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Name:Iboya Hegedus Poma


1)What did you learn about negotiating from this exercise?

I learned that for an effective negotiation should be notes of key points to
discuss which must be summarized to gain time and specified to go directly to
the proposal. But I also learned that before getting the negotiation finished, a list
of conclusions could be made so that at the moment of signing the contract,
everything is clear and undoubtedly
2)What surprised you about your own behavior or the behaviors of
I was surprised about the other part ,because he only asked for more
information and gave me less information , he was a very competent negotiator
he just wanted everything to be in his benefit and did not give me the
opportunity to convince him with the negotiation.
3)What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about other
I learned to be alert to watch non-verbal signals such as a gesture that could
determine if that person is not satisfied with the negotiation, also I learn not talk
to much because the more I talk the other part will have more information of
mine, finally I learn to dont answer a question that I didnt understand at all
because I could misunderstand the contract.
4)What you do differently if you had to do it again? Why?
If I would make the contract again I would not give so much information, I would
try to get the information and the minimum negotiation to be fifty percent for
both parties and not only a part that favored, that is why and for lack of counting
that we could not reach an agreement.
5)What skills were you relative good at?
As it was the first negotiation I could not see how relatively I am good since I
lack experience and because neither party could reach an agreement because
no one wanted to let win the other part, we both wanted the one hundred
percent gained from the negotiation.

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