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Smith 1

Kolby Smith


English 2010

May 12, 2017

Rhetorical Analysis

Already the title is capital punishment, a broad topic. I doubt that the writer can

establish the credibility needed for a topic like this. At the very first glance the first line

as a strong appeal to pathos. Pathos is strong for persuasion but the fact is that nobody

cares. The use of the you does make me rethink my life choices. I also referenced the

crucible by Arthur Miller unfortunately there is no italics being used. There is also an

awkward set in the formatting. Visually this paper does not convey knowledge over a

topic, more of a mediocre attempt at best. The audience is not clearly defined in this

piece. Maybe the general public? The audience is the road map for the paper and

without it, this paper was born. This paper make me recall my paper regarding the

pledge of allegiance, both were too emotional and not enough facts to persuade

anyone. The entire purpose of this paper is hard to establish and is not even stated.

Both sides of the argument are placed within this paper and the author is still on the

fence about this. The main point of this paper was to use evidence from a book to prove

the points of capital punishment. With using the book as evidence I feel that the author

used it as a crutch and hid behind faulty quotes. The genre in this paper is screaming

light and fluffy high school angst. Having to reread this was painful in the most. I

realized how much I was disconnected with my papers. The power of the rhetorical

triangle has changed my writing greatly whether it be through the audience or knowing
Smith 2

the powers of logos, pathos, and ethos. Overall the effect of this paper was the idea that

we have some kid who is trying to jump through hoops. I see the underlined parts as

counterclaims. Which were needed for some extra-credit. In the end, this paper shows

amazing progress in where I am going with my writing.

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