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The Story about Hare and Lion

1 6)usapd wtf-fcandfmba kwlnda *h6si. This is a story about Hare and

2 etke Ifmwe kandfmba wgfetika 6kwend&. On a certain day the Hare
started out on a journey.
3 n6k*w6tt vulivf. And then he fell into a trap.

4 wtffetika 6kutfiatefi& c&lwa, He started to jump up and

5 okutffiatefifr, okutlfiatefift, jumping up and down, up and
6 6co* 6tund-m6 vulivf. in order to get out of the trap.

7 n6k ly*c6 kw*pita* h6si, A little while later the lion

came along
8 hatf 6-kandimba, ndtf watt vulivi? and said: Hare, how did you
get into the trap?
9 n6k wdfetika dkuyolayolft. And then he started laughing.

10 kandfmba, omo Alunguka, The Hare, being clever,

11 hatf hd-M-k6ta, 6-h6si, said: no, big brother Lion,

12 ame s&file vulivf. I did not fall into a trap.

13 eyi 6nheng'6 yngfe This is my swing,

14 6ko ndisyd 6kupapalel& pilo, I always play here

15 eci ng'asi 6kupapal&. when I am playing.

16 ove pw^i, hatf ndaft vulivf. But you, you are saying: I fell

into a trap.

17 n6k h6si okuciyeva wtfsaqjuka, When the Lion heard this he
was convinced,
18 hati h6ka, fi-kandimba, UUamd hAndi and he said: hey Hare, wait a
19 ndflondi-k6v6 konheng'6 y6\L I too will climb into your swing.

20 kandfmba hati 6co* mwlfe 6-kdta, The Hare said: alright, brother,

21 poll nda oyongola okulonda-k6, but if you want to climb up,

22 omo ove iinlnfe, since you are rather heavy,

23 tl wakutululft plpumbu apa ndltl. you should first untie this knot.

24 n6k ing'is6-po okulu kwdvfe. Then you put your foot into it.

25 eci wng'isil6 okulu, And when you have put your

foot into it,

26 yipa yd, onheng'6 fiusflft layd ove. then I shall vacate the swing for
27 h6si> y w&mrfa 6cippi, The Lion came close by

28 wfikutulul* gpumbu. and untied the knot.

29 w6ng'isa-m6 okulu, He put his foot into it,

30 eci ftkafng'tea okulu, and when he had put his foot

into it

31 ulivf w6kw6ta v6kw6kwo. the trap caught his arm.

32 kandimba w6pusumufi&-m6 I'61upesi The Hare ran away fast

33 w&nda. and went its way.

34 olusapo hvpw& The story is finished.

Thilo G Schadeberg



CEP-Titelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek

Schadeberg, Thilo C:
A sketch of Umbundu / Thilo G Schadebeig. -
KOln Kttppe, 1990

(Grammatische Analysen afrikanischer Sprachen Bd.

; 1)
ISBN 3-927620-15-7

1990 RttdigerKGppeVerlag
Postfach4003 05
West Germany

Druckvorlage: Afirikaanse Taalkunde, Rijksuniversitat te Leiden

Hersteilung: Hans Richarz Publikations-Service, Sankt Augustin

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