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Sanctorium Patient Records April 01-27

Patient Report NO. A

Name: Wetzel Wenzel
Sex: M
Age: 22
Visit Date: 02 April, XXXX
Condition: OCD
Reasoning: Condition has been steadily increasing in severity over the past months. Physical
conditioning, reinforcers preferred due to subjects irritability, recommended to combat

Patient Report NO. B

Name: Radzim Kasper
Sex: M
Age: 28
Visit Date: 06 April, XXXX
Condition: None
Reasoning: Standard Procedure

Patient Report NO. C

Name: Erica Consolata
Sex: F
Age: 24
Visit Date: 01 April, XXXX
Condition: Habitual Mess Maker
Reasoning: Subject continues to leave clutter everywhere. Usage of punishments recommended.
Also, subject severely messed up Medical Station 2 as a joke. Never let subject near those
stations again unless supervised or in actual need of assistance.

Patient Report NO. D

Name: Emile Wulffe
Sex: F
Age: 26
Visit Date: 09 April, XXXX
Condition: Unknown
Reasoning: Subject has expressed symptoms of irrationality at random events. Undetermined
what causes spastic behavior. May relate to past events or current thoughts. Requirement for bi-
weekly talks with psychologist or one whom she trust if preferred. Granted multiple companions
to reduce erratic behavior.

Patient Report NO. E

Name: Sparks
Sanctorium Patient Records April 01-27

Sex: N/A
Age: N/A
Visit Date: 17 April, XXXX
Condition: Mild Memory Loss
Reasoning: Subject's condition has been improving but is still incapable of date and time
recollection on occasions. Recommend to maintain conditioning and medicine dosages.

Patient Report NO. F

Name: Zanim
Sex: M
Age: 27
Visit Date: 24 April, XXXX
Condition: Unknown
Reasoning: Unknown. Subject states reason for visit was solely for standard procedure. Unlikely.
Subject lacked majority of emotions and remained indecisive. Uncertain of how to move
forward. Past psychologist visits have all ended in failure with the subject finding the
psychologists to be too similar. Unsure of what is intended by that statement. Continue
medication for now.
Side Note: Subject has indirectly been a difficult one.

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