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Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or will/shall future:

1. I am sure that Ill him. 2. Im seeing her tomorrow. 3. Hes playing in a tennis match on Friday. 4.
Shes coming back on Monday. 5. Im going again next year. 6 Well know tonight. 7. You pay and Ill owe
you the money. 8. Ill believe it when 1 see it. 9. Im having my car repainted next week. 10. I hope that
youll have a good time tomorrow. 11. His speech is being broadcast tonight. 12. The sweep is coming at
eight tomorrow. 13. Tom is catching the 7.40 train. 14. Where are you meeting them? Im meeting them
at midnight in the middle of the wood. 15. What horse are you riding (will you ride) tomorrow? 16. Look!
I've broken the teapot. What will Mrs Day say? She wont mind; she never liked that one. 17. I've left
the light on. Will it matter? 18. He wont forget to come. 19. Hes leaving in a few days.. 20. Ill
remember it. 21. If you drop that bottle it will break. 22. Ill never forgive him. 23. I'm sure that youll
like him. 24. They are laying the foundations next week. 25. Youll see a signpost at the end of the
road. 26. He has cut my hair too short. Don't worry; itll grow again very quickly. 27. Youll understand
when you are older. 28. The cat will scratch you if you pull its tail. 29. Ill be back at 8.30. 30. If he
doesn't work hard he wont pass his exam. 31 .Shes going on a cruise next summer. 32. Im moving to a
new flat next week. 33. I am sorry that the child saw the accident. 1 don't think it matters. Hell soon
forget all about it. 34. Ill wait here till he comes back. 35. He wont write to you unless you write to
him. 36. Therell be a big meeting here tomorrow.


Put the verbs in brackets into the going to or will future

1. The fire has gone out! So it has. Ill go and get some sticks. 2. Did you remember to book seats? Oh
no, I forgot. Ill telephone for them now. 3. He has just been taken to hospital with a broken leg. I'm
sorry to hear that. Ill send him some grapes. 4. I've hired a typewriter and I m going to learn to type
Ill say it to her in Finnish: perhaps she'll understand that. 5. I see that you are wearing your
gardening gloves. Are you going to do some weeding? 6. I can't understand this letter. Ill call my
son. Hell translate it for you 7. Are you going to buy bread? No, because Im not going to eat it any
more. Ill eat biscuits instead 8. A lot of paint was delivered here today. Are You going to redecorate
your kitchen? 9. Why are you getting out the jack? We have a puncture and Im going to change the
wheel. Ill help you 10. Look what Ive just bought at an auction! What an extraordinary thing! Where
will you put it? 11. Why are you peeling that bit if garlic? Im going to put it in the stew. 12. What you
are you going to /will you do when you grow up? Im going to be /ll be an acrobat in a circus. 13. Why
are you taking out all your dresses? Im going to shorten the skirt. 14. Will you lend me your season
ticket? No, I wont lend it to you. It is against the law. 15. That tree makes the house very dark. Very
well, Ill cut it down. 16. I've just enrolled at the local technical college. Im going to attend pottery
classes next winter. 17. How do I get from here to London Bridge? I don't know, but Ill ask
that policeman. 18. Why are you carrying a corkscrew? Im going to open a bottle of wine. 19. I see
that you've got a letter from Charles. What does he say? I don't know. Im not going to read(Im not
reading) the letter now as I haven't time. 20. My brother has just returned from America. Oh good,
well ask him to our next party. 21. Why have you set your alarm to go off at five-thirty? Because Im
going to get up then. I've got a lot to do. 22. I hear that you've decided to go on a diet. When you will
you start/ are you going to start? Ill start/Im going to on Monday. 23. You look froz<n. Sit down by
the fire and Ill make you a cup of tea. 24. They've brought a rope and theyre going to tow the car to a
garage. 25. I haven't bought any cigarettes because Im going to give up smoking. 26. I have tried to
explain but she doesn't understand English. 27. I've come out without any money. Never mind, Ill lend
you some. How much do you want? 28. Do you see that car? Theyre going to raffle it for charity. 29.
Why are you taking up that floor board? Im going to put my money under the floor. I don't trust
banks. 30. Child: I've torn my dress. Mother: Ill mend it for you.

Put the verbs into the be going to future or the shall/will future. If both tenses are possible, choose
the one that is most appropriate for the context. With the verbs to go or to come use the present
continuous as future instead of the be going to future.

Two friends, Jack and David, are talking.

J: Have you decided what youre going to do this weekend?

D: Yes, were going to have a quiet day on Saturday and then on Sunday were going to take a bus up
into the mountains and do some walking. And well probably book into a hotel there for the night. What
about you? Are you going to do lots of work as usual?
J: Well, no. Mark phoned last night about coming down this weekend.
D: Really?
J: Yes, he s going to come on Friday.
D: Oh, I'd like to see him. I think I ll phone him up tonight and arrange something.
J: Well, we're planning to spend the day on the beach on Saturday. Were going to do some swimming
and sunbathing. I just hope the weather will be warm enough. And then on Saturday night were going
to see that new film with Tom Cruise.
D: Well, as I've got nothing planned, Ill join you at the beach on Saturday then, if that's O.K.
J: Of course it is. I ll pick you up from your flat some time after breakfast.
D: Oh thanks. Shall I bring a picnic?
J: Yes. Why not? I tell you what: Mark and I will make some sandwiches and will you bring some salad
and fruit?
D: Yes, fine. Ill do that. Good. Thatll save us all the cost of eating out. And what about the film?
What time are you going to see that?
J: We re going to see the early showing at 6.00 and then we re going to try out that new disco in
town. D: Right. Well, I think Ill spend the evening at home with Sarah.
J: O.K. So Ill see you on Saturday morning, probably at around 10 o'clock.
D: Fine.

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