use may lead to

Steal the Air Dragon

Type: Aiki
Mastery: 5
This strange kiho allows the monk to enhance the elemental Air within his own body, expanding it to create a cloud of distraction and
insignificance. As long as the monk makes no threatening moves, does not speak, and bears no obvious weapons, other intelligent
beings will ignore him. He might walk into the heart of a heavily guarded library, past the yojimbo and guard dogs of a powerful
daimyo, without raising an eyebrow. The monk is not invisible, he just seems to belong. He is insignificant Usually, he will be
forgotten. Particularly alert or dedicated individuals (like all Seppun Miharu) can make a contested Air roll to notice the monk. Once
one person begins drawing attention to the monk, others catch on swiftly, making contested Air rolls with a +5 bonus for every other
individual who has seen through the illusion. If the monk is not seen, he will be forgotten as long as he leaves no evidence of his
passing. If he leaves any noticeable trace, those who failed to notice him will suddenly remember that he was there. For instance, a
monk enters a room full of diplomats, turns over a chair in the corner of the room, and leaves. Though the diplomats fail to notice the
monk, one later happens upon the overturned chair and comments upon it. Immediately, everyone in the room begins to remember the
monk that passed through, though they have no idea why he seemed so insignificant earlier. The penalty of this kiho is extreme. As
long as the monk lingers in the Air Dragons embrace, his bugei skills and mushin kiho function as if his Rings, Traits, and Skills had
a value of 1.

Flee the Darkness

Type: Kharmic
Mastery: 6
The monk has focused his mind to the exclusion of outside forces. His chi is constantly alert to all attempts at external manipulation.
Any attempt to control his mind (whether it be a spell or a courtiers Rank Technique) will activate this kiho, increasing the monks
resistance dramatically. In game terms, the GM alerts the character when the kiho has detected some sort of outside influence. If the
character wishes, he may spend a Void Point to double the TN to affect or control him, or double the result of his roll to resist the
effect Even if the monk does not choose to spend Void to resist, the kiho will still alert him that an attempt was made to subvert his
Void Kiho

Self, No Self
Type: Aiki
Mastery: 3
Beyond mere meditation, beyond zanji, there is a state of mind in which all concept of self, all concept of lack of self is discarded. The
body, the mind, the spirit become everything, become nothing. A monk who can enter this state swims freely in a realm of pure Void,
in the midst of the elemental dance. A monk under the influence of this aiki can meditate for five minutes at a TN 15 to completely
replenish his Void Points. However, the monks detachment from the crude physical world limits the bodys capabilities. While this
kiho is active, the monk cannot make Raises.

Ancestral Guidance
Type: Zanshin
Mastery: 4
Though the brothers of Shinsei do not depend upon kami for their fantastic abilities, they often serve as go-betweens with the spirit
world. The souls of the ancestors sometimes speak to monks, offering their advice or pleading for help. A monk who has mastered this
kiho can attain a deep trance, spending a Void Point to summon whatever spirits happen to dwell in the area. Normally, this kiho calls
upon shiryo, but it has been known to occasionally summon other varieties of spirits or, rarely, the Fortunes (if they wish to answer).
The monk instantly knows the identity of the spirit who answers, and may ask a number of questions equal to his Void. Bear in mind
that spirits are known for cryptic replies, and are not bound to tell the truth. It is up to the monk to interpret what he hears. This kiho
has a Mastery level of 3 for all Lion characters.

Touch the Void Dragon

Type: Aiki
Mastery: 4
It is said that the enhanced state of consciousness this strange kiho provides is a crucial step upon the path to enlightenment.The monk
opens his chi and allows it to flow into the land. The chi of the environment flows back in turn, providing him with its strength. While
the monk is affected, his kiho function as if one of his Rings were one level higher. The Ring that is affected depends upon the

environment and local geomancy. Caves are strong in Earth, rivers and waterfalls are often strong in Water, etc. The ebb and flow of
the elements is such that the benefit is never certain. A Perception/Shintao roll with a TN of 10 can easily predict the result in a given
area, but the benefit is typically Air or Earth. If the GM is uncertain what element is strongest, he may roll one die on the following
table to determine the answer randomly. If a 10 is rolled, reroll and add to the result
Die Result Element Stronger
1-5 Earth (if near a river or sea, switch with Water)
6-9 Air
11-14 Water
15-19 Fire
20+ Void
Like many aiki, becoming one with the Elements has certain drawbacks. First, any spirits residing in the area become aware of the
monks presence. The more intelligent spirits will be able to read the monks spirit as it wafts across the environment, immediately
learning what kiho he is capable of using. Second, the monk should never use this kiho in any area that has become Tainted by the
Shadowlands. Doing so invites the corruption of Fu Leng into the body and spirit, causing the monk to gain a point of Taint for every
round the kiho remains active. This kiho has a Mastery Level of 3 for Dragon characters.

Type: Mushin
Mastery: 5
Literally strength, Ryoku suggests a strength of spirit so pure that it utterly dominates an opponent To deliver Ryoku, the monk
releases a shocking kiai shout and makes an open hand punch or chop against an opponent, doing normal Hand-to-Hand damage.
After damage is rolled, the monk may choose to spend any number of his remaining Void Points. These spent Void Points do not
cause additional Wounds, but the target is forced to spend an equal amount of Void Points as his chi is disrupted. If the monk forces
the target to spend more Void Points than are currently available, the target may not recover Void for a number of days equal to the
difference. This technique has no effect on opponents who lack a Void Ring, though it will function against the Akasha Points of a

Type: Kharmic
Mastery: 5
Unattunement is a difficult kiho to master, but a powerful one. It has no purpose except defense. When anothers magic overwhelms
the monk, the monks chi strikes out in retribution. The kiho makes no attempt to protect or defend its user, and does not affect the
attack in any way. It simply reaches out during the attackers most vulnerable moment and severs his connection to the elements. For
this kiho to activate, someone must voluntarily use a spell or kiho directly upon the monk. The monk may then spend a Void Point to
make a contested roll with his opponent, contesting the Monks Void plus Rank to the opponents Ring (the Ring of the spell or kiho
used) plus Rank. If the monk is successful, his opponents connection to that element is severed for a full day. This effect negates the
use of all spells and kiho that depend upon that Ring. The affected Ring and its associated Traits are also lowered by one (to a
minimum of one) for the same duration. Even rest and meditation cannot re-establish the connection. For example, a Rank 3 Soshi
Shugenja with Air of 4 attempts to cast Command the Mind upon a Rank 4 monk with a Void of 5. The monk spends a Void point to
use Unattunement He rolls 9 dice, keeping 5 (Rank 4 + Void 5). The Soshi rolls 7 dice, keeping 4 (Rank 3 + 4 Air). The Monk rolls a
45, the Soshi rolls a 36. The Soshis spell still takes effect, but the Soshi cannot cast any more Air spells, and his Air is effectively a 3
for the next day.

Death Touch
Type: Mushin (Atemi)
Mastery: 6
The dim mak, or Death Touch, is the most feared and deadly of all atemi. Its name is whispered in hushed tones, and tales of its use
always carry a hint of fear. It has been described as cruelty incarnate, causing a slow, rotting illness that condemns its victim to a
living hell. Delivering dim mak requires only the faintest brush of the fingertips, no more, no less. To deliver the technique with
excessive force would disrupt its function. Only a gentle touch will do. The monk must make a normal attack roll with three Raises,
signifying the care and precision he must take. The technique may not be used while the monk is making a Full Attack or has any aiki
or kharmic kiho active. If the attack is successful, the monk spends Void equal to his targets Rank and makes a contested Void Roll.
If this roll succeeds, the dim mak sets in and the target is likely doomed. Nothing happens at first In fact, the victim may be unaware
that anything has happened at all. Soon, though, the curse takes effect. The body begins to rot. Wounds fester instead of healing. The
spirit is restless, causing terrible nightmares and preventing a good nights sleep. The victim finds that no amount of rest will stem his
exhaustion. In game terms, the character heals as if his Stamina were one rank lower, and healing spells must Raise twice to have any
effect at all. The victim slowly loses Wound Points every day at sunrise and sunset, equal to the Rank of the monk who placed the
Death Touch. These Wounds cannot be healed by any means until the dim mak is removed. This continues until the victim dies. There
are two known cures. First, the Death Touch can be removed by the monk who delivered it This is an easy task, requiring a second
touch and a Void roll with a TN of 15. Second, it can be removed by a monk skilled in Chi Protection. This is a painful and arduous
process for both the victim and the healer, requiring a week of meditation and acupressure treatment before a cure can even be
attempted. At the end of this time, the healer must pit his will against the monk who placed the curse. The TN to cure the dim mak is
equal to five times the Void + Rank of whoever placed it. The healer rolls only his Water, subtracting whatever Wound penalties the
victim suffers. If the healer also knows dim mak, he may add 15 to the attempt to cure it. If the healer fails, the curse worsens,
inflicting 2 additional Wounds at sunrise and sunset until cured. This kiho is considered a perversion of the teachings of Shintao. Its
use is reviled and despised among the peaceful Brothers of Shinsei. Most monks who practice it do so only to better understand how
to cure the curse. Rumors persist of a secret sect of monks who stand outside the teachings of the Brotherhood who use the Death
Touch as its name implies.

Type: Zanshin
Mastery: 7
This is among the most powerful of the zanshin, a risky but potentially deadly tap into the power of Void. The monk fills his chi with
Void, and then extends it into an opponent, locking both of their spirits in a deadly embrace. For as long as the monk chooses, both
individuals are held in stasis, unable to draw upon the elements for any purpose. To use this kiho, the monk must make eye contact
with his victim and spend a Void Point, then make a contested Void + Rank roll. (If the target is a Naga, roll its Akasha + Rank
instead. If the target has no Void or Akasha, roll against five times the targets Earth + Rank.) If the monk succeeds, then neither the
monk nor the target may use any magic, kiho, rank techniques, tattoos, or other Rank-derived benefits until the kihos effect ceases.
Skills, advantages, disadvantages, and Void/Akasha Points are unaffected. This technique lasts until the target moves out of visual
range, the monk ends the effect, or the monk dies or loses consciousness.

Happo Zanshin
Type: Aiki / Zanshin
Mastery: 8
Happo Zanshin is a near legendary kiho. It can only be learned from another master, never spontaneously arrived upon. Happo
Zanshin grants eight directions awareness, making the monk aware of everything within ten feet. When used, the monk simply
spends a Void Point and rolls dice equal to his Void. For every 10 he rolls the radius of Happo Zanshin is extended an additional 10
feet. Everything within the kihos radius, every detail, every hidden door, every concealed object, is revealed to the monk. He sees,
hears, smells, tastes, and feels everything within the radius. Darkness and even physical obstructions are no barrier, though certain
spells and wards will prevent its intrusion. Monks with the Precise Memory advantage find this kiho particularly useful, using it to
take accurate snapshots of a large area for later analysis.

Monk Beginning Outfit

Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Monk Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, 1 Peasant Weapon, 1 koku


The Naga bloodlines each have certain benefits and drawbacks, which are responsible for their roles within Naga culture. Where the
Asp are warlike, the gentle Greensnake are diplomats and scouts. The cunning Cobra, the mighty Constrictor, and even the stealthy
Chameleon each have their own distinct abilities and strengths. Is your Naga character an Asp? A Cobra? A Constrictor? Choose your
Bloodline well, for it will certainly affect your character concept - and it is an immutable as the blood in your serpent veins.
The warlike Asp are the soldiers and guardians of the Naga people. Long ago, during the Bloodland Wars, the Asp nearly conquered
the other Naga bloodlines, raising a military dictatorship above all the cities of the Naga. They were stopped only by the direct
intervention of the Qatol, the Nagas greatest hero, and by the defensive Pearl Effects of the Cobra. The Asp still believe that - had the
Cobras magic had not interfered - their coup would have been successful. In many ways, they are still arrogant and aggressive, but
their loyalty to the Naga people is unquestioned. The Asp make up the body of the Naga armies, and they are most commonly Naga
Warriors - the generals and lieutenants in charge of leadership of the armies of the Naga. Asp are slightly stronger and more bulky
than the Cobra, being some 15-20 feet in length and 600 to 800 pounds in weight They are one of the two medium-sized Naga
bloodlines (together with the Cobra).
Starting Caste Rank: 1, plus 5 boxes
Benefit: Wounds for the Asp are figured as if their Earth Ring is one higher.
Bloodline Ability: Choose any Venom (except Consuming Flame) at Rank 1.
The Chameleon are one of two Naga bloodlines which are commonly scouts, as their ability to hide and remain unseen is well known
throughout the Naga civilization. Chameleon Naga are slightly longer than Greensnakes, ranging from 13-17 feet in total length, and
their bodies are bulkier in proportion (they weigh between 520 and 680 pounds). Chameleon can alter their bodys coloring to an
extent, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings (see their Bloodline Ability, below).
Starting Caste Rank: 1, plus zero boxes
Benefit: Add their School Rank in dice (rolled, but not kept) to Stealth rolls. A Chameleon character loses this benefit if they take a
mutation that affects their skin color.

Bloodline Ability: Choose either the Creature Awareness Inner Gift (see the sidebar on page 66), or the Animal Speech Inner Gift (see
The Way of the Crane page 52). In either case, this ability is limited only to aquatic animals, such as sharks, dolphins, and other deep-
sea fish.
Note: Though most Chameleon are naturally aquatic in nature, only those characters who choose the Amphibious or Watersnake
options (see New Advantages and Disadvantages, earlier in the chapter) and pay or gain the appropriate CP for them, have the
associated abilities or drawbacks.
The Cobra are the most mysterious bloodline of the Naga. Their magic, strange and unattainable, fascinates the shugenja of the
Empire. They are only recently awakened from the Great Sleep, and - as such - are the least familiar with the customs of Rokugans
samurai. It has been very difficult for the Cobra to awaken, as the Pearl Effect they cast upon the Naga over a thousand years ago still
lingers with them. Perhaps this is because it was centered on their own city, Vyakarana; nevertheless, there are very few Cobra awake
in Rokugan. The Cobra work very closely with the Chameleon, who guard the precious pearl-beds, the source of most Cobras magic~
They are willful, and tend to be domineering over their smaller brethren, possibly to compensate for their osctracizing mutations.
Cobras are close in size to Asps, though their frames are generally less thick, and more agile. They measure 15-20 feet in length and
600 to 850 pounds in weight
Starting Caste Rank: 0, plus 5 boxes
Benefit: +1 Awareness
Bloodline Ability: As a result of their close connection with the Akasha, Cobra may choose one Inner Gift for free at the start of the
game (see the sidebar on page 66-67 and page 52 of The Way of the Crane).
Note: A Cobra character may choose no more than three Rokugani Skills at character creation, and none of those can be Ranked
above 1. This includes the Rokugani Language Skill.
The Constrictor bloodline is said to be the oldest, although that claim is often disputed by the Asp, whose naturally superior
sensibilities are offended by such claims. What is certain is that the Constrictors have a closer connection to the Akasha than any of
the other Bloodlines. They are typically the priests and religious leaders of the Naga people, and they are the ones who interpret and
call forth the memories locked in the deepest recesses of the collective subconscious of the Akasha. The Constrictors are also the
largest and most physically massive of the Naga people, their strength belied only by their typically gentle demeanor. If they had the
Asps battle-prowess and violent temperament, they might be the rulers of all six of the Great Cities, but as they are the speakers for
the Akasha, it has never been their way to destroy what could be studied instead. The emptiness of the Constrictor egg-beds is thus
one of the greatest tragedies in Naga history. If the problem is not solved, the Constrictors may cease to exist altogether. Members of
this Bloodline are astronomers, Vedic priests, and law-givers. Their purpose in the Naga Kingdoms is an essential one, as they
interpret the stars and swirling pools of the Akasha for the rest, and have guided them through the most tragic decisions their race has
ever faced. It was their recommendation to bury the race within the sleepless Akasha for the last thousand years, a decision they are
still criticized for today. Naga Constrictors are easily the largest examples of their kind, measuring 25-30 feet in length and weighing
in at between 1000 and 1200 pounds. In desperate times of war, when the odds are stacked against the Naga, Constrictors can be
called into service as living siege engines, though this radically conflicts with their moral stance, and is avoided if at all possible.
Starting Caste Rank: 1, plus 5 boxes
Benefit: +1 Strength
Bloodline Ability: Constrictors may attempt to grapple an enemy by coiling their huge tail around them. This requires an Agility +
Hand-to-Hand Attack with 2 Raises. Success indicates that the target is wrapped within the coils and must Contest the Constrictor
(Strength + Hand-to-Hand vs. the victims Strength) to break free. The results of this Contest are as follows:
Constrictor Wins: The Constrictor rolls a number of dice equal to his Earth Ring, adding one die (rolled, but not kept) for every Turn
the victim has been held (not including the first). The result is applied as Damage to the victim.
Both (or Neither) Win: No Damage is applied, but the victim fails to break free.
Victim Wins: The victim breaks free, and may flee with his next Action.
During this Contest, either combatant may ignore the Contest to Attack his opponent (resulting in an automatic Contest success for the
other if they roll for it as their Action). Declaration of each combatants Action should follow the standard Initiative rules (see page
105 of the L5R Rulebook). The Attack rolls are modified as follows:
Constrictor: While he is grappling a victim, the TN to hit the victim is 10, and cannot be modified by other Skills, Advantages, or
Victim: While grappled, the victims Attack dice are reduced by half (rounded down) to Attack the Constrictor.
Note that the Constrictors Attack may only be performed on creatures horse-sized or smaller.
Size Modifiers: As a result of their bulk, Constrictors multiply their Earth by 3 for each Wound Level, instead of 2. However,
Constrictors roll two less dice when using Stealth or trying to evade an enemy. Also, their TN to be hit is reduced by 5 as they present
an oversized target.
Note: Due to the lack of newborn Constrictors, no character of this Bloodline may be a youth (Ashamana), nor can they be of a very
young age. Simply put, there are no young Constrictors anymore.
The Greensnakes are the smallest, most diplomatic Bloodline within the Naga civilization. They are often chosen to be Scouts because
of their ability to negotiate and understand strangers, and frequently have abilities which reflect this. The Dashmar is almost always a
Greensnake. Of all the Bloodlines, Greensnakes most often venture outside the Shinomen Forest, and encounter non-Naga races. They
have the most experience with those outside the Akasha. They alone have been charged with collecting and distributing knowledge
and tactical information about humans, zokujin, and other foreign races. Greensnakes are the smallest of the Naga, ranging from only
10-15 feet in total length, and weighing between 400 and 600 pounds. Their physiques are slender, and they can move quickly.

Starting Caste Rank: 2, plus 5 boxes
Benefit:+1 Intelligence or +1 Awareness (players choice)
Bloodline Ability: From hatching, Greensnakes are introduced to the ways of others - especially the Rokugani, whom they interact
with regularly on behalf of the Naga nation. As a result, each Greensnake character gains an additional 10 CP at creation, which they
may spend exclusively on foreign Skills, Lores, and non-restricted Advantages and Disadvantages (as presented on the Banned list
earlier in this chapter). Further, for each adventure they complete in which they had prolonged contact with a foreign race, studied a
foreign race, or were in a foreign locale, Greensnakes gain 1-3 bonus Experience Points, which they can use exclusively to purchase
Skills and non-restricted options learned from that race (i.e., the character must have observed the skill in use sometime during the
Naga Warrior
Caste Rank Modifier: +5 boxes
Benefit: +1 Stamina, Agility, or Reflexes (players call)
Skills: Archery (Naga), Athletics, Battle, Defense, Hand-to-Hand, Swordsmanship, Yarijutsu (Naga), Rokugani Language

Great Lessons
Rank 1: Drawing From the Deep
The first thing taught to all Naga Warriors is how to balance their fighting style. Nothing is more important than being able to adapt
to your situation, and respond in kind, the Greater Warriors recite. Characters at this Rank may add the value of their Akasha Ring to
all Attack and Damage rolls. For instance, a character with an Akasha of 2 who rolled a 13 to attack would have a modified total of
15. The same character with a Damage Value of 19 would apply 21 Wounds.
Rank 2: The Tides of War
Early in his career, a Naga Warrior is introduced to the open battlefield, where the Fortunes are reckless and the Akasha reminds one
of his failings. When performing a Full Defense, this Naga may make a (Weapon)/Agility roll against a single opponent, with a TN of
his opponents Water x 5. If the Naga is successful in this roll, he may remain out of range of any melee attacks other than pole-arms,
as he automatically weaves and dodges attacks by shorter melee weapons. This use of Full Defense does not permit the normal
Defense/Agility roll. While he is successfully using The Tides of War, the Naga Warrior may gain the pole-arm initiative bonus every
round, not just the first. The Naga must be using a pole-arm to use this Great Lesson.
Rank 3: This Blood Shall Guide Me
Naga of this Rank are able to draw from the spiritual strength of the Akasha to aid them on the field of battle. They may perform two
attacks each turn.
Rank 4: The Pillar of Blood
The Akasha supports the Naga just as they support and nurture their connection with it. Often, warriors of the Naga are able to derive
near-superhuman strength from the collective soul of all who have come before, all who live today, and all those yet to come. At this
Rank, the character is able to ignore a number of Wound Levels equal to his Akasha.
Rank 5: The Bonds Between Us
Finally, a Naga Warrior of this caliber has become one with the Akasha, and proved himself to his living kindred and those who have
already fallen. He is the living embodiment of physical perfection, and must now embark upon his spiritual journey toward Atman. At
the start of a battle, the character gains one Akasha Point for each other Naga within sight of him. The character may spend a number
of these bonus Akasha Points equal to their Akasha Ring on a single Action, without limit Additionally, each other Naga present gains
one Akasha point as long as they stand beside the character (maximum 1). However, the character also takes one Wound Point each
time one of his fellow Naga is injured. This effect lasts until the Naga disperse or until the next dawn, whichever comes first.
Naga Slayer
Naga Slayers are the elite of the Naga Warriors, created to cleanse the earth of the enemies of the Akasha. When created, a Slayer
must choose one of the following to be his Enemy: Shadowlands, Shadowspawn, Nezumi, Zokujin, Ghosts, Animal Spirits (kenku,
kappa, etc.), Abominations, or any other race the GM allows. This Enemy never changes. Keep in mind that destroying the Slayers
Enemy is the entire reason the Slayer exists. As a result, Slayers will never be able to cooperate with one of their Enemies! At the very
best, an Enemy might earn the Nagas disdainful disregard. Thats about it. Slayers tend to be brutal, single-minded, and very
determined. The rest of the Akasha consider Slayers to be dangerous but necessary weapons, and watch them closely.
Benefit: +1 Strength
Caste Rank Modifier: +1 Rank
Skills: Athletics, Battle, Jiujutsu, Lore (Enemy) 2, Rokugani Language, Swordsmanship, Yomanri

Great Lessons
Rank 1: Akashas Enmity
The hunt begins. The Slayer gains a number of Free Raises equal to his Rank on all attack rolls against his Enemy, or on Hunting rolls
to locate an Enemy. In addition, the Slayers strength and zeal give him additional Wounds on each level equal to his Rank.
Rank 2: Anger of the Bright Eye
The Slayer gains a free attack per round against his Enemy, and earns an extra Experience Point when he kills an Enemy.
Rank 3: Tears of the Pale Eye
The Slayer can use the omnipresent Akasha to detect his Enemies. The Slayer can tell when an Enemy is within a radius equal to his
Akasha times fifty feet. To locate the Enemy, the Slayer must roll Lore (Enemy)/Awareness; his TN is his opponents Air x 5.
Rank 4: Fury of the Serpent

The Slayer may make two attacks per round. Due to his Rank 2 Great Lesson, the Naga Slayer gains three attacks per round against
his Enemy.
Rank 5: Bleed the Spirit
When facing his Enemy, the Slayer may make an opposed roll using his Akasha and the Enemys Willpower. If the Slayer succeeds,
the Enemy is staggered by the Slayers fury and stands motionless for one round. (Remember, the TN to hit a motionless target is 5.)
Naga Jakla
Caste Rank Modifier: +1 Rank
Benefit: 1 Free Raise per School Rank using all Pearl Magic (see below)
Skills: Calligraphy (Naga), Lore (Pearl Magic), Meditation, Moksha, Pearl Carving, any 2 other Skills
Beginning Pearls: 3 pearls in each of the Jaklas two highest Rings (not counting Akasha), 2 pearls in his third highest Ring, and 1 in
his lowest Ring. In the case of equal Rings (for instance, all of his starting Rings are Rank 2), the player assigns his pearls according
to the model above. All starting jakla begin the game with 9 pearls, spread between the four Rings as shown above (3-3-2-1).

Pearl Casting
Just as shugenja of Rokugan have three steps to their spell-casting process, Naga endure three stages of pearl-casting to make the
mental image of their spell effect a reality. The Naga do not Sense, Commune, or Summon Elements while casting spells, however,
instead drawing the power to fuel the effect from the Akasha itself. In this way, the Akasha replaces the kami and other spirits of the
Rokugani pantheon. Pearl-casting remains an equally difficult procedure for the Naga, who are drained (physically and spiritually) by
the experience, just as their shugenja counterparts are by the release of elemental energies through their bodies. This side-effect of
pearl-casting grows with the strength of the spell effect as well, just as with Rokugani spells. Naga magic is similar in function, but
very different in theme, as the following descriptions of their spell-casting process shows.

Step One: Carving

All Naga Pearl Effects derive their power from the Akasha. As the Akashic link is a seemingly limitless source of power which acts
and reacts at the speed of thought, it must be contained to be controllable and effective. First, the Jakla must limit the image he wishes
to making reality within his own mind, containing the idea as one simple thought This thought becomes the heart of the Pearl Effect
through the remainder of its casting, refined as the Jakla hones his vision. This can be a difficult procedure, even for the most trained
Jakla The mind is a naturally curious thing, and is wont to explore beyond the boundaries one places upon the imagination. jakia
practice for years to focus their minds, clearing away all other thoughts but that of their desired effect Outside stimuli are especially
threatening to such concentration, and a simple act (such as tapping a meditating Jakla on the shoulder) can ruin hours of careful
preparation. Roleplay-intensive campaigns may demand that the player of a Jalda describe his Pearl Effect to the Gamemaster and/or
other players at this stage of pearl casting. Though this is not necessary (and has no effect on the mechanics for releasing the spell
effect), it can certainly add flavor to the game.

Step Two: Blending

This is the most dangerous stage of pearl. casting, where the Naga Jakla is most in danger of losing themselves to the Pearl Effect, or
losing control of the vision they have plucked from the Akasha. The Jakla must inject it with a kernel of sentience, one small hint of
soul to guide it once it is released into the physical world. This requires that the Jakla sacrifice a small part of themselves (an idea, a
random thought, or even a dream), which he mixes into the spell effect, making it real and whole. This blending of the jaklas soul
with a part of the Akasha to create Pearl Effects is the cause for much of their introspection, their soul-searchin& Jalda are always
encouraged to seek out new parts of themselves, continually refreshing their precious soul for future effects (and so that they
will be whole once they return to the Akashic link).

Step Three: Guiding

The final step of pearl-casting has little to do with the Jakla himself. He releases the Effect through the pearl, and it is guided to its
destination and final form by the piece of Naga soul fused within it When the Pearl Effect is complete, the piece of the Nagas soul,
along with the component parts of the Akasha used to power the effect, slips away; in time, they will rejoin the Akashic link. Pearl
effects are imperfect When describing the result of a pearl-casting, the GM should use the model the player has provided him during
Step One, modifying the physical result in the game setting by the conditions, surroundings, target (and his actions), how well the
Jakla rolled against his TN, and other factors of his choice. Pearl Effects should rarely manifest in precisely the way the player expects
unless he succeeds by a wide margin, though GMs should always apply the intended mechanical result if he is successful against his
modified TN. Embellishments and fantastic descriptions by both the player and GM add flavor to the game and enhance the
storytelling potential for the scene.

Jakla vs. Shugenja

As shown above, Naga Jakla are not like the shugenja of Rokugan. Their magic is not based on religion, faith, or connection with the
elements. It is based upon the strength of their communal mind, and the power that may be drawn from it when a Naga is trained to
hone his imagination. Pearls act as a focus for this process, like a lens magnifying light and heat If the pearl is flawless and used in
just the right way, the power of the Akasha will expand and explode into the real world with the fury and force of a thousand Naga
minds acting in unison. Weak, fractured, or imperfect pearls can result in flawed effects, or none at all. Jakia elders tell of dangerous
rituals that threaten the Akasha when cast through imperfect pearls, or when attempted by those of little training, but no Naga outside
their number has felt such a rift within the Akashic link. Perhaps the elders have concocted these tales as a means of improving their
students attention.

Casting Pearl Magic
Effects (Spells) are cast through pearls using the same mechanics as for Rokugani Spells (L5R Rulebook, page 142-144), but there are
no scrolls to read. The same time period is spent envisioning and focusing the effect instead. All other rules for spell-casting in L5R
are used for Pearl Magic, including dice conventions, TNs, the limit of Spells that may be attempted in each Element each day,
manipulation of Spells and Casting Time, Damage, Rituals, and Concentration Levels. Note that Naga Pearl Effects are not
mastered. There is no such thing as an Innate Pearl Ability. Within the Akashic link, all pearl Effects are innate - they merely
need to be focused. On the other hand, all Naga Pearl Effects require pearls to cast; there are no abilities which can be drawn upon
without pearls.

Spells and Descriptions

Spell descriptions for Pearl Effects are similar to those for Rokugani scroll magic, with one exception - they have no Mastery Level.
Instead, they have a requisite Pearl Rank (which, in the case of Rokugani Spell descriptions used by Naga, is equal to half of the
Mastery Level, rounded up). The pearl used to focus this effect must be of this Rank or higher for the spell to succeed. Otherwise, the
Spell casting fails and the pearl is destroyed. Other side-effects are possible as well, depending on the circumstances, power of the
spell effect, and how well the Jakla rolled. GMs should apply non-lethal, negative side-effects to such faulty spell-casting at their
discretion. There are three Rokugani Spells which have no Naga equivalent - Sense, Commune, and Summon. Naga are scarcely
aware of the Elements, and cannot see or communicate with kami.

Pearls and their Abilities

Pearls, being part of the natural world, have an Element which they are attuned to. This is used to determine which Pearl Effects may
be cast through them. (When casting the Naga equivalent of Wind-Borne Slumbers, for instance, an Air-attuned pearl must be used to
focus the Akasha; Earthquake would require an Earth pearl, etc.) A pearl used to focus a Pearl Effect is reusable, just like a scroll,
unless the spell description states that the scroll (pearl) is destroyed in the process. Pearls are limited in number, and guarded closely
by the Chameleon and Cobra Though every aspiring Jakla is provided with a small number of low-Ranking pearls at the start of their
career, it is far more difficult to acquire those of Ranks 3, 4, and 5. Please see Appendix IV for more on pearls, the format for Naga
Spells, and a list of special Pearl Effects available only to Naga Jakla.

Choosing Pearl at Character Creation

Characters automatically have one pearl for each Element they have an Effect in, up to Rank 3 (determined by the highest Rank
required to cast their initial complement of Spells in each Element). For instance, if a starting jakla had three Earth Effects, with Pearl
Ranks of 1, 2, and 3, respectively, they would start the game with one Rank 3 pearl. If the character desires additional pearls at the
start of the game (because one or more of their Spell Effects destroys the pearl used to focus it, for example), they may purchase them
at a cost of the pearls Rank in CP. No Naga may start the game with Rank 4 or 5 pearls; these must be earned through roleplaying.

Acquiring Pearl Effects During Gameplay

When a Jakla gains a new School Rank, it is common practice for the elders to gift him with one Pearl Effect (Spell) of the new Rank,
along with a pearl capable of casting it (if they do not already have one). Occasionally, heroic or selfless acts for the good of the
community that the character has performed earn him another Spell from the new Rank, but such cases are rare; generally, PCs will
have to go out into the world and experience life to gain magic. Between adventures, a player may petition the Gamemaster for his
character to acquire a new Pearl Effect This requires that he have a plausible source for the Effect, and ample time to study its
structure in order to mimic it This process requires a number of days equal to the Pearl Rank of the Spell; also, the character must
spend a number of Experience Points equal to twice the Spells Pearl Rank. Jakla elders can overrule a characters petition for new
training (if they are aware of it, which is likely, as they monitor the progress of their students through the Akasha). Gamemasters who
do not wish certain Spells in the game can intervene at this level. Also, obtaining a new Pearl Effect does not ensure that a character
can cast it A suitable pearl must still be found or acquired, which requires additional requests or adventuring. Generally, acquiring
pearls of Ranks 3-5 should be the focus of an adventure, or cost the player character at least three to four times the Pearls Rank in
Experience Points.
Naga Scout
Caste Rank Modifier: + 5 Boxes
Benefit: +1 Perception
Skills: Archery (Naga) 2, Conceal, Hunting, Moksha, any two High or Bugei Skills

Great Lessons
Rank 1: The Ishas Gift
At this Rank, the Naga Scout has honed his vision to a level where he can see well in the dark, even making out the faint presence of
individuals in near-darkness. The Naga Scout has trained his sensitive eyes to see a broader spectrum of light than humans are able to,
and he can register an individuals presence even in the faintest of starlight Assuming any degree of ambient light, the Naga can see as
clearly as if in full daylight
Rank 2: Know Your Enemy
At this Rank, the Naga can sense the impurity of the Shadowlands Taint within a creature or item. The Scout makes a blind roll,
Perception + Shadowlands Lore vs. a TN of 30 minus 5 times the creature or items Taint Rank. Success will determine if the creature
or item has the Taint, and whether the Taint is innate or gathered through use of maho or other dark means. The range of this effect
equals the Nagas School Rank times his body length, but the individual or item in question must be in line-of-sight
Rank 3: Blackened Sky

The Scout may make two Attacks per round with their bow. The arrows are launched one after the other; the attack is handled just as a
bushi making two Kenjutsu Attacks per round.
Rank 4: Wisdom the Wind Brings
At this Rank, the Scouts perception is so heightened that they are aware of all life nearby. The Scout is fully conscious of all living
things that have an Awareness of 2 or higher, within ten times his School Rank + Perception in yards. This ability supercedes barriers,
natural or otherwise. The Naga Scout can sense all such beings at all times, even if there are trees, stone walls, or other barriers in the
way. The Scout need not concentrate, and may perform other (complicated) actions while using this ability. The Scout may follow the
movements of these beings, aim arrows at them, or attempt to discover their identities (in general terms, such as to determine their
general race). Should the Scout wish to attack one of these beings, he may choose the location the attack is directed at, without
Raising for the Called Shot Note that the Scout must still have a logical chance of actually hitting the being and chosen location from
his position (i.e. he cannot fire through stone, trees, or other barriers, but can fire through light foliage or rice paper walls). Further,
the Naga can concentrate to gain additional information about and target specific non-sentient animals and plants (such as birds, vines,
fish, insects, and other living things with 1 or less Awareness). This requires an Action and the use of an Akasha Point While
concentrating, the character may still move and speak, or attack the animals or plants, applying the same restrictions as above.
Rank 5: The Outer Mind
The Scout may now control animals with less than Awareness 2, or piggy-back their senses with those of more sentient creatures
(having an Awareness of 2 or higher). This requires the use of one Akasha Point, and a Contested Willpower roll against the creature
targeted. If a creature the Scout is linked to is harmed, he loses 1 Akasha Point or suffers one die of Wounds. If the creature is killed,
he loses 2 Akasha Points, or suffers 2 dice of Wounds. While piggy-backing their senses onto those of another, the Scout sees,
smells, tastes, hears, and feels everything the target creature does, but has no control over where it goes or what it does.
Naga Vedic
The Vedic is a combination of spiritual guide and enforcer of law unique to Naga culture. There are two divisions, both of which use
the Benefits and Lessons listed here. The first are the Children of the Bright Eye, the religious leaders of the Naga people. This monk-
like caste is responsible for all ritual within the culture, maintaining harmony and offering sagely advice to the rulers, military leaders,
and greater minds they serve. Well-versed in reading the heavens, they are most often teachers, advisors, and philosophers among the
Naga. The Children of the Pale Eye are the martial and social judges of the Naga. They patrol the Shinomen Forest, ascertaining the
guilt of criminals and punishing them on the spot They have authority to administer justice within Naga lands as they see fit Only
those of higher Caste Rank may challenge their decisions, at which time another Child (of equal or higher Rank to both involved
parties) becomes the arbiter. There are three stages that a Vedic must undertake during his training. The first is that of inner
enlightenment The Naga becomes aware of his own strengths and weaknesses, and how to exploit or protect them. He progresses from
student to teacher during this period. The second phase of their development is that of law -identifying criminals and misfits and
meeting out justice. The final stage for Vedics is infinite, as it is his journey deeper into the Akasha and receives the greatest gift of all
- the ability to tap directly into its murky recesses.
Caste Rank Modifier: +1 Rank
Benefit: +1 Intelligence or +1 Awareness (players call)
Skills: Advanced Medicine, Astronomy, Calligraphy (Naga), Law (Naga), Meditation, Theology (Naga), and any 1 Lore (usually

Great Lessons
Rank One: Willful Harmony
Vedics are trained to be as adaptable as possible, learning from and improving upon the ways of others. This Lesson stresses the
importance of willful harmony - choosing your own path in the world instead of being given one. All Naga Vedic are considered to
have Rank 1 in all High Skills if they do not already have them. These free Ranks have no effect on the characters Discipline.
Rank Two: The Inner Mind
All Naga Vedic are trained to be one with the Akasha, able to derive power from within themselves. This is the first step in this long
path, one which culminates somewhere beyond their Rank Five Lesson (see below). Characters of this Rank receive one free Inner
Gift, which they may begin using immediately.
Rank Three: The Mantle Within
Now, Vedics become spiritual icons within the Naga culture, able to physically support other Naga around them. At the start of each
adventure, the Vedic gains an additional number of Vedic Points equal to their Akasha Ring. These are special Akasha Points,
which may be spent at any time to enhance the rolls of friendly Naga. Any number of these Vedic Points may be spent on a single
Action, but they do not refresh until the start of the next adventure. The Vedic may not use these Points for his own Actions. Non-
Naga may not benefit from this Lesson, as the Vedic is literally manipulating the linked mind of the Naga to perform it
Rank Four: Earthly Concerns
This is the turning point in a Naga Vedics career, when he is at the cusp of self-discovery. From this point on, Vedics must face life
as a pilgrimage, without the benefit of close supervision. They are free to walk the earth as they please, only returning to discuss their
journey with their master and receive his blessing (when he is ready for Ranks 4 and 5). Characters of this Rank are able to sacrifice
their own attributes to heal those of others. They may spend one Akasha Point to return one Wound Level to another, or suffer one
Wound Level themselves to return one Akasha Point to another. This ability requires one Action to complete, during which time only
one exchange may occur (1 for 1 maximum, of either transaction, but not both). The character must be within line-of-sight to affect
other Naga in this manner, or able to touch the target if he is not Naga.
Rank Five: This Body is a Shell
Finally, the Vedic begins his endless journey toward Atman, delving into the most remote regions of the Akasha. Once per day, the
character may choose a Rank 1-4 Lesson from any of the other Naga Schools to use as his own. The character must spend one Akasha
Point and succeed with an Awareness + Akasha check vs. a TN of the (chosen Lessons School Rank x5) to acquire the Lesson.

Failure means that the character does not acquire any additional ability for the current day; he will have another chance after he has
slept for at least eight hours. The effects of this Lesson last one full day (24 hours) from the time they are acquired. You may not
activate this Lesson while you are currently benefitting from it
Naga Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet.

Warrior Outfit
(All Average Quality, save the bow, which is of Fine Quality): Any primary weapon, Clothing, Spear (use Naginata stats), Hunting
Knife (use Tanto stats), Traveling pack, 3 pearls (worth 1-2 koku each)

Jakla Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Robes, Traveling Pack, Pearl Case, Bow, Hunting Knife, Tanto, 4 pearls (worth 1-2 koku

Slayer Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality, save the bow, which is Fine Quality): 1 Weapon of Choice, Clothing (usually leather), Spear,
Knife, Traveling Pack, 2 pearls (worth 1-2 koku each). A Slayer can give up his weapon and pearls in return for a sword of jade or

Scout Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality, save the bow, which is Fine Quality): Bow, 40 Arrows of any type, Clothing (silk robes or
gilded leather), Spear (use Naginata stats), Hunting Knife (use Tanto stats), Traveling Pack, 4 pearls (worth 1-2 koku each)

Vedic Outfit
(All considered to be Average Quality): Clothing (silk robes or gilded leather), Hunting Knife, Traveling Pack, 4 pearls (worth 1-2
koku each)

Every Nagas journey toward Atman is different During character creation, each Naga player may roll upon these tables once without
cost. Up to two additional rolls can be made, at a cost of three Character Points each. Be warned, however! For while the Ancient
Naga are perhaps the most powerful new players on the fields of Rokugan, they are also the most threatened...


Roll Result
1-2 Ethical Ancestor. Roll on Heritage Table 2.
3-4 Undistinguished History. No benefits or penalties.
5-6 Unethical Ancestor. Roll on Heritage Table 3.
7-9 What Must Be Done. Roll on Heritage Table 4.
0 Akashic Memory. Roll on Heritage Table 5.


Roll Result
1 Discovery. After your birth, you were drawn to a hidden grove within the Shinomen Forest, where you found the remains of a
Naga Asp who had accepted the Curse of Eternal Vigilance. Knowing the corpse to be your own in a past life, you felt no
compunction claiming its weapon - a Fine Quality Scimitar (3k3 Damage Rating).
2 Resourceful. You were a Scout in a former life who helped to direct friendly forces during the First Burning of the Lands. Gain
5 Caste Points or one Rank in the Leadership Skill (PCS choice).
3 Honored Ally. One of your former lives was an expert in the Single Strike, and attracted the interest of several Kakita masters.
Before they departed the Naga lands, they gifted him with one of their famed swords. Gain the Kakita Blade Advantage (The
Way of the Crane, page 52). The weapon is ancient (forged at the dawn of the Empire), and priceless.
4 Purity. One of your Past Lives pledged himself to return a precious and unique pearl that was stolen from the Outcasts living in
the Ivory Kingdoms. Only after it was replaced beside the scales of three abominations did he release his final breath. Gain the
Irreproachable Advantage and 5 boxes of Caste.
5 Self-Control. The discipline of one of your Past Lives echoes through you. Gain the Acute Senses Advantage or two Ranks in
the Pearl Carving Skill (PCS choice).
6 Truth. The secrets of the Akasha were your passion in a Past Life. Legend states that several of its most guarded secrets were
yours before your unfortunate death. Gain one Inner Gift of your choice.
7 Observant You were a highly-regarded Scout in a former life. Gain one Scout Past Life Duty for free or gain two Ranks in one
Scout starting Skill (PCs choice).
8 Custodian. You were a highly-regarded Vedic in a former life. Gain one Vedic Past Life Duty for free or gain two Ranks in one
Vedic starting Skill (PCs choice).
9 Guardian. You were a highly-regarded Warrior in a former life. Gain one Warrior Past Life Duty for free or gain two Ranks in
one Warrior starting Skill (PCs choice).
0 Inquisitor. You were a highly-regarded jakla in a former life. Gain one Jalda Past Life Duty for free or gain two Ranks in one
Jakla starting Skill (PCs choice).


Roll Result
1 Redemption! The memories of a Past Life haunt you today. From the eyes of your Past Life, you witnessed the murder of a
Vedic striving for peace between your race and the humans. That Vedic was your father, and you can still feel the snap of his
neck between your fingers. Though the killer is gone, you can still carry on your fathers work... Gain the Higher Purpose
(Peace With Rokugan) Advantage.
2 Pearl Rage! One of your Past Lives was a Jakla who dabbled with merging pearls with ones Akasha, hopefully improving both.
You gain the Pearl Jiva Advantage at Rank 3, but it is uncontrollable. When you are within 20 yards of a pearl (Rank 3 or less),
the pearl is immediately dissolved to produce an Attack vs. a random target in your line of sight If more than one pearl is within
the radius, they dissolve one per Turn, beginning with those of the highest Rank.
3 Traitor! One of your Past Lives betrayed the Naga against their enemies. Begin the game with the Black Sheep Disadvantage.
You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
4 Recluse! One of your Past Lives failed to prove himself during the Bloodland Wars, and was remanded to the Vedics for a life
of demanding absolution. Gain the Ascetic Disadvantage, but also gain one Minor Ally among the Vedics. Warriors and Scouts
lose 1 Caste Rank. Vedics and Jakia are unaffected.
5 Prejudice! You have been hatched from a long line of bias against all but your own kind. Gain the Antisocial Disadvantage or
the Xenophobic Advantage (PCS choice). You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
6 Temper! One of more of your Past Lives had a reputation for being easy to anger, failing in their duty to the Akasha. Gain the
Contrary Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
7 Murderer! A Past Life engaged in blood feuds against the Rokugani, the Nezumi, and others, and you are sicked by his actions.
Gain the Soft-Hearted Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.

8 Broken! The mind of one of your Past Lives was shattered in a terrible encounter with an Oni that fed from intellect. Gain the
Frail Mind Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
9 Outcast! One of your Past Lives committed a grievous crime against the Naga nation, and now you must atone for his mistakes.
At the start of the game, you are an Outcast (like an abomination, striving to prove yourself worthy of returning to the Naga).
You will have a Caste Rank of 0, and may not progress past the first Lesson in your School until you fulfill a great quest of the
GMS devising.
0 Ancient Horror! Something was left within the Shinomen Forest in the moments before the Great Sleep, buried beneath a tree
root. It is a shone shard, a piece of the great creation slab that all Naga were born from - one that never shifted to flesh. Hidden
in its heart, however, there is some life, beating slowly until it wakes. You remember where the stone is buried; will you brave
seeing it again? Gain the Dark Secret Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.


Roll Result
1 Explorer. One or more of your Past Lives spent significant time in Rokugan, learning of their culture. Gain 5 CP worth of
Rokugani Skills, but reduce your starting Caste Rank by 5 Points.
2 Duelist. One or more of your Past Lives were accomplished swordsmen. Gain two Ranks in the Single Strike Skill, along with
the Brash Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Advantage.
3 Blasphemer. You found ancient Naga scriptures documenting the skies. Gain 2 Ranks in the Astronomy Skill. Unfortunately,
they are heretical. Lose one full Rank of Caste.
4 Protected. You were born fertile. Gain the Fertile Advantage. But while this provides you with great benefits, you are sheltered
by others in your Bloodline, who seek to protect you from potential harm in the world.
5 Night Terrors. One or more of your Past Lives traveled with the Rokugani to the north of the Shadowlands for several months.
While your experiences there have hardened you to Fu Lengs corruption (gain the Immune to Fear Advantage), the Past Life
and all his companions were slaughtered without remorse by a band of Nezumi brigands (gain a 2-Point Phobia vs. Nezumi).
6 Adopted. As a hatchling, you were found by a curious Kuni Witch Hunter. But when he found you were intelligent and
responsive instead of violent and dangerous, he secretly raised you as his own. Today, you are grudgingly accepted among the
Kuni along the Carpenter Wall. Gain the Adopted Blood Disadvantage. You may also spend as many of your starting CP on
Rokugani Skills as you like. You gain no additional CP to spend, however.
7 Reckiess Love. One of your Past Lives was a famed suitor who eventually fell in love with the Isha of their time, only to break
his heart when a war with the Nezumi lured her away. Gain the Dangerous Beauty Advantage and the Bentens Curse
Disadvantage, both of which are only applicable with other Naga. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
8 Parental Link. You are one of the few Naga born fertile, and have already laid an egg for the culture which has hatched. The
infant Naga is cared for by the community, but you share a special bond with it more like a close first cousin or twin brother
than a responsibility. Gain the Fertile Advantage and the Dependent Disadvantage (PC and GM determine its age). You gain no
CP for this Disadvantage.
9 Martyr. One of your Past Lives held the pass at the Crossroads, giving his life but inspiring the Naga armies to form a veritable
wall against the Outcasts. Gain a full Caste Rank, along with the Overconfident Disadvantage. You gain no CP from this
0 Greatness Lost. In one of your Past Lives, you were the Qamar. Gain 2 Ranks in any martial or military Skills (weapons,
Defense, Battle, etc.). Unfortunately, you have fallen short of this lofty position in this life. You strive to uphold your former
Caste Rank, but are hard-pressed by the meddling voices of others. Gain the
Overconfident Disadvantage, nut no CP for it. Also, a number of military commanders deride you for your fall from greatness
(Why cant you be more like you were...?).


Roll Result
1 Incredible visions of Atman visited you just before your last life ended. Gain 1 Rank in the Moksha Skill.
2 It is said that you have an uncertain future. The Vedics have seen into your future through the Akasha, but are unwilling to
discuss what they have seen. The player may pick an emotion that the Vedics reveal to the PC as his only insight from the
encounter. Eventually, the character will fulfill this emotion - whether he feels it himself or is responsible for it in someone else.
3 Memories of the capture and torture of countless Naga by shadowy assailants haunt your dreams. Gain the Xenophobic
4 Your current social status within the Naga culture pales when compared to the marvelous heights you rose to in former lives.
Gain two Points in the Greed Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
5 One of your Past Lives was among the most prolific philosophers of the ancient Naga, but he was also known as a incessant
interloper. Gain 2 Ranks in Lore (Akasha) and the Meddler Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
6 The weight of your Past Lives commitments is heavy upon your brow. Gain two 2-Point Obligations. You gain no CP for these
7 You are closely connected with a Past Life, remembering much of his exploits and emotions. You may purchase any single Past
Life at half normal cost.
8 You remember your spectacular victories as a Warrior or a Scout in a previous life. Gain 2 Ranks in any one Warrior or Scout

starting Skill.
9 The grand discoveries you made as a Vedic in a previous life are still discussed by the Masters today. Gain 2 Ranks in any one
Vedic starting Skill.
0 In a previous life, you gathered over thirty Jakla together in a mass ritual that awakened new layers of the Akasha formerly
undreamed of. Gain 2 Ranks in any one Jakla starting Skill.

Naga Karma Table

You cannot control the hand of Fate. Every Naga character has the option of rolling once on this tables to discovery what hand Fate
has dealt them. Roll one die. If even, roll on the Good Karma Table. If odd, roll on the Bad Karma Table.
Roll Result Roll Result
1 The character was abominated at birth or mutated during his 1 The character was abominated at birth or mutated during
First Shedding. Roll on the Positive Abomination Table. his First Shedding. Roll on the Negative Abomination
2 You have recently awakened, along with one of the Scorpion 2 Your parents were of different Bloodlines. One was
scouts who was studying you when he fell asleep - several angered when you were born of the Bloodline of the
hundred years ago. Gain a Minor Ally, which you can design other, murdered its mate, and now hunts you. Gain a 4-
a servant character (20 CP). Point Sworn Enemy.
3 One of the Vedics watching the skies at your birth claims that 3 Your parents were of different Bloodlines. One was
the heavens opened to reveal Atman when you took your angered when you were born of the Bloodline of the
first breath. He gifted you with the item he used to witness the other, murdered its mate, and now hunts you. Gain a 4-
event a telescope. Point Sworn Enemy.
4 Your mother was a Greensnake well-known to the outlying 4 You were the subject of a cruel and careless experiment
lords of Rokugan. You may purchase the Multiple Schools by a maho-wielding shugenja, who purposefully delayed
Advantage at any time in your career for half cost. your hatching within a powerful pearl-bed. Roll three
times on the Negative Abomination Table, but gain the
Heart of Vengeance Advantage against maho-users.
5 You are enormous. Gain the Large Advantage and 1 die 5 You are diminutive. Gain the Small Disadvantage and
(exploding) of length (in feet). lose
1 die of length (in feet). You gain no CP for this
6 Your birth was celebrated by the other Naga Bloodlines. Gain 6 Your birth was largely ignored by the other Naga
one item of Fine Quality appropriate for a Bloodline other Bloodlines. Your Starting Outfit is reduced by 2 items
than your own (Cobras might give a pearl, Constrictors a (PCs choice).
weapon or one of their sheddings to be forged into armor,
7 The pearl-carvers witnessed your birth through a special pearl 7 You have always been easy to fool. Gain the Gullible
found within the beds of Candas. When you survived your Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
First Shedding, the pearl was given to you. The pearl is
valuable, and may be used to channel Effects of one Rank
higher than its natural level (3), effectively making it a Rank 4
8 You have found your perfect mate. Within the Akasha, you 8 The egg-bed where you hatched became the nest for a
share a love than no Rokugani can understand. Design the parasitic scavenger-eel which fed from your eggs shell
mate as another character (20 CP) which the GM has access and fluid. You were born stunted as a result, and have
to as an NPC. When protecting your mate, roll and keep 2 never fully recovered. Gain the Bad Health Disadvantage.
extra dice. But dont forget
- they are as much a liability as a benefit; you never know
when they will be threatened, or by whom...
9 The Akasha favors you. Gain 1 Rank in Luck. 9 The Akasha frowns upon you. Gain 1 Rank in Unluck.
You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
0 No good fortune.., yet! Pester your Gamemaster regularly to 0 No bad fortune... yet! Dont worry, though - an equitable
bestow it upon you in play. GM would never take advantage of such an opportunity.

Youve arrived here in one of two ways. Either you took the Abomination Advantage or Disadvantage (which cost or gained you CP),
or were directed here from one of the Heritage or Fortune Tables. Wherever you arrived from listed the number of rolls you get Each
roll reduces your starting Caste Rank by 1 full Rank (10 Points).


Roll Result
01-05 Roll again on this table or GM chooses abomination aspect
06-50 Minor abonunation: No mechanical effects.
1: Mild facial elongation.
2: Scales on face or hands.
3: Human-colored skin.
4: Unusual skin-tone (blue-black or grey).
5: Fins.
6: Useless gills.
7: Webbed hands.
8: Ridged or spiked back.
9: Extra joints in fingers or toes.
0: Odd odor that follows the character.
51-52 No arms - just a tail (serpentine)
53-56 Bright or fractured scale pattern (easy to see)
57-60 Odd or discolored (unacceptable or taboo) scale patterns - Outcast
61-63 Non-retractable hood
64-66 No teeth or failed digestive tract; sensitive diet
67-69 Weak or stumpy tail
70-72 Extra limb (useless)
73-75 Non-Naga characteristic (Nezumi, Ningyo, etc.), such as paws or fur
76-79 Reduced Senses:
1: No Sense of Taste (taste-based Perception checks disallowed)
2: No Sense of Smell - Roll Again; 1-2: PC is missing nose (odor-based Perception checks disallowed)
3-4: Cataract; Weak Eyes (+10 TN to all Perception checks based on vision)
5-6: Colorblind (as the Disadvantage)
7: Blind (vision Perception checks disallowed)
8: Inner Ear Problem (+10 TN to all checks involving balance)
9: Deaf - Roll Again; 1-2: PC is missing ears (sound-based Perception checks disallowed)
0: Mute - Roll Again; 1-2: PC is missing tongue (cannot speak)
80-83 Watersnake (as the Disadvantage)
84-86 Constantly shedding; sensitive skin in spots (pick a location; when hit in that location, take 1 additional die of Damage)
87-89 Less fingers than normal
90-92 No thumbs on one or both hands - Roll Again; 1-2: both hands
93-94 Extreme Serpentine Feature:
1: Snout
2-3: Forked or extra-long tongue
4-5: Serpentine eyes
6-7: Ridged brow
8-9: Pointed ears (commonly flattened against skull)
0: No hair (head or body)
95-98 Massive Physical Abnormality:
1: Reduced Agility (-1 to Trait)
2: Reduced Reflexes (-1 to Trait)
3: Reduced Stamina (-1 to Trait)
4: Reduced Strength (-1 to Trait)
5: Reduced Endurance (Wound Levels are always one worse than current Damage taken)
6: Albino (take 1 die of Damage every ten minutes in open sunlight)
7: Atrophied limb
8: Two heads (only one can communicate)
9: Deformed - horribly mangled, like Shashakar (Social Disadvantage) - Roll Again; 1-2: add one Rank to Disadvantage and
worsen deformity (GMS discretion), then roll again, repeating the cycle
0: Cannot shed (Earth reduced by one during each Shedding after the game begins; see sidebar on page 31 for details.)
99-00 Roll once more on this table + Fertile (redeemed, but feared, in Naga society). No Caste Rank loss.

Each entry has a CP Cost to the right This is the additional cost you must pay to take this abomination and its benefits. If you cannot
afford this cost, roll again until you generate one that you can.
Roll Result
01-05 Roll again on this table or GM choice. 0
06-50 Minor abomination: No mechanical effects.
1: Mild facial elongation. - 0
2: Scales on face or hands. - 0
3: Human-colored skin. - 0
4: Unusual skin-tone (blue-black or grey). - 0
5: Fins. - 0
6: Useless gills. - 0
7: Webbed hands. - 0
8: Ridged or spiked back. - 0
9: Extra joints in fingers or toes. - 0
0: Odd odor that follows the character. - 0
51-54 Retractable Hood. - 0
55-59 More fingers than normal. - 0
60-63 Warm-Blooded. - 0
64-69 Prehensile Tail (as the Advantage). - 1
70-74 Scale pattern is one that Naga respect or worship (+2 rolled dice to all Social checks with other Naga). - 2
75-77 Suction cup fingers and/or toes (can climb sheer surfaces; STR in feet per Turn). - 2
78-80 Film covering eyes (prevents blindness from lightning or bright flashes). - 2
81-83 Enhanced Senses:
1: Keen Sense of Taste (+2 rolled dice to all Perception checks involving Taste). 2
2: Keen Hearing (+2 rolled dice to all Perception checks involving Sound). 3
3-4: Keen Sense of Smell (as the Acute Smell Advantage). - 3
5-6: Keen Eyesight (+2 rolled dice to all Perception checks involving Vision). - 3
7: Night Vision (can see in dim light, dusk, or night without impediment). - 3
8: Thermal Vision (can perceive heat signatures within PER x50 in yards). - 3
9: Spatial Awareness (equilibrium; like the Inner Gift). - 3
0: Precise Eye-Hand Coordination (+1 rolled die for all Attacks, Defense, or other Actions involving eye-hand coordination).-
84-85 Amphibious (as the Advantage). - 3
86-87 Different Bloodline Ability (PC chooses one of the other Naga Bloodline Abilities, trading it with their own). - 4
88-89 Extra Limb (the character has another arm or leg, which he can use like the first two). - 4
90-94 Physical Enhancement:
1: Preternatural Endurance (as Strength of the Earth 2). - 2
2: Swift (+2 to Initiative total). - 3
3: Leaping Ability (as the Naar Tebans leaping ability - see page 58). - 4
4: Webbed Torso (may glide 1 feet in any direction for every 10 feet fallen, and takes no damage when touching down).- 4
5: Preternatural Agility (+1 to Trait). - 5
6: Preternatural Reflexes (+1 to Trait). - 5
7: Preternatural Stamina (+1 to Trait). - 5
8: Preternatural Strength (+1 to Trait). - 5
9: Natural Armor (+5 to TN to be Hit, all locations). 5
0: Severed limbs (except head) regenerate over (8-Earth) days. 5
95-98 Natural Weaponry: Use Agility + Hand-to-Hand for all Attacks using Natural Weaponry unless otherwise stated.
1-2: Fangs (1k1 Damage, success with 2 Raises indicates a grapple). - 3
3-4: Claws (1k2 Damage). - 3
5: Horns (1k1, +1 rolled die per 10 yards of straight-line charging before Attack). - 3
6: Scythe-like bones through elbow skin (1k2 rear Attack). - 3
7: Razor-sharp scales (anyone who grapples the Naga takes his own Strength in Damage). - 4
8: Rattler tail (3k3 Damage Value; Strength is not added). - 4
9: Pearl Kyujutsu (Rank 1). - 4
0: Venom (Rank 1):
1:Acid. - 5
2-3: Blinding Mist. - 5
4-5: Blood Thickener. - 5
6-7: Contact Poison. - 5
8-9: Nerve Toxin. - 5
0: Roll again, adding one Rank to Venom (maximum 2). - +5

99 Roll once more on this table + Fertile (redeemed, but feared, in Naga society). - 6
00 The character was an Outcast who traveled to the Burning Sands. Now a fire salamander, he has returned to Rokugan for a
reason determined by the GM and player. - 7


Maho-Bujin Techniques
Rank 1: Carve the Crimson Road
Maho-bujin must prove themselves on a path of blood. They receive a number of additional attacks equal to the highest Honor Rank
among their opponents. This ability replaces any previous school techniques granting additional attacks.
Rank 2: Corruption Rewards
The weapons of the maho-bujin do not aim, but hear blood and leap for it. They may use the Wounds they inflicted in their last strike
as their initiative total for the following round. This replaces any previous Initiative technique, and the Quick advantage has no effect,
although the Daidoji Bodyguard initiative technique still trumps this one.
Rank 3: Devourer of Purity
Maho-bujin draw sustenance from the deaths they cause. They may recover a number of Wound Ranks equal to the Honor of anyone
they bring to Down, Out, or Dead. This takes effect immediately. Any ranks beyond the maho-bujins injuries are lost. Yes, maho-
bujin may indeed torture someone near death and let them heal a little each day to keep regaining Wounds.
Rank 4: Corruption Has No Bounds
The maho-bujin unblocks the barriers Rokugan placed in his mind and lets his emotions loose. His body is no longer twisted from
resisting the Taint, but flows with it freely. He rolls (not keeps) an additional number of dice equal to his Shadowlands Rank for all
Bugei Skills; he may still only roll a maximum of ten dice.
Rank 5: Even Steel Lies
The maho-bujin corrupts the Celestial Order, twisting the. spirits of men and weapons alike. He gains the oni power of Invulnerability,
and can only be hurt by jade, crystal, obsidian or magic.

The Akutsukai
When a maho-users Taint rating reaches twice his highest Ring, he undergoes a horrible transformation, as his body can no longer
contain the corruption. For several weeks, they undergo continuous mutation, with limbs growing and disappearing inside their
organs, sores opening across their bodies, and so on, alternating between catatonic pain and frenzied rage. If this somehow occurs
outside the Shadowlands, the person usually dies. In the Shadowlands, their superiors find and cage them to watch their
transformation, judging their worthiness for the Dark Ones army. If they pass, they are taken to the edge of the Festering Pit and
undergo a lengthy ritual, unique to each person, which ends with them pouring the foul blood of Fu Leng directly into their veins,
creating a black wound which never closes. Such a person becomes an akutsukai, literally a servant of evil. The characters body
stabilizes, generally with new, inhuman features such as wings, arms, or glowing eyes, and binds him forever to Fu Leng. UnTainted
characters may also be actively recruited by Fu Leng or his servants and made directly into akutsukai, as the Moto armies were. These
undergo the same blood-ritual, and are identical to those formed from maho-users, though they are often more mentally stable.
Because of the effect that a large amount of Taint has on an unprepared body, normal humans who become akutsukai often experience
severe flesh and muscle degradation, becoming skeletal or nearly so. Akutsukai are closer to oni than human in many ways. They
have no Void Ring, and cannot use any mortal School Techniques. They do not age, and no longer acquire Taint, subsisting on the
corrupted food and water of the Shadowlands. For purposes of maho, their Taint is considered one higher than their highest Trait. If
they sleep for one hour per night, they may heal (without scarring) any Wounds not done by jade or crystal. Akutsukai retain all
maho-tsukai/maho-bujin abilities and gain 1-5 of the powers below.

Powers of the Akutsukai

Blend with Darkness: The akutsukais skin grows black and mottled, allowing him camouflage in deep shadows (not very effective
when combined with Eyes of Hell, unless the glow is concealed beneath a broad hat or other device). People trying to detect the
akutsukai in the dark roll Perception + Investigation, TN 25.
Chitinous Armor: The akutsukais skin hardens to a chitinous plate, armor rating 10. This acts like oni armor; subtracting from
Wounds rather than changing the TN to hit.
Claws: The akutsukai grows inch-long claws which do (Strength)k2 Wounds, and force the victim to make an Earth roll at a TN of 5 x
the akutsukais Earth or gain 1-5 points of Taint
Command the Taint: The akutsukai can make a contested Willpower roll to command lesser Shadowlands creatures (goblins, ogres,
zombies, and oni) to do his bidding. This can be used against Tainted humans as well, though humans get a Free Raise if their Taint is
not their highest Trait, and two Free Raises if it is their lowest Trait.
Eyes of Hell: Most akutsukais normal eyeball tissues burn away, leaving an empty socket that glows green, red, ,yellow, white, or
blue, allowing them to see in darkness. They cannot be blinded.
Fear: As the oni power, rating 4.
Increased Attributes: Akutsukai can raise their attributes above 5 without knowledge of Shintao.
Invulnerability: As the oni power.
Maho-bujin Techniques: Former maho-tsukai can now use maho-bujin techniques.
Multiple Arms: The akutsukai has up to three more pairs of arms. When holding weapons, extra pairs grant +5 to the akutsukais TN
to be hit, as per the rank 1 Mirumoto technique.

Sense Purity: The akutsukai may roll Perception + Investigation, TN 15, to detect unTainted humans within a one-mile radius (plus a
half-mile per raise).
Spellcasting: Former maho-bujin can now cast maho spells.
Tail: The akutsukai has a club-like lizard tail, which he may fight with using his hand-to-hand skill. It does Strength + 1k2 Wounds.
Undead Strength: The akutsukai ignores Wound penalties. He no longer has Down or Out ranks, and fight until dead.
Wings: A pair of bat-like wings jut from the akutsukai shoulderblades, and he may fly at four times his walkin pace. He suffers a +5
TN penalty to all actions while on the ground, but his TN to be hit while in the air is at +10.

The Akutenshi
The most feared and least known of Fu Lengs human servants are the akutenshi, the commanders of the akutsukai, masters of oni and
the generals of Fu Lengs army. Akutsukai who are specially honored by Fu Leng (in a process so foul we wont print it) join the elite
corps of the evil angels. They can take any appearance and pass readily for human, some going so far as to re-learn Techniques lost
to them during the akutsukai process. Detecting their Taint using School Techniques or a Sense spell has a TN of 5 x the akutenshis
Shadowlands Rank, which is always frozen at 1 higher than their highest Trait to allow them control of their bodily corruption. To
preserve the suspense, GMs should never reveal this target number. There are currently around five hundred akutsukai, primarily
Moto, and less than fifty akutenshi, most of whom rarely leave the Festering Pit. The loudest voice in the akutenshi as long as Hida
and Atarasi are engaged is Moto Tsume, though most answer only to Fu Leng. The Kuni, suspect many akutenshi are in fact the
Fallen Gods children by Doji Nashiko, Moto bushi (male or female), or unfortunate abductees. Akutenshi have been known to kill
entire platoons of prepared Crabs single-handedly, so it is best to reserve them as behind-the-scenes or climactic villains. They retain
their akutsukai powers, plus as many of those listed below as the GM deems appropriate.

Powers of the Akutenshi

Armor of Death: The akutenshi has an armor rating equal to the number of Wounds inflicted on its previous strike. This acts like oni
armor, subtracting from Wounds rather than adding to the target number. Tetsubo and dietsuchi do not ignore this armor.
Blood Shouting: The akutenshi can form links to other people or creatures which taste her saliva. When struck, the akutenshi screams,
and if the target can hear it, he takes the Wounds in her place, bleeding as if from the same cut. Akutenshi often fool enemies into
kissing them, or spit into drinks long before fighting.
Body of Damned Time: For the cost of six Wounds, the akutenshi can turn its shape to an inky void filled with stars. All who look
upon it see their own death, turning their hair white. The akutenshi makes a contested Shadowlands Taint vs. Void roll. For every
point by which he exceeds each victims total, they age one year.
Breath of Taint: The akutenshi breathes clouds of pure Taint on its victims; anyone within ten feet must roll Earth, TN of 5 x its Air,
or take its Air Ring in Taint points.
Calligraphy of Thought: The akutenshi can read its victims surface thoughts by making a contested Awareness roll vs. the victims
Awareness + Defense. It takes two Raises for the akutenshi to read something the victim is deliberately trying to hide.
Death Never Stops: The akutenshi receives a number of Free Raises to her attack equal to the number of Wound Ranks inflicted on
her last blow.
Disrupt Chi: By making a contested Awareness roll against the opponents Awareness + School Rank, the akutenshi can force him to
add his lowest Trait to all skill rolls. This lasts for one round, plus one round per raise.
Flight: Unlike akutsukai, who can only fly if they have wings, akutenshi step through the air at will, and suffer no ill effects or
penalties from fighting upside-down, running in horizontal circles around an opponent, and so forth. This adds +10 to their TN to be
Invisibility: The akutenshi can take a single action to become invisible, adding +20 to her TN to be hit. She still leaves trails in sand or
water unless flying, and can be seen through crystal or thin sheets of jade.
Shapechanging: The akutenshi has complete control over its shape. It takes a single round to change to something similar (a human of
similar size and gender), two rounds for something slightly different (a human of a different gender), three for something of
significantly different size and shape (a pony, a small child), four rounds for extremely different size and shape (a mouse), and five
rounds for something of impossibly different size and shape (a swarm of flies).
Soul Drinking: The akutenshi may suck out a dying persons final breath to consume their soul, preventing the person from
reincarnating for as long as the evil angel lives. Victims faces appear in miniature inside its gastrointestinal tract, where they can
sometimes be heard wailing in tiny voices. Akutenshi torture the faces by drinking boiling sake or jabbing them with needles.

A Word of Caution
GMs should look over the following schools and consider them carefully before allowing player characters to attend. Most of these
schools are intended for highly Tainted characters or Lost NPCs. Only the Damned and the Nameless Ones are recommended for
general use by players, and such characters can be difficult to work into a campaign. All players who wish to create a character using
a school from this book must obtain prior permission from their GMs. Keep in mind that most of these schools do not imply
attendance at a school so much as a certain state of mind or an unfortunate combination of circumstances. They are referred to as
schools for ease of reference and because they are comparable in power and function with existing schools.
The Temple of Onnotangu
The followers of the Moon God do not realize that they walk a False Path. In truth, they follow the whim of Fu Leng, If they continue
on the path they tread, they are doomed to corruption. Many monks of Onnotangu wander the Emerald Empire disguised as normal
monks. It is entirely possible that one could become a member of the party. These monks may realize that they walk a False Path and
alter their philosophies once they witness the selfless heroism of the party but in doing so they mark themselves for death among their
former comrades. Cultists of Onnotangu are considered to be monks, and use the monk creation rules presented in The Way of Shinsei
Beginning Honor: 0
Skills: Hand-to-Hand, Meditation, Mountaineer, Shintao, Torture, any two Low Skills
Benefit: Monks of the Cult of Onnotangu always seem to have an Honor Rank of at least two if their true Honor is lower than two, so
long as they do not publicly commit a dishonorable act. Monks of the Cult of Onnotangu may select any Dark Kiho (see page 136)
when choosing kiho. Monks of Onnotangu roll one extra die on all actions taken beneath the light of the moon, but roll one less die
whenever making Willpower rolls to resist contracting the Shadowlands Taint
Special: A monk who turns his back on this False Path may purchase the Multiple Schools advantage and switch his temple to any of
those presented in The Way of Shinsei. All benefits and penalties of this temple are lost, and the benefits of the new temple are
The Moto Black Guard
When Moto Tsume led his familys famed cavalry force into the Shadowlands, he intended to end the threat of the Dark Lords armies
once and for all. In his arrogance, Tsume added to Fu Lengs armies a powerful new element of merciless, undying cavalry. The
Black Guard, as the Moto call them, are all that remains of the army that entered the Shadowlands over a century ago. The Dark Lord
has blessed his chosen soldiers with special gifts, sinister abilities that only they can master. The Dark Moto are among the most
feared of Fu Lengs minions, for they possess not only the foul powers of the Dark Lord, but also the prowess and capabilities of
powerful samurai. Many a Crab force, weakened by wave after wave of goblin warriors, has been shattered utterly by the merciless
charge of the Black Guard. Members of the Black Guard may choose to interrupt their advancement to learn various Shadowlands
Powers (see the Shadowlands Powers section later in this chapter). When the level of Insight has been reached such that he would
manifest a new Tedinique he may instead choose to learn one Power of appropriate level.
Requirement: Taint rank must be equal to or greater than School Rank at all times.
Benefit: +1 Strength
Beginning Honor: 0.0
Skills: Defense, Horsemanship, Horse Archery, Kenjutsu, Lore (Shadowlands), Yarijutsu, any one Bugei or Low skilL
Beginning Glory: None. Only the Moto family knows the names of the fallen.

Rank 1 Technique: Power in the Darkness
The embrace of the Dark Lord grants the Moto power beyond that of normal men, giving him unnatural strength. The Black Guard
may add his twice his Shadowlands Taint Rank to all damage rolls.
Rank 2 Technique: Death is an illusion
Once fallen, the Moto learn that their corrupted forms are nearly impervious to injury. They are able to continue fighting at their peak
up until the point when they are utterly destroyed. The Dark Moto suffers no TN penalties from any wound levels.
Rank 3 Technique: Ride Beyond Death
Fallen though they may be, not even death can destroy the bond between Unicorn and steed. By spending an action, the Dark Moto
may summon an onikage. If within the Shadowlands, an Onikage simply appears from nearby. Within Rokugan, the hideous creature
bursts forth from the ground itself, mystically summoned from the Dark Lords realm.
Rank 4 Technique: The Dark Lords Fury
The rage of Fu Leng resonates within the twisted soul of the Dark Moto. He may make two attacks per round, but his wrathful nature
prevents him from using the Full Defense maneuver. Instead his Defense skill is added directly to his TN to be hit at all times,
representing Fu Lengs protection of his minion.
Rank 5 Technique: Visage of the Damned
The Dark Moto can summon the essence of their corrupted nature and manifest it upon their tattered, rotting countenances, striking
terror into all who gaze upon them. If the Moto wins initiative, he may sacrifice one of his attacks this round to force his opponent to
take Full Defense.
The Power of Corruption
All power has its price. Knowing that price in advance is seldom an option for the ambitious. - Yogo Junzo
Though the Shadowlands Taint is a force of raw corruption, the temptation of power is the catalyst for this corruption. Those who
willingly use Jigokus blessings fall to its whims more quickly. All characters who bear the Shadowlands Taint may draw upon it in a
subconscious manner, adding their Rank in Taint to the total of any Skill rolls involving Strength, Stamina, Agility, or Reflexes and
gaining one point of Taint in the process. Once a character gains ten points of Taint, his Taint Rank increases by 1. This is hardly the
limit of the power offered by the Shadowlands. Those who attempt to harness the powers of darkness (consciously or subconsciously)
are capable of greater feats. Usually these feats come with an immediate price, causing strange deformities or twisting the characters
psyche. These abilities are classified as Shadowlands Powers, and are divided into three groups.

Minor Shadowlands Powers

These are relatively minor abilities or simple mutations that give the character powers above the norm. A character must have at least
one full Rank of Taint and spend one Experience Point or Character Point before he can acquire a Minor Shadowlands Power
(inexpensive, yes, but these characters are paying for their power in other ways). The process of learning a Minor Shadowlands Power
causes the character to accumulate one more point of Taint. This is the only sort of power available for most starting characters.
Major Shadowlands Powers
These abilities are markedly more impressive than Minor Shadowlands Powers. A character must spend five Experience Points before
he can acquire one of these powers. The process of learning one of these powers causes the character to accumulate two points of
Taint. A character must possess at least one Minor Shadowlands Power for each Major Shadowlands Power he acquires.
Greater Shadowlands Powers
These rare and terrible powers grant the character extreme capabilities, but also carry heavy prices. A character must spend ten
Experience Points before he can acquire a Greater Shadowlands Power. The process of learning one of these powers causes the
character to accumulate five points of Taint A character must possess one Major Shadowlands power for every Greater Shadowlands
Power he acquires.

Learning Shadowlands Powers

The maximum number of Shadowlands Powers that a character may possess is limited by his School Rank. A character who gains a
new Rank of Insight may choose to learn a new Shadowlands power in place of a Rank Technique. This new power is learned with no
expenditure of Experience, no increase in Taint, and without counting toward their maximum number of Powers. Since the character
has technically achieved a new Rank of Insight, he may purchase an additional Power normally. Characters who fully embrace their
Taint (typically Lost characters) can cannibalize old Rank Techniques, transforming them into Shadowlands Powers. By spending an
appropriate amount of time refocusing their dark energies, a character may permanently give up his highest level Rank Technique,
replacing it with one free Shadowlands Power. This process requires anywhere from two days to several years.
Shugenja and Shadowlands Powers
Shugenja stand closer to the elements than most. Unfortunately, due to the existence of maho, this also means that shugenja risk a
greater possibility of corruption. A Tainted shugenja may choose to learn an extra Shadowlands Power rather than increasing in Rank
as a shugenja. A shugenja may also choose to cannibalize his highest Rank of mastery (lowering his School Rank by one) in order to
learn a new Shadowlands Power. A shugenja who does so retains all of the spells he possesses, but his Mastery Levels are adjusted
accordingly. A shugenja who cannibalizes the purity of his magic in return for dark powers may find himself unable to cast some of
his old spells. For this reason, most Tainted shugenja chose to retain their mastery of magic rather than focusing on Shadowlands
Powers. Lost shugenja find it difficult to resist the temptation, and soon find the kami turning their backs as they embrace the power
of Fu Leng.
The Shadowlands School
Any character who uses a Rank of Insight or cannibalizes Rank Techniques to learn Shadowlands Powers is considered to have a
Rank in the Shadowlands School. These characters gain Insight and increase their Rank as normal characters, and gain a new
Shadowlands Power immediately upon gaining a new Rank. Characters do not need to purchase Different School or Multiple Schools
to join the Shadowlands School, but they may never learn any future Rank Techniques from any other schools once they have

Starting Shadowlands Characters

Player Characters who begin at the Shadowlands School are not recommended. Such individuals are doomed to corruption from the
start, and make better NPCs. Nevertheless, here are the rules for characters who begin at the Shadowlands School, presented for the
sake of completion and the GMS use. Mechanically, Shadowlands characters are identical to True Ronin. (Usually they are either
peasants, ronin, or samurai from vassal families who were not allowed to attend the family school.) Any character who meets the
requirements below may join the school, and may pay the listed Character Point cost for the Darkness Beyond Darkness technique.
Unlike most True Ronin schools, Shadowlands Characters may obtain a full 5 Ranks at the Shadowlands School (Or even more, if
the GM allows Ranks beyond 5.)

The Shadowlands School

Required Traits: Water 3
Required Skills: Shadowlands Lore 1
Other Requirements: Honor is reduced to 0.0, Dark Secret (Tainted), 1 full Rank of Shadowlands Taint
Location: Everywhere

Darkness Beyond Darkness (3 points)

You may select a Major and Minor Shadowlands power. The Major Power counts as your Rank 1 Technique.

Natural Shadowlands Creatures and Shadowlands Powers

The Shadowlands is an unpredictable place, its inhabitants more so. Roughly one in twenty denizens of the Shadowlands possesses
Shadowlands Powers. These powers work as they do for Tainted characters, except that powers which cause an increase in
Shadowlands Points may instead be used a number of times per day equal to the creatures Earth, unless noted otherwise. Effects
which depend upon the users Rank in Taint instead rely upon the creatures Earth, unless noted otherwise.
The limits of these powers are as follows:
Creature Maximum Number of Powers
Goblins, Hanemuri, lesser Oni 1 Minor
(minor creatures)
Pennaggolan, Gaki 1 Major, 1 Minor
(moderately powerful creatures)
Ogres, Trolls, Bog Hags 1 Greater, 1 Major, 1 Minor
(very powerful creatures)
Oni (extremely powerful creatures) GMS Discretion

Keep in mind that granting Powers to a monster greatly increases the threat it imposes. It is recommended that the GM not give these
powers to every creature the party comes across, but merely use them occasionally to keep player characters on their toes. A Goblin
Warmonger with Blackened Claws is a surprise; an entire army of goblins with Blackened Claws is a nightmare.

Some of the following Shadowlands Powers impose Deformities. These are special Disadvantages that cause the character to appear
inhuman. Anyone who studies the character may notice Deformities by making an Investigation/Perception roll. The TN of this roll is
listed with each Deformity. (For example Deformity/iS means a Deformity with a TN 15 to detect) If you have multiple Deformities,
an observer may roll separately to notice each one. Characters may attempt to disguise a deformity with Acting or Disguise (base TN
10). This will increase the TN to notice the Deformity by 5, plus 5 for each Raise made on the Acting or Disguise check.
Those who practice maho, as well as those who frequently use Shadowlands Powers that require scarification, may find it difficult
to hide the many cuts they must inflict upon themselves. A character receives a Deformity/20 for scarring himself in such a manner.
each time he cuts himself a number of times equal to his Earth within the span of one week, this Deformity TN is lowered by 5.
Healing the scars (with Unearthly Regeneration or Path to Inner Peace) negates this Deformity.
Tea of Jade Petals and Shadowlands Powers
All Shadowlands Powers become inactive 1-10 minutes after drinking Tea of Jade Petals and Deformities recede. The tea is frequently
used by Kuni Witch Hunters to drug a dangerous Tainted individual, negating his powers and simplifying his arrest and execution.
Minor Shadowlands Powers

Beyond the Elements

You are eternally surrounded with dark magic making you especially resistant to the pure magic of the kami. All non-maho spells cast
by or targeting you have their TNs raised by 10. All maho cast by or targeting you receives a Free Raise. You may cancel the Free
Raise against hostile maho, but cannot cancel the effect on pure magic even if you wish to be targeted.
Drawback: The spirits shy away from you. Any shugenja who casts Sense in your presence will detect a strange eddy in the kami, and
may suspect that something is wrong.

Blackened Claws
You may instantly extend claws of pure obsidian from the tips of your fingers. You gain one point of Taint every time you extend the
claws, but there is no limit to the amount of time they may remain extended. The claws do 3k3 Wounds and gain a +5 initiative bonus
the round they are extended. The Blackened Claws can harm creatures normally vulnerable only to crystal, obsidian, or jade. The
Claws may be wielded using either the Tanto or Jiujutsu skill, or you may learn a Weapon Specialization in them.
Drawback: After taking this power, you grow to prefer using the claws above all other weapons, and must make a Willpower roll vs.
TN 5 each round to avoid using the claws in a combat situation. Deformity/0 if the claws are extended.

Blessing of the Dark One

You have gained an uncanny resistance to pain and damage. Your maximum Wounds on each level are increased by 1.
Drawback: Your skin is slightly rubbery and inhuman. Deformity/10 for those who touch your skin.

Blood Sense
You have a bizarre sense for fresh blood. You instantly detect afl warm blood within 50 feet per Rank of Taint you have accumulated.
This sense is blocked by 2 of wooden obstructions, 1 of stone, or 6 of metal. It is not blocked by flesh; thus you can sense the
location of living creatures in range. This ability functions exactly as the Sense spell, except that it senses warm, living blood.
Drawback: You gain an unnatural thirst for blood. If you see exposed blood you must make a Willpower check vs. TN 5 to prevent
yourself from taking a taste.

Child of Darkness
You find yourself at home in the Shadowlands. Somehow, you feel an odd kinship for creatures of darkness and they return the
gesture. Natural Shadowlands creatures will not attack you unless you threaten them first If you can communicate with them, they
might obey your commands. Note that what some Shadowlands creatures consider a threat may not be immediately obvious. An oni,
for example, may consider your mere presence in its territory a threat This power should be used with care, and how each individual
creature reacts is up to the GM.
Drawback: None. This power is unpredictable enough as it is.

Claws of the Kumo

Small hairs grow from your forearms and shins, like a spiders. If exposed, you can use them to scale nearly any surface at normal
walking speed. Extremely slick surfaces remain impassable. Adhesive surfaces, such as webs, are ignored and can be traversed
without penalty.
Drawback: Deformity/15.

Darkness Unseen
Your Taint is more difficult to sense than normal. Those who can sense Taint have a +15 TN penalty to sense your Taint Effects that
automatically detect Taint require their user to make an Investigation/Perception roll vs. your Taint Rank x 5 to be effective. Effects
that do automatic damage to Tainted targets (such as Jade Strike or Rest, My Brother) are not affected by this power.
Drawback: None.

Death Sense
You can sense the remains of dead creatures. The range of this sense is 50 per Rank of Shadowlands Taint This sense is blocked by
2 of wooden obstructions, 1of stone, or 6 of metal. It is not blocked by earth. This power also makes general distinctions between the
type of dead (undead, human corpse, leather saddle, etc) Mahot~ukai often make use of this power in order to find corpses to animate
as zombies.
Drawback: You have a dark, unnatural hunger for dead flesh. If you encounter dead, unmoving flesh you might be tempted to take a
bite. Willpower roll vs. TN 5 to resist

Eternal Health
Fu Leng may be the patron of corruption, but he is also quite adept at protecting his servants from unwanted pollutants. You are
immune to all diseases and poisons, whether they are magical or non.magical.
Drawback: If you exposed to a disease there is a chance that you will become a carrier, spreading the disease to others as if you were
Infected until the GM deems otherwise.

Fu Lengs Hunger
Your stomach has become a furnace of infernal power, allowing you to eat and digest anything. Poison, acid, broken glass, even fire
will do no harm once placed in your mouth and swallowed. You are still vulnerable to injected, inhaled, and contact poisons.
Drawback: Soon after gaining this power, you develop a taste for some unusual item (cockroaches, stone, hair) and eat it whenever
you get a chance. You may make a Willpower roll vs. TN 5 to resist eating the item in inappropriate company. This roll carries a +10
TN penalty if you think no one else is watching.

Jade Sense
You have a natural sense for jade, crystal, and obsidian. You instantly detect all jade and crystal within ten feet per rank of Taint you
have accumulated, regardless of obstructions. This ability functions exactly as the Sense spell, with regards to jade and crystal only.
This spell can sense Tea of Jade Petals, and will immediately identify it for what it is. A Cloak of Night spell or other appropriate
magic will block this Power.
Drawback: None.

Master of Blood
You are a friend to the kansen, a master of dark magics. If you are a shugenja, you may reduce the number of Wounds required to cast
a maho spell by your Taint This power may not be taken by non-shugenja characters.
Drawback: The kansen are jealous masters. The TN of any nonmaho spell you cast is raised by 5.

Master of Shadows
You are at home in darkness, and the shadows tend to wrap themselves around you. You may roll and keep extra dice equal to your
Taint on all Stealth rolls, and may attempt to vanish into the shadows even if someone is watching you. (Make an opposed roll of your
Stealth /Agility vs. the watchers Investigation/Perception.)
Drawback: You naturally attract deep shadows, even when there are none about. This counts as a Deformity/10 if you are in bright
light, and cannot be disguised except by staying out of such light

Taint Sense
You have a supernatural sense for corruption. The range of this sense is 50 feet per your Rank of Shadowlands Taint This sense is
blocked by 2 of wooden obstructions, 1 of stone, or 6 of metal. It is not blocked by earth. This power also makes general distinctions
between the type of Taint (Tainted human, Shadowlands creature, corrupted land, corrupted nemuranai) In the Shadowlands itself,
this power is nearly useless as your senses become completely filled with corruption.
Drawback: You are strangely drawn to the Taint Whenever this power activates, you will be tempted to seek out the strongest source
of Taint in range. Once there, you may act as you wish, though you must try to remain near the Taint as long as possible. You may
make a Willpower roll vs. TN of 15 each hour to shrug off this temptation.

Uncanny Speed
You can move as quickly as shadows before light You may move your (Water + Taint) x 5 feet in a round, or double that if you take
no other action that round. You face no penalty the round after running full speed (as a normal character does; see Movement on page
164 of the Players Guide). By gaining a point of Taint, you may roll and keep a number of extra dice equal to double your Taint on
your Initiative for one round.
Drawback: You are naturally fidgety and nervous. This counts as a Deformity/20, though an observer is more likely to think that you
are hyperactive or addicted to drugs than Tainted. This Deformity cannot be disguised.

Unholy Beauty
Darkness can often be subtle. You receive none of the normal social penalties for being Tainted. Also, all Taint symptoms you accrue
will be either mental or easily hidden physical symptoms. Deformities acquired by selecting other powers are not affected by this
power. Note that this ability is useless for most natural Shadowlands creatures, who have a naturally inhuman appearance.
Drawback: None.

Unholy Stamina
Your Taint keeps you eternally full of energy. You may continue functioning without rest or sleep as long as you wish.
Drawback: Every three days you use this power causes you to develop another point of Taint, whether or not those three days are

Unholy Vision
Those who possess this power will find that their vision is never clouded. You can always see clearly in darkness, smoke, or when
magically blinded. This power activates automatically, though you can choose not to use it
Drawback: When relying upon Unholy Vision, your eyes glow with a sinister green light Anyone who can see you will notice easily.
Luckily, this power usually only functions when visibility is in question, so it tends to do a good job of hiding itself.
Major Shadowlands Powers

Above the Elements

This power functions exactly as Beyond The Elements, except that the TNs of magic targeting you are raised by 15, and maho gains
two Free Raises. Again, you can choose whether to allow the Free Raises~ but you have no control over your resistance to normal
magic. This power is cumulative with Beyond the Elements.
Drawback: The spirits shy away from you. Any shugenja who casts Sense will detect a great void in the kami, and will probably guess
that something is wrong.

Beside the Darkness

By meditating for two hours, you can force your body to temporarily metabolize your Taint All physical symptoms of the Taint vanish
while this power is in effect, though missing limbs and the like will not be replaced. Your Taint is totally undetectable in this state,
and effects which specifically harm Shadowlands creatures have no effect upon you. The effects of this power wear off abruptly at
sunrise. Natural Shadowlands creatures may not purchase this ability, with the exception of Bog Hags and pennaggolan. Bog Hags
who put aside their Taint may neither use their disease-inducing ability nor take a new skin while using this power. Pennaggolan who
put aside their Taint must remain in human form, and lose their Fear and Invulnerability.
Drawback: While under the effect of this power, you may not use any of your Shadowlands Powers, and may not use your Taint to
increase your physical Traits. Each time this power is used, you gain a point of Taint Maho may not be used while this power is in
effect. This power cannot be canceled prematurely.

Billowing Darkness
By summoning the power of corruption you can create a cloud of darkness, surrounding you in a radius of 10 for every Rank of Taint
you possess. All vision within the cloud is obscured. The cloud remains in place despite wind and weather conditions for a number of
minutes equal to your Taint
Drawback: You gain a point of Taint each time this power is used. Without Unholy Vision you cannot see in your own darkness.

Blood Domination
Your blood carries a powerful magic, housing many of the will. sapping attributes of the Taint Any creature that has drunk as little
as a thimbleful of your blood becomes subject to your demands. You may make an opposed Willpower roll to cause any such target to
obey your every wish for a number of hours equal to your Taint If you do not command your target, the blood lingers in their system
for a number of months equal to your Taint until you invoke this ability. Once you begin commanding the target, you cannot end the
magic prematurely to save the effect for later. Drawing enough blood from yourself to use this power causes one Wound.
Drawback: None, though it can be difficult to convince people to drink your blood. Mixing it in with something else is usually a good
idea See the above section on Scarification.

Blood Knows Blood

You are able to sense parts of your own body, no matter where they may be. Those who bear this power usually use blood (at least
one Wound) as a tracking device, smearing a bit on their quarry and then unerringly following the path. There is no need to roll; the
power simply works. The blood normally lingers about a week unless it is intentionally washed away. Those with more ghoulish
tastes may leave longer lasting bits of themselves (fingers, etc.). This is not recommended unless you have Unearthly Regeneration,
not to mention the reaction bound to occur if the body part is discovered. Hair and fingernails may not be tracked. Pain seems to be
the price for this blessing. If you possess this power and Blood Domination, you may track those who have drunk your blood.
Drawback: See the above section on Scarification.

Corrupted Blood
Some people believe that theres a kansen looking over their shoulder. In your case there i& Any magic you use is instantly twisted
and fulfilled by kansen rather than kami, causing any spell you cast to be treated as maho. Note that non-maho spells converted in this
manner do not require Wounds to cast, nor do they cause your Shadowlands Taint to increase. They expend a spell slot for the day in
the manner of normal spells. However, if you have no spell slots remaining, you may incur Wounds and increase your Taint (using the
normal rules for maho) in order to cast an additional spell from the non-maho spell list using this ability. Non-shugenja may not select
this ability.
Drawback: You can never cast normal magic again, even if your Taint is cured and this power is lost. The kami really frown on this
sort of thing.

Demonic Charisma
Not all servants of evil are loathsome and hideous. You may roll and keep an additional number of dice equal to half your Taint
(round up) on all attempts to seduce someone. By gaining a point of Taint and making an opposed Willpower roll, you can prevent
one person from noticing your physical Taint symptoms until sunrise the next day.
Drawback: None.

Father of Lies
When the Shadowlands is subtle, it is at its most dangerous. You may use your Taint to increase rolls involving mental Traits
(Willpower, Perception, Awareness, and Intelligence) as well as physical Traits.
Natural Shadowlands creatures with this power instead double one of their mental Traits for a single roll, a number of times per day
equal to their Earth.
Drawback: A point of Taint is accumulated whenever this power is used, just as when the Taint is used to increase physical Traits.
Natural Shadowlands creatures gain no Taint when using this power.

Fu Lengs Venom
You can secrete a frightful, pain-inducing poison from your palms. This poison can be used in combination with Blackened Claws or
it can be smeared over the blade of a weapon. There is no antidote for this poison and there is no resistance. Fortunately, it is not fatal.
Any creature injected with this poison suffers a +5 penalty to all their TNs for a number of minutes equal to your Taint. Multiple
doses impose a cumulative penalty.
Drawback: The poison has a harsh, ammonia-like smell and often bleeds from your hands when you dont wish it to. This imposes a

Greater Blessing of the Dark One

As in the Blessing of the Dark One, but your maximum Wounds on each level are increased by 2. This power is cumulative with
Blessing of the Dark One.
Drawback: Your skin is slightly rubbery and paler than normal. Deformity/5 for those who touch your skin or examine you closely.

Speak With the Voices of the Dead

You are able to speak with the spirits of the deceased. By standing over the remains of a dead person, or meditating in the place where
they died, you can force their spirit to appear and question them. If you win an opposed Willpower roll with the spirit (assume their
Willpower is equal to the amount they had in life) they are forced to answer one question as truthfully as they are able. If they win the
roll, they may choose whether or not they wish to answer, or if they wish to lie to you.
Drawback: You gain a point of Taint every time you use this power. In addition, the GM rolls for the spirit secretly. You never know
whether or not youve succeeded, and spirits hate being treated this way. Natural Shadowlands creatures gain no Taint for using this
power, but may only use it once per day.

Terrible Armor
The dark power of the Taint has rendered covered your body with a stiff, scabrous armor. You may add your Taint Rank x 5 to your
TN to be Hit.
Drawback: The armor is fairly obvious. Deformity/0 unless its covered up somehow, and any bit of exposed skin will give it away.
This Deformity is difficult to disguise.

Terror of Fu Leng
You radiate the terrible power of Fu Leng, radiating Fear equal to your Taint in a thirty foot radius. This Fear can be sensed by anyone
within the radius, but doesnt affect your allies, who know (or hope) that your power is on their side.
Drawback: You cant turn this power off without gaining a point of Taint. Once its off, you cant reactivate it without gaining another
point of Taint Natural Shadowlands creatures cannot turn this power off at alL If a creature already has a natural Fear Rating, the
higher of the two Fear Ratings is increased by one.

Unearthly Regeneration
You heal with incredible speed. Every minute you recover a number of Wounds equal to your Taint In addition, your injuries leave no
scars, a convenient ability for those who practice maho or scarification. You do not regenerate lost limbs or body parts, though a
severed part will reattach itself if held in place for several minute&
Drawback: Every twenty Wounds healed by this ability cause you to gain another point of Shadowlands Taint

Unholy Strength
You add your Shadowlands Trait in dice to all Strength rolls~ including damage rolls. Note that you may still gain a point of Taint to
add your Taint to your Strength, gaining an additional bonus.
Drawback: Your body has become grotesquely over-muscled from the power of dark magic. Deformity/10 to tell that something is
very wrong. Even if you disguise your Deformity, you will still look as if you have been doing an awful lot of exercise.

Greater Shadowlands Powers

Beast of Fu Leng
The Taint has transformed you completely into a bestial, inhuman creature. The exact details of the transformation depend upon your
1) Extra limbs Discolored or skeletal arms sprout from your ribcage, allowing an additional Hand-to-Hand attack per round.
2) Quadruped You are a four-legged beast from the waist down. Your Water Ring is doubled for the purposes of determining
movement. This is cumulative with Uncanny Speed.
3) Flight Great skeletal wings with torn, leathery skin sprout from your shoulder blades. You may fly at your normal rate of
4) Tentacles A mass of squirming, intestine-like tentacles erupt from your body in various places. The distraction they provide
grants a +5 to your TN to be hit. If you forego all other actions you may attack with the tentacles. This does no damage, but forces
your opponent to make an opposed Strength check each round or be held helpless so long as you use your actions to maintain your
Drawback: This power imposes a Deformity that can never be hidden or concealed. Using Beside the Darkness will not return you to
your human form. The Beast of Fu Leng is your true form, now and forevermore. Wearing armor may be difficult without

Bloodstrike Plague
Your body is covered with oozing sores, carrying a debilitating strain of Bloodstrike Plague. You are immune to the disease, though
those who come in contact with you are usually not Those who come in contact with the foul liquid you ooze must make a Stamina
roll vs. your Taint Rank x 5. If they fail, their Earth is lowered by one as they are infected with Bloodstrike Plague. All character
statistics which depend upon Earth (including Wounds, Willpower, and Stamina) are lowered proportionately. Each day an infected
victim does not rest, they lose another point of Earth until their Earth reaches zero and they die. Each day they rest, they may make
another Stamina roll vs. the original TN. If it is successful, they are no longer infected and become immune. If they fail this roll, they
lose another point of Earth. Use of the Advanced Medicine skill can give bonuses to a victims Stamina roll as the GM deems fit Once
a victim is immune, one point of Earth returns per two full days of rest Those who come in contact with an infected victim must make
a Stamina roll vs. TN 10 or become infected as well. Anyone who touches you must roll to see if they are infected. Anyone who
wounds you in combat is likewise splattered with fluids. Though it is indeed revolting, you may attempt to flick your disease-ridden
fluids at others as a ranged attack. While there is no skill that pertains to this, it is possible you could learn one with enough practice.
The maximum range for such an attack is fifteen feet
Drawback: The oozing boils that cover your body are almost impossible to hide. Deformity/0.

Book of Souls
Legend has it that Fu Lengs Book of Souls contains the frailties, weaknesses, and fears of every living mortal. This power gives you
insight into the Book of Souls, a powerful ability to determine the shortcomings of others. By gaining a point of Taint and making an
opposed Willpower check with a target, you learn a number of Disadvantages equal to your Taint Rank. The GM chooses which, if
any, Disadvantages you learn. Using this power multiple times on the same individual will turn up new Disadvantages each time, until
you have learned everything there is to know. You cannot successfully use this power against the same person more than once a
Drawback: You must look your target in the eyes. If they win the contest of wills, a chill passes through them and nothing happens.
This is a foolish stunt to attempt against Kuni Witch Hunters, who are usually familiar with this power, know exactly what youre up
to, and dont have anything to hide anyway.

Drawing Out the Darkness

The Shadowlands is everywhere, in everything. Some people just havent realized it yet Using this power requires ten minutes of
concentration and constant physical contact with another living being. At the end of this time, you must make an opposed Willpower
test against the target If you succeed, the target gains a number of points of Taint equal to your Taint rank, permanently. You may not
use this ability on the same person more than once a month.
Drawback: The Kuni Witch Hunters keep an eye open for this sort of thing. A sudden outbreak of Taint in the middle of a city is
likely to draw swift retribution. Only fools use this power carelessly.

Feeding on Flesh
When your own strength is gone, there are always others who can lend you theirs. It only remains to convince them. If you kill a
creature with your bare hands or natural weapons (such as Blackened Claws) you immediately regain a number of Wound Ranks
equal to double their lowest Ring. Samurai killed in this manner never return as ancestors. No one is really certain where these poor
souls end up, but it isnt Yomi.
Drawback: This power is not subtle. A terrible red light rises from your victim into your mouth when this power is used, and the howl
of tormented souls can be heard for several yards.

Final Blessing of the Dark One

As in the Blessing of the Dark One, but your maximum Wounds on each level are increased by 4. This power is cumulative with both
Blessing of the Dark One and Greater Blessing of the Dark One.
Drawback: Your skin becomes pale white porcelain, as hard as a china doll. Deformity/0. This Deformity is very difficult to disguise.

Protection of the Dark
By drawing on this dark power, you gain one point of Taint and Invulnerability for a number of hours equal to your Taint Rank.
Drawback: While you are using this power, your skin glows with a throbbing black energy. This is impossible to hide, and obviously
sinister to anyone with any amount of common sense. Natural Shadowlands creatures with this ability may use it once per day for
a number of hours equal to their Earth.

Outside the Elements

This power functions exactly as Beyond the Elements, except that the TNs of spells targeting you are raised by 20, and maho gains
three Free Raises. Again, you can choose whether to allow the Free Raises, but have no control over your resistance to normal magic.
This power is cumulative with Beyond the Elements and Above the Elements.
Drawback: The spirits flee from your presence. Any shugenja who casts Sense in your presence will detect a great negative vortex in
the kami, and know immediately that something is horribly wrong.

Thy Masters Will

The power of Fu Lengs vengeance fires your every action, and even death is not a barrier to your power. Any time you are killed, you
return from the dead some time later with an additional Rank of Taint The first time this power activates, you become Undead, and are
affected by everything that affects Undead. The GM determines exactly how long it takes you to recover from your death, but you
always return at full strength. You retain all your abilities, Rank Techniques, Void, and control of your character (unless the increase
in Taint causes you to become Lost). Technically, you are a Revenan~ a living soul trapped in an undead body.
Drawback: Many negative spells affect undead, and soon after your first death your body begins to rot The stench of death follows
you ever afterward. This bestows a Deformity/0 that is impossible to conceal. You must make three Raises to increase the TN to
notice your undead state by 5, and cannot raise the Investigation TN above 10.
Ogre Bushi School
Benefit: None
Skills: Battle, Defense, Hunting, Jiujutsu, Rokugani Language, Stealth, one Weapon Skill
Beginning Honor: 0 (Ogres operate according to their own concept of honor, which varies wildly from the Rokugani norm)

Rank 1 Technique: Muhomonos Strength

Named after the legendary king of the ogres, the ogre may voluntarily reduce his attack roll by a number of dice to increase his
damage roll by an equal number of dice. Dice must be reduced before the attack roll is made.
Rank 2 Technique: Muhomonos Speed
The ogre king was an army unto himself. When using an enormous weapon, the ogre can make broad, sweeping attacks. By imposing
a +10 TN penalty to a single attack roll, the ogre may apply this attack roll against everyone within 10, friend or foe. Any combatants
struck by this attack are damaged normally. This must be declared before the attack roll is made.
Rank 3 Technique: Muhomonos Armor
A true warrior of the ogre heritage needs no feeble metal for protection. The ogres Carapace rating increases to 9.
Dark Kiho
In essence, a kiho is a measure of an individuals state of harmony with the elements, a tiny piece of enlightenment that manifests
itself in an obvious, physical sense. With this in mind it would seem that those monks who have embraced the Shadowlands would be
unable to use kiho, corrupted as they are by the Taint. This is not the case. The element of corruption that shugenja call the Taint
disrupts and alters the balance of elements within all who become infected by it. The effects are unpredictable, but it is possible, for
example, for a person who becomes Tainted to have the element of Earth within them increased at the expense of Air, or some other
combination. In fact, the Taint has often been likened to a sixth element itself, existing as it does outside the realm of Void, that which
is all and nothing. So yes, it is possible that an individual who possesses the ability to perform kiho and who becomes Tainted will
lose some or all of his abilities. However, there is an equal possibility that he will keep some or all of them, and may even develop
new, horrific kiho based upon the element of corruption within him. To learn a kiho, the dark monk must have the relevant Ring +
School Rank equal to or greater than the kihos Mastery Level. No dark kiho may ever be used during the same round as an elemental
kiho; the energies for the two are simply too different. Upon each use of a dark kiho, the monk must roll Void versus a TN equal to
the kihos Mastery x 5. Success means that the monk gains a single point of Taint Failure means that the monk gains a number of
points equal to the kihos Mastery Level.

Blessings of Jigoku
Type: Dark
Element: Taint
Mastery: 5
By summoning forth the power of a lost soul, this kiho grants the wisdom of the dead to an ally of the maho-tsukai. When cast, the
shugenja or monk must target a dead creature it is touching. The maho-tsukai may then use any skill known to the dead person in life,
at a rank equal to the tsukais Shadowlands Taint rank (but not surpassing the dead persons original skill). This kiho may remain in
effect for up to 10 rounds, or one round after physical contact is lost, whichever is first.

Type: Dark
Element: Taint
Mastery: 3
This terrifying kiho is thankfully known to only a few mahotsukai in the Empire. Thought to have been created by luchiban, it has
been passed down to Fu Lengs most devout followers. By summoning the darkness of the air around them and powering it with his
own corrupted blood, users are able to strike his opponents very souls with corrupted lightning. Those who are struck with this
lightning instantly lose one point of Void. If he has no Void to spend, he instead takes 3k1 Wounds from the black lightning and gains
1 point of Taint This kiho can only be cast by spilling tainted blood, and has a range of thirty feet.

Breath of the Kumo

Type: Dark
Element: Air
Mastery: 4
Each of the elements that exist within a dark monk has been corrupted by the presence of the Taint With concentration, the monk can
turn these corrupted elements against his foes. By concentrating for one round, the dark monk can summon forth a blast of foul air
from deep within his lungs. This air is a noxious poison, debilitating to even the strongest bushi. The monk must be within arms
reach of an opponent to use this attack, which affects the target so severely that a Stamina roll against a TN of 20 is required or the
opponent will spend the next two rounds on the ground retching violently.

Child of the Corrupted Dragon

Type: Dark
Element: Taint
Mastery: 5
This horrifying kiho allows the monk to merge with the foul corruption of the Taint itself, removing him from the grasp of the
elements. Spells from any element other than Void that target a monk employing this kiho have their TN increased by the monks
Earth x 2. A monk using Child of the Corrupted Dragon has skin the color of a moonless night, with shadows that seem to crawl
across his flesh and eyes that burn a sickly green. This kiho lasts for a number of turns equal to the dark monks Taint rank.

Corrupted Touch
Type: Dark
Element: Taint
Mastery: 3
By channeling the Taint through a potent finger strike, the dark monk may pass a tiny essence of corruption into his target While this
is not enough to give the target the Taint, it does disrupt the targets elemental balance and harmony. Anyone struck with Corrupted
Touch is considered to have a Void Ring of zero for a number of turns equal to twice the dark monks school rank. The monk must
successfully strike his opponent hand-to-hand to use Corrupted Touch.

Essence of Corruption
Type: Dark
Element: Earth
Mastery: 4
Similar to Corrupted Touch, this kiho channels a portion of the dark monks Taint into an outward display of corruption. By striking
any nonliving object, the monk may corrupt and corrode it with his own essence. Wood rots, stone breaks, and metal rusts. Especially
well-constructed objects (such as the average katana) will not be destroyed, merely sullied and in need of restoration by a trained
weaponsmith. Dark monks have been known to use Essence of Corruption to destroy the peasant weapons of their opponents, or even
the walls of buildings in which they are fighting, allowing for an escape route while the monks opponents scramble to escape the
collapsing structure.

Venoms Touch
Type: Dark
Element: Water
Mastery: 5
With a precise strike, a dark monk can corrupt the flow of Water through an opponents spirit, disrupting the normal balance of the
soul and inflicting tremendous pain. With a successful hand-to-hand attack, the monk causes intense pain in the target, whose inner
balance is painfully wrenched out of alignment The target of Venoms Touch suffers 2k2 Wounds per round for a number of rounds
after the strike equal to the monks Taint rank.
Shadowlands Beginning Outfit
Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed below. The Equipment List is on page 150. List your possessions and money on the back
of your character sheet. Choose your Primary Weapon and how many dice youll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its
protection, and your TN to be hit.

Black Guard Outfit

(All considered to be Average Quality): Katana, wakizashi, yumi (with 20 arrows), yari, Light or Heavy Armor.

Ogre Bushi Outfit
(All items except weapons are Poor Quality; scavenged or stolen) Tattered clothing, Light Armor, 2 weapons (enormous club inflicts
1k5 but has a -5 Initiative penalty)
Falling Down
Heritage tables for the Tainted would be unnecessary and unproductive. Every clan, every family, every level of the Celestial Order
has been touched by the Dark Lord. Even the Hantei line itself contributed one of the greatest threats the Emerald Empire has ever
faced: the Bloodspeaker luchiban. Any samurai could become Tainted, no matter what their heritage. How they get that way is far
more interesting. There are many different paths to corruption. Some receive their scars from heroic battles against the forces of evil,
while others gain it as a result of gathering dark, forbidden powers for themselves. Whether it came from the claws of a rampaging
monstrosity or the gentle caress of a corrupted geisha, the Taint is a part of you now. This table is intended exclusively for those
players interested in creating characters who already possess the Taint when the game begins. A character from one of the Great Clans
may choose to roll on both this table as well as the Heritage Tables of his clan, but must pay points for each table as appropriate. A
character may roll upon the following tables up to three times. The first roll is free, but subsequent rolls cost 1 Character Point per
roll. Any Advantages or Disadvantages gained as a result of rolling on the tables below are free and character neither gain nor pay
points for them. Begin with Table 1 and proceed as directed.. .if you dare.

Table 1: The Kiss of Darkness

Roll Result
1-3 Corrupted (Roll on Table 2)
4-6 In the Line of Duty (Roll on Table 3)
7-8 Mysterious Circumstances (Roll on Table 4)
9-0 Taint-Born (Roll on Table 5)

Table 2: Embrace of the Dark Lord

Roll Result
1-2 Maho-tsukai. You have willingly embraced the easy power of blood magic~ Your Honor begins at a maximum of 1.0 and may
never increase. You gain one maho spell scroll of your choice (subject to GM approval) and the ability to cast it. Roll on Table
3-4 Dark Artifact. You possess an ancient artifact that grants you power, but at a terrible cost. Knowing the risks, you have chosen
to seize the power for yourself, chancing the consequences. The artifact boosts one of your traits, enabling you to roll and keep
an extra dice whenever making a roll that involves that Trait However, you are limited to a maximum number of Raises equal to
your Void minus one. Both of these are in effect so long as the artifact is on your person. Roll on Table 6B.
5-6 Failed Expedition. You were part of an expedition into the Shadowlands. Things went very badly, and you betrayed your fellow
samurai to survive. Perhaps you offered them for your safe passage, or perhaps you feasted on their corpses to survive. In any
event, you escaped, but others seem to sense something is different about you. You gain the Bentens Curse Disadvantage. Roll
on Table 6B.
7-8 WIlling Participant. A loved one has chosen the dark path of Fu Leng. Rather than turn them in, you have chosen to help
conceal their crimes in exchange for a taste of the power. You have participated in many dark rituals that have left you scarred
and Tainted. You gain the Advantage Major Ally (maho-tsukai) and the Disadvantage Bad Fortune (scarred). Roll on Table 6B.
9-0 Pact with an Oni. You have truly sold your soul. Somehow you came into contact with one of Fu Lengs demons. Rather than
run or fight, you chose to bargain for power. You may call upon the onis power, substituting one of its Traits for the same Trait
of yours once per month. When you do this, however, your Taint Points doublet Roll on Table 6B.

Table 3: Against the Darkness

Roll Result
1-2 Upon the Wall. Your daimyo ordered you to serve upon the Great Wall to learn the true meaning of courage. Your body
suffered, but your mind is strong enough to handle the horrors you have seen. You gain the Death Trance Advantage. Roll on
Table 6A.
3-4 Scouting Party. You were badly wounded on a scouting trip into the Shadowlands. Rather than stop to dress your wound, you
continued without rest to deliver the message that an attack on the Wall was imminent. Gain 5 Honor points. Roll on Table 6A.
5-6 Rampage. A Shadowlands creature escaped Fu Lengs realm and ran rampant across the Empire until you and your comrades
killed it Gain an additional Glory Rank. Roll on Table 6A.
7-8 Taking the Wound. While serving as a yojimbo, you leapt in front of a blow meant for your charge. The blade was crafted from
obsidian, and you will feel the Taint of its cut forever. Your charge showered you with gifts in appreciation. You gain the 5-
point Wealthy Advantage for free. Roll on Table 6A.
9-0 Maho-hunter. You aided a Kuni Witch Hunter in exposing and eliminating a maho-tsukai in your home province, but not before
the Lost mage struck you with his dark magic. You gain a Minor Ally in the Crab Clan. Roll on Table 6A.

Table 4: Shadows of Doubt
Roll Result
1-3 Amnesia. You were found beaten and battered at the edge of the Shinomen Forest with no idea how you got there or how you
received the Taint You will do anything to learn the truth. Gain both the Higher Purpose Advantage and the Driven
Disadvantage. Roll on Table 6A.
4-6 Plague. One of the plagues that have ravaged Rokugan in the past decade struck you and left you Tainted. The experience has
increased your resistance to damage and disease. Gain the 4-point Strength of the Earth Advantage. Roll on Table 6A.
7-8 Geisha. While traveling on a mission for your lord, you stayed the night in a geisha house with an alluring woman. When you
discovered you had been Tainted, you returned, but the entire house had vanished. Your travels among the lesser classes in
search of answers has taught you much, though little you would share with others. You gain 3 ranks in a Low Skill of your
Choice. Roll on Table 6B.
9-0 Damnation. Your name has been given to an oni! You do not know who is responsible, but you can feel the creatures dark
power growing. You must seek it out and destroy it before it consumes you utterly. You gain the Higher Purpose Advantage as
well as the Dark Fate Disadvantage. Roll on Table 6B.

Table 5: Born into Sin

Roll Result
1-2 Corrupted. Your parent or ancestor was a corrupted minion of Fu Leng. They were destroyed, but not before passing their
legacy on to you. You gain the Bad Reputation Disadvantage. Roll on Table 6B.
3-4 Victim. Your parent or ancestor was the victim of a powerful maho attack that left them Tainted and sickly. You inherited the
Taint, but are resistant to spellcraft of all kinds. Gain the second level Magic Resistance Advantage. Roll on Table 6A.
5-6 Veteran. Your ancestor fought bravely at a major engagement with the Shadowlands, but did not emerge unscathed. Roll to see
what battle they were involved in:
1-2: The War with Fu Leng. Your ancestor stood alongside the kami themselves and faced the forces of darkness. Your
bloodline is a powerful one within your clan, but the curse of the founder occasionally surfaces in the form of Taint-born
children. Gain 4 additional character points to be used toward the purchase of any Ancestor. Roll on Table 6A.
3-4: Battle of the Landhridge. Your ancestor crawled half-dead and Tainted from Earthquake Fish Bay following the epic baffle
of the Crab and Crane versus the Shadowlands. Already dead to his dan, he became ronin and eventually was granted fealty
elsewhere. His secret lives on in you. Gain the Dark Secret Disadvantage. Roil on Table 6B.
5-6: Battle of the Cresting Wave. Your ancestor stood against one of the most powerful oni ever to exist: the Maw. Through
incredible valor and sacrifice, he won the eternal respect of the Crab. You gain 4 additional Character Points which must be
used to purchase ranks in Skills taught by one of the Crab schools. Roll on Table 6A.
7-8: Five Nights of Shame. You know that your ancestor fought during famous battle of the Snake and Phoenix, but you do not
know on which side. You must know the truth or you will never feel at ease. You gain the Driven Disadvantage. Roll on Table
9-0: Battle of Sleeping River. Your ancestor fell prey to the touch of a Bloodspeaker cultist when luchiban returned. He fought
valiantly And was excused for his Taint, but everyone still looks upon you somewhat differently. Gain the Disadvantage
Bentens Curse. If you already possess this Disadvantage, double its effects. Roll on Table 6A.
7-8 Mystery. Your family has no history of the Taint whatsoever, yet you were born with it. Somewhere in your familys past lies a
dark secret, and you reap both the benefits and the consequences. You gain the Advantage Combat Reflexes and the
Disadvantage Frail Mind. Roil on Table 6A.
9-0 Misguided Intentions. After decades of service as the most minor of vassals, your parents were desperate to improve your lot in
life. They turned to dark forces to grant you the power you will need to make a name for yourself. You gain 5 points to spend in
ranks of Bugei Skills. Roll on Table 6B.

Table 6A: Condoned

Roll Result
1-3 Absolution. You have been forgiven for the Taint you bear, and few if any bear you ill will because of it. You have papers that
you must carry on you at all times, and a Kuni Witch-Hunter checks in on you from time to time. Also, you may not marry
without first informing the brides family of your condition
4-6 Ostracized. You remain within your family and clan, but are kept at arms length by most Your relative isolation has forced you
to rely upon your own abilities. Your Glory Rank may never exceed 3.0, but you gain the Clear Thinker advantage.
7-8 Chance for Redemption. You have been graciously offered the chance to redeem the honor of your family by sacrificing your
life to atone for your Tainted honor. Gain the equivalent of the Deathseeker Disadvantage, although you will only be a
Deathseeker in name if you are of the Lion Clan. For Crab characters, you become a member of the Damned. You may not
advance in your current school, but will instead gain the first rank of the Damned when you hit the next Insight Rank.
9 Outcast. Your family and clan cannot abide your presence and the dishonor you bring upon them. Gain the Black Sheep
0 Honorable Retirement. Your clan and family have absolved you of your role in acquiring the Taint, but cannot abide its
presence. You have been sent to a monastery to live apart from your fellow soldiers. You are still samurai, but may not advance
beyond Rank 1 in your school. The monks have trained you, however, and when you reach a new Insight Rank you may learn
kiho as per The Way of Slzinsei.
Table 6B: Condemned
Roll Result
1-2 Undiscovered. Your secret is safe. For now.
3-4 Suspicious. Though no one knows your secret, many are sure that you are up to no good. You must be extremely careful to keep
up appearances, as even odd absences or strange hours could lead to your discovery. Gain the Bad Reputation Disadvantage. If
you already possess it, double the effects.
5-6 Blackmailed. Somewhere, someone knows the truth. Rather than expose you, they are using you to further their own ends. Gain
the 4 point Obligation Disadvantage.
7-8 Accountable. Your family daimyo has summoned you for an audience one month from now to account for your suspicious and
dishonorable behavior. Your time is very short, and grows shorter by the day.
9-0 Hunted. The cause and extent of your Taint is widely known among those from your province. They have alerted the Imperial
Magistrates to your presence, and a Kuni Witch-Hunter has been dispatched to investigate. You gain the Sworn Enemy


New Paths
While the vast majority of schools in Rokugan follow a rigid and linear path of study, there are some who believe that true mastery of
oneself comes from the mastery of a wide variety of abilities. Only by varying ones martial training can one truly be prepared for the
destiny that awaits every samurai. New Paths are individual dojo founded and maintained by influential sects or even powerful
individuals within a clan. They typically teach a single, specialized style of fighting or philosophy of combat Many of these dojo only
accept applicants from certain schools throughout the Empire. Even more restrictive, the masters of the New Paths require their
students to study at specific schools once their training in the New Path is complete. In this way they guarantee a course of study that
will build upon and refine the training of the Path.
How Do They Work?
New Paths are just what their name implies: new ways of combining training styles to achieve a character whose talents are somewhat
more diverse than a student of a single school. New Paths have a Path of Entry requirement, which states what school and rank a
character must be in order to be accepted in the Paths dojo. For example, the Defenders of Uikku accept only students who have
achieved the second rank of the Shiba Yojimbo School. Similarly, New Paths have a Path of Egress. This specifies what schools the
student may attend after his training in the New Path has been completed and he is ready to advance once more. Usually, this means
that the founder of the New Path was originally a student of the mentioned school and arranged for his students to study there upon
their graduation. As long as the character follows both the Path of Entry and the Path of Egress, the Multiple Schools advantage is not
required and no cost is incurred.
Example: Shiba Tsuru is a Rank 2 Shiba Yojimbo. He applies for permission to study at the dojo of the Defenders of Uikku and is
granted leave by his sensei. Upon completion of his studies with the Defenders, Tsuru requests permission to study with the Shiba
Bushi, the path suggested by his instructors among the Defenders. Upon achieving Insight 225, Tsurus School Rank will be as
follows: Shiba Yojimbo 2, Defenders of Uikku 1, Shiba Bushi 2. This is an acceptable course of study among the Phoenix, and Tsuru
does not pay for Multiple Schools at any point

The Defenders of Uikku (New Path)

Technique Rank: 3
Path of Entry: Rank 2 Shiba Yojimbo
Path of Egress: Shiba Bushi
Technique: Sever Tomorrow. The Defender of Uikku is comfortable with the ebb and flow of the kharmic wheel and can turn
opponents victories into his own personal doom. When on Full Defense, the Defender may spend a Void Point to make an opposed
Void roll vs. the melee attack roll of his attacker before damage is rolled. If the Defender is successful, the attack automatically misses
and the Defender may immediately attack his opponent with any weapon he has ready. He must apply the total of his opponents
failed attack roll total in place of his own.

Tsume Pikeman (New Path)

Doji Retsu was a ruthless duelist and general who seized Violence Behind Courtliness City from the Lion Clan in a daring and violent
incursion that destroyed the Lion vassal family of the Goseki. While extremely aggressive, Retsu was canny enough to develop
fighting methods that would allow the Lions reckless style to be turned against them. With his gambit successful, after the Crane
awarded him the vassal family name of Tsume, Retsu formalized his fighting style into a single dojo operated by his family. Although
Retsu has been dead for many years, his son Takashi and the samurai who serve him have made excellent use of Retsus style in
recent years. The Lion Clans constant hostilities against the Crane have paid special attention to the Tsume familys holdings.
Although the physical dojo has been destroyed, Takashi and his men are keeping the fighting style alive in the front lines of battle.
The Tsume Pikeman dojo places great emphasis on analyzing the enemys style and then responding with lightning speed to holes in
the defense, in essence allowing their foes own momentum to impale them. This gambit has been very successful against the waves
of Matsu who hurl themselves at Crane positions with little thought for their own safety.
Technique Rank: 1
Path of Entry: None. This is a beginning-level Path.
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Skills: Battle, Defense, Hand-to-Hand, Kenjutsu, Yarijutsu 2, any one High or Bugei skill
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Path of Egress: Daidoji Bodyguard or Doji Magistrate
Technique: None Shall Pass. If the pikeman is struck by an opponent while on Full Defense and wielding a yari, he may immediately
roll Yarijutsu /Reflexes versus a TN of 10. If successful, he has maneuvered the weapon so that his opponent has impaled himself
upon it The opponent suffers Wounds as indicated below. The pikeman may increase the dice rolled for damage by one for every
successful Raise on the Yarijutsu /Reflexes roll.
Opponent is wearing Wounds
No armor 3k3
Light armor 2k2
Heavy armor 1k1

Outfit: (all of average quality, one fine item) Katana, wakizashi, light armor, yari, any one weapon, travel pack, 8 koku.

Kamoko completed the final steps taught to her years ago and sheathed her katana with a calm grace. The Battle Maidens eyes
flickered open, and the depth and power of the endless seas could be seen there. I am ready, she said finally to the Phoenix general,
mounting her steed and turning toward the advancing army of dead men.

Anyone can learn how to grip a sword, how to thrust with a naginata, or how to swing a heavy tetsubo, but truly great students of the
martial arts are taught kata. The kata is a ritual movement that incorporates many different movements with either a weapon or empty
hands. Kata generally have a focal point, training the student in, for instance, defensive movements with a wakizashi, or a purely
evasive unarmed kata, or a deadly kenjutsu kata dedicated to lightning-fast strokes. The movements of a kata are usually timed against
invisible opponents, and the battle is exactly the same every time. For example, a simple Shinjo bushi kata may have the student draw
his katana, turn to the left, avoid a clumsy strike, then swing to cut off his opponents head. The student then turns to face the opposite
direction and takes three steps forward, making a simple overhead slash with each step. To end the kata, the student takes one step
back to examine the imaginary fight, flicks the imaginary blood off of his katana, and sheathes it. While it would be foolish to try to
enact a kata in the middle of a battle, there is no denying that preparing for a fight with the proper kata helps the bushi focus on certain
techniques. In preparation for a Lion attack, Daidoji Uji would perhaps drill his students in a yari kata that focused on defense and
outmaneuvering a larger army. These kata become more than simple movements, but instead a ritual in which each bushi focuses his
chi to a pronounced effect As the Clan War reaches a point that could forge an new Empire or turn it to dust, many bushi across
Rokugan look to their ancient forms of preparation as they ready themselves for each battle.

When Can I Use My Kata?

Though kata can give your character impressive abilities, there are a couple things to take into consideration. The bonuses a kata
grants are the result of an intense focus achieved by enacting the kata several times. For example, the Shinjo bushi using a Thundering
the Sky kata isnt just jumping a little hes leaping several feet off the ground during the movements. Because of the preparation
involved, youre not going to walk into an ambush and have your kata ready in most cases. For the most part, kata are performed
when a character has the time to prepare for a fight that will occur soon, like in a tournament or when an enemy has been sighted
marching to your lords castle. Like Techniques, each bushi school claims its own unique creations in addition to several basic
foundation kata. Many contests of a samurais skill involve performing one or more kata for show, where one competes only with
himself to show either the grace and beauty of his school (such as the Shiba schools Heavens Wing kata) or the flashy and
awesome might of the technique (like the Hidas Shards of Earth kata). Unlike normal displays with two or more combatants, only
the participant is involved, so the expectation for perfection is higher.

Attributes of Kata
School: The school that primarily teaches the kata. It is possible to learn the kata outside of its school, but very rare. If the school is
Any, then this kata is common to all bushi schools.
Time: The amount of time (in minutes) it will take to repeat the kata before a correct focus is reached. Subtract twice the characters
School Rank from this number, as more advanced bushi achieve the desired focus more efficiently.
Rank: The difficulty rating of the kata, and also the Rank a character must be in the appropriate school to learn the kata. When
performing a kata for show, the TN to perform the kata well becomes 10 plus the katas Rank x 5. The character rolls using the
appropriate weapon Skill /Agility if a weapon is used to perform, or Jiujutsu/Agility if it is an empty-hand kata
Cost: The amount of experience points needed to learn the kata.
Other: If there are additional modifiers or situations to take into account for this kata, they will be listed here.
Effect: After the kata has been practiced long enough to give the samurai focus, these are the benefits and penalties for the samurai.
The sharp focus a kata induces does not last long - all katas effects last at least one hour, or until the end of the first battle the samurai
engages in after completing the kata (whichever is longer).

Striking as Fire
Knowing your fate means nothing if you can do nothing about it. - Ginawa
School: Any
Time: 10
Rank: 1
Cost: 2
Other: None
Effect: One of the first kata any bushi learns, this is simple, short, and adaptable to any weapon or empty hands. Schools that prize
speed over power teach this right away as an exercise, improving the accuracy and repetition of a students strike. While focusing on
Striking as Fire, the bushi may raise his initiative roll by 2, rolls one extra die when rolling to hit, and rolls one fewer die when
determining damage.

Striking as Water
Parry this, Unicorn - Yoritomo
School: Any
Time: 10
Rank: 1
Cost: 2
Other: This kata can be used with a blunt weapon or bare hands.
Effect: Focusing on pure strength over more subtle moves in combat, the Striking as Water kata brings to bear the power of Water in
the bushis chi, sacrificing all else for the pure ability to inflict damage. Given the nature of this kata, however, bladed weapons (such
as katana) do not benefit from as effectively, thus negating the katas benefits. When under the effects of a Striking as Water kata, the
bushi gains two additional dice to roll for damage, but his initiative rolls are reduced by 2 and he rolls one fewer die when attempting
to hit a target

Shards of Earth
You cannot hide from my fury, samurai - Hida Amoro
School: Hida Bushi
Time: 20
Rank: 3
Cost: 3
Other: When learning this kata, the bushi chooses to practice either with a tetsubo or barehanded. Shards of Earth may be learned in
both forms separately.
Effect: The Hida teach their samurai to focus their chi like the earth, to become impenetrable and strong like the mountains. They
show their students how to draw out the Earth in themselves to augment their own strength, but this kata takes a different approach to
the Hidas affinity for Earth. To see this kata performed can either be somewhat dull or completely fascinating as the Hida bushi goes
through many slow, wide movements with his hands or tetsubo. The bushi focuses his chi as he moves quietly around a large stone.
When the bushi reaches the end of the ritual, he raises either his weapon or an empty hand high above his head and strikes down
quickly, stopping only fractions of an inch above the stone. The power of the bushis chi alone causes the stone to crumble into
pebbles. While focusing on the Shards of Earth kata, the Hida bushi may completely ignore armor when striking an opponent, directly
attacking the targets Earth. Unprepared or surprised targets struck by a Shards of Earth attack must make a opposed Earth check vs.
the Earth of the bushi or be thrown off his feet and dazed for one round.

One Leg Stance

Let the world move, as long as you stand at its center. - Kakitas The Sword
School: Kakita Bushi
Time: 25
Rank: 3
Cost: 4
Other: When learning this kata, the bushi chooses to practice either with a yari or a katana. The One Leg Stance kata may be learned
for both weapons separately.
Effect: This kata is unusual in the fact that there are almost no movements below the waist while this is performed. Like the stance of
the clans totem, the samurai raises one leg and folds it beneath him. From this position, the Kakita bushi then strikes at furious angles
all around him, moving only slightly to change the direction he is facing. When the kata is completed, and the bushi is ready to fight,
he stands normally, but is focused on making controlled, furious strikes with as little movement as possible. The blinding speed and
focus of this kata grants the bushi one additional attack per round. While focused on the One Leg Stance, the bushis TN to be hit is
reduced to his Reflexes x 2 (plus armor) for close combat, or simply his armor bonus when being targeted with a ranged attack. The
relative immobility of the One Leg Stance also means the Crane suffers a 5 penalty to the TN to hit anyone attacking the samurai
with a polearm (unless the Crane is using a yari).

Falling Stars
All the Heavens will stand still for the focused mind - Mirumotos Niten
School: Mirumoto Bushi
Time: 15
Rank: 2
Cost: 2
Other: This kata may be used with the daisho.
Effect: In order to learn the coordination of the two-sword technique, a students patience and focus must be absolute. The kata of
Falling Stars is an important one for a would-be Niten legend to master although it is a simple pattern, the intricate steps and strikes
take months to learn precisely. The kata begins with both swords at rest, and the student draws the wakizashi, stepping back and away
in defensive moves and postures until the katana is drawn. It is then that the truly amazing part of the kata begins. The Dragon
samurai becomes surrounded by an endless whirl of blades as he strikes down three opponents for every step. The movements
showcased by the Falling Stars kata are so intricate that samurai have been known to slash themselves -in two cases fatally -
attempting it. This kata brings the students focus to an absolute point, making it nearly impossible to distract the bushis attention
from the battle, by magical means. Any technique or action that relies on some sort of feint or distraction automatically fails. This also
means that the Dragon samurai will be oblivious to things farther away than about 20. While focused on the Falling Stars, the bushi
gains a +5 TN to be hit in close combat, and suffers a -10 TN to be hit penalty for ranged attacks.

Fury Without End

A Lions sword does not rest until every enemy of the Empire lies dead - Matsu Gohei
School: Akodo Bushi
Time: 30
Rank: 3
Cost: 3
Other: None
Effect: Rarely shown at competition, the Fury Without End kata is sometimes used when training Lion armies. The kata itself has no
ending, just as the name implies. Its final move glides smoothly into its first, repeating until the samurai chooses to end it (usually
from fatigue). Units of samurai have practiced this kata for days on end, not wavering until their general gives the command to cease.
The movements of the kata itself are simple enough to adapt to any close-range weapon, or even empty hands. The strength of this
kata, however, lies not in intricate patterns and sweeping motions. Fury Without End allows the Lion samurai to ignore fatigue, pain,
and other distractions while fighting for a number of hours equal to his School Rank. Penalties incurred due to wounds are ignored,
and the need for rest is similarly forgotten as the bushi fights on and on. This is not a berserker rage of any sort, but a focused mindset
that sweeps away all else but the fight. When the Lion comes out of the battle, he will require rest for at least half a day, and is
considered to be at the +20 wound level until he rests.

Heavens Wing
Let the flow of the world rush through you, and nothing can oppose your course. - Shiba Ujimitsu
School: Shiba Bushi
Time: 25
Rank: 4
Cost: 4
Other: This kata must be used with a naginata.
Effect: Many Shiba bushi are never taught the Heavens Wing kata, as it requires a focus and deep strength that are beyond the
capabilities of most The way this kata is performed is unusual, as it does not teach technique by its movements. Heavens Wing
instead teaches a focus that builds up over the simple, wide movements of the naginata. Although almost never used for competitions,
the steps are beautiful and sure as the bushi guides his weapon in long flowing arcs all around him. The effect of this kata is both
devastating and simple. After the bushi gains enough focus from the movements, he can maintain that mindset for no more than half
an hour as the power of his chi and the Void burns within his soul more brightly than ever. When the time is right, the Shiba bushi
unleashes a furious and sudden assault The bushi spends all of his remaining Void Points, and gains a number of extra attacks equal to
the number of Void Points spent. After the round is over, the bushi must remain on Full Defense for a number of rounds equal to the
number of attacks he gained.

Rising Claws
Even the strongest castle must stand on something. - Bayushi Kyono
School: Bayushi Bushi
Time: None
Rank: 3
Cost: 4
Other: This kata may be used with bladed weapons.
Effect: When some view this kata performed by a Scorpion samurai, they are amazed by how openly it makes underhanded and
obviously deceitful moves. The bushi moves in a circle around the invisible foe, feinting in and out quickly, but never actually striking
the opponent. The fact that a blow is never landed is obvious only to the person performing the ritual steps and to others who know
this technique. What the bushi is actually attempting to do is find a rhythm in the opponents defense to take advantage of. Unlike
many kata, this may be performed in a combat situation, but it is almost worthless unless the samurai is engaging a single foe. While
using the kata of Rising Claws, the bushi gains +10 to his TN to be hit, as he is not really attempting anything but drawing attacks
from the foe. The kata is completed when the samurai makes a sudden, single attack at the opponents inner thigh, striking at the
tendons. The strike gains a +5 bonus for each round spent dancing around the foe, to a maximum of +20. If the roll beats the
opponents TN to be hit by 5, the attack has successfully hamstrung the Scorpions target, who can no longer stand correctly until
the wound is tended. The samurai performing the kata has a -20 penalty to his TN to be hit against all opponents except the target of
the kata. This kata is useless if the Scorpion samurai is somehow unable to move fully around the opponent, as the sudden strike
requires a deft spinning lunge. The kata is equally useless against those who know it. Of course, the name Rising Claws has nothing
to do with what the kata actually does, but is simply another piece of Scorpion deception.

Thundering the Sky

Come to me, Crab, if you think you can fight the very wind - Shinjo Yasamura
School: Shinjo Bushi
Time: 20
Rank: 3
Cost: 5
Other: This kata must be used with a katana and no armor.
Effect: Many believe the Unicorn can fight on a horse. Many will tell you if you cut the horse from beneath a charging Shinjo, you
have already defeated him. Many are wrong, and dead. Developed shortly after the return of the Unicorn to the Empire, Thundering
the Sky is an awesome kata to behold. The Shinjo samurai leaps and spins, never stopping until every sweeping and dizzying
movement of the kata is completed. The strikes of this kata defy the tradition of kenjutsu in the Empire, a fact that the Unicorn relies
on once he has set his mind on the Thundering the Sky kata. The katanas strikes seem to come from all angles as the Shinjo bushi
dances all around his opponent, no matter how hard the foe attempts to catch him. The TN to hit the samurai is raised by 15, and the
Unicorn gains one extra attack each round. However, due to the shallow and quick strikes focused on by this kata, each hit made by
the Unicorn rolls and keeps one fewer die for damage.

Advanced School
The Legend of the Five Rings Players Guide features schools and Rank Techniques that take a character through Rank 5. Sometimes,
you might feel like upping the ante a bit and try playing with extraordinarily powerful characters. Here are some strictly optional rules
to let you do just that. Each of the following Advanced Schools features a certain method of training practiced by a Great Clan that
goes beyond the normal training of a bushi or shugenja school. Each of these schools features techniques that are quite powerful, and
attendance is purely by invitation only. By using these schools, you can continue your campaign far beyond the normal limits of Rank
5 characters. If a character meets the requirements of an Advanced School, and is invited to attend said school, he can immediately
begin training as soon as he gains enough Insight to learn a new technique or, in the case of a shugenja, increase in Rank. Instead of
gaining a new technique or spells from his original school, the character instead gains the first Rank Technique from his new school.
All previous Rank Techniques are permanently frozen at their previous levels. When figuring out the School Rank of a character who
has gone to an Advanced School, simply add his School Ranks in each school. For instance, a student who had attended the Hida
Bushi School through Rank 4 and then gone to the Crab Avenger School for two more Ranks would be a Rank 6 Bushi (and
somewhat intimidating). Before learning a new Rank technique at his current school, he must gain enough Insight to reach a new
School Rank. The capacity to learn a new Rank Technique is gained for every 25 points of Insight as follows:
Rank Insight
Rank 2 151
Rank 3 176
Rank 4 201
Rank 5 226
Rank 6 251
Rank 7 276
Rank 8 301
The GM should keep in mind that Advanced Schools are very selective about those with whom they share their secrets. A character
that meets the steep requirements of an Advanced School may not be considered for training unless he has gained a sufficient
reputation. The GM always has the final word regarding whether a character will be allowed Advanced Training, but it is
recommended that you do not allow any character with a School Rank of 2 or less to learn these techniques. Yes, it is entirely possible
for a character to be invited to a school that is not within his clan. These schools showcase talent and ability more than political
leverage, though most of the alumni do tend to be from the appropriate clan. Simply put, a student of an Advanced School is expected
to be loyal to his school and sensei just as he is loyal to his clan. Often, this can produce a conflict of interests that a samurai would
rather avoid. For this reason, some samurai deny invitations to Advanced Schools outside of their own clan to avoid potentially sticky
questions of misplaced duty. A final word: As Advanced Schools are optional, the important NPCs featured in L5R supplements do
not have these Advanced Techniques. If you plan on introducing these techniques into your Rokugan, remember to give them to
appropriate NPCs as well.
Crab Avenger School
The Avengers are the Crabs elite heavy infantry, warriors skilled in combating the beasts of the Shadowlands. These legendary
warriors are as tough and indefatigable as the Carpenter Wall itself able to absorb incredible amounts of damage and continue the
Rings/Traits: Earth 4, Water 3
Skills: Defense 5, Lore (Shadowlands) 4, any two Weapon Skills at 4
Advantages: Strength of the Earth, Crab Hands
Other: Candidates for this school must enter the Shadowlands alone and return with the head of an ogre, oni, or other Shadowlands
beast no smaller than a man. The character must be a bushi.

Rank 1: Wrath of the Crab
Any creature that bears the Taint of the Shadowlands may not reroll lOs on damage rolls against the Avenger. The Avenger rolls and
keeps an extra die of damage against all such opponents.
Rank 2: Be the Wall
The Avenger carries the spirit and power of the Carpenter Wall at all times. He may add his Earth x 3 to his TN to be hit. In an
Iaijutsu duel or when immobilized, he does not gain this bonus.
Rank 3: Hidas Technique
At this Rank, the Avenger gains a nearly supernatural level of toughness, allowing him to withstand tremendous amounts of damage
unharmed. The Avenger gains an Carapace Rating (see page 139) equal to his Earth.
Crane Kenskinzen
The Crane are known for producing skilled duelists, but the fabled Kenshinzen are the best of the best Their speed, skill, and
dedication to the tenets of bushido are second to none.
Rings/Traits: Fire 4, Void 4
Skills: Etiquette 4, Iaijutsu 5, Lore (Bushido) 4, Meditation 4
Advantages: Balance, Quick
Other: To be a member of the Kenshinzen, you must defeat a member of the Kenshinzen in a legal duel. The duel need not necessarily
be to the death, but the candidate must win fairly. The character must be a bushi.

Rank 1: Drawing the Void
In an iaijutsu duel, the Kenshinzen may focus an additional number of times equal to his School Rank, rounding up. This is
cumulative with effects such as the Balance advantage.
Rank 2: A Single Moment
The Kenshinzen who reaches this rank has mastered the speed of the strike so that he may strike between the spaces of a heartbeat. He
gains an additional attack each round.
Rank 3: Kakitas Technique
The Kenshinzens skill and speed are now such that he can forego all of his normal attacks in a combat round to instead deliver a
single attack to every enemy within five feet of his position in a single round. One attack roll is made for this special maneuver, and
applied to the TN of each opponent. Thus, it is possible to strike some opponents while missing others. Raises may be made on this
Dragon Spirit-Binders
While the Phoenix Clan have certainly produced the largest number of shugenja in Rokugan, the Dragon Clans own magical
accomplishments are not to be ignored. While they do not possess the broad magical mastery of the Phoenix, some shugenja taught by
the Dragon are able to perform extraordinary feats with the simplest magic. These Dragons are the Spirit-Binders.
Rings/Traits: Four Rings at 3
Skills: Lore (Shugenja) 4, Meditation 5, Shintao 4, Spellcraft 4
Advantages: At least three memorized (innate) spells
Other: The character must be a shugenja.

Rank Techniques: One with the Kami
At this Rank and each rank afterward, the Spirit-Binders effective School Rank continues to increase in regards to casting spells.
However, the shugenja may no longer cast any spells besides those he has memorized. (He may find and memorize new spells
normally.) At this rank, the Spirit-Binder selects one memorized spell to become a Focus, binding a part of the kami into his own soul.
Henceforth, the Spirit-Binder gains a free Raise when casting his Focus, and rolls and keeps an extra die when casting it. At each
Rank hereafter, the Dragon may choose one new Focus. This Focus gains the advantages listed above. All Foci the Spirit-Binder
already possesses gain another free Raise and another die rolled and kept during casting. For example, a Rank 1 Spirit-Binder chooses
Biting Steel as his Focus. At Rank 1, he gains an additional die and a free Raise. At Rank 2, he chooses Fires From Within as his
second Focus. Fires From Within gains a free Raise and one additional die, while Biting Steel now has two free Raises and two
additional dice.
The Lions Pride
The samurai-ko of the Matsu Lions Pride are an elite and highly selective group of bushi, devastating in single combat. While it is
nearly unheard-of for anyone but a Matsu to join, it is not entirely impossible. The Lions Pride require unswerving dedication and
loyalty. As the name suggests, membership is a matter of pride as much as skill.
Rings/Traits: Agility 5, Strength 4, Stamina 3
Skills: Battle 4, Kenjutsu 5, Lore (Bushido) 4, 4 Weapon Skills at Rank 1

Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Higher Purpose (any, so long as the Higher Purpose is honorable). The Lions Pride requires its
members to be highly passionate about something. It doesnt really matter what that something is.
Other: In most cases, the character must be a member of the Matsu family, or be willing to swear fealty to the Matsu. A female bushi
who otherwise proves herself to the Lions Pride may be a rare exception. The character must be a bushi, and must be female.
Characters with less than 3 Honor will not be considered.

Rank 1: The Fury of Matsu
The samurai-ko gains a bonus to her Attack and Damage rolls equal to the lowest Honor Rank in her party or squad. She may spend a
Void Point on behalf of another character, instead of or in addition to any Void they are spending themselves.
Rank 2: The Crossways Cut
The samurai-ko can now strike with such amazing speed that she gains an additional attack each round.
Rank 3: Matsus Technique
When the samurai-ko makes a Full Attack, she may forego any other bonuses she would normally gain from the Full Attack (e.g the
-10 on her opponents TN to be hit) in order to double her damage rolls total.
Matsu Beastmasters
An elite and selective school of the Lion Clan, the Matsu Beastmasters are few in number. Perhaps no more than a few hundred exist
at any time. This would not seem so small but for the legions of Matsu bushi students alongside whom the Beastmasters train. Despite
their numbers, the Beastmasters are revered, for it is believed that the beasts they command embody the fighting spirit of the Matsu
family and the Lion clan. The role of the Beastmasters in battle is a gruesome one. They accompany the front ranks of the Matsu
soldiers, often scattering the enemy before them and opening a hole in their defenses for the Lion army to exploit A far more unsavory
task is that of following the front lines, ensuring that those enemies overrun by the Matsu soldiers cannot rise to strike their attackers
in the back. Although the Beastmasters train with dozens of lions, every student has a single lion which he has raises from a cub and
trains every day; no other human ever works with this animal. This warcat becomes the leader of the Beastmasters pride in battle, and
is considered his second (see Techniques below). Beastmasters often carry a whip into battle. This is an intimidation tactic, used
primarily against enemies and to direct difficult warcats in battle. The whip rarely touches the skin of these majestic beasts.
Rings/Traits: Agility 5, Awareness 4, Willpower 4
Skills: Athletics 5, Beastmaster 4, Hand-to-Hand 3, Whip 2 (this is considered a Bugei skill for those training for entry into the
Advantages: Death Trance
Other: Training with lions from cubs, the Beastmaster gains insight into their dangerous ways. As long as he maintains eye contact, no
lion or warcat, no matter how feral, will attack him.

Rank 1: One with the Pride
Fighting fluidly alongside the pride, the Beastmaster knows how to position himself for maximum effectiveness. He receives one Free
Raise on attack rolls per warcat within twenty feet The number of Free Raises may not exceed the samurais rank in the Beastmaster
Rank 2: The Lions Strike
Fighting alongside the mighty warcats, the Beastmaster has learned the secret of the lions deadly strike. When fighting unarmed, the
Beastmaster may ignore enemy armor bonuses. The Damage Rating for the Beastmasters unarmed attacks increases to 0k2.
Rank 3: With the Soul of a Lion
The Beastmaster has formed a bond with the leader of his pride that cannot be broken. When fighting with his second (see above), the
Beastmaster directs the creatures actions through a subtle form of body language invisible to outsiders. The Beastmaster may choose
what action the lion will take each round (regular or full attack) and rolls for the lion as if he were taking the action himself. The lion
gains a number of experience points each session equal to the Beastmasters School Rank, which may be spent in any way the player
chooses. If the Beastmasters familiar lion is ever killed, this Technique becomes unusable until a new lion can be trained (not until
the Beastmaster acquires 25 further points of Insight).

Matsu Warcats
Earth: 5
Water: 4
Fire: 2 Agility 4
Air: 3
Rolls When Attacking: Bite 5k3, Claw 6k4
Rolls For Damage: Bite 5k4, Claw 4k3
TN to be Hit: 20
Wounds Per Level: 30, +5; 60, Dead
Notes: Beastmasters spending experience points for their chosen warcat (as per Rank 3 above) pay the standard cost to raise Traits.
Increasing an attack or damage roll costs new level x 3 for rolled dice and new level x 4 for kept dice. The lions TN to be hit can be
increased by an increment of 5 for an amount of experience equal to half of the new TN (rounded down).

Phoenix Elemental Guard
Though the Phoenix are legendary for their pacifism, they use shugenja in warfare more than any other clan. The most feared of the
Phoenix combat units are the Elemental Legions, shugenja skilled in combat as well as extremely powerful in the ways of the
elements. The Elemental Legions consist of the Avalanche Guard, the Firestorm Legion, the Hurricane Initiates, and the Tsunami
Legion. Rumors persist of the possibility of a group of powerful Ishiken called the Void Guard, but as of yet these are unproven.
A character may only ever be a member of one of the Elemental Legions.

Avalanche Guard (Earth Legion): Earth 4, Void 4
Firestorm Legion (Fire Legion): Fire 4, Void 4
Hurricane Initiates (Air Legion): Air 4, Void 4
Tsunami Legion (Water Legion): Water 4, Void 4
Skills: Meditation 4, Shintao 4, Spellcraft 5, one Weapon Skill at 4
Advantages: Elemental Attunement in Legions element, at least one memorized (innate) spell in Legions element
Other: The character must have a Glory of at least 3 and prove his worthiness to the Elemental Masters. The character must be a

Rank Techniques: Secrets of the Elements
Shugenja who join the Elemental Legions forsake all other magics but that of their own element, never again casting any spells from
elements outside of their particular element of focus. At the first Rank, the Legionnaire may pick one spell that he has memorized
from his Legions Element with a Mastery Level no greater than 2. Once per day, the Legionnaire may cast this spell with a single
action. This requires no dice rolling - it is automatic and does not count against the number of spells the Legionnaire may cast that
day. The magic of the Elemental Legions depends heavily upon the casters own place in the Elements, and can easily be thrown out
of balance by dependence upon the elements of other creatures or various other outside factors. As a result, shugenja may choose any
memorized spell within the appropriate Mastery Level, with the following exceptions: no spell with a casting time measured in
increments greater than actions, and no spell which requires any sort of opposed roll or variable TN for the purposes of casting. At
Rank 2, the Legionnaire may pick another spell that he may cast in this fashion. This spell must also be from the corresponding
element of his Legion and may not have a Mastery Level greater than 4. At Rank 3, the Legionnaire may pick a third spell. This spell
must be of the corresponding element and may be of any Mastery Level.
Scorpion Supai
The Scorpion Supai are the shadowy terrors of Rokugans courts. They are both expert spies and skilled courtiers, skilled at dredging
up the darkest secrets of their enemies and using them to supreme advantage. This school is very careful at keeping its existence and
membership well hidden. The Empires inability to discern who is a Supai and who is not accounts for a good portion of the schools
Rings/Traits: Awareness 5, Intelligence 4, Perception 3
Skills: Sincerity 5, Courtier 4, Etiquette 4, Stealth 4
Advantages: Either Bentens Blessing or Bland (if youre going to be noticed, do it well), Crafty
Other: Characters who join the Supai may be either bushi or courtiers. However, they must have some sort of Dark Secret, and must
reveal said secret to the masters of the Supai school. The Scorpions never give their gifts without demanding something in return...

Rank 1: The Depths of Dishonor
Already the Supai has learned to use his frequently dishonorable behavior to his advantage. While making an opposed social roll
against an individual with a higher Honor Rank, the Supai rolls a number of additional dice equal to the difference between his Honor
Rank and his opponents.
Rank 2: Pull the String
If the Supai has at least one point of Blackmail on an individual, he may spend a Void Point and suggest a course of action to that
person. So long as the action is not life-threatening, and will not bring greater dishonor than the revelation of the Blackmail, that
individual must do as the Supai says or lose a number of Honor boxes equal to the Supais School Rank.
Rank 3: Bayushis Technique
The Supai has learned well how to wrap lies in the truth. If the Supai spends a Void Point while speaking, his lies cannot be detected
by any means, including magic or School Techniques. This does not mean that the Supai will automatically be believed, but others
will always think that he seems to believe what he is saying. A word to the wise: using this technique to disguise obvious lies like
The sky is orange will just make the Supai appear to be an idiot who truly believes things that are clearly not so.
Unicorn Magistrates
Justice and honesty are two extremely important traits among the Unicorn, and their magistrates have always been among the most
dedicated in Rokugan. What with the Empires recent downward spiral into chaos, many magistrates of the Unicorn have ridden forth
into the Empire to return the land to order.
Rings/Traits: Fire 4, Water 3
Skills: Hunting 4, Investigation 4, Law 5, Any Weapon Skill at 4

Advantages: Clear Thinker, Irreproachable, Precise Memory
Other: The character must be a magistrate, and must have at least 2 Honor. Unlike most Advanced Schools, the Unicorn Magistrates
will gladly train nearly anyone who meets the schools qualifications and has a strong sense of justice. The character must be a bushi.

Rank 1: Justice Amends
The Magistrate of this rank recognizes that his own needs are unimportant; sacrifices must be made for the sake of justice. He loses no
Honor for any actions that are not directly illegal so long as they lead to the apprehension of a criminal. In addition, the Magistrate
adds his Honor Rank to his TN to be Hit.
Rank 2: Fist of the Emperor
At this Rank, the magistrate gains a number of Free Raises equal to his School Rank on all Law and Investigation rolls. Further, if the
magistrate directly questions a subject for at least ten minutes, he may make an opposed Willpower roll; if he succeeds, he learns
something illegal that the subject has done. If the subject has not done anything wrong, nothing is learned - this technique does not
invent facts. Also, relevancy to the matter at hand is not guaranteed. A Magistrate on the trail of a murderer may question a suspect
and instead learn that he is an arsonist.
Rank 3: Shinjos Technique
The strength of the Magistrates purpose is now absolute. He gains an additional attack each round.
Masters of the Akaska
All Naga share a link with the group mind of their race, the living memory known as the Akasha. Some Naga, many of them Vedic,
spend their lives exploring the mysteries of this spiritual realm of knowledge. On occasion, a Naga becomes so deeply entrenched
within the Akasha that he ceases to be a true individual and is transformed into a living extension of the entirety of the Naga race. The
Masters of the Akasha are regarded with a combination of reverence and pity by other Naga. On the one hand, they have achieved a
unity of spirit with their race that few will ever experience. Unfortunately, this unity robs them of those qualities that make them
individuals. The Masters are essentially the mouthpieces of the Akasha, and often adopt the personality quirks and mannerisms of the
other Naga around them. The Masters are powerful, but are very easily influenced by powerful minds within the Akasha. For that
reason, they rarely remain in one place, moving throughout Naga society like nomads.
Rings/Traits: Akasha 5
Skills: Moksha 4, Theology (Naga) 5
Advantages: Immune to Fear (the Akasha has little to fear from the minions of the Foul)
Rank 1: Summon the Past
All Masters of the Akasha are able to plumb the depths of their races memories to gain the expertise of any Naga who has ever lived.
By expending a single point of Akasha, the Master may manifest the benefit of any Naga Duty for a period of one hour. (See Way of
the Naga, page 76, for Naga Duties.)
Rank 2: Alter the Future
The Master may use the insight of the Akasha to glimpse what lies ahead for the future of his race. By gently influencing the Akasha,
the Master may slightly alter events that have yet to occur. By meditating for a full hour and spending an Akasha point, the Master
gains the ability to reverse the outcome of any one skill roll that takes place in his vicinity, be it his own, an allys, or an enemys. A
successful roll may be changed to a failure or vice versa This must be done within two days of the meditation or the effect is lost until
another meditation is conducted.
Rank 3: Command the Present
The entire Naga race is intimately connected to the Akasha group mind, and the Masters may call upon the skills of any of their
people at will. By expending an Akasha point, the Master may gain any Naga skill (i.e. any skill excluding those that deal exclusively
with Rokugani culture) at rank 4 for roughly five minutes.

would have knowledge of papermaking, and a character with
the Noh skill would have knowledge of theatrical literature,
HIGH SKILLS makeup techniques and costume making. These Artisan
knowledges do not grant complete competency in all their
Acting (Awareness) related fields; they only give a working comprehension of
Characters with this Skill have an understanding and
those areas. These
appreciation of theater. There are two kinds of theater in Skills are described in full detail in Way of the Crane.
Rokugan:Kabuki theater and Noh theater. Kabuki theater is When character buy the Artisan skill they choose one
flamboyant and full of action and color. It is "samurai" theater,
specialization, any other specialization cost them 2
telling the great and tragic tales of lords from the past Noh character/generation points or and is rolled with the rank of
theater, by contrast, is quiet and subtle, with light music and the Artisan skill.
little movement against a black backdrop. Characters with the
Acting Skill gain the ability to disguise themselves, although Astrology Divination
not perfectly. Characters with Acting can convince others they
Atemi (Intelligence) (Monks only)
are not of the same caste, profession or even gender. Using
The art of nerve and blood flow manipulation, taught to many
Acting in this manner is usually a Simple Acting
who study the internal arts of the body. With these complex
/Awareness Roll with the TN being another character's
practices the character may cause a wound to stop bleeding, a
Perception x 5. If the character has to actively engage in
nerve to go numb (thus killing the pain of a wounded
conversation while in disguise, the Simple Roll becomes a
samurai), or restore feeling to a nerve that has gone numb. The
Contested Roll.
TN for this skill is typically 20 to stop the bleeding of a small
Advanced medicine/Acupunture (Perception) (up to five-inch) cut or to affect all the nerves in one limb.
While this is not a magical skill, it is the physical ability to Masters of this art have been known to use their nerve
treat minor wounds or provide relief and healing for injuries manipulation techniques in self-defense, but the TN for such
and common sicknesses. Not all diseases can be healed rolls are at +20.
through application of this skill, nor can all poisons be
Bard Artisan - Storytelling
reversed, but it gives the user a chance to determine what
poison or sickness affects the recipient, and counteract it. Beastmaster Animal Husbandry
Characters with the Acupuncture skill can use their ability
Calligraphy (Perception)
with a successful Perception + Advanced Medicine roll versus
Calligraphy, or shogaku, is the art of writing in the ancient
a TN of 15 (less if the wounds are not severe, greater if the
language that was given to man by the Fortunes. A character
wound is traumatic or the disease is an uncommon one) to
with Calligraphy can read and transcribe the ancient scrolls in
successfully treat a patient. Such patients will heal at twice the
the shugenja school libraries.
normal rate thereafter. Patients can only be treated with this
Note: Naga have their own version of Calligraphy, which they
skill once per wound or disease. Poisons can be determined
use to write in the ancient Naga language. Calligraphy does
with a TN of 20 or higher, and can only be treated if the healer
not permit a character to read scrolls written in the Naga
also has the Poison skill.
language, and Calligraphy (Naga) likewise does not confer
Animal Husbandry (Intelligence/Awareness) literacy on Rokugani.
This is the footman's equivalent of the Horsemanship skill
Cipher (Intelligence)
(q.v.). Animal Husbandry may be used to evaluate horses for
This advanced form of Calligraphy allows the encryption or
purchase, treat injured animals, break and train dogs, etc.
decoding of written information. The Asako use an even more
Animal Husbandry allows the user one function that is does
developed version of this to keep their texts from being read
not allow the Horseman, and that is care of almost all
by outsiders. Magical and sensitive knowledge is often coded
mammals. The Animal Husbandry skill may be applied to
in this manner for this reason. In game terms, an Intelligence +
dogs, cats, cattle, goats, horses, and most domesticated
Cipher roll is made secretly by the GM whenever a player
animals. Characters with this Skill can treat animals' injuries
with this Skill tries to encode something. Later, when
and, in conjunction with the Battle Skill, can prepare them for
someone with the same Skill tries to decode it, they are rolling
war (although dogs and horses are the only animals suitable
the their Intelligence + Cipher vs. the original total.
for war). Combined with Horsemanship the samurai may not
Calligraphy will not permit decoding of ciphered material.
only ride and care for his horse, but may develop a kinship
with the animal. It is under the GMs discretion whether the Conversation Courtier
samurai can teach his horse any simple commands like the
Falconry skill permits, but he most certainly would be able to Courtier (Awareness)
train a dog. A character skilled in Courtier knows all the ins and outs of
court life. He is aware of who is making the power plays, who
Artisan Skills (Varies) is in debt and who pulls the strings.
Acrobatics Dancing Ikebana
Jester Music Noh/Kabuki Dance Artisan - Dancing
Origami Painting Poetry Diplomacy Etiquette
Storytelling Puppetering
Although these Skills are elevated to the level of art by the Divination (Void)
Kakita Artisans, it is not unreasonable for any character to Using certain tools, this skill allows the character to catch a
have a working knowledge of these Skills. These skills grant brief glimpse into the future. The foresight is not a mental
the knowledge of how to perform the picture of any kind, simply an answer given by the tools. The
ability, including basic knowledge of things associated with it. character must spend one hour in meditation and ritual for the
For example a character with the Origami skill divination, at the end of which he may ask the GM one
question. The question cannot pertain to any event beyond one
week ahead per the character's rank in this skill. The GM then History (Intelligence)
assigns a TN according to the difficulty or importance of the This character has studied history and is familiar with all the
question, and makes the roll for the character in secret. Failure pertinent events that have led up to the current political
means either an unreadable answer or (in the case of missing situation.
the TN by more than 15) a completely false answer.
Horsemanship (Agility)
Etiquette (Intelligence) Samurai are master horsemen. A character who has
This is the Skill of knowing what to say and how to say it. A horsemanship knows how to ride a horse and how to fight
character with Etiquette is confident in his social skills, and from horseback.
never makes mistakes in front of the wrong people. This is a
Hunting (Perception)
very important Skill for those who wish to spend time at court,
A character with Hunting is skilled in all manner of outdoor
for the court of Rokugan is very formal. Demonstrating a lack
Skills. He knows how to track, how to make a fire, set up
of concern
camp, etc. and can survive for days in the wilderness without
for etiquette displays a person's low character.
food or water using only the land's natural resources. In the
Falconry Animal Husbandry Shadowlands, this is less useful.
Falconers have the ability to train and care for all birds of
Ichi Miru (Perception) (Kitsuki only)
prey-hawks, falcons, and osprey. In order to train a bird of
Ichi Miru (or "first look") is the art of observation. A
prey to respond to command, the falconer must spend upwards
character with this Skill can glean information from another
of 20 hours a week with the bird, all the while wearing a
character through observation (what modern shysters call a
heavy leather cloth on the hand to protect it from the strong
"cold read"). From observing the character's actions and
claws of the bird.It can take months to train a single bird,
behavior, he can determine nature, disposition, temperament,
depending on the trainer and the bird. A master falconer can
habits and mannerisms.
train a bird in five weeks, while a beginner may need four
months. Once the falcon is trained, it responds to verbal Instruction Sensei
commands and gestures, usually in the forms of a single word
or hand signal or show of colored cloth or ribbon. The base Investigation (Perception/Awareness)
When on a crime scene, this character (with Perception)
time to train a falcon is two months, at 12 hours per week. If
the time is exceed by 8 hours per week, or by one month, the knows where to look for clues and (using Awareness) how to
falconer earns a free raise against the final training check. For interrogate suspects
each week short of the two months that is spent in training, the Kagaku (Intelligence) (Agasha and Kitsuki only)
TN is raised by 5. No less than 10 hours a week can be spent Kagaku is the practical application of nazo bubun no Agasha.
to train a bird of prey. A TN of 20 is rolled each week to see if It is the study of elemental observation, experimentation and
the time spent was valuable. If not, the week is lost and the reaction. Characters with this Skill are knowledgeable in the
trainer must extend the training time by another week. When cause and effect of chemical reactions and will be able to
the training is completed the Falconer rolls a contested roll create the items and effects found in Kagaku Objects.
against the bird's Intelligence score. Success finds the falcon
loyal, with each raise increasing the level of difficulty in Kokyu (Void) (Monks only)
commands that the falcon understands. Failure results in the This discipline teaches the character to focus his chi to
animal's escape. maintain the balance in his mind, body, and spirit. Any time
this character fails a roll against poison, fear, or any effect that
Fasting Shintao would affect his mind, he may spend a Void point and make a
Void + Kokyu check against the same TN he failed to roll,
Games - Go (Intelligence)
plus 10. If the Kokyu test succeeds, the test passes.
This is the skill a samurai uses to play go. It is an important
skill for samurai interested in mastering the tenets of battle Law (Intelligence)
and tactics and is a common pastime for samurai. Although This character is familiar with the inner workings of
this skill confers upon a samurai the ability to play go well, Rokugan's legal system. He may argue cases with magistrates,
the rules are quite simple and most samurai know how to play, defend or prosecute the accused and write up legal contracts.
whether they have this skill or not. This skill also includes the
ability to play shogi and other games of Rokugan. It does not Lore (Intelligence)
make one a better gambler, but it does shine light on the holes There is much to be learned about a variety of subjects, and
in many gambling games such as 'Winds and Fortunes. Bright this Skill is the general knowledge of those subjects.
samurai realize that the game is in the house's favor and do Characters never have the Lore skill by itself: they only
not engage in gambling. The Rokugani do not play card learn about certain topics:
games. Ancestors Ghosts Festival-Ceremonies
Shadowlands Bushido Tropical Fish
Heraldry (Perception) Shugenja Maho-tsukai Literature
A character with Heraldry has Studied the banners and sigils Any one clan Naga Minor clans
of the clans and families. With a Simple Ronin Monks
HeraIdry/Perception Roll vs. a 15, a character can know When character buy the Lore skill they choose one
one of four things about a person when viewing their banner: specialization, any other specialization cost them 2
1) their name; 2) their Clan and Family; 3) their Honor Rank; character/generation points and is rolled with the rank of the
and 4) their Glory Rank. Lore skill.
With every Raise, the herald can know an additional fact
wiewing the banner. Manipulation (Awareness)
Manipulation is the art of using psychology and character
interpretation in order to predict someone's actions. It can be
used to determine wants, needs and desires and can also tell
the character how to fulfill them. As with many other them. The GM may dictate how much time this takes, at the
Awareness-based Skills conversation is required to use this end of which the character with the Sensei skill rolls
Skill. Intelligence + Sensei at the rank of the skill or Technique
being taught times 10. The roll includes the Intelligence of
Meditation (Void)
both the student and the teacher. The sensei may not teach
A character with the Meditation (Za-zen) Skill can make a
skills or techniques above his rank in this skill (i.e., a character
Simpleditation/Void Roll, TN 20, to gain back a single spent
who is a rank 3 Sensei may not impart rank 4 Shintao to
Void Point. Such meditation requires utter, undisturbed
silence for one hour.
Shintao (Intelligence)
Mountaineer (Strength or Stamina)
This is the study of the Tao of Shinsei, the guiding philosophy
A character with Mountaineer is skilled at climbing
of Rokugan. This skill allows the character to discuss matter
mountains, knows how to forage for food in rocky terrains and
of philosophy and enlightenment, and understand the basic
has a basic knowledge of mountain passes and the like. This
nature of the Rokugani religion, Shinseism. It is essential for
skill also helps a samurai climb over shorter surfaces such as a
shugenja, as they must know how to be a priest as well as a
wall or gate. However, such an act would be gravely
scholar. A character must have a Shintao of 3 or higher to
dishonorable. This is considered a High Skill for samurai-
increase any of his Traits or Rings above 5.
caste characters, and a Low Skill for heimin and hinin.
Sincerity (Awareness)
Music Artisan - Music
The nobility of Rokugan do not value honesty, they value
Nazodo (Iintelligence) (Dragons only) sincerity: the ability to give the appearance that you believe
This is a special version of the Investigation Skill, available what you are saying. Characters with Sincerity are the most
only to Dragon characters. This Skill operates exactly as the skilled in this respect.
Investigation Skill, but characters with Nazodo can also use
Spellcraft (Intelligence) (Shugenja only)
this Skill to solve puzzles, riddles and logic games. Nazodo is
This skill provides the shugenja with enhanced knowledge
also effective when attempting to understand omens, portents
of magic and the kami. A shugenja with this skill can roll
and other natural conundrums.This is a High Skill.
Intelligence + Spellcraft versus a TN of 20 to sway a kami's
Omens Divination view of them from hatred to mere dislike, or neutral to
friendly. Further, it can be used to identify spells being cast in
Oratory/Rhetoric Manipulation the area, and to understand complexities about an unfamiliar
Origami Artisan - Origami spell. Lastly, a successful use of Intelligence + Spellcraft at a
TN of 25 can determine if a spell has been cast in the area
Painting Artisan - Painting recently, or to identify what spell has been cast on a person.
Poetry Artisan - Poetry This skill can be used to identify the residual effects of a spell
that was cast in the recent past (up to 1 hour per level of
Political Maneuvering(Intelligence) (Crane only) Spellcraft).
Everyone in the Emperor's court knows a Crane's heart is an
honorable heart. Therefore, to disagree with a Crane Spell Research (Intelligence)
(especially if he has logic on his side) is to turn your back on Shugenja use this skill to learn and create spells. See the
honor. With this Skill, the Crane can move opponents into the Spell Research" section in the Book of Fire (page 183) for
position of disagreement. This is done through simple details on its use.
conversation, but it must be done in public to gain the best Tea Ceremony (Void)
effect The Crane uses traps of logic to lead someone toward The tea ceremony is far from simply brewing tea. It requires
the Crane's chosen outcome. If the Crane is successful, their quite some time to complete, and a ritual location that is
opponent will find that if they disagree, they appear appropriate (a carefully tended garden, or a noble enclosure
dishonorable. If they agree, then they must do as the Crane has with meditation chamber). It is a detailed ritual, designed to
suggested. The Crane rolls his Skill + Intelligence against a free the mind of outside concerns, thus liberating and
TN of his opponent's Awareness x 5 (The character gets a free cleansing it of distracting thought. It takes about half an hour
raise if his opponent has the Gullible disadvantage, and is for a character with this Skill to perform a ceremony (a
penalized by 5 if his opponent has the Clear Thinker Simple Tea Ceremony/Void Roll; TN at GM's discrection, but
advantage). If successful, the Crane's opponent would be not less than 10), and all involved (up to the Skill Rank of the
acting without honor if they were to disagree with the performer) will gain back a single spent Void Point.
supposition, and must perform as the Crane has outlined. On
the other hand, if someone is caught in the verbal trap and Tejina (Perception) (Tejina only)
refuses to give in to the Crane, they will lose one point of This skill involves a highly tuned knowledge of illusionary
Honor. This honor loss may be increased by another point for magic. A character with this skill may roll his Tejina skill
each raise the Crane uses on his initial skill roll. This skill will against a TN determined by the GM (generally the caster's Air
automatically fail if used against someone with a higher x 5) to determine whether or not something is an illusion. If
Honor rank. This is a High Skill. the roll is successful, the character not only realizes he is
looking upon an illusion, but sees through to the truth. When
Puppetering Artisan - Puppetering casting any illusionary magic, the character may add his Rank
Research Lore - Literature in this skill to his roll. This skill is exclusive to the Shiba
Tejina school. This skill cannot be taught to anyone outside of
Sensei (Intelligence) the Academy because of the intense expertise in illusion
Teaching in itself is an art form; those who wish to do so must magic it demands.
learn how. This character may impart knowledge of his own
skills or school Techniques to others who are ready to learn
Theology Shintao Bojutsu (Bo Stick): Bo, Jo
Chisaijutsu (War Fan): Tessen, Tonfa
Tsangusuri (Awareness) (Asahina shugenja only)
Jiujutsu (Hand-to-Hand): Mizu-do, Kaze-do
This is the skill needed for an Asahina shugenja to create the
Kenjutsu: Katana, No-dachi, Wakizashi
minor, one-use magic talismans (or "fetishes") which are
Kyujutsu (Archery): Dai-kyu, Yumi
popular among the Crane. Such talismans often require an
Nofujutsu (Peasant weapons): Jitte, Kama, Nunchaku, Sai
amount of time (as much as a week) to be spent finding the
(This is considered a Low Skill.)
appropriate materials for creation, and a successful use of
Subojutsu (Tetsubo): Die tsuchi, Tetsubo
Astrology must be made to determine the correct time and day
Tantojutsu (Knife): Aiguchi, Tanto, Kama
for the ceremony to be performed. Lastly, the item must be
Umayarijutsu (Lance): Lance
made on a sacred site appropriate to the item's nature - an
Yarijutsu (Naginata): Nagamaki, Naginata, Yari, Nage-yari,
ancestral shrine, for example, or on temple grounds.
Sasumata, Sodegarami
Zanji (Void. Monks only) Yomanri (Unicorn and Naga Archery): Dai-kyu, Yumi
A form of meditation that is more focused on the Chi around Ninjutsu: Ninja-to, Shuriken, Blowgun, Nageteppo,
the character than within. The character must meditate at least Tetsubishi, Han-kyu (This is considered a Low Skill.)
five minutes, at the end of which he rolls Void + Zanji at a TN Ninjutsu works a little differently from the rest of these Skill
of 15. If the check is successful, the character is aware of all groups. At Rank 1, the character only learns how to use one of
sentient beings (animals, humans, goblins, etc.) within twenty the tools listed at Rank 1. For every further Rank gained in the
feet for each Void point the character possesses. This may be Skill, the character gains an additional Rank in the use of tools
performed many places where simple meditation cannot, but already known, and another tool at Rank 1.
requires the full concentration of the caster. Distractions (such Note: It is also possible to take a specialized weapon skill: for
as a full, noisy room) add anywhere from 5 to 20 points to the instance, instead of taking Kenjutsu, you could take the
TN of this roll, whatever the GM feels is appropriate. That specialized weapon skill Katana. (It is, of course, possible to
which is not alive, nor connected to the Void in any way, is learn both Kenjutsu and Katana.) The benefits and
not detected by this skill. For instance, fallen warriors disadvantages to specialized skills are listed in the Combat
animated by the power of the Shadowlands, or those Section; see also the "Specialized Weapon Skill" entry later in
completely absorbed by the Darkness, would not be detected this list.
by this skill; but Naga, with their connection to the
Defense (Agility)
Akasha, would be.
Every character knows how to get out the way (that's their
BUGEI SKILLS FireRing). This character knows how to do it effectively. Any
These are the Skills taught to fighting men. Most Skills listed character who does not purchase at least Rank 1 in Defense
below are self-explanatory. Skills that require a little cannot make the Full Defense Maneuver.
explanation (like Kyujutsu vs. Yomanri, or Tessen) have text
Explosives (Intelligence)
for clarification.
This skill represents a character's experience with the small
Armorer (Earth) explosives used in stink bombs, smoke bombs, flash paper,
This is yoroi-sei, the Skill of making and repairing armor. etc. "Gaijin pepper" - gunpowder - is forbidden by Imperial
While this Skill is technically a Merchant Skill (and is listed decree, and Rokugani explosives are more useful for
again in the merchant Skill section), it is one of the most pyrotechnics than sheer blasting power.
honorable of all craft Skills.
Horse Archery (Agility)
Athletics (Agility/Stamina/Reflexes) A character with the Horse Archery skill can not only fire a
Running, jumping, lifting and similar physical actions fall bow from the back of a moving horse, but can do so without
under the jurisdiction of Athletics. If a character is running, falling off and with a reasonable expectation of hitting the
for instance, and wants to test his speed, he uses target. The bow used for this skill is the dai-kyu, a long,
Athletics/Reflexes. However, if he wants to test his endurance, asymmetrical bow particularly suited to the task. The strength
he would Roll Athletics/Stamina. Athletics is a Bugei Skill of the dai-kyu comes from its size and greater draw, thus
for samurai-caste characters, and a Low Skill for heimin giving more force to the arrow; and a bowman on horseback is
and hinin. at least three feet taller than one on the ground, affording a
much broader field of fire, and range. The Horse Archery skill
Battle (Perception) is based on the Unicorn art of Yomanri (and uses the same
This is the study of warfare. Characters with Battle have mechanics), and so is not generally available to non-Clan
studied successful strategies and tactics of famous battles members. A character who knows Yomanri or Kyujutsu, but
and the philosophies of war. This Skill is used both for large-
not Horse Archery, has his TN raised by at least 10 when
scale battles and for smaller skirmishes. firing from the back of a horse; characters who don't know
Bujutsu (Varies) how to handle a bow at all probably ought to hope for divine
The weapons skills of the L5R RPG cover weapons with intervention. A similar penalty would apply if, for some
similar size and weight distribution. We have collected the reason, a character trained solely in Horse Archery were
entirety of them (referred to by Rokugani as bujutsu) here for forced to fire from the ground. Unicorn bushi can shoot at a
clarification. For game purposes, if a character has one of gallop, and can fire at targets up to
these Skills, he is assumed to have the same Rank while 90 to their right or at anything to their left side, even at
using all weapons listed with it. For example, a samurai with a targets straight behind them. Few other bushi are this skilled at
Kenjutsu of 2 rolls two dice when he uses a katana, a horse archery, and the only shugenja so skilled are found in
wakizashi, or a no-dachi. Iaijutsu is not included, as it is not a the Unicorn clan.
weapons skill per se, but the application of such knowledge in
a specific use.

laijutsu (Agility) Obiesaseru Intimidation
Those who practice laijutsu practice the art of the "fast draw.
Siege (Perception)
It is only practiced by samurai; laijutsu may only be
If Engineering is building. Siege is tearing down. Similar to
performed with a Katana, and not with any other weapon. It is
Battle, Siege represents a character's ability to gauge the
a formal duel that must follow explicit rules, or the offending
strength of a given fortress and devise the best way to breach
party is dishonored and expected to commit seppuku. Two
it. By observing the target for a given length in time, a siege
samurai stand a few feet apart with their katana sheathed.
master can determine the number of samurai guarding it, the
Then, in a furious explosion of motion, both suddenly draw
shifts in their patrols, possible escape routes from the
their swords and attack in a single movement. The rules for
castle, and the most effective direction to launch an attack.
iaijutsu duels can be found in The Book of Fire (page 164). A
It also covers the ability to operate a siege engine - such as a
samurai with his sword in its saya must use the laijutsu Skill if
catapult or man o' war - and to direct it where it will inflict
he wishes to attack in the current round of combat, or must
the most damage.
spend the round drawing and preparing his weapon. A drawn
katana uses either the Kenjutsu or the Katana skill, not War Fan (Agility)
laijutsu. The tessen, or war fan, is an iron-ribbed fan that has two
purposes. It is used as a hand-to-hand weapon, typically
Intimidation (Willpower)
to parry strikes from unsuspected attackers. It is also used to
Intimidation is the ability to coerce others through fright or the
give signals on a battlefield. To give signals on a battlefield
intention to harm. Crab samurai are the unquestioned master
requires a Simple Tessen/Agility Roll; to decipher them, a
of menace, and can intimidate others with a mere pause or the
Simple Tessen/Intelligence Roll.
raising of an eyebrow.
Weaponsmith (Earth)
Jiujutsu (Agility)
This is the art of making and repairing weapons. While this is
Jiujutsu is the art of fighting with bare hands. Legend has it
also a Merchant Skill (and is listed again in the Merchant Skill
that Shinsei brought this skill with him from across the
section), it is one of the most honorable of all craft Skills.
mountains. Damage from a Hand-to-Hand strike is
(Strength)kl (see the Book of Fire for details, page 181). Wrestling (Strength)
This is sumai, the forerunner of sumo wrestling. It is a sport
Kenjutsu (Agility)
rather than a lethal skill. Using this Skill, a character can
See: Bujutsu
throw his opponent with a successful Contested Strength Roll.
Know the school (Intelligence) If his opponent is thrown, he must make a successful
A character with this skill picks one particular bushi school Wrestling/Stamina Roll at a TN of 5 x the Strength of the
that he has attended or studied with some regularity. The thrower (+5 for each Raise of the thrower), or he is stunned
character gains Free Raises against anyone using that school and can take no Action next Turn.
equal to his rank in this skill. In addition, anyone trying to use
Yomanri (Agility) (Unicorn Only)
that school to strike this character has his TN raised by 5.
Most Rokugani practice what they call kyujutsu. This is a fast
Kyujutsu (Reflexes) method of shooting the bow, and relies primarily on
Characters with Kyujutsu are practiced in the Skill of shooting instinctive aim, feel, and experience. It's the equivalent of
a yumi (bow). However, the style of kyujutsu is very "hip-shooting" with a bow. In their travels to distant lands, the
spontaneous, reling on instinct rather than aim. "The arrow Unicorn learned a different method, involving careful aim.
knows the way" is a common phrase among archers of Instead of drawing and firing instinctively, the bowman looks
Rokugan. Characters use Kyujutsu/Reflexes when firing down the shaft of the arrow and aims it. They found this
bows. See also Bujutsu. method to be superior to the Rokugani method, for they could
fire rapidly when they needed to, but they could also take their
Lance (Strenght)
time and aim the arrow when scoring a hit was of critical
Unicorn bushi (and occasionally shugenja) use this skill when
importance. The Unicorn call this technique by its gaijin
trying to lance, e.g. with a yari. Obviously, lancing an enemy
name, "yomanri," and all Unicorn samurai use it. As you
can only be done from on top of a moving horse. If the
Unicorn samurai succeeds in hitting his target with a lancing
imagine, gaijin use this skill as well; the Naga have also been
attack, he does not add his own strength to the roll. Instead, if
seen aiming their bows, and Naga characters also use this
his mount is charging, he rolls the weapon's DR plus the
Skill. The downside of this technique is the stillness it
number of rounds he's charged for damage. He must also
demands on the part of the archer: use of this skill is
make a Strength + Lance check against a TN equal to five
considered a Full Attack. The Yomanri skill is based on
times the number of rounds he charged.This extra roll is not
Agility rather than Reflexes. The Unicorn samurai can fire
considered an action. If the bushi fails this roll, he loses his
once a round like their counterparts, but they may also take
grip on his pole-arm. If he fails it badly (Game Master's
time to aim their bow. For each round a Unicorn archer spends
discretion), he can even be unhorsed. Lancing from horseback
aiming (and doing nothing else), he gains a free Raise on his
is a Unicorn specialty, something they learned in distant lands.
to hit roll. An archer can only aim for a number of rounds
It is rare for any other clan's samurai to use their pole-arm skill
equal to his Yomanri skill. Also, the amount a target is
in this way, but it is not unheard of. For a non-Unicorn
moving restricts the amount an archer can aim. You can only
samurai to be able to use a pole-arm as a lance, he must either
spend half your skill in rounds aiming at moving targets.
have a Unicorn teach him, or else survive such an attack
and make a Perception plus (Pole-arm) check against a TN of MERCHANT SKILLS
30 (less five for every time he's seen it) and spend an These Skills are used by those who are not of the samurai
Experience Point. caste.While it is not dishonorable to use them (except
Commerce) it is not honorable to use them, either.

Appraisal (Perception) LOW SKILLS
With this skill, characters can determine the approximate These Skills are dishonorable for those of the samurai to use.
value of an item or group of items. Further, a character with
Athletics (Variable)
the Appraisal skill has a greater chance of Identifying
Running, jumping, lifting and similar physical action fall
forgeries and counterfeits.
under the jurisdiction of Athletics. If a character is running,
Armorer (Earth) for instance and wants to test his speed, he uses
This is yoroi-sei, the Skill of making and repairing armor. This Athletics/Reflexes. However, if he wants to test his endurance,
is one of the most honorable of all craft Skills. he would roll Athletics/Stamina Athletics is a Bugei Skill for
Samurai-caste characters, and a Low Skill for heimin and
Commerce (Awareness)
This is the Skill of bartering, handling currency and
merchandising. It is dishonorable for a samurai to practice this Autopsy (Intelligence)
Skill. Where anatomy allows a samurai to understand the intricacies
of the body, autopsy allows the user to understand how these
Craft (Variable)
functions cease. When cutting open a body, it may become
Craft is the Skill of making and covers many different
important to understand that the heart stopped because of a
areas.Every manner of craft can be listed with this Skill,
poison or a rupture of a vessel. In conjunction with anatomy, a
except Armorer and Weaponsmith, which are regarded above
samurai may perform an autopsy on the body of non-human
all other Crafts. Samples of Craft Skills include: Brewer,
creatures as well. Although this skill may determine the how
Carpenter, Cobbler, Cook,Farmer, Fisherman, Gardener,
someone was killed (after opening them up), with the proper
Mason, Potter, Seamstress/Tailor, and
lore skill (poison, weaponry, etc.), the information will be
vague and inconclusive. For example, a courtier is killed by a
Craft: Mitsugusuri (Intelligence) rare poison know as green lotus tongue. The samurai using
Mitsugusuri is the art of making magical potions. More on this Autopsy will only be able to discern that a poison killed the
Skill can be found in Mitsuguri Elixirs. courtier, but cannot identify the poison without a poison skill
roll. This skill is considered dishonorable to use, since its use
Craft: Tattoing (Agility) perforce
A character with this Skill knows the art of tattooing. Raises involves touching the dead.
allow more complicated and elaborate tattoos. Like other Craft
skills, this is a Merchant Skill. Climbing (Strength)
A character with Climbing is capable of scaling walls and
Engineering (Intelligence) gates. Sheer sides of buildings can be navigated easily and an
Engineering is the ability to design, build, and repair large individual using climbing tools receives three additional
structures. This can be as simple as constructing a lean-to in
unkept dice.
the forest or as complex as strengthening the foundations of
the Kaiu Wall. A character skilled in engineering knows how Disguise (Awareness)
to survey the land for optimum building sites, can find the best You know how to use clothing, makeup, posture, and voice to
places to cross a stream, and can warn other characters not to appear to be someone else. The basic TN to disguise your
smash that load- appearance is 10. This indicates that you no longer appear to
bearing wall. All Kaiu are expected to have a point or two in be yourself, though you don't necessarily look like anyone else
Engineering. in particular. Disguising yourself as a member of another clan,
family, or gender will impose significant penalties (to be
Fletchery (Agility) Weaponsmith determined by the GM). Disguising yourself as a specific
Herbalism (Intelligence) person should never have a TN less than the target's (School
This Skill is the peasant version of Medicine. It is used to cure Rank + Awareness) x 5. Once you are in disguise, others who
wounds and heal maladies. Instead of acupuncture, it uses actively attempt to pierce your disguise may make an opposed
herbs. Investigation/Perception roll vs. your Disguise/Awareness.
You may add 5 to your roll for each Raise you made on your
Locksmith (Agility) initial Disguise roll. If covering a deformity that is very
This Skill not only allows a character to make locks, but to difficult to disguise, you must make two Raises for each
break them. When a locksmith creates a lock, he make a increase in TN. The GM may impose additional penalties for
Simple Locksmith/Agility Roll. This sets the TN for the Lock. attempting to fool someone who knows the person you are
When another Locksmith attempts to pick the lock, he must pretending to be. The basic use of this skill can be duplicated
make a Simple Roll vs. the lock's TN. using Acting, but not all those who need disguise themselves
Navigation Sailing have knowledge of Kabuki. Many victims of the Shadowlands
with no love of theater use this skill to disguise their unsightly
Sailing (Agility) deformities. This is considered a Low Skill.
Sailing is considered a Merchant skill, but it is not
dishonorable for a Mantis Clan member to know and use Escape (Agility)
it.Knowledge of this skill includes how to sail simple kobune This is the simple art of getting out of bonds of any kind. Any
craft, maintain a course on coastal seas, and understand the situation from being simply bound at the wrists to being
rudiment of boat craft and repair. This is a Merchant Skill. completely wrapped in chain falls under this skill. However,
Escape only covers slipping out of the bonds. Characters who
Weaponsmith (Earth) are jailed or trapped in a room, for example, will need some
This is the art of making and repairing weapons. This is one of other way to get out. The TNs for Escape can range from 10
the most honorable of all Craft Skills. (simple rope bindings around the wrists) to 45 (completely
wrapped in metal chain). This is considered a Low Skill.

Evasion Stealth Nofujutsu (Varies)
See the Bujutsu Skill in the Bugei skills section.
Forgery (Agility)
This skill allows a character to forge official documents, Poison (Intelligence)
letters, etc. When forging a document, the forger must make a A character with this Skill can detect, analyze and use the
Simple Forgery/Agility Roll. This sets the TN for the various poisons available in Rokugan.
document. When another character views the document, he
Ratling speech (Intelligence)
must make a Simple Perception Roll (sometimes
The Nezumi tongue is unlike the Rokugani language, and
supplemented by Law or Investigation, depending on the GM)
takes an amount of training to speak. Characters with this skill
to beat the TN of the document.
are fluent in ratling speech and may communicate with the
Gambling (Awareness) Nezumi as they would a human being. A character will lose
This is the Skill of professional gambling. In other words: one Honor point every time he or she uses ratling speech
cheating. The Trait to use with Gambling is Awareness. To outside the presence of Nezumi. This is a Low Skill.
detect cheating, a character must make a Contested
Seduction (Awareness)
Gambling/Perception Roll against the gamblers
Honorable women do not act seductively. That activity is left
to geisha. Seduction uses a Contested Seduction/Awareness
Goblin culture (Intelligence) Roll vs. the opponent's Awareness.
Goblins do not have a "culture" as such, but their activity is
Sleight of Hand (Agility)
based around a pattern of imitating human customs. An
This Skill allows the character to use sleight-of-hand tricks
observer who knows goblins well enough will be able to
such as palming items, picking pockets, and other acts of
identify their purpose and intent at any given time. He or she
can thus make sense of their bizarre activities and even predict
what they are going to do next. This skill also covers any Stealth (Agility)
attempts to communicate with the goblins on a meaningful A character with Stealth (shinobi)moves silently through
level - bartering with them, scaring them off, etc. Needless to shadows, unseen by the casual observer. To use Stealth, a
say, it is considered a Low Skill. character must make a Contested Stealth/Agility Roll
another character's Perception.
Hisomu Stealth
Torture (Awareness)
Kuenai Etiquette
The use of torture is dishonorable because it involves touching
Mimic (Awareness) blood, sweat and dead flesh. When using Torture, a character
You have learned to mimic the voices of others. When this is trying to extract information from the tortured character
Skill is used against someone who is unfamiliar with the using pain. Torture is a Contested Torture/Awareness Skill vs.
person you are attempting to mimic, you must roll the opponent's Stamina.
Mimic/Awareness against their perception x 5. If they are
Traps (Perception)
familiar with the person you are attempting to mimic, expect
This is the ability to build, set, and detect all manner of booby
theGM to increase the TN, depending on the degree of
traps, from the merely incapacitating to the gruesomely lethal.
familiarity. For instance, someone with a casual aquaitance
Not only can a character with Traps design and construct such
would increase the TN by 5 or maybe 10, but if you are
pitfalls, but he knows how to conceal their presence until they
attempting to fool someones wife or husband, expect the TN
are sprung. Consequently, he can identify the tell-tale signs of
to go up by as much as 20.
a hidden trap,and may roll to detect it before it goes off. This
Ninjutsu (Varies) is a Merchant Skill for Kaiu, a Low Skill for anyone else.
See the Bujutsu Skill in the Bugei skills section.

Umayarijutsu (Lance): Lance
Yarijutsu (Naginata): Nagamaki, Naginata, Yari, Nage-yari,
HIGH SKILLS Sasumata, Sodegarami
-Acting (Awareness) Yomanri (Unicorn and Naga Archery): Dai-kyu, Yumi
-Advanced medicine/Acupunture (Perception) Ninjutsu: Ninja-to, Shuriken, Blowgun, Nageteppo,
-Animal Husbandry (Intelligence/Awareness) Tetsubishi, Han-kyu (This is considered a Low Skill.)
-Artisan Skills (Varies) -Defense (Agility)
-Atemi (Intelligence) (Monks only) -Explosives (Intelligence)
-Calligraphy (Perception) -Horse Archery (Agility)
-Cipher (Intelligence) -laijutsu (Agility)
-Courtier (Awareness) -Intimidation (Willpower)
-Dance (Agility) -Jiujutsu (Agility)
-Divination (Void) -Kenjutsu (Agility)
-Etiquette (Intelligence) -Know the school (Intelligence)
-Games - Go (Intelligence) -Kyujutsu (Reflexes)
-Heraldry (Perception) -Lance (Strenght)
-History (Intelligence) -Siege (Perception)
-Horsemanship (Agility) -War Fan (Agility)
-Hunting (Perception) -Weaponsmith (Earth)
-Ichi Miru (Perception. Kitsuki only) -Wrestling (Strength)
-Investigation (Perception/Awareness) -Yomanri (Agility) (Unicorn Only)
-Kagaku (Intelligence. Agasha and Kitsuki only)
-Kokyu (Void) (Monks only)
-Appraisal (Perception)
-Law (Intelligence)
-Armorer (Earth)
-Lore (Intelligence)
-Commerce (Awareness)
-Manipulation (Awareness)
-Craft (Variable)
-Meditation (Void)
-Craft: Mitsugusuri (Intelligence)
-Mountaineer (Strength or Stamina)
-Craft: Tattoing (Agility)
-Nazodo (Iintelligence. Dragons only)
-Engineering (Intelligence)
-Political Maneuvering(Intelligence) (Crane only)
-Herbalism (Intelligence)
-Sensei (Intelligence)
-Locksmith (Agility)
-Shintao (Intelligence)
-Sailing (Agility)
-Sincerity (Awareness)
-Weaponsmith (Earth)
-Spellcraft (Intelligence) (Shugenja only)
-Spell Research (Intelligence) LOW SKILLS
-Tea Ceremony (Void) -Athletics (Variable)
-Tejina (Perception. Tejina only) -Autopsy (Intelligence)
-Tsangusuri (Asahina shugenja only) -Climbing (Strength)
-Zanji (Void. Monks only) -Disguise (Awareness)
-Escape (Agility)
-Forgery (Agility)
-Armorer (Earth)
-Gambling (Awareness)
-Athletics (Agility/Stamina/Reflexes)
-Goblin culture (Intelligence)
-Battle (Perception)
-Mimic (Awareness)
-Bujutsu (Varies)
-Ninjutsu (Varies)
Bojutsu (Bo Stick): Bo, Jo
-Nofujutsu (Varies)
Chisaijutsu (War Fan): Tessen, Tonfa
-Poison (Intelligence)
Jiujutsu (Hand-to-Hand): Mizu-do, Kaze-do
-Ratling speech (Intelligence)
Kenjutsu: Katana, No-dachi, Wakizashi
-Seduction (Awareness)
Kyujutsu (Archery): Dai-kyu, Yumi
-Sleight of Hand (Agility)
Nofujutsu (Peasant weapons): Jitte, Kama, Nunchaku, Sai
-Stealth (Agility)
(This is considered a Low Skill.)
-Torture (Awareness)
Onojutsu (Ono): Ono
-Traps (Perception)
Subojutsu (Tetsubo): Die tsuchi, Tetsubo
Tantojutsu (Knife): Aiguchi, Tanto, Kama

Samurai seldom pay for anything. If they want something, they take it or they command their peasantry to make it for them. However,
with the rising power of the merchant class in Rokugan, items of higher quality are coming into demand. When characters receive
their Outfits, theyll want more than just a sword and helmet. Below is a list of possessions available to samurai and shugenja. You
may notice that the list has no costs. It is up to the GM (as your family daimyo) to decide what you may or may not start with.

Basic equipment Mirror, small

Backpack, wicker Mirror, large
Basket, large Musical instruments: samisen, biwa, kokyu, flute, drum
Basket, small Paper, writing (pouch of 5 sheets)
Bedroll (futon) Pillow book
Bowyers Kit Pot, iron
Box, iron Quiver
Box, puzzle Rope, braided hair
Candle Rope, hemp
Chest, metal Scrolls
Chest, wooden Sumi-e (writing) box
Chopsticks (ivory) Sword stand
Cloth, silk bolt Travel pack (dried rice and fish wrapped in rice paper)
Dice and dice cup Umbrella
First aid kit
Fishing kit (includes hook, net, etc.) Clothing
Flint and Steel Tessen
Furoshiki sack Hakama
Games (go, shogi, etc.) Haori
Inro (medical kit) Kimono (includes obi)
Lantern, metal Obi pouch
Lantern, paper Sandals
Lantern oil Silk cloak

What is this stuff?

Furoshiki sack: A bundle of fabric folded and thrown over the shoulder; used to carry small items.
Inro: A small, segmented box used to carry personal belongings
Samisen: A Rokugani guitar.
Biwa: A four-stringed lute.
Koto: A thirteen-stringed harp.
Kokyu: A three-stringed fiddle.
Tessen: Fan (often metal and edged)
Hakama: Divided skirt (only worn by men and samurai-ko)
Haori: A vest-like garment that exaggerates shoulders
Gaijin Gear
The Unicorn have dealt with many different cultures. Many of them have methods of warfare that are very different from those found
in the Emerald Empire. Unicorn samurai can experiment with these items and the treacherous barbarian tactics required for their

Ashi-Kyu (Foot Bows)

The ashi-kyu is as long as a dai-kyu, but it is symmetrical and much more powerful. It is designed to be fired at stationary troop
formations or large targets. To fire it, you lie on your back, brace the bow with both feet, and pull back on the bowstring with your
arms. While this awkward position makes it difficult to change your aim (if you cant do it just by angling your legs, you must wriggle
on the ground) and makes you all but immobile, it makes for a very powerful pull. The range of the ashi-kyu is also far better than a
dai-kyu or yumi; an archer can typically fire the ashi-kyu twice as far as a standard bow. It takes a full round to set up an ashi-kyu.
The Unicorn most often employ the ashi-kyu in sieges or against slow-moving or disorganized armies such as goblin mobs. They also
occasionally use them in hit-and-run raids, sending a few dozen horse archers with ashi-kyu to sneak up on enemy buildings, launch
two or three flaming arrows apiece, and then ride off before the guards can catch them.
Damage: as arrow, but roll extra dice equal to the archers strength minus one.
Range: The archers strength plus two, times one hundred yards.
Cost: 7 koku (arrows cost twice as much, due to their rarity and larger size).

Barbarian longswords are very different from Rokugani katanas. Where the katana weighs maybe eight pounds and relies on its razor
edge, the barbarian longsword weighs as much as forty pounds, and depends much on its impact. Some Unicorn carried longswords
back into Rokugan, but they proved too cumbersome to be adapted to the Rokugani method of fighting. Still, because of their great
weight, longswords are effective against large, slow-moving creatures, Bushi must have a Strength and Stamina of 3 to use one, and it
subtracts five from all their initiative rolls. On the plus side, it ignores armor
Damage: 1k4
Cost: 25 koku

Nagayari (Pikes)
The Unicorn learned the effectiveness of these weapons against cavalry the hard way. Ever adaptable, they made their own versions,
and taught their people how to use them. It is no coincidence that the camps of the Unicorn are filled with pennants mounted on very
long shafts with bladed tips, readily available in case of a sneak attack. Nagayari can be used like any other pole-arm, although they
are too long and unwieldy to gain the pole-arm initiative bonus in normal combat situations. They are best suited to defense against
cavalry charges. Whether deployed properly (as described in the following paragraph) or simply used like a long spear, those who
wield nagayari automatically gain the initiative against charging cavalry (exception: see the sidebar Umayari and Nagayari). The
proper way to use a nagayari against charging cavalry is to stick the butt end firmly in the ground, lean the nagayari toward the
enemy, and stand on the back end of the shaft. This effectively braces the nagayari against an immovable object (the earth), and
standing on the end helps keep the shaft from popping out of the ground when the blade is hit by a ton of horse meat. When used in
this manner against charging cavalry, the bushi using the nagayari adds the horses strength to the damage roll, not his own. This is
because the bushi is merely holding the nagayari in place; the power of the horse determines the actual force of the impact. This
makes the nagayari very deadly against charging cavalry. The same effect can be had by pounding thick wooden poles in the ground
and sharpening their tips. These fortifications are known in Rokugan as dragons teeth. They are most often used as a simple
deterrent in this form, a means of slowing down the enemy infantry or diverting the enemy cavalry. Deployed effectively, dragons
teeth can channel an attacking force into a deadly crossfire or killing ground. Sometimes, however, dragons teeth are camouflaged
and used as vicious cavalry traps. This is most effective in light woods, where there are enough stray pieces of wood that a few
dragons teeth might go unnoticed; or in farmlands or grasslands, where the tall grasses effectively hide the pointed stakes from a
charging horseman. They can also be deployed right behind a line of infantry awaiting a cavalry charge. Right before the cavalry
strikes the infantry line, the footmen retreat ten or twenty feet to a position safe behind the dragons teeth. Done properly, the cavalry
will have not enough warning and too much momentum to avoid impaling their horses on the spikes.
Weapon Damage Cost
Nagayari 3k2 5 koku
Dragons Teeth 2k2 The ashigaru make them.

Oil Lamps
In Rokugan, oil lamps are made of paper and wood. The most common kind of lamp illuminates the entire area in a soft glow, sort of
like a 40-watt bulb. Other lamps are made almost entirely of wood, with a single door on one side. This door directs the light in one
direction, much like a low-grade flashlight The problem with these lamps is that they are fragile and flammable. Treat them roughly,
and a fire is likely to ensue. This is not at all the case with the barbarian oil lamps owned by the Unicorn clan. Made of metal and
glass, the Unicorns oil lamps are sturdy and windproof, and are much brighter than the paper lamps of Rokugan. They also have a
larger oil capacity, and can burn all night long without difficulty. Furthermore, gaijin alchemists have sold the Unicorn clan
interesting lenses made of glass, which focus the light from a lamp. With these, the Unicorn have created shuttered lamps which are
much better flashlights than the makeshift directional lamps of the other clans. The light is brighter, more tightly focused, and longer
ranged. Unicorn magistrates often carry these around to help them locate wrongdoers in the dark, hence the common folks call these
lamps the eyes of the Horse.
Type Cost Range
Standard lamp 1 koku 15 feet
Directional lamp 3 koku 30 feet

When they returned to Rokugan, the Unicorn brought back shields among their multitudinous other treasures. Attempts to use them in
melee combat proved catastrophic; while they provided virtually impenetrable protection, the shields were too heavy and too slow to
be able to block light. flexible weapons like the katana. Unicorn samurai rapidly gave up having one arm weighted down with a shield
and returned to the traditional Rokugani fighting style. Shields, however, are still employed to provide cover against missile fire. They
do excellently for blocking arrows and the like. Even area effect weapons like an onis fiery breath have their effects impeded by the
presence of a good shield.
Size Cost TN vs. Missiles Area Weapon Dice Lost
Small 1 koku +5 -10%
Medium 4 koku +10 -25%
Large 8 koku +20 -50%
Tower 12 koku +30 -90%

The sling is another barbarian trick the Unicorn brought back. It is a secret they hold very tightly, for they recognize that the other
Rokugani do not consider rocks to be deadly weapons, nor a sling itself to be anything other than a foolish-looking barbarian
accessory. To perpetuate this belief, many Unicorns wrap their sling around their wrist or neck, wear it as a fake eye patch, or
otherwise use it to adorn their outfit Thus Unicorns have been able to carry a sling (and a lucky stone or two) into places where they
would otherwise be unarmed. The use of the sling is entirely separate from archery. While the Unicorn think nothing of it. other clans
consider it a low skill. In fact, many would consider using a sling to be a vicious ninja trick!
Item Cost DR Range
Sling 2 Zeni 2k2 75 yards
Staff Sling 8 Zeni 3k2 100 yards

Spyglasses, another invention using glass lenses crafted in the Caliphate, are small telescopes. This is handy in times of war, when the
use of a spyglass can locate hidden troops, survey the battlefield, or even spy on the gestures and expressions of an enemy general.
There are several sizes of spyglass. The range is a rating of the spyglass strength; it is the range at which the glass allows a person to
view an object as easily as if he were standing right next to it.
Range Cost
50 yards 5 koku
100 yards 10 koku
250 yards 25 koku

Umayari (Heavy Lances)

Another curious barbarian import, umayari are designed exclusively for use while mounted. All Unicorn characters who have both
Horsemanship and Lancing skills automatically learn to use these. Umayari are held under the armpit and aimed at troops while
charging. When the rider (hopefully) skewers his target. he simply lets the point of the umayari drop and slip behind him, and he drags
the body of the victim on the ground until it drops off. At this point. the rider can reposition his umayari and charge again. The great
length of umayari make them ideally suited for the charging attack; the rider always wins initiative on the first round of a charge. The
rider also wins the initiative on the first round of any subsequent charge, providing he has spent at least one round out of the fighting
and wheeling his steed about for another run. It is also possible, again due to the umaynris length, that a skilled lancer can impale two
or three soldiers in a single run - even a single round. If the lancer is charging a group of infantry who are all neatly lined up and
standing still, then few raises should be required. On the other hand, if the lancer charges a melee, where order is gone and everyone is
running about. the chance to strike two targets is remote, if not impossible. In short. the difficulty is up to the Game Master.
Unfortunately, umayari are too long and heavy to be used on foot. so lancers are well advised to have a katana handy in case they get
Cost: 12 koku
DR mounted: 3k4
DR on foot: 1k2, +10 to to hit roll, and -40 initiative.
High-Grade Equipment
Most equipment carried by samurai in Rokugan is of average quality, which is to say darned good by modern standards. However,
certain items are out there which are of such excellent workmanship that even by the discriminating standards of the Imperial Court.
they are considered of fine or even legendary quality. And, of course, in the hands of bandits and the inhuman scavengers of the
Shadowlands, even the best equipment suffers the ravages of the elements and daily abuse, and degenerates to poor quality.
Average quality items are exactly that: the standard against which all others are measured. Their statistics are all exactly as given in
the rules, and they provide no bonuses or penalties under normal circumstances. All the other quality ratings are based on this.
Poor items are those which are shoddily made, poorly maintained, or decrepit due to age and neglect A bandits homemade naginata, a
katana that has been put away without cleaning, and a kimono that has mildewed all fall under this category. These items force a
penalty of some sort upon the user. Poor weapons roll and/or keep fewer dice than normal, while accessories can increase the TN
required for successful use of the skill (a dribbly tea cup is disruptive to a tea ceremony).
Fine items are not particularly uncommon in Rokugan, especially among the elite of the samurai. While they are more or less readily
available, their high price puts them out of the reach of most young samurai.
Excellent items are uncommon, though not completely out of the reach of the average samurai. The richest families often flaunt their
wealth by wearing excellent items to everyday events, but even the poorer clans can afford to provide their leaders with such gear.
Superior items are beyond the reach of most samurai. These are items of enduring quality, most often seen in the hands of generals,
family daimyos, elder advisors, and favored first-born offspring. Iaijutsu master Kakita Toshimokos katana is one example of such an
item; it sings with a pure tone like a bell as he draws it from his saya, and it reflects light like a mirror.
Legendary items are few and far between, and almost never seen out of the hands of the topmost leaders in Rokugan. These are items
that everyone has heard spoken of in reverent tones (and, thanks to their purity, many of these items have become nemuranai).Perhaps
the most famous of the legendary items is the Ancestral Robe of the Hantei. It was not woven on a loom, but stitched together by hand
by the bride of the first Hantei. Made of the finest spider silk, every square inch of the kimono is painstakingly embroidered, and
when the viewer steps back, the fine details blur together to create an entirely different picture. The kimono never gets dirty, never
wrinkles, and although it is a thousand years old, it is still bright and colorful. Items of greater quality give game bonuses depending
on their rating. This bonus can vary between items of the same rating: one fine katana might be perfectly balanced, providing a better
chance to hit; while another might have a sturdy, razor-sharp edge which deals more damage. In game terms, items get bonus points to
spend on their attributes based upon their quality rating.

Quality Koku Cost Benefit
Poor half 1 point loss or more
Average normal none
Fine 5 times or more 1 point
Excellent 10 times or more 2-3 points
Superior 20 times or more 4-6 points
Legendary priceless 7 points or more

Point Cost Benefit

1 Roll an extra die of damage
2 Keep an extra die of damage
1 Roll an extra skill die (this can also be used for weapons)
2 Keep an extra skill die (this can also be used for weapons, or to negate the heavy armor penalty)
varies Extravagant ornamentation
varies Special abilities (unbreakable, waterproof, etc., but nothing truly magical)
1 +2 TNtoHit (armor only, although it could be used with kimonos by GM approval, especially for Scorpion
half cost Advantage or Disadvantage (mounts only, by GM approval)
Swords and Tessen

Aiguchi 1k1
A short knife without a hilt. This weapon is quick to draw and used in situations where the attacker wishes to surprise their opponent.
GMs may allow an additional +5 to initiative for characters who have successfully kept the blade hidden. The aiguchi is the preferred
weapon of geisha, assassins, and anyone trying to conceal their attack. A successful Investigation/Perception roll at TN 30 is required
to spot the blade under a characters clothing. If kept in the pommel of a katana, the TN is 40 to notice it (you might hear it move
inside). If the wield conceals it in a readied position (such as up a sleeve or against ones side), a Contested Awareness roll determines
the result

Katana 2k2
A long sword, the sword of the samurai, the symbol of his caste. The katana is slightly curved ending in a chiseled point. A katana is
forged from two steels: one soft and one hard. These two metals are heated and folded many times, resulting in a blade that is both
rigid and sharp. The length of the hilt differs, depending on the social climate. During times of peace, hilts are short, more difficult to
use and less cumbersome in an obi. During times of war, however, hilts are longer, which provides greater leverage on the blade but is
much more difficult to carry. A katana is just long enough to brush the ground when its owner grips it at the blade end of the hilt.
Some high quality katana allow the user to roll (not keep) an extra die. Although the Crab have set a precedent of using the tetsubo
against non-human enemies so as not to dishonor their ancestors, it is a great dishonor not to use the katana against human enemies.
PC who continue to use weapons other than their katana should be treated poorly by high-ranking samurai around them, find their
Honor slip and Glory questioned, and observe their general worth plummet. The katana is a swift weapon. Its users may add their
Kenjutsu skill as a bonus to the roll after theyve rolled initiative.

No-dachi 3k2
The no-dachi is a great sword, typically 5-7 long, and is typically reserved for battlefield encounters. Samurai using the no-dachi
indoors will find themselves cutting holes in rice paper walls. Samurai using a no-dachi have a penalty of -10 to Initiative rolls.

Tanto 2k1
A short knife with a hilt, often used by women, easily hidden in a kimono or the pommel of a katana. The tanto is nearly the same size
as the aiguchi, but it cannot be drawn as easily. Like the aiguchi it is nearly impossible to spot under a kimono; it uses the same
detection rules as the aiguchi.

Tessen 0k1
The tessen is the war fan, a metal-ribbed fan that serves as both a shield (that deflects the blades of assassins) and as a generals tool
(used to command units across the battlefield). If the situation is particularly dire, you can swat somebody with it. The tessen is a
weighted weapon (it is ribbed metal, after all). There are hundreds of styles, and a true general has a unique design on his war fan that
reflects his personality. If a samurai has both a katana and tessen, he may add his Chisaijutsu Skill to his defense during a Full
Defense maneuver.

Wakizashi 1k2
A short sword, the companion piece to the katana When together, they are referred to as the daisho. A samurais wakizashi is rarely
drawn for fighting, although the Dragon are notorious for their two-weapon niten technique. It is most prominently used in seppuku

A character using a pole-arm has a slight advantage over a character using a shorter weapon. To represent this, all characters using
certain pole-arms against opponents who are using shorter weapons may roll (not keep) an additional die for their Initiative Roll. The
length of a pole-arm keeps an opposing samurai at bay during the initial rounds of combat. However, the initiative bonus only applies
during the first round of combat against an opponent

Die tsuchi 1k3

The Rokugani equivalent of a war hammer. This weapon is used almost exclusively by the Crab Clan. The Die tsuchi does not gain
the pole-arm initiative bonus. Samurai must have a minimum Strength of 3 to wield a Die tsuchi. The Die tsuchi treats heavy armor as
light armor and ignores light armor. Creature armor is reduced by 3 while the Die tsuchi is employed. Note that some ronin and
bandits have been known to employ this weapon when ambushing men on horseback. Its deadly weight makes it an incredibly
powerful weapon.

Nage-yari 0k2
A 3 javelin. It can be used as a hand weapon or thrown. The Nage-yari does not gain the pole-arm initiative bonus. It has a range of
50 feet when thrown, but beyond 30 feet the weapons Damage Rating is reduced to 0k1. The nage-yari is lightweight, and many
samurai can hold one in each hand.

Nagamaki 1k2
A shorter version of the Naginata, this pole-arm is a long, wooden shaft (approximately 3 long) with a long (3) sword-like end.

Naginata 1k3
A pole-arm with a large blade on the end. Samurai-ko are often trained in its use. The blade of a naginata is very different from that of
a katana, and must be created by a smith who specializes in such weapons. While it is possible to put a katana blade on a naginata
handle, it makes an unbalanced weapon with reduced effectiveness.

Ono 0k4
A battle axe with a wooden shaft approximately 4 in length. Its steel head is often double-bladed. The Ono does not gain the pole-arm
initiative bonus. It is an excellent chopping weapon, and a favorite of the Crab.

Sasumata 0k1
The man-catcher is a 6 long pole-arm with a double-pronged hook at the end, the insides of which are barbed. It is designed to
catch a body within and rake it against the prongs. On a successful hit, perform a Contested Agility Roll against the target. If you win
the roll, the target is trapped, and you will do damage every turn that the target is caught The target can escape the sasumata with a
simple Strength test, TN 25.

Sodegarami 0k1
The sleeve-entangler is a 6 long pole-arm with a series of wicked barbs designed to catch the sleeves of kimonos and the loose
edges of armor. On a successful hit, perform a Contested Agility Roll against the target. If you win the roll, the target is trapped, and
you will do damage every turn that the target is caught. The target can escape the Sodegarami with a simple Strength test, TN 15. A
successful Yarijutsu roll against the target (in place of an attack) can dislodge a plate of armor or rip a kimono sleeve from the target
Each dislodged plate reduces the TN bonus of the armor by 1.

Tetsubo 1k3
An iron rod, much like a mace, used with two hands. The end is often ribbed or tipped with metal studs. This weapon does not get the
polearm bonus for Initiative. Samurai must have a minimum Strength of 3 to wield a Tetsubo. The tetsubo is most popular weapon
among the Crab against non-human enemies. Originally designed to fight against horses and larger animals, the weapon finds its true
use when employed against creatures of the Shadowlands. When used against samurai, it ignores light armor and treats heavy armor
as light armor. When employed against non-human creatures, it reduces the monster armor modifier by 3.

Yari 1k2 (2k3 from horseback)

A straight spear approximately 6 in length. The yari may be used from horseback with no penalties to attack. Some yari may be as
long as 7 to 8 long. The weapon is used to keep samurai and large monsters far away from the wielder.
The first round with a bow is crucial. It takes two rounds to remove it from ones pack and connect the drawstring. Samurai who wish
to do this faster may make an Agility + Kyujutsu (or Yomanri) roll at a TN of 20. Success indicates that it only takes one round to arm
the weapon; failure indicates that it takes three. Samurai do not run around with their bows pre-strung, being trained to string them
quickly on the field of battle; leaving the bow strung stretches and ruins the drawstring. Bows have a fixed Strength of 2 for purposes
of Damage.

Dai-kyu As Arrow
The long bow. It is seven feet long and designed to be fired from horseback. Samurai that choose to fire a dai-kyu from the ground
must add 10 to their TN due to the heftiness of the weapon.

Yumi As Arrow
The yumi is designed to be fired while standing. Like the dai-kyu, the yumi is difficult to fire from an unfamiliar position (in this case,
horseback). A samurai using a yumi to fire arrows from horseback adds 10 to his TN.

Ya 1k2
This is the standard arrow. Also in this category is the yanagi-ba, or willow leaf arrow.

Armor Piercer 0k2

An arrow with a narrow, spiked tip designed for punching through armor. Ignore the targets armor when calculating the TN.

Watakusi 2k3
This arrow is known as the flesh cutter: It spins as it leaves the bowstring and augers into unprotected flesh. It is particularly
ineffective against armored targets, however; if the target is wearing armor, triple the protection it gives when figuring the TN to hit.
Against creature armor, watakusi arrows are treated a little differently. If a monsters Armor Rating is 5 or less, ignore it and roll the
dice to hit and for Damage normally. Creatures with an Armor Rating of 6-10 double the armors value against such an arrow, while
those with an 11 or greater ignore the arrow altogether. The Crab are wise to fight Oni with metal-shod sticks instead.

Karimata 0k1
The fork arrow. This is a very specialized arrow, used for cutting through ropes or cords. Its points are not very sharp, but the
interior curve is sharpened so that it cuts more effectively. Cutting through ropes or cords requires one to three Raises (GMs

Humming bulb 0k1

A hollow-tipped arrow that whistles as it flies through the air. It is generally used to signal troops. The tip is rarely if ever sharp, and
tends to glance off whatever it hits. On the battlefield, this arrow grants a Free Raise for all Battle rolls involving the movement or
organization of troops. During an ambush, it can signal to troops that there is trouble ahead.
Peasant Weapons
All of these weapons were developed by monks and taught to the peasantry so they could defend themselves against bandits and
drunken samurai. Samurai do not use these weapons, with two exceptions. Magistrates frequently carry the jitte and the Doji family
has been known to employ the bo staff. To use a weapon outside of these conditions brings shame to a samurais katana. Many of
these weapons can be used to entangle. Entangled opponents must double their TN to Hit until they have freed themselves with a
successful attack versus a TN of 20, destroying the entangling chain. However, if a weapon has been used to entangle, it may not also
be used to attack unless otherwise specificated.

Bo 0k2
A long hardwood staff about 6 to 7 long. A character using a bo may roll an extra die for Initiative as with a polearm, and gets this
initiative bonus in every round, not just the first. Against armor, the bo is very difficult to use. Attacking those with light armor
increases the TN by +10 instead of +5, and heavy armor increases this modifier to +15 instead of +10.

Jitte 1k1
Similar to the sai (see below), the jitte has only a single prong. It is rarely sharpened and is used as a defensive weapon. Any character
attempting a disarm with this weapon gets a Free Raise to do so; when youre disarming someone with a jitte, you only have to make
2 Raises instead of 3.

Jo 0k2
A smaller version of the bo, often used in pairs (one in each hand). The jo is usually about 3 long. The jo is very difficult to use
against armor. Attacking enemies who are wearing light armor increases the TN by 5, and heavy armor increases this modifier to 10.

Kama 0k2
A short scythe-like weapon that is easily overlooked as a weapon. It is reputed to be a favorite weapon of the ninja.

Nunchaku 0k2
Originally intended to be a wheat flail, the nunchaku is two short (2) hardwood poles connected by a short chain less than a foot long.
The wood is dense and hurts more than a boken.

Sai 1k1
A two-pronged knife used to catch weapons and pull them out of their wielders grip. It is usually not sharpened and is essentially a
defensive weapon. Like the jitte, when youre disarming someone with a sai, you only have to make 2 Raises instead of 3.

Shobo +1k0
The shobo is a short cylinder of iron, perfect to wrap a fist around. It is similar in function to brass knuckles, except that halfway
down its length a single iron ring is welded to the shaft, allowing the shobo to he held in a variety of positions. The shobo can he used
with the Hand-to-Hand skill, allowing the user to roll an extra die for damage on bare-handed attacks.

Tonfa 0k1
This weapon was originally the handle of a millstone. It is a short wooden staff - approximately 2 long - with an offset handle. This
weapon is swung in a swirling motion. The tonfa can be used most effectively on defense. This weapon provides an additional 5 to the
wielders TN.

Whip 0k1
The Yasuki Taskmasters have found this weapon to be as effective at persuading their underlings to move faster as it was to get the
attention of farm animals. When an unarmored person is hit with a whip, he must make a Willpower roll at TN 5 or cry out in pain.
The whips user may Raise his attack roll in order to increase the Willpower rolls TN by +5 per Raise.

Chijiriki 1k2
A normal spear to which is added a length of weighted chain on the non-bladed end. It can be used as a normal spear, or the chain can
entangle an opponent rather than causing damage.

Kusari-Gama/Kyoketsu-Shoji 1k2
The kusari-gama is a kama with a long weight of chain attached, used for climbing as well as entangling. The Kyoketsushoji is
effectively the same weapon with a difference in head design and a heavier length of chain. Both provide a free raise when used to
climb short distances.

Kawanga 0k1
The kawanga is a simple climbing hook and rope. It can entangle (though the TN to escape is 10). It provides two free raises when
used to climb short or medium distances.

Lajatang 0k1
Similar to the sasumata (mancatcher), the lajatang is a 6-foot long pole arm. However, the lajatang has capture hooks at both ends. A
target can escape the lajatang with a simple strength test, TN 20.

Manriki-Gusari 0k2
Another entangling weapon, the manriki-gusari is a simple chain with weights at each end.

Parangu 1k2
A standard machete, the parangu is not made of the intricately folded steel of a katana, and will certainly break if matched against a
samurais sword.

Shikomizue 2k2
The shikomizue appears to be a simple bamboo walking staff, but inside hides a sharpened blade for fighting. If used as a staff, the
shikomizue is 1k2 because of its light weight.

Tankoji(Stick with talc) 0k0

The Tankoji is not effectively a weapon, but is often used by Mantis sailors in brawls. It is a hollow stick, corked on both ends,
containing a large amount of stinging talc. When broken, the talc explodes, blinding everyone within 5 feet who does not make a
simple Willpower roll versus TN 20.
Yobanjin Equipment From Winter Court Kyuden Asako
Although very rare, some items from the Yobanjin lands have made it into circulation in Rokugan. These items are almost exclusively
held by the Mantis and Tortoise clans, although it is rumored that the daimyo of the Daidoji family has a supply for study. They are
available to the right person and for the right price.

Ring Sword 1k3

This sword is very similar in appearance to the parangu blade that the mercenaries of the Mantis Clan occasionally use, albeit
considerably larger. It has a much broader and longer blade than a katana, although it is far inferior to the folded steel of the Rokugani
katana. A series of steel rings line the spine of the blade, and can be used to catch - and sometimes break - an opponents weapon. The
difficulty for this varies depending upon the type and quality of the item being broken. If the wielder of the ring sword is on Full
Defense and an opponent misses hitting him by a score of five or more, the wielder may catch the opponents blade on the rings A
contested Strength roll is necessary to break the trapped item. The wielder must exceed his opponents Strength roll by a certain
amount in order to break the weapon:
Trapped Weapon Must Exceed Opponents Strength Roll By
Wooden weapons 5
Steel peasant weapons 10
Poor or Average katana 20
Fine or better katana 25

Crossbow 3k2
These exceedingly rare gaijin weapons are kept a close secret by those who possess them for fear that they might be considered a
violation of the Emperors decree against firearms. The wooden bolts fired by the crossbow are shorter and thicker than arrows and
have less range (50 maximum), but are fired with more force. Rokugani armor offers no protection versus crossbow bolts. Crossbow
bolts receive no Strength bonus on damage rolls. It takes two actions to load a crossbow.
Weaponless Combat
Although almost all combat in Rokugan is conducted with weapons, occasionally (by design or misfortune) one or both of the
combatants will be without a weapon. When this occurs, the attack roll is Jiujutsu/Agility, and the damage roll is (Strength)kl.
Although Jiujutsu is a Bujutsu skill, it does not confer ability in either Kaze-do or Mizu-do, both of which are specific styles. Samurai
with the Jiujutsu skill may make the standard no-frills attack as detailed above. Those who wish to learn the maneuvers involved in
kaze-do or mizu-do must find an ise zumi or a Crane, respectively, willing to teach them the style.
Jiujutsu was developed during the time of Hantei Ningi, the third Hantei Emperor. The Hantei forbade peasants to carry weapons,
reserving that privilege to the samurai caste. One Dragon ise zumi, Togashi Kaze, found this inequitable, and developed a method of
weaponless combat that he taught to the peasants. When called before the Emperor and commanded to demonstrate his new style of
combat, he refused, and was slain for his insolence. Only recently has jiujutsu has passed into the hands of the samurai caste. Many
samurai schools teach their own versions of jiujutsu, but its truest form - kaze-do - still belongs to the peasantry and the ise zumi.

Throwing and Sweeping

A throw is an attempt to use an opponents weight, strength and momentum against him to throw him to the ground. A sweep is an
attempt to kick out an opponents feet from under him. If a character attempts to throw another character with kaze-do, he must make
a Simple Roll of Kaze-do/Agility to hit a TN of his opponents Agility x 5. If he fails the roll, he fails to throw his opponent.
If he succeeds, his opponent must make a Simple Agility roll against a TN equal to 15 + 5 per Raise his opponent made in the first
roll. If his opponent fails this rolL he takes (Throwing characters Strength)kl Wounds. If his opponent succeeds on his Agility rolL he
takes no Wounds. Any time a character is thrown and takes damage, the TN to hit him next round is 5. Dont forget to add damage
dice for Raises.

If one character attempts to grapple another, the procedure is very similar to Throwing and Sweeping above. The grappling character
makes a Kaze-do/Agility roll vs. his opponents Agility x 5. If the roll succeeds, the grappler does (Strength)kl Wounds, as usual. He
will continue to inflict Wounds until the grappled character frees himself. On the first round of being grappled (if he has an action left
for that round), the grappled character can use an action to try and free himself. He must make a Contested Roll against his opponent,
but both opponents may use either Jiujutsu/Agility or Jiujutsu/Strength. If the grappled character fails to free himself, he will
automatically take additional Wounds at the beginning of each round until he frees himself.
Mizu-do is a martial art developed by Crane artisans in order to show realistic fighting in their dramatic performances. Because the
artisans had no intention of harming anyone, or of using real weapons, Mizu-do is a very defensive martial art. From that humble
beginning, Mizu-do has become a Crane tradition, used by artisans and courtiers to defend themselves in dangerous circumstances.
Characters who purchase this skill at creation may choose two of the techniques listed below to begin with; those who purchase their
first rank in Mizu-do after character generation select only one. Characters may select another technique from the list each time they
purchase another rank in Mizu-do. All Mizu-do techniques require a reactionary roll. The character must declare a Full Defense
during each round, and then may choose to react with the defensive maneuver once his opponent has begun his attack. If the Mizu-do
practitioner wants the option to perform a Mizu-do technique this round, he receives no benefit from declaring a Full Defense. Mizu-
do practitioners who choose not to react to an attack may not change their minds once the attacker has rolled his strike. If a Mizu-do
practitioner is attacked by two or more opponents, he may react to a single opponent of his choosing. If the reactionary roll is
unsuccessful, the Mizu-do artist has been unable to grasp the attacker, and the attacker receives a free Raise on his attack this round. A
Mizu-do practitioner may not perform any of the maneuvers against someone who is not physically attacking him this round.

Bend Like a Reed

This maneuver can be used to escape a direct attack from a striking sword or staff weapon. The practitioner rolls Mizu-do/ Reflexes
with a TN of five times the opponents weapon or Bujutsu Skill. If successful, the opponents strike misses.

Catch the Shadow

A common tactic of Mizu-do practitioners is to escape other hand-to-hand grappling attempts. If another person attempts to grapple
with a practitioner of Mizu-do, the Mizu-do artist may make a contested Reflexes roll to avoid the grappling attempt before the
attacker makes his roll to hit The Mizu-do artist must be aware of the attack before he may Catch the Shadow.

Dragon Claw
Among the various joint locks which the Mizu-do student learns is this particularly incapacitating nerve hold. It requires a successful
Mizu-do/Reflexes roll versus an attacking opponents Agility x 5, but by using Raises, the Mizu-do artist may further incapacitate the
opponent with non-lethal damage to the opponents nerve centers. This damage is calculated by rolling a number of dice equal to the
number of Raises plus the Mizu-do practitioners Strength, keeping a number of dice equal to the number of Raises. This damage
vanishes from the Wound Ranks of the damaged character ten minutes after the Mizu-do practitioner releases his grip. A character
cannot go below Out from use of this technique. Because the nerves can only be accessed by pressing against the skin of the target,

the Dragon Claw cannot be performed against armored opponents. If the Dragon Claw maneuver is successful, the opponent is
subdued unless he wins a contested Agility roll against the Mizu-do practitioners Agility in order to break away from the hold.

The Farther You Fall

Much of the success of Mizu-do as a defensive style is based on the throws which the school teaches. As the opponent charges
(attempts a strike), the character rolls Mizu-do/Reflexes versus five times the opponents Agility + Weapon Skill in order to grab him
and redirect his movement This is a sacrifice throw~ meaning the defending character must also drop to the ground, rolling onto his
back and using his legs to elevate the attacker into the air, causing him to land a distance away. If the reactionary grapple is
unsuccessful, the attack continues as normal. If the Mizu-do technique is successful, the thrown character must make a Jiujutsu/
Agility or Athletics/Agility roll at a TN of 20, plus 5 for each raise the Mizu-do practitioner added to the original TN. If the thrown
character fails, the Mizu-do practitioner inflicts (Strength + 1)kl Wounds from the fall. The Mizu-do practitioner throws the opponent
Strength x 3 feet. Any Wounds taken by the attacker are inflicted by the rough landing and results in a stun lasting for 1 die of rounds
minus twice his Earth. Both characters spend the end of the turn regaining their footing Remember: the TN to hit an immobile or
prone character is 5.

Flight of Dragons
This throw shifts the opponents body into a position where he will trip over his own momentum. The Mizu-do practitioner rolls
Mizu-do/Reflexes versus five times his opponents Agility + Weapon SkilL If the Mizu-do technique is successful, the thrown
character must make a Jiujutsu/Agility or Athletics/Agility roll at a TN of 20, plus 5 for each raise the Mizu-do practitioner added to
the original TN. If the thrown character fails, he lurches to a deadfall at the defenders feet and takes his own (Strength+1)kl in
Wounds from the fall.

Hammer of Earth
This throw is dangerous, but has the greatest chance of defeating the characters opponent in one maneuver. As the attacker charges,
the character rolls Mizu-do/Reflexes versus the attacking opponents Agility x 5 in order to grip the attacker, then leans back until
both the attacker and the Mizu-do practitioner fall. Ideally this causes the opponent to land on the crown of his head. The original
attacker must make a simple Earth roll against a TN of 25 or lose consciousness. Helmeted characters are not affected. Both attacker
and Mizu-do practitioner take Wounds from this technique. The Mizu-do practitioner inflicts (Strength)kl Wounds on his opponent as
usual, and takes iki Wounds himself.

Thumb Wrench
This painful hold is one of the most effective joint locks in the Mizu-do school. Using an opponents own strength to force him into
motionlessness, the practitioner of Mizu-do can hold the strongest bushi still with a minimum of effort As the attacker strikes the
defender, the defender must make a reactionary roll to grapple and disarm the attacker. This roll is the customary grappling roll
(Mizudo/Reflexes versus five times the opponents Agility + Weapon Skill) and an additional roll of (Mizu-do/Reflexes versus five
times the opponents School Rank + Weapon Skill) in order to disarm him if he has a weapon. If both rolls succeed, the practitioner of
Mizu-do grips the opponents thumb and uses it to wrench his arm behind his back in a painful and debilitating lock. If the opponent
wishes to break the hold or struggle against it in any way, he may do so by rolling a contested Agility roll against the holders Agility.
Whether this attempt is successful or not, the person in the hold takes an amount of Wounds to his arm equal to his own
These items can be created and used by characters with the Kagaku Skill. Creating any of these items requires an Intelligence +
Kagaku Skill roll at the appropriate TN for the item. Creation times are also listed.

Moeagaru (Flash Paper)

TN to create: 10
Creation time: 10 minutes
Moeagaru is thin rice paper thats been treated with a chemical that ignites upon friction. The shugenja simply rubs his fingers along
the paper for a moment or two, and it ignites and burns with a flash. The paper is completely destroyed in the blink of an eye.
Moeagaru has little chance of causing actual damage, but if held close to the eyes, it can blind a character for a single Action. The
target character must make a Reflexes roll (TN from 10-20, depending on the circumstances) to avoid the effects of the flash.

Poluvora (Black Powder)

TN to create: 20
Creation time: 1 day per dose
When the gaijin fleet assaulted Otosan Uchi, they used a black powder they called polvora. Many years later, the Agasha have
learned how to develop black powder, but their initial experiments have proven to be dangerous at best. Poluvora is an unstable
substance (they havent learned to add saltpeter to it, just yet), so it is too dangerous to use in any kind of military action. However,
the Rokugani have learned to develop fireworks from the substance. Each dose of poluvora causes 1k1 die of damage.

Hinemuri (Sleeping Fire)

TN to create: 10
Creation time: 2 hours per dose
Hinemuri, or sleeping fire, is actually a thin, transparent liquid that responds to slight and sudden changes in temperature. Typically, it
is painted thinly on a surface and left for the unsuspecting to discover. If the surface temperature of hinemuri is altered (through

physical contact or even breathing on the surface), it will ignite. It causes little or no damage unless prolonged contact continues, in
which case, it will do 1k1 damage per round.

Ekitai Kemuri (Liquid Smoke)

TN to create: 10
Creation time: 1 hour per dose
Ekitai kemuri is a gummy liquid that, when set alight, emits a thick, black smoke that burns the eyes and throat. Ekitai kemuri burns
for approximately ten minutes per dose. Those wishing to move through an ekitai kemuri cloud must do so with a Stamina roll at TN
10. This TN may be increased by Raising the creation TN.
Mizugusuri are elixirs. The Agasha shugenja brew them using their knowledge of herbalism and the secret names of the elements.
Each mizugusuri listed below can be brewed by a shugenja with the Mizugusuri Skill. Each elixir is listed with a Target Number. The
shugenja must make a successful Intelligence + Mizugusuri roll against this TN in order to successfully brew that elixir. Also, each
elixir has a Duration, telling how long the mizugusuri will affect the drinker. Lastly, Raises tells what effects can be gained from
raising the TN while creating the elixir.

Bayushis Bane
TN: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: None
When a character ingests this potion, it extinguishes any poison running through his veins.

Brother of Air
TN: 10
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration
Brother of Air makes the drinker immune to the effects of any Air spells. Duration can be increased by 5 Rounds for each Raise.

Brother of Earth
TN: 10
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration
Brother of Earth makes the drinker immune to the effects of any Earth spells. Duration can be increased by 5 Rounds for each Raise.

Brother of Fire
TN: 10
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration
Brother of Fire makes the drinker immune to the effects of any Fire spells. Duration can be increased by 5 Rounds for each Raise.

Brother of Water
TN: 10
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration
Brother of Water makes the drinker immune to the effects of any Water spells. Duration can be increased by 5 Rounds for each Raise.

Cranes Tongue
TN: 15
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration, Awareness
While under the influence of Cranes Tongue, the characters Awareness is considered 1 Rank higher. For each Raise, the Duration
can be increased by 5 Rounds or, for two Raises, the characters Awareness can be increased by an additional Rank.

Dragons Breath
TN: 20
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Damage Rating, Number of Targets
When the character drinks this elixir, he has one Round to prepare for a burst of flame that will erupt from his mouth. The flame hits a
single target with a 3k3 blast of damage that also causes the drinker 1k1 damage. For two Raises, the brewer can increase the damage
(number of dice rolled, not kept), or the number of targets hit, but no more than three targets can be hit with the blast.

Earths Anvil
TN: 20
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration
The drinker of this elixir is immune to the effects of Wounds until he is Down. The Duration of this elixir can be increased by one
round with a Raise.

Earths Hammer
TN: 10
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration, Strength bonus
The drinker of this elixir finds his Strength Trait increased by one. Duration can be increased by one round with a Raise, but
increasing the Strength Trait further costs two Raises.

TN: 20
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Health Level
The imbiber of this elixir heals an entire Wound Level. However, as with all healing magics, any permanent wounds (such as broken
bones, missing limbs, etc.) are not healed.

Lions Heart
TN: 10
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration
The imbiber of Lions Heart may add his Honor Rank to the result of any to hit or damage rolls. A Raise can increase the duration of
this elixir by 5 Rounds.

Liquid Fire
TN: 20
Duration: Instantaneous
Raises: Damage Rating
No one (except the insane) ever drinks Liquid Fire. It is an elixir, but it is not intended for consumption. It is thrown at an enemy, and
upon impact, it explodes with a raging flame that sticks to anything it hits. The thrower makes a to-hit roll (Agility + any applicable
Skill, such as Athletics). If he hits, all others in the immediate area must make a Simple Reflexes roll at TN 10 to get out of the splash
(the thrower may Raise his own TN to increase the Reflexes roll to get out of the way). The DR of Liquid Fire is 2k2, but after the
first round of exposure to the elixir, the target takes an additional 1 die of damage each Round until he washes off the Liquid Fire.

TN: 5
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration, Area of Effect, Stamina roll
This elixir is much like Liquid Fire, above. It is not taken internally, but thrown. When it impacts, it releases a putrid smoke (in one of
a number of colors) that blinds and chokes any within its 10 radius. Anyone wishing to move through the smoky cloud must make a
simple Stamina roll at 10. If they fail, they fall down, choking and crying from the rank stinkcloud. A five point Raise will increase
the duration by 5 Rounds, the area of effect by 5 or the Stamina roll by 5.

TN: 20
Duration: 5 Rounds
Raises: Duration, Trait increase
The imbiber of this elixir gains an increase in either Stamina or Willpower. When the elixir is brewed, the shugenja must determine
which Trait will be increased. The Trait in question is increased by 1 Rank. With two Raises, the brewer can also include the
complementary Trait (Stamina or Willpower), increasing it also by 1 Rank. It costs an additional two Raises to increase a Trait by 2
points, but each Trait must be increased independently; a single Raise does not gain an increase in both Traits.


Incense of Concentration
With fifteen minutes of meditation, user (must be a shugenja) regains 2 spent Void Points.

Brooch of Plenty
Nourishes the user fully for one day.

Jade Amulet
Adds 2k2 to resist Shadowlands Taint.

Makeup Kit
Roll one extra die for any disguise / impersonation roll.

Bone Key
Opens one door, be it locked or magically sealed; although any physical traps are negated, any magical ones are triggered.

Feather of the Crane

Lowers the wielders weight to 1/10 normal for up to one hour. While in this state, the wielder takes 3 times normal damage from
physical attacks.

Acorn of Visions
This magical nut, when eaten, renders the user comatose for one hour, during which time he will receive visions about the subject
meditated upon immediately before eating. At times, this fetish can he used as a type of augury to attempt to divine a course of action,
or as a semi-reliahle form of scrying upon another person.

Tortoise Shell
Confers protection from all ranged attacks, for the duration of ten combat rounds.

White Sheaf of Grain

Heals 2d10 worth of damage to one person. The person does not have to be the user, but must be touched by the user as the sheaf is

Black Fan
This fan, when used properly, instills a certain amount of awe and fear in those who behold the user. The user may roll 2d10 and add
the result to their Glory (in boxes) for one hour. People listening to a speech or command given by the user of the Black Fan are struck
with mild fear and respect. (One free raise toward any Oratory, Command, or Sincerity roll.)
The Scorpion have been practicing poisoning for generations and have refined the science to an art. At first, the Scorpion used bizarre
chemical compounds that produced amazing and dramatic effects (such as those listed in Honors Veil), but after many generations of
testing, the Shosuro applied Shinseis age-old adage, Simplify, simplify, simplify. The poisons described in Honors Veil use exotic
herbs and chemicals, are difficult to manufacture and use. They smell awful, taste worse and make strange bubbly sounds. The
Scorpion have all but forgotten how to manufacture these poisons, preferring the simpler poisons listed below.

How Much Does it Cost?

This is one of the most frequent questions we get regarding poison. Poison has two costs.
1) If you dont have the Poison Skill, it costs exactly how much the poisoner you have to buy it from wants it to cost.
2) It costs you your life if you get caught using it.
All of the poisons listed below can be plucked from any field or forest ... if you know what to look for. Its as easy as plucking a bitter
smelling orange from a tree and taking out the seeds. It gets a little more difficult if you want to milk a spider or a scorpion. It can be
quite painful if you want to steal honey from a bee hive. But if youre looking for the costs for poisons from Honors Veil, you can
divide the TN of the poison by 5 and assume the sum is the price in koku.

Administering Poison
Most of the poisons listed below must be either injected or ingested. Smearing poison on a weapon is very impractical. Many poisons
begin to immediately lose potency when exposed to air (see Snake venom for an example). Shosuro often use a poison ring to
administer the toxin. Its a small thimble with a needle on the end. The assassin keeps a tiny jar of the poison with him, sealed with a
calf-skin seal. The needle is pushed through the calf-skin, the bottle is turned upside down (so the poison inside can wash over the
needle), then the needle is removed. The calf-skin is so tender it will seal up the hole. The calf-skin seal usually needs to be replaced
after five uses. Poison should be injected as close to the heart as possible, or in a major artery or vein. While going for the neck may
seem to be the obvious choice, dont forget those big fat veins on the top of the hands.

Poison and Herbalism
Characters with the Poison Skill are trained in the use and manufacture of poisons. They use the Skill to identify poisonous plants and
when they use their poison ring (to see how close to the vein they got). Characters with Herbalism know what to eat and what not to
eat, but they do not know how to manufacture poisons or how to use them most effectively.

Poison Types
Listed below are the most common poison types employed by the Shosuro assassins. They are simple to acquire and easy to apply.
Most poisons cause the equivalent of an allergic reaction, which appears as normal flu symptoms. It usually takes a few hours
(anywhere from 4 to 24) for the poison to take effect, which gives a whole day of activity to hide the cause of the poison - if anyone
even figures out the victim was poisoned. Remember, Rokugani do not perform autopsies (other than the Kitsuki and the Kuni, of
course). If a victim looks like he died from the flu (a common occurrence in Rokugan), then he died from the flu.

Bee and Wasp Venom

Bee venom is not very lethal unless the victim is allergic to it. Wasp venom is a little more potent. Bee and wasp poisons will cause
skin irritation, and under extreme circumstances will also cause respiration problems, nausea and vomiting. Death can occur within
one hour if enough venom is injected.

Kirei-ko was originally used as a cosmetic. The women of the Scorpion and Crane Clans used it to shade their eyes. One Shosuro wife
remarked to her husband that it caused her eyes to tingle, and since that day, it has become one of the most popular Shosuro poisons.
Kirei-ko affects the nervous system, causing dilated pupils, blurred vision, dry skin and mouth and hallucinations. The most dramatic
side-effect is how it affects the pulse. The victims heart rate and blood pressure becomes so high that his pulse is audible from several
feet away. Industrious Scorpions can find a way to exploit this to their own ends. Death from kirei-ko poisoning can last several hours
or even several days. Currently, there is no Rokugani antidote. Administering kirei-ko is easy. It can be made into a powder or liquid,
but it must be ingested. Kirei-ko can also be fed to animals (mostly fish) and served to guests. The poison will remain in the animal
for hours after preparation.

Ketsu (its proper name is ketsuiki-ringo) is found in nearly 50 different fruits in Rokugan. It can be made from peaches, apples,
apricots, cherries, plums or any other related fruit. After processing, ketsu appears as a grey or brown powder that smells of bitter
almonds. It can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled, ingested or injected. Generally, it becomes toxic when it comes in contact with
gastric acids. Ketsu prevents white blood cells from absorbing oxygen, so the victim suffocates to death. Obvious symptom of ketsu
poisoning are lack of breath, wheezing, headache, rapid pulse, dizziness and fainting. Kitsuki magistrates have learned to identify
ketsu poisoning from the bitter almond smell, but a more tell-tale sign has also been recently discovered - the blood takes on a bright
cherry red color. The skin may also develop a slight pink hue after poisoning. There is no current Rokugani antidote for ketsu.

Warui Paseri
Different parts of the paseri plant are poisonous at different times of the year. The roots are poisonous during winter and fall, but
nearly harmless during springtime. The leaves are almost always poisonous, but deadly during spring. It takes almost a half an hour
for paseri to take effect. Once it does, it causes gradual degeneration of muscle control. The pulse slows. As muscles slowly
degenerate, a dull pain sets in. Blindness often occurs in the final hours before death, but the most terrible thing about paseri is that the
mind stays awake and aware through the whole process. Death finally occurs after several hours of suffering, usually from paralysis of
the lungs. There is only one cure for paseri poisoning, and that is immediate regurgitation. Quail eat paseri regularly (theyre immune
to it), but the poison remains in their flesh for several hours. Cooking the quail flesh does not affect the poison, and the above
symptoms usually show up about four hours after consumption.

Jellyfish poison can be quite dangerous, mainly because small doses can cause dramatic effects. It is a contact poison that causes
severe chest pains, skin necrosis (death of the tissue), swelling in the throat and larynx, breathing difficulties and cardiac depression
(slowing of the heart). Contact on the skin causes immediate irritation to such a degree that permanent scars are left behind. Death can
occur within minutes.

Jeruku Ropu
In Rokugan, jeruku ropu is an evergreen. Nearly all parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested or inhaled as a gas (smoke), but the
most potent collection of poison is in its flowers. Exposure to jeruku ropu causes quickening of the heartbeat. Common symptoms are
sweating, irregular pulse, respiratory problems leading to paralysis and death. Many species of bees use jeruku ropu pollen to make
honey, which can be made into a very tasty poison indeed. (Just as a sidenote, any kind of honey is very dangerous to infants and can
be fatal at any dose.) Death is very rapid after exposure.

Pufferfish (Fugu)
The poison of the famous pufferfish is contained in the fishs ovaries. The poison survives through the cooking process and causes
slow, painful death if ingested. If poisoned, there is an approximately 50% chance of death. Eating fugu causes the ingestor to feel a
slight numbness or tingling in the stomach, lips and tongue. It also causes slight euphoria and has been known to cause dizziness. If
poisoned, the victim loses all control of speech. Complete paralysis quickly takes hold and death follows within anywhere from ten
minutes to four hours. Small doses of the poison cause a kind of paralyzation of the brain, making the victim little more than a semi-

conscious zombie, capable only of involuntary actions (breathing, pulse, swallowing, etc.). Scorpions have learned to use small doses
of fugu poison to capture and control victims until they can be removed to safe houses for safe keeping.

Scorpion Venom
While scorpion poison is more lethal than snake poison, it is also generally administered in lesser doses (the size of the little beasts
stinger), and is therefore less dangerous. Scorpion assassins have rectified that problem. Scorpion poison is a neurotoxin that destroys
nerve tissues and causes cardiac problems. It must be injected. Symptoms include swelling of the tongue and throat, spasms and
convulsions, irregular pulse, water on the lungs and respiratory failure. Symptoms usually occur within two to four hours of exposure,
and death can occur anywhere from four to twenty-four hours. Some samurai have been known to survive up to four days after
exposure. Kitsuki magistrates have discovered an antitoxin to scorpion poison and many Shosuro assassins have switched to other
more reliable poisons. The antitoxin must be used immediately after exposure to the poison, however, or it will do little or no good.

Snake Venom
While there are many species of snakes in Rokugan, there are only three kinds of snake toxin. The first is a neurotoxin, attacking the
nerves and muscles of the victim. The second is nearly acidic, causing the tissues to melt on contact The third kind of toxin is
thrown into the eyes to cause blindness (the snake spits the venom). The first two kinds of venom must be injected. They may also be
ingested, but only cause minimum discomfort when introduced into the digestive system. It should also be noted that snake venom
loses its potency in a matter of minutes after its been exposed to open air. This makes it one of the least useful of all the poisons listed

Spider Venom
There are over one hundred different species of spider in Rokugan, but the most favored is by far the Black Piper. Black Piper spiders
are jet black with a long white line down their body (the pipe). Poison from a black piper begins to take effect approximately eight
hours after injection. Symptoms highly resemble flu symptoms. The victims nasal passages become clogged as the sinuses release
inordinate amounts of fluid. Excessive coughing occurs as the lungs begin to fill. Chills and fever soon follow. Headaches, pallid skin,
nausea and diarrhea are also common symptoms. Finally, the victim passes away from cardiac failure. The Kitsuki do possess an
antitoxin for black piper poison, but it must be administered within hours, and the antitoxin itself is very poisonous. If administered,
there is an equal chance of dying from the antitoxin as there is from the spider poison.

Fuantei Shi
Fuantei shi is one of the most dramatic and frightening poisons known to the Rokugani. Once it takes effect, the victim loses complete
control of bodily functions as he throws himself into violent convulsions, literally shaking himself to death. It is a colorless, crystalline
powder with a telltale bitter taste. It is usually used in liquids, but it can be concealed in solid food as well, and can even applied to the
eyes. It can be extracted easily from certain bitter-tasting orange plants or a root called mu botan, or dog button. Fuantei shi attacks
the central nervous system. Once ingested, the poison goes to work in approximately ten to fifteen minutes. As soon as it does take
effect, the victim begins reacting violently as every muscle in the body begins to constrict and contract all at once. This causes what
the Kitsuki have call the folding knife effect, named after the folding knives used by the Mantis Clan sailors. The body flexes, the
back arches, arms snap in to the sides of the body and the face contorts into a hideous grimace. Contractions can be as quick as one
per two seconds. The spasms become quicker, until finally the body is trapped in an arched position. Any sound or movement that
occurs around the victim will cause the spasms to become even more violent Death occurs in minutes. The Kitsuki have found an
antidote for fuantei shi. It is called Rukuns Juice named after the Kitsuki who discovered it. Small doses of Rukuns Juice must be
given to the victim immediately after ingestion of the poison. Once symptoms appear, the antitoxin is less effective, but has still been
known to save lives. Kitsuki have also learned to keep the victim alone and to extinguish all but necessary light, to prevent
aggravating the spasms.

None of the poisons listed above have target numbers. The plain fact of the matter is, most of them will kill you if they get into your
bloodstream. Its kind of like asking, I have the black plague? What do I roll? Poison is just as lethal as a sword and, unfortunately,
there are more precautions than remedies. For the player and GM who cannot see The Great Bear getting knocked on his backside by
a spider bite, we suggest that any character with a an Earth greater than 5 is immune to mundane poisons. Alternately, you may want
to permit a poisoned character to roll his Earth agains a TN of 25: a successful roll means he survives. Finally, for the curious
completist, I should note that none of the poisons listed above (or their symptoms and effects) are fictional. Kirei-ko is arsenic,
ketsu is cyanide, waru paseri is hemlock, jeruko ropu is oleander, and fuantei shi is strychnine.
A good carpenter cares for his tools as if they were his life. In many ways, they are.
- Akodo Kage

Area of Effect The number of targets or the area the spell can effect.
Casting Time It normally requires one action per Mastery Level to cast a spell. For instance, a Mastery Level 3 spell would require
3 actions to cast. Spells which have nonstandard casting times list the casting time in the text of the spell.
Concentration The spell lasts as long as the shugenja does nothing but concentrate on it (he may move at a walking pace). If a spell
requires concentration, the spell caster may talk or move at a walking pace but is otherwise unable to act until he chooses to stop
concentrating on the spell.
Creature A non-intelligent animal.
Duration The amount of time a given spell lasts. Durations are: Concentration, Instantaneous, a number of Rounds, or an increment
of time (1 minute, 1 hour, etc...)
Instantaneous The spell lasts for only a fraction of a second.
Line of Sight Typically, anything your character can distinctly make out. Your GM will tell you if something hidden (by shadow,
brush, or other cover) is still considered within your clear Line of Sight
Mastery Level A shugenja can only cast spells which have a Mastery Level at or below his School Rank. (A rank 2 shugenja can
cast any spell with a Mastery Level of 2 or less).
Memorize If a Shugenja spends 2 Experience Points he can memorize a spell. After you have memorized a spell you no longer
need a scroll to cast it. This is considered an Innate Ability
Permanent The spell does not expire under normal circumstances.
Round 3 seconds of in-character time.
Self When a spells Area of Effect is Self~ only the shugenja who casts the spell may be affected by it.
Spell Slots A shugenja has a number of Spell Slots in each element equal to his rank in the corresponding element. A shugenja who
has used up all of his Spell Slots for an element may not cast any more spells in that element until he has had a full night of sleep,
which clears all Spell Slots. Example: A shugenja with a Fire of 4 would have 4 Spell Slots available for fire spells.
Target A Human, Humanoid or Creature.
Target Number The number that must be rolled (on kept dice) in order to successfully cast a given spell.

Affinity and Deficiency

Many Shugenja have an affinity to a certain element, noted in their shugenja school details. (A shugenja schools affinity is always the
element listed first under their spell selection, if not otherwise defined). This represents the element to which the shugenjas school is
most aligned. If a shugenja has an affinity for an element, they are considered to be one School Rank higher for the purposes of
casting a spell of that element.
Example: A School Rank 1 shugenja with an Affinity to Fire would be considered Rank 2 for the purposes of casting Fire spells. This
shugenja would be able to cast Mastery Level 2 spells, and would keep two dice when casting such spells.
All shugenja have a deficiency as well as an affinity, symbolizing the element to which they are least attuned. Being deficient in an
element means you are considered to be one School Rank lower when casting spells of that element. Deficiencies are always the
opposite element from Affinities. For example, a shugenja with Fire Affinity always have Water Deficiency, and vice versa. The same
applies to Earth and Air. The element of Void has no natural deficiency.
Example. A School Rank 2 Shugenja with a Deficiency in Water would only be able to cast Mastery Level 1 water spells and would
keep only one die when casting Water spells. This same shugenja would not be able to cast any Water spells at all when created at
Rank 1, thus representing that his school has only minimally taught him the ways of that element. He must wait until Rank 2 before he
can begin to cast such spells.

Learning Spells
The easiest way to learn a spell is from a teacher. Any shugenja can teach a spell that he can cast to any other shugenja. It is possible
to learn spells you are incapable of casting, but it is not possible to teach spells you are incapable of casting. Learning spells from a
teacher usually requires 1 week per Mastery Level of the spell to be taught. When a shugenja passes the final tests required by his
teachers and is permitted to increase in rank among his school, he will be taught two spells of his choosing from the schools library,
unless the school wishes to teach him a particular two spells. It is not honorable to flout the wishes of ones sensei. The second way to
learn a spell is through studying a scroll containing the spell. A spell scroll is as unique as a fingerprint. When a shugenja writes a
scroll, what he is really doing is recording, in shorthand, how he communicates with the kami. Because of this, each individual
shugenja records his spells differently. Learning spells from a scroll requires 1 week per Mastery Level of the Spell and a Spell
Research roll keeping dice equal to your appropriate ring. The TN for this roll depends on how well you understand the author of the
scroll (see below). If the shugenja fails the roll, he must spend an additional week per Mastery Level of the spell trying to figure out
what he did wrong. He then receives another opportunity to roll against the original TN. When learning a spell from a scroll written by
someone you know well (e.g., your father or your best friend), the shugenja learning the spell must succeed versus a TN equal to the
spells Mastery Level. Learning a spell from a scroll written by someone with whose style you have only passing familiarity (e.g.,
someone who attended the same school as you did) requires a successful roll versus a TN equal to the spells Mastery Level x 5.
Learning a spell from a scroll written by someone whom you understand very little (e.g., someone who attended a different school
than you did) requires a successful roll versus a TN equal to the spells Mastery Level x 10. Learning a spell from a scroll written by
someone with a completely alien mindset (e.g., a normal shugenja reading a scroll belonging to a maho-user) requires a successful roll
versus a TN equal to the spells Mastery Level x20. Shugenja sometimes try to overcome the difficulty of learning spells from scrolls
by immersing themselves in the culture of the person who wrote the scroll. This method is effective, but it is frowned upon by the
shugenjas school: the Crane dislike students who immerse themselves in Lion culture, and no one approves of researching Maho! It
should be noted that some spells are considered closely guarded secrets by the Great Houses of the clans. These spells are generally
written in even more difficult codes and are extraordinarily hard to decipher. Such spells can only be learned from a member of the
clan who has mastered it himself, and may never be researched from a scroll containing the spell.

Memorizing a Spell
Once you have learned to cast a spell and are capable of casting it (determined by its Mastery Level and whether you have the
appropriate requirements), you can cast the spell whenever you wish. However, unless you have memorized the spell, you must read it
from a scroll each time you cast it. There are two drawbacks to not memorizing spells. The first is that fishing around for the
appropriate spell usually requires an action, which can be deadly in certain situations. The second difficulty comes about when you

are not carrying the scroll, and therefore you may not cast the spell. You can memorize any spell that you are capable of casting by
spending 2 Experience Points per spell to be memorized and marking it on your character sheet as an Innate Ability.

Creating a Scroll
Creating a scroll for a spell that you have memorized (as an Innate Ability) is quite easy, and requires only a few minutes. Creating a
scroll for a spell that you have learned but not memorized requires 1 hour per Mastery Level of the Spell and a successful Spell
Research roll keeping dice equal to your intelligence.
Target Numbers for Casting Spells
The Basic Target Number for any spell is its Mastery Level x5. If you are casting a spell on an unwilling person, the TN to cast the
spell is increased. Multiply the targets Rank in the Ring which opposes the spell by his School Rank. Add this number to the spells
Example. A shugenja is casting a Fire spell at his opponent. His opponent is resisting, so the caster must add his targets Water Rank
x School Rank to the TN of the spell. A School Rank 1 character with a Water of 2 would add 2 to the Spells TN. If the target knows
that you are trying to cast a spell on him and actively cooperates, the resistance modifier does not apply. If a spell has more than one
target, your GM will determine which of your targets is the most difficult to affect, and will increase the TN of your spell by that
individuals Ring x School Rank. Visibility and cover can also affect your TN (see the Book of Fire, page 162).
Raises increase a spells potency by adding to the difficulty to cast the spell. While raises in combat can be very effective for a bushi,
for a shugenja there are only certain things that can be done with each raise. A list of available raise effects follow. The casting
shugenja may choose to apply one, some, or all of these effects to his spell (as applicable), but increases the difficulty of the spell for
each one chosen. Each time the caster chooses to take a raise, the TN of the spell goes up by 5.

Casting Time
For each raise allotted to decreasing the casting time of a spell the spells casting time is decreased by one action. Only spells which
can be cast in actions may have their casting time reduced. You may not reduce the casting time of a spell if its casting time is listed in
minutes or hours.

For each raise allotted to duration, the spells duration is increased by one. If the printed duration of a spell is one round, then
a raise allotted to duration would increase that to two rounds. If the printed duration of a spell is five minutes, then a raise allotted to
duration would increase that to six minutes. A spell with a duration of Concentration or Instantaneous cannot have its duration
increased with raises.

Special Effects
By allotting one raise to special effects you can change the effects of a spell in a minor (non-mechanical) way. For example, instead of
a simple firebolt you could use a raise for special effects and cause your firebolt to glow green, or be accompanied by a loud
screeching sound. Any number of special effects can be added to a spell (each demanding its own special effects raise) but the
mechanics of the spell can never be changed through special effects.

If you allot 3 raises toward mastering a spell, then you are not required to cross off one of your Spell Slots when you successfully cast
the spell. (You must raise 3 times every time you cast the spell if you wish to avoid using one of your Spell Slots.)

Some spells allow you to spend raises to accomplish nonstandard effects. Such raises are defined in the text of the spell. If you have
memorized a spell and are also using a scroll to help you cast it, then you receive one free raise to cast that spell, which may be spent
in any way you wish.
If the caster wants to cast a spell at less than its full effect, he may do so automatically. If a shugenja wishes to end prematurely a spell
he has cast, he can do so by concentrating for one action. A Permanent spell, however, cannot be ended prematurely.
Example. If the spell has an Area of Effect of 10, the casting shugenja can reduce it to 9 automatically. If the spell is going to last six
more actions, the shugenja who cast the spell may concentrate for one action to end the spells duration at the end of that action.
Casting a Spell
When the Elements speak, listen. You are not their master; you are their companion. If you do not share their burden, they will not
shoulder yours.
- Naka Kuro
Now that you have your spells, and you understand raises and have a copy of the Tao under your kimono, how do you go about
actually casting the spells you have earned? Well, read on, and well tell you.
Casting Requirements
1. Determine if the shugenja is capable of casting a given spell.
Is the Mastery Level of the spell less than or equal to the shugenjas School Rank, keeping the shugenjas Affinity and Deficiency in
mind? Has he memorized the spell? If not, is he holding a scroll with the spell inscribed on it? Is the shugenja physically capable of
casting the spell? All spells require verbal components and some require hand gestures as well.
2. Calculate the Spells Target Number.

See calculating a Target Number above. A spells basic TN to cast is its Mastery Level x5. If you are casting the spell on an
unwilling individual or creature, multiply the targets Rank in the Ring which opposes the spell by his School Rank. Add this number
to the spells TN.
3. Determine your raises.
How many raises does the player wish to add to the Target Number of his spell, and what is the shugenja using those raises to
4. Determine the spells Area of Effect.
Who or what will be affected by the spell, and where are the spells specific targets?
5. Roll the dice.
The player of the shugenja rolls dice equal to the Rank he has in the Ring that corresponds to the spells Element plus his School Rank
calculating Affinity and Deficiency. After rolling, he keeps dice equal to his School Rank. Remember that a character with an Affinity
in an element is considered one School Rank higher and keeps one extra die; a character with a Deficiency in an element keeps one
fewer die than his actual School Rank.
6. Determine the results.
If the roll is equal to or greater than the Target Number (remember to apply any raises), then the spell has succeeded. If the roll is not
greater than the spells TN, then the spell fails. Assuming the spell succeeds, take the basic description of the spell and add the effects
the player chose for his raises, and you have the final result of the spell.
7. Wait for the Casting Time to pass.
If the spell has a casting time of one action then it is cast immediately; otherwise the player must wait until the casting time passes
before the spell takes effect
Example: A shugenja has just cast a spell with a casting time of 3 actions. His roll is successful, but the spell will not take effect until
his action, 2 rounds from now. Had the shugenja failed the spell roll, he would not have to wait for the casting time to pass before
taking other actions.
After the successful casting of a spell, mark off one of your Spell Slots in the appropriate element
Casting with Subtlety
If a player (or NPC) wishes to conceal the casting of a spell, use the following guidelines. The basic TN to hide a spell from view is a
Stealth/Awareness roll with a TN of 15. This Target Number assumes that no one is paying particular attention to the shugenja If
someone is watching the shugenja, they may make an opposed Investigation/Perception roll against the shugenjas Stealth/Awareness
roll. Many other factors can affect the concealment of a spell. Some spells are designed for stealth. Air spirits are generally
inconspicuous, while Fire spirits tend to draw attention to themselves. Void magic is, on the whole, the most subtle of all magics as
few individuals have perceptions sharp enough to note the ebb and flow of Void. A shugenja may make a Raise specifically for the
purpose of casting the spell discreetly, but he may not make more than one for this purpose. (Note: all spells from Way of the Crane
and Way of the Scorpion are designed for stealth, even if their effects are not obviously stealthy.) Spells which obviously emanate
from the caster, such as The Fires From Within, may be cast discreetly, but all discretion ends once the spell comes blazing from the
shugenjas hands. The shugenjas TN is modified as follows. If the shugenja is making an opposed roll to deceive an observer, apply
the appropriate modifier to the opponents total roll.
The spell is a Fire spell: +5 TN
The spell is an Air or Water spell: -5 TN
The spell is a Void spell: -10 TN (+10 TN if observed by someone with more than 3 Void)
Shugenja has Affinity with this spell: -5 TN
Shugenja has Deficiency with this spell: +5 TN
Shugenja has learned the spell as an Innate Ability: -10 TN
Spell is designed for stealth or has an effect involving misdirection or illusion: -5 TN
Spell has dramatic, obvious effects such as bright lights, noises: +5 TN
Each Raise caster makes to shorten casting time: +5 TN
Caster makes a Raise to conceal the spell: -5 TN

Area of Effect: One Cubic Foot
Range: 10
Sense With this spell the caster can summon 1 cubic foot of one of
Mastery Level: 1 the four (non-Void) elements. The element appears in the
Duration: Concentration shape of a ball anywhere within 10 of the caster. The caster
Area of Effect: 10 Radius can shape the element at will as long as he continues to
Range: Self concentrate. The caster can summon any substance that fits
The caster becomes aware of all sources of the chosen element into the category of the Element he chose when casting the
within the Area of Effect.He is able to sense the location of spelL but he may not summon objects that do not exist
anything composed (even partially) of the chosen element naturally or objects that he doesnt understand. A shugenja
within the radius.The caster is also aware of the nature of any could summon water as liquid water, ice, or water vapor. He
objects he senses (although this is limited by his knowledge in could summon tea, but he could never summon liquid nitrogen
some instances). or crafted steel with this spell. Once the caster stops
Example: Tombo the shugenja walks into a room and cast concentrating, the element summoned remains but it is no
Sense: Water. He becomes aware of all sources of water longer magical. If a shugenja wanted to summon water and
within the 10 radius. He knows that there is a basin of water shape it into a majestic bird, he could do so, but once he
sitting on the nightstand, he knows that there is a person stopped concentrating it would not hold its shape. Water
hiding behind the door (living things are made of all four collapses into a puddle, smoke drifts away on the wind, fire
Elements) and he is aware that the man has a vial of liquid in snuffs out (unless it was provided with fuel) etc. Magical
his hand. If Tombo had Lore: Poison he would also know that materials, including jade and crystal, cannot be summoned
the liquid in the vial is poisonous. using this spell.
Commune Spirit Script
Mastery Level: 1 Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Concentration Duration: 1 Hour
Area of Effect: One Elemental Spirit Area of Effect: 10 radius
Range: 100 Range: 10
This spell allows the shugenja to experience the world from This strange spell is a variant of Summon, and versions of it
the perspective of the target spirit and to communicate freely have been researched for every element, including Void. Spirit
with it.All shugenja learn this spell, as it is is essential if you Script allows the caster to summon invisible elemental spirits,
wish to truly understand spellcraft Commune provides creating an image of his choosing. The image may be any
unparalleled insight into the realm of Elemental Magic. In object or person the character has seen before, so long as it fits
addition to the requirements of casting this spell a shugenja within the area of effect Alternately, the character can write a
wishing to commune with a spirit must also placate the spirit message of no more than five hundred words or craft a simple
in some fashion. A spirit can ask for anything in exchange for map. The image remains where it is placed for the duration of
communicating with the shugenja, but as a general rule, the the spell. The caster may change the image as often as he
larger the spirit, the more it asks of a spellcaster. The spirit of wishes so long as is still in range. Any image created by this
a small stone may ask to be placed in a warm sunny spot by spell is entirely invisible to anyone but the caster. At first this
the side of the road in exchange for answering questions, spell may seem of limited use, as only the caster can see what
while the spirit of a mountain may require the shugenja to he has created. However, by casting Sense (using the same
build it a shrine or perform some other time-consuming, or Element the caster used to cast Spirit Script) the image can be
even dangerous, task before allowing him to Commune with seen clearly. The Phoenix use this spell to leave messages for
it. Spirits are generally uninformed about the world of mortals, one another, or to communicate secretly using magic in the
but they are able to provide information about what they are presence of those who cannot see the spirits. This spell has
currently experiencing (once it is brought to the spirits been specifically refined for this purpose, and thus it gains a
attention). If you Commune with the spirit of a stream it +5 bonus to all attempt to cast it subtly (see Casting With
would not be able to tell you who had passed through it, but it Subtlety, page 41).
would be able to describe a man who was currently standing Note: If a character chooses this as one of his spells, he must
in its waters. Spirits can also show the caster particularly decide which of the five versions he knows Earth, Fire,
traumatic or pleasurable experiences from their pasts. A rock Water, Air, or Void. Thereafter, that is the version that he
spirit may not remember the man who stepped on it two must cast unless he takes the other versions as separate spells.
minutes ago, but it would certainly remember someone who As usual, only Ishiken may have Void spells. (See Way of the
threw it off of a cliff, even in the distant past Phoenix for more details on Ishiken.)
Viewing things from a spirits perspective While this is not
very usefuI with small spirits, it can be extraordinarily
Mastery Level: 5
powerful when communing with large spirits. Viewing things
Duration: Permanent
from the perspective of a mountain can be extraordinarily
Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: Touch
Spirits and Spell Casting Generally speaking, spirits pay no
The Agasha shugenja approach the spirit world very
attention to the mortal world, but Elemental Magic is a notable
differenily than shugenja from other Schools. Other shugenja
exception. Because spell casting deals with pulling the strings
ask the rock spirit Who passed by here? while the Agasha
of the Elemental Spirits world they are much more likely to
shugenja asks, What would happen if I crushed you into
remember the casting and effects of spells.
powder and mixed you with that rock over there? With this
Summon experimental approach to Elementalism, the Agasha have
Mastery Level: 1 gained a fundamental understanding of the transitory nature of
Duration: Concentration the elements. The Transform spell (a logical extension of the
Sense, Commune, Summon triad) allows the Agasha to (keeping 4) and the creature rolls the appropriate Element for
transform one element to another. Simple transformations, instance, if a character touches an Earth ward, he rolls his
such as turning a rock into water, is relatively easy. Complex Earth. If the ward wins the roll the ward rolls 4 dice and keeps
transformations, such as turning a katana into water, is much, the highest die. This is the number of Wounds the creature
much more difficult. takes. If the creature wins the roll, the effectiveness of the
The TN to use Transform depends on the object being ward is reduced by 1 die. The creature may continue to try to
transformed and what it will be transformed into. First, reduce the effectiveness of the ward until it has run out of
determine how many elements make up the target object. dice, thus disenchanting the ward.
Examples can be found after the description of this spell. Add
the number of elements that make up the target object, then
add up the number of elements that make up the object you
want to transform it into. Multiply this number by 5. Thats
your base TN. The total number of elements also equals the
Casting Time.
Example: Agasha Tamori is attempting to transform a candle
into water The GM determines the candle contains 2 elements
(Earth and Fire) while plain water is just 1 element. 2 elements
plus 1 element makes a total of 3, meaning the spell will take
3 Rounds to cast with a TN of (3x5) 15.
Awakened objects (such as people and creatures) cannot be
targeted with this spell (their willpower is too great).
1 Element :
Open flame (Fire)
River water (Water)
Light breeze (Air)
Table (Earth)
2 Elements:
Candle (Earth and Fire)
Ceramic cup (Earth and Fire)
Sake (Water and Earth)
5 Elements:
Ward magic
Being guardians of the Black Scrolls, the Yogo family has
done a great deal of research creating magic that would keep
out those who wished to break the Scrolls bloody seals.
Warding magic or kuwasu (created in conjunction with
the Kuni shugenja of the Crab Clan) is designed for just that
purpose. There are two kinds of wards: elemental wards and
Shadowlands wards. If the shugenja knows the calligraphic
character for what he wishes the ward to guard against, he can
create that ward. A shugenja must spend at least one hour to
summon the energy required to create the ward; he cannot use
the energy of kami or other elemental spirits. First, he draws
the symbol of what he wishes the ward to guard against For
instance, if he wishes the ward to guard against anyone with
the Shadowlands Taint, he draws the calligraphic character for
the Shadowlands. As he draws the symbol he chants as he
passes a bit of his own energy into the symbol. Wards are
usually drawn with ink onto pieces of paper. They are nailed
on doorways - one side on the door and the other on the wall -
to keep the door sealed shut They may also be attached to
boxes, a katanas saya, or any other object that can be opened.
Casting a ward is identical to casting a spell. The element used
in the creation of a ward depends on the nature of the ward.
Elemental wards (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Void) are cast
using the appropriate Element For instance, an Earth ward
would call for an Earth + Shugenja School Rank roll.
Shadowlands wards require an Earth + Shadowlands Lore roll.
The TN to create a ward is 20. The shugenja may use Raises
when creating the ward. By Raising the TN by 10, the
shugenja adds 1 die to the wards effectiveness (see below).
Anyone who attempts to touch the ward will be forced to
make a Contested Roll against the ward. The ward rolls 4 dice

Range: Touch
This spell is used frequently by courtiers and messengers of
Mastery Level 1 the Emperor to protect important messages To cast this spell,
the shugenja must write the true name of a person on the
Arrows Flight message with his own hand. The magic causes a subtle spirit
Mastery Level: 1
to rearrange the message. Once the spell has been cast, the
Duration: 1 action kami departs and the message does not appear magical in any
Area of Effect: 1 arrow way. To anyone but the true recipient, the message appears to
Range: 40
be something else a list of supplies, a note to the shugenjas
When Arrows Flight is cast successfully, the shugenja mother, a love poem, whatever the caster chooses. The true
commands a simple air spirit to guise a single arrow as it is recipient will see both the false message and the true one, and
being loosed. The spirit draws the missile to its intended
can read both messages clearly. Reflections of Pan Ku will
target; it cannot miss under ordinary circumstances, although reveal that something is strange about the note. Even then, the
it travels no farther than normal. The damage is automatic by true message does not appear unless the shugenja casting
the type of arrow used. If the target knows the arrow is
Reflections of Pan Ku makes four Raises specifically for this
coming, he can attempt to dodge it, but he must know that the purpose.
arrow was aimed at him and must time his or her dodge so that
it confuses the guiding spirit. A successful dodge requires a Natures Touch
Reflexes/Defense roll at TN 25 to succeed. Defensive magic, Mastery Level: 1
such as Osano-Wos Breath, can also be effective, in order to Duration: Concentration
counter such magic, the shugenja casting Arrows Flight must Area of Effect: Target
make a simple Air roll against the targets Air times five. Range: 10
Failure means the arrow veers off course and hits the ground This spell allows the caster to communicate with a single
harmlessly. However, the shugenja will be drained by the target animal for as long as the shugenja concentrates.
effort of controlling the spirit, and must rest without moving Intelligent creatures are not affected by this spell. This spell
for two actions following the casting. This spell may only be does not force the animal to speak to the caster; it simply
cast once a day (the spirits of air have better things to do than makes it possible for it to communicate with the shugenja.
tail arrows around at the behest of some fleshling shugenja).
Quiescence of Air
By the Light of Lord Moon Mastery Level: 1
Mastery Level: 1 Duration: 1 minute
Duration: 5 rounds Area of effect: 5 Radius
Area of Effect: Self Range: 10
Range: 10 Radius This spell creates a bubble which does not allow sound to
This spell allows the caster to detect hidden objects (traps, pass. Those inside the radius cannot hear sounds originating
false bottoms, a ninja under the bed, etc.). The spell does not outside the radius and vice versa. If this spell is cast on a
allow the caster to know what or who is hidden, only that movable object the radius of effect will move along with the
something is hidden. object. Characters using this spell to aid their stealth roll and
Example: Someone has hidden a knife under a sculpture. keep an extra die on Stealth rolls.
When the shugenja casts By the Light of Lord Moon, he Each raise increases the radius by 5.
realizes that there is something hidden under the sculpture, but
Reflecting Mirror
he would not know the item was a knife until after he picked
Mastery Level: 1
up the sculpture and looked to see what was there. Items
Duration: 5 rounds
which are out of sight but not purposefully hidden do not
Area of Effect: 1 target
register with this spell. In order to find things which were
Range: 3-300
hidden with magic the casting shugenja must make an
Reflecting Mirror brings an illusionary duplicate of the target
additional roll using his Air (keeping his School Rank) with a
into existence. The illusion matches his or her countenance
TN equal to his opponents Ring times School Rank (use the
exactly - right down to scars, clothing and hair. The image
Ring which corresponds to the spell he is using to hide the
moves the way its original moves, mimicking motions, speech
and facial tics exactly. Sounds and speech patterns are copies
Cloak of Night as well, allowing the image to easily pass for flesh and blood.
Mastery Level: 1 The illusion is immaterial and objects touching it pass right
Duration: Until dawn through, revealing its true nature. The insubstantiality makes it
Area of Effect: 1 object difficult to sustain for any great length of time, and skilled
Range: Touch practitioners know not to use it in crowds or other such
This spell renders one object invisible (one knife, rock, naked situations. Reflecting Mirrors main purpose is to draw
body, etc.). The object will remain invisible for the duration of attention away from a specific target and to sow confusion in
the spell or until something happens which draws attention to potential pursuers. As such, it is popular with scouts and spies.
the object The item would remain invisible until it (for In combat, it can hide the target behind several identical
example) was touched, made a noise, bounced off someones duplicates, giving him or her time to attack while opponents
head, or otherwise interacts with other objects, or until the strike at insubstantial phantoms. Some of the more formal
next dawn. shugenja schools discourage its use for the chaos it tends to
create, and for the cowardice it can encourage, but others
Cryptic Cipher see it as a potent teacher of control, and a stepping stone to
Mastery Level: 1 more powerful illusion spells.
Duration: Permanent Each Raise create an additional duplicate of the target
Area of Effect: 1 Piece of Paper or Parchment
Summon Bird Range: 10
Mastery Level: 1 This spell creates an illusionary duplicate of the caster
Duration: 4 days anywhere within 10 of the caster. The illusion mimics the
Area of Effect: 1 bird casters every action, moving, talking, and jumping when the
Range: Spec. shugenja does. The primary use of this spell is to distract
This spell allows a shugenja to summon a particular type of would-be assailants. Anyone wishing to attack the caster
bird - presumably one suited to the task it will be charged cannot tell which of the people standing in front of him is
with. The shugenja appeals to the spirits and asks them to illusionary, and thus has a 50% chance of accidentally
bring forth one bird of the type specifies be it hawk or attacking the illusion. As they watch their weapons pass
sparrow. The GM should determine if the animal desired is harmlessly through the illusionary figures, the shugenjas
available based on the surrounding environment, time of bay, enemies can use the process of elimination to figure out which
etc. The animal arrives in 1-10 actions, and will be well one is truly alive.
disposed towards the summoning shugenja. The spellcaster Every two raises produce one extra figure.
may then make a single request of the animal, which it will
Wind-Borne Slumbers
promptly obey. The task must be simple and cannot take
Mastery Level: 1
longer than the duration of the spell. The creature remains
Duration: 1 minute
under the sway of the spell until the task it has been assigned
Area of Effect: 1 target
is compIeted. It will not agree to anything which jeopardizes
Range: 50
its life, or otherwise places it in undue banger. Typical
This spell saps the targets energies and makes him very tired.
requests might be to protect a campsite or person, carry a
If the target is unstimulated, such as standing still on guard
written message, or watch a particular house for signs of
duty or sitting on a bench watching the birds, he will quickly
activity. After the duration expires or the task is completed,
fall asleep. Targets which do not fall asleep are at -2 dice to all
the animal is no longer under the spellcasters control and will
actions (due to exhaustion) for the spells duration.
go about its own business. Like Call Beasts, it will not be
Each Raise adds one additional target
hostile to the summoning shugenja if the shugenja is in the
immediate area. Yari of Air
Mastery Level: 1
Tempest of Air
Duration: 1 minute
Mastery Level: 1
Area of Effect: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Range: Self
Area of Effect: 25
This spell summons a Yari formed of Air. The weapon is
Range: Self
wielded using the Yarijutsu Skill and has a DR of 3k3. If the
This spell creates a cone of wind which starts at the casters
shugenja becomes unconscious or is killed the weapon
hand and extends 25 outward. The wind created by this spell
travels at any speed the caster desires, up to 50 miles per hour.
For each raise the number of dice rolled (not kept) is
If this spell is turned on another character, all of his actions
increased by one.
are at -2 dice. If the targets Earth is less than half of the
casting shugenjas Air, he takes 2k2 Wounds from slamming Mastery Level 2
into the ground and is blown backwards 10 per round (taking
2k2 each round) until he leaves the Area of Effect. Awaken the spirit
Mastery Level: 2
The archer's reach Duration: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 1 Area of Effect: 1 object
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Touch
Area of Effect: 1 target missile This spell temporarily rouses the spirit of an item, making it
Range: 30 yards better at whatever it is used for. If the item is a weapon, then
With this spell, the shugenja uses the power of the wind to the wielder rolls an extra die when rolling to hit or damage
extend the range of missfle weapons. Loosed arrows fly (choose one before casting). If the item is used to perform a
farther than they ordinarily could yet strike with the, same skill, the user may roll an extra die. This spell may not be used
power and accuracy as they would otherwise. Once cast upon on nemuranai because their spirits have already been fully
a hand-held missile weapon (either thrown or launched), the awakened.
weapon's range is effedively doubled - arrows fire out to four One Raise can be used to gain one additional extra dice
hundred yards instead of two hundred, etc. The thrower
suffers no penalties for this increased range, although normal Bentens Touch
penalties for cover, visibility, etc. still apply. The Crab army Mastery Level: 2
once used a master of this spell to launch an entire piece of the Duration: 1 hour
Area of effect: 1 target
Kaiu Wall at a fleeing Oni army. The wall crushed an entire
legion, including the army's commander. Range: Touch
Each Raise increase the range of the missile by 20 yards This spell calls upon the powers of the Benten, the Fortune of
beauty and love. While under its influence, the target may roll
Each Raise increase the range of the spell by 10 yards
Each Raise affect one additional missile and keep an additional die on all social rolls. For the duration
With four Raise the spell can affect siege weapons of this spell, the target is perceived as much more attractive,
witty and socially apt than he actually is.
Way of Deception
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: Self

only the ability to speak across distances is conferred. If the
Call Upon the Wind
target also can cast this spell, two-way communication is
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: 1 target False Face
Range: Touch Mastery Level: 2
This spell grants the target a limited form of flight The Duration: 1 Hour
recipient of this spells energy can move up to 10 per round Area of Effect: Self
in any direction (although strong wind may lessen or prevent Range: Self
this movement). The target may fly at a maximum height of This spell creates an illusionary cloak that masks the casters
100, although he should note that the spells powers make no voice and appearance. The spell simply makes the caster
adjustments for landing. A recipient who is carried aloft by appear to be someone else. The TN to cast the spell is
mischievous wind spirits may find himself suddenly unable to modified depending upon how radically the caster is changing
fly at the end of the spells duration and landing will his appearance.
certainly be more unpleasant the higher he has flown. Type of change Difficulty increase
Castle of Air Different Sex +5
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 10 rounds Extreme Changes (creating armor +10
Area of Effect: 10 diameter out of nothing, different race)
Range: 50 Cosmetic Changes Only (clean -5
Like Castle of Water, Castle of Air is designed as a general clothes, colorful makeup)
defense of an area near the shugenjas location. The caster Change of Height +5 per 6 inch
creates a spinning vortex of wind, swirling at high speeds in a Impersonate Specific Person +15
circle ten feet across and stretching indefinitely high. Outside Once the disguise is in place, suspicious viewers may roll
the area of the vortex, the air is windy but essentially InvestigationlPerception against the casters School Rank x 5
harmless. Anywhere inside, however, dirt and debris fly to see through the disguise. Only those that are purposely
around at hurricane speeds; there is no eye in this storm. scrutinizing the character have a chance of noticing anything
Advancing attackers must overcome the strength of the wrong.
tornado in order to penetrate the barrier, by making a simple The illusion fades if the disguise is physically pierced in any
Strength roll against a TN of 25. Failure indicates they have way, so it is recommended to keep the illusion dose to the
been blown off their feet and knocked backwards by the force original. Even then, the disguise can be shattered by dusting
of the wind. All within the tempest, whether they successfully the caster with salt, rice, or flour.
remain or not, take Wounds equal to DR 1 from flying objects Raises may be made to increase the difficulty of seeing
in the whirlwind. In addition, shugenja will have a difficult through the illusion. Each Raise increases the TN of seeing
time seeing their targets through the swirling debris, and all through the disguise by 5.
attempts to cast spells through the Castle of Air are made at 10
TN higher. False Tongue
Each Raise increase the radius by 5 Mastery Level: 2
Each Raise increase the DR by 1 Duration: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: Self
Crow's vision Range: Self
Mastery Level: 2 By use of this spell the caster can speak while appearing to say
Duration: 1 hour per School Rank something completely different. For example, the caster is a
Area of Effect: Self shugenja standing in court, surrounded by Lions and a fellow
Range: Self Scorpion. He casts this spell allowing him to continue to speak
The Fox spell known as Crow's Vision is extremely rare in the to the Lions about trade policy while the target of the spell
Empire, and not often taught outside the Fox Clan. It allow the (the other Scorpion) hears something completely different.
caster to both see normally through their own eyes, and if they This spell is extremely difficult to use and requires complete
close their eyes and concentrate, to see the landscape around concentration. The Shugenja can only target one individual to
as if they were a crow flying above the ground. This unique send messages to and no other.
perspective can used to foil ambushes, to scout the area, or to
pursue a hunters quarry. Fear
With three Raise the shugenja can also target another Mastery Level: 2
individual. Duration: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: Self
Echoes of a Breeze Range: Self
Mastery Level: 2 This spell was taught to the Kuni by a Daidoji shugenja two
Duration: Concentration hundred years ago. It is rarely used by the Kuni, but those who
Area of Effect: One person excel in it are valuable in the ranks of the Hida. This spell
Range: Unlimited causes the air spirits to create terrible sounds of screaming and
This spell allows the caster to make his words audible to any pain in the language of the listener. The effect can be quite
target, anywhere in Rokugan. The target of this spell must be disheartening to both Shadowlands creatures and mortal
someone who is well-known by the caster: the shugenja must enemies alike. When the spell is cast, any targets within
have spent quite a bit of time in their presence. Someone the hearing distance must make a Contested Willpower roll
shugenja has met a single time, or whose name the shugenja against the successful casting roll of the shugenja. If the roll
has heard, does not qualify as well-known Casting this spell fails, they flee in terror (TN to be hit: 5) for 5 rounds. If they
does not tell the shugenja where his target may be in Rokugan;
succeed, they are frozen in fear (no action but Full Defense) the illusion, the physical item passes through the illusion,
for one round. making it obvious that the illusionary object is not real.
Additionally, if someone suspects an object is illusionary, he
Flight of the dragonfly
may roll his Perception with a TN equal to the casters Air x
Mastery Level: 2
School Rank in order to see past the illusion. This spell cannot
Duration: 5 rounds
create an illusion of empty space.
Area of Effect: 1 target living creature
Range: 10 Osano-Wos Breath
With this spell the shugenja calls upon the perception and Mastery Level: 2
cunning of the dragonfly. The spell causes the creature Duration: 1 round
affected by it to actually appear to be in two places at once. Area of Effect: Self
Once the spell is cast successfully, the target creature appears Range: Self
to shift suddenly, hardly remaining still. The spell adjusts their The Fortune Osano-Wo is portrayed as large and blustery - an
place in the way so that he or she is perceived by reality to be embodiment of wind and lightning, his stormy essence. This
in both places at once. The spell adds 10 to the TN to hit the spell channels the power of Osano-Wo through the shugenjas
character in combat. lungs, allowing him or her to exhale a hurricane - force wind.
Each Raise increase the bonus to TN by 5 It can blow over weak structures, tear branches from trees,
even lift small children off the ground. On a more practical
Gift of the Wind
note, it renders the user practically immune to missile
Mastery Level: 2
weapons. The power of Osano-Wos Breath can turn arrows
Duration: 15 rounds
and yari away from the spellcaster, to have them clatter
Area of Effect: 1 target
harmlessly on the ground. A successful casting will deter one
Range: 15
missile from its targets. Other people can be protected in this
With the successful casting of this spell, the shugenja draws
manner, provided they are within ten feet of the caster. Only
upon the spirits intangible nature to make himself or another
the casting shugenja may exercise the powers of the spell; the
target invisible. The spell can affect both living beings and
enchantment cannot be places upon anyone else. Osano-Wos
inanimate objects - provided the object in question is no
breath is powerful enough to send missiles flying back to their
bigger than a human being (a katana or tea set could be
original users with lethal speed, but lacks the accuracy to
affected a house or giant statue could not). This invisibility is
cause any real damage - Osano-Wo was not known for his
total (it cannot be broken by splashing the target with mud,
finesse. However, against closely - grouped units of one
say), but only if the target remains unmoving. Significant
hundred or more, the number of targets is great enough to
movement, such as walking or attacking, creates a distorted
negate the need for aiming. When engaged in mass combat ,
blur which is easier to see and strike. To successfully attack an
the shugenja may use the spell to gain +1 Glory points and
invisible target, the attacker first make a simple Awareness
receiue five fewer wounds per Battle Round.
roll against a TN of 25 and even if successfully it cannot make
Each Raise deflect one additional missile
called shots. The TN is lowered to 10 if the target is moving,
or if the attacker spends a Void point. Roaming the wide plains
Mastery Level: 2
Howl of Isora
Duration: 4 hours + Horsemanship
Mastery Level: 2
Area of Effect: 1 rider and horse
Duration: 1 round
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: 5 x 5 cone
This gives the target(s) the speed and persistence of the winds.
Range: 20
They horse and rider both can move at a trot without
A basic Air spell, Howl of isora summons a short but intense
food or water for the duration of the spell. If the horse and
blast of air which flies forth from the shugenjas fingertips.
rider move as fast as a gallop or as slow as a walk, the spell
The wind is hurricane strength - strong enough to scatter light
quits affecting them. Targets of the spell can themselves cast
objects, blow over furniture and cause people to lose their
spells, engage in combat, or whatever, and as long as their
footing. People and humanoid creatures caught in the blast
horse keeps trotting, the spell will continue its effects.
must succeed in an Agility + Athletics roll at TN 20 or else
Each Raise increase the duration by 1 hour
spill heels over head as the wind buffets them back. They must
spend one round staggering to their feet before they can take Secrets on the Wind
another action. The spell usually affects a 5 by 5 cone Mastery Level: 2
extending forward from the casting shugenja, but can be Duration: 5 minutes
targeted to anywhere within sight if the caster is skilled Area of Effect: 50 radius
enough (100 feet for each raise). Range: 1 mile
Each Raise cause the target to remain down one additional Shugenja who cast this spell can listen in on conversations.
round The conversation to be listened to must be held in a place with
Each Raise increase the range by 100 which the shugenja is very familiar. In order to use this spell
the caster must spend at least 10 minutes studying the area
Mists of illusion
with which he wishes to make himself familiar. After doing
Mastery Level: 2
so, he can cast this spell and listen as though he were standing
Duration: 1 minute
in the center of the area.
Area of Effect: 10 radius
Each raise increases the range by 1 mile.
Range: 10
The caster can create an illusionary duplicate of anything he
has seen or can imagine, as long as it can fit entirely inside of
the Area of Effect The illusion is not mobile and is unaffected
by the environment If anyone or anything attempts to touch
target of this nasty spell. Bad Kharma requires a little bit of
Summon Kami of Air
preparation time, but if successfully cast, this spell allows the
Mastery Level: 2
caster to contact a kami who holds a grudge against the family
Duration: 1 minute
of the spells target. With a little coercion (GMs should award
Area of Effect: 1 spirit
Free Raises for good role-playing and likewise penalize those
Range: 10
who take the kamis favors for granted), the shugenja can
This spell summons a small Air spirit, a local kami who is
convince the kami to make the targets life a living hell. The
willing to do simple tasks for the shugenja The kami is 6 tall,
target of this spell has the equivalent of the Unluck
mostly invisible, and appears as a humanoid samurai made of
Disadvantage. The spell only lasts until the next time the
swirling winds and blowing dust The kami has all the
target tries to make a roll. The kami automatically botches the
properties of Air, and is willing to obey the casters
roll, effectively giving them a roll of 1.
commands so long as the caster is respectful. The Air spirit
For every ywo Raise one additional botch can be given
can not communicate with nor understand anyone but the
caster. Air spirits are capable of flying up to 100 per round. Essence of Air
They can become completely invisible at will, and may pick Mastery Level: 3
up small (less than pound) items. Air spirits can not inflict Duration: 1 minute
damage nor engage in combat All of the rings of these Area of Effect: 1 Target
summoned spirits are equal to one half their casters School Range: Touch
Rank. When a shugenja casts this spell, the spirits of the air gather,
attracting attention to every corner of the room other than
The four winds favor
where the spells target currently stands. Essentially, this spell
Shinjo Family Secret Spell
diverts attention from the target, allowing him to move about
Mastery Level: 2
invisibly. Those affected by the spell do not realize that they
Duration: 5 minutes
are being tricked by the Air kami, and continue on their way
Area of Effect: Special
without realizing that the invisible person is there. As long
Range: Special
as the target does not draw attention to himself, he is
When this spell is cast, it causes the spirits of the winds to
completely unnoticeable by normal means. If the target does
carry sounds to the shugenjas ears. Wind speed and direction
something to draw attention to himself (such as picking
plays a factor: in still air, sounds are brought from every up to
something up, trying to punch someone, or talking) the spell is
two miles away, while in a light breeze (10 mph) such sounds
are carried downwind up to five miles, crosswind up to one
mile, and upwind up to 100 yards. The wind spirits sort the Facing your devils
sounds for the shugenja per his requests, giving him only Mastery Level: 3
those noises that are of interest to him. Soft or indistinct Duration: Concentration
sounds may require the shugenja to make a Perception check Area of Effect: 1 target
to hear them; the spirits can only convey the sounds, they Range: 30
cannot amplify them. Shinjo shugenja often use this spell to In casting this spell, the shugenja causes disharmony within
eavesdrop on enemy generals, or to scan the terrain upwind the natural rhythms of the targets mind and body. The sudden
for the sounds made by troops waiting in ambush. eruption of chi, strong pitted against weak, can do enormous
damage to a soul that is not properly balanced. In game terms,
Whispering Wind
the shugenja casts the spell and then makes an opposed roll
Mastery Level: 2
with the target each round. The target rolls a nuniber of dice
Duration: Instantaneous
equal to his lowest Trait and the caster rolls a number of dice
Area of Effect: 1 target
equal to the targets highest Trait. If the target fails, he takes
Range: 10
Wounds equal to the difference. Alternately, the caster can
If successful, this spell lets the caster know if the last thing
choose to have the spell do no Wounds but prevent the target
said by the target was true. The spell will only tell the
from spending Void or voluntarily making Raises for the
shugenja what the target believes is true, and has no power to
duration. If the target succeeds on one of these opposed rolls,
determine the accuracy of the statement beyond the belief of
the effect ceases.
the person stating the information. It is said that this spell may
backfire if a caster uses it too often, as it is insulting to the Forgotten Murmurs
spirits of the Empire to continually question an honorable Mastery Level: 3
samurais words. Therefore, shugenja say anyone who casts Duration: Instantaneous
this spell too often will be unable to speak a lie himself, bound Area of Effect: 1 Target
by the spirits that he abuses. Range: 10
When someone is targeted by this spell, the wind spirits reach
Mastery Level 3
into his soul and withdraw a small portion of his psyche,
Bad kharma effectively eliminating his memories. The target immediately
Mastery Level: 3 experiences a faint disorientation, and forgets the last 5
Duration: Special minutes of his life. Other than a seconds confusion, it is as if
Area of Effect: 1 target those five minutes never happened. This spell is often used by
Range: 30 courtier shugenja who hope to eliminate some faux pas they
Soshi shugenja have become quite adept at contacting angry, have made before an important individual.
vengeful or otherwise disgruntled kami and drawing that
kamis attention to another. This causes a number of
problems, depending on the strength and/or vindictiveness of
the kami. The result is usually a streak of bad luck for the

seal the opening from either side, thereby preventing those
Gust of wind
within or without from entering or leaving. At the expiration
Mastery Level: 3
of the spell, the area ceases to be, and anything within it will
Duration: 8 rounds
be dumped unceremoniously back into the real world.
Area of Effect: Self
Range: Self Summon Fog
This spell manipulates the air around the recipient, deflecting Mastery Level: 3
physical missile attacks or even turning them back on Duration: 1 minute
attackers. Anyone trying to hit someone protected by this spell Area of Effect: 20 Radius
with any sort of projectile must roll to hit with their TN Range: 100
increased by 10. If a raise to the TN is used, any shots that When Summon Fog is cast, the shugenja brings forth a thick
miss are redirected against whomever fired them, using the cloud, causing fog to appear all around the Area of Effect In
shugenjas Air rank. effect, clouds descend from the heavens at the casters call.
Each Raise increase the TN by 10 This causes a faint dew to make everything in the radius
Each Raise increase duration by 4 round damp, and drops standard visibility down to 5 feet Small fires
may be obscured and faint flames (such as candles) may be
Look Into the Soul
put out, but larger ones are not affected. When the spell ends,
Mastery Level: 3
the fog disperses normally over the course of ten minutes.
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 target Watchful Spirit
Range: 50 Mastery Level: 3
The Scorpion Shosuro family creates Look into the Soul fairly Duration: 1 Day
early in their clans history, as an extension of their duty to Area of Effect: 1 Target
protect the Hantei from harm. Use of this spell permits the Range: 100
casting shugenja to peer into the soul of a target being, and This spell summons a watchful kami to follow a single target
ascertain the elemental composition of his or her spirit, in so who is selected when the spell is cast. The invisible spirit
doing, the shugenja learns his or her strengths and weaknesses follows the target until sunrise the next day, or until the caster
- which elements run strong in them, and which might be chooses to cancel the spell. When the spell ends for any
found wanting. In the internecine plottings of the Scorpion reason, the kami immediately returns and provides the caster
Clan, such information is valuable indeed. In game terms, the with a vision of the targets current location, lasting only a
spell allows the shugenja to determine the Rings and Traits of moment The caster may question the spirit further using
a given target. A successful casting at the base TN reveals two Commune, but will have to deal with the normal
Rings - the strongest and the weakest (flip a coin if there are complications of eliciting information from spirits. While the
ties) and their attendant Traits. The targets Void cannot be air kami is following its target, it may be detected normally by
revealed, however, until all of the other Rings have first; to use of the Sense spell or any other effects that can detect the
realize nothing, you must first realize everything. Discovering presence of invisible spirits, If directly threatened with magic
a characters Void reveals both the base rank, and the number the kami flees and the spell ends.the fog disperses normally
of points he or she has left to spend. It is, of course, up to the over the course of ten minutes.
shugenja to determine how to use this information once he or
Wind-Borne Speed
she has it. The Shosuro are amazingly adept at determining a
Mastery Level: 3
targets history, personality, and likes and disIikes based
Duration: 5 minutes
solely on the combination of elements in their forms.
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Each Raise give information over one additional Ring
Range: Touch
The Eye Shall Not See This spell allows the target to run twice as fast as nonnal for
Mastery Level: 3 the duration of the spell. Further, as he is being borne partially
Duration: 5 Rounds on the backs of helpful wind spirits, the target may travel in
Area of Effect: Self this manner whithout tiring.
Range: Self If the target takes any action other than running, talking or
The caster of this spell becomes as insubstantial as air and performing simple tasks while in constant motion, the wind
able to pass through solid objects at a rate of 1 foot per round. spirits will rapidly become bored and leave. Thus, the spell is
Objects moving faster than 1 foot per round (like swinging canceled.
swords) completely ignore this spell effect, and the caster is
Wisdom of the Kami
affected normally by such objects.
Mastery Level: 3
Step Between the Stars Duration: 1 Hour
Mastery Level: 3 Area of Effect: Self
Duration: 4 hours Range: Self
Area of Effect: 1 area This spell rearranges a casters own memories, boosted by the
Range: 10 intellect and adaptability of the kami of air. While they are
Through the use of this spell, the shugenja creates an area of assisting him, the shugenja may substitute his School Rank for
extradimensional space, accessible through a magical opening any one skill for the duration of the spell.
. There is enough room within the space to hold up to six This spell only affects a single skill, and once cast, may the
people comfortably, or an equal amount of inanimate objects. casters memories may not be rearranged again without
It is immune to the effects of the elements and cannot be recasting the spell. At the end of the spell, the kami replace all
entered except by permission of the spell caster. Weapons and of the shugenjas memories, leaving them as if they had never
missiles cannot penetrate it in either direction - attacks by or been affected by the spell.
upon any occupants will automatically fail. The shugenja may
Mastery Level 4 die (dropped before the roll is made) for a number of rounds
equal to the casters Air.
Mastery Level: 4 Sacred Ground
Duration: 5 rounds Mastery Level: 4
Area of Effect: 10 Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 20 Area of Effect: Self
This spell slows time within a limited area. Anyone within 10 Range: Self
of the target point of the spell must roll against a TN equal to Upon uttering this spell the shugenja and all items he carries
5 times the shugenjas Air rank, using a number of dice equal are instantly transported to a specifically designated area
to their Earth rank. If they succeed, the spell is broken and the (usually the casters home, school, or other personal space).
shugenja must begin again. If the roll fails, the victim is The area must be designated and prepared in advance and a
reduced to half movement, half normal attacks, and half shugenja may only have one such area prepared at a given
initiative. Anyone entering the area while the shugenja is still time. Preparing an area for transport requires the shugenja to
concentrating is automatically affected. study the exact location of all objects in the area and scribe
Each Raise increase duration by 5 rounds symbols on the spot he will appear. If the area is disturbed
Each Raise increase the area of effect by a 5 radius even slightly between the time the shugenja prepares the area
and the time he casts the spell, it automatically fails. This spell
Call Upon the Wind
transports the shugenja any distance regardless of his location.
Mastery Level: 4
Duration: 5 Rounds Symbol of Air
Area of Effect: 1 Target Mastery Level: 4
Range: 100 Duration: Permanent
The shugenja summons wind spirits who immobilize and lift Area of Effect: 10 radius
the target into the air. The shugenja has complete control of Range: 25
the targets movements. The target may be moved a number of With this spell the caster magically engraves the symbol of
feet per round equal to the shugenjas Air + School Rank x 10. Air upon an object, usually a threshold, door, or similar
Each Raise adds one additional target location. Any being other than the caster who comes within
range of the symbol feels the effects of a magical sleep come
Dominate the Mind
over them. The targets may make a contested roll of his Earth
Mastery Level: 4
vs. the shugenjas Air rank. If the target is unstimulated
Duration: 1 minute
(sitting on a bench watching the birds) he will quickly fall
Area of Effect: 1 Target
asleep. If the target does not fall asleep, he will be at -2 dice
Range: 20
to all actions due to exhaustion until he leaves the radius.
A caster using this spell summons forth the ultimate power of
Anyone who knows this spell may cast it on an existing
the wind spirits to dominate and control an individuals mind
Symbol of Air in order to dispel it. If the object which the
by rearranging their entire mental channels. The wind spirits
symbol is scribed upon is moved or moves, the spell is broken.
play havoc with the targets memories and thoughts, making
the target incapable of self-determination. The basic Target Teleportation
Number of this spell is 35. If the shugenja succeeds, he takes Ide Family Secret Spell
control of the targets mind: the target will follow all Mastery Level: 4
instructions given to him by the caster. Note that this spell Duration: Instantaneous
creates an automaton, not a willing servant The target of this Area of Effect: 1 target
spell will do nothing if the caster does not give him a direct Range: Special
and explicit command, and may even injure himself trying to This spell moves objects from one location to another. One of
carry out a command which was not properly given. This spell those locations must be within ten feet of the shugenja, and the
is frowned upon by the majority of the Empire, and was once other must be within line of sight, however distant. The object
used to reduce the powerful maho shugenja Asahina Yajinden being teleported can be as large as a burly Crab samurai. If
to a humble gardener, as punishment for his crimes against the there are objects at both ends of the teleportation spell, their
Empire. locations can be switched.
Forget Wall of Air
Mastery Level: 4 Mastery Level: 4
Duration: Special Duration: 1 Hour
Area of Effect: 1 target Area of Effect: Special
Range: 10 Range: 100
This spell requires a Contested Intelligence roll to be This spell creates a 10 tall, 1 wide, 25 long wall of Air. The
successful. Also, the caster must make eye contact with the wall can not be cast in an area in which there are people.
target. If the spell is successful, the caster can remove ten Anyone attempting to pass through the wall must roll his Earth
minutes of memory from the target. The caster must have with a TN equal to the casters Air x School Rank; if he fails,
intimate knowledge of the information he is removing; he gets he is thrown back 5 per Air rank of the caster and takes 1k1
a Free Raise to use this spell if he experienced the ten minutes Wounds for each 10 that he has been thrown (rounding
he is attempting to remove. Removing the information takes down). Projectiles will not pass through the walL nor can
approximately five seconds and when finished, the target is arrows or other missile weapons affect anyone across the wall
incapacitated for about thirty seconds to a minute as his brain - from either side.
tries to re-organize the distorted information. If the caster fails
his casting roll the target is aware of what has occurred. He is
still slightly disoriented, however. The target rolls one fewer
and a message to the enemies of their clan: when you attack
Wisdom the Wind Brings
one Lion, you attack them all. The spell summons a spirit
Mastery Level: 4
from beyond the grave, who is granted limited physical form
Duration: 1 round
and the use of certain skills for the duration of its stay. It
Area of Effect: 1 person
appears as a ghostly reflection of its former self - complete
Range: Line of Sight
with armor and daisho. It has a single purpose on this plane: to
The spirits of the air carry an endless array of mysteries with
represent the spellcaster (or any character the spellcaster
them - secrets whispered in the dead of night and heard by no
wishes) in an iaijutsu duel, which it will do with all the zeal
one else. This spell allows the shugenja to contact those spirits
and fervor it can muster. Most Matsu and Akodo samurai
and ask them a single question about another person. They can
never use this spell; they are perfectly capable of defending
learn one thing about a target: something from their history, a
themselves. For the Ikoma historian or Kitsu shugenja,
particular preference or ability, even a hidden subject that no
however, a spirit can be a handy proxy - especially when there
one else knows about. The effect is similar to reading a
are no other Lions about to stand in for you. The summoned
samurais stance before an iaijutsu duel: the spirits reveal the
apparition fights with a base Agility and Iaijutsu skill of 3
sources of a quirk or a physical mannerism, which may
each. Its Awareness is 4, and its Reflexes are 3. These are the
determine a great beal about the targets background. In game
only stats it can use while on the physical plane; it causes 3k2
terms, each successful casting allows the shugenja to
Wounds with each strike. The spirit will remain on the
determine one fact about the target:
material plane just long enough to complete the duel, then
One Ring vanish back to where it came. Should the spirit win the duel
One Trait (killing its opponent), the summoning shugenja gains any
One Skill and ranking honor or glory rewards as if she had participates in the duel
One Advantage or one Disadvantage herself. Similarly, if the spirit loses the duel, the summoning
The target cannot resist this process any more than he can stop shugenja must pay the price - suffering any honor loss
breathing or change his own past, although the shugenja must incurred and forces to commit seppuku in response to the
be able to see him for the spell to take effect. The spirits see failure. There may be more humiliations to suffer in the
everything and cannot be fooled. Needless to say, this spell is afterlife as well; the summoned spirit may have quite a bit to
very popular with the Scorpion Clan. Note also that extremely say about the incident which cost the family so much honor.
important people - family daimyos and their betters - almost Members of other clans may also cast it, but they do not have
always have a shugenja or two watching them and ready with nearly the same success with it as their Kitsu brethren do. For
magical countermeasures, or at least a small nemuranai the most part, it cannot be found anywhere outside of the Lion
making spells cast against them much more difficult. Ketsuen, families. Strangely enough, the Lion consider this form of
the armor of the Crab Clan Champion, is an extreme example proxying quite honorable and even pragmatic in a certain way.
of such an item. Eyen if the duel is lost and the shugenja subsequently
Each Raise give 1 additional information dishonored, their folly will not cost any additional Lion lives.
Mastery Level 5 Each Raise increase statistic of spirit by 1

Command the Clouds Gate to nowhere

Mastery Level: 5 Ide Family Secret Spell
Duration: 1 Day Mastery Level: 5
Area of Effect: 1 mile Radius Duration: 6 rounds
Range: Self Area of Effect: 10
The caster may use this spell to change the weather conditions Range: 10
in the local area The caster can control temperature, wind, and Area of Effect, Casting Time, Duration, Range
precipitation. The GM decides current weather conditions and Ritual. This summons a great gate to nothing, which looks like
the caster may alter the condition up or down one rank. The a black disk ten feet in diameter. It appears wherever the
caster may alter one additional rank per raise. shugenja wishes within ten feet of him. The gate will not form
Temperature Wind Precipitation in anything but air. If a shugenja forms a large gate in a small
hallway, the gate will fill the hall but go no further. The gate is
Sweltering Calm Clear
completely opaque, although sometimes unusual images that
Hot Moderate Partly Cloudy (light defy description can be seen in the blackness. Such images are
rain/snow) not necessarily visible to shugenja watching the gate from the
Warm High Moderately Cloudy flip side. The gate is not solid, but neither is it just an opening.
Winds (medium rain Air in the vicinity of the gate flows into it, arrows fired at the
/snow/light hail) gate pass through and vanish from sight, but it resists allowing
Cool Storm Overcast (heavy large objects like humans to pass (Game Masters discretion).
force rain/snow/hail) Each Raise increase diameter of gate by 5
Cold Gale Storm (Driving Each Raise increase range of spell by 20
rain/snow/hail) Glimpse the Souls Shadow
Defender From Beyond Mastery Level: 5
Mastery Level: 5 (4 for Kitsu Shugenja) Duration: 5 rounds
Duration: 1 duel Area of Effect: 1 person
Area of Effect: Self Range: 15
Range: Self Here, the shugenja incites the air spirits around a target person
The Kitsu magicians of the Lion Clan have long demonstrated to move more and more quickly. Successfully cast, it doubles
a deep connection with the spirits of their ancestors. They the speed and action of the target. All of the usual abilities the
created Defender from Beyond as an extension of this affinity target may engage in are now done twice as quickly: a samurai
capable of one action per round can now take two actions, a or hands) will not appear. Kolat agents under the spell take
shugenja casting a spell can do so in half the time, etc. To the care never to remove their clothing while in the presence of
target, everything around seems to be moving more slowly, others. The effects last until a proper counterspell is cast by
while he or she can still function at normal speed. The spell the same shugenja who placed it in the first place. Unlike
tends to exhaust the target after a time, requiring a simple many illusion spells, it will not dispel if touched.
Stamina check at TN 20 to continue functioning after it wears
off. In any case, the target will need at least an hours rest
Mastery Level: 5
without movement following the end of any strenuous activity
Duration: 10 minutes
involving the spell.
Area of Effect: 20 Radius
Poison of the Windspider Range: Line of Sight
Mastery Level: 5 This spell creates a massive whirlwind of air, spinning at the
Duration:10 minutes control of the caster and creating devastation in its wake. The
Area of Effect: 25 radius spell affects a 20 radius, summoning all available air spirits
Range: 100 into a mighty whole. The whirlwind can be moved 10 per
This spell turns all air within the Area of Effect into a round as the caster directs it to shift and travel from place to
poisonous gas. This cloud seeps along the ground, rolling in a place. Anyone who is unfortunate enough to be caught inside
bilious cloud of faces and horrible claws toward the edges of the whirlwind suffers 4k4 Wounds each round until he leaves
its Area of Effect The cloud can easily overtake even the the Area of Effect The whirlwind reduces movement through
swiftest steed, and will choke and eventually kill anyone who it by 750/o. It should be noted that the spirits within the
remains in the Area of Effect whirlwind are friendly to the caster, and the shugenja who
The gas burns the eyes and sinuses, damaging eyes and throats directs the spell may move through it freely, sustaining no
and burning away the flesh of those trapped within the gases. damage. The same does not hold true for the casters friends,
It also causes tremendous nausea, burning pain and violent however, for the wind spirits only respect the one who has
choking. Anyone trapped within the cloud must make an summoned them.
immediate Stamina roll with a TN equal to the casters Air x
Mastery Level 6
School Rank or fall to the ground, temporarily blinded and
choking. No one may leave the cloud until they pass two The Blessings of Jizo
consecutive Stamina rolls. While in the cloud the victim Mastery Level: 6
suffers 2k2 Wounds for every round he remains in the Area of Duration: 10 minutes
Effect. Area of Effect: Self
Range: Self
Slayers Knives
This spell causes spells cast upon the recipient to backlash
Mastery Level: 5
upon their original caster. The original caster takes the full
Duration: Instantaneous
brunt of his own spell with all of its drawbacks. This only
Area of Effect: Special
affects spells which specifically target the recipient: Area of
Range: Self
Effect spells are not reflected back to their caster. However,
When casting this potent wind spell, the caster stretches out
such spells have no effect upon someone protected by The
his hands and a strong burst of wind comes forth from them.
Blessings of Jizo. Strangely, this spell does not protect the
The wind extends 25 from the casters hands and is 10 wide
target from the spell Sympathetic Energies.
at its base. The wind is strong enough to pick up and throw
anyone within the Area of Effect Those affected are hurled 20 Rise, Air
through the air, causing 5k3 Wounds upon landing. The winds Mastery Level: 6
created by this spell are ferocious, tearing at large objects and Duration: Concentration
shredding small ones. Paper lanterns will be destroyed, horses Area of Effect: 10 Radius
knocked to their knees, and kimono torn to ribbons by the raw Range: 25
power of the air kami. The spell can also blow down paper With this spell, the shugenja becomes so in touch with the
houses, wooden doors, shoddy buildings, and small trees. element of air that he can actually command it to take shape
and then control its actions. The caster may control up to 25
The mirror's smile
cubic feet of air, which takes a misty, vaguely humanoid
Mastery Level: 5
shape, and does what the caster wills it to do. The air blows
Duration: Permanent until removed
furiously for a 30 radius around it, which blows away small
Area of Effect: 1 target person
objects and disrupts anything traveling through the air such as
Range: Touch
arrows. Anyone within that area must pass a simple Reflexes
Casting Time: 10 minutes
roll (TN of the casters Air x School Rank) or be knocked to
The Mirrors Smile allows its target to assume the face and
the ground. If the caster commands the air to fight, it rolls and
features of another person; he or she will look exactly like that
keeps the casters own Air Rank to hit, and each successful hit
person; normal Awareness rolls cannot see through it. Even
automatically knocks the opponent to the ground, inflicting
dose family members will be fooled by the resemblance. It is
3k2 Wounds. Any opponent knocked to the ground must
used almost exclusively by the Kolat, who guard the scroll
spend one action to regain his footing.
jealously. Only a scant handful of people outside the
The caster may also use this spell to control up to 25 cubic
conspiracy (mostly Phoenix and Scorpion) are aware that it
feet of air (ie. create heavy winds within a 25 radius of him
exists. The spellcaster know the complete name of the person
which blows away small objects and arrows, or moving up to
imitated, and have seen him or her at least once. The Mirrors
25 cubic feet of fog in any direction). If the caster is damaged
Smile only affects the face and hands of the target, nothing
in any way the spell ends immediately and the air returns to
else. Hair will need to be cut (and dyed, if necessary), and
such things as scars and birthmarks (if not located on the head

The Wrath of Kaze-No-Kami
Mastery Level: 6
Duration:1 hour
Area of Effect: 1 mile Radius
Range: Self
This spell, if successful summons a raging hurricane centered
on the shugenja The shugenja is in the eye of the storm; he
(and anyone within a 20 radius) suffers no ill effects as long
as he remains there. The hurricane produces gale-force winds
which pick up anything which weighs 500 lbs. or less.
Visibility drops to 1, and physical actions taken in the Area of
Effect are at -4 dice. Normal houses will be completely
obliterated, and wooden structures will be badly damaged.
Stone structures stand the best chance of surviving the
hurricane. Anyone within the Area of Effect must make a roll
vs. stamina at a TN of 20 to avoid being thrown through the
air and suffering 6k4 Wounds. Those who make the roll (and
those who fail) are continuously pelted with flying debris
suffering 3k1 Wounds each minute until they leave the Area
of Effect or take shelter in a stone building, cave, or other
protective structure.
Walking the Way
Mastery Level: 6
Duration: 4+School Rank hours
Area of Effect: 1 person
Range: to the destination
The shugenja opens a dimensional portal between two
locations, allowing himself and perhaps a number of
passengers to travel between them without difficulty. This is
not the same as teleporting; it is not instantaneous travel. The
distance traveled is still the same, and the travel time remains
identical to traveling overland. The difference lies in the
terrain and the obstacles one would normally encounter on the
road. With Walking the Way, all of that is avoided. Thus, a
journey from Otosan Uchi to the City of Remembrance by use
of this spell would still take many hours, but would avoid any
travails of the road: bandits, wild animals, mountains, etc. The
spell manifests as a glowing silver doorway leading into
nothingness. Once the shugenja (and whoever is traveling with
her) passes through, the doorway vanishes behind them and
cannot be accessed by anyone else. The travelers will find
themselves walking a silver line through swirling nothingness.
While time passes at the normal rate, the travelers will have no
concept of it; they will not need to eat or sleep while they are
on the path, and the surroundings never change. At the end of
the journey, another doorway will appear, identical to the first.
it emerges onto the spells destination and will vanish once all
the travelers have passed through it. The shugenja must be
familiar with the desired destination before casting; they must
be able to evoke an accurate mental image of where they wish
to go. Places where air does not penetrate, such as the bottom
of the sea or heart of a volcano, cannot be reached with this
spell. Nor can it be uses to send wagons or other large
inanimate objects through; only one person and his or her
immediate possessions can be transported. The distance
traveled is limited by the shugenjas School Rank+4 in
Rokugani hours, although it can be increases through
additional raises .
Each Raise increase the number of people trasported by 1 ,
two Raise for an horse
Each Raise increase the time of the journey by 1 hour

Earths Stagnation
Mastery Level: 1
Mastery Level 1 Duration: 5 round
Area of Effect: 1 target
Armor Range: 100
Mastery Level: 1
Summoning this spell causes the spirits of the Earth to rise up
Duration: 3 + Rank of Shugenja through your opponent, drawing his energies down into the
Area of Effect: 1 target stagnation of rock and shale. The target of this spell has his
Range: 15
Agility and Reflexes lowered by 1 for the duration of the spell.
This spell fortifies the Earth in its target, making him even Each raise adds an additional target to the spell.
more resilient than the standard Crab. Whenever damage is
rolled against him, the attacker cannot re-roll 10s. Elemental Ward
Mastery Level: 1
Blessing of cleansing Duration:1 minute
This spell can be used to stave off the Taint and purify food Area of Effect: Self
and water that has been Tainted It can also be used to
Range: Self
"sanitize,, a bandage and give the wounded some extra time to The spirits of the Earth are protective of those who can speak
get out of the Shadowlands before the Taint sets in. to them, and will defend them from all attacks. The strength of
Mastery Level: 1
rock is a powerful ally, and this spell makes the caster attuned
Duration: Instantaneous to the earth around him, drawing on its might for his own
Area of Effect: 1 target defense. When casting this spell the shugenja chooses a Ring.
Range: 5
For the duration of this spell, anyone attempting to cast spells
Casting Time: 20 minutes (minus 3 minutes per raise) of that Element on the shugenja has his TN increased by 5.
Ritual. Calling upon blessings of Amaterasu and the other For each raise increase TN by an additional 5.
Fortunes, the shugenja attempts to cleanse the target object or
substance (this spell is not effective on people) of the Taint. If Fires from the Forge
the spell is successful, the target makes a Honor roll against a Mastery Level: 1
TN of 10. If the targets Honor roll is successful, the target is Duration: Permanent
purified and made fit for consumption. This effect is Area of Effect: 10 Cubic Feet
temporary, and food and water will begin to deteriorate again Range: 10
as usual from this point. If a the caster happens to summon an By calling on the spirits of the forges of the Celestial Heavens,
uncooperative kansen, the spirit may cause the target to rot a shugenja can mend what has been broken and repair what
instantly and permanently. has been sundered. This spell can target any material metal,
Each Raise give to the target one additional dice for the wood, paper or otherwise. This spell instantly repairs any
Honor Roll. object or piece of equipment as long as the object has less than
10 cubic feet of volume. Any magic contained in the object
Clay horse before it was broken is lost This spell has no effect on an item
Mastery Level: 1 that is intact, nor on living beings.
Duration: 15 Hours
Area of Effect: 1 Target Person Force of Will
Range: Touch Mastery Level: 1
A strange magic adapted from Naka Kuros studies of Crane Duration: 3 Rounds
tsangusuri and Unicorn travel spells, the Clay Horse is both a Area of Effect: 1 Target
spell and a minor nemuranai. To cast the spell, the shugenja Range: 10
must have a clay statue of a horse, between 2 inches and a foot This spell can only be cast on someone who has just received
in height (A clay horse can be produced by meeting an Agility a blow which would make him unable to continue fighting
+ Sculpting TN of 10, or an unskilled Agility roll of 20.) (reduced to the Down, Out, or Dead Wound levels). If the
When the spell is cast, the shugenja gives the horse to another caster has not used his action on the round he was hit, he can
and asks them to name it. Only the person who first names a cast this spell on himself. For the duration of the spell the
Clay Horse may ever use that particular horse for the effects target can continue to act at -4. When the spell expires, the
of this spell. So long as the spells effects last and the target target drops into a coma for 2 weeks (unless he is healed
carries the horse, he is unaffected by exhaustion and does not above Down before the spells duration ends). If the target
sleep. This includes forms of sleep and exhaustion caused by suffers any further damage, he will die when the spell expires
magic or poison - the bearer of the horse is immune. If the (unless he is healed above Out before the spell ends).
target ever loses or breaks the horse, the spell ends. The target
Hidden Footsteps
begins to feel exhaustion only when the spell expires, any
Mastery Level: 1
labor or activity performed while under the effects of the horse
Duration: Instantaneous
does not tire him in any way. Users of this spell should be
Area of Effect: 10x10
aware that a Clay Horse can be very fragile. Every time the
Range: 3
spell expires, there is a chance that the horse will break and be
When a shugenja casts this spell. it raises up the spirits of the
forever useless. The owner of the horse must roll dice equal to
Earth in the area, giving them temporary form and physical
his Earth, and if he cannot meet a TN of 40, his horse shatters.
This TN is lowered by 5 for every raise the sculptor made
these spirits immediately scour the area, purging the earth of
while crafting the horse. The TN is lowered by 10 if the clay
any tracks, evidence of a traveler's passing, campfire, or other
horse is fired in a kiln.
lingering trails. They will clear a ten by ten foot area in front
Each Raise lower the TN for breaking the statue by an
of their caster to its natural, undisturbed state in such a a
additional 5.
manner that it will be
impossibIe for a tracker or hunter to tell that anyone was ever Way of Earth
there. The spirits are not otherwise under the caster's control, Mastery Level: 1
and have no obligation to perform any other task. When they Duration: 20 rounds
have finished, they will return to the earth and become Area of Effect: 1 target
dormant once more. Range: 10
- Each Raise increase the are by an additional 5x5. With this spell, the shugenja summons an earth spirit to
envelop and protect a target character. The spirit remains
Jade Strike
invisible, while the targets armor, clothing, or skin takes on a
Mastery Level: 1
rough, stone- like countenance. The spell increases the targets
Duration: Instantaneous
armor ranking by the casting shugenjas Earth Ring, causing
Area of Effect: 1 Target
missiles and other weapons to bounce harmlessly off. Way of
Range: 100
Earth does not penalize the targets TN for other actions, and
This spell summons the power of the avenging Earth, ready to
the targets movement is unaffected. The Crab, naturally, have
fight against the dark spirits that have corrupted the far
found the most use for this spell, and shugenja stationed along
southern reaches of the Empire. As such, it is a favorite among
the Kaiu wall are often required to learn it.
the Crab shugenja, and often taught at their school.
Each Raise increase the duration by 2 rounds
This spell can only be used on characters or creatures with the
Shadowlands Taint If successfuL the target takes 3k3 Mastery Level 2
Armor of Earth
Each raise adds an additional target to the spell.
Mastery Level: 2
Each raise allows you to roll and keep one more die.
Duration:1 minute
Know the Ground Area of Effect: Self
Mastery Level: 1 Range: Self
Duration: Permanent When this spell is cast, a number of Earth kami come to the
Area of Effect: 100 Cubic Feet casters defense, clinging to his skin invisibly in order to
Range: 25 absorb blows that would ordinarily harm the shugenja This
When the shugenja casts this spell, the kami of the earth flee spell hardens the casters skin and turns it a faint grey in color.
the area, driven away by the casters command over their will. For the duration of this spell all damage dice rolled against the
Earth spirits do not consider this spell to be very friendly, and shugenja which are less than or equal to the casters School
occasionally harbor a grudge against the caster for forcing Rank are ignored.
them to flee their homes. When cast, this spell causes 100
Binding (Minor and Major)
cubic feet of earth to vanish, creating a pit at the designated
Mastery Level: 2-6
location. This pit may be part of a tunnel (sideways), or a
Duration: N/A
direct hole in the ground beneath a walL a house, or even an
Area of Effect: 1 Target
opponent (although opponents can make a Reflexes roll at TN
Range: 20
20 to jump away from the pit as it forms).
Casting Time: 3 days
Speed Growth There are two binding spells taught by Kuni shugenja. The
Mastery Level: 1 first is Minor Binding. This spell can be used to immobilize
Duration: 1 minute any creature with the Shadowlands Taint but not Oni or
Area of Effect: 10 Radius maho tsukai. The spell is very complex and requires much
Range: 10 preparation. First, the shugenja must learn the true name of the
Calling upon the fertility of the Earth and the rapid growth of creature it wishes to bind. Then, the name must be written on
spring, the shugenja summons forth the sleeping spirits in the manacles of some kind. Finally, the manacles must be placed
ground, rousing them into a frenzy of growth and activity. All on the creature, who is then immobilized. It is a dangerous and
plants in the Area of Effect undergo one month of growth per tricky spell. It is usually performed as a ritual with a few Kuni
minute the spell is maintained. Plants affected by this spell for Witch Hunters around to do the muscle work. The shugenja
more than five minutes per day immediately go into shock, must meet the TN of the spell three times: once while chanting
wither, and die, causing the earth spirits of the area to become the true name of the creature, then while writing the name on
sluggish and sorrowful, and possibly ruining the land for the the manacles and lastly while it is being bound. If all three
next seasons normal growth. rolls are successful the creature is bound and cannot move or
use any special abilities until the manacles are removed. Major
Tetsubo of Earth
Binding is a more powerful spell than its counterpart, but is
Mastery Level: 1
identical in most other ways. Major Binding is the only spell
Duration: 1 minute
that can bind oni and maho-tsukai. The same process and
Area of Effect: Self
materials are used.
Range: Self
When the shugenja casts this spell, he summons the kami of Courage of the Seven Thunders
the Earth to meld together into an amazingly powerful weapon Mastery Level: 2
formed of the hardest rock and earth. This spell causes the Duration: 1 minute
kami to take the form of a heavy tetsubo of rock. The weapon Area of Effect: 1 Target
is wielded using the Tetsubo (or Subojutsu) skill and has a DR Range: Touch
of 3k3. If the Shugenja becomes unconscious or is killed, the This impressive spell calls forth the spirits of the ancestors of
weapon vanishes. Rokugan whose ashes have mixed with the Earth. It brings
For each raise the number of dice rolled (not kept) is forth their courage and honor so that they can bolster the
increased by one. spirits of their descendants. The target of this spell is immune

to Fear for the duration. Only samurai who are members of the This spell allows the caster to walk along any surface made of
seven Great Clans can be targeted by this spell. earth or stone. There is no chance that he will slip or fall, even
Each raise allows one extra target to be added to this spell. if he turns completely upside down and walks upon the stone
ceiling. This spell can be used to climb walls, walk down pits
Grounding Energy
or crevasses, or even walk sideways along a cliff wall, as the
Mastery Level: 2
kami of the earth cling to his feet and ankles, keeping the
Duration: 20 rounds
shugenja safely attached to the ground. If the caster moves
Area of Effect: 20
faster than a walking pace the spell instantly ends.
Range: 30
It requires a great deal of power and will to cast spells as Jade Eternal
shugenja do. The spirits they summon are fickle, and not all of Mastery Level: 2
them are Duration: 1 day
willing to help those who call on them. Grounding Energy was Area of effect: 1 pound of jade
created to disrupt the connection between shugenja and spirit, Range: Touch
nullifing the magical effects they attempt to create. Essentially This spell causes a piece of jade to become extraordinarily
a more potent version of Counterspell, Grounding Energy resistant to the Taint For the duration of the spell the jade still
creates an area of effect where any other spell cast within that protects its bearer from corruption and harms creatures of the
area, or targeting that area from another location, has a chance Taint as normal, but its inevitable corruption is slowed to
of failing. Every time a shugenja attempts to cast such a spell, imperceptible levels. While this magic is in effect, the jade
both shugenja make a Contested roll. Every shugenja rolls loses none of its potency, and does not rot when exposed to
Spellcraft/Ring (Air for an Air spell, Water for a Water spell, the Taint. Note that this spell will not increase the
etc.). If the caster is successful, he effectively grounds the effectiveness of Jade Powder or Tea of Jade Petals, as the
magical energy and disrupts the spell; the spell has been cast duration of these items is limited by other factors.
(and must be recast from the beginning) but its effects are Kuni Witch Hunters who become shugenja keep this spell in
completely nullifies. If the opposing shugenia wins the effect upon their jade badge of office at all times. Witch
contested roll, the spell goes off normally. Particularly Hunters who have no magic of their own will often visit a
powerful practitioners of this spell have found it sometimes shugenja to have their badge blessed before venturing into the
interferes with their search for enlightenment. By placing Shadowlands.
harmonic energies into conflict, they are shattering the balance
Protection of the Seven Thunders
of the five elements. The wise recognize the place of chaos in
Mastery Level: 2
the cosmic order, and see that this spell has a place in the
Duration: 1 hour
universe as all others do. But those unable to resolve the
Area of Effect: 5 radius
schism are often quite disturbed by the implications
Range: 10
Grounding Energy raises. A few have even gone mad.
By calling forth the spirit of those who have fought the
Each Raise increase the radius of the spell by 5
darkness before, the caster(s) can create a powerful barrier of
Hands of Jurojin magic. Any number of casters can participate in the spells
Mastery Level: 2 casting; for each shugenja involved the area of effect increases
Duration: Instantaneous by a five-foot radius and the range increases by five feet.
Area of Effect: 1 Target Those who attempt to pass through the barrier will feel as
Range: Touch though they are walking through mud. Although breathing is
Calling on the healing energy of the earth, the shugenja who unaffected, movement is halved. Anyone possessing any
casts this spell can remove all disease and/or poison from one amount of Taint will feel physical pain while passing through
targets system. The disease or poison thus affected needs not the barrier, as each round the spell causes 1k1 Wounds for
be known by the caster, nor does the caster have to be aware every rank of Taint (rounded up) the character or creature has.
that there is a poison or disease at work. The spell simply
cleanses the target of all impurities in their blood system,
Mastery Level: 2
leaving them feeling refreshed. This spell does not repair
Duration: Permanent
damage inflicted by poison or disease before this spell was
Area of Effect: 1 Target
used, but does stop any secondary effects - a disease is fully
Range: 6
cured, and the recipient does not suffer any aftereffects. Any
Base TN: 10 + Shadowlands Rank of Target x 10
wounds or boils, therefore, will still take time to heal, but no
Casting Time: 1 hour
new ones will form and no further disease can be spread by
Ritual. This complicated and complex ritual demands at least
this individual. After this spell has been cast, the subject is
an hours worth of concentration and effort in order to cast
still susceptible to poisons or diseases of the same nature, if
properly. If casting is successful, a number of Shadowlands
they are so foolish as to place themselves at risk of catching
Points equal to the number of shugenja in the ritual are
the disease again. The GM should raise the TN of this spell if
destroyed. However, all shugenja involved in the ritual
the poison/disease is particularly potent or it has gone
automatically gain one Shadowlands Point.
untreated for some time. If the poison was crafted by a
- Each raise will destroy one extra Shadowlands Point.
character (PC or NPC), that character can add his Poison skill
x School Rank to the TN to cast this spell. Rock Storm
Mastery Level: 2
Hands of Clay
Duration: 1 action
Mastery Level: 2
Area of Effect: 1 target
Duration:1 minute
Range: 40
Area of Effect: Self
This spell calls upon spirits of the earth to hurl small pebbles,
Range: Self
rocks and stones at a target within the range. The rocks fly
forward faster than any normal human can throw; they have tiny piece of evidence marking the targets passage is lit up for
been known to shatter bones. A given swarm of stones does the tracker to find. Hundreds of criminals who thought their
3k3 Wounds. The target can dodge the storm with an Agility + escape routes concealed have found Emerald magistrates
Defense roll at TN 20. Rock Storm has become synonymous closing the distance in a heartbeat. The spell functions in any
with Isawa Tadaka, the Phoenix Clans Master of Earth. Even terrain, and in adverse weather conditions as well; tracks that
at his relatively young age, he commands this spell with the the rain may have washed away still leaves a ghostly imprint
power of the greatest shugenja. for pursuers to follow. Use of the spell requires a material
Each Raise increase the Range by 10 connection to the target - a piece of clothing, a lock of hair,
Each Raise increase the number of dice rolled by 1 even a few drops of blood. With it, the summoned spirit can
Each Raise increase the targets by 1 follow the targets passage across the earth, and note where he
Each Raise increase the TN to dodge by 5 or she has passed. The effects last for several Rokugani hours,
and the spell can be recast with the same component. The
Summon Earth Spirit
Agasha family first developed Whispers of the Land, and
Mastery Level: 2
scrolls containing the spell are still common in the northern
Duration: 1 minute
half of the Empire. It is rumored the Emperors personal
Area of Effect: 1 Spirit
shugenja holds the original scroll, and that efforts are being
Range: 10
made to limit its use to Emerald magistrates alone. Some say
This spell summons a small Earth spirit It is 6 tall, has all the
that the Hantei are uneasy with the Dragon magistrates having
properties of stone and obeys the casters commands. The
such power and that quiet petitions have been sent to the
spirit is unable to communicate with or understand anyone
Kitsuki asking them to turn over their copies of the spell. Both
besides the caster. To the spirits, other individuals are as mute
sides deny the tales, and while the Kitsuki claim they would
as rocks are to normal humans. Earth spirits may run at a rate
do anything that the Emperor or, his family asked, they also
of 10 per round and can carry any object 10 lbs. or less. All of
claim that Whispers of the Land is an immeasurable help in
the Rings of these summoned spirits are equal to their
the execution of their duties. The Hantei, of course, refuse to
casters School Rank. These spirits roll 1k1 to hit Earth spirits
justify such tales by aknowledging them. As the Son of
inflict 2k1 Wounds in hand-to-hand combat by turning their
Heaven, the Emperor will do as he pleases; if he wanted the
limbs into sharp shards of stone. These Earth spirits are
scroll turned over, they would be turned over. The fact that
destroyed when they receive 25 points of Wounds.
they havent been means that he hasnt asked for them. Period.
Mastery Level 3
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 5 Rounds Benevolent Protection of Shinsei
Area of Effect: 100 Mastery Level: 3
Range: Touch Duration: 1 Hour
This spell causes a minor earthquake which causes minor Area of Effect: 15 radius
structural damage and could possibly destroy poorly- Range: Touch
constructed buildings. Well-crafted structures are immune, This spell can only be cast upon an object made of jade,
although the spell will still knock items from shelves and usually a holy string of beads or a token taken from a Temple
could destroy fragile or loose objects. Everyone in the area of of Shinsei. Everyone within the Area of Effect of this spell
effect of this spell will be affected as though with Fear 1, when it is cast feels calm and at peace. If someone inside the
except for the spells caster. The effects of this spell can be radius of this spell wishes to cause harm to anything, he must
felt for as much as two miles in every direction, although first overcome the effects of this spell. To overcome the spell,
those outside of the Area of Effect are not subject to the a character must roll his Willpower against a TN equal to the
mechanical effects of this spell. casting shugenjas Earth x School Rank.
Each raise thus used adds an additional 100 to the Area of If the object in question is inside of a Temple of Shinsei, the
Effect radius is multiplied by ten and the spell does not expire until
Walk Without Passing
Each raise increases the Area of Effect by 5 (applied
Mastery Level: 2
before the bonus for being inside of a temple).
Duration: 1 Hour
Area of Effect: Self Call beasts
Range: Self Mastery Level: 3
By asking the spirits of the earth to aid his passage, the caster Duration: 10 rounds
makes himself part of the earth and able to pass along its Area of Effect: 1 type of animal
features without trace, keeping all signs of his passage as Range: nearby area
invisible as the wind on grasses. Using this spell, the caster Similar to Heart of Nature, the shugenja calls upon the nearby
can walk through any terrain without leaving perceptible trail. earth spirits to summon any animals in the area to his aid. The
species and numbers of animals are rolled randomly from the
Whispers of the land
chart below and they must be native to the local environment.
Mastery Level: 2
The shugenia can ask the animals to perform one action,
Duration: 4 hours
which the earth spirits translate. They will obey to the best of
Area of Effect: 1 target trail
their ability, although they will not put themselves in extreme
Range: Self
danger or deliberately sacrifice themselves at the shugenjas
The Kitsuki magistrates and others who search out the
behest. When the spell expires, the animals will cease their
criminals of the Empire have found this spell invaluable in
commanded actions and go about their business as they
carrying out their duties.When cast, it causes the trail of its
normally would. They will not attack the summoning
subject to glow with a soft light allowing him or her to be
tracked unerringly. Every footprint, every bent branch, every
traversing as much distance as the spells duration will allow.
TYPE AND NUMBER OF ANIMALS When the spell ends, the target rises up above the ground
Type # wherever he was without harm. The target can also choose to
Badgers 1-5 end the spell voluntarily at any time, although once he has
Bats 2-20 risen, he cannot sink again without recasting Embrace of
Birds, Large 1-5 Kenro-ji-jin. He is immune to injury while immersed into the
Birds, Small 3-15 earth, and cannot harm or be harmed by ordinary weapons.
Boars 1-2 Spells which seriously affect or destroy the earth surrounding
Cats (civilized areas only) 1-10 the target, however, cause him to rise and return to a normal
Deer 1-4 state, where he is once again vulnerable.
Dogs (civilized areas only) 1-5 Each Raise increase the Area of Effect by 1 target
Foxes 1-5
Goats 1-3 Essence of earth
Hares 1-10 Mastery Level: 3
Horses (civilized areas only) 1 Duration: 3 round
Leopards 1 Area of Effect: 1 target
Lynxes 1-3 Range: Touch
Monkeys 1-4 Shugenja use this spell to increase the fortitude of the target,
Rats 3-30 raising their connection to the ground beneath them beyand
Snakes 1-10 ordinary limits. The spirits of rock and stone fill the target
Toads 2-20 with their power, and grant them the ability to resist even the
Wolves 2-10 most harmful conditions. With a successful casting, the
Each Raise increase the numbero of creature summoned by spellcaster can raise the targets Earth Ring. Thus increasing
1 the attendant traits of Stamina and Willpower by one. The
targets earth Ring can be raises a number of ranks equal to
Castle of earth the casters Void, and the target can never have an Earth score
Mastery Level: 3 higher than 6. Furthermore, the target always succeeds at any
Duration: 1 hour skill rolls involving Earth or the Stamina or Willpower traits.
Area of Effect: 20 radius No raises can be made on such rolls as the target is imbued
Range: Self with the necessary energies. However, blatant abuse of the
Castle of Earth represents one of four variations on a common spirits generosity is apt to make it upset, which will result in
theme. It fulfills the same basic purpose as Castle of Water, it withdrawing its favor and returning the targets Earth to
albeit with more power and versatility. The spell creates a normal, usually at the most inopportune moment: while the
towering wall of earth, rock and stone, the exact composition character is holding a dam up for example, or keeping a pile of
of which depends on the area. In mountains and other rocky rocks from crushing the party.
locales, for example, the wall will be of ancient granite, while Essence of earth only works so long as the target remains on
in a city it would be composed of the stones that pave the the ground - in contact with the spirits who enable the spell. If
nearby streets. The wall manifests itself during the 3 action she is lifted off the ground then her Earth ring will return to its
casting time, and will knock those directly above off their feet normal score. Note that the spell will still function if the target
(Check Agility + Athletics, TN 20 to remain standing). The is on a surface like a rug or the wooden floor of a building.
wall is ten feet high and five feet wide. It cannot be damaged Only a total separation of the target from the earth.With
with anything smaller than a siege engine. When the spell nothing save the open air between them - ends the
expires, the wall collapses back into the earth. enchantment permanently.
Each Raise increase height or widht by 5 or radius by 10 Each Raise increase the target Earth Ring by an additonal 1
Earths Protection Immortal Steel
Mastery Level: 3 Mastery Level: 3
Duration: 1 hour Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Self Area of Effect: 1 Weapon
Range: Self Range: Touch
Calling upon the spirits of the earth to protect and guide him, Note:This spell takes one hour to cast.
the shugenja who casts this spell is blessed with a reprieve This spell adds a little of the shugenjas own Earth to a single
from the earths coldness and weather. The target of this spell weapon. The target weapon has both its rolled and kept dice
is unharmed by high winds, heat, snow, exposure, or any other increased by one. Thus, if the spell were cast on a katana with
hostile weather for the duration of the spell. a DR of 3k2, it would be increased to 4k3. This spell only
Embrace of Kenro-ji-jin works on steel weapons, not weapons made of wood and steel
Mastery Level: 3 or any other substance. It can be cast on weapons with steel
Duration: 4 hours blades but wooden handles (naginata, kama, etc.) but not on
Area of Effect: 1 target items made of mixed or inappropriate components (tetsubo,
Range: Touch tessen, etc.). Any shugenja can only have one weapon with
The spell enables the shugenja to sink the body and Immortal Steel cast upon it in existence at a given time. If a
possessions of a given target into the ground around him. If shugenja enchants a weapon and then tries to enchant a second
successful, the target merges into the ground and cannot be weapon (or the first weapon a second time), the first spell will
extracted until the spell effect expires. He remains aware of dissipate and the weapon that had been enchanted will become
events occurring above him, and can see out of the rock and nonmagical.
earth as easily as looking through water. He can also move at
walking speed beneath the ground, remaining hidden while
Not this day! This potent spell requires one hour to cast, at the end of which
Setting his haiku aside he stood and tied a white cloth around time one poison, one disease, or all Wounds currently
his head2 The goblins continued to batter at the gate, not long affecting one target is transferred to the other target. Both
now. His hands gripped his katana tightly. He looked at targets must be conscious and wiJling or this spell will not
me.His eyes were as flat and bright as the Void. Iam ready, function. Damage already done by poisons or diseases before
he said. this spell is cast remains. Certain poisons take effect far too
Moto Family Secret Spell rapidly for this spell to be of use, and many diseases seem to
Mastery Level: 3 be immune to this spell. The Wasting Disease, in particular, is
Duration: Rounds equal to the targets Void entirely immune. Diseases and poisons of magical origin are
Area of Effect: 1 Target similarly unaffected, causing some to wonder whether the
Range: 20 Wasting Disease is of supernatural origin. Whether or not
Single Use. This spell is keyed to a specific individual, and the another disease or poison is affected by this spell is up to the
scroll for the spell must be written in that persons blood, option of the GM. This spell is rarely used, but has saved the
which must have been given willingly in a special ceremony. life of more than one Hantei Emperor. Usually, a condemned
When cast, the target becomes one with his doom and gives criminal is offered the option of a full pardon and burial with
his life for the sake of the family name. He rolls and keeps honor if he volunteers to be subjected this magic in order to
additional dice equal to his Void on every skill and damage save a dying samurai.
die roll he makes for the duration of the spell. He also adds his
Mastery Level 4
Void trait to his initiative die roll. Ar the end of the spells
duration, the target dies. Some Rokugani object to this spell, Armor of the Emperor
claiming that since the scroll is written in blood and requires Mastery Level: 4
blood to function, it is black magic. To this, the Moto counter Duration: 1 minute
that the traditional Rokugani fealty ceremony involves signing Area of Effect: 1 Target
a pledge with a brush dipped in your own blood. Signing your Range: Touch
fate to a magical scroll is no different. Further, the scroll does Gifted with the power of the most ancient and honorable
not need the blood to power it; it simply needs it to key itself spirits of the Earth, the recipient of this spell is encased in a
to the individual. dark grey veneer. This covering makes his skin as tough and
hard as rock, yet still flexible and supple as leather. The target
may absorb a number of Wounds per strike equal to his Rank
Mastery Level: 3
x 2 without effect
Duration: 1 Month
Area of Effect: 1 Object Shatter
Range: Touch Mastery Level: 4
The target of this spell must be dead organic material. The Duration: Instantaneous
earth spirits within the object will be appeased and sated, and Area of Effect: 1 Item
unable to ingest any of the material of the object during the Range: 100
duration of the spell. For the duration, the object thus affected This spell angers the Earth spirits within a single object,
will not decompose, rot, or spoil. causing them to fly apart violently, shattering the object in
which they had lived. The spell can be used to shatter one
Slash of the Lion
inorganic object up to 1 cubic foot per Earth rank of the caster.
Mastery Level: 3
Anyone within a 10 radius of the object when it shatters will
Duration: 1 minute
take 2k1 Wounds from the debris. Magical objects are
Area of Effect: Self
unaffected by this spell.
Range: Self
When a shugenja calls upon the Lion, he gains the strength Symbol of Earth
and ferocity of one of Rokugans most deadly predators. This Mastery Level: 4
spell increases the number of dice he rolls and keeps for Duration: Permanent
weaponless combat by 2. Area of Effect: 10 Radius
Range: 25
Strength of the Crow
With this spell the caster magically engraves the symbol of
Mastery Level: 3
Earth upon an object, usually a threshold, door, or similar
Duration: 1 Day
location. Any being other than the caster who comes within
Area of Effect: 1 Target
range of the symbol feels the effects of a magical stunning
Range: Touch
effect The target may make a contested roll of Air vs. the
When calling upon the strength of Shinseis faithful
casting shugenjas Earth rank. Failure indicates that the target
companion, the crow, the recipient of this spell is immune to
is stunned. Stunned opponents have the following disabilities:
the effects of the Shadowlands Taint for a number of days
for the first round the target cannot move or act His mind is
equal to the shugenjas School Rank. If the target willingly
reeling, and he has been deafened by the spell. Each round
embraces the Taint (e.g., casts a maho spell) this spell will
thereafter, he regains hearing and movement rate, but will be
offer him no protection.
down by 4 dice until he leaves the area of effect Anyone who
Each raise adds an additional target to the spell.
knows this spell may cast it on an existing Symbol of Earth in
The Final Gift order to dispel it If the object which the Symbol is scribed
Mastery Level: 3 upon is moved or moves, the spell is broken.
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 2 Targets
Range: Touch

Duration: 10 rounds
Tomb of Jade
Area of Effect: 10x 300
Mastery Level: 4
Duration: Until Dawn
With the completion of this spell, the shugenja causes the
Area of Effect: 1 Target
ground to crack open, forming a bottomless chasm extending
Range: 100
deep into the earth. Those on the edge of the rift must make an
This spell can only be used on characters or creatures with the
Agility + Athletics check (TN 15) to keep from falling in. For
Shadowlands Taint If successful, the targets skin turns to
anyone directly over the rift when it opens, the check is at TN
jade. He immediately takes 3k3 Wounds and will take 2k2
25. When the spells duration expires, the chasm closes back
Wounds each round until he breaks free from his jade prison
up, as if it had never been. No one is entirely sure where the
(he does take Wounds on the round he succeeds). Each round
chasm goes, or how far those who fall are taken. Some
that the target is held, he may make a simple Earth roll against
whisper it leads to a dark pit of Jigoku, where its victims are
a TN equal to the shugenjas Earth x School Rank to break
tortured endlessly with other damned souls. Others contend it
merely extends for hundreds of feet, and breaks those who fall
Each Raise increases the victims TN by 5.
like anything else dropped from a great height. Whatever the
Wall of Earth reason, those who tumble into it are swaIIowed by the silent
Mastery Level: 4 earth and never seen again. Tales about of multiple shugenja
Duration: Permanent wreaking terrible havoc through extended use of this spell.
Area of Effect: Special Legends of entire cities falling into the earth, or armies
Range: 100 engulfed by a chasm many miles wide have surfaced
Causing the greater spirits of stone to rise up at the shugenjas throughout the years. Those who are familiar with Fist of the
command, this spell forces the earth and stone of the ground to Earth laugh at such stories, claiming the difficulty of creating
suddenly shoot upward, forming a massive barrier of Earth. even a small chasm is too difficult for most shugenja to
Use of this spell creates a 10 tall, 1 wide, 25 long wall of consider. Who on earth could be powerful enough to destroy a
earth and stone, which can be breached as per a castle wall, whole city with it? Despite the scoffing, the tales continue,
with siege weapons. The wall may be shorter or thinner, as and are favored by those who feel that shugenja are too
desired, within the total specifications, but all mass thus lost powerful to be trusted.
may not be formed into the rest of the wall. This mass One Raise can reduce the duration of the spell to what the
alteration does mean that the wall may be used to seal shugenja want
passages, repair breached parapets, or seal caverns almost air- Each Raise increase the length of the chasm by 50
tight. The wall has a number of Wounds equal to the Earth of
Prison of Earth
the shugenja x 10.
Mastery Level: 5
Mastery Level 5 Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Divide into Ash Range: 100
Mastery Level: 5 This spell creates a magical binding which affects any
Duration: Permanent unnatural creatures including, but not limited to: Oni,
Area of Effect: 100 cubic feet
malevolent spirits, Shadowlands beings, and anyone who is
Range: Line of Sight Tainted by the Shadowlands. The caster must have a diamond
This spell causes all the Earth kami in the targeted area to to serve as the prison. The caster chants the ritual words and
abandon their duties, commanded by a shugenja with such a
enter a contested roll with the target. If the caster wins, the
profound mastery of Earth. As they leave their homes, the area targets essence is trapped within the diamond until such time
targeted begins to dissolve, torn apart by their flight This spell as the diamond is broken, the caster releases the creature, or
disintegrates up to 100 cubic feet of earth, stone, crystal, or the caster dies. If the creature wins the contest, it generally
any other earth-like substance. This spell may not be used on a becomes infuriated with the caster and directs its efforts
living being (with the exception of earth spirits). Magical
towards killing him
objects are unaffected by this spell.
Spikes of Earth
Earthquake Mastery Level: 5
Mastery Level: 5
Duration: 1 Hour
Duration: 5 rounds Area of Effect: 100 Radius
Area of Effect: 200 Radius Range: Line of Sight
Range: Touch
This spell causes the ground within the area of effect to
This spell causes a major earthquake. Only the strongest of suddenly grow 8-12 inch long, extremely sharp-edged spikes.
buildings in Rokugan can survive this spell and even they will These can be made of stone, crystal, etc, depending upon the
be severely damaged. Everyone in the area of effect, except
composition of the materials in the ground. Anyone within the
the caster, is affected as with Fear 2. The effects of this spell Area of Effect must make an immediate Reflexes roll versus a
can be felt for miles in every direction (although those outside TN of 40 or fall, suffering Wounds equal to the casters Earth
of the Area of Effect arc not subject to the mechanical effects
rank. Anything moving through the area is reduced to one foot
of this spell). It should be noted that all of the seven Great of movement per round. Anyone attempting to move faster
Clans consider the use of this devastating spell to be a than a slow walk must make a Reflexes roll versus a TN of 30
declaration of war, and often will send bands of samurai to
or fall, suffering Wounds equal to the casters (Earth)k2.
destroy a shugenja who uses this spell without proper cause.
Each raise adds an additional 100 to the Area of Effect
Fist of the Earth
Mastery Level: 5
tetsubo, arrows and the like are simply shrugged off by the
Times Deadly Hand
target of this spell, reflecting from a crystal sheen that near-
Mastery Level: 5
invisibly covers the casters skin. Effects from spells and
Duration: Permanent
nemuranai, however, still damage the recipient.
Area of Effect: 1 object up to 10 cubic feet
Range: 15 Oni Warding
Initially designed to demonstrate the fleeting quality of Mastery Level: 6
material possessions, this spell has been modified to destroy Duration: Instantaneous
such items. Upon casting, it causes a target object to rust and Area of Effect: 1 Oni
corrode until it is pitted and useless. Anything from steel to Range: Line of Sight
wood to paper can be affected. The item will be unable to This ritual enables a shugenja to revoke an onis physical
function and will fall to pieces unless handled with utmost form, forcing it to leave the material world and return to
delicacy. Scrolls become illegible, pillars will bear no weight, Jigoku where it must wait until summoned again. It differs
and weapons become junk. This can be particularly nasty if from the spell Banish Oni in that the shugenja need not have
the object in question has some family value. TheGM may summoned the oni in the first place. Any oni may be warded;
allow certain ancestral family items to resist the process by the only condition is that the caster be strong. enough to
forcing the caster to make a simple Willpower roll at TN 20. match wills with it. In order to cast the spell the shugenja must
Failure means the item is spared the spells effect. The results have the oni in physical sight and keep it there for the entirety
are permanent and cannot be undone by any normal means; of the ritual. As the spell begins, it buffets the target with
once a sword has rusted through, very little can be done to mystical energies, a bluewhite storm that engulfs it and
help it. The spell Fires from the Forge will counter the effects begins to peel its physical form away. The ritual is exeedingly
of Times Deadly Hand, and restore a corrupted item to painful for the oni involved: its flesh literally rends from its
pristine condition. Nemuranai, jade, and crystal weapons are bones and the horrors of the Festering Pit come rushing back
immune to this spell, since they are imbued with spirits of upon it like a hurricane. Every round the ritual continues, the,
their own to protect them. Because of its destructive effects, oni must make a contested Willpower check against the
some shugenja schools have denounced this spell as evil and Willpower of the shugenja. Each time it fails it loses one rank
refuse to have anything to do with it. They say it pollutes in each Ring. When it reaches zero in any Ring, its link to the
everything that touches it, and is one step away from blood physical world is shattered and it vanishes in a blinding light,
magic and oni summoning. Others argue that it merely if it succeeds on more than three Willpower checks in a row,
accentuates the cosmic cycle of destruction and rebirth, and however, it has proven too strong and the spell ceases with no
praise it as a means of making those unpleasant truths clear. If further effects. If the spell is broken for any reason, all of the
time itself will eventually wreak the same destruction, then onis stats return to normal. Knowing the name which binds it
how can one condemn it as evil without also condemning the to the material worId is helpful and lowers the spells TN by
eternal and unchanging realities of time? In any case, the spell 10. Many Oni arising from the Shadowlands do not have true
is quite controversial among the schools and libraries of names and cannot be affected the way their summoned
Rokugan, and the debate has raged for centuries. PC shugenja counterparts can. No record exists of an attempt to ward
using it can expect to find themselves brawn into the against one of the four Oni Lords (Akuma, Ttsuburu, Kyoso
argument, or even condemned as maho-tsuka, if the wrong and Shikibu), but it can be assumed that they are too powerful
parties learn of their indiscrection. to be affected in such a manner. Certainly, no one who tried
has lived long enough to report their findings to another. See
Mastery Level 6
the L5R RPG or The Book of the Shadowlands for more
Fraying of Jigoku information on oni and how to destroy them. Banished oni do
Mastery Level: 6 not 1ook kindly upon the being or beings who thwarted them,
Duration: 1 minute and often plan an elaborate and painful revenge upon their
Area of Effect: 15 Radius return to the physical plane.
Range: 100 Each Raise force the Oni to make one re-roll
This spell causes the a 1 foot gash to rend open in the earth at
Rise, Earth
an area within 75 of the caster. From that gash, horrible
Mastery Level: 6
noxious fumes will spout forth which incapacitate or even kill
Duration: Concentration
anyone within a 15 Radius square. Anyone trapped within the
Area of Effect: 10 Radius
Area of Effect immediately takes 5k5 Wounds, and continues
Range: 25
to take said damage until removed from the Area of Effect
With this spell, the shugenja becomes so in touch with the
This spell is primarily used on the field of battle. To activate
element of earth that he can actually command it to take shape
this spell, the shugenja must have a small bit of silk rope or
and even control the actions of all kami in the area The caster
cord, and must tear it apart as he calls for the Earth spirits to
may control up to 25 cubic feet of earth, which rises from the
do his bidding.
ground and takes a vaguely humanoid shape. For the duration
Kamis Strength of the spell these conjoined Earth kami will perform any tasks
Mastery Level: 6 or duties that the caster commands, including putting
Duration: 1 minute themselves at risk. If the caster commands the conjoined
Area of Effect: 1 Target creature to fight, the being rolls and keeps the shugenjas own
Range: Touch Earth Rank to hit, and does 8k5 Wounds to anything it hits.
Calling upon the most powerful Earth kami to serve as their The caster may also use this spell to move up to 25 cubic feet
guardians and protectors, the shugenja who casts this powerful of earth (i.e. the caster can cause a rock slide, shake the
spell finds himself protected against even the strongest foundation of a dwelling, or create a sinkhole). If the caster is
attacks. For the duration of the spell, the recipient is virtually damaged in any way the spell ends immediately and the spirits
immune to normal damage of any kind. Blows by katana, once more sink into the ground, returning to normal.
Wooden Prison
Mastery Level: 6
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: 5
This nasty spell transforms the target character: their skin
becomes bark, leaves and branches sprout from their
appendages, anb roots spring from their feet to dig deep into
the ground (even through floors and stone if the target is
indoors). Armor, clothing, and weapons are transformed along
with the victim. The result is a small and healthy tree, shaped
uncannily like its target. These enchanteb by Wooden Prison
are fully conscious of their surroundings. Their inability to
move or talk is quite frustrating, anb those freed from the spell
have commenteb on the near-madness the conbition brings.
Sometimes, it is possible to pick out an expression, frozen
onto the face of the bark. Those who know what to 1ook for
can recognize such a tree for what it is, but others will merely
note its unusual shape. The effects of the spell are permanent,
although those who know Wooden Prison can reverse them
by casting the spell at a TN 5 higher than the imprisoning
shugenja cast it at. Only one character may be affected per

Katana of Fire
Mastery Level: 1
Mastery Level 1 Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: Self
Biting Steel Range: Self
Mastery Level: 1
This spell calls forth the flickering heat of the air and the
Duration: 1 minute resources of any flames in the Area of Effect, summoning into
Area of Effect: 1 Weapon the casters hand a katana formed of Fire. The weapon is
Range: Touch
wielded using the Kenjutsu or Iaijutsu Skill and has a DR of
This spell can only target non-magical weapons made from 3k3. If the shugenja becomes unconscious or is killed the
true steel. This spell will work only on steel weapons, not weapon vanishes.
weapons made of wood and steel or any other substance. It
For each raise the number of dice rolled (not kept) is
can be cast on weapons with steel blades but wooden handles increased by one.
(naginata, kama., etc.) but not on items made of mixed or
inappropriate components (telsubo, tessen, etc.). For the The Fires That Cleanse
duration of the spell, the weapons wielder may roll and keep Mastery Level: 1
an extra die for damage. Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 30 radius
Evil Ward Range: Self
Mastery Level: 1 This spell is considered to be extremely dangerous, and angers
Duration: 1 Day those fire spirits who are called to its task. The spell hurls the
Area of Effect: 10 Radius
spirits of fire in the area into a frenzy, causing them to burst
Range: Touch forth from the air in a tremendous, unrestrained explosion of
This spell requires 10 rounds to cast, and involves an elaborate fire.
process of preparation. The shugenja must first inscribe a When cast, a huge gout of uncontrolled flame erupts from the
mystical symbol on the object to be warded with chalk, paint, casters location, causing everyone in the radius of this spell to
or calligraphy inks.
take XkX Wounds, where X is the casters Fire. Knowing
Once the Ward has been successfully completed, any creature their master, the Fire spirits avoid injuring the shugenja as best
with the Shadowlands Taint coming within the spells radius they can, so the caster of this spell takes only half of the
immediately suffers 5k5 Wounds as his blood boils. The
Wounds (round down).
creature continues to take 5k5 Wounds each round until it
leaves the radius. This spell ends instantly if the symbol is Last rites
marred or the object that the symbol is scribed upon moves. Mastery Level: 1
Each raise adds 10 to the Radius. Duration: N/A
Area of Effect: 1 Target Person
Extinguish Range: Touch
Mastery Level: 1
This is the only spell known to the Clans to completely
Duration: Instantaneous remove the Shadowlands taint from a living body. Theres just
Area of Effect: 100 Radius one catch. It kills the target. Last Rites is only performed upon
Range: Self
dying samurai and shugenja who have been infected (or are
When this spell is cast, fire spirits in the area are dismissed, suspected to have been infected) by the Taint. The spell is cast
fleeing the area swiftly and without interest in returning. All to keep old comrades from coming back as shambling horrors
nonmagical fire in the radius is instantly snuffed out If the
muttering the Dark Lords name. A successful roll indicates
caster uses this spell to its fullest, casting out all fire spirits in that the body is clean from the Taint. A failed roll, however,
the Area of Effect, any attempt to commune with Fire spirits means that the spirit of the comrade will never rest, but haunt
in the area will be useless, as there are no spirits left with the land of the living forever. This spell cannot be cast on an
which to commune. unwilling target. It requires the combined will of both the
Fires of Purity caster and the target to completely destroy the Taint. If the
Mastery Level: 1 target is unwilling, the spell is automatically unsuccessful.
Duration: 1 minute
The Fury of Osano-Wo
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Mastery Level: 1
Range: 25 Duration: Instantaneous
This spell calls forth the burning protectiveness of Fire, asking Area of Effect: 1 target
it to envelop those enchanted with their pure flame. The target
Range: 100
of this spell and all of his equipment is suddenly surrounded This spell calls upon the famous wrath of the kami of storms.
by magical fire, flickering along his body and over his inciting those fire spirits who follow Osano-Wo to speak in
equipment The target of this spell takes no Wounds from the
the name of their master. The target of this spell is struck by a
fire, but anyone or anything touching the target or his bolt of lightning from the sky, burning like holy fire down
equipment suffers 1k1 Wounds (above and beyond any through the clouds and searing the land throughout the Area of
Wounds normally dealt from melee with the target).
Effect All those within 10 of the target must make a Stamina
The targets equipment may only benefit from this spell for as roll against a TN of 10 or be deafened for three actions. If it is
long as he is in contact with the item (i.e. if the target of this currently raining, the spell does 3k3 Wounds. Otherwise, it
spell sets something down and then tries to pick it up again, it
does 3k2 Wounds.
will be
damaged by the fire). If the caster is immersed in water, the
fire is snuffed out but springs up again as soon as he leaves the
rampant, and refuse to curtail their dance. Water will have no
Wings of Fire
effect on the nature of the flame, no matter how much is uses.
Mastery Level: 1
Similarly, wind, sand and other extinguishers will do nothing
Duration: 1 minute
to lessen the heat or brightness of the fire. It requires magic -
Area of Effect: Self
a magical water spell, magical wins or other such conjured
Range: Self
spirit - to gain control of the gleeful flames, and even then, the
This spell ignites the casters arms and turns them into
spell must be directed specifically at the enchanted fire. If this
tremendous wings of searing flame. Although the caster takes
is the case, the spirits will be calmed, and the fire will return
no damage from these wings, they can be used in combat,
to normal, but the spell in question will have no other effect. A
doing 1k1 Wounds (above and beyond normal Wounds from
Castle of Water, for example, cast upon the enchanted flames,
Melee) against an opponent foolish enough to walk through
will allow them to be doused but will not create a great moat
their flickering flame. This spell allows the caster to land
as the spell effect describes - the spirits are too preoccupied
safely from a fall of any height, and actually glide for short
placating their fiery brethren. Once the duration of the spell
distances from a starting height
has passed, the flames return to normal and may be doused by
Mastery Level 2 any mundane means. Formally, Osano-Wos Blessing is only
cast on contained fires - hearth flames, blacksmiths coals,
Aura of Flame signal fires, etc. Occasionally, however, the spell has been cast
Mastery Level: 2
on a wild fire, turning it into a destructive terror. Such fires
Duration: 1 Minute can destroy acres of property in a brief amount of time, and
Area of Effect: Self only the eventual termination of the enchantment and the
Range: Self
efforts of numerous Water and Air spells will prevent them
Surrounding himself with helpful spirits of flame, the caster of from burning much more.
this spell enshrouds his body in fire. While this spell is active,
the casting shugenja magically glows with a pale red aura (the The burning sands
light is not enough to read by, but is clearly distinguishable in luchi Family Secret Spell
daylight). All attacks aimed at the target of this spell have Mastery Level: 2
their TN raised by 10. Duration: 4 Minutes
Area of Effect: 20 Length x 5 Height
Hurried Steps Range: 15
Mastery Level: 2
Ritual. This summons a wall of flame from the ground, twenty
Duration: 1 Minute feet in length and five feet high. The wall does not completely
Area of Effect: Self block vision near the top, although it obscures it greatly and
Range: Self
aiming through the fire is difficult at best. The wall may be in
By causing the Fire spirits of the area to awaken from their any shape the shugenja desires, but may not move once it is
dormancy and infuse his blood with their passion and fury, the cast. The damage rating of the fire is 3k2.
next spell cast by this shugenja (within this spells duration)
- Each Raise increase damage, rolled or kept by one die up to
has its casting time reduced to one action. Spells with casting the number of Shugenja involved.
times listed in Minutes or Hours ignore this effect - Each Raise increase length by 20 or height byy 10
Example: If the casting time is 4 actions, after Hurried Steps
has been cast, the casting time for that second spell is now The Elements Fury
only 1 action. Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 1 round
Infernos Tooth Area of Effect: 1 target
Mastery Level: 2 Range: 100
Duration: 1 Minute Ritual. This nasty ritual draws upon the power of all five
Area of Effect: 1 Object (up to 2 cubic feet) elements to create a whirlwind of ranged destruction. The
Range: 25 shugenja call upon mercurial spirits to lend them their power,
This spell causes the Fire kami in an item to become excited,
then shoot it forth in a deadly array of bolts, beams and
causing any one inanimate object to spontaneously burst into missiles. Lightning follows flying chunks of ice, which follow
flame. Anyone touching the target object takes 2k2 Wounds razored stones, which follow balls of living fire. The display is
each round until he drops the burning item. Flammable objects
truly awesome, and those who survive it speak of the
are destroyed by this spell (as are objects prone to melting). overwhelming beauty of the missiles sent at them. It is usually
This spell cannot harm steel or forged objects, but a golden cast only during great battle where a large number of targets
bracelet would be completely melted and destroyed. Magical
present themselves. In game terms, the ritual creates a number
objects are unaffected by this spell. of ranged attacks, which fly out and strike whatever target the
Osano-Wos Blessing shugenja choose. The missiles have a Damage Rating equal to
Mastery Level: 2 the lowest Fire among the ritual participants, and the number
Duration: 15 minutes created equals the number of shugenja involves in the ritual.
Area of Effect: 1 target fire Each Raise increase the targets by 1
Range: 30
The Fires From Within
The god of wind and thunder is not solely limited to those Mastery Level: 2
blustery attributes. To his devout followers, he offers Duration: Instantaneous
protection from storms, and ways to ensure that life could
Area of Effect: 1 Target
continue even in the worst weather conditions. Osano-Wos Range: 100
Blessing is the product of just such a protection. When cast Calling forth the spirits of Fire into a single point, the caster
successfully, the spell causes a target fire to resist most creates a small ball of flame that hovers in his palm, causing
attempts to put it out. The fire spirits in the flames become run
no damage to him. As the caster hurls the sphere, however, it If the spirit is doused in a significant amount of water, the Fire
swiftly detonates into a roaring ball of flame potent enough to spirit will flee and the spell immediately ends.
set all inflammable items in the area on fire, and destroy
Mastery Level 3
medium sized paper and wooden items (the wall of a house, a
shoji screen, etc.). Breath of the Fire Dragon
Effectively, this spell causes a ball of fire to launch toward a Mastery Level: 3
single target If this spell succeeds, the target takes XkX Duration: Instantaneous
Wounds, where X is the casters Fire. Area of Effect: Special
Each raise allows the caster to strike an additional target. Range: Self
By praying to the Oracle of Fire, this spell calls upon the very
The Light of Amaterasu
essence of flame and the greater Kami of its nature. Once this
Mastery Level: 2
spell is cast, a burst of flame spurts from the casters mouth.
Duration: 3 rounds
The flame is 15 long and 10 wide at its base. Anyone caught
Area of Effect: 1 target
in the area of effect suffers Wounds equal to the casters Fire
Range: 15
Rank. The caster suffers iki Wounds every time he uses this
Similar to the Force of Will, The Light of Amaterasu allows
the target to shrug off the effects of blows or other injuries.
Upon casting, the subject begins to glow with the light of the Castle of Fire
sun (if the environment permits it, rays of sunlight will streak Mastery Level: 3
from the sky and bathe the character in light), which keeps Duration: 5 Rounds
him or her from feeling any inflicted wounds. The subject may Area of Effect: 10 diameter
ignore all wound penalties for the duration of the spell. This is Range: Self
not a powering through spell like Force of Will, which gives This spell creates a huge wall of blazing fire centered around
the target the mental strength to overcome the pain. This is a the shugenja. The wall manifests itself as an evershifting
complete eradication of the pain, such that the target does not circle of flames that dances and twists with blazing fury about
even feel injuries, it is far more powerful, and as such more is the caster. The circular wall of flame is ten feet high and 5
difficuIt to cast. It is usually used on samurai who are facing a thick. The casting shugenja (and anyone within the circle)
certain death or prepared to defend a doomed cause; with the feels no heat from the spell, but those outside the wall will be
help of the spell, they will not cry out in pain and thus singed if they get too close. The waIl has a DR of 4 for anyone
dishonor their ancestors. It is favored by Crab shugenja, who attempting to pass through it, and cannot be doused by any
cast it on their berserkers and wild men just before sending means. Flammable objects in the path of the flames will ignite,
them out against the Shadowlands. and the casting shugenja is not safe from their fire. Astute
practitioners of the spell avoid casting it in dry fields, small
The Purity of Shinsei
villages, or anywhere else that may cause an inferno.
Mastery Level: 2
Each Raise increase height or widht by 5
Base TN: see text
Each Raise increase the circles diameter by 5
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 target spell or spell-like effect Eyes of the Phoenix
Range: 30 Mastery Level: 3
Counterspell is intended to affect another shugenjas spell Duration: 2 rounds
while it is being cast. This spell, on the other hand, negates Area of Effect: 1 target
any spell effect or spell-like effect (GMs discretion) of a Range: 15
nonhuman creature. Monsters such as goblins and Nezumi When successfully cast, this spell renders a target person or
practice a different sort of magic than human shugenja. Thus, creature blind. His or her eyes become sheathed in magical
a different form of spirit is required to negate them. The fire, and they will be unable to see anything save a bright
shugenja must cast it as the target creature is casting its own white glow. Any attacks or other actions dependent upon sight
spell. The caster must beat a TN equal to the concentration that the target wishes to make must be attempted at 20 TN
level of the target spell. GMs should use discretion for higher. Failure may result in some harm coming to the target -
determining the TN for spell-like effects such as Oni or other from slipping and falling to injury caused by mishandling a
powerful beings; but the TN should be no less than 25. If weapon. GMs discretion applies to anything a blinded
successful, the effect is canceled and the target must try again. character wishes to attempt. The target may decrease the time
by one round if they wish to expend a Void point in the
Summon Fire Spirit
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 1 Minute Flames of the goddess
Area of Effect: 1 Spirit Mastery Level: 3
Range: 10 Duration: 10 rounds
This spell summons a small Fire spirit. It is 6 tall, has all the Area of Effect: 1 apparition
properties of Fire, and obeys the casters commands. The Range: 15
spirit cant communicate with nor understand anyone other This spell allows the shugenja to conjute life-like spirits out of
than the caster. an existing fire and set them against specified targets. For
Fire Spirits are capable of flying 25 per round. They can light every
any flammable material on fire and if ordered to attack inflict campfire-sized blaze (minimum one foot diameter), the
2k2 Wounds. All of the Rings of these summoned spirits are shugenja can create one apparition. It may take any form
equal to one half their casters School Rank. These spirits roll (man-sized or smaller), and it will be composed of living
1k1 to hit flame. While its basic shape remains constant its features
flicker and billow, ever-changing for the duration of the spell.

The apparition follows the summoner's orders. It ignite Duration: 1 Hour
flammable materials is come into contact with and has a DR Area of Effect: 10 Radius
equal to the casting shugenjas Fire Ring. It cannot be harmed Range: Touch
by normal weapons, but a large amount of water (5 or more Pacifying the kami of Fire is never an easy task, but when
gallons) destroys it. Additional apparitions can be conjured for accomplished, it can be a devastating weapon. Easing the
every Raise, but the fire must be large enough to accomodate spirits of flame within an area, the shugenja who casts this
all spell causes them to react to a single trigger effect a word,
of them. Disrupting the shugenjas concentration at any time an items passing, an action taken within the radius, etc. When
during the spells duration causes all apparitions to vanish. this spell is used the caster must choose a trigger and inform
This spell may be attempted only once on any given fire. the GM of their chosen action.
- Each Raise create 1 additional apparition. Once this spell is triggered, the Fire spirits awaken violently,
exploding outward within the radius in a burst of energy and
Heart of the Inferno
heat. The spell immediately does 4k4 Wounds to everyone in
Mastery Level: 3
the radius, and then ends.
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 Target Mastery Level 4
Range: 300
Death of Flame
Similar to The Fires From Within, this spell calls forth the
Mastery Level: 4
spirits of Fire into a single point As he casts this powerful
Duration: 1 minute
spell, the caster creates a small ball of flame that hovers in his
Area of Effect: 1 Target
palm, causing no damage to him. As the caster hurls the
Range: 100
sphere, however, it swiftly detonates into a roaring ball of
Withdrawing the blessing of the kami of flame from a target
flame potent enough to set all flammable items in the area on
can be used by shugenja to devastating effect This spell
fire, and destroy large paper and wooden items (a paper or
temporarily lowers the targets Fire rank by the Fire rank of
straw house, a barn of grain or rice, etc.).
the caster, down to a minimum of 1.
The ball of fire created by this spell rushes at the casters
To escape this spells effect, the target can make a contested
direction toward any single target If this spell succeeds, the
roll vs. the shugenjas Fire rank, once per round.
target takes 6k6 Wounds.
Raises can be used to increase the Area of Effect Each raise Essence of Fire
allows you to strike an additional target Mastery Level: 4
Duration: 1 strike
Isawas Rage
Area of Effect: 2 duelist
Mastery Level: 3
Range: 10
Duration:1 Minute
Another dueling-related spell, Essence of Fire was created by
Area of Effect: One Item
the Crane clan to even out iaijutsu duels - eliminating
Range: 100
specific techniques or other magics. The spell targets a
This spells is a more powerful version of the Infernos Tooth
particular duel, and the two participants in it. It negates the
spell and targets non-living objects of the shugenjas choice. If
effects of any school techniques either character may have -
the spell is successful, the target begins to heat rapidly,
even the iaijutsu - specific Kakita school - and prevents the
eventually melting away to nothing. Anyone in contact with
use of magic to influence the outcome, either from nemuranai
the target object suffers 1k1 Wounds immediately after the
or spells. In addition, any poisons coating a blade or ingested
spell is cast, and each successive round thereafter until the end
by the combatants are rendered null for the length of the duel.
of the spells duration, or until the person breaks contact with
Whats left are the raw skills: Void, Agility, and Iaijutsu,
the targeted item.
unfettered by gimmicks or magical aid. The two duelists face
Magical objects are unaffected by this spell.
each other as the Fortunes intended, and the outcome is as
The Fist of Osano-Wo pure as it is final. The spell is simple to invoke and can be cast
Mastery Level: 3 at a moments notice. The two targets seem to blaze with an
Duration: 1 hour unearthly fire during its effect, a display which often awes
Area of Effect: 30 radius observers of the duel. They say the glow derives from the
Range: 100 elemental fires of purity, which have been invokes by the
Everything in the Area of Effect of this spell is pummeled spell. They serve a signal that nothing has tainted the
with continuous lightning strikes. These strikes rain from the proceedings. Many would think that such a spell hinders the
heavens in the form of massive fists of flame and are instantly Crane more than it helps them. After all, the iaijutsu school is
distinguishable as the Fist of Osano-Wo to any shugenja with based almost exclusively around dueling abilities, and Essence
even a single Fire spell. Normal buildings in the area will of Fire denies them that edge. But the Crane have found it
slowly but surely be destroyed, and anyone caught within the actually enhances their reputation as duelists, and their honor
Area of Effect must roll one die each round. If he rolls a 1, he is impeccable in dueling situations. Most Kakita are skilled
receives XkX Wounds, where X is the casters Fire. enough at iaijutsu that losing an advantage or two doesnt
Extremely well constructed buildings (the Kaiu Wall, palaces, matter. And if sacrificing their techniques can neutralize a
or other battle-structures) will survive this spell with only Scorpions powers of distraction or a Crabs stamina - so
minimal damage. Most smaller, more fragile structures will much the better. In formal proceedings, the Crane will not
cease to exist beneath the hailstorm of flame and lightning. invoke Essence of Fire unless both combatants agree to it.
Each raise will increase the range by 100 feet Most do. Those who protest its use are all but admitting their
Each raise will increase the Area of Effect by 10 feet. weakness, and may lose honor accordingly. In the courts of
Rokugan, such an admission may be more perilous than the
Waiting Flame
duel itself. Nonmagical weapons which grant bonuses, such as
Mastery Level: 3
Kakita dueling blades, are unaffected by this spell. The spirits of the Suns anger shines down on them. Naturally occurring
involved in Essence of Fire can only counter magical effects, douds break open to allow the Sun Goddess rays to fall on
not the natural products of fine craftsmanship. targets, but this spell will not summon sunlight where none
can reach (like the inside of a cave, or a room with no
Fire Guardian
windows), nor at night. Any place indirect sunlight can reach
Mastery Level: 4
is sufficient to cast this spell. Other shugenja capable of
Duration: 12 Hours
casting this spell may share their strength and create a larger
Area of Effect: 1 Object, no more than 50 lb.
effect, as the combined prayers can bring the Light of the
Range: Touch
Morning Sun down upon an entire field. For each shugenja
This spell requires ten minutes to cast. Inspired by the warding
casting in conjunction with the first, the range of the spell is
magics of the Yogo family, many Phoenix protect precious
increased by 20 and two additional targets may be affected.
objects with this variant of Waiting Flame. The spell covers
the object to be warded with an invisible aura of elemental Rays of Amaterasu
flame, causing the affected object to become extremely warm Mastery Level: 4
to the touch. This is the only warning a potential thief receives Duration: 10 Minutes
before the spells true purpose becomes clear. If anyone Area of Effect: 50 Radius
besides the shugenja moves the warded object more than an Range: 50
inch, flames erupt in a 10 radius and inflict XkX damage, The caster evokes a soft beam of light which is centered upon
where X is the casters Fire. The object affected is not harmed the caster. The light illuminates his surroundings as if it were
by the flames. Simply touching the object does not trigger the daylight. Any Tainted or unnatural creatures in the Area of
spell, unless touching it causes it to move. The object must be Effect take Wounds equal to the casters Fire rank for each
touched voluntarily to set off the ward, so the magic can be round they remain in the Area of Effect
difficult to use as a weapon. During sieges, cunning Phoenix
Symbol of Fire
have cast this spell on koku or other valuables, then left them
Mastery Level: 4
where their enemies would be sure to find them. This spell can
Duration: Permanent
be cast upon doors.
Area of Effect: 10 Radius
Fire Walking Range: 25
Mastery Level: 4 With this spell the caster magically engraves the symbol of
Duration: 1 minute Fire upon an object, usually a threshold, door, or similar
Area of Effect: 1 Target location. Any being other than the caster who comes within
Range: Touch range of the symbol suffers the effects of a magical flash of
By praying to the spirits of Fire and asking their assistance, light The targets may make a contested roll, his Water vs. the
the shugenja enables those shugenjas Fire rank. Failure indicates that the target is
touched to withstand the heat of non-magical fires (the target temporarily
is invulnerable to normal fire damage). The spirits of flame blinded.
will agree not to harm those who are chosen by the shugenja This blindness lasts for one hour. Anyone who knows this
who casts this spell, embracing them in friendship rather than spell may cast it on an existing Symbol of Fire in order to
in anger. The spell reduces any damage taken by a magical dispel it If the object which the Symbol is scribed upon is
fire spell by (round down). moved or moves, the spell is broken.
Each Raise will add an additional target to this spell.
The Wrath of Osano-Wo
Kuros fire Mastery Level: 4
Mastery Level: 4 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 1 target
Area of Effect: Multiple Targets Range: 50
Range: 100 The original Son of Storms was never one to be trifles with,
This spell is similar in many ways to The Fire From Within. and his fury could make the mountains themselves cringe with
However, Naka Kuro has fine-tuned the invocation in many fear. This spell, like many which bear his name, reflects that
ways that differ from the original. While this spell is quite temperament and the terrible destruction it could cause. It
powerful, it can be a potentially exhausting and useless creates a magical flaming arrow that leaps from the shugenjas
endeavor for the unworthy. This spell draws upon the power fingertips and flies to wherever he or she indicates. Upon
of the shugenjas chi as well as the energies of the fire kami. striking its target, the arrow explodes with a Damage Rating
When cast, a shugenja may spend any amount of Void to hurl equal to the shugenjas Fire. In addition to the normal damage,
an equal number of bolts of flame. These can be directed to the target is now aflame and suffers Wounds equivalent to a
strike multiple targets, but all targets must be visible during DR of 1 each round until extinguished. Woodden buildings
the casting. Each bolts has a Damage Rating equal to the and other such structures catch fire immediately and quickly
casters Fire. spread beyond the ability to be easily contained. The arrow
can be dodged by living beings, but only by making an
Light of the Morning Sun
Agility/Defense roll at TN 20. Success indicates that the arrow
Mastery Level: 4
flies by, and ignites whatever is behind the target. the range of
Duration: Instant
the arrow equals fifty feet, plus ten feet per School Rank.
Area of Effect: One target per School Rank
Truly powerful shugenja have been known to extent it even
Range: 20
farther than that. The Phoenix Master of Fire, Isawa Tsuke,
Calling upon the revered Sun Goddess, this spell is the bane of
has displayed ranges of almost one thousand yards in the past.
those who cannot withstand the glare of Amaterasus gaze.
Each Raise increase the range by 10
Any creature with one full rank of Taint or more suffers the
full effects of this spell 2k2 Wounds and Fear 1 as the fury
Wall of Fire wracking his entire body. For the duration of this spell the
Mastery Level: 4 target is considered to be at the Down wound box, with all
Duration: 1 Hour penalties incurred for that position. When the spell expires, the
Area of Effect: Special target may stand up and perform actions as if nothing had
Range: 100 been wrong no damage is actually incurred by this spell.
Causing the greater spirits of flame to rise up at the shugenjas
Fiery Wrath
command, this spell forces the fire spirits
Mastery Level: 5
of the area to suddenly shoot upward, forming a massive
Duration: Instantaneous
barrier of Fire. Use of this spell creates a 10 tall 1 wide, 25
Area of Effect: 50 x 50
long wall of flame. The wall can not be cast in an area in
Range: 50
which people are currently standing. Anyone attempting to
This spell allows the shugenja to destroy a building or other
pass through the wall will take 6k6 points of Wounds.
structure using the excitable element of Fire locates within it.
The wall may be shorter or thinner, as desired, within the total
The target becomes hotter and hotter until it bursts into
specifications, but mass thus lost may not be formed into the
flames. Wood, paper, and other flammable objects within the
rest of the wall.
area of effect catch fire immediately and burn unceasingly
Mastery Level 5 until they are nothing but ashes. An entire building such as a
hut or tea house, can be affected this way; the spell will
Burn the Soul
destroy it completely. The flames cannot be put out by non-
Mastery Level: 5
magical means. Water and other retardants will simply have
Duration: Concentration
no effect, and the fire will consume its target area unimpeded.
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Water-based spells, magically creates water and counterspells
Range: 25
will still work as usual. Only one building (or 50 by 50 foot
When a person is successfully targeted with this spell, his skin
area if no building is targeted) will be affected. Adjoining
will begin to blacken and peel as if he were being burned
structures - no matter how flammable they are - will not
alive. There are no obvious flames surrounding the caster or
catch and the fire will never spread beyond its initial target.
the target the fire comes from within the target, burning
Living beings and objects normally immune to fire (such as
him alive with his own energy. If the target manages to get 25
stone or steel) are also unaffected by Fiery Wrath. Thus,
away from the caster of this spell, the spell expires.
fortresses and army units have little to fear from it; while
There are several stages to this spell, and it is limited only by
clothes and other articles may be affected, the skin itself will
the casters concentration. Once his concentration is broken,
not so much as singe. The spell was originally intended to
the spell ends in the stage in which it was broken. If all stages
clear brush for farming, or safely dispose of dilapidated
of the spells casting are completed, the target will most likely
buildings. It also makes an excellent diversion, and generals
have occasionally used it to cut off enemy movements, in
Stage One: First round
addition, spies have ensured vital papers are truly destroyed by
In this stage the targets skin blackens and feels as if it is
judicious use of the spell.
burning. Target takes 1k1 Wounds, suffers a -1 die penalty to
all rolls, and cannot concentrate enough to cast spells. Follow the Flame
Stage Two: Second round Mastery Level: 5
The targets skin begins to peel back, revealing the lower layer Duration: Instantaneous
of skin which begins to blacken. Target suffers 2k2 Wounds Area of Effect: 1 Target
and is at a -2 die penalty to all rolls. Range: 300
Stage Three: Third round When cast, this spell immobilizes the caster in a thin veil of
Targets second layer of skin burns away. Target suffers 3k3 flame which does no harm to the shugenja The caster may
Wounds and is at a -3 die penalty to all rolls. Stage Four: then target anything within 300 (as long as it is within his line
Fourth round of sight) and a stream of fire will shoot forth down the casters
Targets muscles begin to burn away. Target suffers 4k4 arm, through the casters body and travel along the ground at a
Wounds and is at -4 dice to all rolls. rate of 75 per round until it reaches its target or the target
Stage Five: Fifth and final round moves more than 300 from the point the spell was cast The
Targets organs begin to boil and bones blacken and burn. stream of fire may turn as many times as necessary in order to
Target suffers 5k5 Wounds and, if still alive, is considered reach its target The target bursts into flame when the stream of
Out. Anyone who recovers from this spell but suffered Stage fire makes contact, causing initial Wound dice equal to the
Three or worse gains the Disadvantage: Weakness; his casters Fire rating, and causing of the casters Fire rank in
Stamina will be lowered by 1 for each stage beyond 2 he Wounds per round thereafter until the flame is doused.
suffered. Anyone whose Stamina is reduced below 1 will be The caster may create one additional stream of fire per raise.
bedridden for one month, after which time his Stamina
Following Osano-Wo
becomes 1. Stamina thus removed may be recovered at the
Mastery Level: 5
rate of one point per two months.
Duration: Instantaneous
Everburning Rage Area of Effect: 10 radius
Mastery Level: 5 Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 10 Minutes The caster of this spell summons the most powerful Fire
Area of Effect: 1 Target spirits in the area, creating a roaring vertical column of fire
Range: 25 which descends upon the target within range. The column of
Torn apart by fire spirits, the target of this spell suffers fire causes 8k6 Wounds to anyone within its area of effect. If
excruciating pain spasms. As invisible spirits of flame pass there are no sources of fire within 100 yards of the caster, the
through the targets flesh, he suffers tremendous pain.

caster must take 2k1 Wounds, as the flames of his own soul
are used to spark the anger of the kami.
Mastery Level 6
Rise, Flame
Mastery Level: 6
Duration: Concentration
Area of Effect: 10 radius
Range: 25
With this spelt, the shugenja becomes so in touch with the
element of fire that he can actually command it to take shape
and then control its actions. The caster must have a source of
fire in order for this spell to work; a burning building or a
raging bonfire works well.
The caster may control up to 25 cubic feet of fire,
commanding it to take on a vaguely humanoid shape. Once
the Fire spirits have gathered into a collective, the being will
do anything that the caster wills it to do. Any flammable
object touched by the being of fire will ignite if touched for 2
actions or more. If the caster commands it to fight, the
creature rolls and keeps the casters own Fire Rank to hit, and
does 5k4 Wounds to anything it hits.
The caster may also use this spell to cause a natural fire to
increase in size by up to 25 cubic feet (i.e. the caster causes a
lit torch to increase in size to 25 cubic feet, thus encompassing
a nearby house). If the caster is damaged in any way the spell
ends immediately and the fire returns to normal.
Tempest of Fire
Mastery Level: 6
Duration: 10 Minutes
Area of Effect: 30 radius
Range: 100
Using this spell is both a blessing and a terrible judgment by
the casting shugenja. During the casting, the shugenja incites
all Fire spirits in the Area of Effect into tremendous anger,
searing Air, Water and Earth alike with the force of their
uncontrolled wrath.
When this spell is cast, the entire area of effect is
overwhelmed with sheets of roaring flames. Any combustible
material within the Area of Effect will instantly detonate, and
even difficult to burn items (such as metals and rocks) will
Any creatures within the Area of Effect suffers 8kX Wounds,
where X is the Fire ring of the caster, for as long as they
remain within the Area of Effect.
Tsukes Call of Heaven
Mastery Level: 6
Duration: 1 Minute
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Range: Touch
Created by the current Master of Fire, Isawa Tsuke, this spell
contains a tremendously powerful magic, and should only be
used in the most dire predicaments.
The recipient of this spell appears to be immolated in flame.
These flames give off extreme heat such that anyone who
comes within 6 of the recipient, friend or foe, takes Wounds
equal to the casters Fire Rank plus School Rank per round.
The recipient is effectively immune to arrows, as they will
burn up before striking the recipient Poor quality swords will
likely burst into flame, and even excellent quality swords will
have their edges mined and their steel blackened by the fires
scorching heat.

Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: anywhere
Mastery Level 1 With a successful casting of this spell, the shugenja can
communicate with someone through their dreams. The
Bo of Water shugenja must know the person targeted by the spell, and must
Mastery Level: 1
also be in a relatively quiet area; locations such as a battle, or
Duration: 1 Minute the midst of a parade are not conducive to the necessary kami.
Area of Effect: Self Other than that however, distance is irrelevant; the spell will
Range: Self
find the target even if he lies on the other side of Rokugan.
When the shugenja casts this spell, he melds the kami of the The target need not be asleep at the time of the casting; the
Water in the surrounding area together into an amazingly shugenjas message will wait until he or she beds down
powerful weapon. The weapon is wielded using the Bojutsu
before manifesting. The shugenja then appears within the
Skill and has a DR of 3k3. If the shugenja becomes dream - walking up to her in the midst of a goblins court, for
unconscious or is killed the weapon vanishes. example, or rising out of the sea to meet her approaching ship
For each raise the number of dice rolled (not kept) is
- and talks to the target. Immediately upon awakening, he or
increased by one. she remembers the message quite clearly, and can then act on
Breath of Mist it as he or she sees fit. The message must be fairly simple: a
Mastery Level: 1 single statement or sentence, such as the Lion will attack at
Duration: 2 hours x Shugenja involved dawn, or Im being held prisoner by brigands in the
Area of Effect: 10x10x2deep Shinomen Forest.
Range: 100 Each Raise bestow one additional sentence
Ritual. A rudimentary Water ritual, (Breath of Mist transforms
Dance of the Unicorn
solid earth into a viscous bog which slows the movements of Otaku Family Secret Spell
man and beast alike. Even the sure footing of rock and stone Mastery Level: 1
becomes a quagmire, trapping any who cross it in a firm but Duration: 2 rounds
fluid grip. The affected area is difficult to discern, requiring a
Area of Effect: 3 Radius
Perception/Hunting roll at TN 20 to spot. This TN may be Range: Self
adjusted if darkness or other mitigating circumstances are This spell summons a purifying swirling mist which washes
involved. Anyone who enters the area affected by Breath of
the air clean of smoke, dust, and poisons. It also gets everyone
Mist will be slowed to a crawl. The sludge sticks to boots and inside it wet, so shugenja are encouraged to transcribe this
feet, rooting them to the ground and requiring a reasonable spell in oil-based ink. The mist is thick enough to get all the
effort to shake free. All skill rolls based on movement
airborne particles in its area of effect, but not so thick as to
(running, dodging, etc.) are at +10 TN. Horses and other affect vision. Its radius of effect is three feet centered on the
animals trapped in the mud have to be calmed by their owners navel of the shugenja. If the shugenja moves, the mist moves
(Awareness/Horsemanship, TN 20) or they panic and may
with him.
injure themselves trying to escape. It takes at least eight - Each Raise increase the radius by an additional 3.
rounds for a normal-sized human to walk across a 10 patch.
Strength/Athletics at TN 15 rolls decrease the time by one Heart of Nature
round per roll; raises cut the time even further by one round Mastery Level: 1
per raise. The Kuni magicians of the Crab lands are the Duration: Permanent
strongest practitioners of Breath of Mist. They have slowed Area of Effect: 1 Animal
the advance of more than a few Shadowlands forces with its Range: 10
timely and judicious use. They find it particularly amusing to This spell creates a bond between the caster and any one
place a bog beneath a goblin lit with the magic mud, as normal animal. The animal will not risk his life but will follow
already frenzied creature becomes bogged down right next to the casters mental commands as long as the caster is within
fifteen or twenty of his compatriots. one mile of the animal. If cast upon a horse (or other mount)
Each Raise increase the area by 5x5 this spell gives the caster a free raise when doing maneuvers
Each four Raise increase the depth by 2 on the animal. A shugenja can only have this spell cast upon
one animal at any given time. If he attempts to cast this spell
Castle of Water on another animal, he loses his link to the original animal.
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 5 Minutes Path to Inner Peace
Area of Effect: 5 radius Mastery Level: 1
Range: Self Duration: Permanent
This spell creates a 3 tall, 1 thick wall of Water which Area of Effect: 1 Target
encircles the caster. Anyone attempting to move through the Range: Touch
wall must roll his Earth with a TN equal to the casters Water This spell realigns all the elements within a targets body,
x School Rank. If he fails he takes iki Wounds and the using the healing powers of water to soothe and readjust the
churning water tosses him outside of the radius. No projectiles flow of kharmic energy within their flesh. When this spell is
will pass through this wall, and most simple arrows or small cast, the wounds upon the targets body instantly begin to
darts will be destroyed by the force of the rolling waters. close and repair themselves, and damage is removed from the
Each raise adds 5 to the radius. targets body. The target instantly heals a number of Wounds
Each raise adds one foot of height to the wall. equal to the casters Water.
Cross the Veil of Sleep Each Raise allows the target to heal an additional amount
Mastery Level: 1 equal to the casters Water.
Duration: a single message

Reflections of Pan Ku Wall of bamboo
Mastery Level: 1 Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 30 minutes
Area of Effect: 1 Item Area of Effect: 10 height x 5 width x 15 length
Range: 10 Range: 50
Scrying within a clear bowl of fresh water, the caster of this Based around the same concept as the Castle spells, Wall of
spell may determine the nature and powers of any single item, Bamboo is perhaps the least powerful. The spirits summoned
revealing certain elements of its past and gaining a clear vision are attunes to growth and plant life, and use their influence to
of the energies that have been awakened within the object approximate the effects of their rockier cousins. When cast,
Casting this spell upon an item causes visions of the items the shugenja creates a wall of dense bamboo, which magically
past to appear within the bowl. It is up to the caster to springs up anywhere within range. While not as strong as, for
determine the exact nature of the items powers from these instance, Castle of Earth, the spell can be cast more quickly,
brief visions, and these sights can in no way reveal and still requires an effort to hack through. It takes at least
information about items past possessors beyond very vague three rounds, succeeding at an Athletics/Weapon roll against a
details (nemuranai are notoriously self-glorifying, focused on TN of 25, each round to break a man-sizes hole through it.
their own ability and not that of their wielder). The spell could The bamboo will sprout anywhere, even through the stone
thus reveal the nature and powers of any magical item, and floors of fortresses and other buildings. After the spell expires,
high rolls may cause the GM to reveal the exact nature of the bamboo becomes brittle and can be broken down with a
damage and to-hit bonuses as well. It should be noted that this few solid hits.
item rarely works on ancient or sentient artifacts (such as Each Raise increase the height or width by 5 or the length
Shosuros Hand or the Ancestral Sword of the Crane). Further, by 10
certain highly magical items, or items created with maho, may
Mastery Level 2
partially or completely resist this spell at the GMS discretion.
Energy Reversal
Reversal of Fortunes
Mastery Level: 2
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 10 rounds
Duration: 1 Minute
Area of Effect: 2 persons
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Range: 20
Range: 1 Target
The elements are constantly in motion throughout every living
Water is the most beneficial and bountiful of the elements,
thing. It affects the choices they make in their lives and the
allowing those that it favors to choose their own luck and
way in which they deal with others. Someone enlightened
spiritual energies. Once this spell has been cast upon the
enough to see them can temporarily rearrange the patterns
target, they may then take the blessings of the water spirits
between two people into a more beneficial configuration.
with them as they wish, for the spells duration. During the
When cast successfully, this spell switches the Rank in a Trait
spells duration, the recipient of a Reversal of Fortunes may
between two characters as chosen by the caster. Thus, a
reroll any one die of his choosing each time he rolls.
passive Phoenix diplomat could gain the high Agility of his
Speed of the waterfall Crane duelist companion, while the Crane becomes clumsy
Shinjo Family Secret Spell and butter fingered for the duration of the spell. The Phoenix
Mastery Level: 1 couId then face an approaching iaijutsu duel with better odds.
Duration: 3 minutes Or alternately, the Crane could face the same situation without
Area of Effect: 1 Target his normal Agility to call upon. The effects last for five
Range: 50 actions, plus an additional number equal to the casting
This more or less doubles the speed of the target as long as it shugenjas Water Ring. The Traits swapped must be the same
runs downhill. Aside from allowing Unicorn cavalry on the for both target characters; the caster cannot switch one
high ground engage the enemy at surprising speed, this adds to persons Willpower with anothers Reflexes, for example.
the force of the impact when the cavalry uses lances. With Void cannot be affected at all by the spell. If one of the targets
lances, roll extra to-hit and damage dice equal to the Water of is unwilling, he or she can make a simple Willpower roll
the shugenja casting the spell. This spell only works as long as versus the casters Water Ring times five. Success indicates
the target moves downhill, although moving uphill does not that the spell has no effect, although the shugenja may try to
cause the spell to cease. cast it again if he or she wishes. Like any spell, Energy
- Each Raise add one additional Target. Reversal has certain social limits places upon it, and the times
and places in which it can be acceptably appIied are
Sympathetic Energies
somewhat Iimited. Casting it in the midst of a diplomatic
Mastery Level: 1
meeting to increase a characters Perception, for example, or
Duration: Varies
during a poetry contest to affect a contestants Intelligence, is
Area of Effect: 1 Target
considered dishonorable and may result in a loss of face.
Range: 10
Characters who insist on applying the spell to such situations
Using the powers of water to shift and change the nature of
should take care not to be caught.
reality, use of this spell allows its caster to transfer the effects
Each Raise increase the resistances TN by 5
of one spell from himself to the target or vice versa.This spell
can both be used to steal spell effects from an enemy
shugenja, or to transfer caster-only spells onto another
targeted individual, once the spell has been cast.The caster of
this spell is henceforth considered the caster of any spell he
moves using Sympathetic Energies.This spell does not affect
spells with duration of Instantaneous or Concentration.

with. In order to use this spell the caster must spend 10
Heart of Mortality
minutes studying the area he wishes to be familiar with.
Mastery Level: 2
After doing so, he can cast this spell and see as though he
Duration: Permanent
were standing in the center of the area
Area of Effect: 1 Target
. Each raise increases the range by 1 mile.
Range: 10
This spell creates a bond between the caster and any one Ride through the night
willing target If at any point the target becomes unwilling, the Mastery Level: 2
spell immediately ends, and the caster is aware of the spell Duration: 3 Hours
breaking contact. While this spell is in effect, the caster will Area of Effect: 1 target horse
always know the general direction of the person affected by Range: Touch
this spell. He may then cast any of his spells on that target as This allows a target horse to run at a gallop for the duration of
if he were within normal range of that spells effect If the the spell or until dawn, whichever comes second. While under
caster gets more than a mile away from his target, the the influence of this spell, the horse does not need food, water,
spell instantly breaks. All spell effects generated before the or rest, although the rider is apt to be sore by the time the spell
spell breaks are maintained for their usual duration. is finished.
A shugenja can only have one person sharing a Heart of - Each Raise add one additional target.
Mortality at a given time. If he attempts to cast this spell on - Each Raise add one hour to the duration of the spell.
another person, the spell on the original person breaks.
Summon Water Spirit
Miyas Sasumata Mastery Level: 2
Mastery Level: 2 Duration: 1 Hour
Duration: 1 minute Area of Effect: 1 Spirit
Area of Effect: Self Range: 10
Range: SeIf This spell summons a small Water spirit It is 6 tall, has all the
This spell brings into existence a shimmering sasumata (man- properties of Water and will obey the casters commands. It
catcher) composed of pure spiritual energy. The weapon has a cant communicate with or understand anyone besides the
DR of XkX, where X is the casters Water. This damage is not caster. Water Spirits may run at a rate of 10 per round or
true damage, however. If Miyas Sasumata does enough swim at a rate of 50 per round. They can move any object 1
damage to reduce a target to the Down, Out, or Dead levels (or lb. or less by rolling it along the ground. A Water spirit can
beyond) the target is instead knocked unconscious for a extinguish flames up to the size of a torch.
number of hours equal to the casters School Rank. If the
The horses nose
weapon does not do enough damage in one strike to produce
Otaku Family Secret Spell
this effect, the weapon simply makes the target slightly sleepy.
Mastery Level: 2
This spell is often used by Imperial Magistrates to bring in
Duration: 2 rounds
dangerous suspects alive and without harm. Except for DR.
Area of Effect: Self
Miyas Sasumata has all of the attributes of an ordinary
Range: Self
sasumata (see p. 178, Players Guide).
This gives the shugenja a sense of smell equal to that of a
Raises can be used to increase the effective DR of the weapon.
horse, which is to say good, but not as good as a dogs. The
For each raise the number of dice rolled (not kept) is increased
shugenja can make perception rolls to track people by scent,
by one.
smell predators or bandits hiding in ambush, or identify
Purify Water someone is disguise (usually humans have a near-impossible
Mastery Level: 2 time concealing their scent).
Duration: Instantaneous - Each Raise give one additional die rolled for Perception
Area of Effect: 100 Radius checks up to a limit of the casters Water.
Range: 10
The Tie that Binds
Any liquid in the radius of this spell is reduced to pure,
Mastery Level: 2
pollutant-free, Taint-free water. The spirits of the water are
Duration: 1 Minute
cleansed through contact with their purer nature, and thus are
Area of Effect: Self
freed of any impurities. This spell has been attempted upon
Range: 1 Mile
such famous Shadowlands rivers as the Black Finger, but the
This spell gives the caster the distance and direction to any
infamous Taint of that foul place immediately causes the
one person or object that the caster is familiar with (i.e. has
water within those rivers to become foul once more. However,
studied for at least an hour).
this spell would instantly cleanse water within a clay pot or
Each raise adds one mile to the range.
other water carrier, even if the water had originally been taken
from the Shadowlands. Dirty water, alcohol and even poison The world is not heavy
are affected by this spell, although it cannot affect liquids Mastery Level: 2
which have already been absorbed into the body. Duration: 4 + casters Rank minutes
Area of Effect: 1 target
Reflective Pool
Range: 30
Mastery Level: 2
This spell helps the target to fully recognize that the material
Duration: 5 Minutes
world is but an illusion, and does not weigh upon the eternal
Area of Effect: 50 Radius
spirit, so that the target is not at all encumbered by whatever
Range: 1 Mile
he is carrying. He must be capable of lifting his baggage
Waters talent for knowing the inscrutable is a powerful ally
without the aid of the spell, but as long as the spell is in effect,
when a shugenja has need to see a place where he can not
stand. The caster can use this spell to see a place he is familiar
it is as if the baggage had no mass. Not even full armor gives Mastery Level 3
the target a die roll penalty.
Inaris Blessing
Water's sweet clarity Mastery Level: 3
Mastery Level: 2 Duration: Permanent
Duration: 3 rounds Area of Effect: Self
Area of Effect: 1 pool of water Range: Self
Range: 3 Inari is the lesser fortune of Rice, responsible for blessing
This spell creates the power of augury for the shugenja casting crops and ensuring that food is plentiful. By appealing to Inari
it. He or she must have access to a pool of water to cast it. and Inaris attendant spirits, the shugenja can create enough
Even a bowl of water will do. The water should be still so that food for one person for one week for each point of the casting
the images can be reflected more easily, but it can be cast ovef shugenjas Water Ring. The food must be basic: uncooked
running water such as a brook or river. GMs may raise the TN rice, vegetables, fish, or some other Rokugani staple. The spell
by 5 for casting the spell on running water. After the spell has cannot create prepared food or a magical banquet; the PCs still
been cast, the shugenja peers into the water on which he or she have to cook it themselves, it also cannot generate spices, not
has cast the magic. Images appear to him or her in the water. even salt. And as members of the samurai caste, most
These images can take the form of events, people, places, shugenja consider the production, of food to be peasant
object, or anything else the GM chooses. The images in the work. Still, on a forces march where scrounging is scarce,
water are typically associated with the future. They are visions Inaris Blessing can certainly live up to its name.
of things to come. They can sometimes, though, be current Each Raise increase the variety of food created
events or even images from the past that have some bearing on
Kharmic Vengeance
the present.The spell lasts for 3 rounds. Each round, the
Mastery Level: 3
character sees another image. The images are all associated,
Duration: 3 rounds
but their relationship might not be exactly clear. For instance,
Area of Effect: 1 target
a shugenja might see horses running across a plain, a fierce
Range: 10
Crab bushi swinging a katana, and a weeping. Crane dignitary.
For shugenja, this phrase has a fit meaning - a spell which
Perhaps the Crab will kill the Crane (who is remorseful for
conjures up the terrible deeds of a victims past to haunt them
some great crime he has committed) and the horses will run in
in the present. The shugenja forces the target to relive a
fear from the strike. Or perhaps a spell has been cast on the
painful moment, causing crushing, gut - wrenching guilt. It
horses, causing them to trample, the Crab warrior, a childhood
might be a humiliating defeat at the hands of a rival, or a
friend of the Crane. Ultimately, the character must figure out
foolish comment made at the wrong time. Obviously, the par-
what the visions mean. To cast this spell, the player tells the
ticulars vary from target to target, but the target relives his
GM what sort of a vision his or her character is looking for:
worst memory with painful clarity, and suffers through it
for Instance, some insight into the Unicorn courtiers death":
without mercy. Unless he succeeds at a simple Willpower roll
The character then rolls. If the roll is successful. the GM
against the shugenjas Water times five, the target curls up
grants the character three images related to what he or she
into a ball of self - recrimination, staring blankly into space,
wants to know.
and may do nothing. While the spirits summoned to work
- Each Raise add one image to the outsome and one round to
Kharmic Vengeance know the nature of the memories they
the duration.
invoke, the caster does not. The shugenja cannot use the spell
When two become one to bring any incriminating evidence to light, or force the target
Mastery Level: 2 to reveal something against his or her will. Nevertheless, the
Duration: 4 Rounds plus the riders Willpower spell is quite popular with Scorpion shugenja, who use it to
Area of Effect: 1 target and his steed remind their adversaries that they are not as pure as they
Range: 20 would have some believe.
This merges the spirits of a horse and its rider. The rider
Near to Ice
controls the body of the horse as if it were his own; his own
Mastery Level: 3
body merely hunkers low on the horses back and holds on
Duration: 1 Minute
tight All rolls made by the pair use the higher trait and skill of
Area of Effect: 1 Target
either party (i.e the rider could use the horses Agility trait
Range: 1 Target
and his own Dodge skill). The rider can attack with the horses
While affected by this spell, the beneficial spirits of Water
hoofs using his own hand-to-hand skill.
absorb all pain for their possessor, withdrawing all energy of
Wisdom and Clarity torment or agony and allowing a damaged individual to act as
Mastery Level: 2 though he had suffered no injury. The target is unable to feel
Duration: 1 Hour pain for the duration, and Wound penalties are considered one
Area of Effect: Self less for the duration of the spell.
Range: Self
Path of the Scorpion
Blessed by the gift of the gentle water spirits, the shugenja is
Mastery Level: 3
gifted with a clear mind and an immense ability to
Duration: 1 Minute
conceptualize. The target of this spell can read at twice normal
Area of Effect: Self
speed and will remember everything he has read. However,
Range: Self
this spell does not grant the target the inherent ability to
Even the purest spirits of water can become enraged when
understand what he has read - a shugenja reading a language
they are not given the proper respect, and this spell relies on
he does not understand, for example, or reading a scroll he
that source of vengeance within their usually pure and calm
cannot master, does not receive any special insight or ability
souls. The shugenja receives from them the power to perceive
that he does not already possess.
and take advantage of the weaknesses of others. Anyone who
faces the caster of this spell must use his lowest Trait for all Range: Self
to-hit rolls. As long as the caster remains absolutely motionless and silent,
he can perceive time at any speed he desires (up to 100 times
Regrow the Wound
faster or slower). For the caster, only one minute will pass
Mastery Level: 3
(possibly more if he uses raises to increase the spell duration)
Duration: Concentration
but the rest of the world will seem to move at any pace the
Area of Effect: 1 Target
caster desires. He can watch the next 100 minutes pass in the
Range: Touch
span of 60 seconds, or he can slowly watch a single second of
Though Water spirits have a great capacity to ease suffering,
time for one minute.
they are often taxed to perform great feats of healing, passing
injuries through their own spirits and releasing them into the Way of Still Waters
greater Celestial Heavens, the ocean mother that gives life to Mastery Level: 3
all kami beneath the sun. Using this spell a shugenja becomes Duration: 1 Minute
one with that powerful ocean spirit, and uses the stored energy Area of Effect: 1 Target
of a thousand water kami to slowly wash away the impurities Range: Touch
and imbalances caused by wounds or injuries. As long as the Those who respect waters life-giving power must also respect
caster concentrates and maintains physical contact with the its ability to drown life within seething waves and churning
target, the target heals one Wound per round until they have foam. When this spell is cast, the recipient gains the ability to
no further injuries. breathe, see, and move freely underwater. This spell does not
remove the targets ability to breathe air, nor does it confer
Silent Waters
any special swimming abilities or gills. It simply allows the
Mastery Level: 3
target to breathe water (salt or fresh) as if it were air. When
Duration: Varies
this spell is cast upon a native water-breather, it has a reverse
Area of Effect: Self
effect, allowing them to breathe air freely.
Range: Self
The oceans memory is a long one, and so too are the Walking Upon the Waves
memories of its servants. When this spell is cast, a single Mastery Level: 3
Water spirit blends itself within the shugenjas soul, awaiting Duration: 1 Minute
the day when it will be released and perform its stated duty. Area of Effect: 1 Target
This spell is cast in conjunction with another spell (which Range: Touch
must be cast within one minute of this spell). The caster must Upheld by the spirits of Water, the recipient of this spells
decide upon a trigger and when the trigger occurs the stored blessing does not displace water and can therefore walk, run,
spell is released. Example: The next time I fall, Silent Waters sit or perform any action on the surface of any body of water.
will trigger and automatically cast Wings of Fire7 The spell to However, if the water is particularly rough or roiling, the
be stored must be of Mastery Level 3 or less, and may be of target may be required to make rolls in order to remain
any element The caster must be able to normally cast the spell standing (if they fall, they will simply become seated on the
to be stored within the Silent Waters, and the spell to be stored waters surface, not sink beneath it). If the water upon which
may not contain any raises or other modifications. Shugenja the target walks takes a sudden turn (up or down, as a
may store spells to be cast on themselves even if they are waterfall), the target receives no special ability to walk up or
unconscious, but if they use Silent Waters to trigger a spell down the surface of the sliding water, and may easily fall to
that targets another person, they must be awake when it his death - as the water beneath the waterfall will also act as if
triggers. it were a solid surface. Samurai should be reminded that water
can be unforgiving...
The path not taken
Mastery Level: 3 Wonderful origami furoshiki
Duration: 1 day Ide Family Secret Spell
Area of Effect: Self Mastery Level: 3
Range: Self Duration: 1 day or until opened
This spell is frequently used by Kuro and his students to focus Area of Effect: 1 cubic yard of objects
their energies in one particular element. When the spell is cast, Range: Touch
the shugenja weakens his link to one element in order to Using a special silk furoshiki sack (costing up to 1 koku), the
strengthen his bond to another. The spell must be cast while shugenja can fold a cubic yard of objects into a bundle merely
the shugenjas connections to the elements are at their peak, half a cubic foot in size. The weight of the pack is similarly
and thus it cannot be cast if the shugenja has cast any other reduced so that it is easily carried over one shoulder. When
spells since he last rested. The effect of the spell is quite poked, prodded, or shaken, the furoshiki seems merely to be
potent The maximum number of spells the shugenja may cast holding a few bulky items, but when it is unfolded, the
in the strengthened element is raised by half the value (round contents resume their normal size and weight. This unfolding
up) of the weakened element The number of spells he may itself requires 5 Actions to do properly, and the results are
cast in the weakened element is reduced to zero. Though rather abrupt if done carelessly. There is a story of an Ide
spells can be recovered naturally by meditation, these maxima caravan master who was beaten and robbed. When the bandits
remain the same and thus spells of the weakened element opened the sack, three chests jumped out of the cloth, and the
cannot be recovered until the duration ends. This spell cannot heaviest chest crushed the bandit leader beneath it The other
be voluntarily ended before the duration expires. bandits fled, fearing more magic.
The Flow of Time
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: 1 Minute
Area of Effect: 10 Radius
Each Raise increase the resistances TN by 5
Yukis blessing
For every two Raise one additional person can be targeted
luchi Family Secret Spell
Mastery Level: 3 Perceive Harmony
Duration: See below Mastery Level: 4
Area of Effect: 10 length x 5 width Duration: 1 Minute
Range: 20 Area of Effect: Self
Ritual. This freezes water into a thick, flat bridge of ice, which Range: Self
is more or less easily crossed on horseback (Horsemanship By using this spell the caster commands the water spirits of
rolls are necessary if crossing it at any speed other than a the area to do her bidding, whispering secrets of the area and
walk). The spell is instantaneous, but that is not of interest to revealing all that they know. To her secret allies, all creatures
the samurai crossing the ice bridge. They want to know how of the area are as glass, transparent and easily seen.
long the bridge lasts. In spring or autumn, the bridge can be The casting shugenja immediately perceives all sentient
crossed by mounted samurai for 15 minutes, samurai leading beings within 20 and knows what their actions will be. This
their horses for 20 minutes, and samurai on foot for thirty allows the caster to declare her action for the round last, after
minutes or more. This duration depends on the season (which all other actions have been declared each round, until the spell
influences the water temperature) and the speed of the water. ends.
Fast rapids erode the bridge three times as fast, while bridges
Symbol of Water
over placid lakes can last ten times as long.
Mastery Level: 4
- Each Raise increase length by 10 and width by 5
Duration: Permanent
- Each Raise increase duration by 10 minutes
Area of Effect: 10 radius
Mastery Level 4 Range: 25
With this spell, the caster magically engraves the symbol of
Water upon an object, usually a threshold, door, or similar
Mastery Level: 4
location. Any beings other than the caster who comes within
Duration: 10 Minutes
range of the symbol feel the effects of a magical fear come
Area of Effect: Self
over them. Those who see or feel the symbol (the targets) may
Range: Self
make a contested roll of their Fire vs. the casting shugenjas
For the duration of this spelL the caster may use his hands to
Water rank. Failure indicates that the target suffers the effects
deflect melee and missile attacks against him. The water
of Fear equal to the casters Water Ring.
spirits surrounding him are guided by his motions, and deflect
Anyone who knows this spell may cast it on an existing
those projectiles as best they can. The caster must roll his
Symbol of Water in order to dispel it. If the object which the
Water Ring against a TN equal to the To Hit roll of the
Symbol is scribed upon is moved or moves, the spell is
attacker. The caster of this spell must direct the spirits at his
command; he must be able to see the attack in order to be able
to deflect it. The penetrating drop
Mastery Level: 4
Curse of the Jackal
Duration: Instantaneous
Mastery Level: 4
Area of Effect: 1 target material
Duration: 1 hour
Range: 20
Area of Effect: 1 target person
Just as water can permeate the cracks in rocks to split them
Range: 10
asunder or leak into wood to warp it out of shape, so can this
This vicious spell has its origins in the Unicorn Clan, who
spell allow a target to let his Water seep into a target material
brought it with them from the burning wastes beyond the
and break it or otherwise ruin it. If you will, this is capillary
mountains, it affects the mind and countenance of its target,
action for the soul; the target does not actually get wet, but it
reducing him or her to an animal state. While the outer
acts as if it had been. The amount of raises which are required
appearance remains unchanged, the internal psyche suffers
to break or ruin the target depend on what it is made of.
complete degradation. The victim loses the ability to think or
One Raise: Paper, cloth, other water-absorbent material.
reason; he or shewalks on all fours, sniffs the ground like an
This can peel paper off glue, make water.based dyes run, etc.
animal, and obeys basic fight-or-flight instincts in response to
threats. The victim cannot conceive or express elaborate Two Raises: Dry untreated wood, porous rock, low-grade
thoughts and can only communicate through a series of steel. This can cause the wood to warp badly, break rock into
unintelligent grunts or barks. For all intents and purposes, they two or occasionally more pieces, and cause a bandits low-
are an animal for the duration of the spell. Needless to say, the grade weapons to rust into uselessness.
civilizes Rokugani find this spell utterly repugnant, and most Three Raises: Treated wood, mid-grade steel, stone. This can
shugenja refuse to learn it. It is usually only found among pop a door, give a sword a dishonorable coating of rust, and
Unicorn shugenja, and even they rarely use it except in crack stonework.
extreme circumstances. In game terms, the spells target must Four Raises: Waterproofed wood, highgrade steel, marble
make a Simple Willpower roll at TN 20 to avoid succumbing. and other solid minerals. This will tarnish and dull a blade,
If they fail, their Awareness, Willpower and Intelligence are stress and weaken wood, and loosen masonry joints.
effectively reduced to zero and cannot be raises by any means. The properties of this spell occasionally allow the caster to
Furthermore, they will be unable to spend any Void points, or bypass the strength of the material he wants broken. For
use any skills beyond the simplest and most rudimentary example, it would be hard to break an ear off a giant jade
(Hunting, Stealth, certain instances of Athletics). If the statue. However, If the ear had a hold for an earring drilled in
duration is raises six times the curse becomes permanent until it, the shugenja could insert a peg of dry wood snugly into the
removed by healing magic or the whim of the spellcaster. hole, then cast the spell and pour his Water into the wood.
Each Raise increase the duration by 10 rounds This is easily done, and the wood expands. Because the wood
expands, it puts pressure on the jade and breaks it much more Each Raise increase the range by 10
easily than if the shugenja tried to pour his Water into the jade Each Raise give one additional target
itself. Similarly, it is often easier and more effective for a
Open the Waves
shugenja to affect the mortar holding stonework together
Mastery Level: 5
instead of trying to affect the stone itself.
Duration: Concentration
- Each Raise affects the material as if it were the next class
Area of Effect: 10 wide x 200 length x 10 depth
Range: 100
Wall of Water With this spell, the shugenja can cause a body of water to part
Mastery Level: 4 before him, leaving an open and relatively dry path across it.
Duration: 1 Hour The opening remains as long as the caster continues to
Area of Effect: Special concentrate - direct injury or some other form of distraction
Range: 100 (GMs discretion) ends the spell immediately, causing the
This spell creates a 10 tall, 1 wide, 25 long wall of Water. water to crash back down into the opening. Woe be to anyone
The wall is impassable and can not be cast in an area in which caught halfway across in such a situation. River currents, tidal
there are people. Anyone attempting to pass through the wall cycles and other naturally - occurring phenomenon are not
must roll his Fire with a TN equal to the casters Water x affected by Open the Waves - they continue normally as if the
School Rank. If they fail, they become stuck and take spells disruption did not exist. Fish and other aquatic
drowning damage (2k2 Wounds) each round until freed. creatures cannot pass through the opening, nor can boats,
Someone thus restrained within a Wall of Water can roll each floating branches, etc.
round to attempt escape. Each Raise increase the length or depth by 10
Every two Raise increase the width by 10
Within the Waves
Mastery Level: 4 Part Water
Duration: 1 Hour Mastery Level: 5
Area of Effect: 20 Radius Duration: Concentration
Range: Self Area of Effect: 100 Depth, 1000 Length
Within the Waves creates an air bubble around the caster and Range: Line of Sight
others within 20. Its caster can move through or on the water Commanding the spirits of water to rise up and break apart at
at a rate of 50 per round. At the end of the duration, if the the shugenjas command is one of the most fearsome powers
bubble is underwater, it rises to the surface and bursts. of a water shugenja, and one of the most revered. The caster
can part any body of water not exceeding 100 deep and 1000
Mastery Level 5
in length. The water will remain parted as long as the caster
Master of the Rolling River concentrates. The caster may still walk and speak while
Mastery Level: 5 concentrating. Any sudden jolt or any Wounds taken will
Duration: 1 round break the concentration of the caster, causing the waters to
Area of Effect: 1 target crash back together without pause. If this spell expires while
Range: 30 someone is attempting to cross a body of water the GM should
When this spell is successfully cast, the target is suddenly determine the effects. If this spell was used to keep a ladys
smashes by a magical tsunami, which springs from the air kimono dry while crossing a 3 deep stream, the effects will be
around them to fall with crushing weight. The target must be inconvenient If it were being used to cross a 100 deep lake,
within the shugenjas Water Ring times ten feet. Those hit by loss of concentration would likely cause instant death.
the water must make a simple roll against the casters Water Each raise will allow the corridor of water to extend an
times 5 to remain standing; the Damage Rating of the blow additional 1000 in length.
equals the shugenjas Water Ring. In any case, the target is
Power of the Ocean
soaked from head to foot, and must make an
Mastery Level: 5
Awareness/Meditation roll at TN 15 to conduct further action
Duration: 1 Week
that round. Spells, iaijutsu strikes, or other tasks requiring
Area of Effect: 1 Target
concentration are examples of actions that can be interrupted
Range: Touch
with the use of this spell. Should the target be close to a river
Note: This spell requires 1 hour to cast.
or other naturally - occurring body of water, the tsunami is
The recipient of this spell may go without food, water, and
even more powerful. The water comes rolling up from the
sleep, sustained by the power of the Water spirits at the
source, and the spiritual energy that would otherwise be uses
shugenjas command. for a number of weeks equal to the
to bring the liquid forth can now be spent in increasing its
shugenjas School Rank. The target may also refresh his Void
force and power. The DR now equals the shugenjas Water
points a number of times per day equal to the shugenjas
Ring plus 2 and the TN for the victims roll to remain standing
School Rank. The target suffers absolutely no penalties due to
is increases by ten. Failure indicates that they have been swept
lack of food or rest for the duration of this spell. Once the
off their feet and into the water; the current (if there is any)
duration ends, the target must rest for one full day for each
will rapidly carry them away. The most famous - and
two days of the spells duration. During this period of rest, the
powerful - casting of this spell occurred three hundred years
target may not move faster than a slow walk, and may not
ago at the Battle of the Cresting Wave. There, Kuni Osaku
travel at all - not even in a palanquin or other conveyance. If
spent the very essence of her being into a huge tsunami which
the recipient of Power of the Ocean exceeds these bounds
make the Saigo River an impenetrable barrier, and kept the
during this convalescent period, his stamina is considered a 1
army of the Maw from entering Crab lands for over two
for all actions, and his Wound Ranks drop by one each day he
months. The effort of harnessing so much energy ultimately
does not fully rest until they lapse into unconsciousness.
killed her, and no one since then has tries to match her feat;
there has never been cause.
Sukinjins Gift Swimming skill vs. the casters Water Ring. If he fails, he will
Mastery Level: 5 drown.
Base TN: Special
Mastery Level 6
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Self Peace of the Kami
Range: 20 Mastery Level: 6
Sukinjins Gift is designed to protect the caster against other Duration: Instantaneous
practitioners of the shugenjas art. It is named after a Area of Effect: 1 Target
legendary Phoenix spellcaster whose rapport with the spirits Range: Touch
was nothing short of remarkable. The kami he communes with When the shugenja uses this spell the greatest of water spirits
remember his kindness and understanding, and impart their descends upon the target, washing them clean of any
blessing to those shugenja who use the spell that bears his imperfections of body or blood. All of the recipients wounds
name. When successful, it will reflect a spell directed at a are completely healed, all toxins purged from their system.
given target back to its own caster. The summoned spirits turn The target is brought up to full health, as if he had never
against their would-be controller when they hear the words of sustained any damage. In addition, this spell purifies his body,
their ancient companion spoken once again. The target suffers nullifying any poison, venoms, or unnatural diseases except
no effects from the spell directed at him or her, while the the Shadowlands Taint. This spell may only be used once per
original spellcaster must endure whatever fiendish horrors he day, as the spirits of water consider this to be one of their most
has unleashes. Sukinjins Gift is a reactionary spell; while holy rituals and will not stand for its abuse.
difficult to focus, it can be cast at a moments notice - a
necessity if it is to have any value. The TN to successfully cast Rise, Water
Sukinjins Gift is equal to the TN of the spell it is reflecting, Mastery Level: 6
including its casters raises, plus ten. Otherwise, Sukinjins Duration: Concentration
words will not reach the spirits. The unfortunate spellcaster Area of Effect: 10 radius
who finds his own power turned against him by Sukinjins Range: 25
With this spell, the shugenja becomes so in touch with the
Gift is entitles to make any resistance rolls described under the
original spell. If he fails, he suffers whatever damage or element of Water that he can actually command the kami of
effects the target would have taken. Sukinjins Gift can reflect Water in the area to join together, taking shape. The caster
may fully control the conjoined water creatures adions. The
only one spell per casting. Subsequent spells directed at the
target will function as normal, unless blocked by another caster must have a source of water in order for this spell to
casting of Sukinjins Gift. The number of consecutive times work. e.g. a river, lake, or ocean. The caster may control up to
25 cubic feet of the water, which takes a vaguely humanoid
this spell can be cast is equal to the shugenjas Void. This
does not overrule the usual rules about casting multiple spells shape, and does what the caster wills it to do. If the caster
from the same element. commands it to fight, it rolls and keeps the casters own Water
Rank to hit, and it does 6k4 Wounds to anything it hits.
Each Raise increase the range by 5
The caster may also use this spell to increase or diminish a
Waves are Ever Changing body of water by up to 25 cubic feet The caster must
Mastery Level: 5 concentrate to maintain the animation. If the caster is damaged
Duration: 1 Hour in any way the spell ends immediately and the water returns to
Area of Effect: Self normal.
Range: Self
Water is deceptive, and so are its abilities. Because of the Suitengus Embrace
flowing nature of the waters, a true master of the element can Mastery Level: 6
actually cause his own shape to conform to any vessel, forcing Duration: Permanent
his body to assume the likeness of any living creature he has Area of Effect: 1 target
personally seen and encountered. This spell does not allow the Range: 15
Suitengu is a fortune of the sea who watches over the souls of
caster to emulate unnatural creatures (such as the beasts and
Oni of the Shadowlands) or any magical or intelligent drowned sailors. The spell which bears his name has a less
creatures (Ki-Rin, Dragons, Naga or humans). protective purpose - it fills the lungs of a target character with
seawater. Successfully cast, it causes the victim to begin
During the casting of this potent spell, the caster actually
becomes the creature he chooses, assuming all of the drowning as if they were underwater. The climate and
creatures physical characteristics while maintaining his own condition the target is in do not matter; the water appears
spontaneously within them, with predictable results. Drowning
intellectual characteristics (including skills and spells). It
should be noted that most spells cant be cast without hands characters take Wounds equal to DR 1 on the first round, DR
and vocal cords; exceptions are at the GMs discretion. 2 on the second, DR 3 on the third, and so on. Applying
traditional remedies (vigorous pounding on the back,
Whirlpool suspension head-down, and so on) allows the victim to make a
Mastery Level: 5 TN 15 Willpower roll each turn. A successful roll restarts the
Duration: 1 Hour Wound clock at DR 1 as the victim coughs up a quantity of
Area of Effect: 50 Radius water; back-to-back successes expel all the water and end the
Range: Line of Sight spell. Suitengus Embrace is very rare and known only on the
This spell creates a 50 radius whirlpool in any large body of islands of the Mantis Clan. Like their bushi brethren, the
water; the whirlpool will suck in any unpowered object within shugenja there are somewhat mercenary and not averse to
200. Any powered object or any person caught in the using their powers in a lethal manner if someone pays them
whirlpool must make a contested roll of Water Rank vs. Water enough. Many enemies of the mantis - and the employers they
Rank against the caster to avoid being sucked in. If a person is served under - have been found drifting on the tides after
sucked in he is subject to another contested roll, the targets succumbing to Suitengus Embrace.
Wheel of Fortune
Mastery Level: 6
Duration: 15 rounds
Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: 20
Wheel of Fortune is similar in some ways to Energy Reversal,
although simultaneously more powerful and more chaotic.
Successfully cast, the spell rearranges the targets Rings in a
random order, such that their elemental harmonies resonate
much differently. The target must make a simple Willpower
roll against the shugenjas Water times five to resist. Failure
indicates that his or her Rings have shifted. Roll a die. On a
roll of 1-3, the targets Rings move clockwise one space
(thetargets Fire becomes Air, Air becomes Water and so on).
On a 4-6, the Rings move counter-clockwise one space. On a
7-8, the Rings move clockwise two spaces, and on a 9-10, the
Rings move counter-clockwise two spaces. Even Void is
affected in this matter, as the victims sense of self becomes
shaken and confused. All secondary Traits (such as Wound
Ranks) should be recalculates to fit the new configuration.
ExampIe: Togashi Mitsu (Fire 4 [Agility 5], Air 3, Water 3,
Void 3, and Earth 4 [Stamina 5]) is affected by Wheel of
Fortune. He fails the simple Willpower roll, and rolls a 3 on a
ten sided die. His Rings move clockwise one space; his new
traits for the duration of the spell are Fire 4 (Agility 5), Air 4,
Water 3, Void 3, and Earth 3 (Stamina 5).
Words of the Kami
Mastery Level: 6
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 15 radius
Range: Self
To utter the holy words of the kami is to bring forth magic of
awesome power. This spell instantaneously destroys any
Shadowlands creature or creature with the Shadowlands Taint
in area of effect which has a Water less than of the casters.
Those with more than half of the casters Water take 4k4
Wounds. Any lesser onE goblins, ogres, or creatures with the
Shadowlands Taint are instantly obliterated upon hearing the
holy words. This spell is not without its cost, however, as the
caster and all pure (non-Tainted) souls around them (in the
Area of Effect) are temporarily deafened upon the utterance of
the Holy Words. The deafness lasts for 1 hour. Deafened
characters are stunned within their souls, and suffer a -2
penalty to all rolls for all actions for the next full day.

Illness or injury (the presence of, the nature of as relating to
the elements, etc.)
Mastery Level 1 Supernatural phenomena (the presence of) although this can
result in some danger if the TN is failed. If the Taint is
Contemplate the Void
Mastery Level: 1 involved, then another immediate roll against the Taint must
Duration: 10 rounds be made per normal rules.
Simple uses of this spell, such as confirming obvious emotion
Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: 15 or sensing a high level of the Taint, should not suffer
This simple spell is among the first Ring taught to adepts of modifiers. But more complex uses, such as discerning hidden
feelings. should accrue an appropriate modifier to the initial
the Void. By acknowledging the paradox of nothing and
everything - and more importantly, by realizing his or her TN.
place within it the shugenja can temporatily increase the Spiritual Presence
number of Void points he or she can spend in a turn. Casting Mastery Level: 1
the spell at the base TN allows the shugenia to spend a second Duration: 10 rounds
Void point on a given roll, or allow another character to do Area of Effect: 1 target
the same. Range: Line of sight
Each raise allows another point to be spent, up to all. Spiritual Presence grants the ability to extend the shugenjas
inner essence into another person permitting that person to
Drawing the void
draw upon the shugenjas chi. By use of this spell, the
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous shugenja allows a target character to gain a number of points
Area of Effect: Self in any Ring equal to the shugenjas Void. The added points
can be used in any skill rolls involving that particular Ring, as
Range: Self
This spell allows a shugenja to grab a Void Point from the well as simple rolls and school techniques that call for it. The
Realm while he is wandering. After it is acquired, the Point spell does not increase the targets Wounds, even if the
may be used as all other Void Points the character has. An targets Earth is raised. In addition, the targets Void cannot be
Ishiken may only cast this spell once per day. raised through use of Spiritual Presence. The shugenja himself
can be the target of this spell, and temporarily raise his own
Sense void Rings through its use. Spiritual Presence can only affect one
Mastery Level: 1 person at a time; multiple targets are too taxing on the
Duration: Concentration shugenjas chi. The target of the spell must always consent to
Area of Effect: See below the connection being made; if they resist the process in any
Range: See below way, the casting will fail. They must also be within sight of
Base TN: See below the casting shugenja at all times. If they move beyond visual
This is the fundamental Void magic ability. It is the first that range - to a point where the shugenja cannot see them without
any Ishi learns. Like its sister ability for standard shugenja, physically moving - the spell ceases immediately and must be
this allows him or her to reach out with their mind and sense recast before it will function again. The shugenja will be
the world around them. In practice, this works somewhat like distracted by the connection - like a quiet buzzing that will not
astral projection; where the spirit-mind of the individual go away - and will therefore not be operating at full capacity.
leaves the body for a time, exploring the unseen layer of He or she his at +5 TN to any rolls made, a reflection of the
reality most are rarely aware of. The truth, however, is that niggling presence of the spell in their minds. When casting
you never really leave your body at all. Your consciousness other spells, this penalty is doubled, and if the second spell
does, to a degree, but it is always intimately connected to your fails, then Spiritual Presence ceases immediately.
physical anchor (a shugenjas Ishiken during training and Furthermore, the shugenja may not spend any Void points for
himself once he reaches the first School Rank). Should this as long as the spell continues to function.
connection ever be neglected, or broken, the shugenja will
find themselves free-floating through the Realm of Void, with Winds of Change
little likelihood of ever returning. Mechanically, this means Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 10 rounds
that after the first roll to see if Sense Void worked, another
must be made every half hour of travel through the Realm. Area of Effect: 1 target
The second roll (the first during the journey) is at TN 10, but Range:
All things are known to the man who is wise. -Tao of
all successive rolls are at +5 to the TN. This modifier is
cumulative, and thus staying away from your anchor for long Shinsei
periods of time could result in becoming lost in a frozen, Winds of Change allows the shugenja, or another target with a
Shintao score of at least 2, to use a skill which he has no rating
quiet world between the moments. The distance that the
Ishiken desires to sense should determine the initial TN of the in. For the duration of the spell, the target functions as if he or
spell, with 10 being roughly within line of sight. Beyond that, she had a rating of two in that skill. He can fight, sing, orate,
meditate or anything else as if he has practiced it all his life.
the basic TN should be raised by the GM accordingly (perhaps
15 across a large village and 25 or more across an entire clans The target does not understand any of the concepts or
territory). underlying theories of the skill in question, and cannot
describe how or why he does what he does. He cannot, for
This spell allows the following things to be gleaned:
example, answer questions on kenjutsu training techniques
Thoughts (human or animal)
just because the spell grants him a Kenjutsu skill. The spell
Emotions (human or animal) intensifies instinctive knowledge, the untapped potentials of
Component elements of a person, place, or thing, and how the soul, not formal knowledge imparted through instruction
they are arranged or experience. Skills the target already possesses - even if they
only have ratings of one - cannot be improves by this spell.
The patterns laid down by formal training prevent the Ring. Both parties must agree to the link, and thereafter they
instinctive augmentation that Winds of Change facilitates. can share Void Points for all normal purposes, until the
Every two Raise give one additional target duration expires or both run out of Points. After the spell is
successful, neither may opt to break the link or oppose the use
Mastery Level 2
of a Void Point without the agreement of the other.
Altering the course
Moment of clarity
Mastery Level: 2
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: One day or one story, whichever is less
Duration: Casters Void in rounds
Area of Effect: Self
Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: Self
Range: Line of sight
This is like saving up all your chi for a critical moment; then
When casting this spell, the shugenja must choose a Skill to
focusing it into one very effective action. All the other
grant to the target. The Trait that this Skill is based upon is
shugenja in Rokugan may look at the effort and claim that the
used both to determine the TN of the spell, and the effect If
caster is favored by the Fortunes, but they know the truth
successful, the target gains the Skill at a Rank one higher than
that they have managed to circumvent Fate and alter the
the Trait, allowing him that many dice to roll, but not keep.
course of history. This spell allows Void magicians to spend a
This effect lasts for a time equal to the casters Void in
number of Void Points on any action, up to their School Rank.
Of course, this does not allow them extra Void Points, only a
faster way to use the ones they already have. This means that a Visage of the Void
shugenja studying Void with a Void Ring of 3 and a School Mastery Level: 3
Rank of Four can spend any or all of them on a single action, Duration: 1 Hour
but they would not return to be used again until the following Area of Effect: One target
story, or as gained by regular rest. Range: Touch
By altering the very pattern of the Void, this spell allows a
Essence of Void
single target to become invisible to any supernatural sense.
Mastery Level: 2
The target is still visible to the eye, but any sort of magical
Duration: Concentration
detection automatically fails to register the target. The target
Area of Effect:
will not trigger wards, will not be seen by those relying on any
Range: 50
form of magical sight, and so on. The target is even invisible
This powerful spell can be uses to render another character
to enhanced awareness techniques such as the Rank Three
inert. By concentrating on the target, the Ishiken shugenja can
Bayushi Saboteur technique and the Zanji skill from The Way
paralyze him or her, denying voluntary motor skills while
of Shinsei. In addition, the character also gains a strong
maintaining the heartbeat and other acts necessary for life. The
protection from magic, as the kami find it difficult to see the
victim literally becomes as still as a statue, unmoving until the
target. Any spell targeting the recipient of a Visage of the
shugenja ceases concentrating or he or she manages to
Void spell has its TN raised by 15.
overcome the magical power. Following that, each round the
caster wishes to hold the victim, he or she must make a Mastery Level 4
contested roll vs. the targets Void. Success means the target
Depth of the Void
has been seized and can do nothing that round. Failure means
Mastery Level: 4
the target has broken free, and may move as he or she pleases.
Casting Time: 2 hours
The spellcaster must maintain concentration in order to hold
Duration: 1 game session
the target; an injury or other distraction (Gms discretion)
Area of Effect: 1 target x re-roll
breaks the spell and forces the shugenja to begin again. If a
Range: Special
target submits willingly to the spell for some reason, no
Many spells of this nature are used to divine the future: they
contested roll needs to be made; the target will remain still for
see the patterns formed by the Celestial Order and discern the
as long as the shugenja concentrates. The spell only works on
direction in which they are headed. In so doing, the shugenja
characters with a lower Void score than the shugenja. The
is able to predict the outcome of certain events. Depth of the
caster can attempt to paralyze someone whose Void exceeds
Void takes that one step further, however. By summoning the
theirs, but they must spend a Void point to so. Failing the
proper spirit, the shugenja may grasp the threads of time and
initial contested roll means that the target cannot be further
shift them - changing the outcome of certain minor events. A
affected by it, and the shugenja must wait at least a month
courtier who will botch a tea ceremony, for example, may
before attempting it on that particular person again.
instead miraculously carry it off successfully, or a bushis
Shadowlands creatures and others who do not have a Void
misses sword stroke can be altered to strike home. The spell
score cannot be targeted by Essence of Void.
requires a profound ability to read the Celestial Pattern, and to
Each Raise increse the duration between contest by one
know which events can be changed without detrimental
effects. In game terms, the spellcaster can store up an
Raise cannot be used to decrease casting time
additional skill roll, allowing the failed roll of an ally or
Mastery Level 3 successful roll of an enemy to be reattempted. The player need
not know which roll they want to change; he or she simply
Kharmic intent
announces that the spell takes effect following any skill roll in
Mastery Level: 3
the course of a game session. Casting the spell requires two
Duration: Varies
hours of uninterrupted meditation, and sufficient stamina to
Area of Effect: 1 target
see the process through (minimum earth score of 2). Each
Range: Line of sight
casting, successful or not, demands the shugenja expend a
This spell allows a shugenja and a target to share their Void
Void point. If it fails, the Void point is still lost. A successful
Point pools for an amount of time equal to the casters Void
casting can be uses to change any roll during the current role-
playing session. Failed rerolls may not be attempted again; oni or undead affected by this spell will be restored to full
sometimes destiny will not be stymied. The Phoenix Ishiken strength, if it is cast quickly enough.
only cast the Depth of the Void if it serves the greater purpose
Void suppression
of the Celestial Pattern. Toying with the future is a dangerous
Mastery Level: 5
business, with serious repercussions for the shugenja who
Duration: Casters Void Ring in rounds
attempts it. Stories of shugenja vanishing as if they had never
Area of Effect: 1 target
been circulate through the ranks of the Phoenix and serve as
Range: 50
warnings to those who would thwart Destinys, plans. If the
When successful, this spell forces the target to use their lowest
GM feels that a shugenja casting the spell has gone too far he
Trait Rank in place of the Target Trait for the duration. This
or she can instantly revoke the effects and inflict a suitable
means that a character with three in all Traits save Strength
retribution on the offending shugenja. Broken limbs,
(which he has a four in), could be made to have a three in
blindness, and other permanent deformities are the least of the
Strength if this spell were used successfully on them.
possible injuries; GMs are encouraged to use whatever
fiendish mutations their twisted minds can devise. Mastery Level 6
Every two Raise give one additional Re-roll up to three
Divine the Future
Void release Mastery Level: 6
Mastery Level: 4 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Casters Void Ring in rounds Area of Effect: Self
Area of Effect: 1 target Range: Self
Range: 50 This spell allows a shugenja to view the great Celestial Pattern
When successful, this spell allows the target to use their and thereby determine the nature of upcoming events. The
highest Trait Rank in place of another of their Traits for the caster will be unable to affect such events: that requires the
duration. This means that a character with three in all Traits greater mastery of Reversal of Fortunes or Depth of the Void.
save Strength (which he has a four in), could have a four in Armed with such knowledge, however, the shugenja will have
any of the other Traits if this spell were used successfully. an opportunity to properly prepare for whatever is coming and
perhaps gain a greater understanding of his or her place in the
Void strike
cosmos. The game effects of Divine the Future are fairly
Mastery Level: 4
simple. A successful casting of the spell allows the player to
Duration: Instantaneous
ask the GM a single question about the campaign they are
Area of Effect:
participating in. The question must be answerable by a yes
or a no, but the GM must answer it honestly. Each question
Raises: Additional Void Stolen
requires the expenditure of a Void point. The dangers inherent
This spell allows the caster to steal one of the targets Void
in this spell are great. The shugenja will be unable to affect
Points. If successful, the Points stolen are simply transferred
anything he or she sees, and may be tormented by an inability
from the target to the caster. The caster may only steal as
to act. Legends abound of spellcasters seeing their own deaths
many Points as he has Void Ranks each day.
in the spell, or the destruction of a cause they had dedicated
- Every two Raises an additional point is stolen.
their entire lives to upholding. Wisdom is truly terrible when it
Mastery Level 5 brings no profit to the wise. Thankfully, such incidents are
rare, and relegated mainly to the history books. Intelligent
Rise from the ashes
shugenja know better than to delve into their own future,
Mastery Level: 5
knowing that they cannot stop anything they see. Those who
Duration: Permanent
do so usually have the power of Depth of the Void to back
Area of Effect: 1 target person or item
them up, and are thus wise enough not to tamper with the
Range: Touch
fates. They prefer to speak of widespread occurrences that
Casting Time: 1 Hour
others can prepare for (such as upcoming floods or droughts)
Ritual. This extremely powerful and draining magic can turn
or the affairs of people they dont know. Theyre content to
back the kharmic wheel itself. The spell must be cast on a
leave their own destinies uncertain. PC shugenja foolish
single individual or item, and neither the target or the shugenja
enough to inquire after their personal fates should suffer the
may move during the casting. When the spell is complete, all
consequences. Any attempts they make to alter or change the
corruptive effects and damage inflicted on the target during
future should lead them directly to the very fate they tried to
the last six hours are negated. Wounds, poisons, curses, even
avoid. (If they wish to flee from a given battle to avoid death,
the Shadowlands Taint can be retroactively negated. The
for example, they should be discovered by their superior
target and shugenja are both exhausted by this spell, and
officers and executed for cowardice.) By trying to stop a given
receive a -2 penalty to all skill rolls until they rest for six
prophecy, they will inadvertently create the circumstances that
hours. In addition, both the Void of both the target and caster
bring it about. The GMs sense of the appropriate and the
is completely spent. This Void loss is more exhausting than
particulars of a given campaign should guide the exact
normal, and can only be recovered at a rate of one point per
day until fully recovered. For every extra shugenja that
Each Raise bestow one additional question
participates in the ritual, an extra hour of damage is negated.
All shugenja experience the same draining effects as if there
were only one caster. It is important to note the limitations of
this spell. This spell cannot resurrect the dead. Though a dead
body can be repaired, the soul is carried beyond the reach of
this magic and cannot return. Likewise, a broken nemuranai
cannot be restored to its former power unless the original spirit
can somehow be coaxed back into the item. On the other hand,
lower. The penalty may be increased by one for every two
Raises made.
Mastery Level 1
Limb Disruption
Bleeding Mastery Level: 1
Mastery Level: 1 Duration: 1 hour
Duration: Permanent Area of Effect: 1 Target
Area of Effect: 1 Target Range: 25
Range: 25 One of targets limbs (chosen randomly) is savagely injured
The target begins to bleed at a rate of one Wound per round by a blast of dark energy. All of the targets TNs involving the
until he takes an action to bind his wound. Raises can be used affected limb are at +15 for the duration of the spell.
to affect additional targets.
Blood and Darkness Mastery Level: 1
Mastery Level: 1 Duration: 1 round
Duration: 10 rounds Area of Effect: 1 Target
Area of Effect: Special Range: 25
Range: Special The target is racked with terrible pain. He is not able to act for
Summoning the foul darkness of Jigoku, the caster can plunge the duration of the spell. Additionally, he must make an earth
the area around him into total blackness. The caster may roll with a TN of 15 or cry out in pain (dishonoring himself).
create a zone of absolute darkness around him with a radius of Raises can be used to affect additional targets.
3 per Wound sacrificed during the casting of the spell. At the
Rise Again
discretion of the caster, this field of blindness can be the
Mastery Level: 1
deepest shade of crimson rather than black.
Casting time: 3 hours
Blood Rite Duration: 1 day
Mastery Level: 1 Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: Permanent (healing)/1 hour (augmentation) Range: Touch
Area of Effect: 1 Target Fu Leng blesses his followers with the gift of rebirth, although
Range: Touch the nature of the process is hideous indeed. A maho-tsukai
Blood is the element that fuels the power of maho. With this may prepare this arcane ritual so that upon his physical death,
simplest of rituals, the maho-tsukai can convert large amounts his spirit will remain in the physical world. Eight hours after
of blood into dark energy, which can then be used to heal the death, the casters soul will re-enter his body, healing it to the
caster or others, or to temporarily increase their physical Down level in the process. The ritual of preparation and the
abilities. For every ten Wounds sacrificed, the caster may casters death may not be further apart than the spells
either heal five Wounds or increase a physical trait (Agility; Duration, or the effect wanes. This spell may only be cast
Reflexes, Stamina or Strength) by one point for the duration of once every month.
the spell.
Summon Undead Champion
Drain Soul Mastery Level: 1
Mastery Level: 1 Duration: Permanent
Duration: 5 minutes Area of Effect: Dead Body
Area of Effect: 1 Target Range: Touch
Range: 10 This spell creates a Zombie (if used on a newly dead creature)
The targets Stamina is reduced by one for the duration of the or a Skeleton. The creature will follow the casters mental
spell. Multiple applications of this spell are cumulative. commands as long as he remains within 25 of it. If he allows
the creature to leave his radius of control it will revert to its
Heart of the Damned natural habits and begin killing everything in sight. The caster
Mastery Level: 1 can use other spells to control this creature once it has left the
Duration: 10 rounds
radius, but it is otherwise not obligated to obey him (even if it
Area of Effect: Self reenters the 25 radius). No one may control more Undead
Range: 15 Champions with this spell than his School Rank. See page 142
Seizing energy from the souls of the recently dead, the maho-
for Zombie stats. Raises can be used to affect additional
tsukai can boost his own power temporarily. For each corpse targets. Each raise animates an additional dead body.
targeted by this spell, the caster may add one to any Trait of
his choice for the duration of the spell. This may only be done Mastery Level 2
once per corpse, and undead may not be targeted. Their
Blood of midnight
energies are already in use and may not be tapped. The basic
Mastery Level: 2
version of this spell targets one corpse. An additional corpse
Duration: 8 Rounds
may be targeted per Raise.
Area of Effect: 1 target
Legacy of the Dark One Range: 20
Mastery Level: 1 Imbues a bloodlust to the target (with an additional target per
Duration: 10 rounds raise), increasing his/her attack and damage dice by four. The
Area of Effect: 1 Target target must spend one round after killing a foe to further
Range: 30 butcher the body and taste its blood. Each foe slain increases
This spell calls upon the Dark Lords power to obfuscate a the duration of this spell by 2 Rounds. After the spells
targets relationship with the universe itself. For the duration duration, the target must make an Honor Test equal to five
of the spell, the targets Void is considered to be one rank time the number of foes slain, or else lose one point of Honor.
While under the influence of this spell, the target is fully curse him ugly... or you could curse him irresistible. Imagine
aware, but not under control of his actions (and may in fact what would happen if every woman he meets falls instantly in
attack friends as well as foes). love with him. Its a little less mean and a lot more
entertaining, and its what the player wanted in the first place:
Choking Death
a character that no woman could resist!
Mastery Level: 2
Duration:Two weeks Curse of the Water Spirits
Area of Effect: 1 Target Mastery Level: 2
Range: 10 Duration: 1 month
The target contracts pneumonia If the target is kept warm and Area of Effect: 1 Target
comfortable for the next two weeks, he will have a 20% Range: 10
chance of dying (50% otherwise). If he is cared for by The target becomes absolutely terrified of water. Even the
someone with the Medicine skill, the caretaker may make prospect of entering a bath tub causes him to panic. In order to
make a Medicine/Intelligence TN 15 roll to reduce the chance willingly come within 5 feet of a sizeable amount of water, the
of death by 10% plus an additional 5% per raise. Unlike target must make a Willpower roll with a TN of 25. This is
natural pneumonia, this condition is not contagious. considered a Fear test for the purposes of the Advantage
Death Trance.
Control Undead
Mastery Level: 2 Curse of the Unblinking Eye
Duration: 1 hour Mastery Level: 2
Area of Effect: 1 undead target Duration: Permanent
Range: 100 Area of Effect: 1 Target
The caster seizes control of one undead target It obeys his Range: 10
mental commands without questions or regard for its own The target of this spell is completely unable to sleep. Every
safety. If the undead is currently being controlled, the caster day he must make a Stamina Roll with a TN equal to the
must make an opposed Earth roll against the current number of days he has gone without sleep. If he fails the roll,
controller; the winner of the opposed roll gains control of the he gains a cumulative +1 to all of his Target Numbers until he
undead creature. Raises can be used to affect additional is cured. In order to overcome the effects of this spell the
targets. Each Raise allows control of an additional undead Target must make a Meditation/Void roll with a TN of 30 (the
target cumulative +1 TN modifiers do not apply to this Meditation
roll). He may attempt the roll once per day, but once he
succeeds, he has broken the curse. If the TN modifiers caused
Mastery Level: 2
by this spell ever reach +75, the target goes irrevocably
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: See below
Range: Line of Sight Dark charisma
This is a generic curse spell, usable by anyone intimate with Mastery Level: 2
black magic. Curses are simple, but require a sympathetic Duration: Shadowlands Rank in hours
component: a lock of hair, a fingernail clipping, an ounce of Area of Effect: Self
blood, etc. It is not enough to gain a piece of clothing of the Range: Self
subject of the curse; the caster must gain something that The caster can roll and keep an additional number of dice
contains spiritual energy of the target.If the curse is successful equal to her Shadowlands Rank for any social interaction.
(see below for curse suggestions), the caster must keep the Each raise increases the duration of the spell by a half hour.
item in physical contact at all times. If the caster ever loses the Characters with Honor higher than the casters Shadowlands
item, the curse is broken. This is the only way to break a Rank may roll Honor against a TN of 5 x the casters Taint the
curse. first time this spell is used. If they succeed, they are
Possible curses: unaffected, and the caster keeps one fewer die in all future
The Scorpion samurai who finds that everyone trusts every social interactions with that character.
word he says
Dark Wings
The Dragon who couldnt dream Mastery Level: 2
The Crab who couldnt lie Duration: 5 minutes
The Unicorn who cannot sleep under the same roof twice Area of Effect: Self
The Lion who couldnt whisper Range: Self
The Phoenix who draws too much power when casting spells A useful means of escape or rapid travel, this spell causes
The Crane who cant be quiet leathery black wings to erupt from the casters back. These
Vampire Curse: this character has a super-powerful Trait that wings are quite sturdy and resemble those of the hanemuri
drains from everyone elses Trait found in the Shadowlands. They can be used to strike
Consider curses very carefully. They can ruin a players good opponents with two Raises on a Hand-to-Hand roll, inflicting
time, and thats not what being a GM is about When youre normal unarmed damage. The caster can fly at a speed equal
considering placing a maho curse on one of your Player to twice his normal movement rate for the duration of the
Characters, ask yourself: Will it be fun for the player? spell.
Remember, having a curse put on a character is taking control
away from the player. Make a curse a challenge, but also
make it fun for the player and the group as a whole. The best
way to do this is to employ the Too much of a good thing
rule. For example, you have a player who has created the
archetypical handsome, lady-killer Crane samurai. You could
Hates Heart Summon swamp spirits
Mastery Level: 2 Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 5 rounds Duration: 25 Actions
Area of Effect: 1 Target Area of Effect: 1 body of water
Range: 20 Range: 100
Subtle and devastating, this cunning maho spell fans the The spell must be cast near a still body of water. It calls forth
flames of conflict in others, causing them to explode into minions of the swamps to do the casters bidding. These
violence seemingly without provocation or cause. The target swamp spirits are blue-green humanoids that appear to be
of this spell must succeed on a Willpower roll or else fly into a made of the clay found at the bottom of Rokugans swamps.
homicidal rage towards whomever they are interacting with at The spell calls forth one swamp spirit and one additional one
the time. The TN for this test varies according to the swamp spirit can be summoned per Raise, but this increases
individual with whom the target is speaking. A Disadvantage the casting time by one action.
that specifies hostility toward the other person (i.e. Heart of SWAMP SPIRIT -
Vengeance, Sworn Enemy, Nemesis, etc.) adds 10 to the TN. SHADOWLANDS CREATURE
The TN of the targets roll may be increased by 5 for every Earth 1 Attack: 3k2
Raise the caster makes. Fire 2 Damage: 3k2
Target is speaking with Willpower roll TN
Water 3 TN to Hit: 10
Close family or friends 5
Air 1 Wounds: 4: -1; 10: Dead
A superior 10
An associate 15 The Caress of Fu Leng
Mastery Level: 2
A total stranger 20
Duration: Instant
Mists of Fear Area of Effect: 1 target
Mastery Level: 2 Range: 35
Duration: 5 rounds The ultimate corruption of the elements, this loathsome spell
Area of Effect: 1 Target summons a tiny fraction of the Dark Lords inhuman power to
Range: 25 corrupt even that which is beyond the taint: jade. This
The caster can summon an image of that which his target fears powerful summoning is the only known way to corrupt jade
most, usually in the form of a person or thing associated with other than by long periods of exposure. The jade itself
that fear. To the target, the caster appears as this person or undergoes a rapid deterioration, becoming soft and black until
object. This effectively gives the maho-tsukai a Fear rating of it resembles obsidian. This spell is often cast upon scouting
3 for the duration of the spell. Obviously, this will activate any parties deep within the Shadowlands by malicious mahotsukai
Phobia Disadvantages possessed by the target The spell will corrupt all jade held by an individual targeted
by the spell, or one single jade item that is individually
Sinful dreams
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 1 hour Truth is a scourge
Area of Effect: 1 target Mastery Level: 2
Range: Anywhere Duration: 1 hour
The caster sends herself into the targets dreams, creating Area of Effect: 1 target
pleasant fantasies and awakening a deep longing for her. She Range: 50
receives one Free Raise to her next Seduction attempt on that This spell forces the target to say exactly what is on his mind.
character plus one per Raise during casting, or half that About everything. For the duration of the spell The character
number of Free Raises for any other social interaction with the narrates his every thought, be it about his painful itch, his
target. These Raises can be stacked over a number of nights fantasies about the daimyos wife, the memory of an old
of casting, up to a maximum of the casters Awareness. People murder, or the out-of-character snappy comeback a player
under the effects of this spell often walk and talk in their always has ready but never utters. While this may be comedic
sleep, acting out portions of the dream. This can be at first, in Rokugan it will often get a samurai killed. The spell
inconvenient for samurai sharing rooms. lasts one hour, plus ten minutes per Raise. It takes two Raises
to affect each additional target.
Mastery Level 3
Animate the Dead
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: Touch
This ritual requires 10 hours to cast. This spell must be cast on
a living target who must be present for the entire ritual. Once
successfully cast, this spell turns the target into a rotting
undead creature. He remains self-aware and is able to freely
use any of his skills or spells (although any spell he casts is
considered maho and must follow the rules for casting maho).
The self-aware undead created by this spell are considered to
be controlled by themselves for the purposes of resisting the
control of other maho users. The undead state granted by this
spell makes the target immune to the effects of the No pure breaths
Shadowlands Taint, but keeps them from spending Void. Mastery Level: 3
Additionally, undead do not generally have blood so undead Duration: Instantaneous
that wish to cast spells must seek out the blood of the living. Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: 30
Corruption of the earth
The caster summons the Air within a target and forces it out,
Mastery Level: 3
like popping a paper bag. At its most successful, the target
Duration: 4 Actions
literally explodes; more often the spell simply ruptures lungs
Area of Effect: 3 radius
and stomachs, causing internal bleeding. The spell has a base
Range: 20
DR of the casters Taint Rank. The target receives a +10 TN
If successful, the earth within three feet of the target of this
penalty until magically healed, from the pain of breathing
spell transforms to deep mud which begins swallowing all
corrupted air.
within its radius at a rate of two feet per action. Characters
trying to escape must make Earth roll of TN 15 to move three Obsidian Armor
feet Attempts to move (successful or not) cause the character Mastery Level: 3
to sink an additional foot unless a Water roll at TN of 10 or Duration: 10 rounds
greater is made. Once to the edge it takes an Earth roll to pull Area of Effect: 1 Target
free. The TN of this roll is equal to TN five times the number Range: Touch
of feet submerged. Anyone in the morass at the end of the This spell summons a powerful but temporary aura of
spells duration must be dug from the earth, but can be assisted corruption that surrounds the caster. This aura serves to
by any number of people who can reach the target if the spell disrupt Taint-targeting spells or special abilities that are
stops short of its duration for any reason, the earth spirits will directed at the caster. For example, a Jade Strike that is cast
retaliate against the shugenja by immediately releasing the upon the maho-tsukai will first encounter the mystical barrier
targets and reversing the spells effect upon the shugenjas area of Obsidian Armor and destroy it, never reaching the maho-
Each Raise increases the radius of the morass by three feet tsukai himself. This spell effectively counters the first spell or
Should the Shugenja lose concentration, the Morass is special ability directed at the caster that targets the Taint
dispelled and the ground slowly firms up, giving those trapped (including Tomb of Jade, Rest My Brother and the
ample opportunity to escape. aforementioned Jade Strike). A second such attack will affect
the maho-tsukai normally.
Corruption of the Elements
Mastery Level: 3 Pekkles Visage
Duration: Permanent Mastery Level: 3
Area of Effect: 100 Duration: 1 hour
Range: Touch Area of Effect: Personal
One of the four elements is hideously corrupted within the Range: Personal
radius. Anyone attempting to cast spells from the corrupted Used by maho-tsukai to avoid detection for centuries, this
element within the radius has the spells TN increased by 25. spell conceals the Taint from others for a limited time. With
This effect can be undone with cleansing rituals. concentration, the caster focuses his Taint and forces it to
recede from his outward physical and metaphysical
Gift of the kansen
appearance. All physical symptoms vanish. While the spell is
Mastery Level: 3
in effect, the Taint may not be detected on the caster by any
Duration: See Below
means. However, all Shadowlands abilities are lost for the
Area of Effect: 1 box
spells duration. The spell may be reversed prior to the length
Range: Touch
of the duration by casting it a second time. This is the only
Gift of the Kansen essentially traps another spell inside a gift
spell the maho-tsukai may cast while under the effects of
box, holding it inactive until the box is opened, at which time
Pekkles Visage.
the spell takes effect on the opener. Raises increase the
trapped spells results. For example, if preparing a gift of The Stealing Breath
Fury of Osano-Wo, the caster would have to roll a base target Mastery Level: 3
number of 25; for every +5 to the TN, he can increase the Duration: Concentration
spells damage as usual. The spells can remain trapped for an Area of Effect: 1 Target
indefinite amount of time, and are only released by opening Range: 25
the gift box. Once released, roll for spell effect normally, One of the targets lungs collapses. He must make an opposed
using the casters Traits and rank, but the spell takes effect Earth roll against the caster of this spell each round or collapse
instantaneously. No Raises can be made at this time. to the ground, helplessly gasping for breath.
Heaven has no justice
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: Casters Taint Rank in hours
Area of Effect: Self
Range: Self
The maho-tsukai realizes only idiots believe in kharmic order,
and uses the foolish beliefs of others to manipulate them. He
increases a mental Trait of his choosing when interacting with
a target, gaining an additional number of dice to roll and keep
equal to the targets Honor. This lasts for a number of hours
equal to his Taint Rank, plus ten minutes per Raise.

Ritual. This spell creates a sphere with a diameter of ten yards
Summon Garegosu no Bakemono
per participant in the ritual. Each Raise adds an additional two
Mastery Level: 3
yards. Everyone other than the casters who enters the area of
Duration: N/A
effect is overcome by a sense of peace and well-being. In
Area of Effect: N/A
game terms, they roll one fewer die in all rolls that require a
Range: 10
sense of paranoia (primarily Perception- and Reflexes-based
Single Use: Successfully cast, this spell summons a tentacle-
rolls).The spell lasts for two days from a single exposure.
horror known as Garegosu no Bakemono who fights for, and
Additional exposures increase the duration and have a
obeys, the Shugenja until the sun rises. The Shugenja involved
cumulative effect (e.g. someone walking in and out twice will
need never fear Garegosu no Bakemono.
subtract 2 points for four days; if they walk in again, it will be
3 points for six days). Constantly exposed people pay little
attention to anything after a few weeks. People who lose more
than five times their Perception from their rolls become
extremely suggestible, easy to manipulate, and useful to an
Earth 3 Attack: 4k3 evil cult. Attempting to sense the Taint of this spell is at
Fire 3 Damage: Earth Rank +5 double normal difficulty.
Water 4 TN to Hit: 25 (Heavy Armor Mastery Level 4
Air 2 Wounds: 20: -2; 35: Dead Banish Oni
Special Abilities: Mastery Level: 4
Eating: Each time the Garegosu no Bakemono kills an Duration: Instantaneous
opponent it consumes the body and adds the digested meals Area of Effect: 1 oni
former Earth Rank to its own (increasing its damage and Range: 20
wounds). Properly banishes oni to Jigoku, severing the link to the namer
Fear: Garegosu no Bakemono is a horrific creature resembling and freeing him or her from the onis influence. This spell can
a large cancerous octopus about the size of a elephant only be casted by the shugenja who summoned the Oni..
Whenever anyone sees Garegosu no Bakemono for the first Dancing with demons
time they must make a simple Willpower check at TN of 15 or Mastery Level: 4
flee from its sight Witnessing a Garegosu no Bakemono eating Duration: Permanent
requires another Willpower check at TN of 20 or flee from its Area of Effect: Self
sight. Range: Self
Summon Oni Casting Time: 1 hour
Mastery Level: 3 The maho-tsukai enters a complex dance with the kansen
Duration: See below summoned by this spell, increasing the tempo until her body is
Area of Effect: N/A re-forged by the fires of Jigoku. The caster must make an
Range: 10 Awareness + Dance roll at the same TN as the spell-casting
Casting Time: 10 Actions TN to cast this spell. If successful, the caster can permanently
Brings forth an oni from Jigoku to be commanded. A sacrifice gain any personal physical or mental Advantage affecting
of blood (5 Wounds) is required as well as a name. The them alone. For example, they could gain Dangerous Beauty
procedure is as follows: -First, the caster must make a circle of or Magic Resistance, but not an Ancestor, Kharmic Tie, or
bones. -Second, the caster must place a scroll within the circle. Social Position. Failure in summoning or dancing means the
Written on the scroll is the name of a living man or woman. maho-tsukai burns horribly, taking 1k1 Wounds for every
The caster speaks the necessary words and chants as he spills point of Advantages sought. The spell can also grant
blood on the scroll within the circle. If the ceremony is Advantages to other willing, present targets. In this case, the
performed correctly, the oni is summoned within the circle Taint is divided between caster and target.A variant of this
and bound to the name written on the scroll. The mortal whose spell allows the caster to instead convey a like Disadvantage
name was written on the scroll is also bound to the oni. The on an unwitting victim. The mahotsukai must be within one
oni and the mortal share a symbiotic relationship from that mile of the target and have one of the targets personal
point on, until the scroll is destroyed. Slowly, the mortal loses possessions to offer the kansen.
strength to the oni. In game terms, when an oni is given a Dark divination
samurais name the samurai begins to gain Shadowlands Mastery Level: 4
Points. The rate of corruption depends on the Earth Rank of Duration: 1 Action
the samurai: Area of Effect: Self
Samurais Earth Rank: Range: Self
1 1 Shadowlands Point per 36 hours This spell allows the caster to ask questions to the GM. Each
2 1 Shadowlands Point per week question gains the caster 8 Shadowlands Points (Mastery
3 1 Shadowlands Point per two weeks Level x 2). The GM must answer the question honestly, but is
4 1 Shadowlands Point per four weeks only required to answer with a Yes or No: For every
5+ 1 Shadowlands Point per eight weeks Raise, the character can ask an additional question.
Ward of divine peace
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: Two days
Area of Effect: 10 yards per partecipating
Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 hour
Gift of the Maker Water 4 Wounds 75: dead
Mastery Level: 4 Air 2 Special: Invulnerability (see
Casting Time: 1 hour page 139)
Duration: 1 day Summon revenant
Area of Effect: Personal Mastery Level: 4
Range: Personal Duration: 1 hour
Often cast as an act of desperation or madness, Gift of the Area of Effect: N/A
Maker calls out to the Dark Lord for his blessing and power. Range: 10
The mahotsukai does indeed receive Fu Lengs power, but at a This spell summons an undead champion who appears at the
terrible cost. This spell allows the sorcerer to manifest one of end of the spell and thereafter fights for, and obeys, the
the Major Shadowlands Powers for a short period. The power Shugenja for the spells duration. At the end of the spell the
will fade, but its listed Deformities are gained permanently. Shugenja can permanently enlist the undead champion
The Dark Lords gifts are never without a price. (making the spell permanent), but must permanently sacrifice
Invoke Oni one point of his/her Earth Rank (both Stamina and Willpower)
Mastery Level: 4 to do so. If enlisted, the champion thereafter fights and obeys
Duration: Permanent the shugenja until destroyed or the shugenja dies. if there are
Area of Effect: 1 Oni no dead bodies within a quarter mile of the casting shugenja,,
Range: 100 miles the scroll will destroy itself without effect
The most powerful Oni within the range of this spell is SHADOWLANDS REVENANT
instantly teleported to any location within 100 of the caster. SHADOWLANDS
This spell does not grant any control over the Oni. The caster CREATURE
may choose the direction that the Oni is facing when it Earth 5 Attack: 6k4
appears. Fire 4 Damage: Weapons DR +
Possession 5
Mastery Level: 4 Water 2 TN to Hit: 20 (Light
Duration: 10 rounds Armor)
Area of Effect: 1 Target Air 2 Wounds: 15:-1; 100:
Range: Touch Dead
By usurping the control of his targets body, the caster can Special Abilities: Fear 3.
effectively take over the physical form of his opponent This
requires a contested Willpower roll, but success on the part of Tomb of earth
the caster means that he controls the targets body as if it were Mastery Level: 4
his own. The casters body remains completely motionless Duration: Variable
during this time, and the spell can be broken if the casters Area of Effect: 1 target
body is disturbed. The targets self-preservation instincts are Range: 20
still intact, and any attempt by the caster to force the body to Much like Tomb of Jade, Tomb of Earth replaces the targets
cause itself harm requires an additional Willpower contest. Earth with the casters own Tainted elements. If successful,
the spell turns a target to stone, starting on the outside (i.e.
Stealing the soul armor, then clothing, then flesh). Every turn, the target must
Mastery Level: 4 make a contested Air roll against the maho-tsukais Earth or
Duration: 8 Actions suffer DR 2. The spell ends when the target dies (becoming a
Area of Effect: 1 target statue) or the first time the target succeeds in her Air roll. The
Range: 100 stone remains for the next 1-10 days before crumbling to dust.
Ritual. The spells target loses one from each Ring and Trait Because of the blood sacrifice, Tomb of Earth does not
for each Shugenja participating in the ritual until the duration weaken the caster like Tomb of Jade.
expires (no Ring or Trait can be reduced below one). This
terrible spell was used to incapacitate Hida Shonojo, the Mastery Level 5
legendary Crab dairnyo, immediately before his assassination. Create Elemental Vortex
Its dread power is said to come from a boiling black pit in the Mastery Level: 5
Shadowlands. Duration: Instantaneous
Summon Greater Kansen Area of Effect One Elemental Vortex
Mastery Level: 4 Range: 100
Duration: 1 Hour This spell summons into being an Elemental Vortex. One
Area of Effect: 1 Kansen manifestation of the Vortex appears within 100. The other
Range: 10 takes shape any place in the Shadowlands that the caster has
Over the next round a misty specter like creature appears personally visited and knows well. The Elemental Vortex need
before the caster. For the duration of this spell it follows his not obey the casters wishes. However, most Elemental
mental commands without question or regard for its own Vortices will gladly work with their summoners if pain, chaos,
safety. and death will follow.
Earth 4 Attack 5k4
Fire 4 Damage 3k2
hours, plus one year for every person killed in the casting. The
Dominion of Fu Leng
spell is triggered by armed or hostile opponents, and can be
Mastery Level: 5
bypassed by walking through without weapons, armor, or
Duration: 1 Hour
aggressive thoughts. Keeping ones mind blank enough to fool
Area of Effect: 1 Target
the spirits takes a Void + Meditation roll with a TN of 5 x the
Range: Line of Sight
Shadowlands Rank of the wards caster.
The caster seizes control of any undead creature - the target
may not resist.While controlled, the target will obey the Mastery Level 6
casters mental commands with no regard for its personal
Rise, Taint
safety. The caster may attempt to cast the Dominion on a self-
Mastery Level: 6
aware undead creature (such as a subject of Animate the Dead
Duration: Concentration
or Fu Lengs Champion); if the spell is cast successfully, the
Area of Effect: 10 radius
caster controls the undead creature for the next round. At the
Range: 25
beginning of the following round, the undead creature makes a
The caster may summon one of the most deadly beings in the
contested Willpower roll against the caster; if the self-aware
Shadowlands, an Elemental Terror. This spell requires a large
undead creature wins this roll it breaks free of the Dominion.
quantity of the appropriate corrupted element, and is therefore
Raises may also be used to affect additional targets; one
difficult to cast outside of the Shadowlands or other Tainted
additional target can be affected for each raise.
areas. Whatever element is most prevalent during the casting
Fierce Blood of the Earth determines which Elemental Terror answers the casters cail.
Mastery Level: 5 The Terror will not blindly obey, however. It first demands a
Duration: 1 year price for its service, and such prices are high indeed. Once an
Area of Effect: Personal arrangement is reached between the caster and the Terror, it
Range: Touch will obey the casters orders without question. Any who fail to
This dark spell was once unique, but was spread throughout come through on their part of the bargain are doomed,
the Shadowlands by the necromancer Kuni Girakuma When however, as the Terror will come for them and drag them to
cast, the spell completely consumes the life essence of one the Shadowlands for unimaginable tortures.
living being, which must be supplied by the caster. This life
force is absorbed into the caster, healing all immediate
damage and halting the aging process for one full year.
Continued use of this spell dries and cracks the skin and
desiccates the internal organs. If at any point the caster loses
all Taint, he is destroyed instantly.
Fu Lengs Champion
Mastery Level: 5
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Self
Range: Self
This ritual requires 10 hours to cast. This spell must be cast on
a living target who must be present for the entire ritual. The
target of this spell becomes any type of undead that exists in
the GMS world (although the GM may require raises for
exotic breeds of undead).
Touch of death
Mastery Level: 5
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 target
Range: 50
Strikes the target with lethal energy, summoned directly from
Fu Leng, through the casting shugenja and into the target The
target must be within 10 feet plus 2 feet per raise of the
casting shugenja The skin and hair of the target age rapidly
under the influence of this spell. The hair loses all color,
turning white and falling out in great clumps, while the skin
blackens as the flesh ages too rapidly to fall away. The DR of
this spell is seven.
Ward of the eighth kami
Mastery Level: 5
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: 10 yards per partecipant
Range: Self
Ritual. This spell takes the form of cold blue fire encasing a
location (radius of ten yards per maho-tsukai in the ritual).
This fire has a DR equal to the highest Shadowlands Rank of
the participating maho-tsukai.. The spell lasts for twenty-four


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