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Alumno: Ernesto Chumpitaz Arteaga

1. What leaders hips kills did Eva Stpankov dis play?

Without fear of change

2. How did these skills help her over come the problems the
company faced?

Allowed Eva to make timely decisions, risking but visualizing the future
of her company. In addition to resisting the stages of crisis, and to be
overcome, there were times of improvement for the finances of the

3. Thear ticle doesn't mention Stpnkov's people

management skills. Do you think it is possible to be so
success fulwith out having good people managements

I definitely think it's not possible. At first empirical skills serve as a

boost, but if you are looking for the growth of the company you must
acquire academic, business and management skills. A little of
everything to be able to decide as well as possible. Being important
also, the staff that surrounds the leader and as the leader feedback

1. Read about Maximum Cocoa an dit scurrent situation.
Maximum Cocea is a small chocolate manufacturer
basedint in England. The chocolateis made using a simple,
traditional process that a void sover - refirung and captures the
unique flavours of the world's best cocoa beans. The company has had
moder a te success, but is now in crisis. They have a serious cash-flow
problem and are in dangerof going bank rupt. Immediate actionis
neededandthefollowing issues must be addressed:
Costs of raw materials are escalating
Profits are down due to stiff competition
Rent for production facilities is expensive
Salary demand sin the sout hof Englan darehigh
Staff are complaining that the production facilities are old andina
2. You need to make a difficult decision to help save the
company. Work in groups of four.

Students A and B, File 43 on page 1 46.

Inform: After the debate, we chose to use a lower quality

cocoa. We must seek a good alternative, a cocoa that is
similar in quality, flavor and aroma, which will allow us to
maintain the percentage of purity, avoiding the use of
preservatives and dyes that significantly alter the taste of

Students C and D, turn to File 05 on page 136

Inform: We consider that the ideal way to communicate the
suggestions, within a company, is to express it in a positive way.
Determining the part that receives the commentary, since there are
reactive people that a good suggestion is going to be honest. All
determined according to the communication and emotional intelligence
of both parties.

3. Workin your groups of four and have two briefing

Meeting 1
lssue1: The cost of cocoa beans
Students Cand Dare product and marketing managers who have
invested a lot of time, energy, and creativity in build in grup the
company's brand image based on the quality of the products.

1. A and B, give the briefing and respond to any concerns.

A: We have changed the cocoa, for one of lower price but good
quality, which does not noticeably alter the flavor of it. The use of
preservatives or dyes, are in minimal quantities, with the percentage
of cocoa over 75%.

B: The packaging, with a new design, will inform the consumer of the
percentage of cocoa contained in the chocolate.

2. C and D, express concerns and ask for as surances.

C: Nos preocupa que los consumidores noten diferencias drasticas en
el chocolate al usar un cacao u otro, puesto que el primer cacao
usado es de alta calidad y el nuevo cacao no.

D: Cual es la garantia que nos ofrecen para confiar en que los

clientes no nos cambiaran por otra marca, puesto que los
consumidores de chocolate, son de paladar exigente.

Meeting 2
lssue 2:The costof production facilities and salaries

Students A and B represen!

1. C y D of information.

C: Costs will not very much, since wages are within the margin, and
with the change of inputs made, more income is expected for the

D: the labor rights of the collaborators are maintained, with that we

have a satisfied personnel.

2. A and B, express concern

A: It is likely that the consumer will notice the difference in the
quality of the cocoa we are now going to use.

B: there is the possibility that customers change our product by

another brand and this ocacione reduction in our income and we can
not maintain the operators in the company.

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