Land Titles

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LAND TITLES development of water power, beneficial

use may be the measure and limit of the

THE Regalian Doctrine declares that all
The Regalian Doctrine does not negate
lands and all other natural resources
native title to lands held in private
are owned by the State.
ownership since time immemorial,
Concept of Jura Regalia (Regalian adverting to the landmark case of
Doctine) Carino v. Local Government, where the
US SC through Holmes held:
Private title to land must be traced to
some grant, express or implied, from the land has been held by individuals
the Spanish Crown or its successors, under a claim of private ownership, it
the American Colonial Government, will be presumed to have been held in
and the Philippine Republic. the same way from before the Spanish
The term refers to royal rights, or conquest, and never to have been
those rights to which the King has by public land
virtue of his prerogatives.
The theory of jure regalia was The existence of native title to land, or
therefore nothing more than a natural ownership by Filipinos by virtue of
fruit of conquest. possession under a claim of ownership
The capacity of the State to own or since time immemorial and
acquire property is the States power independent of any grant from the
of dominion. Spanish crown as an exception to the
theory of jure regalia.
Section 2, Article 12, 1987 The IPRA recognizes the existence of
Constitution ICCs/IPs as a distinct sector in
All lands of public domain, waters, Philippine society. It grants these
minerals, coal, petroleum, and other people the ownership and possession
mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, of their ancestral domains and
fisheries, forest or timber, wildlife, flora ancestral lands, and defines the extent
and fauna, and other natural resources of these lands and domains.
are owned by the State. With the Land Title
exception of agricultural land, all other
natural resources shall not be alienated. - Is the evidence of the owners right
The exploration, development and or extent of interest, by which he
utilization of natural resources shall be can maintain control and as a rule
under the full control and supervision of assert right to exclusive possession
the State. The State may directly and enjoyment of property.
undertake such activities, or it may enter
into co-production, joint venture, or
production-sharing agreements with - Is the instrument in writing by
Filipino citizens, or corporations or which any real estate or interest
associations at least sixty per centum of therein is created, alienated,
whose capital is owned by such citizens. mortgaged, or assigned, or by
Such agreements may be for a period not which title to any real estate may
exceeding twenty five years, renewable be affected in law or equity.
for not more than twenty five years, and
under such terms and conditions as may Land Registration
be provided by law. In cases of water - A judicial or administrative
rights for irrigation, water supply, proceeding whereby a persons
fisheries, or industrial uses other than the claim over a particular land is
determined and confirmed or the reoccurrence of any similar
recognized so that such land and faults.
the ownership thereof may be
Torrens Title
recorded in a public registry.
- A certificate of ownership issued
Torrens System
under the Torrens System, through
- Is a system for registration of land the Register of Deeds, naming and
under which, upon the landowners declaring the owner of the real
application, the court may, after property described therein, free
appropriate proceedings, direct the from all liens and encumbrances
issuance of a certificate of title. except such as may be expressly
noted there or otherwise reserved
by law.
1. Judicial in character and not merely
General Rule:
2. Proceeding is in rem (binding upon - A title once registered cannot be
the whole world) impugned, altered, changed,
modified, enlarged, or diminished.
1. Does not create or vest title;
2. Only confirms (does not confer) - Direct proceeding permitted by
ownership. law, usually for the protection of
innocent third person.
Title v. Certificate
1. To quiet the title to land;
2. To put a stop forever to any TITLE
question of legality of the title,
except claims which were noted at - That which constitutes a just cause
the time of registration, in the of exclusive possession, or which is
certificate, or which may arise the foundation of ownership of
subsequent thereto. property.

Advantages: Certificate of Title

1. Substituted security for insecurity; - Mere evidence of ownership

2. Reduced the cost of conveyance - It is not the title to the land itself.
from pounds to shillings, and the Types of Torrens Certificate of Title:
time occupied from months to
days; 1. Original Certificate of Title
3. It has exchanged brevity and - Constitutes a true copy of the
clearness for obscurity and decree of registration.
verbiage; 2. Transfer Certificate of Title
4. It has so simplified ordinary - Issued subsequent to the original
dealings that he who has mastered registration.
the 3 Rs can transact his own
Registration is not a Mode of
Acquiring Ownership
5. It affords protection against fraud;
6. It has restored to their just value - Registration does not vest title;
many estates, held under good - Merely evidence of such title over a
holding titles, but depreciated in particular property;
consequence of some blur or - Merely a procedure to establish
technical defect, and has barred evidence of title to realty;
- When done in bad faith, it is as if which shall have the same effect as
no registration was made at all a certificate of title.
insofar as private respondent is - A cadastral proceeding is in rem,
concerned. hence, binding generally upon the
whole world.
The Public Land Act, CA 141
The Property Registration Decree, PD
- Governed the disposition of lands 1529
of the public domain.
- Prescribed rules and regulations for - In order to update the Land
the homesteading, selling, and Registration Act
leasing of portions of the public - To codify the various laws relative
domain of the Philippine Islands. to the registration of property
- Applies to all lands of public - To facilitate effective
domain which have been declared implementation of said laws.
open to disposition or concession - Supercedes all laws relative to the
and officially delimited and registration of property
classified. - RTC exercise jurisdiction over
applications for registration and all
The Land Registration Act, Act No. subsequent proceedings relative
946 thereto, subject to judicial review.
- Established the Torrens System of In REM In PERSONAM
registration in the country. When the object of To establish a
- To bring land titles under one the action is to bar claim or objection
comprehensive and harmonious all who might against some
system, indefeasibility of title and minded to make particular person
the intervention of the State as a an objection of with a judgment
prerequisite to the creation and any sort against which generally
transfer of titles and interests. the right sought to binds his body.
- It does not create a title nor vest be established.
- It simply confirms a title already
created and already vested, RTCs have plenary jurisdiction over
rendering it forever indefeasible land registration cases.
Exception: delegated jurisdiction of
2 Things Occurred:
inferior courts in cadastral and land
1. A court of limited jurisdiction, with registration cases.
special subject matter, and with
only one purpose was created.
2. Power of the Courts of general, 1. Where the lot sought to be
original, and exclusive jurisdiction registered is not the subject of
were restricted controversy or opposition; or
2. Where the lot is contested but the
The Cadastral Act, Act No. 2259
value does not exceed P100, 000,
- In the option of the president, when
the public interest requires that Registration court is not divested of its
title to any lands be settled and jurisdiction by administrative act for
adjudicated, he shall order the the issuance of patent.
Director of Lands to make a survey Under PD529, what does the law say
thereof, with notice to all persons on the subjects capable for
claiming interest therein. registration aside from a piece of land?
- Decree shall be the basis for the - The law only provides for land.
issuance of the certificate of title
Land Registration Authority (LRA) Registration
- Agency charged with the efficient - Entry made in the books of the
execution of the laws relative to registry which records solemnly
the registration of lands, under the and permanently the right of
executive supervision of the DOJ. ownership and other real rights.
- Consists of an Administrator - To register means to enter in a
assisted by 2 Deputy register, to record formally and
Administrators. distinctly; to enroll; to enter in a
Functions: SAC - Registration in a public registry is a
1. Extend speedy and effective notice to all the world.
assistance to DAR, the Land Bank, - All persons are charged with the
and other agencies in the knowledge of what it contains.
implementation of the land reform 2 Systems of Registration:
program of the government.
2. Extend assistance to courts in 1. Registered lands under PD 1529
ordinary and cadastral land 2. Unregistered lands under Act No.
registration proceedings 3344
3. Be the central repository of
Between 2 Buyers of the Same
records relative to original
Immovable Property Registered
registration of lands titled under
Under the Torrens System, the Law
the Torrens system.
Gives Ownership Priority to:
Duty of LRA to issue a decree is 1. The first registrant in good faith;
ministerial and not compellable by 2. The first possessor in good faith;
mandamus 3. The buyer who in good faith
The LRA has no authority to represent presents the oldest title.
the government in registration Will not apply if the property is not
proceedings. registered under the Torrens
What if the application and the system.
requirements have been complied with
Effect of Registration:
and yet, the Registry of Deeds denies
to register? Can you go to court to - Constructive notice to all persons
compel the Registry of Deeds? from the time of such registering,
- NO, the remedy is that once the filing, or entering.
Registry of Deeds informs you
through writing, you will have to Laws Governing Land Registration:
resort to the LRA en consulta. 1. Public Land Act (CA No. 141)
2. Property Registration Decree (PD
Registry of Property 3. Cadastral Act (Act No. 2259)
4. Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (RA
- Registration of instruments
No. 8371)
affecting registered land must be
done in the proper registry, in order
to affect and bind the land and
operate as constructive notice to
the world. Registry of Deeds
- Thus, if a sale is not registered, it is
binding only between the seller - Constitutes a public repository of
and the buyer but it would not records of instruments affecting
affect third parties. registered or unregistered lands
and chattel mortgages in the prescription under the
province or city wherein such office provision of existing laws;
is situated. 3. Those who have acquired
- Its duty to register is ministerial ownership of private lands or
- Performs both functions of an abandoned river beds by right
administrative character and of accession or accretion under
functions which are at least of a the existing laws;
quasi-judicial nature. 4. Those who have acquired
ownership of land in any other
Instances where ROD may Deny
manner provided for by law.
Where the land is owned in common,
1. Where there are several copies of
all the co-owners shall file
the title but only one is presented
application jointly.
with the instrument to be
registered. Where the land has been sold under
2. Where the property is presumed to pacto de retro, the vendor a retro
be conjugal but the instrument of may file an application for the
conveyance bears the signature of original registration of the land,
only one spouse. provided, however, that should the
3. Where there is a pending case in period for redemption expire during
court where the character of the the pendency of the registration
land and validity of the conveyance proceedings and ownership to the
are in issue. property consolidated in the vendee
4. Where required certificates or a retro, the latter shall be
documents are not submitted. substituted for the applicant and
may continue the proceedings.
Registration does not validate an
otherwise invalid instrument. A trustee on behalf of his principal
Registration proceedings are judicial may apply for original registration of
and in rem. any land held in trust by him, unless
Only the Land Management Bureau prohibited by the instrument
has authority to approve original creating the trust.
survey plans for registration Requisites:
1. that the land applied for is an
Section 14. Who may apply in CFI for agricultural public land and
registration of title to land whether classified as alienable and
personally or through their duly disposable land at the time;
authorized representatives: 2. the application for registration is
1. Those who by themselves or filed with the proper court;
3. that the applicants, by themselves
through their predecessors-in-
or through their predecessors-in-
interest have been in open,
interest have been in open,
continuous, exclusive and
continuous, exclusive, and
notorious possession and
notorious possession and
occupation of alienable and
occupation under a bona fide claim
disposable lands of the public
of ownership;
domain under a bona fide claim
4. that such possession and
of ownership since June 12,
occupation has been since June 12,
1945 or earlier;
1945 or earlier.
2. Those who have acquired
ownership of private lands by
Co-owners shall file application jointly.
Vendee a retro may file an application Concept of Possession for Purposes
in his name. of Prescription
Trustee may apply for registration on
a. Actual possession of land consists
behalf of his principal.
in the manifestation of acts of
Land must already be alienable and
dominion over it of such a nature
disposable at the time of filing of the as a party would naturally exercise
application. over his own property.
Section 14(2) authorizes acquisition of b. To consolidate prescription, the
ownership by PRESCRIPTION. possession must be that of owner,
General Rule: and it must be public, peaceful,
and uninterrupted.
- Prescription doesnt run against the
State regarding property of public prescription laches
domain. Concerned with Concerned with
the Fact of delay the Effect of delay
Matter of time Question of
inequity of
permitting a claim
- Where the law itself provides. to be enforced,
- Thus, patrimonial property of the this inequity being
State may the subject of founded on some
acquisition through prescription. change in the
condition of the
Prescription property or the
- Mode of acquiring ownership relation of the
through the lapse of time in the parties.
manner and under the action laid statutory Not statutory
down by law. Applies at law Applies in equity
- All things within the commerce of Based on a fixed Not fixed time
men are susceptible of time
prescription, unless otherwise
provided. Acquisition of Private Lands or
2 Kinds of Prescription: Abandoned Riverbeds by Right of
Accretion or Accession
1. Ordinary Prescription
- Requires possession of things in 1. Ownership of abandoned river
good faith and with just title for the beds by right of ACCESSION
time fixed by law. - River beds which are abandoned
- Possession of 10 years. through the natural change in the
course of waters ipso facto belongs
2. Extraordinary Prescription to the owners whose lands are
- Uninterrupted adverse possession occupied by the new course in
thereof within 30 years without proportion to the area lost.
need of title or of good faith. - The owners of the lands adjoining
the old bed, shall have the right to
Good Faith acquire the same by paying the
- Consists in the reasonable belief value thereof which value shall
that the person from whom he not exceed the value of the area
received the thing was the owner occupied by the new bed.
thereof, and he could transmit his Requisites for the Application:
1. The change must be sudden;
2. The changing of the course must
be more or less permanent and not Accretion does not automatically
temporary overflooding of become registered land.
anothers land; Where alluvial increment is not
3. The change of the river must be a registered, it is not entitled or subject
natural one; to the protection of imprescriptibility
4. There must be definite enjoyed by registered property under
abandonment by the government; the Torrens system and may be
5. The river must continue to exist. acquired by third persons through
Ownership by right of ACCRETION prescription.
along the river banks Alluvial formation along the seashore
forms part of the public domain
- Article 457 of the Civil Code Acquisition of ownership in any other
provides that to the owners of manner provided for by law which
lands adjoining the banks of rivers could either be a statute or executive
belong the accretion which they act.
gradually receive from the effects Corporation sole is qualified to apply
of the current of the waters. for registration. Hence, qualified to
Requisites: own and register private agricultural
1. That the deposit be gradual and
imperceptible; Corporation sole
2. That it be made through the effects - organized and composed of a
of the current of the water; and single individual, the head of any
3. That the land where the accretion religious society or church, for the
takes place is adjacent to the administration of the temporalities
banks of rivers. of such religious society or church.
Alluvial deposits along the banks of - Is a special form of corporation
creeks, streams and lakes do not form usually associated with the clergy.
part of the public domain as it - Consists of one person only, and
automatically belongs to the owner of the his successors who are
estate to which it may have been added. incorporated by law in order to give
them some legal capacities and
Restriction: advantages which in their natural
persons they could not have had.
- The owner of the adjoining
- Bishops or archbishops as
property must register the same
corporation sole are merely
under the Torrens System;
administrators of the church
otherwise the alluvial property may
properties and holds the same in
be subject to acquisition
trust for the faithful or members of
through prescription by third
the society or church for which the
corporation is organized.
Alluvion must be the exclusive
Church properties acquired by the
work of nature
incumbent of a corporation sole pass
by operation of law upon his death not
- Requirement that the deposit
to his personal heirs but to his
should be due to the effects of the
successor in office.
current of the river is indispensable
- A riparian owner doesnt acquire
Vested rights cannot be impaired by
the additions to his land caused by
special works expressly intended or subsequent law.
designed to bring about accretion.
A right is vested when the right to presumption that lands of whatever
enjoyment, present or prospective has classification belong to the State and
become the property of some evidence of a land grant must be well-
particular person or persons as a nigh incontrovertible.
present interest.
Land declared public land in a
A State may not impair vested rights previous registration case may be the
by legislative enactment. subject of judicial confirmation.

Titles is void where land is inalienable

Indigenous Cultural
and may be cancelled even in the
Communities/Indigenous Peoples
hands of an innocent purchaser for
value. - Refers to a group of people or
homogenous societies identified by
Land must be alienable and disposable self-ascription and ascription by
land at the time the application for others, who have continuously
confirmation is filed. lived as organized community on
communally bounded and defined
Rule different where land is not territory and who have, under
registrable as when it forms part of the claims of ownership since time
public forest. immemorial, occupied, possessed
and utilized such territories,
Forest land cannot be owned by sharing common bonds of
private persons. It is not registrable language, customs, traditions and
and possession thereof, no matter how other distinctive cultural traits, or
lengthy, cannot convert it into private who have, through resistance to
property, unless such lands are political, social and cultural inroads
reclassified and considered disposable of colonization, non-indigenous
and alienable. religions and cultures, became
historically differentiated from the
Only alienable and disposable lands majority of Filipinos.
may be the subject of confirmation of
title. Ancestral domains
- Refers to all areas generally
When the conditions are complied belonging to ICCs/IPs comprising
with, the possessor is deemed to have lands, inland waters, coastal areas,
acquired, by operation of law, a right and natural resources therein held
to a grant, without the necessity of a under a claim of ownership,
certificate of title being issued. occupied or possessed by ICCs/IPs,
by themselves or through their
The application for confirmation is a ancestors, communally or
mere formality. individually since time immemorial,
continuously to the present.
Compliance with all requirements for a
government grant ipso jure converts Ancestral lands
land to private property.
- Refers to land occupied, possessed
and utilized by individuals, families
Burden of proof rests on applicant. He
and clans who are members of the
must submit convincing proof of his
ICCs/IPs since time immemorial, by
and his predecessors-in-interests
themselves or through their
actual, peaceful and adverse
predecessors-in-interest, under
possession in view of the basic
claims of individual or traditional
group ownership continuously, to disposable land, even if it has a
the present. slope of 18% or over.
Native Title Transfer of Land or Property Rights
- Refers to pre-conquest rights to 1. Only to the members of the same
lands and domains which, as far as ICCs/IPs;
memory reaches, have been held 2. In accord with customary laws and
under a claim of private ownership traditions; and
by ICCs/IPs, have never been public 3. Subject to the right of redemption
lands and are thus indisputably of the ICCs/IPs for a period of 15
presumed to have been held that years if the land was transferred to
way since before the Spanish a non-member of the ICCs/IPs.
Generally, no ancestral land shall be
Time Immemorial opened for mining operations.
- Refers to a period of time when as
far as memory can go, certain Application for land registration shall
ICCs/IPs are known to have be filed with the RTC.
occupied, possessed in the concept
of owner, and utilized a defined Application must be accompanied by a
territory devolved to them, by survey plan and applicants
operation of customary law or muniments of title.
inherited from their ancestors, in
accordance with their customs and A single application may be filed for 2
traditions. or more parcels belonging to the same
applicant provided that they are
ICC/IPs have priority rights in the situated in the same province or city.
exploitation of natural resources within Section 20. When land applied for
ancestral domains. borders on road if the application
describes the land as bounded by a
ICCs/IPs do not lose possession over public or private way or road, it shall
area covered by TLA. state whether or not the applicant
Modes of Acquisition: claims any and what portion of the
land within the limits of the way or
The rights of the ICCs/IPs to their road, and whether the applicant
ancestral domains and ancestral lands desires to have the line of the way or
may be acquired in 2 modes: road determined.
1. By native title over both ancestral
lands and domains; or
2. By Torrens Title under PLA or PRD The public shall be given notice of
with respect to ancestral lands the initial hearing of the application
only. for land registration by means of:

Registration of Ancestral lands: 1. By publication;

2. By mailing;
1. The applicant is a member of an 3. By posting
indigenous cultural group;
2. He must have been in possession Purpose of Publication:
of an individually-owned ancestral 1. To confer jurisdiction upon the
land for not less than 30 years; and court over the res;
3. By operation of law, the land is 2. To apprise the whole world of the
already classified as alienable and pending registration case so that
they may assert their right or opposition shall state all the
interests in the land oppose the objections to the application and
application. shall set forth the interest claimed
Publication in a newspaper is by the party filing the same and
necessary to accord with the due apply for the remedy desired, and
process requirement. shall be signed and sworn to by him
Publication in the OG does not or by some other duly authorized
dispense with the requirement of person.
notice by mailing and posting.
If the opposition or the adverse claim
Lack of personal notice does not
of any person covers only a portion
vitiate the proceedings.
of the lot and said portion is not
New publication is necessary to
properly delimited on the plan
include additional area attached to the application, or in
Effect of Non- or Defective case of undivided co-ownership,
Publication conflicting claims of ownership or
possession, or overlapping of
- The decision of the land boundaries, the court may require
registration court is void. the parties to submit a subdivision
- A mere defect of publication plan duly approved by the Director of
deprives the court of jurisdiction. Lands.
Purpose of Notice by All 3 Modes: Requisites for Opposing Application:
- To strengthen the Torrens System 1. The oppositor must have an
through safeguards to prevent interest in the land applied for;
anomalous titling of real property. 2. He should state the grounds for his
Mailing objection as well as the nature of
his claimed interest;
- Required that the notice of hearing 3. He should indicate the desired
be mailed to the persons and relief; and
officials mentioned in the law. 4. The opposition should be signed
- This requirement is mandatory. and sworn to by him or his duly
authorized representative.
Nature of Interest to Support
- Within 14 days before the initial Opposition:
hearing, the LRA Administrator
shall cause a duly attested copy of Opposition to an application for
the notice to be posted by the registration of the title must be based on:
sheriff in a conspicuous place on
1. The right of dominion or
the land applied for and on bulletin
2. Some other real right opposed to
board of the municipality or city
the adjudication or recognition of
where the land is situated.
the ownership of the applicant.
- This requirement is mandatory.
To give a person a legal standing to object
Section 25. Opposition to Application
to the application for registration, he
in Ordinary Proceedings.
must make some claim to the property.
Any person claiming an interest,
Claim of Ownership
whether named in the notice or not,
may appear and file an opposition on - The possession of a piece of
or before the date of initial hearing, property with the intention of
or within such further time as may claiming it in hostility to the true
be allowed by the court. The owner.
- A partys manifest intention to take Absence of opposition by the
over land, regardless of title or government does not justify outright
right. registration.
Effect of Failure to File Opposition:
Hearing is necessary to determine
- A person who has not challenged validity of ownership claim.
an application for registration of
land cannot alleged damage or Failure to appear on the day of initial
error against the judgment hearing is not a ground for default
ordering the registration inasmuch where opposition or answer had been
as he did not allege or pretend to filed.
have any right to such land.
Government may appeal despite
failure of agency to file opposition.

Motion to dismiss based on res

Persons deemed to have Legal judicata proper in a registration
Standing to File Opposition: proceeding.
1. A homesteader who has not yet
been issued his title but has
fulfilled all the conditions required
by law for the issuance of patent;
2. A purchaser of friar land who is
deemed to have an equitable title 2 Concepts of Res Judicata:
to the land even before the
1. Bar by former judgment
issuance of the patent;
- Absolutely bars any subsequent
3. An awardee in a sales application
action when the following
who, by virtue of the award, is
requisites concur:
authorized to take possession of
a. The former judgment or order
the land to enable him to comply
was final;
with the requirements for the
b. It adjudged the pertinent issue
issuance of patent;
or issues on their merits;
4. A person claiming to be in
c. It was rendered by a court that
possession of the land and has
had jurisdiction over the subject
applied with the Lands
matter and the parties.
Management Bureau for its d. Between the first and second
purchase. actions, there was identity of
parties of subject matter and
A mere public land applicant under
causes of action.
any mode of disposition under the PLA
CANNOT be a proper party to oppose 2. Conclusiveness of judgment
an application for registration under - Where no identity of causes of
the Torrens System since by filing his action but only identity of issues
application with the Lands exists, res Judicata comes.
Management Bureau, he recognizes - The rule bars the re-litigation of
the character of the land as public particular facts or issues involving
land and not as private property. the same parties even if raised
under different claims or causes of
Private persons may not file opposition action.
for the government.
Defense of res judicata may be waived
if not set up in a motion to dismiss.
Order of Default When Entered
Party in default can appeal judgment
- If no person appears and answers
Government is not estopped by the
within the time allowed, the court
mistake or error of its agents.
shall, upon motion of the
application, order a default to be Section 27. Speedy hearing;
entered and require the applicant reference to a referee
to present evidence.
By description notice To all whom it The trial court shall see to it that all
may concern, all world are made registration proceedings are disposed of
parties defendant and shall be within 90 days from the date the case is
concluded by the default order which submitted for decision.
referred to as ORDER OF GENERAL The court, if it deems necessary, may
DEFAULT. refer the case or any part thereof to a
ORDER OF SPECIAL DEFAULT is referee who shall hear the parties and
directed only against those who did their evidence, and the referee shall
not enter their appearance and file submit his report to the court within 15
answer. days after the termination of such
Compliance with the requirements of hearing.
notice and publication has the effect
of notifying all persons interested in Proof Required in Registration
the proceedings. Proceedings
A person who has not challenged an - The burden is on APPLICANT to
application for registration cannot prove his positive averments and
allege damage or error against the not for the government or the
judgment ordering registration. private oppositors to establish a
But a declaration of default is not a negative proposition.
guarantee that the application for - He must submit convincing proof of
registration will be granted. his and his predecessor-in-
interests actual, peaceful and
Motion to Lift Order of General
adverse possession in the concept
of owner of the lots during the
- An order of general default is period required by law.
interlocutory in character, subject
to the control of the court, and may
be modified or amended as the No public land can be acquired by
court may deem proper at any time private persons without any grant,
prior to the rendition of judgment. express or implied, from the
- But the motion to lift the order of government.
general default should be filed
before entry of final judgment. Krivenko Doctrine
- Where the court revoked the order
- Aliens are disqualified from
of default 5 years after the default
acquiring public and private lands,
order had been entered and
including residential lands.
permitted private claimant to file
- The provision is a declaration of
his answer and later ordered the
imperative constitutional policy.
registration of the lots in his name,
- This fundamental policy is to
it was held that the order setting
preserve the nations lands for
aside the order of default and the
Filipino citizens.
proceedings adjudicating the lots
as private property, are NULL and RA No. 7042
VOID and should be SET ASIDE.
- A natural-born Filipino citizen who What is important is the respondents
has lost his citizenship may be a were formerly natural-born citizens of
transferee of private land, subject the Philippines, and as transferees of a
to limitations provided by law. private land, they could apply for
- Maximum of 5,000 sqm. In the case registration in accordance with the
of urban land or 3 hectares in the mandate of section 18, Article 12 of
case of rural land to be used by the Constitution.
him for business or other purposes. Considering that private respondents
- In case of married couples, one of were able to prove the requisite period
them may avail of the privilege and character of possession of their
herein granted. predecessors-in-interest over the
- If both shall avail of the same, the subject lots, their application for
total area acquired shall not registration of title must perforce be
exceed the maximum herein fixed. approved.
- A transferee who has already
acquired urban land shall be Director of Land v. Buyco
disqualified from acquiring rural
land area and vice versa. Their application was denied
registration, not because they were
RA No. 9225 already American citizens at the time
they file the application, but because
- Natural born citizens of the
they failed to prove that their
Philippines who have lost their
predecessor-in-interest had possessed
Philippines citizenship by reason of
the property in such a manner as to
their naturalization as citizens of a
segregate or remove the same from
foreign country are hereby deemed
the mass of the public domain.
to have re-acquired Philippine
They had acquired no vested right,
citizenship upon taking oath of
consisting of an imperfect title, over
allegiance to the Republic and shall
the property before they lost their
enjoy full civil and political rights
Philippine citizenship.
and be subject to all attendant
The entire property is a pasture land
liabilities and responsibilities under
existing laws of the Philippines. which is not alienable under the
Capacity to own land is determined as Aliens may Lease Private Lands
of the time of its acquisition and not
registration A lease to an alien for a reasonable
A naturalized Canadian citizen who, period is valid.
while still a Filipino citizen, acquired An option giving an alien the right to
land from a vendor who had already buy real property on condition that he
complied with the requirements of is granted Philippine citizenship is also
registration prior to the purchase, can valid.
validly register his title to the land.
Foreigners is Allowed to Purchase
Lapina Case Condominium Units

For the purpose of transfer and/or Under RA No. 4726 sec.5, foreigner
acquisition of a parcel of residential nationals can own Philippine real
land, it is not significant whether estate through the purchase of
respondents are no longer Filipino condominium units or townhouses.
citizens at the time they purchased or It expressly allows foreigners to
registered the parcels of land in acquire condominium units and shares
question. in condominium corporations up to no
more than 40% of the total and
outstanding capital stock of a Filipino- 2. When the agreement is not illegal
owned or controlled corporation. per se but is merely prohibited and
the prohibition by law is designed
Donation in Favor of a Religious
for the protection of the plaintiff,
Corporation Controlled by Non-
he may, if public policy is
Filipinos is not Registrable
enhanced, recover what he has
Sec 8, Art.12, 1987 Constitution paid or delivered.
save in cases of hereditary
succession, no private agricultural
land shall be transferred or assigned Exception to the Exception:
except to individuals, corporations or
1. Where the buyer has acquired
associations qualified to acquire or
Philippine citizenship
hold lands of the public domain in the
2. Where the land has come to the
Philippines without exception in favor
hands of a qualified transferee in
of religious associations.
good faith.
Land acquired by an American citizen
in 1945 can be registered under the - If the land is invalidly transferred to an
Ordinance appended to the 1935 alien who subsequently becomes a
Constitution. Filipino citizen or transfers it to a
Filipino, the flaw in the original
all existing property rights of citizens transaction is considered cured and
or corporations of the US shall be the title of the transferee is rendered
acknowledged, respected, and valid.
safeguarded to the same extent as
Rule Restated:
property rights of citizens of the
Philippines. The following may acquire private
A Corporation Sole may Acquire and
Register Private Agricultural Land. 1. Filipino citizens;
2. Filipino corporations and
associations as defined in Sec2,
Can a Filipino vendor recover land sold to Article 12 of the Constitution; and
an alien? by exception;
3. Aliens but only by hereditary
General rule successions; and
- No, the plaintiffs are now 4. A natural born citizen of the
prevented from doing so because Philippines who has lost his
of their guilty knowledge that what citizenship.
they were doing was in violation of Classification of Public Land is an
the Constitution. Executive Prerogative of the
- They cannot escape this conclusion Executive Department and Not of
because they are presumed to Courts
know the law.
- In the absence of such
Exception: The pari delicto rule will classification, the land remains as
not be applied in said case since unclassified land until it is released
1. The original parties who were guilty therefrom and rendered open to
of violation of the fundamental disposition.
charter have died and have since System of Classification
been substituted by their
administrators to whom it would be
unjust to impute their guilt, and
- CA No. 141 governed the within the cadaster as alienable and
classification and disposition of disposable.
lands of the public domain. Under the Spanish Regime, all crown
- The President is authorized to lands were per se alienable and
classify the lands of the public subject to adjudication by the courts.
domain into alienable and Burden of proof rests with the
disposable, timber or mineral applicant to overcome presumption of
lands. State ownership.
- The Secretary of DENR is the only
other public official empowered by Property of Public Dominion:
law to approve a land classification 1. Those intended for public use, such
and declare such land as alienable as roads, canals, rivers, torrents,
and disposable. ports and bridges constructed by
Alienable and disposable lands of the the State, banks, shores,
public domain are classified roadsteads and others of similar
according to their uses: character.
2. Those which belong to the State,
1. Agricultural; without being for public use, and
2. Residential, commercial, industrial, are intended for some public
or for similar productive purposes; service or for the development of
3. Educational, charitable, or other the national wealth.
similar purposes;
4. Reservation for town sites and for Land intended for public use or service
public and quasi-public uses. are not available for private
Requirements to Establish appropriation.
Classification: - Outside the commerce of men
- If a person obtains title under the
1. There must be a formal declaration Torrens system which includes
by the President classifying the lands which cannot be registered
land as alienable and disposable. under the Torrens System, he does
2. The land must be previously not by virtue of said title become
surveyed by PENRO or CENRO. the owner of the land illegally
included therein.
Only alienable and disposable lands
may be the subject of disposition. Property of public dominion when no
longer needed for public use or for
Public land
public service, shall form part of the
- Lands thrown open to private patrimonial property of the State.
appropriation and settlement by Land may be alienated when declared
homestead and other like general no longer needed for public use or
laws. service.
- Equivalent to public domain.
Patrimonial Property
Government land
- Public domain lands become
- Includes not only public lands but patrimonial property not only with
also other lands of the government a declaration that these are
already reserved or devoted to alienable or disposable.
public use or subject to private - There must also be an express
right. government manifestation that the
property is already patrimonial or
Cadastral survey of a municipality no longer retained for public
does not automatically classify lands
service or the development of - Certificate of title is void when it
national wealth. covers property of public domain
- Only when the property has classified as mineral lands.
become patrimonial can the - Ownership of land does not extend
prescriptive period for the to minerals underneath.
acquisition of property of the public - Land cannot be partly mineral and
dominion begin to run. partly agricultural.
- May be bought or sold or in any
National parks
manner utilized with the same
effect as properties owned by - Land reserved for a national park
private persons. cannot be registered.
- May be acquired by private persons - Certificate title covers a portion of
through prescription. land within the area reserved for
park purposes, the title should be
Ownership of waters
annulled with respect to said
The following belong to the State: portion.
1. Rivers and their natural beds Land inside a military or naval
2. Continuous or intermittent waters
reservation cannot be the object of
of springs and brooks running in
their natural beds and the beds
Foreshore lands and submerged lands
are inalienable unless declared by law
3. Natural lakes and lagoons
4. All other categories of surface to be alienable and disposable
waters portions of the public domain.
5. Atmospheric water Land invaded by the sea is foreshore
6. Subterranean or ground waters land and belongs to the State.
7. Seawater Classification of agricultural public
land as A and D reckoned at the time
The following waters found on of filing of application for registration.
private lands belong to the State:
1. Continuous or intermittent waters
rising on such lands - The act by which the quantity of a
2. Lakes and lagoons naturally parcel of land is ascertained.
occurring on such lands - It is not an instrument of
3. Rain water falling on such lands conveyance of ownership but
4. Subterranean or ground waters merely refers to a delineation of
5. Water in swamps and marshes possession.

Alienable and disposable lands held by Survey plan

government entities under Sec.60, CA - Serves to establish the true identity
No.141 cannot be alienated without of the land to ensure that it does
approval by Congress. not overlap a parcel of land or a
Mineral lands portion thereof already covered by
a previous land registration.
- Owned by the State and their
exploration, development and What defines a piece of land is not the
utilization must always subject to area but the boundaries thereof.
the full control and supervision of Natural boundaries must be certain
the State. Law requires both possession and
- Possession of mineral lands does occupation of the land applied for
not confer possessory rights which the applicant must show by
well-nigh incontrovertible.
Without occupancy, there is no 9. When the facts set forth in the
possession. petition as well as in the
There must be occupancy, petitioners main and reply briefs
apprehension or taking and there must are not disputed by the
be intent to possess. respondents;
Possession, to constitute the 10.When the findings of facts are
foundation of a prescriptive right, premised on the supposed absence
must be possession under a claim of of evidence and contradicted by
title or ownership or it must be the evidence on record;
adverse. 11.When the CA manifestly overlooked
certain relevant facts not disputed
Rule in case of Conflict of by the parties would justify a
Possession: different conclusion.
1. The present possessor shall be
Failure to pay taxes does not alone
constitute abandonment of property
2. If there are two possessors, the one
longer in possession; Writ of Possession
3. If the dates of the possession are
the same, the one who presents a - Is employed to enforce a judgment
title; and to recover the possession of land.
4. If both possessors have titles, the - It commands the sheriff to enter
court shall determine the rightful the land and give possession of it
possessor and owner of the land. to the person entitled under the
General rule:
Cases when Writ of Possession may
- Possession raises a question of be Issued:
1. In land registration proceeding,
which is a proceeding in rem;
Exception: 2. In an extrajudicial foreclosure of a
1. When the findings are grounded realty mortgage;
3. In a judicial foreclosure of
entirely on speculation, surmises or
mortgage, a quasi in rem
2. When the interference made is proceeding, provided that the
mortgagor is in possession of the
manifestly mistaken, absurd or
impossible; mortgaged realty and no third
3. When there is grave abuse of person, not a party to the
discretion; foreclosure suit, had intervened;
4. When the judgment is based on a and
misapprehension of facts; 4. In execution sales.
5. When the findings of facts are A Writ of Possession may be issued not
conflicting; only against the person who has been
6. When in making its findings, the CA defeated in a registration case but also
went beyond the issues of the against anyone unlawfully and adversely
case, or its findings are contrary to occupying the land or any portion thereof
the admissions of both the during the land registration proceedings
appellant and the appellee; up to the issuance of the final decree.
7. When the findings are contrary to
the trial court; Writ of Demolition
8. When the findings are conclusions
without citation of specific - Writ issued complement to the writ
evidence on which they are based; of possession which, without said
writ of demolition, would be Certificate of title becomes
ineffective. indefeasible after 1 year from the
issuance of the decree.
Writ of possession will not issue:
The Maysilo Estate Case:
1. When it has already been issued at
the instance of the applicant or his Issue:
successors, who hold transfer
certificates of title; - WON OCT No. 994 should be
2. When the persons against whom it deemed registered as of the date
is sought to be used have occupied of issuance of the decree of
the premises after the final decree registration instead of the date it
was issued, and have not taken was received for transcription by
direct part as opponents in the the ROD.
registration proceedings where said Ruling:
final decree was issued.
- Original certificate of title is issued
Actual possession under claim of on the date the decree of
ownership raises a disputable registration is transcribed since
presumption of ownership. what stands as the certificate of
The true owner must resort to judicial the title is the transcript of the
process, for the recovery of the decree of registration made by the
property, not summarily through a ROD in the registry.
motion for the issuance of a writ of - It is only after the transcription of
possession. the decree by the ROD that the
Writ does not issue in reconstitution certificate of title is to take effect.
cases. Remedies Available to the Aggrieved
Consequence of refusal to vacate Party:
1. Remedy of new trial or
Decree of Registration Reconsideration
- Is an order issued under the 2. Relief of judgment
signature of the Administrator, LRA, 3. Appeal to the CA or SC
4. Review of decree
in the name of the court, stating
5. Reconveyance
that the land described therein is
6. Damages
registered in the name of the 7. Claim against the Assurance Fund
applicant or oppositor or claimant 8. Reversion
as the case may be. 9. Cancellation of title
- Shall bind the land and quiet title 10.Annulment of judgment
thereto, subject only to such 11.Criminal prosecution
exceptions or liens as may be
provided by law. New Trial or Reconsideration
- If the motion for new trial is
Land becomes registered land only granted, the judgment is set aside;
upon transcription of the decree and - If the motion for reconsideration is
not on the date of issuance of the granted, the judgment is merely
decree. amended.
Registration court has no jurisdiction
to decree again land already decreed An appeal may be taken within 15
in a previous registration case. days after notice to the appellant of
Decree cannot be issued until after the judgment or final order appealed
judgment becomes final. from.
Grounds: prudence could not have guarded
against, and by reason of which the
1. Fraud, accident, mistake, or
party applying has probably been
excusable negligence which
impaired in his rights.
ordinary prudence could not have - Includes illness which the party has
guarded against and by reason of no control.
which such aggrieved party has
probably been impaired in his Mistake
- Some unintentional act, omission,
2. Newly discovered evidence which if
or error arising from ignorance,
presented would probably alter the
surprise, imposition or misplaced
3. Damages awarded are excessive confidence.
4. The evidence is insufficient to Excusable negligence
justify the decision or final order or
that decision - A failure to take proper steps at the
5. Decision or final order is contrary proper time, not in consequence of
to law. the partys own carelessness, or
willful disregard of the process of
Contents: the court.
- The motion shall be made in
writing stating the grounds, a
written notice of which shall be Final Judgment or Order
served by the movant on the
- One that finally disposes of a case,
adverse party.
leaving nothing more to be done by
Fraud the court in respect thereto.

- To be ground for nullity of judgment Interlocutory

must be extrinsic to the litigation.
- An order that does not finally
Extrinsic Fraud dispose of the case, and does not
end the courts task of adjudicating
- Refers to any fraudulent act of the the parties contention and
successful party in a litigation determining the rights and
which is committed OUTSIDE the liabilities as regards each other but
trial of a case against the defeated indicates that other things remain
party, or his agents, attorneys or to be done by the court.
witnesses, whereby said defeated
party is prevented from presenting Petition for relief and motion for new
fully and fairly his side of the case. trial/reconsideration are exclusive of
each other.
Intrinsic fraud
- Refers to acts of a party in a
litigation DURING the trial, such as - May be taken from a judgment or
the use of forged instruments final order that completely
which did not affect the disposes of the case, or of
presentation of the case, but did particular matter therein when
prevent a fair and just declared by the Rules of Court to
determination of the case. be appealable.

Accident No Appeal may be Taken from:

- It must appear that there was 1. An order denying a motion for new
accident or surprise which ordinary trial or reconsideration;
2. An order denying a petition for aggrieved within 1 year from the
relief or any similar motion seeking issuance of the decree of
relief from judgment; registration.
3. An interlocutory order;
4. An order disallowing or dismissing
an appeal; Requisites for Review:
5. An order denying a motion to set
aside a judgment by consent, 1. The petitioner must have an estate
confession or compromise on the or interest in the land;
ground of FAME; 2. He must show actual fraud in the
6. An order of execution; procurement of the decree of
7. A judgment or final order for or registration;
against one or more of several 3. The petition must be filed within 1
parties or in separate claims, while year from the issuance of the
the main case is pending, unless decree by the LRA;
the court allows an appeal; 4. The property has not yet passed to
8. An order dismissing an action an innocent purchaser for value.
without prejudice.
Grounds for review
Modes of Appeal:
- Fraud must be actual or extrinsic as
1. Ordinary appeal ground for annulling a judgment.
- Appeal to the CA in cases decided
When Relief may NOT be Granted:
by the RTC in the exercise of its
original jurisdiction shall be taken 1. Where the alleged fraud goes into
by filing a notice of appeal with the the merits of the case is intrinsic
court which rendered the judgment and not collateral, and has been
or final order appealed from and controverted and decided;
serving a copy upon the adverse 2. Where it appears that the fraud
party. consisted in the presentation at the
trial of a supposed forged
2. Petition for review document or a false testimony.
- Appeal to the CA in cases decided
by the RTC in the exercise of its Petition must be filed within 1 year
appellate jurisdiction shall be by from entry of decree of registration
petition for review in accordance
Date of issuance of patent is equivalent
with Rule 42.
to the decree of registration.
3. Appeal by certiorari Purchaser in Good Faith
- In all cases where only questions of
law are raised or involved, the - One who buys the property of
appeal shall be to the SC by another without notice that some
petition for review on certiorari in other person has a right to or
accordance with Rule 45. interest in it, and who pays a full
and fair price at the time of the
Perfection of Appeal purchase or before receiving any
- Deemed perfected upon filing of notice of another persons claim.
the notice of appeal in due time. In no case shall such petition for
review be entertained by the court
Review of Decree of Registration where an innocent purchaser for value
has acquired the land or an interest
- Courts may reopen proceedings
therein, whose rights may be
already closed by final decision or
decree when an application for
review is filed by the party
2 obligations: inquiry concerning the rights of
those in possession.
1. The payment of the consideration; - Requires the purchaser to be aware
2. The performance of such first
of the supposed title of the vendor
obligation in good faith, an implied
and one who buys without
obligation but just as binding and
checking the vendors title takes all
as important as the first.
the risks and losses consequent to
such failure.
Purchaser is not required to explore
further than what title indicates for Sale of Property pending litigation:
hidden defects.
- As regards immovable property,
A purchaser who has knowledge of
ownership shall belong to the
defect of his vendors title cannot
person acquiring it who in good
claim good faith.
faith first recorded the sale in the
As between 2 persons in good faith,
the LAWFUL holder
- A bona fide purchaser for value of
Rule of Caveat Emptor (Buyer property at an auction sale
beware) acquires good title as against a
prior transferee of the same
- One who purchases real property property if such transfer was
which is in actual possession of unrecorded at the time of the
others should, at least, make some auction sale.

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