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Dark holes 2.

Written by: JesusTheCookie.

(Authors Note (AN) if you havent read the other 3 fanfics, they are pinned messages
in the #memes channel, scroll all the way down, first one had Satanas and Nagri)

I should have never started this, but now I have to end it.
Chapter 1: The plan that went wrong

It all started with a new member appearing out of nowhere, this member was
called Suamiedni. He was just chatting around in the firelink chat which was
recently renamed to #general for some reason (plsfix) Until the moment occurred
where, out of nowhere, he asked Aelyndir to go out on a date with him. Aelyndir
declined, giving I dont know you as a reason, sadly for her she did not know
that this new chatter was actually Indeimaus in disguise. In a rejection fueled
rage, Indeimaus broke his masterful disguise, Aelyndir quickly realized her
mistake and tried to play it off as a joke, but it was too late. Before she could
even touch her keyboard she found herself in a large empty desert with an
occasional rock the size of a building. The wind was blowing through her hair, and
when she looked up in confusion she saw there was one more person there. This
person was clad in the dragonslayer Ornsteins armor and wearing a Christmas

Do you know why I have brought you here? He said, his soothing voice echoing
in the mind of Aelyndir.

What are you doing, what is this? Aelyndir asked.

Dont you get it? I am the great old one, I have full control The suit of
Ornsteins armor said

Who are you, what do you want from me Aelyndir screamed, slightly panicked

Dont you recognize me? I am Indeimaus, or Suamiedni, the one you rejected
Indei said.

Now Aelyndir remembered, she had seen the video dark holes and decided to
join the discord to further her milk-related cult.

Now, I have brought you here to show you something Indeimaus said calmly.
Suddenly a display appeared right next to Aelyndir, she looked at it and saw
herself on the levels page, but only with a message under it, the message said
Do you really want to reset this players xp? They will lose all his level :( 1 With
two buttons, one for Cancel and one for Ok

1 It acutally says this, thsi is not a spelling error

You wouldnt dare Aelyndir said I spent the better part of a week or so to get
that rank, I deserve it she said sternly

You do indeed Indei said, moving his hand to the Ok button

Before he could reach it however, Aelyindir quickly sucker punched, but as if

Indeimaus knew she was going to do that, he nimbly dodged back, seeming
unaffected by his heavy armor and dodged it as if it was nothing.

No need to get violent here Indei said in a threatening tone

Aelyndir gasped at the reflexes Indei had shown, but only felt more determined
to get him, she quickly threw a few more punches his way, but Indei easily
dodged all of them, not seeming too interested in this.

Hmm, that is quite rude Indei said.

He quickly jumped back almost 50 meters, landing gracefully.

Suddenly in the back of Aelyndirs head she heard the soothing voice of Indei
say How about I punish everyone around you? as suddenly, Aelyndir got
surrounded with the same monitor prompts, but only for every single active

You wouldnt! Aelyndir screamed You would never do this to them!

She was met with silence as she saw the levels of everyone go down to 0,
starting with Levi084

Aelyndir stood in silence, looking at all the monitors as she clenched her fist.

I will put an end to this and to you she said, as she dashed forward, fist
extended towards Indei, who just jumped to the side and hooked her leg with
his, making her fall face first into the sands.

You have no power here, I am the god of this realm, I can ban everyone at any
time and none shall oppose me Indei said

Aelyndir stood up slowly, looking towards Indei, who had jumped back again.

You wouldnt dare Aelyndir said under her breath

Suddenly she saw a list of names get smaller and smaller, she saw the number of
online people suddenly drop, names flashing by as they got removed from the
server. All but two, Aelyndir and Indeimaus. During this time chat showed up,
and the last message was a Pug asking What is dark souks? before promptly
getting banned.
Aelyndir stood up, eyes flaring with rage, when she feels something on both her
shoulders, she looks over and sees blue, see-through versions of everyones
avatar, four of which have their hand placed on her shoulders.

Ill have two number nines, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a
number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda. Omar said, nobody
was quite sure if he was just ordering food, or wanted to encourage her they
just kind of let it happen

Aye mate youll be grand now go in there and kick some ass Dresdiins voice
echoed in all of its accented glory as he extended his hand with a big thumb up.

Come on mommy, do it for us Moss said.

Then a sudden scream comes out of nowhere, yes, this was Nagri It was
strangely encouraging.

Then she thought of something, if this is the embodiment of Indeis world, and
Jesuss fanfictions are 100% canon, then she must have a secret weapon.

Are you ready to apologize, and receive punishment? Indei asked menacingly

Actually, I am the punisher Aelyndir said as she jumped up and started twirling
in midair.

During the twirl she felt something, something cold to the touch appear against
her, she knew what this was going to be, and embraced the feeling.

Indei looked at Aelyndir with big eyes, as her 50-meter G I R T H Y metal dong
appeared at her crotch in its full glory, covered in small flashing lights and
making seemingly random beep and boop noises

Hmmm, interesting Indei commented

Now you shall face the same fate as the last ones who saw me like this
Aelyndir said as she shifted herself, swinging her giant robodong towards Indei,
which he promptly jumped over.
Impressive moves, Ill give you that, too bad it doesnt matter Indei said, and
within the blink of an eye he dashed past the dong, and hit Aelyndir in the
shoulder, making her recoil slightly as he stopped right behind her.

I am all powerful, there is nothing you can do to beat me Indei said, extending
his hand and saying some words under his breath.

Suddenly all the sand was covered in yellow words, markings in an ancient tongue.

Look out, theyre traps! Rocco said.

But it was too late, she already looked at one of them.

Apparently pressing RB behind an enemy backstabs them.

Huh? Ael wondered, looking up again to see Indei has disappeared, she quickly
spun around, smashing a boulder to rubble with her giant robodick of course,
leaving the dick unscathed.

Try again Indeis voice echoed through the mind of the disoriented Aelyndir

Show yourself Aelyndir called out

Whatever you want Indei said

Suddenly sand burst up from the ground right next to Aelyndir and holds his
hand against her forehead and with a swift motion, pushes her away, making her
stumble and fall backwards.

Okay I am sick of this, time to turn up the heat a little bit Aelyndir said as she
planted her feet firmly in the ground and started yelling at the top of her lungs,
the sands blew away from around her feet as she starts being surrounded by a
blue glow.

Indeimaus stepped back This power usually magic only comes into play at the
fourth or fifth stage he says, impressed by this display of power

Almost out of breath from screaming, Aelyndir yells KAIO-COCK at the top of
her lungs as there is a sudden blast of wind, blowing sand everywhere.
When the dust settles there is Aelyndir, but her robococks milk vents are
spitting fire and its glowing red, all the build in alarms are going off and the
lights flicker rapidly due to the high temperature

Indeimaus shrugs You dont scare me; I can end this whenever I want he says
as he brings up the kick option.

But its greyed out

What did you do, this is my domain, I have full control Indei says, in a slight
panicked state before he dashes forward and punches Aelyndir in the side,
making her slide 15 meters to the right before she regains balance and quickly
turns back to Indei.

You cant dodge me forever you prick Aelyndir said, swinging her red hot metal
cock at Indei, which he barely manages to evade until finally, one swipe strikes
him, it sizzles on the armor and pushes Indei far, far backwards and leaves him
grasping for his side.

Youre good... but Im better Indei said, clenching his fists in range as he
sprinted forward and as soon as he closed the distance, jumped up and started
throwing punches, but this time Aelyndir was the one dodging, she quickly
shifted her full body from side to side to dodge every single blow until she
finally grabbed both his fists, and held them after which she leaned backwards,
shoving her red hot metal dong against Indeis back, scorching it. Indei then
kicks Aelyndir in the chest and proceeds to wail on her for a few seconds before
finally shoving her away, putting her off balance and unable to aim her red hot,
fire spitting roboshlong and then dashes back hundreds of meters.

Youre never going to beat me Indei says, as he puts his hands together and
intertwines his fingers, creating a small scale tornado around him that shrouds
him in sand and mystery.

Aelyndir fell to her knees, gathering additional strength for the upcoming fight,
suddenly she felt invigorated and comforted as visions of everyone she knew in
the discord, of course their avatars, because she has no clue what they actually
look like. There were five that stood out in particular, Molemanrising, Nagri,
Moss, Smelting and of course, the one and only [enter your own name here] 2.

2 Ael mentioned these 4 people, I added the last one to make you, the reader feel
special. You are special but now you can also feel like it as you are part of the
greatest fanfic in the world (fucking kill me)
There were some kinds of beams coming from their chests, leading into hers as
she felt stronger, healthier and more importantly GIRTHIER. There was
something going on with her robodong, it started to make the sounds of strained
metal, some screws started shooting out of the sides, and the fire stopped
spouting from the sides, something was straining it on the inside, hard. Suddenly
the tornado around Indeis figure blasted outwards, sweeping up rocks and sand
and throwing it to the side, digging a trench around him as his shadow appeared
to get larger, a lot larger, and thicker. There was a giant shadow flowing up
further and further into the sky, it had at this point grown wider and a lot
larger than the original shadow of Indei.

What the hell? Aelyndir asked to herself, looking at the rapidly growing
shadow, as another message appears before her, this one also orange, she looked
down at it and it just said Now the real fight begins. As soon as Aelyndir
finished reading this, she knew what was waiting for her at the other side of
this giant layer of rapidly moving sand, it was Indeis final form. She knew that
he would only grow in power, girth and length if she kept waiting, so she took a
deep breath, stood up, turned around and said.

Im going to do something really quick as the full version of the doggo song (i ndei pls)

started playing in the background and she ran full speed into the wall of sand,
shielding her body from most of the flying rocks with her robodong that started
to break off minor pieces, revealing an actual, flesh cock that was underneath.

As she entered the tornado, Aelyndir saw a glorious sight, one that will be
passed down for generations, if she ever made it out of this place alive.

She saw Indei, in his usual Ornstein armor, slowly rising to the sky, balanceing on
his newly grown, 90 meter long, scaly, pointy and mechanical slong, the head of
this dick was a giant mouth with many rows of quickly spinning chainsaw teeth.
Aelyndir knew that she had to stop this from growing any further or she would
have no chance of surviving, so she did the first thing that came into her head.

You know, the Dragonslayers spear is not actually viable in pvp

You foolish mortal, do you really think you can defeat me? You dont even have
~32 saiyans in this world there is no way you could beat a god Indei said,
putting himself slowly on the ground and curling up his dick around him

Now you die are the last words that were said before the giant, chainsaw
bladed dong shot forward, engulfing the tip of Aelyndirs robodong and making
awful metal on metal screeching sounds. As bits and pieces of the robotic shaft
that encapsulates the real, fleshy dick went flying left and right before the
teeth suddenly stopped whirring, and with a loud clang broke off all at the
same time.

You know, I always loved traps Aelyndir said jokingly as she thrusted forward,
breaking the rest of the lines of teeth before jumping back, freeing her dong
from Indeis and allowing her to move it freely again.

You inscrutable I will be your end Indei said, bringing his dick down towards
Aelyndir, who nimbly dodged to the side, barely avoided getting her dong stuck
under his Dragonslayers spear, to counter this she tried a quick spinning swoop,
but Indeis giant dong suddenly bent in the middle, and shot towards it, stopping
it dead in its track.

You underestimated me, foolish of you to do so Indeimaus said, shoving

Aelyndir out of the way, to the edge of the tornado arena. She barely managed
to get to her feet before getting swept up in the torrent of rock and razor-
sharp sand that would be sure to shred a person to bits. When she returned to
her feet, she saw the ground get blown to the sides, as something underground
rapidly advanced onto her, a single spike that appeared above ground indicated
that this is indeed Indeis spear, rapidly advancing on her.

Some quick thoughs shot through her head

What the fuck is this, why is his dick better then mine, what am I even
supposed to do, fuck me she thought before making a split second decision to
jump up 50 meters3 up into the sky, and use her dick as a stilt to stay above the
ground. But Indeis spear burst up from below the ground, wrapping itself around
Aels dong as it started slithering upward. Aelyndir thought she was done for,
until the dick stopped right before reaching her, it had met the end of its
length. Aelyndir quickly took advantage of this, wildly whipping around and
moving her dick towards the tornado.

As Indeis spear hit the edge, it got pried off of Aelyndirs, pulling hers down to
the ground, but releasing her from his tight grip. But even before Aelyndir could
stand up, Indei slammed the middle of his dong onto her body, crushing her
between the sands of the desert and his todger4.

3 I will keep adding and removing powers at random, if you dont like it, fuck offf

4 I think this Is a thing, not sure though

He raised his slong to reveal a broken Aelyndir, slowly moving and bruised all
over, the sharp points on the armor barely missed her, leaving her intact.

You were weak Indei said, standing over Aelyndirs barely alive body.

Aelyndir tries to respond to his taunt, but she cant get her body to make any
kind of sound, the breathing is slow, heavy and stocky due to the intense
suffering she is in right now.
(Fuck you for acutally making me do this Ael )

Indei turned around, raising his right hand to head height and clenches his fist
as he slowly walks away. His spear slowly circling closer and closer to Aelyndir,
closer and closer

But Aelyndir had an ace up her sleeve, or more like 9 aces, in her back pocket
aces as in buttplugs fuck you Ael.

Authors Note:
Ael told me to, I
never wanted this
As she slowly reached into her back pocket, all usage of muscles felt like
burning pain, she grabbed one tailed butt plug, slowly slid her hand into the
back of her pants, and press it against her opening in-between her butt
cheeks, it felt cold to the touch as it poked her puckered asshole, slowly
pushing harder and harder as it gets enveloped in the tight skin of her
rectum. Nyaaa~ Aelyndir moaned out, slowly pushing it deeper and further
inside of her, making her insides feel cold to the touch but not
uncomfortably cold, it felt quite good actually. After she inserted this,
something around her started dimly glowing, Indeis cock finally reached
her, but couldnt touch, the shimmer of light that appeared around her
seemed to keep it at bay, leaving it to only curl around the spherical shield
as she inserted the second one. The second one was inserted by using her
left index finger to pull the hole open slightly further, stretching her
sphincter to then put the tip of the second one in

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