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1. What is your age?

11-20 [ ] 21-30[ ] 31+[ ]

2. How frequently do you consume fast food?

Once per week[ ] Twice per week[ ] Several times per week[ ]

3. Main reason for consuming fast food?

To busy to prepare meals[ ] Cant cook[ ] Like the taste[ ] Inexpensive[ ]

Other[ ] Please specify

4. Has fast food affected your health?

Yes[ ] No[ ]

5. If answered yes above, what is the main effect it had on your health?

Difficulties doing daily activities[ ] Struggle with breathing[ ] overweight[ ]

Other[ ] Please specify

6. Are you obese?

Yes[ ] No[ ]

7. If answered yes above, has fast food played a major part in becoming obese?

Yes[ ] No[ ]

8. What do you think would be the best solution to reduce fast food consumption?

Have less fast food selling[ ] Preparing your meal before hand[ ]

Have quick and easy meals that can be bought an stored home[ ]

Others[ ] Please specify

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